Saturday, November 6, 2021


Democrat Racism Is Evil

For many years, it was common for pundits to remark, "The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans think Democrats are wrong and misguided, while Democrats believe that Republicans are evil."  This didn't particularly bother Republicans because they saw the Democrats' charge as an absurd point of view, not to be taken too seriously.  After all, most Republicans believe in limiting the powers of government, a colorblind society that rewards hard work and merit, and traditional Judeo-Christian morality as the bedrock for guiding personal behavior.  They know that communism is evil, fought it during the Cold War, and fight it still today.  They know that the content of someone's character really is more important than the color of his skin.  They know that sin is not something to be rewarded, but rather to be discouraged.  They know, in other words, that because all humans are naturally corruptible, their faith should be placed not in man alone, but rather in the wisdom of a higher power.  

So when Democrats accused people who believe in the unremitting "battle between good and evil" of actually being evil, themselves, the insult seemed preposterous enough to be ignored.  Republicans laughed it off as evidence that Democrats take politics too seriously and that too often, the most serious Democrats are too young to have gained that wisdom available only through hard experience.  Give them time, and they'll come to their senses, as most do.  

In hindsight, it is clear that being called "evil" by Democrats was not a harmless aspersion unworthy of response.  That attack allowed them to ground hideously bad ideas in the language of morality while demonizing moral people as immoral for not complying with their new leftist religion.  If you believe that the ancient tradition of honoring the marriage between a man and a woman should be defended, then you are denounced as somehow being afraid of gays.  If you believe that race-based affirmative action policies make it impossible to build a colorblind society, then you are inexplicably called racist for choosing to ignore race.  If you argue that it makes no sense to destroy human industry under the guise of trying to "fix the climate," you are lumped in with the anti-Jewish Holocaust deniers as somehow denying science.  Republicans who work hard to keep hate from their hearts have nonetheless been whipped with public lies that they are prejudicial and ignorant human beings.  And in the wake of this propaganda offensive, as Republicans have endured the lies leveled against them, evil has shamefully gained a foothold around us once again.

After huge Republican wins in Virginia's statewide elections on Tuesday, the media disinformation specialists (who are, by and large, the only ones allowed to have big voices on corporate television's and social media's filtered news) immediately, and to no Republican's surprise, blamed the Democrats' election collapse not on the Democrats' authoritarian policies or their attacks upon parents' rights, but rather on the implacability of white racism.  Up and down the media landscape, pundits pushed "white supremacy," a term that Democrats have only recently unleashed upon the national consciousness because overt acts of actual racial hatred by whites have become increasingly difficult to find, as the engine driving Virginia Republicans to the polls.  Atlantic writer Jemele Hill declared, "This country simply loves white supremacy."  The front page of MSNBC's website lied, "Glenn Youngkin's victory proves white ignorance is a powerful weapon."  ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin argued that Republicans' victories in Virginia somehow prove that white women "want to pretend" slavery never happened.  

It did not matter that Republicans had just elected a native Jamaican and naturalized U.S. citizen, Winsome Sears, as lieutenant governor.  It did not matter that Republicans had just elected an American of Cuban descent, Jason Miyares, as the state's attorney general.  In the twisted minds of those who spew hate for a living, white Republicans voting for Republicans of a different race or ethnicity only proves that those non-pearly-white candidates for office are merely marionettes controlled by white masters pulling their strings from above.  With malevolence and deceit, news pundits fill the airwaves with accusations that Lieutenant Governor–Elect Sears and Attorney General–Elect Miyares have no agency of their own and that all of their white voters are secret racists camouflaging their racism behind the skin color of the candidates they choose to run.  And non-white voters who choose to vote Republican are ignored completely.

"I'm destroying all the narratives about race," Sears said proudly after her victory, and the American media immediately ignored her meaning.  Only in a society that has allowed Democrats (the party of slavery) to falsely accuse Republicans (the party of abolition) of racism for decades without a proper public backlash could television pundits who are paid handsomely for their purported political acumen stand before the world and declare Republicans racist for voting against white Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe, even after he proudly accepted the endorsement of the sitting Virginia Democrat governor, who nearly got run out of office for a yearbook photo showing him either in blackface or dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe.  Only in a country whose chattering class has decided that white males alone could possibly object to the Democrats' Marxist socialism is it possible for an old, decrepit, senile, and corrupt pasty-white Joe Biden to declare that resistance to his stolen election and radically communist agenda is driven by "white rage" and "white fragility."  Only in a political environment where too many Republican leaders from the past have had too little to say in response to high-ranking Democrats' repeated lies that white Americans are inherently racist could politicians get away with regularly dividing Americans each day by outrageously framing every police stop, quarterback hire, or neighborhood subdivision as proof that racism is worse today than before the Civil War.

Unity brings peace.  Social conflict brings opportunity for politicians and talking heads.  It's not hard to understand why so many government officials and pundits choose the latter, but that doesn't make their actions any less evil.  And it is way past time to call out correctly those who use false allegations of racism to obtain power and exert political leverage as perpetuating the worst kind of evil.

Is re-segregating society based upon race not evil?  Is teaching white children that they should be ashamed of the color of their skin not evil?  Is teaching non-white children that they are permanent victims not evil?  Is treating every black or Hispanic Republican as being unknowingly brainwashed by "white supremacy" not evil?  Is siccing the FBI on parents for objecting to public schools indoctrinating their children with the precepts of cultural Marxism not evil?  Furthermore, hasn't the thirty-plus-year campaign to punish the brilliant black conservative Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas for his beliefs by perpetuating the lie that he is a rapist been driven not only by pure evil, but also by the scourge of plantation-mentality racism itself?  

The Democrat party and its enablers are obsessed with race.  They use the color of people's skin to divide and bully Americans every day.  They insist that anyone who objects to their divide-and-conquer Marxism is unworthy of respect.  They bear false witness by calling white Republicans racists and non-white Republicans rubes.  In this one instance, CNN's Van Jones gets something right: Democrats are "annoying," "offensive," and "out of touch."  It is equally true that what they say and stand for today is unquestionably wicked.

Image: MasterTux via PixabayPixabay License.

The significance of the Democratic Party debacle on November 2

The comprehensive defeat of the Democratic Party in Tuesday’s off-year election marks a political watershed. The election of a Republican governor in Virginia, the first statewide Republican victory there in a dozen years, came despite a massive commitment of Democratic Party resources, including appearances by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former president Barack Obama, and many other national party figures.

Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth

The primary reason the United States finds itself in its current predicament is the vast number of credulous and miseducated Americans who, over the past two decades, have blindly pledged their undying allegiance to the current iteration of the Democrat party.  They do so because they have been willingly duped into believing that the political opposition, conservatives, and Republicans, are the personification of evil who are hellbent on transforming the nation into a dystopian nightmare.

The philosophical underpinnings of the Democrat party or the falsehoods its elected members regurgitate are immaterial to their voters, as long as this dire threat, as personified by Donald Trump in 2020, is vanquished by any and all means possible, including unconstrained voter fraud and manipulation.

It was this mindset that foisted upon the nation a senescent Joe Biden in the White House and left-wing ideologues in Congress. 

The landscape of America today is littered with innumerable crises that, taken together, have the potential to permanently marginalize and transform the country.  Nearly all the current fiascos are deliberately and openly being fomented by the American left and its wholly-owned subsidiary the Democrat party, secure in the knowledge that once the nation is permanently set on the track of a one-party fascist oligarchy there is no turning back.

Yes, a fascist oligarchy.  While mindlessly voting for Democrat candidates, the bulk of these easily exploitable voters do not comprehend that the philosophical underpinning of the American left, and thus the Democrat party, is a proprietary strain of fascism with its roots in Marxism. 

Fascism is socialism/Marxism with a veneer of capitalism.  Whereas pure communism advocates the abolishment of all market relations outright, fascism leaves the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities with favored state-sanctioned unions and corporations.  Whereas communism essentially abolishes money and prices, fascism controls the monetary system and for all intents and purposes sets prices and wages politically. 

Under fascism, the state, through official agencies, controls all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture, even though ownership remains in private hands.  For all practical purposes, near-universal government licensing exists, as essentially no economic activity can be undertaken without de facto government permission.  Levels of consumption are dictated by the state, and “excess” income and wealth must be surrendered as taxes.

The concept of a corporate state has been a staple of the American left since Franklin Roosevelt, an early admirer of fascism.  It was FDR that initiated the National Labor Relations Board to make the federal government the final arbiter in labor issues.  The National Recovery Act governed all aspects of manufacturing and commerce and the Agricultural Adjustment Act introduced central planning to agriculture. 

Beginning in the 1960s, the American left took as their foundational tenet rampant anti-Americanism.  However, as the economic seeds of fascism were already planted and generally accepted by a sizable segment of the populace, it was a short leap, therefore, to become proponents of the economic precepts of one of Marxism’s closest cousins.

Barack Obama, marinated in this stew since his childhood, is chiefly responsible for a hybrid of fascism evolving into the dominant philosophy of the Democrat party.  During his two terms as president, he was successful in advancing the tenets of this distinctive American political movement by adding one important ingredient.  Obama orchestrated the confluence of the economic tenets of fascism and the narcissistic anti-Americanism of the 1960s with the race-based philosophies and tactics the Nazis used in their rise to power in the 1920s and early 1930s.  

Among the tactics promoted by Obama in common with the Nazis are:

  1. An obsession with race.  The Nazis maliciously and falsely claimed that the supposed inferiority of various racial groups throughout Europe was responsible for all the theoretical ills of society.  In the United States, the left blames non-existent “systemic racism” by the White population for American society’s theoretical ills.
  2. “Identity politics” or the promulgation of grievance-riddled policies by government favored groups against unfavored groups in order to destabilize society.  Hitler fomented anger at Jews in Germany and in America the left isolates white, heterosexual Christians.
  3. “Wokeism” or “cancel culture.”  The Nazis staged book burnings and incessant public and media intimidation to shut down any person, publication, or institution that did not align with accepted ideology.  In America, the left uses incessant social and mainstream media intimidation to do the same.
  4. The Nazis manipulated a willingly allied German mainstream media to relentlessly regurgitate outright lies, fabrications, and propaganda in order to indoctrinate and deceive the populace.  The American Left currently manipulates a willingly allied American mainstream media to do the same.  Per Nazi dogma:  “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. …[as] the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.”
  5. Both the Nazis and the Democrats established a financially beneficial rapport with the corporate class.  In Germany, it was the industrialists and in America Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires.  Both authoritarian parties did so by promising the corporate class they would be left alone and given near-monopoly status if they mindlessly and generously supported the Party.
  6.  The Nazis mobilized the Brown Shirts to provoke street riots, property damage, and gratuitous violence in order to intimidate the populace and marginalize the opposition.  Their American counterparts have done the same with Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
  7. Both the Nazis and the American left fabricated or grossly exaggerated events, such as the Reichstag fire in 1933 or January 6, 2021, in order to turn the citizenry against their political opposition and justify an expansion of their political and police power.

Among the contemporary end-products of these Nazi-originated tactics is the political persecution and jailing without trial the January 6th defendants charged with simple misdemeanors and the ongoing premeditated abuse of government mandates to exploit the Covid-19 pandemic.  Both tactics are aimed at browbeating the citizenry into meekly accepting a quasi-police state.

In the furtherance of fascist economic policy of centralized planning and control with a veneer of capitalism, the American left and the Democrat party have become closely aligned with and supported by favored unions and major corporations in pharmaceuticals, banking, finance, social media, health care, and the media/entertainment complex.  All the while undermining new business creation and destroying existing small businesses as well as major corporations not in lockstep with the regime.   

The purpose of the “Build Back Better Act” currently winding its way through Congress is to expand control of people’s lives by reshaping and permanently putting control of all aspects of the economy in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats. 

Despite decades of unprecedented prosperity and access to information, far too many Democrat voters are among the most gullible people on earth.  By mindlessly voting for the Democrats, these same fools are complicit in denigrating the nation’s founding, denying its accomplishments, and degrading the future for their progeny, all the while incomprehensibly ignoring and downplaying how their own world-leading standard of living came to be.

With so many not knowing who or what they are voting for, it is little wonder that the United States faces so many crises today.

Photo credit:  Biden speaks after the G20 summit (edited by Andrea Widburg in befunky). YouTube screen grab.

In 2022, the Democrats Biggest Enemy is Voter Revulsion

Democrats haven’t grasped this yet, but it’s too late for them.  The die is cast.  An electoral bloodbath awaits next year, akin to or surpassing what happened to their party in 2010.  

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and the Squad’s anti-American leftist politics drive their party, and that’s beginning to register at a gut-level with voters.  What voters – critically, that big, pivotal segment known as independents – now feel is revulsion for Democrats in not just one way but many.  The intensity of that revulsion is bound to grow in the coming months.

How do we know that?  In the first 10 months of the Biden presidency, we went from a functioning country recovering from needless Covid lockdowns to a nation suddenly skidding downhill.  Do we believe that we haven’t seen the worst of Biden’s inept governance and congressional Democrat incompetence, extremism, and corruption?  2021 will only prove a prelude.     

