Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Chris Hedges | How Bankers ROBBED and ENSLAVED America



 We are not far from the time when the U.S. will have a Latino majority and will, regrettably, be a one-party state. Apparently, that is what Democrats want.

Committed to changing the demographics of the nation, the American Marxists have flung open the borders and are pushing amnesty as well as ultimate citizenship for upwards of 29+ million illegal immigrants and at least another 2-4 million more every year.  It is immaterial to the Marxists that the vast majority of these illegal immigrants are lacking basic literacy and employable skills. 

The Duplicitous Ruling Elites Have Awakened the American People

Over the past three decades, a sizable majority of the ruling elites have been preoccupied with self-aggrandizement and cohabitation with the Communist Chinese, ignoring the gradual and now complete domination of many of the nation’s institutions, and most importantly the Democrat party, by American Marxists. 

After a premeditated fraudulent election underwritten by the same credulous elites, and with a witless marionette in the White House, these collectivists have been de facto governing the nation since January 20, 2021.  The past six months have revealed that thanks to these Marxists’ mindless allegiance to failed ideology and breathtaking ignorance of the American experience and citizenry combined with the now unmasked duplicity of the ruling elites, there is a massive awakening bubbling to the surface.   

This cabal has for the past five years marginalized, physically confronted, and repeatedly accused not only the 75+ million Americans who voted for Donald Trump but any American not in lockstep with them of being racists, fascists, and white supremacists as well as homophobic, xenophobic and among the vilest people on the face of the earth. 

What did they do once in power?   Try to bury the hatchet or just ignore this vast swath of the citizenry and hope they go away?  Neither.  They chose to further alienate the bulk of the voting populace. 

They are accelerating demeaning accusations and rhetoric and exploiting the January 6th Capitol incursion as a vehicle to isolate and intimidate many of these same Americans.  They are continuing to fuel racial animosity in the hope of further dividing the citizenry and colluding with social media to censor “misinformation.”  Thus, fomenting resentment, ongoing political confrontations, and a determined retaliation at the ballot box in 2022 and 2024. 

Committed to changing the demographics of the nation, the American Marxists have flung open the borders and are pushing amnesty as well as ultimate citizenship for upwards of 29+ million illegal immigrants and at least another 2-4 million more every year.  It is immaterial to the Marxists that the vast majority of these illegal immigrants are lacking basic literacy and employable skills. 

Currently, 30% of all working families (or nearly 50 million Americans) are low-income but above the poverty threshold.  60% of these are families headed by racial/ ethnic minorities.  African Americans, while 13% of the population (41 million), account for nearly 30% of low-income working families.  Another 39 million Americans live below the poverty level.

Thus, a total of 89 million Americans live in low-income families or in poverty.  The American Marxists, through the Democrat party, claim to be the champion of minorities and low-income families while they plot to ultimately legalize an illegal alien population equivalent to 75% of the current African American population.

The Marxists and the Democrat party do not give a damn about the African American population, native-born Hispanics, and the low-income white working families as the potential votes of the illegal population are more important.  As the voting patterns in 2020 confirmed, these Americans are rapidly awakening and turning on this traitorous cabal as they are becoming acutely aware of being permanently marginalized.     

Thanks to the Democrat-Marxist policies of defunding the police, ending cash bail, and curtailing the prosecution of criminals, murder, and mayhem on the streets of America has skyrocketed.  Now that they are in charge of the federal government, it is national policy to actively and solely focus on gun control and disarming law-abiding citizens as the only solution to the increasing violence and criminality. 

Currently, 235 million Americans either own or could see themselves owning a gun. The Marxists in the Democrat party believe they can effectively confiscate guns in a nation of 330 million and 3.8 million square miles by doing the following:  

1) Putting language in various bills that will in effect create a national registry of all gun owners.

2) Outlawing semi-automatic weapons.

3) Punitively taxing the ownership of guns, magazines, and ammunition making gun ownership unaffordable and requiring a federal license to own a gun. 

4) Expanding open-ended red flag laws allowing anyone to file a complaint against someone, ostensibly based on their suspicions, thus allowing the police to seize the guns of the accused prior to any judicial proceedings. 

In their zeal to overturn the Second Amendment and a centuries-old tradition of gun ownership that predates the Constitution, the American Marxists do not fathom the building tidal wave of resistance and push back from nearly two-thirds of the nation’s citizenry who view gun ownership as the only viable means of self-defense against the unbridled criminality wrought by the unfathomable policies of the Marxists.

