Monday, November 8, 2021




Obama's Advice to Young Climate Worriers: 'I Want You to Stay Angry. I Want You to Stay Frustrated.'

By Susan Jones | November 8, 2021 | 10:58am EST


Former President Barack Obama speaks at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on November 8, 2021. (Photo by PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
Former President Barack Obama speaks at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on November 8, 2021. (Photo by PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Addressing climate change "is going to be really hard," President Barack Obama said in a speech Monday to the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

Speaking at the event in person, which means he burned fuel to fly there, Obama dedicated much of his speech to young people, urging them to make true believers of their elders and "to vote the issue -- vote like your life depends on it, because it does."

"I want you to stay angry. I want you to stay frustrated," he told them. "Keep pushing harder and harder for more and more."

Obama told the gathering that "the most important energy in this movement is coming from young people," because "they have more at stake in this fight than anybody else."

"And that's why my message to young people begins with acknowledging, you are right to be frustrated. Folks in my generation have not done enough to deal with a cataclysmic problem that you now stand to inherit."

Obama acknowledged the "real anxiety and real anger" that younger people feel towared "older people" who "act like the problem doesn't exist or refuse to make the hard decisions necessary to address it." And he said if "older folks won't listen, they need to get out of the way."

In addition to voting for climate change activists, Obama urged young people to pressure companies "to do the right thing," by avoiding companies "that are actually making climate change worse. I see this in terms of my own daughters -- in which companies they support and which products they buy. Not only are they sophisticated consumers, they're active," he said.

Obama also urged young people to school their elders:

While you're at it, you need to help educate your parents and grandparents, your uncles and aunts, your teachers, your employers, because while a dangerously warming climate is a reality that a lot of -- you have grown up with as young people, you've studied in school, you've read about it, it's been part of the backdrop of your childhood, members of the older generation don't have that same frame of reference.

They do love you, though. They do care about you. They listen to you more than you think. And if you explain how important the issue is to you, you may lead them to rethink their position or at least be more open minded. In fact, I'm pretty sure they'll listen to you in a way they might never listen to a politician or some expert on TV or a former president. That's power you have. You have to use it.

And finally, let me say, it will not be enough to simply mobilize the converted. It will not be enough to preach to the choir. It will not be enough to just ramp up intensity among people who already know about climate change and already agree with us and care deeply about it. Protests are necessary to raise awareness. Hashtag campaigns can spread awareness. But to build the broad-based coalitions necessary for bold action, we have to persuade people who either currently don't agree with us or are indifferent to the issue.

And to change the minds of those fellow citizens in our respective countries, we have to do a little more listening. We can't just yell at them or say they're ignorant. We can't just tweet at them. It's not enough to inconvenience them through blocking traffic in a protest. We actually have to listen to their objections and understand the reluctance of some ordinary people to see their countries move too fast on climate change. We have to understand their realities and work with them so that serious action on climate change doesn't adversely impact them.

Obama pointed to "the guy who has to drive to his factory job every single day, can't afford a Tesla, and might not be able to pay the rent or feed his family if gas prices go up. We have to think about the mother in India who, yes, will suffer droughts and floods made worse by climate change, but whose more immediate concern is getting electricity so her children don't have to sit in dark every night and can't do their homework."

Obama said moving from dirty energy to clean energy "does have a cost."

"That's why, when it comes to climate change, a country like the U.S. does have to do more than a country like Mali or Bangladesh. It's also why we need to make sure the people most affected by the transition to clean energy aren't the ones bearing most of the cost. They don't have any margin for error."

Then he used a personal example:

"I can afford to give up a lot of my current lifestyle to benefit the planet because I'll still have a lot left over. A lot of folks don't have that cushion. So that means that any climate plan worth its salt has to take these inequities into account, whether it's through subsidies to poor people to ease the transition to clean energy, whether it's technology transfers that help poor countries meet their development goals by leap-frogging dirty fuels, we have to pay attention to those embedded inequities and the politics that surrounds that."

Obama said keeping the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celcius "will not be easy. It is going to be hard," he said, because political institutions move slowly, even when leaders are well intentioned; and international cooperation has always been difficult, even more so now with "all the misinformation and propaganda that can flood out through social media."

"So, to all the young people out there, as well as those of you who consider yourselves young at heart, I want you to stay angry. I want you to stay frustrated. But channel that anger, harness that frustration. Keep pushing harder and harder for more and more. Because that's what's required to meet this challenge. Gird yourself for a marathon, not a sprint. Because solving a problem this big and this complex and this important has never happened all at once."