Democrats are ensnared in hubris, and have boxed themselves into corners.  Ideological corners.  Policy corners.  Governance corners.  Interest group corners.  Cultural corners.  Integrity and corruption corners.  An unabated lust for power dominates their appetites.      

Starting on January 20 – shortly after Biden was sworn in and began robotically signing executive orders – voters witnessed failure after failure, with energy costs and inflation climbing; supply chains bogging down; an evaporating southern border and floods of illegals; needless defeat and retreat in Afghanistan; a draconian vax mandate; urban homicides and crime exploding; cancel culture employed as a threat and cudgel; boondoggle spending and proposals by a Democrat Congress; parents branded “domestic terrorists” by the U.S. attorney general; and, as Thomas Lifson pointed out, the spreading realization that Democrats hid Biden in his Delaware basement in 2020 because he really is decrepit and daft. 

The moderation and bringing Americans together trope that Biden mouthed was a come-on, part of a confidence racket to persuade suburbanites – particularly suburban women – that there’d be no significant departures from Trump’s generally solid policies and governance – except his handling of Covid, which, claimed Biden’s ventriloquists, Trump failed to defeat.  Biden averred that he’d shepherd the country out of the “dark winter” of Covid back into the light.

Instead, Biden and Democrats pimped fear and have diligently tried to force compliance with mask and vax mandates – after Biden publicly foreswore both.  Reality and science were eschewed – the latter twisted and subordinated to serve Democrats’ political ends.  Natural immunity is given short shrift, if at all.  Biden made unquestioning obedience and threats of job loss and ostracization cornerstones of his Covid policy – a policy his administration is still pressing stubbornly. 

In reaction, tens of thousands of Americans are quitting or boycotting their jobs, further putting strains on systems – including healthcare and public safety – and the economy. 

With each passing day, “battling” Covid for public health’s sake appears for what it is: a shabby pretext.  Democrats’ impulse – on full display – is authoritarianism on the way to modern totalitarianism… something akin to China’s evil social credit system is gestating.  Citizens are seeing this and viscerally rejecting this decidedly anti-American gambit.                               

The election contests were close in Virginia and New Jersey, you say?  Were Democrats really slapped down?  The fact is that elections in blue-trending Virginia and deep blue New Jersey had no business being close.

In New Jersey, Phil Murphy’s bullying governance, his misfeasance in consigning Covid-sick seniors to nursing homes, resulting in the deaths of thousands of seniors, and shuttering his state’s economy made him damaged goods.  If Murphy holds on to the governorship, it’s by the skin of his teeth – thanks to Democrat votes trickling in conveniently late.

Had Murphy governed closer to how sensible red state governors ran affairs would his job have been even remotely imperiled?

Terry McAuliffe’s missteps have been broadly publicized.  Suffice it to say, McAuliffe assumed that his nomination was tantamount to election, failed to check his mouth, and, most tellingly, mulishly stuck by teachers’ unions and school boards in the face of mounting parent backlash to toxic Critical Race Theory and parent outrage at two sexual assaults at public schools.  One by a boy in a skirt raping a girl in a school restroom.  Initially, both assaults were denied by the Loudoun County school superintendent.  The illusion of “gender fluidity” mattered more to the woke or cowed superintendent than the brutal reality of rape.  Sane Virginians rebelled.       

As Marley’s ghost was chained to his sins, Democrats – McAuliffe being the exemplar – are chained to special interests and militant “gimmie” voter blocs. 

Finally, McAuliffe had no choice.  Had he sided with Virginia parents over teachers’ unions and extremist school boards, he risked blowing up important parts of his coalition.  So, he stayed true to his coalition and lost.  Other Democrat candidates should take note, but won’t can’t.  Expect more poison pill choices for Democrat candidates in other states next year.                    

For Democrats, 2022 will boil down to attempting damage control, up and down ballots.  But there aren’t enough months in the year and hours in a day to execute a volte-face that persuades voters that Democrats aren’t who they’ve revealed themselves to be.  The masks dropped this year, and voters in blue states in off-year elections responded with disgust.  Then there’s the near-epic Biden incompetence and failure mentioned earlier that needs factoring in.  Imagine the blowback coming in purplish and light red and blue jurisdictions next autumn? 

Rest assured, Democrats and the left are implacable.  While they’ve sown the seeds of their own destruction, they’re still a dangerous force, and patriots can’t let down their guards.  In fact, efforts to defeat them must redouble.

Democrats and their coalition partners fought fiercely and cunningly in 2020 to wrest the presidency away from Donald Trump.  As their fortunes become poorer, their desperation may drive them to extremes.  For these cohorts, power isn’t just a means, it’s their god… it’s their alpha and omega.    

What Americans want is what Democrats used to claim they wanted: a nation of true equality – equality of opportunity, not result (certainly not the theft called “equity”).  Americans still believe in the ideal born with this republic that all of us should be weighed based on merit, not superficialities.  Most citizens definitely reject being pitted against one another based on skin color, race, religion, national origin, and whatever else Marxist-steeped Democrats can leverage or concoct to divide and conquer.  

What Americans desire is what Virginia voters have chosen.  This January, sworn into the commonwealth’s highest offices, will be a white man, black woman, and Hispanic man.  All Republicans, no less.  What do these three soon-to-be officeholders share in common?  A vison of America where superficialities are dismissed and our common humanity is acknowledged… where we strive to achieve a common good... where we aim to live together peacefully and productively as Americans.

We know this won’t ever be accomplished perfectly, but we aspire to do it well, thereby bequeathing to the next generation of citizens a better country.    

Equality and a common good are emphatically American ideals, and darn worth working toward in this and every generation to come.  The other – the division and conflict peddled by  Democrats – is worth no more than our revulsion.

Photo credit:  Biden speaks after the G20 summit (edited by Andrea Widburg in befunky). YouTube screen grab.

J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith and occasionally on Parler, again @JRobertSmith.  He also blogs at Flyover.

Nolte: 11 Reasons Democrats Are In Real Trouble

Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Democrats and their corrupt media allies will blame what they always blame for Tuesday night’s devastating losses: racism and poor communication. Well, they might be able to convince themselves of that in Virginia, where Critical Race Theory was a key issue, but…

Why is a Republican this close to winning the governorship in New Jersey, where culture issues were not on the table? Why did left-wing referendums in deep-blue cities like Minneapolis fail by wide margins? Why is deep blue Seattle’s new city attorney a Republican, and one who won by a 59 to 41 percent margin?

BRIDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY - NOVEMBER 02: New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli greets supporters in a hotel ballroom at his watch party on November 02, 2021 in Bridgewater, New Jersey. The race between Ciattarelli and his Democratic incumbent Phil Murphy was too close to call by the end of the night. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

BRIDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY – NOVEMBER 02: New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli greets supporters in a hotel ballroom at his watch party on November 02, 2021 in Bridgewater, New Jersey. The race between Ciattarelli and his Democratic incumbent Phil Murphy was too close to call by the end of the night. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Democrats are in real trouble, and here’s why…

  1. The Establishment Media Can No Longer Manipulate Public Opinion

After five years of whoring out their credibility to take Trump down, a majority of voters no longer trust the media to tell them the truth. Over and over, the media have been caught in audacious lies. On top of that, the media are bubbled, arrogant, and out of touch.

The public is now wise to the media’s gaslighting techniques, and New Media makes it impossible for the fake media to hide real news.

It was New Media that exposed the Critical Race Theory that’s poisoning our schools. It was New Media that broke the Loudon Country School Board scandal. It was New Media that made it impossible for the fake media to pretend “parental rights” is code for racism or that Critical Race Theory “isn’t real.”

  1. COVID Exposed the Travesty of Government-run Schools

Nothing opened the eyes of Independent voters and suburban moms more than the unnecessary closing of government-run schools at the behest of far-left teachers unions.

On top of the inconvenience of having your kids home all day came the horror of watching their children disintegrate intellectually and socially. Worse still, as private schools and red-state schools opened with no problem, parents finally got a real look at the left-wing monsters in charge of their children’s education.

Then came the horror of Critical Race Theory.

There is no place a leftist is happier than in that influential spot between parent and child. But when you are hurting their children by teaching them racism, closing schools for no reason, and forcing them into masks you are constantly caught not wearing; parents strike back.

  1. Woke Blacklisting

The media and Democrat party have whole-heartedly embraced left-wing McCarthyism, and decent people don’t like it. Decent people do not want people destroyed over their ideas, opinions, or something they might have said five years ago. It’s un-American and obscene.

Worrying about pronouns while gas and food prices explode is pure lunacy.

Remake Pronouns 101

What’s more, in the closing days of the Virginia election, Democrats and the media proved just how extreme and out of touch they are by launching a campaign to shame people as vulgar racists over “Let’s go, Brandon.”

  1. Joe Biden Is a Failed President

The economy is slowing, gas prices are up more than a dollar a gallon, inflation is at record highs, the southern border is wide open to any unvaccinated illegal who wants in, violent crime is up, the virus continues to rage, and hundreds of Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan…

US President Joe Biden speaks on the American Jobs Plan, following a tour of Tidewater Community College in Norfolk, Virginia on May 3, 2021. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden speaks on the American Jobs Plan, following a tour of Tidewater Community College in Norfolk, Virginia on May 3, 2021. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

  1. Joe Biden Moved to the Far Left

This is something that doesn’t get enough attention. During the 2020 campaign, as his party sought to defund the police, open our borders, cheer on race riots, and blacklist everyone who strayed from the woke plantation, Biden posed as the rational alternative to Trump.

But once Biden got into office, he moved to the left of even Obama on every conceivable issue—from trans voodoo to insane spending to open borders to strangling our energy sector.

Public whiplash was key to last night’s expression of buyer’s remorse.

  1. Democrats Ignore Needs of Voters

While inflation, gas prices, and violent crime soar; while unvaccinated illegal aliens swarm; while schools destroy kids by teaching racism and forcing them into masks, while people are fired for refusing to get vaccinated, the Democrat party is obsessing over Trump, carbon, and pronouns.

A pedestrian walks past gas station fuel prices above $5 and $6 per gallon at Death Valley National Park in June 17, 2021 in Furnace Creek, California. - Much of the western United States is braced for record heat waves this week, with approximately 50 million Americans placed on alert Tuesday for "excessive" temperatures, which could approach 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) in some areas. The National Park Service warns of extreme summer heat, urging tourists to carry extra water and "travel prepared to survive" in the hottest, lowest, and driest national park featuring steady drought and extreme climates. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)

A pedestrian walks past gas station fuel prices above $5 and $6 per gallon at Death Valley National Park in June 17, 2021 in Furnace Creek, California. – Much of the western United States is braced for record heat waves this week, with approximately 50 million Americans placed on alert Tuesday for “excessive” temperatures, which could approach 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) in some areas. The National Park Service warns of extreme summer heat, urging tourists to carry extra water and “travel prepared to survive” in the hottest, lowest, and driest national park featuring steady drought and extreme climates. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)

  1. Donald Trump Was Not a Factor

Blacklisting the former president from social media was the dumbest thing the organized left ever did. I’m convinced that if Trump still had access to his Twitter feed, instead of losing to Republican Glenn Youngkin by a handful of points, Democrat Terry McAuliffe would’ve won by a few points.

If Trump runs for president in 2024, I’ll crawl over broken glass to support and vote for him. But there’s no denying he turns off a lot of Independent voters and animates Democrats.

Trump was a great president and one capable of great charm. He is also responsible for bringing the issues to the fore that turned the GOP into a true force and injecting it with the spine necessary to ignore and dismiss the fake media. But his brutal honesty, his bombast, and his childish need to make everything about him does indeed make everything about him, including elections.

Well, this election was not about him. It was about local issues involving crime and schools and mandates and taxes. Democrats stink on those issues, and Trump was not available to cover up that stink.

  1. Calling Everyone Racist

Turn on the news right now and see it for yourself. As I write this, the establishment media and Democrats are accusing everyone who voted against them of racism. Their ludicrous reasoning is that the issue of “parental rights” is racism. Therefore, opposing Critical Race Theory is racism. No, wait… Believing Critical Race Theory is real is itself racism.

Thankfully, they have learned nothing.

  1. Democrats are Beholden to the Far Left

This is the biggest problem for Democrats. The killjoy fascists in the woke/trans/defund-the-police/Critical Race Theory wing of the party now own the party. And the party did this to themselves.

No one forced Democrats to smear the working class — who were once the backbone of their party — as racists.

  1. No Bullpen

Biden was the last politician the Democrats had who could credibly run as a moderate and not terrify Independents, and he’s nowhere near capable of running again in 2024.

  1. Arrogance

Democrats and their media allies have stopped hiding their smug disdain for everyday people.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNCFollow his Facebook Page here.



Mayorkas Terminates ‘Remain in Mexico’ — Again

By Andrew R. Arthur

On Friday, October 29, DHS released the most recent pronouncement from Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on whether to “maintain, terminate, or modify” the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), better known as “Remain in Mexico”. Not to ruin the ending, but he decided to terminate the program (again), pending a final decision in ongoing litigation over MPP in Texas v. Biden.