Inflation, which these same Marxists have unleashed by their profligate spending, is set to devour the economy if spending and ongoing money creation is not curtailed.   Which they have no intention of doing as they are committed to a myriad of spending programs.  The estimated average annual cost of these proposals exceeds $2+ Trillion over and above current spending.  In order to pay for these programs and keep deficit spending at past historic levels, revenue from individual taxpayers would have to be increased by 150%.  The average American taxpayer will revolt and refuse to pay the massive increase in taxes.  Refusal to pay exorbitant and unfair taxes is in this nation’s DNA as the United States came into existence based on a revulsion to paying punitive taxes.      

Nor will the American Marxists be able to continue to coerce the Federal Reserve into “printing” trillions of dollars in new money for an extended period of time due to the very real threat of creating massive hyperinflation and potentially leading to a replay of the catastrophe of the Weimar Republic (Germany) in the 1920s. 

Thus, the resources to combat the recession/depression that is on the horizon will not be available as the nation’s ability to tax, borrow or create money will have been essentially exhausted if the American Marxists remain in power.  Over two-thirds of the citizenry is convinced that the economy is getting significantly worse and blame the current regime. 

The Democrats have introduced legislation (the “Equality Act”) that will undermine and destroy religious liberty in the United States, a long-term goal of the American Marxists. They are foolishly determined to overturn 245 years of laws, a four-century tradition of religious freedom, and one of the philosophical pillars in the founding of this nation.  

Currently, 71% of Americans (235 million) are members of a Christian denomination (160 million of whom are Evangelical Christians and Catholics). The destruction of religious freedom is no longer a hypothetical but a reality that is not lost on a vast segment of the American population.

True believers in Marxism have never been able to successfully govern any nation let alone one that has a 245-year history of individual freedom and free enterprise.  The 20th Century is replete with examples of nations that succumbed to a one-party Marxist-inspired oligarchy.  In every case, these were nations that suffered overwhelming societal destruction in global and regional wars or were nations suffering from societal dislocations due to not having a history of freedom and self-determination.  Marxism and its offsprings (communism, fascism, and socialism) dramatically failed and further devastated these same nations.

Yet, the American Marxists are, for the moment, in charge of governing this nation and thus are wreaking havoc on the citizenry that will take time and determination to overcome.  To paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lies not with the American Marxists who are ignorantly captive to Marxist ideology and are few in number, but with the ruling elites who have betrayed the American people by allowing this scenario to play out over the past 3-4 decades. 

When a significant majority of those running for election as a Democrat on the local, state, and federal level in 2022, 2024, and beyond are defeated, the American Marxists will be permanently cast upon the ash heap of history.  More important, however, is the recapture of the culture by re-transforming America’s institutions.  The citizenry must force and endure dramatic institutional battles outside of government: in universities, non-profits, media, arts, public sector unions, corporate boardrooms, and the array of institutions that constitute the sinews of a self-ruling people.  The current iteration of the ruling elites must be permanently marginalized.  Just defeating the American Marxists will not save this nation for generations yet unborn.

Caricature by Donkey Hotey CC BY 2.0 license

Democrats Grind Forward on Budget Amnesty for 8 Million Illegals

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., talks to reporters as he walks to the senate chamber ahead of a test vote scheduled by Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on the bipartisan infrastructure deal senators brokered with President Joe Biden, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Republicans prepared …
AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The “reconciliation” budget maneuver may deliver amnesty and many big-government programs to eager Democrats — but only if Democratic leaders can accomplish the legislative equivalent of a waiter who carries a tower of plates, meals, and drinks to cheering diners.

So far, Democrat diners have ordered amnesties for 8 million people, plus many expansions of welfare, aid, education, and housing programs.

“Democrats are drafting a fiscal blueprint that will kick-start the process by instructing the Senate Judiciary Committee to craft a targeted immigration overhaul bill with a $120 billion federal budgetary impact,” reported July 25, adding:

Of the 8 million immigrants that Democrats want to aid in the economic package, 3 million would be young undocumented immigrants known as “Dreamers,” migrant workers and some with “temporary protected status” because dangerous conditions present risks if they return to their home countries, the aide said. The other 5 million would be “essential workers” who have yet to be defined.

The Democrats also ordered a list of migration expansions, such as “making improvements on U.S. ports of entry, clearing out a backlog of visa applications, or other changes,” the report said.

These side-orders could be dramatic. For example, Democrats may allow agriculture companies to import more cheap H-2A visa workers with dangled promises of quick citizenship. That would force Americans’ wages down and push many Americans out of agriculture jobs.

