Saturday, July 3, 2021


She fails on every measure — significantly!  Leadership?  She is obviously, much like Hillary, a ruthless opportunist willing to do or say whatever it takes to get ahead.  Ideas/Policies?  She can be swayed however the political winds are blowing at the time.  Even her friends explain that she is "not ideological," meaning she doesn't take principled stances on important issues.  Experience?  She has dramatically failed upward!  The media have frequently acknowledged her "history of flip flopping and deceit."

FNC’s Carlson: Kamala Harris a ‘Power-Hungry Buffoon Posing as a Competent Adult’


On Friday’s broadcast of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson ripped Vice President Kamala Harris for her lackluster tenure in the role and questioned who was really in charge of the Biden administration.

According to the FNC host, President Joe Biden’s “senility” meant more power for Harris.

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: In one of her first official acts as Vice President back in February, Kamala Harris decided to declare what she called a national emergency and right away, that seems strange. Normally, it’s the President’s job to declare national emergencies.

The Vice President’s job is to oversee vice — just kidding. We’re not actually sure what the Vice President’s job is, but it’s definitely not that. But Kamala Harris did it anyway, in the pages of Jeff Bezos’s personal newspaper, “The Washington Post.” This new national emergency, Kamala Harris informed us is quote, ‘The mass exodus of women from the workplace.”

Apparently, there are still some women in America who secretly prefer to raise their own children rather than toil away like worker bees for some soulless publicly traded corporation.

Wall Street is upset about that, of course, so Kamala Harris sounded the alarm. “Our female workforce emergency,” she wrote, ” … demands a national solution.”

Well five months later, we are sad to tell you that that crisis is still ongoing. There are women even now who have chosen to skip the H.R. Department’s latest Zoom call on workplace diversity initiatives and are instead reading their children a bedtime story, and that’s a tragedy.

And honestly, Kamala Harris hasn’t done a lot to help. In fact, there is now a mass exodus of women from her office. The toxic masculinity is coming from inside the house.

This week, POLITICO reported, several top female Harris staffers have quit after they say they were abused, quote, “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated,” said one. “It’s not a place where people feel supported, but a place where people feel they’re treated like crap.” As POLITICO put it, Harris’s team is experiencing low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials.

And then the article, of course, goes on to make the usual excuses for all of this, quote: “Black women are subjected to standards that men often don’t have to clear.” Right. In other words, because Kamala Harris’s father came from the Caribbean, it’s okay that she is a monster to work for. Got it. I hope that’s comforting to the women whose lives she has wrecked.

We do see a pattern here though. First, Kamala Harris takes charge of a problem she doesn’t really understand and then she makes it worse. Let’s help women in the workforce, she says, then proceeds to drive women out of her own office.

Let’s fix the border crisis, she says, as the wave of illegal migrants becomes a tsunami. Here takes this vaccine, she tells you, it works perfectly. Then she turns to kiss her vaccinated husband while wearing a surgical mask.

On one level, it’s hilarious to watch all this. They tell us that Kamala Harris is very impressive but look at her. She is a joke. She can barely get through the day. She has no idea what she is doing.

But you can’t say that out loud, shut up and accept Kamala’s dominion over you. That’s the new rule. Point out that she’s a power-hungry buffoon posing as a competent adult and they will instantly denounce you as a racist.

Now, they do that because it works. A lot of people, particularly the news media, still find the idea of being called a racist the scariest thing they can imagine, scarier than dying. So, they will do anything to avoid that, including ignoring Kamala Harris’s obvious mediocrity.

So, as a result, they barely cover her, and we’re going to spend the next hour filling that gap.

Kamala Harris may be one of the least impressive people in public life, but on some days, it feels like she is running our country anyway.

Last month, the President of Mexico of all people made that point —


ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, PRESIDENT OF MEXICO (translated text): It was a very good meeting with the vice President, Kamala Harris. It was so good that I called her “President.”


CARLSON: AMLO is not the only one, the President of the United States calls her President, and in this country, voters have come to the conclusion that in fact she is.

The Trafalgar Group is one of the only polling companies worth paying attention to at this point. They got the last election almost exactly right when few other firms weren’t even close.

Tonight, we’ve got exclusive new polling from Trafalgar that shows who Americans believe is actually running the federal government. In a survey of likely voters, the majority of American voters said Joe Biden is not really in charge, and it wasn’t simply Republicans who thought that. A third of Democrats say Biden is not actually in charge. Another 10 percent weren’t sure, which is pretty much the same thing.

It is hard to believe there have ever been numbers like that in American history about the President. What do they tell us? They tell us that the media storyline, the one you hear every day, “Joe Biden is fine. He just got a really bad stutter. Relax.” — isn’t actually fooling anyone, but not for lack of trying.

