Wednesday, December 22, 2021


The Clintons are about two things: power and money.  Both are grifters of the first order.  It’s not that they brought corruption to Washington in the mid-1990s, but they certainly supercharged it.  It’s been downhill ever since.  The corruption today that permeates government and society may be historic in scope. J. ROBERT SMITH

Whatever wreckage Bill and Hillary leave in their wakes is always someone else’s trouble.  If Hillary’s baloney stokes fears and enflames the passions of her party’s faithful, so be it.  Hillary’s ends justify any means.  The nation will be left to grapple with the conflicts and clean up the mess caused by her rabblerousing.  Such is often the legacies of charlatans and demagogues.    

                                                     J. ROBERT SMITH

Blue State Blues: John Durham Found the First Evidence of ‘Russia Collusion’ — and Hillary’s Team Did It






“If the Constitution did not forbid cruel and unusual punishment, the sentence I would like to see imposed would place both Bill and Hillary Clinton in the same 8-by-12 cell.”    ROBERT ARVAY – AMERICAN THINKER com


Obama’s Democratic Party administration launched a furious salvo of denunciations, with then Vice President Joe Biden calling Assange a “high-tech terrorist” and Hilary Clinton reportedly asking, “Can’t we just drone this guy?” This opened the floodgates to a torrent of demands from Republicans and the right-wing media for his assassination.

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat. 


Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most. 


Is Hillary Clinton Suggesting

Civil War?

The other day, in an interview with NBC News, Hillary Clinton went public with a warning -- or was it a dog whistle to Democrats and the left?  It might be an instance of Hillary’s mouth running ahead of her brain, but don’t count on it.  Hillary is a coldly calculating woman -- and that might be one of her better qualities.   

Hillary suggested that if Trump or “someone of his ilk” is elected president in 2024, then American democracy is kaput.  Foolishness?  Knowing the conceits and delusions that infect her intended audience, her suggestion might not seem ludicrous.  Hillary’s side listens to her, so her words carry weight.                  

From National Review, December 13:

“I think that could be the end of our democracy,” [Hillary] said. “Not too be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this could be a make-or-break point. If he or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, especially if he had a Congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country.”

Hillary’s inference?  If Trump or DeSantis (the most likely GOP presidential nominee should Trump not run) wins the presidency -- in a democratic and presumably fair election, no less, and has the backing of an elected Republican Congress -- then the nation has arrived at a “make-or-break point.”

If the “make-or-break” line sounds eerily familiar, it’s because it is.  Democrats said things like that in the run-up to Lincoln’s election in 1860.  But, today, secession isn’t on the table.  Modern Democrats, very much enthralled by leftism, aren’t for separation.  They’re into seizure and dominance.  The last century-plus of communism -- along with the period of kindred German and Italian fascism -- provides ample witness.  “Progressivism” is morphing into a paler shade of communism or fascism.  Progressives haven’t decided which and straddle both.  The “Great Reset” might be the decider.      

Hillary is projecting.  It’s Democrats who are intent on driving a stake through democracy’s heart. 

Facts are stubborn things, and charges persist that Democrat chicanery fixed the 2020 presidential contests.  Last year’s presidential sweepstakes were corrupted comprehensively, as we’re learning.  Election Night fixes in Democrat jurisdictions like Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Fulton County, Georgia were Act II.  Read Mollie Hemingway’s bookRigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.  Act I began long before any ballot-stuffing occurred.     

Then there’s H.R. 1 (“For the People Act”), which is an attempt at legislated elections theft

What will the radicalizing Democrat base draw from Hillary’s words?  That the results of free and fair elections aren’t to be abided?  Not, apparently, if Democrats lose.  A Democrat defeat in 2024 -- add the 2022 midterms as prelude -- dooms the country.       

What recourse is Hillary leaving Democrats should the unwashed America First masses elevate Trump or DeSantis to the presidency?   Masses that would surely include lots of independents, more Hispanics, and, perhaps, another uptick in support among black males.      

Democrats have been playing a zero-sum game since at least Trump’s declaration for the presidency in 2015.  Hillary’s words conform accordingly.  

Democracy encompasses more than how we select and organize our governments (national, state, and local).  It’s that but much more.  It covers values, bedrock principles, and beliefs about what America is or should be.

Goes the logic, if Republicans assume control of the national government in January 2025, they’ll destroy all that we believe in and live by.  If Republicans end democracy, as Hillary says, then the normal mechanisms for redress and change (elections, primarily) disappear.  What’s left?  Is the recourse rebellion, armed conflict, war… government overthrow? 

Does that seem implausible?  In the context of the times?  Consider.  Wasn’t last year’s urban riots part of the Democrats’ narrative to oust Trump?  Suspicious that, no?  BLM and Antifa instigated mobs enjoyed public approval from some Democrat leaders, most conspicuously Kamala Harris.  Other Democrats kept quiet as mobs ripped up their communities. “Qui tacet consentiret” -- silence gives consent

The George Floyd killing that sparked the Minneapolis riots was a crisis too good to waste.  The mayhem spread to other Democrat-run cities.  The turmoil was meant as a learning lesson: America under Trump was a lawless and dangerous place.  What was happening in Portland and Seattle, for instance, could well spread to America’s leafy suburbs.  Only Biden and Democrats could restore order.  Plenty of suburban women got the message.    

After Biden’s election, as if by magic, “mostly peaceful protests” stopped -- except in Portland, where Antifa is stuck on autopilot.  Having spent a year trashing and defunding police, Democrats are discovering that loosing crime is easier than stopping it.  Ask San Francisco mayor London Breed about that.        

Pelosi’s January 6 committee is about what?  It’s a bare-knuckled inquisition.  A thin veneer of legality and legislative duty covers its sinister purpose.  It’s replete with a phonied-up charge by Adam Schiff leveled at Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows.  Two GOP quislings -- Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger -- give the committee bipartisan cover. 

Then there’s the January 6 “insurrection” accused who are languishing in the D.C. jail and other lockups.  They’re being maltreated.  Their constitutional rights are being trampled.  How are their alleged crimes commensurate with indefinite lockup and abuse?      

Of course, there’s the COVID tyranny that Democrats have pushed since February 2020.  Biden’s go at vax tyranny is sputtering.  But our frail president gave it another go in an address to the nation on Tuesday night.    

Yet, with straight faces, Hillary and other Democrats tell us that Republicans intend to waylay democracy and render our country unrecognizable if they get their hands on power in 2025. 

Does Hillary want a civil war?  Doubtful.  Her calculations are shorter-term and always self-interested.  Her comments are a way of recapturing centerstage in her party.  Her eye is on a 2024 presidential run, so her words were meant to grab attention and galvanize the Democrat base.  Hillary wants to lead the charge, starting with the midterms, to boost her White House prospects.        

Hillary’s maudlin reading of her never-was 2016 victory speech was pretense.  Okay, could 74-year-old Hillary have been wallowing in a very public display of self-pity?  Perhaps, but she may have thought that her reading would rally the feminized Democrat rank-and-file, which fetishizes feelings and laps up displays of emotion. 

When it comes to Hillary’s comments, remember the critical takeaway is that words have consequences, particularly when uttered by a personage with a high public profile.  Hillary knows her target audience.  Her words are red meat for them. 

The Clintons are about two things: power and money.  Both are grifters of the first order.  It’s not that they brought corruption to Washington in the mid-1990s, but they certainly supercharged it.  It’s been downhill ever since.  The corruption today that permeates government and society may be historic in scope. 

Whatever wreckage Bill and Hillary leave in their wakes is always someone else’s trouble.  If Hillary’s baloney stokes fears and enflames the passions of her party’s faithful, so be it.  Hillary’s ends justify any means.  The nation will be left to grapple with the conflicts and clean up the mess caused by her rabblerousing.  Such is often the legacies of charlatans and demagogues.       

J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith and occasionally on Parler, again @JRobertSmith.  He also blogs at Flyover


No. 12 in highest crime of all states

No. 48 in lower education quality

No. 1 in people living below the poverty line.

