Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Democrats carefully designed both massive spending packages to bribe every interest group they need to get elected and re-elected next year.  Their combined $4.5 trillion spending plan includes $18 billion for homeowners, $13.5 billion for vehicle charging stations, $5 billion for “free” electric firetrucks and school buses, $27.5 billion for “green” energy “loans” that don’t get paid back.  The evillest spending is roughly $6 billion paid to schools, colleges, and “community organizers” for “climate justice” programs.”  These are pure propaganda campaigns to promote their fake science and to elect Democrats who support this radical agenda.

Magnet! Joe Biden's $3.5 trillion bill hands cash to illegals worth more than annual per capita income of 74 countries

Imagine you are a Honduran. If you make the average Honduran per capita income of $2,405.70 a year, and suddenly learn from a relative up in el norte that Joe Biden is handing out $3,600 a year to anyone in the U.S., legally present or not, for nothing more than having kids, what would you do?

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

President Joe Biden’s budget includes a provision that provides billions of dollars in cash to illegal aliens with children.


Families, regardless of their legal status, would be eligible to receive checks of $3,600 per year per child. The Democratic bill would amount to a universal basic income for parents residing in the country. Under U.S. law, illegal immigrants are barred from enjoying the benefits of federal entitlements.

Proportionally, that cash would be the equivalent of a $95,089.56 free ride, based on the U.S. average per capita annual income of $63,543.60

You'd weigh your options, and decide what your best ones were. One, you could be breaking your back to earn the $2,405.70 a year back in Tegucigalpa, assuming you were earning the average (and at least half the country earns less). Or two, you could go to the states illegally, get a federal tax I.D. and the $3,600 would be yours. And as a bonus, you'd qualify it the minute you broke into the country illegally, and you wouldn't have to lift a finger to work for it. All you'd have to do is bring the kids. You'd also be get free health care, free education, other cash benefits for the kids, and this doesn't even include the benefits handed out by states such as California, such as free housing and cash transfers. You'd also free to earn more if you wanted, legally or illegally, since under Biden, there'd be no possibility of deportation once you break in.

What would you do?

Seems like only a fool wouldn't hotfoot it over to the states and take the free stuff. 

That's what's set to come should Joe Biden's $3.5 trillion "budget reconciliation" somehow pass in Congress. The cost to U.S. taxpayers, according to the Washington Free Beacon, should be "between $2.025 billion to $2.43 billion" a year, assuming no one else comes. What's on offer here is an absolute magnet for illegal immigration from across the world, as if there weren't already enough such incentives already laid down by Joe Biden in what illegal migrants are reading as his invitation to come.

I use the example of Honduras because there is so much illegal immigration coming in from that country already without the free cash from Biden. But there actually are 57 countries whose per capita income is less than that of Honduras, according to the World Bank, which make the incentive to come even greater.

Worldwide, there are 74 nations with per capita incomes below the $3,600 level. Another five nations have per capita incomes below $4,000, including migrant-exporting Ukraine and El Salvador, as well as very large Indonesia. Large numbers of these countries (Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Nigeria, Cambodia, Haiti, India, Sudan, Somalia ) have large family immigrant networks already settled in the states. For would-be illegals, it wouldn't be much trouble to come on over on a visit if not overland with the coyotes, situate with a relative, and then take the big gringo's free $3,200.  

The Beacon notes that the cash pretty much amounts to a universal basic income. Because many migrants can live on that amount, it may well be just that for the less motivated. But for the more motivated, there's the prospect of working in the U.S. illegally, papers or not, and the cash from Uncle Sam means they can take very low wage jobs --- lower than the minimum in fact -- to raise their standards of living. That amounts to downward pressure on American workers' wages as new competition comes into the job marketplace that can work for less. Sound like a good deal for American workers? It's not just a goody bag for foreign lawbreakers, it's a shiv to the side for the American worker. 

That's appalling, and one more reason why this $3.5 trillion monstrosity must be sunk to the bottom of the sea by Congress -- with cement shoes.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

It is too easy to spend other people’s money

As I write in early October 2021, the U.S. National Debt Clock exceeds an utterly sickening $28.8 trillion. That is the number 28 with 12twelvemore numbers behind it!