Outside of this, no one on television is allowed to say what seems obvious, which is that Biden can’t really do his job. That’s forbidden precisely because it’s true.

But Joe Rogan doesn’t work on television, he hosts a podcast, so he can say whatever he wants and recently he did.


JOE ROGAN, PODCAST HOST: We’re unhinged.


ROGAN: In a lot of ways and we’re not anchored down by a real leader. You know, we don’t really have a real leader in this country anymore.


ROGAN: And you could say Joe Biden is the President, he is our leader and you you’d be correct on paper, but I mean everybody knows, he is out of his mind. He’s just — he is barely hanging in there.


CARLSON: Well, exactly. We don’t say a lot about Joe Biden’s decline on this show partly because it’s depressing and partly because our default position always is to respect old people, especially when they get a little soft, as we all will if we live long enough, so, it’s bad karma to mock them for it.

But in Biden’s case and he is the President, it is demonstrably true, and everyone knows that including his family, so the question is: who is really in charge if Joe Biden isn’t? And increasingly, it seems like Kamala Harris is running things.

If you believe in democracy, this is a problem. No large group of people has ever signaled the desire to put Kamala Harris in control of the country, just the opposite. In fact, at the height of the last democratic primary season, most of her own constituents told pollsters they wanted her to drop out of the presidential race. Only seven percent of Democrats in the State of California thought their senator, Kamala Harris should be President of the United States.

So, the people who know her best have the least respect for her, but she got the job anyway entirely by default. Here is the President Democrats thought they were voting for.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Employers can’t find workers, I said, “Yes. Pay them more.” This is an employee’s — employee’s bargaining chip now. What’s happening?

Now what is going on? I’ve gotten you $ 1.9 trillion in relief so far. You will receive checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare.

I wrote the bill on the environment. Why wouldn’t I be for it?


CARLSON: What was that? Well, you know exactly what it is, but they’re pretending that’s not what it is. If you look at some of the wide shots in that tape, you’ll see the usual propagandas from state media, PBS and others, smiling and pretending, oh, it’s totally normal.

But it’s not normal at all. That’s the President of the United States. This is a huge and dramatic change to our system of government. Biden’s senility means an awful lot of power for Kamala Harris and that’s why we’re spending the next hour talking about her.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Kamala Has Already Struck Out

By Janice Shaw Crouse

Even before the Democrat presidential candidate, Joe Biden, named his choice for vice president, a group of Democrat Party activists released an unprecedented document outlining their "rules" for how the media could address issues surrounding the woman Biden ultimately chose.  These guidelines made it abundantly clear that the media were "required" to handle Biden's choice with kid gloves.  Questions were not to be probing; instead, this veep candidate, unlike the vicious coverage Sarah Palin endured years ago, was to be above questioning.  With astounding hubris, the Democrats actually warned the media that they would "monitor coverage" of the female veep candidate and that anything even slightly critical would be condemned as "racist and sexist."  Hollywood celebrities and the usual line-up of leftist women's groups (NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc.) have promised Kamala, "We've got your back."

Bottom line: Biden is in hiding; Kamala is untouchable.

This mafia-style intimidation cannot be allowed to stand.  The public needs to know that Kamala's quest, as in baseball, has already struck out.  She has three strikes against her that are a death knell for her prospects. There is no way, after these strikes, she should be anywhere near a heartbeat or a brain flare away from the presidency of America.

1. Opportunistic Career Path — We are not supposed to have noticed (or it's not supposed to make a difference or matter), but Kamala Harris came into politics as a mistress under the patronage of the notoriously unethical speaker of the House in California, Willie Brown.  Numerous public servants in government in California at the time noted that Kamala was a pretty twenty-something young woman that Brown, a married man in his 60s, regularly showed off as his mistress at political events.  She received prestigious, powerful, and profitable political appointments in state government and moved on from there.  Anyone who brings up this opportunism is against her "ambition" and is trying to keep her "in her place."  In short, anyone raising these well documented facts is both misogynistic and racist.

Kamala is known as being "pragmatic, rather than principled."  Some Democrat strategists claim to be happy with Kamala as a "messenger" (meaning she is good TV) but cringe at her inconsistent and problematic "messages" (meaning she is all over the map on any given issue).

Harris has flip-flopped on issue after issue, depending on what's politically expedient.  She excuses this inconsistency by saying being a prosecutor is, by its very nature, "controversial."  As a prosecutor, she defended capital punishment, but she ran for office on an "anti–death penalty" platform.  Her truancy policies were a problem; also her drug programs.  She opposed police body cameras, claiming they disadvantaged blacks and minorities.  She was criticized for siding with police too often; now she is vocal about police "brutality."  She is now very pro-LGBT and transgender issues and blames her previous inconsistency on staffers who disregarded her personal views.  She was against decriminalization of "sex work" before she suddenly advocated for criminalization.  Same with marijuana; she was against it before flippantly claiming that marijuana brings joy and "we need more joy in the world."  She's taken both sides on whether a convicted terrorist should be able to vote from prison!