The language that the intelligentsia applied to Obama, and that they briefly applied to Biden, is reminiscent of the language of European courts such as that of Louis XIV.  Obama was the "Sun King" whose influence would illuminate the land, turn back the oceans, block the storms, and drop a plump goose (or a Chevy Suburban) into the hands of every loyal peasant.  Obama and Biden are, in effect, counter-revolutionaries intent on blocking change and imposing a no-growth, socially static rule on America.  That no-growth agenda is reflected in the latest weak GDP inflation-adjusted number of 0.2% — an abyssal number compared to Trump's record- setting performance. Jeffrey Folks

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN


"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY

 Nancy Pelosi, a horrid woman equally as without heart and soul, on Tuesday refused to have the names of the thirteen soldiers killed in Kabul read out on the floor of the House.  That should permanently indict her for being the wicked witch she is.  She is more devious, more calculating than the irresponsible Biden but every bit as beyond redemption as he is.  She will do anything to try to convince the American people, for whom she has only contempt, that whatever she and her party do is righteous no matter how loathsome and totalitarian.  PATRICIA McCARTHY


"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Barack Obama to Jet into

COP26 Climate Summit and

Tell ‘Old Folks’ to ‘Get Out of

the Way’

Former US President Barack Obama speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Obama Presidential Center at Jackson Park on September 28, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois. - The 700-million-dollar project has been six years in the making and the center is scheduled to open in 2025. (Photo by Kamil Krzaczynski / …

Former U.S. President Barack Obama will jet into Glasgow, Scotland, on Monday for a lightning visit to the COP26 climate conference. While there he will tell “old folks” to clear the way for the younger generation one week after 78-year-old President Joe Biden addressed the same gathering.

It will be Obama’s first visit to Scotland since 2017 when the 60-year-old spoke to a selection of local business leaders and politicians before heading off to play a round golf at St Andrews, the Daily Record reports.

The visit was announced on social media where Obama detailed his hopes for a renewal of “the fight against climate change.”

The ex-U.S. leader has also recorded a video message saying he was looking forward to joining youth activists in the city and helping them make their voices heard about the state of the environment. He said:

From the perspective of the Obama Foundation, one of the things I’m most excited about is to see the young activists from around the world who are taking up the baton and not just working in their own countries, but now forming a collective movement across borders to tell the older generation that has gotten us into this mess that we all have an obligation to dig our way out of it.

And if old folks won’t do it, get out of the way, because these young folks are coming and they’re ready to make sure that we have a sustainable planet and a better future for our kids and our grandkids.

Obama’s plea for “old folks” to give way in politics is not new.

He had the same message in 2019 when he attributed many of the world’s problems to “old people … not getting out of the way” at a leadership event in Singapore, the BBC Asia reported.

When asked if he would consider stepping back into public life or politics, Obama emphasized he believes in passing the torch to a younger generation of leaders.

“If you look at the world and look at the problems it’s usually old people, usually old men, not getting out of the way,” Obama said at the Singapore event. 

As Breitbart News reported, President Joe Biden struggled to stay awake when he watched the opening speeches at the COP26 climate event.

The president, wearing a mask, sat listening to the addresses with his arms folded as his eyes began to droop. As his eyes closed for several seconds and his breathing changed, a White House aide approached to speak to him.

Video of Biden was shared on social media by Washington Post reporter Zach Purser Brown.

Biden also used his time in Glasgow to set out his climate plans and apologized for former President Donald Trump withdrawing from the Paris Climate agreement, promising to get the United States back on track.

“I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact the United States, in the last administration, pulled out of the Paris Accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit.”

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The conflict between the reactionary intelligentsia headed by Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and the Clintons and a hardworking middle class supported by Donald Trump and, before him, Ronald Reagan, is the most important political clash of our time.  Reactionaries like Biden want to limit economic opportunity and curtail free speech and meaningful elections.  Their goal is to institute permanent autocratic control by destroying democratic capitalism, and the intelligentsia is facilitating this forced march to serfdom.  It can be stopped only by a tidal wave of resistance at the polls.

The party that opened the floodgates for millions of illegals to flow unchallenged and unverified into the country has driven gravely concerned legal immigrants away from the party. 

Second-Class Citizens in Biden's America

A definition of a second-class citizen is a person belonging to a social, economic, or political group whose rights and opportunities are inferior to those of the dominant group in society.  We are witnessing the societal standing of a large segment of the American people being increasingly diminished by the policies of the Biden administration and numerous current events.  Consequently, the collective standing of today's so-called deplorables is being increasingly relegated by our political system to expendables.

Big Government aligned with left-leaning Big Business, the permanent Administrative State, the mainstream media, Big Tech and social media, the entertainment world, and our educational and academic establishments is in the process of radically transforming our way of government and ultimately the nature of our society.  The parties mentioned above collectively are often referred to as the elites, the Establishment, or the Deep State.  On the other hand, the deplorables constitute a large segment of all middle- and working-class Americans.