Also, any amnesty would make it impossible for the federal government to deport the next wave of illegal migrants because the migrants would claim in court that they were in the United States before the amnesty was established. The result could be a runaway worldwide migration into the United States — and increasingly bitter political divides.

But the Democrats can pass a bill through the Senate, using their 50 votes — including the two Georgia seats won on January 5 — plus the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris.

GOP leaders know that Democrats can pass the legislation if they can balance their myriad rival priorities.

The push “almost surely will not work,” predicted Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) during a July 21 hearing at the judiciary committee. “Members of the committee know full well that immigration law is not written through our arcane budget procedures,” he complained.

GOP leaders can complicate the process by simultaneously pressuring Democratic politicians, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), to zig-zag away from the political risks in the nation-changing legislation. The process would also require the GOP Senators to help Democrats with face-saving excuses that shield them from their party’s fervent open-borders wing.

In Manchin’s case, he has declared support for a “Gang of Eight” amnesty that would further impoverish his state, but he is also protesting the legislation’s curbs on oil and gas sectors in his poor state.

The same pressures affect Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT). “I don’t think it’s unreasonable to include an amnesty,” he told reporters. “It just depends on what it looks like.”

One quirk for the Democrats is that they need the support of the Senate’s parliamentarian to get their amnesty measure through the Senate. But Democrat budget chief Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) suggested that the official could be replaced if she objects to the inclusion of amnesty measures in the spending bill.

That is also a risky maneuver because the firing would give some Democrat Senators an easy excuse to stall the bill.

Other complications include the rising inflow of migrants across the southern border and the internal White House split between President Joe Biden’s East Coast network and the West Coast network led by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala’s network includes many of the West Coast tech investors, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and is bankrolling much of the pro-amnesty campaign. Biden’s deputies tend to focus on more traditional Democrat priorities, such as government spending.

So far, Biden has supported an amnesty reconciliation, saying June 25 that “There needs [to be] a pathway for citizenship, whether it can be in [reconciliation bill] remains to be seen.”

Up to now, the Republicans have maintained a solid opposition to the mass amnesty, despite rumors of a switch by GOP Senators, including Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID). But GOP solidarity is not enough because the Democrats have the votes to pass the giveaway without any GOP support.

Some GOP leaders are looking for ways to pressure the Democrats’ intricate bill. For example, if the reconciliation bill gets to the Senate floor, GOP Senators can force Democrats to vote yes or no on a wide series of immigration measures that would either undermine the amnesty or damage their election-day support.

But Democrats are hoping that the colossal size of the $3.5 trillion bill — and the numerous expansions of government aid — will keep their caucus in line. Bloomberg reported:

The broad economic package, which needs 50 votes to pass the Senate and is unlikely to attract any GOP support, will seek to shift policy in areas that also include climate change, the tax code, Medicare, child and elder care and others.

Moreover, Democrats have the aid of establishment reporters, few of whom recognize the massive economic damage of labor migration, even when the migrants are crossing the southern border in the hundreds.

The Democrats’ push for the amnesty is being bankrolled and steered by West Coast investors, led by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. He and his fellow investors want to import more migrants — even very poor migrants — because they spike consumer sales, boost rental rates, cut wages, and so raise profits and stock values. They also serve as clients for welfare agencies, and, eventually, as voters for Democrat activists.

But migration damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, raises their rents, curbs their productivity, shrinks their political clout, and fractures their open-minded, equality-promoting civic culture.

In general, legal and illegal migration moves wealth from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to investors, from technology to stoop labor. It also helps move wealth — and social status — from heartland red states to the coastal blue states.

Unsurprisingly, a lopsided majority of Americans oppose labor migration.

Is Mass Immigration Killing Two-Party Democracy in the U.S.?.... ISN'T THAT BARACK OBAMA'S AGENDA?


It used to be that legal immigrants would divide their votes once they became citizens. But that was then.




Few seem willing to admit it, but mass immigration appears to be killing democracy in the United States. Two-party democracy withstood the unprecedented mass immigration of the 1870-to-1914 period because the European immigrants tended, for one reason or another, to vote for both parties. That is not true today. In the 19th century, newcomers voted along religious lines to a remarkable degree: Irish Catholics 80 percent Democrat and all Catholics 70 percent Democrat. But after the Civil War, Germans and Scandinavians, heavily Lutheran, voted Republican, as English Canadian and British immigrants did. In the famous turning-point presidential election of 1896, urban working-class immigrants tended to vote Republican, organized by the active and powerful political machines in big cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Very few in the mass migration of that day moved to the American South, which remained solidly Democrat. The two-party system survived throughout most of the country as both parties had urban political machines that provided social services to immigrants.