Let’s try a little exercise using some of the numbers from the debt clock, but let’s lop off eight zeros to make it a comprehensible numbera “household number.”  It also makes it easier because those eight numbers furthest to the right on the clock are increasing so rapidly as to make the number inaccurate in just a few minutes.

Use the link, try it at home with your family, too! Consider all this:

  • Annual income stated as U.S. Federal Tax Revenue ($3.8675 trillion). For our purposes, our annual income is $38,675.
  • Our annual spending, represented by official (not actual) U.S. Federal Spending is $6.8679 trillion; we will consider the number $68,679.
  • Our annual budget deficit is over $3.0004 trillion, or, for us, $30,004.

We can immediately see that we have a major issue here because we are spending almost double our annual income and increasing our debt by massive amounts every year.

It gets worse.

Because we have been on a perpetual, unbridled spending spree and appear committed to buying everything the “sales team” shows us, our total household debt for all years exceeds $288,370. The actual number is almost $29 trillion—$28,837,062,000,000.

Please closely examine that number. That is 28 trillion, 837 billion, 62 million dollars...and growing so quickly the numbers on the right side of the counter are a blur.

Now let’s review:

  • on a household income of $38,675, we spend almost twice what we earn, over-spending by over three-quarters (77.5%).
  • our debt just this year will exceed $30,000.
  • our total “household” debt is rapidly approaching $289,000.

With those facts in place, let’s try to answer some simple, honest questions:

  • What bank would give us another credit card, with a household income of less than $40,000 and an already existing debt approaching $289,000?
  • How many American families qualify for a mortgage of $289,000 on less than $40,000 in family income?
  • What if the “children” knew what Mom and Dad had done to their inheritance? As it is, it no longer exists, and our progeny will have only a cavernous, ruinous, hole from which neither we nor our children nor their children will ever be able to free themselves.

So, let me ask again (yes, I believe the repetition and redundancy in making the same points are absolutely necessary): With that profit-and-loss statement, with that balance sheet, with proof of income and the abysmal credit rating that assuredly accompanies the reality that has been presented, what bank would issue us a new credit card? And at what interest rate?

The current White House resident, Joe Biden, went to the microphones and read the teleprompter on Monday, to scold those wascally wepuplicans because they will not go along with his and his Democrat party’s request for more credit cards. Refusing to give him and his Democrat party big spenders more credit with which to further sink future generations would be “reckless and dangerous” he says. “We have to pay what we owe,” he says, and it is “not anything new.”

“Raising the debt limit is about paying off our old debts,” he says. Rriiiiigghhtt…

Just imagine for a moment what you might say to your teenage or even young adult children if they came to you with that load of manure. What would probably make me the angriest, and what would concern me the most, would be the complete lack of respect and utter faithlessness which they just demonstrated in me, that they thought I was that effing stupid to believe that...malodorous pile of...manure.

Well, that is apparently where we are. The White House’s installed teleprompter reader apparently believes we are that stupid. We need more credit cards to pay for the overwhelming pile of debt we acquired with our now-maxed-out credit cards.

If the feds confiscate everything that we earn next year and every penny of what our economy produces, it wouldn’t be enough to pay for the debt and wipe the slate clean. They will never be able to tax us enough to pay for all the...manure...under which they want to bury us.

Here are some ideas for the next 3,000-plus page bill they want everyone to approve but not read:

  • term limits.
  • a balanced budget or no pay for members of Congress.
  • (add your own list here.)

Gear up, and let’s get started. Generations yet unborn are depending on us to put an end to this insanity.

Jeff Lewis is a Christian, a husband and father, a Veteran, and a self-employed small business owner.