FY 2021’s Historically Bad Border Numbers Are Worse than You Think

By Andrew R. Arthur
The number and percentage of illegals not from Mexico or the “Northern Triangle” of Central America have reached all-time highs, and the number of unaccompanied alien children nearly doubled the previous yearly record.

Jesse Watters exposes corruption in Washington: Voters are getting 'hosed'

Biden’s New Move Makes All of America a Sanctuary State

The invasion is coming from inside the White House.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Over 1.7 million illegal alien invaders were caught on the border in the last fiscal year and detentions hit their highest level since the 1986 illegal alien amnesty.

During the election, Biden warned that he couldn't shut down President Trump's immigration enforcement policies right away. “The last thing we need is to say we’re going to stop immediately … and then end up with 2 million people on our border.”

Biden stopped them anyway and we’re less than 300,000 illegal aliens away from 2 million.

And when illegals don’t succeed the first time, they keep trying. A quarter of the invaders captured in September were repeat offenders.

The approximately 147,000 "unaccompanied minors" who were intercepted are the largest number on record. And to reward human traffickers for their use of minors or alleged minors, the Biden administration is proposing to pay invaders who were separated from the minors they were trafficking a sum of $450,000 per minor. That could amount to millions per clan.

All this while Americans can’t afford to buy a home, put gas in their cars, or food on their plates.

There could be no better incentive for illegal aliens to join the mob of border invaders trafficking children as their passports than the promise of million dollar payouts from U.S. taxpayers.

But now the Biden administration is going further by turning America into a sanctuary state.

Sanctuary states and cities had previously tried to force ICE to stop making arrests. Now Biden is giving them what they wanted and making all the country into one giant sanctuary state in blue and red states, in places that want immigration enforcement and those that don’t.

Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden's Homeland Security boss, has issued guidelines for what he deemed to be "protected areas". Renaming “sanctuary” to “protected” does little to disguise what the Biden administration is doing to protect its illegal aliens from arrest and deportation.

The new DHS Guidelines for Enforcement Actions in or Near Protected Areas make it essentially impossible for ICE to do its job by barring arrests in these “protected areas”.

Protected or sanctuary areas are places where illegal aliens can’t be arrested and they include, but are not limited to, any kind of school or college, a medical or health center, any kind of religious area, playgrounds, school bus stops, community organizations, or a protest zone.

And arrests can’t be made in their general vicinity either.

This comes after Biden and Mayorkas had already barred ICE from detaining illegal alien criminals in the vicinity of courthouses making it easy for sanctuary cities to keep releasing them until they finally kill someone, and also barred raids on companies employing illegal aliens.

Mayorkas’ only working definition of Biden’s sanctuary zones is any place where people “receive or engage” in “essential services or activities”. That could be used to cover nearly anything.

Including possibly supermarkets and grocery stores.

Jon Feere, a former senior adviser for ICE, now working at the Center for Immigration Studies, notes how broad the list of protected sites is. "Near a vaccination site (any street with a Walgreens?)" That would potentially cover nearly every single pharmacy in America and the endless variety of other institutions that have been repurposed as COVID vaccination sites.

Not to mention, “any place where children gather”.

Law enforcement personnel are now expected to play a bizarre game of hopscotch and make sure that there isn’t a Safeway, a school bus stop, a church, a food pantry, a community center, a playground, an urgent care clinic, or anything else on a block where they detain an alien.

In a high-density urban environment this is calculated to make detaining illegals impossible.

Mayorkas refuses to provide a full list of sanctuary areas or the legal proximity where arrests can be made. “To the fullest extent possible, we should not take the enforcement action near the protected area. There is no bright-line definition of what constitutes ‘near’”, he writes.

Immigration enforcement is effectively being ruled out across entire neighborhoods and even cities. Since Mayorkas refuses to provide a definition of “near” and orders law enforcement to focus on “the fullest extent possible”, law enforcement personnel won’t know if they’ve violated Biden’s sanctuary nation guidelines until they’re accused of it and will be extra cautious.

All illegal alien advocates have to do is open a community center to block immigration enforcement in an area. And coyotes will use school buses to smuggle illegals over the border.

Beyond arrests, the Biden sanctuary guidelines also rule out, “searches, inspections, seizures, service of charging documents or subpoenas, interviews, and immigration enforcement surveillance”. That means ICE can’t even monitor illegal aliens in a sanctuary zone or serve papers for immigration violations even without any intention of arresting the illegal alien.

When states have tried to bar sex offenders from living anywhere near schools, bus stops, or any places where children play, lefty civil rights organizations, including the SPLC, argued that those restrictions were too onerous. Some civil rights groups brought maps showing that these regulations made it impossible for sex offenders to live almost anywhere in major cities.

Now Biden and Mayorkas have turned law enforcement into the sex offenders, barred from doing their jobs anywhere in order to protect the illegal aliens invading America.

The Biden administration has claimed that it doesn’t want open borders and that it’s not responsible for the massive surge of illegal aliens flooding the country, and yet it’s doing everything it can to make it impossible for law enforcement to enforce the law.

In 2007, Biden claimed that he opposed sanctuary cities.

He lied.

By the 2020 election, he was defending the idea of sanctuary cities, and arguing that illegal alien criminals shouldn't be turned over to immigration authorities.

Biden's spokesman claimed that the Trump administration's "crackdown on sanctuary cities" was "contrary to our values as a nation".

Once in office, Biden eliminated the Trump administration's effort to pressure sanctuary cities.

Now he’s using federal authority to impose sanctuary states and cities across America by once again manipulating enforcement priorities in much the same way that Obama created the illegal DACA amnesty and his own administration has declined to go after most domestic illegal aliens.

Democrats and their judges have created a state of tyrannical lawlessness on immigration. When Democrat administrations are in office, they insist that states don’t have the right to engage in immigration enforcement, but when Republican administrations are in office, they argue that states have the right to defy immigration enforcement. After four years of protecting sanctuary states as a valid use of state powers, they’re pivoting to federal sanctuary states.

The only consistent theme here is that any government, federal or state, has the right to protect illegal aliens from deportation, but has no right to detain and deport the mobs of illegal aliens.

Beyond the economic devastation wreaked by illegal aliens, Biden’s decision to protect illegal alien criminals from being detained at courthouses while drastically limiting the ability of ICE to conduct enforcement in America will only feed the escalating crime wave already underway.

Last week, a drunk illegal alien crushed a 5-year-old girl to death. And drove away.

She didn't have to die.

Neither did any of the other American children being killed by illegal aliens every year.

