Thursday, August 5, 2021





Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans

Glazov Gang: Hunter Biden, Crack, Lies and Videotape

The most devastating video on the internet.

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This new Glazov Gang episode features Jeff Crouere, author of America’s Last Chance.

Jeff focuses on Hunter Biden, Crack, Lies and Videotape, shedding disturbing light on The most devastating video on the internet.

Don’t miss it!


And make sure to watch Jeff discuss Vaccine Passports to Hell, where he analyzes how the Gestapo has arrived in America to check your papers.


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Chris Hedges | How Bankers ROBBED and ENSLAVED America

Chris Hedges | America's RIGGED Justice System

8 Signs That The US Is Heading To 21st Century Great Depression: Prepare Your Self For The Worst!

Bank Meltdown Is Coming As Latest Data Reveals Something Is Terminally Broken In The US Bank System

Shockingly Bad Home Sales Data Derail The Fed's Tapering Plans

Chris Hedges | The HORRIFIC State of the American Empire

Meet the Government Junta of National Destruction

Now proceeding with the demolition of the United States of America.


“Our democracy,” is the official government term for conditions following the 2020 election. Angelo Codevilla argues that it’s not a democracy but an oligarchy. Since that means rule by a group, “junta” would also appropriate, and historical examples are instructive.

Portugal had its junta de salvação nacional in the 1970s, and after the toppling of Allende in a coup, the Junta Militar de Gobierno ruled that nation. After the fall of Somoza, Nicaragua fell under the Junta de Gobierno de Reconstrucción Nacional, the Junta of National Reconstruction. In the United States, what Democrats call “our democracy” is effectively the Government Junta of National Destruction (GJND) of the nation as it has been known to exist, with emphasis on the period from 2016-2020.

Joe Biden is the Junta’s figurehead, more properly the bobblehead. As Mark Bowden noted in 2010, Biden is a plagiarist and underachiever but “not an intellectual.”  Party bosses confined the gaffe machine to a basement during the campaign, tipping off the ensuing election fraud, as it were, with a flare gun.

As head of the Junta, Biden does what he’s told. Trump achievements such as energy independence, a thriving economy, full employment, peace in the Middle East, a border wall and so forth must be stopped, whatever their benefits for the American people. The Junta represents the government, and Nancy Pelosi is the Junta’s La Pasionaria.

Pelosi, 81, is a big fan of Communist and Soviet agent Harry Bridges, to the point that in 2001 she marked the centenary of his birth in the Congressional Register. Pelosi believes the proper role of government, even during a pandemic, is to fund abortion. So she has no basis for objection to the taking of adult lives if the Junta deems them unwanted. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley makes it a military junta.

Back in 2013, Gen. Milley predicted that conditions were set for victory in Afghanistan. They weren’t and the Princeton political science grad now finds the home front a target-rich environment. As the general contends, Donald Trump was like Hitler and his supporters are Nazis, something one would expect from Derek Lutz, (Robert Downey Jr.) in Back to School, babbling about football as a “crypto fascist metaphor.” Like Gen. Jack Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, Milley is straight out of central casting, but the key figure in the Junta is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Biden’s chief medical advisor contends that to criticize him is to attack science itself, in effect, “La science c’est moi,” in the style of Louis XIV. Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 and in 1968 took a cushy “yellow beret” job with the National Institutes of Health to avoid treating American soldiers in U.S. military hospitals. Fauci’s bio shows no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry.

Back in the 1990s, Kary Mullis, PhD in biochemistry from UC Berkeley and winner of the Nobel prize for the polymerase chain reaction, contended that Fauci “doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” Fauci was wrong about AIDS but remained as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

More recently, Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) for dangerous gain-of-function research with a cargo of deadly viruses the WIV received from a lab in Canada. If Communist China and the World Health Organization every did anything with which Fauci disagreed, it’s hard to know what it might be. In January of 2020, Fauci opposed President Trump’s ban on travel from China, with no explanation of the “science” or how opposing the ban promoted public health. 

This certified megalomaniac, a physician who first does harm, is the Junta’s Lysenko figure. Dr. Fauci is responsible for shutting down the nation, wrecking a thriving economy, causing untold misery, and menacing the people’s constitutional rights. A serial prevaricator who never once had to face the voters, Dr. Fauci is the embodiment of white coat supremacy (WCS), an ideal ethos for the Junta of National Destruction that calls itself “our democracy.”