No. 1 in the number of illegals on welfare

No. 1 in the number of homeless legals

No. 1 in Mexican gang murder

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Americans Fled Blue States for Red States in Massive Numbers in 2021, Census Finds

California, Illinois, and New York on the decline. Florida, Idaho, and Texas on the rise.

 • December 21, 2021 2:00 pm


Millions of Americans fled Democratic-run states and flocked to Republican-run states in 2021, the Census Bureau reported on Tuesday.

Washington, D.C., which is not a state and will never deserve statehood, in 2021 lost almost 3 percent of its population.  Idaho, meanwhile, a state that has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1968, saw its population increase by nearly 3 percent.

Not surprisingly, New York experienced the second-largest decline in population (1.6 percent), followed by Illinois (0.9 percent), Hawaii (0.7 percent), and California (0.7 percent), where crime and homelessness are out of control in Democratic-run cities. Much of the population decline in blue states was attributed to domestic migration, with California, New York, and Illinois leading the way.

By contrast, nearly all of the states that boasted a significant increase in population last year were solidly Republican. Utah's population grew by 1.7 percent, as did Montana's. South Carolina grew by 1.2 percent, followed by Texas (1.1 percent), and Florida (1 percent).

It's probably not a coincidence that the states Americans are fleeing have some of the highest tax rates in the country, while the states to which they are flocking have some of the lowest. In other words, a lot of libs are running away from the politicians and the policies they supported. Here's hoping enough of them are smart enough to see the connection and stop voting to ruin everything.


Gang Lands # 9 The Last Crips of Boyle Heights


Gang Lands # 10 Gangs of Downtown Los Angeles


Central America Town in Los Angeles California





When La Raza “The Race” Supremacist Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California, she announced that nearly half the murders in Mex-occupied California were perpetrated by Mexican gangs. That didn’t stop her hispandering!

If you go to the Los Angeles Police 200 most wanted criminals, 186 are Mexicans.

When Mexican M.E.Ch.A. separatist and La Raza member Xavier Becerra became Attorney General of California, the first thing he did as AG was delete from the State of California AG website the list of California's ten most wanted criminals: they were all Mexicans

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Congressman: Illegal Antelope Valley Pot Grows Being Run By International Drug Cartels


FBI Arrests Dozens of Drug Ring Members Around Inland Empire | NBCLA

 “Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, you’d give him an A-plus, but theAmerican people would give him an F. The crisis at our border was not only entirely predictable, it was predicted. I predicted that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s what’s happened since the election.”

                                                                               SEN. TOM COTTON



Desert towns in California have seen a dramatic increase of illegal marijuana plantations, operating through means of water theft, human trafficking, and violence.

How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns: Jorge Ventura


“All our street gangs are a problem,” Lawhead said. “They create an environment of fear. Gangs in general are responsible for a majority of our homicides and a lot of the other illegal activity in the city.”

The release said the Verdugo gang and its affiliates are linked to the Mexican Mafia prison gang. The indictment outlines how some of the proceeds generated by narcotic sales were funneled to the Mexican Mafia.



The illegal stabbed her to death with a screwdriver and then ran her over with her car.



“The greatest criminal threat to the daily lives of American citizens are the Mexican drug cartels.” 



“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

“Mexican authorities have arrested the former mayor of a rural community in the border state of Coahuila in connection with the kidnapping, murder and incineration of hundreds of victims through a network of ovens at the hands of the Los Zetas cartel. The arrest comes after Breitbart Texas exposed not only the horrors of the mass extermination, but also the cover-up and complicity of the Mexican government.”

“Heroin is not produced in the United States. Every gram of heroin present in the United States provides unequivocal evidence of a failure of border security because every gram of heroin was smuggled into the United States. Indeed, this is precisely a point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on October 18, 2017 when he again raised the need to secure the U.S./Mexican border to protect American lives.” Michael Cutler …




Attorney General Bonta Announces 180 Felony Arrests During Investigation Targeting Westside Verdugo Criminal Street Gang in San Bernardino


Contact: (916) 210-6000,

SAN BERNARDINO  California Attorney General Rob Bonta, San Bernardino Police Chief David Green, and San Bernardino District Attorney Jason Anderson today announced the results of a joint investigation into the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang. In June, the police department requested assistance with its investigation of the gang’s violent criminal activity from the California Department of Justice’s Special Operations Unit. Together with the district attorney’s office and other local law enforcement partners, the team made 180 felony arrests, shut down 30 illegal gambling establishments, and seized 92 handguns, 19 assault weapons, $295,870 in U.S. currency, as well as hundreds of pounds of illicit drugs over the course of the investigation. Yesterday, the investigation culminated in a largescale operation with agents executing 34 search warrants, arresting 31 suspects, and seizing 11 firearms at multiple sites in San Bernardino County.

“Members and associates of this gang have committed violent crimes in San Bernardino with no regard for the people in the community who are directly or indirectly harmed,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta. “This investigation and yesterday’s arrests and seizures have removed dangerous individuals from our streets and firearms from the hands of those who would choose to commit violent crimes. The results of this investigation could also assist law enforcement in solving other cases in the area. The partnership between our agents and local law enforcement made this possible, and I’m thankful to every person involved in this successful investigation.” 

“As decriminalization initiatives continue to undermine the safety of our community, we have never been more reliant on our law enforcement partners,” said San Bernardino Police Chief David Green

“The scale of this multiagency operation speaks to the commitment we have to eradicate criminal street gangs across San Bernardino County, particularly one with such a violent history as the Westside Verdugo gang,” said San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson. “Violent crime is on the rise, and several of the defendants we have filed against are facing their 3rd strike, indicating a propensity for criminal behavior. The success of this takedown was due to the tremendous efforts of the San Bernardino Police Department and the Department of Justice in conducting the investigation, and the tenacity of our specialized gang unit prosecutors. We will use everything in our toolkit including weapon enhancements, gang enhancements, prior convictions, and prior strike convictions to ensure maximum accountability from these defendants, keeping career criminals off the streets of San Bernardino and out of our communities.”

Westside Verdugo has an extensive criminal history in the San Bernardino area. The gang is suspected of multiple violent crimes including assault, attempted murder, and murder. 

Over the course of the investigation, numerous violent crimes were prevented, including shootings and armed robberies. Evidence collected during the investigation also assisted in solving two homicides in the area. Agents also shut down 30 illegal gambling establishments and seized over 100 illegal gambling machines and devices. These establishments were operated by members and associates of Westside Verdugo and brought in tens of thousands of dollars a week for the gang. In 2021, five homicides, four attempted murders, and multiple other crimes were linked to these sites.

DOJ’s Special Operations Unit is a collaborative investigative effort between DOJ and the California Highway Patrol. The unit provides statewide enforcement for combating violent career criminals, gangs, and organized crime groups, along with intrastate drug traffickers. These unique and essential teams use the latest technology and advanced investigative techniques and work alongside local law enforcement to enhance investigations into violent criminals and organized crime throughout the state.



SAN BERNARDINO: 52 gang members indicted in drug sales, smuggling case



By BRIAN ROKOS | | The Press-Enterprise


Fifty-two members and associates of San Bernardino’s largest criminal gang were indicted Thursday on narcotics trafficking charges, the FBI said.

Of those 52, 21 people were arrested Thursday, and 22 already were in custody on unrelated charges, according to an FBI news release. The other  nine are being sought.

All were charged with conspiracy to distribute and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine and heroin. Seven also are charged with distributing the narcotics, the FBI said. The indictment, unsealed Thursday, was the result of a yearslong investigation by federal, state, county and city authorities that targeted the West Side Verdugo gang.

The defendants face 10 years to life in prison if convicted, the FBI said.

San Bernardino police Lt. Rich Lawhead, who was part of the team that made the arrests, said that in addition to drug pushing, West Side Verdugo members are responsible for several homicides and assaults in the city.