Biden’s transformation of American communities and neighborhoods into sanctuary zones for illegal aliens will cost lives. And the victims will often be poor minorities, not D.C. elites.

After opening the border and offering $450,000 payoffs to illegal alien invaders, putting them on midnight flights and secretly distributing them across the country, Biden is tying the hands of law enforcement to protect the massive numbers of illegal aliens from being detained and deported.

The invasion is real. And it’s coming from inside the White House.

Prager U Video: MASSIVE Migrant Caravan Makes Its Way To U.S. Border

Tens of thousands amassing in Mexico . . . arriving soon.



Don't miss this video showing the enormous organized migrant caravan plowing its way through Mexico on its way to the U.S. border. Border Patrol sources say that as many as 60,000 migrants are amassing on the Mexican side of the border -- and  that they intend to enter the U.S. in the coming days. They are all unvetted for criminal and health records. Don't miss it!

Colorado considers emergency “crisis standards of care” in hospitals as COVID-19 spreads rapidly

Colorado may introduce emergency measures to handle a surge in COVID-19 cases this week if case numbers do not improve. Democratic Governor Jared Polis said in a statement last Thursday that hospitals could move to “crisis standards of care” to handle the large number of hospitalizations across the state.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, right, on his way to a news conference on the coronavirus, Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021 [Credit: AP Photo/David Zalubowski]

Polis followed this up on Sunday by signing two executive orders: one that authorizes the state health department to direct hospitals to stop admissions and transfer patients to other facilities; and another that provides guidelines for implementing crisis standards of care if it is deemed necessary.

The medical crisis in Colorado is severe. Hospital beds are at 90 percent capacity with nearly 1,300 people currently in the hospital. A third of facilities are anticipating a shortage of ICU beds by the end of the week and nearly 40 percent are expecting staff shortages.

If implemented, the crisis measures would involve redirecting less experienced nurses to help in intensive care units, activating the National Guard to take over clerical and nonmedical tasks, and even mobilizing volunteers and family members to assist patients with hygiene in a last-gasp effort to free up medical personnel for more intensive tasks.

The state could also impose the rationing of medical care. This system would involve a triage based on a points system designed to allocate the sickest patients to the last of the available medical supplies. Patients who do not qualify for the intensive care unit, even if they medically require one, will be relegated to standard medical beds where they may not receive the care that they need to survive.

“This is probably the biggest challenge our hospitals have faced in the modern era,” Cara Welch, the Senior Director of Communications for the Colorado Hospital Association, told CBS News.

Despite the clear threat of an even greater surge of cases as winter sets in, the state government has refused to impose any stricter mitigation measures. Health officials have remained adamant that they will not bring back a statewide mask mandate, nor will they consider restrictions on capacity for indoor activities.

This is the policy of herd immunity and social murder at work. Case numbers in Colorado have been steadily rising for four months. In mid-July the state was recording under 400 cases a day, now daily case numbers are at nearly 3,000. Deaths from COVID-19 have increased as well from a daily average of five in July to over 20 today.

Cases are at their highest point since mid-November last year, just before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday surges. Colorado is now two weeks ahead of case numbers from a year ago, even with two-thirds of adults vaccinated. This is a worrying sign that a deadly winter surge may perhaps be even worse than a year ago.

The majority of patients, 77 percent, are unvaccinated. However, a concerning 23 percent of those infected have been vaccinated, demonstrating what leading epidemiologists have warned, that vaccination alone cannot stop the virus.

Behind the surge is a clear sign that school children have been a major source of infection and transmission. Those under the age of 20 make up close to a quarter of all cases in the state, and since May of this year children aged 0-11 have been the single largest group of those exhibiting COVID-related symptoms during emergency department visits. In total, children aged 0-14 constitute 15 percent of all COVID-related emergency department visits across the state.

The role of schools in fueling the surge in cases is becoming increasingly undeniable. According to data from the State of Colorado, education and childcare is the single largest source of outbreaks, accounting for 1,800 (28 percent) of all outbreaks statewide. Education and childcare has been the largest source of outbreaks since February of this year, outpacing inpatient health care outbreaks, now the second largest source of outbreaks.

Of the 572 active outbreaks in the state, 234 were in K-12 schools, 41 percent. The number of outbreaks in schools last week was also twice as many as the week before, indicating a concerning trend of how quickly COVID-19 spreads through schools.

Yet schools in the state are abandoning the most basic health and safety measures.

Cameo DeDominces, principal of Ryan Elementary in Lafayette, Colorado, told 9 News that her school was relaxing mitigation measures to allow more students into the classroom. “I’d rather start with being more loose because kids need to be in school,” she said.

Stephanie Faren, Boulder Valley School District Director of Health Services, told 9 News that schools did not have to quarantine every student in a class when an infection occurs. Instead, schools have been isolating as few students as possible in a desperate bid to keep schools open.

“Having more students in classrooms, you know, we just have to think creatively, and our teachers and our district has been doing that,” Faren said.

Such a policy has clearly been a disaster. Since the beginning of the school year in Colorado, there have been more than 4,000 cases officially reported within schools. This figure is most likely an understatement considering that Colorado schools are not required to report cases unless five or more infections can be linked to the same source.

More than a third of all school cases since the beginning of the pandemic last year have been recorded in just the past two and a half months, likely in large part to the spread of the Delta variant, which is now 100 percent of all COVID-19 cases, according to the state data.

With the rate of infection in schools higher than at any point during the pandemic, it is almost certain that outbreaks will continue to grow as the winter sets in over the next two months.

Significantly, the Democratic Party in Colorado is employing the same deadly policies as the far-right Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. The virus is being allowed to run free by both parties in order to protect the economic interests of the ruling class. The working class must take the fight against the pandemic out of the hands of the capitalist political parties and take up an independent political fight to eliminate the virus in opposition to the murderous policies of herd immunity.

Regardless of whether Governor Polis implements crisis measures this week or not, infections and deaths will continue unless serious action is taken to stop the pandemic and eliminate COVID-19. Nonessential workplaces and schools must be shut down nationwide and basic public safety measures must be re-implemented.

World Health Organisation warns “pandemic is far from over” as COVID-19 surges through Europe

Europe is driving a new global upsurge of COVID-19. Total worldwide cases have now increased for the last two weeks to an average of over 430,000 recorded infections per day. With cases falling or stable in every other region, the growth is entirely down to a massive spread of the virus on the European continent.

Cases rocketed from mid-June to late July, driven overwhelmingly by the United Kingdom. After falling slightly in the period to mid-September, they have shot up again as part of a more generalised spread of the disease, concentrated particularly in Eastern Europe as well as the UK.