Juntas in Portugal, Argentina and Chile have given way to a vote of the people but with the aging GJND the American people have to wonder. The Junta appears to have its own Brezhnev doctrine, a claim of permanent one-party power, upheld by an imported electorate, institutionalized voter fraud, and intimidation from the Junta’s BLM-Antifa axis. On the other hand, the Junta’s draconian rule is not proving popular, and democratic institutions remain in place.

The midterms are just around the corner but the race to watch is the September 14 recall for scandal-ridden California governor Gavin Newsom, the Jerry Brown protégé and former Nancy Pelosi nephew Democrats have been grooming for president. In January, California Democrat Party boss Rusty Hicks proclaimed, “this recall effort, which really ought to be called ‘the California coup,’ is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.”

As Ben Christopher of CalMatters explained, “a recall campaign is a democratic mechanism written into the California constitution that allows voters to remove an elected official by popular vote.” Democrat secretary of state Shirley Weber tried to keep black conservative Larry Elder off the ballot, but Elder sued and won.

As the California Globe reports, “New Poll Finds Larry Elder In Commanding Lead of Recall Candidates, Newsom Approval Slipping Once Again.” The Junta is all-in for Newsom, whose autocratic style and colossal incompetence would be a good fit. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.



Biden and Elizabeth Warren have been fighting each other since the 2005 bankruptcy bill. 


During the most recent Democratic presidential primary debate, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren had an awkward and tense exchange over the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The friction between the two of them goes back quite a ways, long before Biden was vice president and Warren became a senator in Massachusetts. The two first butted heads over Biden's support of bankruptcy reform in the late 1990s and early 2000s, back when he represented Delaware in the Senate.

The key detail is the difference between the two kinds of bankruptcy a person can declare: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is known as liquidation bankruptcy and is meant for people with limited income. It allows them sell off what assets they can to pay creditors and then discharge most of the rest of their debts relatively quickly. In contrast, Chapter 13, reorganizing bankruptcy, puts the debtor on a payment plan, so a portion their future income is guaranteed to go to paying back their creditors. If you're a creditor, this is the option you would rather someone take when they owe you money, since you're going to get more out of them over the long run.

The 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) was meant, on paper, to prevent people from abusing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It accomplished that through means testing, making it harder for people to declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy versus Chapter 13. If a person's income exceeds a certain threshold, they're ineligible for declaring Chapter 7. The bill also required people to complete a credit counseling course no more than 180 days before they declare bankruptcy. It also limits the kinds of debt a person can discharge through bankruptcy: If they use a credit card to spend too much money on "luxury goods" or withdraw too much in cash advances, that credit line can't be erased. And, gallingly, the bill made it completely impossible to discharge student loan debt. It may very well be the single piece of legislation most responsible for putting the U.S. in the current student debt crisis.

Biden was one of the bill's major Democratic champions, and he fought for its passage from his position on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He had pushed for two earlier bankruptcy reform bills in 2000 and 2001, both of which failed. But in 2005, BAPCPA made it through, successfully erecting all kinds of roadblocks for Americans struggling with debt, and doing so just before the financial crisis of 2008. Since BAPCPA passed, Chapter 13 filings went from representing just 24 percent of all bankruptcy filings per year to 39 percent in 2017. Melissa Jacoby, a University of North Carolina law professor specializing in bankruptcy, told Politico, "I doubt that the bill reined in the abuses that the bill was premised on, in part because they didn’t necessarily exist in the first place."


Unions, consumer protection groups, and the National Organization for Women all opposed the BAPCPA, but it had heavy support from the credit card industry. Delaware is essentially a domestic tax haven for corporations, and as a result financial institutions like credit card companies hold tremendous power in the state. As political writer Alexander Cockburn once wrote, "The first duty of any senator from Delaware is to do the bidding of the banks and large corporations which use the tiny state as a drop box and legal sanctuary. Biden has never failed his masters in this primary task. Find any bill that sticks it to the ordinary folk on behalf of the Money Power and you’ll likely detect Biden’s hand at work."