“All our street gangs are a problem,” Lawhead said. “They create an environment of fear. Gangs in general are responsible for a majority of our homicides and a lot of the other illegal activity in the city.”

Most of the 90-page indictment is devoted to summaries of 502 separate phone calls or text messages intercepted by authorities in which the sales of heroin and meth were discussed in coded language. Other messages discussed smuggling drugs to inmates, including those in the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, and Corcoran and Ironwood state prisons.

There were also conversations about money owed, the collection of “drug taxes” from dealers allowed to set up in gang territory, and the enforcement of gang rules.

The conversations occurred from Aug. 26, 2010, to Jan. 16, 2012.

“A lot of these people were shocked when we showed up,” Lawhead said, noting the amount of time that had passed since the investigation began. “But the wheels of justice do move.”

Lawhead said he hoped the arrests would dissuade youngsters from joining gangs.

The release said the Verdugo gang and its affiliates are linked to the Mexican Mafia prison gang. The indictment outlines how some of the proceeds generated by narcotic sales were funneled to the Mexican Mafia.

Some of the drugs were dealt at what was described as the “7th Street Park.” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said that was a reference to La Plaza Park on Mt. Vernon Avenue, at Seventh Street on San Bernardino’s west side.

Lawhead said heroin has been sold at that park for years, and that the city’s officers patrol La Plaza and other parks in an effort to deter drug dealers.

Gang members went to great lengths to smuggle drugs to inmates, according to the indictment. One person, identified as “Martinez,” was told to sneak drugs into West Valley Detention Center by getting himself arrested and booked into the facility. His plan was foiled, however, when a police officer merely wrote a citation for an unspecified offense.

“There wasn’t anyone who wanted to go to jail today – I guarantee you that,” Lawhead said.

Other agencies participating in the investigation and arrests, according to the FBI, were the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, San Bernardino County Probation Department, Los Angeles Police Department, LA County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, Drug Enforcement Administration and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Joint investigation into San Bernardino street gang nets 180 arrests, firearms, drugs

Tentacles of operation allegedly reached into Los Angeles and Orange counties


By JOE NELSON | San Bernardino Sun

A yearlong investigation into a San Bernardino street gang’s criminal activity has netted 180 arrests, shuttered 30 illegal gambling operations and resulted in the seizure of more than 100 assault weapons and handguns, authorities announced Thursday.

San Bernardino police last year began investigating illegal firearms sales involving Westside Verdugo, a Latino street gang rooted in the city for roughly 70 years.

But early on in the investigation, police realized they were dealing with something much bigger than just illicit gun sales, Police Chief David Green said during a news conference Thursday at the San Bernardino Police Department, where dozens of assault weapons and handguns seized by police during the investigation were spread across a table. Also on display was a large electronic gambling machine.San Bernardino Police Chief David Green announces 180 arrests made and 111 firearms seized during a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

“As they started doing more analysis on these cases, they were recognizing it was a little more coordinated and a little more significant than what they initially realized, and that’s when they started pursuing it as more of a conspiracy type of investigation,” Green said. The investigation and subsequent arrests extended into Orange and Los Angeles counties, he said.

Several agencies enlisted

In June, the investigation ramped up when the San Bernardino Police Department asked the state attorney general’s Special Operations Unit to join in. The Santa Ana Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the California Highway Patrol also assisted in the investigation, which culminated Wednesday when officers fanned out across San Bernardino County, serving 34 search warrants, arresting 31 people and seizing 111 firearms at multiple locations.

During the course of the investigation, coined “Operation Westside Jenga,” police seized 92 handguns, 19 assault weapons, more than $295,000 in cash and hundreds of pounds of methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin and fentanyl. Several potential shootings and armed robberies were thwarted, and evidence collected by investigators during the investigation assisted in the closure of two homicide cases, police said.

Additionally, investigators infiltrated and shut down 30 illegal gambling operations and seized more than 100 high-end gambling machines. The facilities were linked to five homicides, four attempted murders and other crimes in 2021, authorities said.

Gambling operations

The gambling operations — which housed high-end gambling machines, most of them acquired on the black market and imported from China — were bringing in tens of thousands of dollars a week and were operated out of private residences, warehouses and closed businesses, Green said.

He said the gambling facilities were a joint-enterprise between Westside Verdugo and the Mexican Mafia, the patriarchal prison gang that receives a share of profits from drug sales and other illicit business carried out by Westside Verdugo and other Latino street gangs in the form of “taxes.” Some of that revenue was reinvested into the gambling operations.

“It has a hierarchy. It has its own business model. It’s an illicit business model, but it’s one that’s very lucrative nonetheless,” Green said.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta said the people of San Bernardino “can go to bed tonight knowing their community is safer.”

California Attorney General Rob Bonta announces the results of a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang that resulted in 180 arrests and shutdown of 30 illegal gambling operations during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

“We’re putting serious criminals behind bars,” Bonta said, adding that he was proud of the results of the investigation not only as attorney general, but also as a father. “Every child in California deserves to grow up in a safe neighborhood — a neighborhood that is free from violence, a neighborhood without gun violence.”

Feds not involved

Green said authorities opted to handle the prosecution locally without the help of the federal government, which often takes down such large criminal enterprises using the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, referred to as the RICO Act.

“We’re not pursuing a federal prosecution in this case because we have the local District Attorney’s Office that we feel is going to be able to give us a successful prosecutorial outcome,” Green said. “But these types of cases are often handled by federal prosecutors under that RICO statute.”

San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson said his office has so far charged 45 defendants with various felony offenses, which include a total of 57 firearm enhancements and 41 gang enhancements. Six of the defendants are facing third strikes, Anderson said.

“Our role is twofold in this particular instance. Number one is we are going to punish these individuals as severely as we possibly can, and number two, we’re going to separate them from an otherwise law-abiding community for as long as we can,” Anderson said.

San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson speaks during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. Authorities announced the results of a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang that resulted in 180 arrests and shutdown of 30 illegal gambling operations. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

More criminal charges are expected, authorities said.

“Many of these cases are still under review, and we are expecting many more charges to be filed,” Green said. “Some of them will be tried jointly, and some of them will be parsed out separately.”

A secret look at a Mexican cartel's low-tech, multimillion-dollar fentanyl operation


Fentanyl is making its way into various drugs sold in the U.S. Here's how it gets there


Cartels Are Making Millions on Fentanyl-Laced Medicine | Crimewave


"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Texas DPS: Mexican Cartels Committing Murders in the U.S.



Drug cartel gunmen are crossing the border to commit murders in Texas, authorities claim. The statements by officials from the Texas Department of Public Safety directly clash with longstanding claims by local police chiefs who routinely say that border cities are safe.

“These criminal organizations come across from Mexico to the U.S. side and they kill individuals. they murder individuals,” Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Lieutenant Chris Olivarez told Sara Carter with Fox News. “We have had several incidents that have taken place along the border using professional-type weapons the way they carry out these killings, very professional, very methodical.”

The statements by Olivarez come at a time when both DPS and the Texas National Guard increased their law enforcement presence along the border in response to record-breaking human and drug smuggling activity by criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas.

The statements made by Olivarez clash with the longstanding narrative by several politicians, local police chiefs, and sheriffs who claim that border cities are safe. Those claims are usually backed up by statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Report. However as Breitbart Texas has reported, the UCR only looks at seven specific crimes and does not account for criminal activity that is specific to border cities such as kidnappings, extortion, drug trafficking, human smuggling, and human trafficking.

Additionally, the terminology used by police departments for the UCR report allows them to hide the severity of certain crimes. One example particular to border cities deals with home invasions, where teams of gunmen storm into a house looking for drugs or cash. As Breitbart Texas has reported, home invasions are reported in the UCR report only as robberies.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at     


Surge in Fentanyl Seizures Show Cartels Taking Advantage of Lax Border Policies, DHS Officials Say

A DEA agent checks pills containing fentanyl / Getty ImagesJoseph Simonson • November 17, 2021 5:00 am


Customs and Border Protection's fentanyl seizures skyrocketed by over 40 percent in the month of October, as drug traffickers and cartels take advantage of the border crisis.

