Sunday, April 11, 2021

SQUANDERING AMERICA - 100 DAYS OF NAFTA JOE BIDEN'S DEBACLE ON AMERICA - Biden's latest Wile-e-Coyote scheme to fix border crisis: Paying would-be illegals to stay home


Biden's latest Wile-e-Coyote scheme to fix border crisis: Paying would-be illegals to stay home

As the border crisis gets bigger and bigger, the Biden administration is running out of ideas. 

Latest weather balloon to be floated around is the possibility of U.S. taxpayer checks to pay would-be illegals in Central America to stay home.

According to a report from Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States is considering a conditional cash transfer program to help address economic woes that lead migrants from certain Central American countries to trek north, as well as sending COVID-19 vaccines to those countries, a senior White House official told Reuters on Friday.

The potential program would be targeted at people in the Northern Triangle region of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, Roberta Jacobson, the White House’s southern border coordinator, told Reuters in an interview, without saying who exactly would receive cash.

Kind of a stimulus check incentive plan for foreign nationals to not break into our country illegally, but instead live in their homelands for awhile, maybe as long as the cash lasts? It's a typical liberal idea of throwing cash at a problem instead of solving it.

After all, it would be just as easy to enforce U.S. immigration law, and who knows, make a treaty with the nations whose nationals are so eager to leave as well as the transit country Mexico. Heck, they might even continue building the border wall, which helps stop human-wave surges, and the cartel profits that flow from them, as well as helps the Border Patrol identify and devote attention to real criminals who try to breach it.

They might even encourage people to use the existing legal process for immigration into the U.S., but well, that's never occurred to the Bidenites, that's not how the Biden administration "thinks." Too Trumpy, as it happens. Better to throw cash at the newly created problem instead of reverse course.

After all, in the family of Hunter Biden, who can't be bought off?

In Central America, how many people want to emigrate? Well, to take one indicator, a 2018 Gallup poll found that 42 million, or 27% of the entire Latin American population would like to move permanently to the U.S.

The Central American countries of the "northern triangle," which is the source of the border surge, boasts about 16.6 million people in Guatemala, 6.4 million in El Salvador, and 9.7 million in Honduras, for a grand total of 32.7 million people. By extraction from those numbers, about 8.2 million would like to emigrate permanently, though the number in that particular region is probably higher. That's a lot of stimulus checks.

Here are a couple more complicating factors. At least 10% of the Salvadoran population is already in the states, many living here illegally. It's unknown if these nationals are counted in the World Bank numbers cited above or are counted in the U.S. population, where they already get congressional represention, virtually all of it from Democrats. Some 18% of El Salvador's national income comes from remittances, which suggests the percentage could be higher.

Here's another complicating factor -- would these illegals already in the states get Biden stay-home stimulus checks as well, on top of the stimulus checks they are already getting from states such as California and, soon, New York? Could they double-dip? That, in addition to their salaries from their illegally obtained jobs? Coming from nations where the per capita income is in the neighborhood of $4,000, it would be pretty easy to cadge a year's salary from Uncle Sam, either by staying home, or not staying home as the nation and its states prefer, on top of the wages.

Would illegals be free to collect checks from all sources -- first, the state stimulus checks, and then the Biden stimulus checks to stay home? Who'd check? The U.S. can't even cross-check voter databases, you can bet they aren't going to be able to cross-check with a foreign database. How could they prove one way or another where someone is actually living, particularly with families stretched across both the homeland and the states, plus some maybe in Mexico, and much of it off the books anyway?

And here's yet another complicating factor: Would the stay-home money be more, or less, than the state handouts? You can bet the green-eyeshade calculations will be going on among the illegals, who like anyone else, always looks to their best advantages. It would seem that if Biden is serious about keeping illegals home, he'd have to top the $20,000 or whatever it is that generous states such as New York are offering courtesy of the taxpayers to the illegals.