How to Dye Your Beard (5 Steps to Remove Grey Hair)


Biden at the time stressed that he wasn't acting on behalf of the credit card companies, and as Matt Ygelsias writes at Vox, Biden's camp claims now that BAPCPA was an effort to get some concessions out of a Republican bill that would have been a bigger disaster without his intervention. But to his critics, there were red flags. For example, one of the biggest credit card companies in Delaware, MBNA, hired Joe Biden's son Hunter in 1996. Even after Hunter became a federal lobbyist in 2001, he stayed on at MBNA as a consultant at a fee of $100,000 per year, meaning he was pulling in a six-figure salary at the same time his father was pushing for the industry's top priorities. Biden's interests were so aligned with MBNA's that in 1999 he was forced to defend himself by declaring, "I am not the senator from MBNA." But even without the shadows of impropriety, critics of Biden's support for bankruptcy reform had plenty of fodder.

One of Biden's biggest antagonists was none other than Elizabeth Warren. Back when she was a mere Harvard law professor specializing in bankruptcy law, Warren questioned the entire rationale of bankruptcy reform, telling The Washington Post in 1998, "Those who want to say the way to solve rising consumer bankruptcy is by changing the law are the same people who would have said during a malaria epidemic that the way to cut down on hospital admissions is to lock the door." In the 2003 book she co-wrote with her daughter, The Two-Income Trap, she took special aim at Biden's efforts to make it harder for Americans to declare bankruptcy and framed it as an issue that disproportionally effects women:

This year, more women will file bankruptcy papers than will receive college diplomas. More women with children will search for a bankruptcy lawyer than will seek subsidized day care. And in a statistic with special significance for Senator Biden, more women will be victimized by predatory lenders than will seek protection from an abusive husband or boyfriend... The point is simply that family economics should not be left to giant corporations and paid lobbyists, and senators like Joe Biden should not be allowed to sell out women in the morning and be heralded as their friend in the evening. Middle-class women need help, and right now no one is putting their economic interests first.

Two years after Warren wrote that, BAPCPA overwhelmingly passed with Biden's support—while bankruptcy reform had been dead on arrival just a few years earlier, 18 Senate Democrats chose to side with all 55 Republicans and the lone independent to vote in favor of the bill. Then president George W. Bush promptly signed it into law, and 14 years later BAPCPA is still making it more costly and cumbersome to declare bankruptcy. With the U.S. likely heading for another recession and credit card debt at a record $870 billion, millions more Americans could end up struggling with mountains of debt than they would otherwise had Biden not fought so hard to strip them of bankruptcy protection.




Biden backed brutal bankruptcy bill in 2005

By Chris Talgo

In 1999, then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) declared, “I’m not the senator from MBNA.” Apparently, Biden felt it was necessary to clarify that he did not exclusively represent credit card giant MBNA because his constituents were thoroughly confused, based on his track record of being a shill for credit card companies located in the First State.

Then, six years later, Biden inserted his foot directly into his mouth (again) when he championed the notorious (and ill-named) Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA). A more appropriate name could have been the Act to Protect Credit Card Companies and Shaft Students and Workers.

In short, BAPCPA was a terrible bill that favored credit card companies, big banks, and millionaires over working-class borrowers. It also is solely responsible for the fact that student loan debt is totally impossible to dismiss -- even after one has declared bankruptcy.

Wait a minute, I thought Joe Biden was the consummate defender and advocate of the working class and oppressed. Far from it. In reality,Biden’s political career of more than four decades was predicated upon protecting the interests of credit card companies. 

And he and his son, Hunter, were compensated handsomely for doing so. According to a 2019 GQ article titled “How Biden Helped Strip Bankruptcy Protection From Millions Just Before a Recession” -- “one of the biggest credit card companies in Delaware, MBNA, hired Joe Biden's son Hunter in 1996. Even after Hunter became a federal lobbyist in 2001, he stayed on at MBNA as a consultant at a fee of $100,000 per year, meaning he was pulling in a six-figure salary at the same time his father was pushing for the industry's top priorities.” Can you say, quid pro quo, Joe?

As if the backroom deals and “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” shenanigans that Biden blatantly engaged in before, during, and after BAPCPA was passed were not bad enough, the bill wrought untold damage among the very people Biden constantly claims to protect.