2. Radical Woke Ideologies and Policies — Many analysts believe that Kamala Harris will be America's most radical left political candidate ever.  She's consistently among the top two "most progressive" members of the Senate.  She has been called one of the most radical-left politicians today; pick any pet woke cause, and Kamala will be farthest left!  These policy positions are not only constitutionally problematic; they are also prohibitively expensive, with a price tag in the multiple billions of dollars!

Guns?  Kamala supports extremist laws to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights.  She advocates a wide array of increased gun control measures, including executive orders to implement problematic regulations.

Health care?  Kamala co-sponsored Bernie Sanders's "Medicare for All" health insurance proposal.  She wants to abolish all private health insurance, saying, "Let's eliminate all of that!"  She strongly supports a single-payer system.  Observers note that both her position and Biden's on the issue have solidified during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Education?  Kamala attended all-white schools until she chose to attend Howard University.  She passed the bar in 1990 and progressed as a prosecutor to become district attorney of San Francisco thanks to political muscle from her benefactor, Willie Brown.  She advocates for free college and university education for all — especially for free tuition at historically black colleges and universities.

Immigration?  Even as the daughter of (legal) immigrants from India and Jamaica, Kamala has repeatedly shown that she makes no distinction between the rights and privileges of a citizen and an illegal alien.  Benefits, she claims, belong to citizens and non-citizens alike.

Environment?  She joined forces with the socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York to require additional regulations on environmental policies.

3. Kavanaugh Hearings Debacle — The final strike is the most disgraceful.  The way Kamala Harris treated Brett Kavanaugh at the 2018 confirmation hearings was the most disrespectful and vicious of the senators.  She stood out at the hearings for her deceitful questioning and the revolting tone of her accusations.  She accepted the flimsiest of evidence in attacking Kavanaugh – for instance, the implausible and unsubstantiated accusation of gang rape — and praised an obviously "deceptively edited video" claiming that Kavanaugh opposed birth control, claiming that it was all about "punishing women."

Her extreme positions were so bad that she was actually called out by the left. Her attacks — called fear-invoking lies and possibly attempts at a presidential audition — were acknowledged as false and criticized by left-wing PolitiFact and her liberal hometown newspapers, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times.  As President Trump said, she was, indeed, "extraordinarily nasty" to Brett Kavanaugh.

Guy Benson, Townhall political editor, described her Kavanaugh performance as "particularly demagogic, cynical and abysmal."  In their excellent book, Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court, Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino detailed all the egregious procedural maneuvers Harris tried in her efforts to get Kavanaugh to commit perjury, as well as the fawning media coverage.

In a normal election, the veep choice would be relatively irrelevant, but Joe Biden is not a normal presidential candidate.  At 77, "Gaffe-Prone Joe" Biden has said he'd be a "transitional" president, and it is generally acknowledged that he is more likely than other previous candidates to become (sooner rather than later) incapacitated or unable to serve more than one term.  Thus, Kamala must be viewed as a possible presidential contender.  She fails on every measure — significantly!  Leadership?  She is obviously, much like Hillary, a ruthless opportunist willing to do or say whatever it takes to get ahead.  Ideas/Policies?  She can be swayed however the political winds are blowing at the time.  Even her friends explain that she is "not ideological," meaning she doesn't take principled stances on important issues.  Experience?  She has dramatically failed upward!  The media have frequently acknowledged her "history of flip flopping and deceit."

What Kamala Harris offers in the veepstakes is a promise to promote a grab bag of assorted radical goals of every oddball progressive from Bernie to AOC to Obama and be an advocate for special constituencies — pro-abortion voters, instigators of the BLM movement's racism, gun control activists, and illegal aliens.

Image: Mobilus In Mobili via Wikimedia Commons.


Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!






9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.

                                                           JESSER HOROWITZ





A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)




A known MS-13 Gang member, living illegally in the United States, was arrested but went unprosecuted by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office months before he murdered a California family.

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.”

                                                             JESSER HOROWITZ

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY


The Veep From ‘Veep’

Column: Kamala Harris can’t fix her office, much less the border

Kamala Harris
Getty Images
 • July 2, 2021 5:00 am


President Joe Biden has a problem, and her name is Kamala Harris. The vice president has become a comic figure in today’s Washington—a politician given to missteps and unforced errors who inspires neither loyalty nor trust within her inner circle. She might have been Biden’s safest pick for running mate. But now she’s a liability for both the president and the Democratic Party.