And how would they prevent the cartels and MS-13 and other gangs from shaking down the would-be illegal migrants being paid by Uncle Sam to stay home? Any time the cartels, gangs, or human smugglers so much as hear about someone getting a remittance check or a paltry amount of cash from any source, it's kidnap and blackmail time. They keep tabs on this, they are going to know. Rest assured, once the stimulus checks are shaken down and in the hands of cartels, the would-be migrants will be on the road to the states again.

And one last problem: Who again emigrates? We have the raw numbers above, but who again is it? Is it the poorest of the poor? Nope. It's the middle and lower-middle classes of these countries. The idea of Uncle Sam cutting checks not to migrate to the middle class but not the poor of places like El Salvador or Honduras is kind of disgusting. What's more, it's bound to trigger anger in the streets. And yes, it will add to that one out of four Gallup 'wants to move' tally for U.S. checks.

So many problems with this it's indescribable. Yet it's typical of Biden, who as Bob Gates has said, has been wrong on every foreign policy issue.

It signals a Biden foreign policy on the border crisis in complete disarray.

Let's recap some of the problems that were out there before this bound-to-fail idiot money-transfer scheme.

Biden's named point person for the border negotiations, Roberta Jacobsen, a professional diplomat, has suddenly announced her resignation last week. Adios, Joe, she's bailing by the end of April. That was quick.

Her job itself, negotiating with Central American northern triangle countries was undercut from the start by Joe Biden's bone-to-the-left cancellation of President Trump's stay-in-Mexico treaty for the majority of migrants who make meritless asylum claims, and the treaties he signed with Central American countries to keep residents home in exchange for $260 million in foreign aid. That's now money flushed down the toilet. And it left Jacobson with very little to work with.

She was reduced to offering Central American states lectures on democracy and transparency as the big tool for keeping migrants home, something they've heard 10,000 times, all of it leading nowhere. I wrote about that here.

She (and her team) were also reduced to asking Mexico to bail Joe Biden's chestnuts out of the fire on the border surge, begging them to stop the human waves after Joe practically invited them in, leaving Mexico to hold the bag. Joe asked Mexico, of course, so he wouldn't have to, after he scrapped the agreement Mexico signed with Trump to stabilize irregular migration in exchange for continued and enhanced trade. Joe expected Mexico to give him what he wanted by halting migrants, now for nothing at all, just because he was sinking in the polls. Worse still, Mexico openly blamed Biden for his own stupidity, incentivizing huge amounts of child migration, and expecting Mexico to stop it for him, understanding very well what a clown they were dealing with. American Thinker contributor Silvio Canto wrote about that sorry picture here

Here's another problem: Biden undercut Jacobson's position as the top border negotiator a second time by naming Kamala Harris as the big border negotiator. Who the heck in Central America would pay attention to Jacobson when they've just learned that the 'it' person is Harris? That might have been the reason she threw in the towel. 

More spectacular still, Harris is AWOL, now 18 days in with no statement or evidence of paying any attention to the emergency migrant surge at the border. She was last seen focusing on getting her vice presidential mansion decorated and making headlines about getting "a snack" in Chicago. Rest assured, none of that helped Jacobson, who then bolted.

Ahead of her exit. she told Reuters this:

“We’re looking at all of the productive options to address both the economic reasons people may be migrating, as well as the protection and security reasons,” Jacobson said.

She did not provide a detailed explanation of how a cash transfer program would work.

“The one thing I can promise you is the U.S. government isn’t going to be handing out money or checks to people,” Jacobson said.

It's not clear from the Reuters account whether she said that before or after the news of her resignation, but if it came before, and I suspect it did, it suggests that maybe her declaration that the U.S. government would not being handing out cash or checks "to people" might just have been a firing offense because Joe does indeed want to hand out cash to make border surgers go away, not being willing to beg Mexico to restore the treaty it signed with President Trump.  

It just goes to show how bereft of ideas the Biden administration is now that the costs of the current border surge -- $60 million a week, or about $24,000 per illegal for housing, food, transport, time spent locating "relatives" in the U.S., vetting, hiring of personnel, renting of space, et al --- are going through the roof and the public is now blaming him for the crisis, which he still insouciantly claims is not a crisis.