Agency data show that CBP agents last month captured nearly 1,050 pounds of the lethal opioid, the fifth-highest amount in three years. For comparison, the amount of fentanyl seized in October is more than 2.5 times the amount the agency seized in the first three months of 2019 and roughly 40 percent of the amount seized in all of 2019.

The high amount of fentanyl busts coincides with skyrocketing opiate overdoses across the country—the Centers for Disease Control recorded a record-high 12-month overdose death toll between March 2020 and March 2021 with no signs of deceleration through the end of this year. The seizures also come as President Joe Biden reverses a number of border policies, a decision that critics say grants more opportunities for criminal elements to smuggle drugs into the country.

One senior Department of Homeland Security official told the Washington Free Beacon that drug smugglers are accelerating their operations as agents on the border face resource and manpower constraints with processing asylum claims instead of trying to stop drug smugglers.

"Cartels are exploiting the migrant crisis to expand drug and human smuggling," one senior DHS official said. "The administration knew full well that using agents to process mass groups of economic migrants would mean reducing the effort to combat crime. They alone own these failures."

The Biden administration has touted high seizure numbers as a success. Deputy White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates on Nov. 2 tweeted out an excerpt from an MSNBC piece that said, "The [fentanyl] seizures disprove one of the [GOP's] favorite talking points: If the president had implemented an ‘open-border' policy, as the right routinely claims, U.S. Customs and Border Protection wouldn't have stopped these shipments."

Officials within Border Patrol and DHS disputed that characterization by the White House, with the senior DHS official calling Bates's comment "galaxy brain" thinking.

Many states have pinned much of the blame for the opioid crisis on the Biden administration's immigration policies, calling them reckless and a public health threat.

West Virginia, which has been among the states hardest hit by the opioid crisis, in August filed a lawsuit against DHS and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the department's decision to end the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols, which force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico before their court dates in the United States. The state alleged in court that the decision contributed to the "devastating deadly flood of fentanyl across the Southwest border."

"By its consequences burdening and distracting the Border Patrol, the termination of the [Migrant Protection Protocols] decreases the security of the border against fentanyl trafficking between ports of entry, leading directly to both increased numbers of smuggling attempts and increased rates of success in evading Border Patrol," the lawsuit stated. Missouri in April filed a similar suit against DHS.

Research has found that just two milligrams of fentanyl can cause a lethal overdose in people with no prior use of the drug, meaning the amount of the drug seized in October alone could kill over 200 million people.

The influx of fentanyl from across the border has led to bipartisan efforts in Congress to ramp up law-enforcement efforts to arrest and prosecute dealers and traffickers. A group of Republican and Democratic senators in September introduced the Providing Officers with Electronic Resources Act, which provides grants to local law-enforcement agencies for portable fentanyl screening devices.

A flood of money from the Facebook founder gave Dems an unfair and illegal advantage.

Tue Dec 22, 2020 

Matthew Vadum




Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife helped buy the presidency for the increasingly frail and feeble former Vice President Joe Biden by improperly influencing election officials as they strategically flooded left-wing activist groups with more than $400 million during the 2020 election cycle.

Those groups, in turn, gave huge grants to election administrators in order to create “a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican strongholds,” Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm focused on religious freedom, wrote in a new report.

Part of the lesson here is that not all privatization is good. Some things need to be done by government alone.

“This privatization of elections undermines the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which requires state election plans to be submitted to federal officials and approved and requires respect for equal protection by making all resources available equally to all voters,” according to Kline.

And this illicit collusion between pro-Biden funders like Zuckerberg and government officials that outsourced election administration to the activist Left helped Democrats prevail in battleground states. It may end up installing a puppet of the Communist Chinese in the White House in the terminal stage of the rolling coup attempt against President Donald Trump that began before he was inaugurated.

This year there was “an unprecedented and coordinated public-private partnership to improperly influence” the election in swing states, which “effectively placed government’s thumb on the scale to help these private interests achieve their objectives and to benefit” Barack Obama’s former vice president, according to Kline, a former attorney general of Kansas.

Biden, an underachieving, sleazy career politician from Delaware with no notable achievements despite a half century in office, has claimed victory and the transition process is underway even though President Trump continues to contest the election. Trump’s lawyers filed a new appeal with the Supreme Court Dec. 20 in hopes of reversing the Democrat-dominated Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings that they say unconstitutionally modified the state’s voting-by-mail laws, opening the door to massive election fraud.

Election experts have long said that mail-in voting is fraught with problems because it gives wrongdoers greater opportunities for fraud compared to in-person balloting.

The bipartisan U.S. Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, determined in 2005 that “absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud” and that “vote-buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”

“The consensus among people who study fraud carefully is that voting by mail is a much more fertile area for fraud than voting in person,” Charles Stewart, a professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in 2018.

Pennsylvania’s official 20 presidential electors voted for the Biden-Harris ticket Dec. 14 while a completing slate of Republican electors voted for the Trump-Pence ticket. The Democrat electors in Pennsylvania and other contested states may be challenged in Congress on Jan. 6 when the electoral votes are officially tabulated.

Kline’s report comes as presidential advisor Peter Navarro released his own 36-page report detailing voting irregularities.

“The observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states [i.e. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin] that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to ‘stuff the ballot box’ and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket,” Navarro said during a Dec. 18 conference call with reporters.

According to the Amistad Project’s report, Zuckerberg and his wife made $419.5 million in donations to nonprofits this election cycle –“Zuckerbucks,” as some have called the money— $350 million of which went to the “Safe Elections” Project of the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL). The other $69.5 million went to the Center for Election Innovation and Research.

Contrary both to federal law and state legislature-endorsed election plans, Zuckerberg’s money “dictated city and county election management,” Kline wrote in the report’s executive summary.

In addition, “executive officials in swing states facilitated, through unique and novel contracts, the sharing of private and sensitive information about citizens within those states with private interests, some [of] whom actively promote leftist candidates and agendas.”

This sharing of data “allowed direct access to data of unique political value to leftist causes, and created new vulnerabilities for digital manipulation of state electronic poll books and counting systems and machines.”

The Amistad Project, which began investigating the digital vulnerabilities of state election systems in spring 2019, learned that state and local elections officials did not preserve the legal right to access computer logs on the machines counting ballots.

“The first step to engage any computer forensic examination is to gain access to machine logs, yet scores of election officials failed to maintain the right to even review such information, much less establish a method for bipartisan review. In effect, America purchased a complex ballot box (computer) into which its votes would be deposited, but didn’t have the right to open the box and review the count.”

As the COVID-19 crisis worsened in March 2020, more and more lawsuits were filed by left-wing organizations aimed at weakening laws designed to protect the integrity of absentee ballots, the report noted.

Kline is correct.

Democrats aiming to make mail-in balloting mandatory for all Americans in the 2020 election attacked electoral integrity laws in well over a dozen in the courts in an attempt to overturn restrictions on voting-by-mail.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told MSNBC May 20 that going forward it would be called “voting at home,” after Democrats discovered that the idea of “voting-by-mail” didn’t excite actual voters. Voting in person is “a health issue” in the era of the pandemic, she said.

Democrats and other voting-by-mail advocates claimed voters shouldn’t have to risk their physical well-being to vote. Republicans countered that mail-in voting should not be expanded because it is so susceptible to fraud and that Democrats were using the pandemic as an excuse to rig the election.

The attorney leading the legal onslaught against fair elections was Marc Elias of the high-powered Democratic law firm Perkins Coie. Elias has a long history of successfully fighting electoral integrity policies in court, eliminating or weakening signature-matching requirements and ballot-receipt deadlines.

Elias is also an important figure in the “Russiagate” conspiracy, which aimed to overturn the result of the 2016 presidential election. A lawyer who represented the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2016 election cycle, Elias hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct opposition research against then-candidate Trump. That research effort culminated in the laughable, thoroughly discredited 35-page dossier written by former British spy Christopher Steele that purported to tie Trump to the Russian government.