According to Adam J. Levitin, professor of law at Georgetown University, BAPCPA “was perhaps the most anti-middle class piece of legislation in the past century.” And, as Levitin writes, “Biden used his clout to push for the law’s passage and to defeat amendments to shield servicemembers, women, and children from its harsh treatment. When votes were taken, ‘Middle-Class Joe’ was no friend to the middle class.” It sure seems that Biden abandoned his Lunchbox Joe persona when it came to voting in favor of BAPCPA, not to mention that he strongly supported amendments that made the bill even more hostile to the middle class!

And adding insult to injury, Biden also voted against several amendments that were specifically meant to help several “underprivileged” groups.  As Levitin writes, “He voted against three amendments to ease bankruptcy requirements for consumers whose financial troubles stem from medical expenses. He voted against an amendment that would have helped seniors keep their homes. He voted against exempting servicemembers and widows of servicemembers killed in action from the law’s eligibility restrictions. He voted against an amendment to exempt women whose financial troubles stemmed from deadbeat husbands’ failure to pay child support or alimony. And Biden even voted against an amendment that would have ensured that children of debtors could still be given birthday and Christmas presents. Biden also voted against allowing debtors to pay their union dues during bankruptcy, potentially imperiling their employment and ability to achieve financial rehabilitation.” Could Biden’s voting record on this bill get any worse? Actually, yes.

Not only did Biden strongly oppose BAPCPA amendments aimed to help “disadvantaged” groups, he voted for two giant loopholes that effectively allowed millionaires to shield their assets from collectors after they filed for bankruptcy. What a joke, Joe.

As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.”

Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland.orgis an editor at The Heartland Institute.


Hunter Biden’s Art Dealings Cause Michael Waltz to Introduce Bill to Block ‘Shameless Grift’

United States vice-president Joe Biden (L) and his son Hunter Biden (R) attend a women's ice hockey preliminary game between United States and China at UBC Thunderbird Arena on February 14, 2010 in Vancouver, Canada. (Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Hunter Biden’s artwork dealings have caused Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) to introduce legislation Wednesday to block the “shameless grift” of selling “art” to “anonymous” investors for up to $500,000.

The legislation is “aimed at stopping the obvious and shameless grift that’s going on with Hunter Biden’s art sales, for which he is obviously not qualified to do and is only doing to continue to profit off of his family name,” Waltz told Fox News on Tuesday.

The bill’s name is called, “The PAINTER Act” and will attempt to put “some transparency in place” upon “the president’s grown children” by amending the Ethics in Government Act.

“But when you’re seeing the brand-new venture, money-making venture, with zero qualifications that are clearly hanging solely on the family name with anonymous buyers, that is a completely different matter and that’s what really gives me pause,” Waltz said about Hunter’s business dealings, which include being “an equity holder in the China nuclear power group that is blacklisted for trying to steal American warhead technology.”

Hunter Biden gets a pass.... AGAIN! Liberal media ignore claims president's son used dad's money to accidentally pay escort $25,000 

  • The NYT, WaPo, CNN and MSNBC are among liberal-leaning outlets who have continued to ignore scandals about the president's son
  • All were happy to focus on Donald Trump's family while he was president - with CNN publishing two posts about Jared and Ivanka Trump in the last two days  
  • Text messages and receipts show that Hunter Biden may have accidentally spent his father's money on an escort in 2018, according to the New York Post
  • He had spent a number of nights in May, 2018 with the woman at Hollywood Hotel The Jeremy and accidentally paid her $25,000 for the visit
  • Hunter would later get most of the money back, but he was then contacted by someone identified as Robert Savage III, a former Secret Service agent 
  • Texts between the two indicated that Savage was concerned about charges to an account related to 'Celtic', a code name for Joe Biden

America's biggest liberal news outlets have avoided reporting on the latest Hunter Biden scandal, amid claims he inadvertently used his father’s credit card to accidentally overpay an escort $25,000.

The United States' most popular left-leaning publications and news networks – including The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC – have made no mention of the story in the 36 hours since it was broken by the Post, and confirmed by 

On Wednesday evening, CNN host Jake Tapper did mention Hunter on his show - but only while discussing the president's son's paintings with Republican writer Kristin Soltis Anderson.

Soltis Anderson blasted Biden for cashing in on his dad's name, and selling his artworks to anonymous buyers. But no mention was made of Biden's alleged overpayments to the sex worker with his dad's plastic.   