Joe inherited a good stabilizing set of treaties from President Trump and he threw them away. He had a border wall to stop some of the most savage border incursions, and threw that away, too. He's now got a useless fool heading up the effort to resolve crisis that has since followed. His professional diplomats are fleeing. Now he's hoping that throwing money at the problem of his own making is going to do the trick.

File under 'pathetic.'

Border Patrol Council President: ‘The Cartels Control the Border Now’

By Melanie Arter | April 9, 2021 | 10:38am EDT

In a photo taken on March 27, 2021 immigrants, who arrived illegally across the Rio Grande river from Mexico, make their way along a track towards a processing checkpoint set up by border patrol agents in the border city of Roma. (Photo by ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images
In a photo taken on March 27, 2021 immigrants, who arrived illegally across the Rio Grande river from Mexico, make their way along a track towards a processing checkpoint set up by border patrol agents in the border city of Roma. (Photo by ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images

( – National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said Friday that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do.

“I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government,” Judd told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”

Judd said that despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visiting the border on Thursday, there’s “no sign” of a change that could stem the surge.

“No sign. He has been down to the border a couple of times. I’m gonna remind you that President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have come down to the border. I can tell you that when you see this issue firsthand, you’re more willing to make changes. Vice President Pence came to the border, went into the processing facility, saw how it was going, and there were immediate changes that happened right after that visit,” he said.

“So we do need to have the people that are making these decisions come down to the border, see exactly what is going on so that hopefully they will go back and say we messed up, we need to go back to what we were doing that solved this issue, that dropped us to 45-year lows in illegal immigration and then we can get a handle on this and go after the cartels and drug smugglers and go after those things that are dangerous to the American public,” Judd said.

Judd found it “upsetting” that some think the fact that there are so many arrests at the border and so many children in U.S. custody that it shows that border security is working and the Border Patrol have all they need.

“We were never trained to do a humanitarian mission, although we do it well. When we have to, we'll step up to the plate, and we’ll do our jobs. However, we were trained to go after criminal aliens. We were trained to go after cartels. That's exactly what we want to do. We want to do a law enforcement mission,” he said.

“We want to protect the American public, but when we get flooded with unaccompanied children, and when we get flooded with family units, it pulls our resources out of the field, and it creates artificial gaps, which allows the cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit, and they’re generating that profit off of our policies, and that should upset every single American,” Judd said.

Judd said that if the Biden administration did what he suggested to stop the surge at the border, the change will be “almost immediate.”

“It’s like a light switch. Once people understand that they’re not going to get released into the United States after they cross our borders illegally, they stop coming, but if they know that all they have to do is make an illegal entry and they’re just going to get released to Des Moines, Iowa, Chicago, Illinois, Miami, Florida, if they know that they're going to be released, they're going to continue to come,” he said.

“That's that magnet that was reintroduced when President Biden rescinded the Migrant Protection Protocols. We’ve got to back to what is working, and if we do that, it's just like a light switch,” Judd added. 

He said that migrant children are kept in “deplorable conditions, and it makes me sick that under the Trump administration, there were politicians that were yelling and screaming about kids in cages, yet we're putting these kids in the same exact facilities, and it’s mum. 

“They don't say anything. That lets you know that this is politics. it doesn't matter how these kids are -- what the condition these kids are under. It's politics, and that's disgusting,” Judd said.

When asked what it says about the priorities of the Biden administration, Judd said, “It says that there’s no priorities as far as border security goes.” 

Nat’l Guard Association Chair: Up to 50 Migrants a Day Being Released into Communities with Less Than 1,000 People in Them


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” National Guard Association Chairman Michael McGuire said that due to crowding in migrant facilities, Customs and Border Protection are releasing “up to 50 personnel per day” into communities “that have less than a thousand people in them. And that creates a humanitarian and a public health crisis for these very, very rural and under-resourced communities.”

McGuire said, “I believe it’s safe to say that they are looking for loopholes to take advantage of this, and the time is becoming so crowded in the facilities that Customs and Border Protection are releasing, in some of our more rural communities, up to 50 personnel per day that are either adults or family units into the communities that have less than a thousand people in them. And that creates a humanitarian and a public health crisis for these very, very rural and under-resourced communities.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a La Raza (now calling itself UNIDOus) educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama and Joe Biden, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!