These institutions both public and private often operate as monopolies or possess a favored status and are run by leaders who have evolved into powerful and publicly well known oligarchs.  What they all have in common is their devotion to implementing a radical-left agenda in this country and to increasingly use the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Marxism as the model for governance.  Following in the footsteps of past totalitarian movements, a total war on multiple fronts is being waged without limits by these parties in pursuit of their political objectives and achieving overarching political control.  This active campaign of radical change by the left is all happening even with Joe Biden under an increasingly growing cloud of illegitimacy because of the highly disputed 2020 election. 

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which originated in the Wuhan lab in China, quickly spread around the world and was the pretext and the spark that ignited operations to overthrow Western-style democracies throughout the world.   The response to COVID-19 was weaponized by the left with the primary objective of defeating President Trump in 2020 by any means possible.  From the start of the widespread outbreak of the virus, comprehensive actions were taken and continue to this day of deliberately making the pandemic a permanent feature of our daily lives.

This campaign endures by subverting any efforts to utilize low-cost therapeutics to provide a proactive way to overcome the threat of the virus.  The objective is to continue the orchestrated ongoing campaign of creating a permanent state of fear and panic in the minds of many Americans to distract them from taking any action or counter the ongoing political subversion of our way of life by the left.  Many members of our professional classes, especially in blue states, remain oblivious to these acts of subversion.

A continuing demand for a 100% vaccinated population, including children, is relentlessly pursued, even with a great deal of evidence pointing to the potential grave consequences to the health of many individuals if this plan continues.  Their policies as regards COVID-19 have produced a multitude of negative consequences, mostly suffered by the deplorables, including, in too many cases, loss of life and, increasingly, loss of employment. 

At risk today by the subversive actions of the radical left is more than simply the loss of individual freedom.  The ongoing struggle has been elevated to be a concerted attack by these parties on the average American's livelihood, family members, community, safety, health, and life.  Government's power and role under Biden have evolved to be feared by an ever-increasing number of Americans.

Nobody is safe if the radical left's vision of America wins.  History has demonstrated that revolutions are deadly affairs for a wide swath of a country's population.  Their vision includes the creation of a one-world political order without national borders, ruled by a global elite unaccountable and operating with indifference and disdain regarding the overall living conditions of ordinary people.

Life will be grim for most if they are allowed to succeed.  We will confront a country with open borders, higher taxes, runaway inflation, rising energy costs, a decreased level of national and personal safety.  We will experience the creation of an ever-increasing powerful surveillance state in conjunction with Big Tech, leading to the death of personal privacy.

The left in power will continue to divide us by sex, race, political affiliation, and vaccine status with identity politics the dominant ideology of the day.  The judicial system is being subverted along with the rule of law, leading to the loss by individuals of their constitutional freedoms.  Our educational system will be increasingly oriented to teaching left-wing orthodoxy rather than vital life skills.  Through digital means, access to information will be controlled and censored by the State.  All will learn to defer to an expanding federal government, which will continue to create ever-expanding sets of regulation, which will dictate every aspect of daily life. 

Left-wing policies will diminish the potential for economic growth, especially among blue-collar workers and the poor, leading to increased dependence on the state.  The ripple effect will negatively lower most American's standard of living, with the ruling class designated to be exempt.

The stakes could not be any higher regarding the future of our nation and most of its citizens.  We have reached one of the most important inflection points in history with the question of what groups and what theory of governance direct our country going forward.

The issues delineating the current conflict are identical to the fierce debates, predating our Founding, that have continued through our history regarding the proper role of government in a democracy.  The deplorables' preference is for a more limited role for government in society.  They desire one that recognizes the roles and rights of sovereign individuals while acknowledging that these rights are derived from a higher power.  Included in this vision is a system of government that also promotes the pursuit of equality between people and the rule of law.

An expanding number of individual concerned citizens, grassroots organizations, and true patriots are fighting on our behalf every day to save our country and return America back to being the shining political beacon for all the world to admire once again.

A growing number of deplorables are working every day across the nation in many of our communities on our behalf more committed than ever before to the guiding principles outlined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, one of which is that government derives its powers from those it governs.  Always remember: the history of totalitarian regimes has a track record of catastrophic outcomes.  Therefore, you can't afford to be a bystander to events in these dangerous times.

K.S. Guardiola blogs at "Set the Record - Right!" at and can be reached at

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

How Much Would You Like to Be a Serf?

In her remarkable trilogy entitled The Bourgeois Era, Deirdre McCloskey studies the history, evolution, and importance of the middle class from its rise in Western Europe some 400 years ago to the magnificent heights of affluence and power it enjoys today.  It is the middle class that made Western Europe and America the great powers they have been for centuries and that has created a standard of living beyond anything imaginable before.

