Friday, July 9, 2021

KAMALA HARRIS PREPARES TO TRANSITION INTO THE WHITE HOUSE - Yesterday, Joe Biden had one of those ‘bad days’ that dementia patients get

People are waking up to the damage done to this country by the wrecking crew that Pis the Biden administration.  What this cabal is doing is by design despite Kamala Harris’ obvious incompetence and Biden’s dementia. PATRICIA McCARTHY

Yesterday, Joe Biden had one of those ‘bad days’ that dementia patients get

We all have good days and bad days, but for people undergoing cognitive decline, the bad days are both dangerous and noticeable to others. It’s a very tough thing to go through, both for the sufferer and for his/her relatives and loved ones. With Joe Biden as president, we are all in the position of loved ones impacted by the decline of cognition, trying to avoid the sort of disastrous consequences that can befall someone who’s losing the ability to fully function mentally.

During his press conference Thursday, President Biden twice got completely lost and went silent, looking pitiful. Did he hear something via an earbud? We may never know, but these two tweets excerpted the brain freezes.

Did anything like this happen in his meeting with Putin?

My colleague Andrea Widburg noted this tweet, too.



But this is another example:



Pray for our country!

Photo credit: Twitter video screengrab (cropped)

Hat tip: Ace

Biden’s cognitive decline continues to be swift and obvious

More video emerged on Thursday showing that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has neither slowed nor stopped. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t feel sorry for him because his long history of corruption, nastiness, racism, and pervy behavior disqualifies him from getting my compassion. And while I’d like to feel Schadenfreude as to the Democrats – that is, I’d like to enjoy watching Democrats struggle with a mentally decompensating president – the fact that Biden is theoretically the leader of the free world makes the situation too scary for Schadenfreude.

The latest evidence of Biden’s swift mental decomposition occurred when he appeared before the press to take questions about Afghanistan. This video is admittedly a compilation of select bad moments over a more extended time, but you’re seeing repeated examples of a man struggling to hunt down the elusive thoughts in his head so that he can verbalize them:

I don’t have to visit leftist websites to know the defense Democrats will offer to Biden’s stumbling speech and long pauses: Biden stuttered as a child. I’m sure that’s true. The part that Democrats leave out, though, is that Biden overcame his stuttering. We have hours of boring video footage covering decades, all showing Biden in his adult life speaking without stuttering. Even during the 2012 campaign, Biden was a smooth and fluent, if stupid and mean, speaker.

The fact that Biden is stuttering now shows that his brain’s controls and knowledge are regressing. Indeed, that’s one of the tragedies of dementia: All the skills and knowledge that a person attained throughout his life vanish. A person with advanced dementia has, in many ways, returned to early childhood, even infancy, whether it’s the loss of memories, speech, or bowel and bladder continence.

Also, did you notice that when Biden, after an endless pause, finally remembers the bit about Osama bin Laden, he does two things? First, he gives his clown's death head grin, this one showing relief that his memory coughed up useful information. Second, he tries to take credit for bin Laden’s death.

In fact, history records that Biden staunchly opposed killing bin Laden, one in his endless list of foreign policy failures. (As former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said long ago, Biden’s “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”) Regarding bin Laden, in 2012, Biden himself confessed his opposition:

During a speech Friday in Maryland, Vice President Joe Biden told House Democrats that he had advised President Barack Obama against launching the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The president “went around the table with all the senior people, including the chiefs of staff,” Biden explained. “And he said, ‘I have to make this decision. What is your opinion?’ He started with the national security adviser and the secretary of state, and he ended with me. Every single person in that room hedged their bet except [Secretary of Defense] Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said 49, 51, this got to be, ‘Joe, what do you think?’

“And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.’”

The same press conference also shows how aggressive Biden becomes when a reporter asked him about the Taliban:

I’ve written before about the fact that people who are losing their cognitive abilities tend to respond very aggressively to questions they can’t answer. That’s what we see in that video. It’s not a stupid question. Biden is just incapable of giving a cogent answer. Also, Biden’s always been mean, so aggression is an easy fallback for him.

While it’s tempting to enjoy the spectacle of Democrats coping with the fact that the man they installed in the White House is decomposing before our eyes and the woman who stands behind him is a dim bulb and manifestly incompetent, I find what’s happening very frightening. With Biden a mere puppet, Marxists are controlling the federal government, burning up money, and inserting their toxic racist ideas into every facet of American life – especially the military. Meanwhile, overseas, the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans, Cubans, and other nations hostile to liberty are chuckling with glee and making their plans.

IMAGE: Biden snaps at a reporter. YouTube screen grab.

To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here.

The Four Horsemen of our Apocalypse: George Soros, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, and Joe Biden

The New Testament’s book of Revelations has long puzzled and inspired Biblical scholars as to the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Most agree that they represent four catastrophes that will befall humanity during the “end times.”  

The White Horse’s rider carries a bow and wears a crown.  He is generally thought to symbolize conquest.  Fast-forward to today and consider the work of George Soros.  For decades he has spent millions of his billions on his quest to destroy the United States and other nations.  He recruits and funds Antifa and BLM, supplies their riot gear and weapons, pays for their transportation and accommodations where necessary.  He funds the political campaigns of pro-criminal anti-victim district attorneys like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and  Kim Gardner in St. Louis.