While the leftist litigation was ripping electoral safeguards to shreds, battleground state governors began issuing emergency executive orders restricting in-person voting, which has many anti-fraud safeguards, while putting state resources into promoting high-risk, fraud-prone voting-by-mail.

“[T]his coordinated assault on in-person voting generally favored Democrat Party voters who preferred to vote in advance, while placing Republicans, who preferred to vote in person, at a disadvantage,” Kline stated in the report.

Combined, these actions helped to create “a two-tier election system favoring one demographic while disadvantaging another demographic.”

Infused with hundreds of millions of Zuckerbucks, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, “a previously sleepy 501(c)(3) organization … whose previous annual revenues never exceeded $1.2 million,” suddenly began asking Democratic Party strongholds to seek strings-attached grants that imposed strict conditions on the way recipient jurisdictions ran their elections.

CTCL gave $100,000 to Racine, Wisconsin, in May of this year, and asked its mayor to recruit four other cities (Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, and Milwaukee) to develop a joint grant request. The bloc of cities submitted a “Wisconsin Safe Election Plan” on June 15 to CTCL and, in turn, got $6.3 million from the nonprofit to implement the plan.

The plan treated state election integrity laws “as obstacles and nuisances to be ignored or circumvented,” as CTCL “retained the right, in the grant document, to, in its sole discretion, order all funds returned if the grantee cities did not conduct the election consistent with CTCL dictates.”

In effect, CTCL managed the election in the five affected Wisconsin cities.

The report stated that the CTCL-engineered plan also went around voter ID requirements for absentee ballots by defining all voters as “indefinitely confined” due to COVID-19, and later, after criticism from the Wisconsin Supreme Court, by directing election clerks not to question such claims.

The plan also ushered in the use of drop boxes for ballot collection, a move that disrupted the chain of custody of the ballot, and consolidated counting centers, “justifying the flow of hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location and the marginalization of Republican poll watchers such that bipartisan participation in the management, handling, and counting of the ballots was compromised.”

Electoral integrity watchdogs got wise to CTCL’s pro-Biden game early on.

A group of Wisconsin voters filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Election Commission against the group, claiming that election-assistance grants it gave to Democrat-dominated cities violated state law.

The complainant, Wisconsin Voter Alliance, based in Suamico, Wisconsin, claimed in the legal complaint that CTCL grants violated state law prohibiting the provision of monies to election officials to induce persons to vote or influence an election outcome.

Zuckerberg’s saturation-bombing of CTCL with money allowed the group to hand out so much cash that Democratic strongholds spent around $47 per voter, compared to $4 to $7 per voter in traditionally Republican areas of Wisconsin, according to Kline.

Zuckerberg-underwritten CTCL grants also found their way to election officials in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas.

CTCL grants in Pennsylvania were used to pay election judges in Philadelphia and other election officials. CTCL directed Philadelphia to increase its polling locations and to use drop boxes and eventually mobile pick-up units.

Zuckerbucks allowed Philadelphia to “cure” improperly completed absentee ballots in a manner not provided for in Republican-leaning areas of the state, the report stated.

For example, in Democrat-dominated Delaware County, Pennsylvania, one drop box was placed every four square miles and for every 4,000 voters. In the 59 counties Trump won in 2016, there was one drop box for every 1,100 square miles and every 72,000 voters.

“Government encouraging a targeted demographic to turn out the vote is the opposite side of the same coin as government targeting a demographic to suppress the vote,” Kline wrote.

“This two-tiered election system allowed voters in Democrat strongholds to stroll down the street to vote while voters in Republican strongholds had to go on the equivalent of a ‘where’s Waldo’ hunt.”

“These irregularities existed wherever Zuckerberg’s money was granted to local election officials. In effect, Mark Zuckerberg was invited into the counting room, and the American people were kicked out.”

If Biden ends up being sworn in Jan. 20, take a wild guess who will be receiving a presidential Medal of Freedom.


Why that poll showing 54% of California Hispanics want Gavin Newsom recalled may mean a big surprise for Dems

By Monica Showalter

The mainstream media have been promoting the truism that California's embattled Gov. Gavin Newsom will win his voter recall referendum.  It's in the bag.

The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has been saying since at least 2008 that it has the Hispanic vote locked up.  Another "certainty."

Here comes a poll, though, reported by the Daily Caller, showing that both are deluding themselves:

More than half of Hispanics in California say they would vote to recall Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, according to an Inside California Politics/Emerson College poll published Tuesday.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%, showed Californians are split on the issue with 46% in favor of recalling Newsom and 48% are against it. Among Hispanics, 54% said they would vote to recall.

This is a startling counter-indicator, given that not only is it unfavorable to Newsom, but it's also not consistent with the views of other demographic groups, such as blacks, who support Newsom; Asians, who support Newsom; and whites, who are almost evenly divided about him.

Here's the big kicker: Hispanics form 39% of the population and 35% of the voter base, making them California's biggest and most important constituency.

The bad news gets worse, according to reporting from the California Globe:

The Globe spoke with Mark Meuser and compared notes on the latest poll and the data.

"First, looking at the data, we see that the hispanic community is 54.4% planning on voting for the recall," Meuser said. The state of California has approximately 35% registered Hispanic voters. But this poll only made up of 24.2% hispanic voters, Meuser noted. "It appears that this Emerson poll has under sampled hispanic voters." This is also posted on his Senate campaign Facebook page.

Meuser continued: "Second, the Emerson poll sampled 46.4% democrats, 23.1% republicans, and 30.5% other parties, which may be close to actual party affiliation breakdowns." However, Meuser said they do not track with typical turnout in California for special elections. "During special elections, Californian republicans tend to turn out in much higher numbers," he said.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, using data from 2019 to 2020, 31% of Hispanics identify as conservative, and 16% are registered Republicans.  Hispanics are less likely to vote than other demographic groups.  However, their poll data shows that other factors suggest they may be more energized to vote than commonly supposed.

To look at that, consider the typical reasons the recall effort has taken off with voters: number one, Newsom's COVID handling, and COVID lockdowns.

Those hit Hispanics very hard.  According to this New York Times report from June:

Hispanic American communities have been pummeled by a higher rate of infections than any other racial or ethnic group and have experienced hospitalizations and deaths at rates exceeded only by those among Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

But new research shows the coronavirus has also attacked Hispanic Americans in an especially insidious way: They were younger when they died.

They are much more likely than white Americans to have died of Covid-19 before age 65, often in the prime of life and at the height of their productive years. Indeed, a recent study of California deaths found that Hispanic Americans between the ages of 20 and 54 were 8.5 times more likely than white Americans in that age range to die of Covid-19.

"It matters how old you are when you die, because your role in society differs," said Dr. Mary Bassett, director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

It's natural to wonder why the wokester Democrats running the state have this particular record, which speaks very ill of them, as they virtue-signal all over the place about their love for Hispanics.

Here may be an even bigger one: the state's extended COVID lockdowns, which exceeded those of other states, hit small businesses exceptionally hard.  And here's some Census data on how many Hispanic small businesses there are that got knocked flat, thanks to Newsom and his fancy French Laundry dinners eaten without masks:


That's deadly.

Now let's look at another reason: crime.

Here are the findings from the state of California's first-ever survey of victims of violent crime:

Two in three of these crime victims acknowledge having been victims of multiple crimes in the past five years. African Americans and Latinos are more likely to have been victims of three or more crimes in the past five years.

The PPIC survey, cited above, notes that 54% of Hispanic voters are homeowners, having a stake in the system.  Also, 30% are recent immigrants, meaning they may well have fled countries with considerable crime to start with.  To find it here is pretty baleful.  Also, the largest percentage of Hispanics, 39%, live in Los Angeles County, home of let-'em-all-out-of-jail district attorney George Gascón.  So much for defunding the police, a huge percentage of whom are Hispanic, too, especially in Los Angeles County, where 49% of the force is Hispanic.