From the beginning, the intelligentsia, the modern-day descendants of medieval scholars and scribes, sought to undermine the middle class and to preserve the hierarchical class structure with which they identified.  That is the same autocratic class structure that Hillary had in mind when she labeled ordinary Americans "deplorables" or that explains the creepy hypocrisy of Biden's working-class persona.

While the idea of "lords and ladies" may seem like ancient history, the fact is that the reactionary thinking of the court intelligentsia is still very much with us.  The leaders of today's Democrat party view themselves as more intelligent and entitled than the mass of deplorables whom they were born to govern.

Not just that: The intelligentsia is determined to eliminate the middle class, whose values and political interests are so much opposed to their own insistence on centralized control.  To this end, today's progressives are doing all they can to block the path to the middle class — a path that expanded dramatically under President Trump.  It is not in the left's interest to have a broad, inquisitive, educated, assertive middle class demanding the right to govern themselves.

In place of a large, educated middle class, progressives want to return to the ancient feudal system in which the lives of the peasants were controlled and directed by the aristocracy.  In the feudal system, it was not just the economy that was dominated by the elite; almost every aspect of peasant life was directed by their "betters," including their freedom of movement and association, choice of work, and decisions regarding marriage and raising of children.  Life-and-death decisions such as access to food and shelter were also in the hands of the elite.

It is just such an outdated political system that progressives wish to restore.  Biden's feudal plan to transform America naturally aligns with Marx, another reactionary who was obsessed with destroying liberal democracy and the middle class.  For Marx, "bourgeois" is the ultimate expression of contempt because it denotes a class that has escaped the control of the aristocracy.  Marx was writing at the time of the great transformation of European society from the era of absolute monarchy to democratic capitalism, and he detested the democratization that he saw around him.  His theory of communism is little more than a smokescreen to re-impose absolutism on the rising middle class.

Like all members of the intelligentsia, Marx saw himself as the brains behind an autocratic government of the future that would re-impose control over the masses and suppress democratic freedoms.  While Marx spoke in terms of liberating the masses, what he actually meant was for them to remain masses and not to rise into the middle class.  While the middle class was being eliminated, a process that would last for a very long time if not forever, the masses would be ruled by a vanguard that very much resembles the feudal system of the past — and today's progressivism based on Marxism.

Biden and those around him are hardcore Marxists, and as such they are just the latest act in a long history of antidemocratic politics.  Biden's primary motivation in handing out crumbs like "free" pre-school and daycare (paid for with price increases on everyday necessities) is to ensure permanent control by a reactionary Democrat party rooted in the misguided Marxist thinking of the past.  The intelligentsia believe that the masses require a strong hand to rule over them and that they, the intelligentsia and the autocrats with whom they conspire, are that strong hand.

A core value of the intelligentsia is the belief that they are smarter than ordinary people and that they have the right to rule, even if this involves stealing elections.  Democrats threaten to imprison parents who speak out at school board meetings — can it get any worse than that?

The language that the intelligentsia applied to Obama, and that they briefly applied to Biden, is reminiscent of the language of European courts such as that of Louis XIV.  Obama was the "Sun King" whose influence would illuminate the land, turn back the oceans, block the storms, and drop a plump goose (or a Chevy Suburban) into the hands of every loyal peasant.  Obama and Biden are, in effect, counter-revolutionaries intent on blocking change and imposing a no-growth, socially static rule on America.  That no-growth agenda is reflected in the latest weak GDP inflation-adjusted number of 0.2% — an abyssal number compared to Trump's record-setting performance.

To say that the modern intelligentsia is descended from scholars and scribes does not mean that its members in academe and the media are actually intelligent.  If they were, they would realize how self-defeating their Big Government plans are in a nation where two hundred million voters lean conservative.  Fortunately for us, the intelligentsia are not really thinking about long-term success; they want to pass a flashy "transformative" bill that would confirm their sense of themselves as "smart" leaders.  And again, they are resorting to antidemocratic tactics — shoving the bill through Congress and distorting it in the media before the public has a chance to consider what's in it and what it will cost.  Queen Nancy has none of the charm and grace of Marie Antoinette, but she shares her predecessor's disdain for the cake-eating masses.

The conflict between the reactionary intelligentsia headed by Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and the Clintons and a hardworking middle class supported by Donald Trump and, before him, Ronald Reagan, is the most important political clash of our time.  Reactionaries like Biden want to limit economic opportunity and curtail free speech and meaningful elections.  Their goal is to institute permanent autocratic control by destroying democratic capitalism, and the intelligentsia is facilitating this forced march to serfdom.  It can be stopped only by a tidal wave of resistance at the polls.

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