Medical staff treat a patient with coronavirus at an ICU of the city hospital 1 in Rivne, 300 kilometers (190 miles) west of Kyiv, Ukraine. Ukraine is suffering through a surge in coronavirus infections, along with other parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. Friday, Oct. 22, 2021 file photo, (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka, File)

In the week to last Sunday, the seven-day European average of daily new cases increased by nearly 11 percent. Over 220,000 people are now being infected every day. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Europe is registering more than twice the number of daily cases per million (299) than the next-highest region, North America (139). Over 3,000 people in Europe are being killed by COVID-19 each day—34 percent higher than the same time last year.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus commented last week, “The global number of reported cases and deaths from COVID-19 is now increasing for the first time in two months, driven by an ongoing rise in Europe that outweighs declines in other regions. It’s another reminder that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over.”

Expressing the homicidal policies of the entire ruling class, however, WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr. Hans Kluge urged the continent’s governments to keep schools open this winter, accompanied by a range of (inadequate) mitigation measures. He claimed, “Last year’s widespread school closures, disrupting the education of millions of children and adolescents, did more harm than good, especially to children’s mental and social well-being. We can’t repeat the same mistakes.”

The cost of keeping open schools and the economy in the middle of a raging pandemic—a policy driven by the profit motives of the ultra-wealthy—is already playing out across the continent, even before the winter months begin to bite.

The growth of infections in many Central and Eastern European and Balkan countries is astronomical. Official daily case rates are the highest they have ever been in Estonia (1,286 per million), Latvia (1,268), Slovenia (1,095), Slovakia (715), Bulgaria (685), Ukraine (526), Greece (355) and Russia (259), and are rapidly on their way to their highest ever values in Lithuania (1,090) and Croatia (876).

There have also been sharp increases in average daily cases in Hungary (up 82 percent in a week), Czech Republic (up 63 percent), Poland (57) and Austria (42 percent). Across the region, real rates of infection are likely to be far higher as inadequate testing infrastructure is overwhelmed by the spread of the disease. Last week, testing in the Croatian capital returned a positivity rate of 50 percent.

In many countries, the situation is exacerbated by low rates of vaccination. Less than half (43 percent) of Serbia’s population is fully vaccinated, 33 percent of Romania’s and Russia’s, 22 percent of Bulgaria’s and 17 percent of Ukraine’s. General distrust of the government and the healthcare system, the impact of government propaganda declaring the pandemic over or of little concern, and the agitation of far-right and religious forces have all contributed to this phenomenon.

Without even the protection of vaccines, the wave of infections is translating into unprecedented death tolls. Even official average daily COVID-19 death rates are at their highest levels since the start of the pandemic in Russia (1,104 deaths a day), Romania (439), Ukraine (581) and Serbia (64), with Bulgaria (132) on the way. Romania’s average daily death toll is more than 2-and-a-half times its previous peak, Ukraine’s is 44 percent higher, and Russia’s is 28 percent higher.

The burden of severe disease is straining woefully underfunded health infrastructure to breaking point. Intensive care units in Romanian hospitals are beyond capacity. Medical teams have been sent by Poland and Denmark to provide support and other European countries have donated oxygen concentrators and bottles of monoclonal antibodies. One of Bulgaria’s main suppliers of medical oxygen warned last week, “If the number of patients in hospitals continues to increase, there will be no oxygen next week.”

Even the more heavily vaccinated countries are suffering serious numbers of fatalities. Latvia, with 54 percent of its population fully vaccinated, is recording its highest average daily death toll of the pandemic. Similarly vaccinated Baltic states Estonia and Lithuania are not far behind.

The catastrophe unfolding in Latvia has forced its government to declare a one-month lockdown, switching some schools to online learning and some industries to remote working, banning indoor and outdoor gatherings, and closing the majority of shops and all restaurants, salons, cinemas, theatres, concert and sports venues.

This falls well short of what is required to stem the tide of infections and deaths. Other governments, however, have refused to go even this far, introducing only a patchwork of partial measures from vaccine and mask mandates, to COVID passes, curfews and limited restrictions on large gatherings.

In Western and Northern Europe, cases have risen dramatically in Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Germany. In the last week, the seven-day average of daily new cases in Norway climbed 62 percent in the week to Sunday, in Belgium 49 percent, in Denmark 48 percent, in the Netherlands 42 percent, and in Germany 40 percent.

Belgium is on track to outstrip the UK in per capita figures, after a slight decline in Britain’s recorded infections over the last week. Its government has responded by introducing the most minimal measures, requiring face masks in public places and for bar, restaurant and fitness staff and mandating COVID passes for entry. The same is planned for the Netherlands.

The Danish government will review its measures on Friday but has already downgraded the threat status of COVID-19, limiting its options. Opposition parties the Red Green Alliance, Danish People’s Party and Conservative Party have all expressed their opposition to the return of restrictions.

The German parliament is planning to end the “epidemic situation of national scope” in November, leaving in place only mask wearing in public spaces and vaccine restrictions on entry to certain venues as protective measures. Dirk Wiese, deputy-head of the Social Democrats parliamentary group spelt out, “There will no more be school closures, lockdowns or curfews again.”

There have also been significant upticks in cases in France and Italy. COVID hospital admissions in Italy have increased 7.5 percent and admissions to intensive care units in France have climbed 12 percent.

In the UK, despite a small decline, daily infections remain extremely high and over 150 people on average are being killed by the virus every day. The virtually unchecked spread of the virus for the last few months appears to have given rise to a major growth of the AY.4.2 sublineage of the Delta variant, thought to be 10-15 percent more transmissible, which the WHO reported on October 26 has now reached 42 countries.

The initial resurgence of the pandemic in Europe, as the Northern hemisphere heads into winter, is an urgent warning of the dangers of “living with” COVID-19. Yet more waves of suffering and death will engulf the populations of the world if action is not taken by the working class to stop the murderous policy of herd immunity in its tracks, and implement policies for the elimination of the virus.

The significance of the Democratic Party debacle on November 2

The comprehensive defeat of the Democratic Party in Tuesday’s off-year election marks a political watershed. The election of a Republican governor in Virginia, the first statewide Republican victory there in a dozen years, came despite a massive commitment of Democratic Party resources, including appearances by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former president Barack Obama, and many other national party figures.