This isn’t the first time mainstream media outlets ignored controversy surrounding the president’s son. They previously blanked a June 7 exclusive about Hunter using the n-word, and have faced hypocrisy claims after running multiple stories on the alleged wrongdoing of Donald Trump's children while he was president.

Liberal media outlets in the US are facing backlash for completely ignoring Hunter Biden's prostitution scandal. The New York Times has not mentioned the story. Wednesday's edition is pictured 

Thursday's Washington Post, which has also avoided mentioning the latest Hunter Biden scandal, despite being the White House hometown paper  

Rachel Maddow, of MSNBC, made no mention on her show last evening about claims Hunter inadvertently used his father’s credit card to pay an escort $25,000

Jake Tapper, of CNN, mentioned Hunter in the context of another story about him selling his art to unnamed bidders - but did not reference the credit card story 

Mainstream media outlets previously ignored a June 7 exclusive about Hunter using the n-word. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the double standards that would arise if it had been one of Donald's children

When the n-word story broke, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that coverage would have looked far different if it involved someone in the Trump family. ‘Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word,’ he tweeted.

This week, CNN have run a story about Ivanka and Jared Trump distancing themselves from Ivanka's dad, as well as a follow-up analysis of that claim.  

The story about Hunter using his father’s credit card for sex with a prostitute was covered numerous times on Fox News - including on shows hosted by the network's most popular stars Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. 

But CNN did not mention the credit card story, and MNSBC avoided it altogether.  

The lack of coverage has prompted outrage among conservatives with many taking to Twitter to accuse the liberal media of double standards. 

Hunter is pictured with a prostitute during a previous encounter. The latest claims from his laptop have been snubbed by liberal publications that enjoyed bashing the Trumps 

Michael Champlain referenced a video from the incident in which Hunter balances a line of M&Ms on his penis, which was documented in files stored on the laptop. He wrote, ‘Remember when they told you that President Trump’s children lacked morals because they operated businesses? What are they going to say about Hunter balancing M&Ms on his erect penis for a prostitute?’

Another user called OddBiff wrote, ‘Too funny...So receipts and texts show Hunter Biden spent thousands on President Biden's credit card for prostitutes .. Was shocked the news is not saying it was Ivanka Trump he paid just to smear her.’ 

Stacy Herbert called out MSNBC for not providing any coverage of the scandal, writing, ‘Unlikely that Maddow, who had been so eager to air the Trump pee tape, will be airing any of the contents of the m&m's on penis photos.’

And a Twitter user named Punished Donut wrote, ‘Hunter Biden could shoot someone in the street in broad daylight and you’d still bring up Trump.’

Meanwhile, only more conservative-leaning media have unraveled the story about a series of wild nights that Joe Biden may have accidentally paid for his son Hunter to have with a prostitute in 2018.

It was early May that year when Hunter Biden ordered Yanna, an escort, who billed herself as 'Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan' from his favorite site, Emerald Fantasy Girls, according to files obtained by the New York Post from his 2017 Macbook Pro.

'Hi, My name is Rob.' he texted the woman on May 7, 2018, using his first name, Robert, before telling her he was staying at The Jeremy Hotel, 'Are you available now?'

During her visit to the Los Angeles hotel, the two had sex, drank vodka and filmed porn while he smoked crack, according to the Post. At one point Hunter balanced a line of M&Ms on his erect penis - all of it documented in files stored on the laptop.

Hotel bills show Hunter then moved to a $470-per-night room at The Jeremy in West Hollywood later that month, where he hired another escort while under the protection of two recently retired Secret Service agents.

And messages saved on the laptop show Joe Biden might have inadvertently been the person actually paying the bill for the wild week, according to the messages obtained by the Post.

First son Hunter Biden (left and right, with a pipe) may have inadvertently spent his fathers funds on an escort at LA hotel The Jeremy, according to text messages and receipts, when he was overcharged nearly $25,000 for the services, the Post reports

Text messages show a former Secret Service agent at Hunter Biden's door after he made the transaction

As for the 2018 tryst at The Jeremy, the Post reports that on the Morning of May 24, Hunter added a woman named Gulnora, a registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls, as a recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, and attempted to wire her the money.

But his card didn't work, and Wells Fargo sent him a fraud warning alert.

He tried another card, and then another before the $8,000 charge finally went through.