Homelessness, too, is an issue that affects property values and standards of living, and is a top voter issue overall, so it's likely that the concern among Hispanics is multiplied.

Other factors figure in as well — they don't like the bad public schools they are forced to send their kids to; they don't like wokester Critical Race Theory, "which teaches my kids to hate other people," as one Hispanic told me; and they don't like illegal immigration, many of whom have gone to great ends to accomplish their American Dream by immigrating here legally, and who see the crime, drugs, and social disintegration firsthand that comes of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration.  Just go to the San Fernando Valley for a glimpse at that.  I suspect that the PRI-style corruption of California's one-party state disgusts a certain percentage, too, particularly since California's Hispanic population is overwhelmingly Mexican-derived.

It all points to bad news for Newsom, who has patronized and acted weird around Hispanics already.  Remember this?

One can only hope that Democrats and the press keep deluding themselves about having the Hispanic vote in the bag and Newsom's recall referendum win all but assured.  The Emerson poll, cited above, shows that the voters are moving toward Elder and away from Newsom.  The trend is the friend.  And Democrats?  California's Hispanics may well have a big surprise for them.


Why that poll showing 54% of California Hispanics want Gavin Newsom recalled may mean a big surprise for Dems

By Monica Showalter

The mainstream media have been promoting the truism that California's embattled Gov. Gavin Newsom will win his voter recall referendum.  It's in the bag.

The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has been saying since at least 2008 that it has the Hispanic vote locked up.  Another "certainty."

Here comes a poll, though, reported by the Daily Caller, showing that both are deluding themselves:

More than half of Hispanics in California say they would vote to recall Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, according to an Inside California Politics/Emerson College poll published Tuesday.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%, showed Californians are split on the issue with 46% in favor of recalling Newsom and 48% are against it. Among Hispanics, 54% said they would vote to recall.

This is a startling counter-indicator, given that not only is it unfavorable to Newsom, but it's also not consistent with the views of other demographic groups, such as blacks, who support Newsom; Asians, who support Newsom; and whites, who are almost evenly divided about him.

Here's the big kicker: Hispanics form 39% of the population and 35% of the voter base, making them California's biggest and most important constituency.

The bad news gets worse, according to reporting from the California Globe:

The Globe spoke with Mark Meuser and compared notes on the latest poll and the data.

"First, looking at the data, we see that the hispanic community is 54.4% planning on voting for the recall," Meuser said. The state of California has approximately 35% registered Hispanic voters. But this poll only made up of 24.2% hispanic voters, Meuser noted. "It appears that this Emerson poll has under sampled hispanic voters." This is also posted on his Senate campaign Facebook page.

Meuser continued: "Second, the Emerson poll sampled 46.4% democrats, 23.1% republicans, and 30.5% other parties, which may be close to actual party affiliation breakdowns." However, Meuser said they do not track with typical turnout in California for special elections. "During special elections, Californian republicans tend to turn out in much higher numbers," he said.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, using data from 2019 to 2020, 31% of Hispanics identify as conservative, and 16% are registered Republicans.  Hispanics are less likely to vote than other demographic groups.  However, their poll data shows that other factors suggest they may be more energized to vote than commonly supposed.

To look at that, consider the typical reasons the recall effort has taken off with voters: number one, Newsom's COVID handling, and COVID lockdowns.

Those hit Hispanics very hard.  According to this New York Times report from June:

Hispanic American communities have been pummeled by a higher rate of infections than any other racial or ethnic group and have experienced hospitalizations and deaths at rates exceeded only by those among Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

But new research shows the coronavirus has also attacked Hispanic Americans in an especially insidious way: They were younger when they died.

They are much more likely than white Americans to have died of Covid-19 before age 65, often in the prime of life and at the height of their productive years. Indeed, a recent study of California deaths found that Hispanic Americans between the ages of 20 and 54 were 8.5 times more likely than white Americans in that age range to die of Covid-19.

"It matters how old you are when you die, because your role in society differs," said Dr. Mary Bassett, director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

It's natural to wonder why the wokester Democrats running the state have this particular record, which speaks very ill of them, as they virtue-signal all over the place about their love for Hispanics.

Here may be an even bigger one: the state's extended COVID lockdowns, which exceeded those of other states, hit small businesses exceptionally hard.  And here's some Census data on how many Hispanic small businesses there are that got knocked flat, thanks to Newsom and his fancy French Laundry dinners eaten without masks:


That's deadly.

Now let's look at another reason: crime.

Here are the findings from the state of California's first-ever survey of victims of violent crime:

Two in three of these crime victims acknowledge having been victims of multiple crimes in the past five years. African Americans and Latinos are more likely to have been victims of three or more crimes in the past five years.

The PPIC survey, cited above, notes that 54% of Hispanic voters are homeowners, having a stake in the system.  Also, 30% are recent immigrants, meaning they may well have fled countries with considerable crime to start with.  To find it here is pretty baleful.  Also, the largest percentage of Hispanics, 39%, live in Los Angeles County, home of let-'em-all-out-of-jail district attorney George Gascón.  So much for defunding the police, a huge percentage of whom are Hispanic, too, especially in Los Angeles County, where 49% of the force is Hispanic.

Homelessness, too, is an issue that affects property values and standards of living, and is a top voter issue overall, so it's likely that the concern among Hispanics is multiplied.

Other factors figure in as well — they don't like the bad public schools they are forced to send their kids to; they don't like wokester Critical Race Theory, "which teaches my kids to hate other people," as one Hispanic told me; and they don't like illegal immigration, many of whom have gone to great ends to accomplish their American Dream by immigrating here legally, and who see the crime, drugs, and social disintegration firsthand that comes of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration.  Just go to the San Fernando Valley for a glimpse at that.  I suspect that the PRI-style corruption of California's one-party state disgusts a certain percentage, too, particularly since California's Hispanic population is overwhelmingly Mexican-derived.

It all points to bad news for Newsom, who has patronized and acted weird around Hispanics already.  Remember this?

One can only hope that Democrats and the press keep deluding themselves about having the Hispanic vote in the bag and Newsom's recall referendum win all but assured.  The Emerson poll, cited above, shows that the voters are moving toward Elder and away from Newsom.  The trend is the friend.  And Democrats?  California's Hispanics may well have a big surprise for them.


Big Tech, Koch Network Cheer Biden’s Amnesty to Flood U.S. Labor Market

Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images


19 Feb 20211,008


Big tech’s lobbying arm and the Koch brothers’ network of donor class organizations are cheering on President Joe Biden’s amnesty plan that would pack the United States labor market with more foreign visa workers for business to hire over American graduates and professionals.

This week, Biden’s amnesty plan was introduced in Congress by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) as Democrats look to increase foreign competition in the U.S. workforce while more than 17 million Americans are jobless.

Among other things, the plan would:

· Put nearly all illegal aliens in the U.S. on an eight-year path to citizenship

· Provide $4 billion in foreign aid to Central America

· Expand the U.S. labor market with more foreign visa workers

· Expedite green cards for foreign relatives, otherwise known as “chain migration”

· Potentially add 52 million foreign-born residents to the U.S. population

· Eliminate per-country caps, ensuring India monopolizes employment green cards

· Increase the Diversity Visa Lottery program where visas are given out randomly

· Provide green cards to foreign students who graduate in advanced STEM fields

· Bring already deported illegal aliens back to the U.S. to provide them amnesty

For Amazon, millions of newly legalized illegal aliens, foreign visa workers, and chain migrants who would be added to the U.S. labor market as a result of the plan are a boon to multinational corporations’ profits.

“Today’s immigration reform bill marks an important step in reducing the green card backlog, creating a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers & making our immigration system more efficient,” Amazon officials wrote in a statement. “We look forward working [with] the administration and Congress to advance these proposed solutions.”

Today's immigration reform bill marks an important step in reducing the green card backlog, creating a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers & making our immigration system more efficient. We look forward working w/ the administration & Congress to advance these proposed solutions.