In New Jersey, Democratic Governor Phil Murphy appears to have survived a contest that was unexpectedly close for a state long dominated by the Democrats, but there was a bloodbath among state legislators. In one remarkable result, the Democratic president of the state senate, Stephen Sweeney, was defeated for reelection by a candidate who spent $153 on his campaign. Sweeney is an international vice president of the ironworkers union, a position that likely contributed to his defeat in a heavily blue-collar district in south Jersey.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin reacts to the crowd during a rally in Glen Allen, Va., Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Both elections were held in states carried easily in 2020 by Joe Biden over then president Donald Trump. Biden won Virginia by 10 percentage points and New Jersey by 16 points. The swing against the Democrats was 12 points in Virginia and 15 points in New Jersey, with the bulk of the shift occurring in upscale suburban areas outside of New York City and Washington DC.

Economic issues certainly played a significant role in the Democrats’ defeat. Voter turnout fell most heavily, compared to 2020, in working-class areas that had voted for Biden and saw little to show for it in terms of improvements in jobs, wages or social benefits. On the contrary, a sharp jump in inflation, particularly in the price of gas, the cost of used cars, food prices and rents—all of critical importance to lower-paid workers—contributed to disaffection from the party in power in Washington.

Biden’s election victory was fueled by popular anger over Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and his obvious disinterest in the massive toll of infection and death. But the new administration has continued the same policy of prioritizing corporate profits over human life. It forced through the reopening of schools and businesses despite the emergence of deadly new variants like Delta. By the end of this year, more Americans will have been killed by coronavirus under the Biden administration than under Trump, despite mass vaccination.

The November 2 election is the first major contest between the two capitalist parties since the Republican president attempted a fascist coup to overturn the last election and keep himself in office. It is staggering that the Democrats were unable to make any appeal to popular anger over this attack on the Constitution and democratic rights. Democrat Terry McAuliffe constantly invoked Trump’s name in the Virginia election, but never held him or the Republican Party responsible for the events of January 6.

The Democratic Party will respond to this political rout by moving violently to the right. Already, its leading spokesmen have declared that the defeats were caused by the party adopting too left-wing a policy in relation to social spending and taxes on the wealthy. One columnist declared that the big winners on Tuesday were senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, the two right-wing Democrats who have blocked Biden’s “Build Back Better” social spending legislation.

For all intents and purposes, November 2 marks the end of the Biden presidency, at least in terms of domestic policies. Biden could not enact his signature social spending bill, or his promised reforms on voting rights, immigration and police violence, even before the election. Whatever now makes it through Congress will be only the remnant of a fig leaf, and only what the Republican Party decides to permit.

After Trump tried to remain in power through the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, Biden opposed any serious effort to investigate the coup attempt or punish those who sought to overthrow the American Constitution. He declared that he wanted to preserve a strong Republican Party. Now he has it. The fascist right, and Trump in particular, are the beneficiaries.

Without any prospects on the domestic front, it is highly likely that the Biden administration will seek to improve its position through renewed imperialist aggression overseas. The Obama-Biden administration, after its electoral rout in the 2010 congressional elections, launched wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen. Even greater dangers face the international working class from an American government that is stoking confrontations with Iran and nuclear-armed China and Russia.

The outcome of the November 2 vote was a defeat, not merely of an administration, but of the entire political framework of the Democratic Party, its social orientation over many decades. The Democratic Party has always been a capitalist party, but it once made an appeal to the working class on the basis of its economic interests. This period is long since gone.

Instead, it has sought to forge a political constituency in sections of the upper middle class through appeals based on the promotion of racial and gender identity politics. The Democratic Party is now inseparable from an obsessive focus on issues of race and gender, including affirmative action, reparations for slavery, and the teaching of reactionary myths like “critical race theory” and the 1619 Project, concocted by the New York Times two years ago to deny the progressive nature of the American Revolution and the Civil War.

Under Biden, identity politics has been combined with an aggressive promotion of the trade unions—in other words, the privileged bureaucracies who are a sizeable section of the upper middle class in their own right. Biden has repeatedly declared himself to be the most pro-union president in history, endorsing efforts by the unions to organize Amazon, in order to create a new barrier against the struggles of Amazon workers.

The embrace of identity politics, as the SEP and the WSWS have repeatedly emphasized, splits the working class and strengthens political reaction. Thus, the obscene spectacle of ultra-right politicians—the political heirs of the Tories of 1776 and the slaveholders of 1861—stepping forward to posture as defenders of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. This Democratic Party policy made it possible for Republican Glenn Youngkin in Virginia to combine an endorsement by the fascist Donald Trump with claims to oppose “viewing everything through a lens of race.”

The role of the Democrats in strengthening reaction follows a definite historical pattern. For the past 30 years, every time the Democratic Party won full control of government—both houses of Congress and the White House—it proceeded to enact policies that alienated rather than benefited the working class, producing an electoral catastrophe as a consequence. Clinton’s victory in 1992 was followed by the Republican takeover of Congress under Newt Gingrich in 1994. Obama’s victory in 2008 led to the Republican capture of the House in 2010, then the Senate in 2014, and finally the victory of Trump in 2016. Biden’s victory in 2020 appears likely to produce a similar debacle.

The Democrats have written off large sections of the white working class, particularly in impoverished and deindustrialized regions of Appalachia and small-town America, where the trade unions Biden embraces are identified in the minds of workers with closed factories and betrayed strikes. The result is that in the former coal-mining towns of southwest Virginia, strongholds of working-class militancy only 40 years ago, Republican candidates now win as much as 90 percent of the vote.

The defeat of the Democrats on November 2, however much consternation it causes in the ranks of the pseudo-left apologists for this reactionary, imperialist party, is in no way a defeat for the working class. On the contrary, it coincides with the rising militancy and class consciousness among millions of workers—expressed so powerfully in the massive rejection votes for contracts promoted by the United Auto Workers and other bureaucratic shells still going by the name of “union.”

It is noteworthy that more than 10,000 workers on strike at John Deere voted to reject a sellout accepted by the UAW on the same day that the Democratic Party was comprehensively repudiated in the statewide elections in Virginia and New Jersey. There is a clear connection between the defeat of the union officialdom and the defeat of the political party to which these union leaders are tied by a thousand strings.

The working class must see the trade unions and the Democratic Party for what they are: obstacles and roadblocks to be cast aside, not vehicles for future struggles. It is necessary for workers to break free of the political straitjacket of the Democratic Party, whose objective role is to pave the way for a return to power of Trump and the fascists, in the elections of 2022 and 2024, if not even sooner.

The working class must build an independent political movement that repudiates all the divisions stoked and exploited by the ruling class—white vs. black, male vs. female, native-born vs. immigrant, American workers vs. their class brothers and sisters overseas—and unites all working people in a common struggle for their common social and class interests. Working people in every country have the same needs for decent jobs, wages that will support a family, protection from the COVID-19 pandemic, and an end to the threats of war and fascist violence.

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