The present massive wave of immigration that began in the 1970s, largely as a result of the extended family clause in the 1965 Kennedy immigration reform bill, has had remarkably different results. The new immigrants are voting overwhelmingly Democrat: Hispanics 2 to 1, Asians about 70 percent (all election figures from the Pew Research Center). The children of Asian immigrants voted 82 percent for Barack Obama in 2008. In addition, black Americans who used to vote Republican now vote 90 percent or more Democrat, as do black immigrants.

California not long ago was a state Republicans could win. Two presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, came from California and major offices such as governor were regularly won by Republicans. Today California is a permanently blue state, with its wealth of electoral votes. Its U.S. senators, governor, and most of its members of Congress are Democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in both houses of the Legislature and have changed the constitution so that party primaries have been banned in favor of “open” primaries in which Republicans are likely not to finish higher than third, thus not making the November ballot. In the last two U.S. Senate races, 2016 and 2018, voters were offered Democrat No. 1 and Democrat No. 2 as choices. Unsurprisingly, Democrats won both elections, and one of the winners, Kamala Harris, is now running for president.

The demographic tidal wave of mostly Third World immigrants who vote heavily Democrat is now running legally at a 

million a year, an all-time record, and is turning red states purple and then blue. Arizona is going, Colorado and Georgia are going, Virginia is gone, North Carolina is tipping, and Florida is a dead heat but the immigration trends (south-of-the-border Latinos and Puerto Ricans) are against the GOP. Even Texas is drifting leftward as Latinos bid to become a solid majority there. There is the myth, of course — offered by members of the Bush family — that Hispanics will see the light and begin voting like Indiana Republicans. In fact, Hispanics have voted Democrat since 1960, and they went for Obama in 2008 by 67-31 percent and for Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 66-28 percent. So much for the Bush theory. Asians voted 77 percent for Obama in 2012 and 79 percent for Clinton in 2016. So much for the two-party system.

Furthermore, the much-quoted estimate of 11

million undocumented aliens in the U.S. may

be woefully short of the truth. A new study by

Yale University suggests the true number of

illegals is probably in the 20-to-30 million

range, more than enough to kill the two-party

system at one stroke, if they eventually receive

the citizenship amnesty promised by


The two-party system in the U.S. has been healthy since 1796, when Thomas Jefferson took on John Adams in the presidential contest. They met again in 1800 in a more famous showdown, by which time the earliest political parties had formed and taken on ideological hues that still exist today. The ideal situation for a healthy democracy and a workable two-party system is a stable population. If the population is stable (and growing slowly), each party has an opportunity to persuade the public of its merits. That opportunity is disappearing quickly because the population is not stable. We are not far from the time when the U.S. will have a Latino majority and will, regrettably, be a one-party state. Apparently, that is what Democrats want.

James Delmont, author of The Great Liberal Death Wish, has been published in Financial Times, USA Today, the Baltimore Sun, the Weekly Standard, the Saturday Evening Post, the Daily Caller, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Omaha World-Herald, and other publications. He has taught at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, the University of Minnesota, and other institutions.

20K Migrants Apprehended in One Week in Single Texas Border Sector

Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector apprehended 20K migrants in a single week in July. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 20,000 migrants in one week, officials say. The number of migrants illegally crossing the border continues to escalate even as the hottest part of the Texas summer approaches.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings tweeted that his agents apprehended more than 20,000 migrants in just the past week. “It’s the hottest part of the summer and apprehensions are skyrocketing!” the chief wrote.

Hastings’ announcement follows reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection showing the apprehension of more than 1 million migrants in the first nine months of this fiscal year. The report reveals that 331,661 of the 1,076,242 migrant apprehensions occurred in the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

Migrant apprehensions in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, the nation’s busiest sector, jumped more than 460 percent over the previous year’s report of 59,083. The largest percentage of apprehensions were of citizens of Honduras (128,675), Guatemala (72,736), Mexico (62,682), and Honduras (43,350) the report states.

Nearly half of the apprehended migrants were classified as single adults (154,602), the report continues. This was followed by 131,380 family units and 45,679 unaccompanied minors.

The apprehension of more than 20,000 migrants in a single week provides a glimpse into the ever-increasing number of migrants crossing the border following the changes in border and immigration policies under the Biden administration. This week’s apprehension of 20,000 migrants compares to just under 60,000 for the entire month of June.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

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