It’s not just that Harris is unpopular. Her unique combination of falsity and incompetence generates negative press and endangers her dreams of succeeding Biden. For Harris, the month of June has been an extended replay of highlights from Veep, the HBO comedy starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as a clueless and floundering politician on the make. Only Harris isn’t laughing.

Her favorability among registered voters is 7 points underwater in the latest Economist/YouGov survey. Biden’s approval, by contrast, is split even: 48 percent approve, and 48 percent disapprove. More worrisome for Harris is her "very unfavorable" rating. It’s at 40 percent. That’s 3 points higher than Biden’s number—and just 3 points short of Nancy Pelosi’s.

The reason for Harris’s unpopularity is no mystery. It’s her performance. She has a problem following through. She’s fine when working from a script, but she stumbles whenever she must improvise. The classic example came early in the 2020 campaign. Harris attacked Biden during a primary debate for opposing school busing in the 1970s. The moment went viral—and then evaporated. Harris couldn’t rebut Biden’s arguments against Medicare for All. She couldn’t withstand Tulsi Gabbard’s criticism of her record as California’s state attorney general. She didn’t make it past the first week of December 2019.

Last August, when Biden asked her to join the Democratic ticket, Harris took the Hippocratic Oath of running mates: first, do no harm. She lived up to the pledge. She followed the Biden strategy of letting President Donald Trump hog the stage and self-destruct. She made no great mistakes during her debate with Vice President Mike Pence. And she barely made a sound during the presidential transition. The biggest flap concerning Harris was over a Vogue cover shoot that annoyed her Very Online fan base.

It was Biden who set Harris up for a fall. By May, the surge in illegal crossings at the southern border had become impossible to ignore. Biden said the vice president would lead the administration’s response. This was a gargantuan and impossible task. After all, Biden’s reversal of Trump’s immigration policies is behind the increase in illegal immigration. And there’s no way Harris would contradict her boss, even if she wanted to.

Harris immediately distanced herself from her assignment. She recast her mandate as a diplomatic effort to address the "root causes" of migration. (The root cause is simple: America is a better place to live than the Northern Triangle of Central America.) Her evasion was transparent—and Republicans began criticizing her for refusing to visit the border. But the Harris team doubled down, scheduling a trip to Guatemala and Mexico in early June. It was a disaster.

Harris meant to strike a tough tone during her visit to Guatemala City. "Do not come," she told potential migrants. But her message was undercut: first by Guatemalan president Alejandro Giammattei, who blamed Biden’s "lukewarm" rhetoric for the rise in migration, and then by NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who asked Harris why she was several thousand miles away from the border. A flustered Harris laughed awkwardly and tried to dodge before blurting out, "And I haven’t been to Europe!" Louis-Dreyfus couldn’t have delivered the line any better.

Harris’s inane reply amplified Republican charges that she was avoiding the real issue. By the time she returned from her trip, it was obvious that Harris would visit the border sooner rather than later. The question was when. On June 25, less than a week before Trump was scheduled to visit Texas, Harris hurriedly went to El Paso. The Democratic bastion is far from the Rio Grande valley that has been the busiest site of illegal activity. But Harris managed to get through her day trip without incident. The fallout didn’t arrive until later.

The voyage to El Paso illustrated another Harris vulnerability: She’s a terrible manager. Leaks and infighting bedeviled her short-lived presidential campaign. Working for her is hazardous to your health. Or at least that’s what an anonymous source told Politico on June 30. The blockbuster story, carrying three bylines and based on interviews with 22 "current and former vice-presidential aides, administration officials, and associates of Harris and Biden," left no doubt that Harris runs a dysfunctional operation. "It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s—," said a "person with direct knowledge of how Harris’s office is run." Imagine what they say on the office Slack channel.

Biden adviser Anita Dunn told Politico that the situation was "not anywhere near what you are describing." Perhaps it’s worse. One of Harris’s former Senate aides said, "The boss’s expectations won’t always be predictable." Not exactly what you want in a leader. Politico says Harris "excels when those around her project calm and order, creating a sense of confidence and certainty." Unfortunately, confidence and certainty are precisely those qualities that go missing in the ad hoc, improvisational, contingent, and situational world of global politics.

More interviews and stories like these and Harris will soon be living the politician’s worst nightmare: becoming a punchline. A cynic might say that Biden purposely handed Harris the toughest assignments to redirect negative public sentiment away from the Oval Office and to displace the frustrations and embarrassments he experienced during eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president. Democratic strategists worry that Harris exhibits none of Biden’s strengths, such as they are, while shouldering all his weaknesses. That doesn’t bode well if Biden opts not to run in 2024.

Then again, in the third season of Veep, the fictional president steps down. Louis-Dreyfus’s character becomes president. Think Harris is funny now? The joke might be on us.


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