Those $4.5 trillion ‘infrastructure’ and ‘reconciliation’ bills are far more radical and dangerous than you think

By pure chance, I listened to “Science Friday” on National Public Radio while on a Florida road trip last September 24.  I heard host Ira Flatow interview New York Times climate reporter Coral Davenport.  The transcript is posted online at Congress Is Considering Two Climate Change Bills. What’s In Them? (sciencefriday.com).  The podcast is at September 24, 2021 - Science Friday  

Until then, I thought that both the “bipartisan” $1 trillion “infrastructure”, and the “progressive” Democrat $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” packages were just obscenely bloated versions of previous “stimulus” spending we had with Obama and Trump.    

Now I know that both bills are far more radical and dangerous.  They are sponsored by people who hate America’s large, prosperous, and politically independent middle class.  These “woke” Democrats are determined to break us.

The premise of both bills is that by enjoying safe and comfortable lifestyles, we are causing floods, fires and droughts that are ruining the planet.  They say this is because we are burning too much fossil fuel.  The goal of both bills is to cut America’s fossil fuel use in half during the next nine years.  If these bills become law, the federal government will heavily fine every power company that does not systematically shut down most of its coal, oil, and natural gas power plants by then.  It would also pay billions as bribes to companies to build and use new solar panels and wind turbines instead.

The federal government would also pay people, businesses, and schools to buy electric cars, trucks, and buses. It would also pay for more solar panels.

This would permanently end prosperity in America.  Solar panels and wind turbines cannot power a modern economy.  The electricity they generate is too weak, intermittent, unpredictable, and unreliable. Solar and wind energy is often wasted. It cannot be stored when not needed.  It saves little if any fossil fuel.  That is because back-up generators must always be running to give the grid steady power whenever the wind stops, night falls, or a cloud goes by.

Nuclear power plants are a reliable, cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels.   They provide 71% of the electricity in France.  Of course, neither bill promotes new nuclear power plants. 

If both bills pass, power companies will be in an impossible situation.  If they keep fossil fuel plants to provide reliable power, they will pay big fines and pass that cost to their customers.  Everything we buy will then cost more.  If power companies comply and rely on unreliable solar panels and wind turbines, frequent power failures will be become normal.    

People with electric cars, trucks, and buses will often find it difficult or impossible to charge them.  As in the days before railroads and steamships, every long trip will be difficult and uncertain.

Americans will again walk or ride horses or bicycles in the heat, the cold and the rain. Homes, schools, and businesses will again be cold in the winter and hot in the summer.  The comfortable, middle class American Dream will be gone for all but the rich.

Germany and Denmark already have invested heavily in solar panels and wind turbines.  They have the highest electric rates in Europe.  They avoided disaster only by buying expensive nuclear electricity from France, and natural gas from Russia.

Yet in spite of this, “progressive” Democrats have good reasons to think they will get the support and votes needed to pass these bills.

Their union teachers and professors made the last three generations of students virtually illiterate in basic science.  Few Americans today know that climate changed to create an Ice Age 10,000 years ago, and that the earth has warmed ever since.  They know nothing about how we convert the energy of spinning wheels or sunlight into electricity.  They never had science fairs.  They never did experiments to see how many solar panels and wind turbines it takes to power a microwave or washing machine.  They know nothing of reputable scientists like Michael Shellenberger, author of Apocalypse Never.  Shellenberger makes a persuasive case that man-made climate change is “slight and manageable” and that “climate alarmists” do more harm than good.

Democrats carefully designed both massive spending packages to bribe every interest group they need to get elected and re-elected next year.  Their combined $4.5 trillion spending plan includes $18 billion for homeowners, $13.5 billion for vehicle charging stations, $5 billion for “free” electric firetrucks and school buses, $27.5 billion for “green” energy “loans” that don’t get paid back.  The evillest spending is roughly $6 billion paid to schools, colleges, and “community organizers” for “climate justice” programs.”  These are pure propaganda campaigns to promote their fake science and to elect Democrats who support this radical agenda.

Finally, Democrats know that their allies in the media will scare voters into supporting this program.  Every day they will falsely report that every hurricane, tornado, heavy rain, drought and brush fire in America is caused by “climate change.”  They will falsely blame anyone who opposes these spending packages as being responsible for every death and loss.

Will conservative Americans wake up and fight back in time to stop this?

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