Throughout the morning, however, the transactions he thought had failed started to clear, meaning he was overcharged.

The first $8,000 left his account at 10.22am, according to receipts from the laptop viewed by the Post.

Then at 10.50am another transfer of $2,000 went out, this time from a different account.

At 10.59am another $3,500 transfers were sent, and at 11am another $8,000 and finally $3,500 at 11.03am.

In total roughly $25,000 is transferred in less than an hour, according to the Post.

'There is many transactions on my account,' Yanna would soon text him, according to the Post. 'From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.'

'I’m happy to see that much in my account.' she texts again. 'No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a b***h.'

'Send it back please.' Hunter replies at 4.19pm, according to the Post.

A little more than two hours later, however, he would be receiving texts from a very different person.

Labelled as from Robert Savage III, a former Secret Service agent who until that month had been in charge of the agency's Los Angeles field office, the Post reports, he texts him at 6.37pm: 'H – I’m in the lobby come down. Thanks, Rob.'

'5 minutes,' Hunter answers.

Savage's attorney told the Post that he had never been in contact with Hunter Biden, and said that he was retired before the exchange took place. He referred to the messages as 'fabricated text messages.' identified the messages on Hunter's laptop, validated earlier this year by cyber forensic experts as authentic.

'Come on H, this is linked to Celtic’s account,' Savage replied five minutes later, using the Secret Service code name for Joe Biden when he was vice president, the Post reported. 'DC is calling me every 10. Let me up or come down. I can’t help if you don’t let me H.'

It's not clear which if any of the accounts Hunter used to pay for Yanna may have been linked to his father - although Celtic was a codename used for his dad. 

'I promise be right down. Sorry.' Hunter answers.

Another five minutes goes by and Savage warns him that Dale Pupillo, also retired from the Secret Service, and who served as the agency's assistant director, had shown up, the Post reports.

Invoices on the laptop show that Pupillo vetted potential business partners for Hunter.

'He’s going to front desk, call and tell them to give us a key now H,' Savage texts. 'As your friend, we need to resolve this in the immediate.'

'Call the front desk now H or I will have to assume you are in danger and we will have to make them give us the keys.' Savage continues.

'Really, Rob I am coming down right now,' Hunter replies nine minutes later. 'I really promise. Was in the bathroom buddy. Coming right this second.'

'We're at your door. Open it,' comes a quick reply from Savage.

The exchange ends there, but further records on the laptop indicate Hunter spent the rest of the evening on an encrypted site, '' until 4.04am, according to the Post.

Further texts and receipts on the laptop indicate that all but $5,000 of the extra charges for Yanna's visit were returned, with Gulnora texting Hunter that she was having trouble with her bank account.

'Bulls***t I am so sick of this,' he responds.

A number of Hunter's other escapades have been chronicled on files recovered from the laptop. 

Biden had stayed in LA for an 'undetermined amount of time' in 2018, following his divorce from Kathleen Buhle and during an extended period of drug use he chronicled in his memoir 'Beautiful Things.'

Leaked emails and photos obtained by from Hunter's laptop reveal he was desperate to avoid going to jail for unpaid taxes after blowing tens of thousands of dollars on luxury cars, prostitutes, drugs and designer clothing

Hunter, the son of President Joe Biden (with him in January, right) has long struggled with drugs, and spent much of 2018 at the Marmont, where he invited the escort 

In 2016, he allegedly dropped off a rental car in Prescott, Arizona, leaving behind a crack pipe and white powder, his driver's license and his late brother Beau's attorney general badge.

And in April, reported that he had stayed in a third-floor suite of The Jeremy Hotel in Los Angeles for a week, ordering room service each night, drinking at the hotel bar and racking up a $5,195 bill, including a $400 fine for smoking in his room.

During the stay, he also sought refills for prescriptions of a generic equivalent to Viagra called Sildenafil, the antidepressant Lexapro and anxiety medication clonazepam.

He had also texted his father, now President Joe Biden, about his struggles and the president had offered to pay for his grandchildren's medical care when Hunter ran out of money.