A known MS-13 Gang member, living illegally in the United States, was arrested but went unprosecuted by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office months before he murdered a California family.

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.”

                                                             JESSER HOROWITZ

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY


DOJ Releases MS-13 Report

74 percent of gang defendants charged were unlawfully present in the United States

By Andrew R. Arthur on October 23, 2020

On Wednesday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) released "Full-Scale Response: A Report on the Department of Justice's Efforts to Combat MS-13 from 2016-2020". It is well worth the read, detailing the department's efforts to eradicate Mara Salvatrucha-13 (MS-13), which was designated as a significant transnational criminal organization (TCO) during the Obama administration in 2012, worldwide. The most interesting — but not shocking — takeaway is that some 74 percent of the MS-13 defendants prosecuted by DOJ during the past four years are in the United States illegally.

Biden's Border Crisis Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

Congressman Andy Biggs
Posted: Apr 10, 2021 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Biden's Border Crisis Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

Source: AP Photo/Gregory Bull

The situation along the United States-Mexico border worsens as the Biden Administration continues to hold up a vacancy sign to the world. The humanitarian crisis that is happening because of President Biden’s dereliction of duty is coming to a neighborhood near you.

It is Biden’s invitation to “surge to the border” that has brought more human, sex, and drug trafficking than ever before. A group of 112 individuals recently entered the U.S. illegally and surrendered to Border Patrol agents. In today’s world that isn’t so unusual.

But, in that group of 112 the oldest was 94years old! The youngest was only 4years old. That child was traveling without a parent, guardian, or any family member. Someone put that child’s life at risk by placing the child into the hands of the criminal cartels. 

An American parent who did that would lose his or her rights to that child and likely be arrested. The Biden plan is to take that child and give him or her to someone in the U.S. who may be here illegally, and may have endangered the life of that child.

The other night I joined some of my Republican colleagues along the southern border near McAllen, Texas. As we drove and walked along the Rio Grande, we saw signs along the dirt road telling illegal border crossers the directions to a facility where Border Patrol agents would be waiting for them.

When we drove by the facility there were hundreds of people who had recently crossed the river illegally and waited to be picked up and processed, then swiftly released into the interior of the United States. 

We passed three different groups totaling more than seventy people—many of them women and children—who had made the trek by paying the vile criminal cartels who traffic in sex, drugs, and humans.

The system is upside down. If most of those same people showed up at a port of entry, as all legal visitors of the United States do, they would have been turned away because there is no provision in the law to admit them. 

But under Biden’s inhumane open borders policy, those who illegally enter the U.S. between the ports of entry will be given the opportunity to work and live in this country instead of being removed to their home nations. 

That means Americans will pay for in-person schooling for illegal alien children, while many schools remain closed to children who are legally in the United States.

It means that Americans foot the bill to provide education, healthcare, foster care, housing, food, transportation, and in many cases, legal services, for hundreds of thousands of people who have illegally entered the country.

This type of nonsense must end now. It can end rather quickly if we have the will.

The first step to end this is for President Biden to loudly proclaim to the world to stop coming. This won’t happen, because he and his administration campaigned to open our southern border. They are getting exactly what they want. And their success is creating a catastrophe for America.

Goodbye to My Brother -- for Now
David Limbaugh

Biden should reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) otherwise known as the Remain in Mexico Policy and the agreements with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. He should finish the border wall. He should rescind the COVID relief payments being given to illegal aliens (and imprisoned felons). 

He should order immigration law judges to the border and put the newest asylum cases to the top of the pile. The backlogged cases for asylum seekers number in the hundreds of thousands. They can wait. The last-in, first-heard method would expose the tens of thousands of new fraudulent asylum claims and remove those people from America.

This is no longer simply a border state crisis. The “Biden Inhumane Border Crisis” now reaches into every corner of the nation. If you haven’t directly felt it yet, you will.

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