— Amazon Public Policy (@amazon_policy) February 18, 2021

Specifically, aside from providing Amazon with more foreign visa workers to hire, the plan includes a green card giveaway that would create a green card system where only H-1B foreign visa workers are able to obtain employment-based visas by creating a backlog of seven to eight years for all foreign nationals.

The process would reward outsourcing firms and tech corporations for the decades of outsourcing American jobs to H-1B foreign visa workers.

Executives with the Libre Initiative, a Koch-funded organization, also praised the Biden amnesty plan as “an important first step” to securing the green card giveaway for corporations that they have also long lobbied for.

“There is broad support for proposals like a permanent solution for Dreamers, workforce visa reform, removing per-country caps, efficient border security measures and much more,” Daniel Garza with the Libre Initiative wrote in a statement:

Lawmakers should seize the opportunity and demonstrate that partisan gridlock will not keep the American public waiting another 30 years for congress to enact sensible, permanent solutions. We look forward to working with lawmakers to ensure that we can get nonpartisan, sensible solutions past both chambers and enacted into law.

Todd Schulte with, a group that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg created to lobby on behalf of tech corporations, called the amnesty plan a “critical moment for immigration policy” and a “substantial step forward.”

“Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform a long-failed and too easily weaponized immigration system,” Schulte wrote in a statement. “The time is now and we will seize this moment.”

Despite the business lobby’s insistence that there is a labor shortage, millions of Americans are out of work today and hundreds of thousands of U.S. graduates enter the labor market every year looking for white-collar professional jobs with competitive pay and good benefits.

Already, the U.S. admits about 1.2 million legal immigrants every year. Another 1.4 million foreign visa workers are brought in annually to take American jobs, many in white-collar professions. The latest data reveals that nearly 6-in-10 workers in Silicon Valley, California — the tech industry’s hub — are foreign-born.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Tech Workers Flee San Francisco


Employees of tech companies in San Francisco, California, can’t leave the city fast enough, fleeing for the potential tech hubs of tomorrow such as Austin, Texas, and Miami, Florida. One former San Francisco exec said: “what else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has been fielding inquiries from top executives in the tech world, such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, according to a report by NBC News.

The report added that the mayor has also met with former Google Chairman and Clinton lackey Eric Schmidt, and the chairman of Palantir, Peter Thiel, among others.

“There is absolutely no doubt that a big part of the reason why they are moving is that they feel that there is an inhospitable environment for regulation and taxation,” said Suarez.

Miami is not the only city experiencing this type of migration, as tech employees from San Francisco are fleeing to other states offering them better opportunities as well.

Tech workers living in San Francisco had once believed that the high rent, high taxes, long commute to work, and rude neighbors were worth it if they could live in “the epicenter of a boom that was changing the world,” reported SFGATE.

But now, in the wake of the pandemic, tech workers can’t flee the city fast enough, as spending months working remotely in other towns has shown them that the quality of life can be higher elsewhere.

“Tech workers and their bosses realized they might not need all the perks and after-work schmooze events. But maybe they needed elbow room and a yard for the new puppy. A place to put the Peloton. A top public school,” noted SFGATE.

And so they fled to more affordable places, like Georgia, and states with no income taxes, like Texas and Florida. The report added that the number one choice of relocation for people leaving San Francisco is Austin, Texas.

John Gardner, the founder and CEO of the remote personal training startup Kickoff — who fled San Francisco for Miami Beach — told SFGATE that he can’t help but wonder, “what else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”

As for Mike Rothermel, a designer at Cisco who moved from the Bay Area to Boulder, Colorado, the tech worker said that he and his wife moved into a $1.3 million house that he “only saw on video for 20 minutes.”

“It’s a mansion compared to SF for the same money,” added Rothermel.

Justin Kan, who co-founded Twitch, tweeted to his followers in August last year, asking them where he should move.

“We’re selling our house and moving out of SF. Where should we go and why?” asked Kan.

We're selling our house and moving out of SF. Where should we go and why?

— Justin Kan (@justinkan) August 17, 2020

“Come to Austin with us. Growing tech ecosystem and Texas is the best place to make a stand together for a free society,” responded Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of software company Palantir.

Come to Austin with us. Growing tech ecosystem and Texas is the best place to make a stand together for a free society.

— Joe Lonsdale (@JTLonsdale) August 17, 2020

“You start to feel stupid,” said Sahin Boydas, the founder of a remote-work startup, of living in San Francisco. “I can understand the 1% rich people, the very top investors and entrepreneurs, they can be happy there.”

Boydas and his family ended up moving to Austin, where they were able to buy a five-bedroom home on an acre of land for the same price they were paying for their three-bedroom apartment in Cupertino, California.

‘We’re going to get a cat and a dog,” he said. “We could never do that before.”

Boydas also noted that his bills are lower, too, such as the water bill, trash bill, and the cost of dining out at a restaurant with his family — adding that he didn’t even know that there were no income taxes when he moved.

“I run payroll for myself, and when I saw zero, I called the accountant like there’s an error — there’s no tax line here,” said Boydas. “And they were like, ‘Yeah there’s no tax.'”

The report added that there are currently 33,000 members in a Facebook group called “Leaving California,” as well as 51,000 members in its sister group, “Life After California.” In the groups, people share photos of moving trucks, and links to property listings in new cities.

“When people decide to leave San Francisco, they usually don’t know where they want to go, they just want to go,” said Terry Gilliam, the founder of both Facebook groups.

Bear Kittay, the co-founder Good Money, echoed those sentiments, and even acknowledged that some people may find themselves relocating to “a place that is more conservative.”

“The things that make this city ill are not within my control to change,” said Kittay of San Francisco.

“A lot of people are choosing to go to places where there’s opportunity,” he added. “And maybe it’s a place that is more conservative and there can be an integration of dialogue.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.





Adios, Sanctuary La Raza Welfare State of California
A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse.
By Steve Baldwin
American Spectator
What’s clear is that the producers are leaving the state and the takers are coming in. Many of the takers are illegal aliens, now estimated to number over 2.6 million (BLOG: THE NUMBER IS CLOSER TO 15 MILLION ILLEAGLS). The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion (DATED: NOW ABOUT $35 BILLION YEARLY AND THAT IS ON THE STATE LEVEL ONLY. COUNTIES PAY OUT MORE) on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs. 

Liberals claim they more than make that up with taxes paid, but that’s simply not true. It’s not even close. FAIR estimates illegal aliens in California contribute only $1.21 billion in tax revenue, which means they cost California $20.6 billion, or at least $1,800 per household.
Nonetheless, open border advocates, such as Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg, claim illegal aliens are a net benefit to California with little evidence to support such an assertion. As the Center for Immigration Studies has documented, the vast majority of illegals are poor, uneducated, and with few skills. How does accepting millions of illegal aliens and then granting them access to dozens of welfare programs benefit California’s economy? If illegal aliens were contributing to the economy in any meaningful way, California, with its 2.6 million illegal aliens, would be booming.
Furthermore, the complexion of illegal aliens has changed with far more on welfare and committing crimes than those who entered the country in the 1980s. Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. Granted, those statistics are old, but if you talk to any California law enforcement officer, they will tell you it’s much worse today. The problem is that the Brown administration will not release any statewide data on illegal alien crimes. That would be insensitive. And now that California has declared itself a “sanctuary state,” there is little doubt this sends a message south of the border that will further escalate illegal immigration into the state.

"If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan." 
Indeed, California goes out of its way to attract illegal aliens. The state has even created government programs that cater exclusively to illegal aliens. For example, the State Department of Motor Vehicles has offices that only process driver licenses for illegal aliens. With over a million illegal aliens now driving in California, the state felt compelled to help them avoid the long lines the rest of us must endure at the DMV. And just recently, the state-funded University of California system announced it will spend $27 million on financial aid for illegal aliens. They’ve even taken out radio spots on stations all along the border, just to make sure other potential illegal border crossers hear about this program. I can’t afford college education for all my four sons, but my taxes will pay for illegals to get a college education.