Crime is skyrocketing in each city a Soros-funded DA holds office.  These anti-American radicals engender violence and chaos and renounce law and order.  They have defunded the police.  Along with the rest of the left and the founders of BLM, Soros is committed to undermining all traditional American values and to promoting anything in opposition to those values.  Like the rider of the white horse, he has succeeded wildly over the past twenty years. 

The Red Horse is, appropriately, the General Secretary of China, Xi Jinping, leader of the Chinese Communist Party.  Aside from his horrific crimes against humanity, Xi began co-opting the Biden family when Joe was VP.  The Biden family is inextricably linked with the CCP; China has the goods on the Bidens that could expose their greed and grift for all to see.   The red horse is said to represent war, bloodshed, murder, and revolution.  How many millions has Xi pumped into our universities, media, entertainment, sports, and mainstream press to see his preferred narratives spread throughout the land?  Incalculable. 

Bill Gates and his acolytes like Anthony Fauci could very well be riders of the Black Horse.  The rider of the third horse holds a pair of scales.  In the Bible, black is often connected with food shortages and famine.  Gates now owns more American farmland than any other corporation or entity, 242,000 acres worth $690m.  Would he like to employ Marxist agricultural policies like those Stalin implemented, policies that create famine; between 4 – 7 million people were starved to death in the Holodomor?  But Gates is also the man who wants us to eat fake meat and bugs.   

Gates has long encouraged a reduction of population and is a vaccine enthusiast.  His oral polio vaccine spread polio across Africa.  He is the self-appointed vaccine czar, a “Vaccine Monster,” a defender of “monopoly medicine” according to The New Republic.   Sixty-seven percent of Americans are said to have been vaccinated by now, jabbed with an experimental form of gene therapy.  There have been thousands of vaccine deaths and injuries and no one knows what the long-term effects may be over time.  Here is an excellent short video that explains the risks.  Between Gates’s known drive for depopulation and his enormous influence over the covid vaccines, he may well symbolize famine and death.  The money he stands to make is of course incidental.

The rider of the last horse, the Pale Horse, is death and “Hades followed with him.”  Certainly, everyone not wearing ideological blinders knows by now that Joe Biden is non compos mentis.  He is not of sound mind.  He can barely read his teleprompter and needs notecards to answer the simplest of questions.  He often suffers brain freeze and appears to be lost, even frightened.  

So, Biden represents death in two ways; his own mental and physical deterioration and the death of America.  In the five months he has held office, his administration, whoever is calling the shots, has instigated the wholesale invasion, ala Camp of the Saints,  that is occurring over our southern border.  The proposed and already approved irresponsible spending has kick-started inflation that will inevitably continue to rise.  Gas prices are sky-high, thanks to the shuttering of the Keystone pipeline, while Biden handed Russia the Nordstream pipeline Trump had sanctioned.  Biden and his minders have prioritized the demands of the LGBT, Antifa, and BLM activists and embraced the toxic, racist-to-its-core Critical Race Theory to further pit people against one another.  He/they set out to undo every policy President Trump put in place that had so benefitted the American people. 

The Trump-fearing left, aided by establishment RINOs, engineered a fraudulent election and used COVID to force an entire population into isolation. The lockdowns destroyed hundreds of thousands of small businesses while allowing their corporate pals to remain open.  Now they want to mandate vaccines even for people who choose not to submit to them for very rational reasons.  

The odious Fauci is angry at those people.   “Get over it.  Get over this political statement.  Save yourselves and your family.”  He seems to believe that those who resist an experimental jab are doing so for political reasons when in fact, right or wrong, they have made their decision precisely to save themselves and their families.  Those people he is so angry at are not going to be swayed by a mandate or door-to-door thugs from an American Stasi.  Fauci is as clueless as he is egomaniacal.  He and the Biden administration are again resorting to fearmongering, more panic porn; “the variants, the variants.”  

The Soros/Xi/Gates/Biden cavaliers are despicable people, tyrants, united in their cause, determined to sabotage what the Founders created, including the Constitution. 

Is there a cultural realignment, a patriots’ rebellion, a second American Revolution afoot?  There is evidence that this is true all around us.  Parents are fighting back against the racist absurdities of CRT and the demands of the LGBT crowd.  Steve Bannon’s Warroom has over sixty million listeners.  The truth of  BLM is leaking out as well.  Its leaders, avowed Marxists, are as acquisitive as any other faux civil rights organization.  

Better they heed Thomas Sowell’s maxim: 

The people made worse off by slavery were those who were enslaved. Their descendants would have been worse off today if born in Africa instead of America. Put differently, the terrible fate of their ancestors benefitted them. 

People are waking up to the damage done to this country by the wrecking crew that is the Biden administration.  What this cabal is doing is by design despite Kamala Harris’ obvious incompetence and Biden’s dementia.   Will and Ariel Durant wrote:

Civilization is not inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century, civilization would die, and we should be savages again.

We are seeing savagery now on the streets of some of our cities.  It has to stop.  Our four horsemen must be relegated to the visions of the Apostle John and defeated by an energized America.

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