Viral video: Biden's unhealthy love for his son

It’s pretty clear that Joe Biden loves Hunter. On the one hand, he seems to have used him which, of course, is not loving. While Beau Biden got the legitimate career (perhaps because he was not a drug addict), it was Hunter who became Biden’s bag man. Hunter traveled hither and yon with Dad, picking up massive “business” contracts along the way, all for projects that he was incapable of accomplishing, and not just because he was a drug addict. Drug addiction or not, there was nothing about Hunter’s abilities or experience that qualified him to sit on Burisma’s board.

On the other hand, putting aside Hunter’s usefulness to Daddy Biden, it’s clear from the many affectionate messages from Joe to Hunter that were found on the hard drive that Joe loves Hunter and isn’t shy about showing it. Indeed, I think part of Hunter’s problem throughout his life has been that Joe was incapable of giving him the boundaries children need. For a child traumatized by his mother’s death (and potentially affected by the head injuries he sustained in the accident that killed her), getting nothing more than a whole lot of Daddy’s love, plus all the perks of fame, power, and money was terribly destructive. This was a boy who needed boundaries and structure.

If Joe had ever shown some tough love, Hunter might have had a very different life trajectory. Biden seems to have enabled his drug habit, including looking away when Hunter engaged in massive drug and prostitute binges, such as the one at the Chateau Marmont. (It’s even possible that Biden, even if only inadvertently, funded that Chateau Marmont binge.)

Additionally, a stay in prison might have scared Hunter straight. (I’ve known a handful of middle-class boys who got scared straight in prison. So did Robert Downey, Jr.) Certainly, there was a law in place that would have sent Hunter to prison – and Biden has boasted about putting it on the books. That’s why this split-screen video of Biden boasting about crack crackdowns and Hunter sucking on his crack pipe is so powerful:

But Hunter never paid the price for his addiction. Because it would have been too scandalous for Senator Biden’s, then Vice President Biden’s, and then (gag) President Biden’s son to go to jail like a common criminal, that law is never mentioned when Joe or Hunter is around. And it’s reasonable to believe that the doting papa made sure the law stayed far from his erring son.

And that’s where Thomas Lehrer comes in. For those of you unfamiliar with Tom Lehrer’s “Oedipus Rex,” it really does recite the whole story of the fabled king who, because fate decreed, killed his father and married his mother. When Oedipus discovers what he’s done, he blinds himself. It’s all very tragic – except in Lehrer’s musical retelling it’s wonderfully funny:

As you can see, verse after verse reminds us that, no matter the problems in his life, at least Oedipus “loved his mother.” Only in the last two verses does Lehrer remind us that there is such a thing as loving one’s mother too much.

In the same way, it’s possible to love a child too much. Biden’s relationship with his boy seems to have gone from loving to unhealthy, and both Hunter and America have suffered greatly as a result. Hunter, who is a talented graphic artist (he really is, although his attractive pictures are worth, at most, hundreds, not hundreds of thousands), might have had a satisfying and meaningful life. As for America, perhaps she wouldn’t have become a Chinese colony without the American people having a say in the matter, something that happened because Biden sold us out (and perhaps, was blackmailed because China has incredibly compromising footage of Hunter doing naughty things in Beijing).

IMAGE: Biden, Hunter, and crack cocaine. Twitter screen grab.

Hunter Biden’s Art Dealings Cause Michael Waltz to Introduce Bill to Block ‘Shameless Grift’

United States vice-president Joe Biden (L) and his son Hunter Biden (R) attend a women's ice hockey preliminary game between United States and China at UBC Thunderbird Arena on February 14, 2010 in Vancouver, Canada. (Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Hunter Biden’s artwork dealings have caused Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) to introduce legislation Wednesday to block the “shameless grift” of selling “art” to “anonymous” investors for up to $500,000.

The legislation is “aimed at stopping the obvious and shameless grift that’s going on with Hunter Biden’s art sales, for which he is obviously not qualified to do and is only doing to continue to profit off of his family name,” Waltz told Fox News on Tuesday.

The bill’s name is called, “The PAINTER Act” and will attempt to put “some transparency in place” upon “the president’s grown children” by amending the Ethics in Government Act.

“But when you’re seeing the brand-new venture, money-making venture, with zero qualifications that are clearly hanging solely on the family name with anonymous buyers, that is a completely different matter and that’s what really gives me pause,” Waltz said about Hunter’s business dealings, which include being “an equity holder in the China nuclear power group that is blacklisted for trying to steal American warhead technology.”


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