FNC’s Carlson: Kamala Harris Is Bringing California-Style Governance to the Country — ‘You Should Pay Attention to That’


24 Dec 2020459


Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson warned the same leadership that has brought woes to California is coming to Washington, D.C. in the form of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

According to Carlson, California officials were using race tensions as a way to distract from the shortcomings of that governance.

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: We make a lot of fun of the State of California on this show, you may have noticed, but we’re not really joking. California matters and not just because it’s our biggest state. What happens there is at some point almost certain to happen where you live.

Find a national trend that didn’t begin in California. There may be some, but there aren’t many. So if you want to know the future, or if you want to prevent it, look west. California is a roadmap for the rest of us and very often warning.

With that in mind, here is the bottom line on California. It’s falling apart.

Over the course of just the last several decades, California has gone from one of the richest places in the world to the poorest state in our country. More than a third of California’s population now hovers around the poverty line.

Even before COVID, over four million Californians were collecting food stamps. More than 150,000 people in California are homeless. They are everywhere. They’re living on the streets, in parks, under overpasses, in tents on the sidewalk.

Here’s Los Angeles just last month.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): The homeless crisis in Los Angeles is getting worse local say with some encampments so big residents call them McMansion Tents. They’re driving away businesses, too; many of which are already struggling financially because of the pandemic.

This comes as the city sees a spike in violence with a 32% increase in shootings since last year. While police say financial stress from the pandemic is largely to blame, some criticize the leaders for once again being unable to control the issue.


CARLSON: California didn’t always look this way, even recently. This is a human tragedy. It wasn’t caused by God or nature. It was caused by the selfishness and the stupidity of bad leaders and their bad policies.

If these leaders were judged by their performance, what they do, no big city politician in the State of California would have a job tonight. They know that, so they are working hard to make certain they’re not judged by those standards — rational standards.

Instead, they inflame racial wounds to try to keep the population distracted and divided, to keep the attention away from them and their failures.

Here, for example, is the shamefully incompetent mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, just this summer.


MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI (D), LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: When I talked about killers, I said, our collective — our collective burden here in this society is that we let black men and women die. I pointed at myself, we collectively have a choice of whether we will be those who heal or whether we will continue being the killers.


CARLSON: Yes. Whenever they start talking about collective responsibility, you know what they are really saying is, take the gaze away from me. It’s not my fault.

Garcetti wasn’t more specific when he talked about, we, the killers. It turns out there are killers in his city. They’re not collective. They’re individuals. They’re criminals. And there are a lot of them.

Under Eric Garcetti, crime in Los Angeles has skyrocketed and many innocent people have died as the result of that. But he is not mourning that. He is not giving speeches in their memory or apologizing for the policies he supported that led to their deaths, and neither by the way, is the city’s new head prosecutor, a man called George Gascon.

Gascon was elected with the backing of George Soros. Soros was the single largest donor to his campaign. He wouldn’t be the District Attorney without George Soros. And so George Gascon has, from his very first day in office done the bidding of his backer, Soros.

He has now announced he will be using the pretext of COVID to release still more criminals into the City of Los Angeles. Watch.


AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: Do you have a plan of giving priority in terms of vaccinations in the LA County correctional facilities?

GEORGE GASCON, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: I don’t control the vaccination. But the point that we do have is we’re working to you know, expeditiously release as many people as we can, especially those who have been proven to be at high risk, vulnerable people and obviously people that are not a threat to society.

So we are going to try to remove as many people from that confinement. Justice is really about public health and keeping our community safe.


CARLSON: Oh, OK. So there’s the Soros puppet giving us a lecture on what justice means. Justice is not punishing the guilty, keeping the dangerous away from your children, it is not about enforcing laws. No, justice is making certain that criminals get critical government services before you do, before your parents do.

And that right there, that piece of tape and the attitude behind it distills the emerging politics of California, politics that you should be deeply afraid of, because when they come to your town, they’ll wreck your life.

And if we were to put it in one sentence, it’s this: those who contribute the least get the most. Got it? But don’t you dare complain about it, shut up and hate yourself in silence. That’s an order.

Meanwhile, California’s elected leaders divide the spoils. That’s their job: taking what other people built, giving it to themselves and to their supporters. And they divide the spoils, as is now official policy in the State of California in the most divisive, immoral possible way, along lines of color.

Here is Congresswoman Maxine Waters explaining what kind of person Governor Gavin Newsom should pick to replace Kamala Harris in the United States Senate.


REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): He has a decision that he has to make, and I think that it will be a black woman. I think he understands that, you know, when Kamala Harris leaves, you know, the Senate, that’s only one black woman who was serving, and certainly it would be, you know, kind of, you know, unfair not to have at least another black woman replace her.


CARLSON: This really is the high point of stupidity in this country’s history. Who cares what color your senators are, who cares what gender they are, you want good government, you want wise competent people in charge of the country, but that’s not what you’re getting because those aren’t the criteria.

In the end, you should know the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom appointed a man called Alex Padilla to replace Kamala Harris in the Senate. And when he did, no one debated whether Padilla might be a good senator, whether he might improve the schools or lower the cost of housing or brings bring jobs back. Instead, they argued about his race. That was the only thing they cared about.

Here’s the mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, who by the way is an utter buffoon, most famous not for improving San Francisco, but for defying her own lockdown orders in order to dine at the French Laundry in Napa.

Here’s that person explain that Padilla is a bad choice, because he is the wrong color.


MAYOR LONDON BREED (D), SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: When you think about the history of this country, and the challenges that exist for African-Americans, especially African-American women in the Senate, definitely, this is a real, you know, blow to the African-American community, to African-American women, to women in general. It was definitely a surprise.

And it’s an unfortunate situation as we are trying to move this country forward and making sure that black lives truly matter.


CARLSON: OK, so you have been a terrible mayor, you have hurt the city, which again, you did not build, you didn’t make San Francisco an impressive place that people wanted to move to. You made it worse. So you’ve disqualified yourself from any comment on government ever for the rest of your life. That’s the first thing.

The second thing is, the rest of us who sit by and let people say things like this on television without thinking and saying, whoa, wait a second, color and gender are irrelevant to good government. Thinking that way is poison. We’re not putting up with this garbage anymore.

We’re implicated in the destruction of the country if we sit back and let decisions get made along those lines. It’s such a destructive sideshow.

Meanwhile, the physical reality, the State of California, which is an actual place with tens of millions of actual people, 40 million, our most beautiful state, our most economically important state falls apart. No one is paying any attention because they are debating the color of the new senator.

But the electrical grid is failing. The power flickers on and off like a third world country. The state’s forests are so mismanaged, they keep catching fire and burning uncontrollably.

Climate change isn’t doing that, bad management is doing that.

Women — we care about women, really? Because women can’t jog in public parks for fear of being attacked by the mentally ill homeless. Does anyone care about them? No.

And for the privilege of all of this, for living in a state that’s literally collapsing around them, the residents of California pay the highest and the most burdensome taxes in the country. So guess what people who can are doing? You know the answer, they are leaving.

California’s largest export used to be advanced aerospace products. That was the economy of Southern California, that and the movies. They’re all gone now. Now, the state’s main export is population.

More than 40% of Bay Area residents tell pollsters they want to leave. Really? And that’s one of the happiest places in the state. And it’s no wonder the average rent price in a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco fell 20% in the last year. Why is that? Because no one wants to live there.

The most recent estimates show that California lost more than 135,000 people in the last year. Among those people, by the way, is Kamala Harris. She’s in Washington now, your capital, and she is bringing California-style governance to the rest of us. You should pay attention to that.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


The greed for power of the Democrats is endless

Almost all the Democrat policy proposals involve transferring more power and money from the rest of the country to the extremely powerful federal government. 

While the Dems seek to destroy the millions of jobs related to oil, natural gas, and coal they seek to make more people dependent on the government. 

Democrats claim they care deeply about wealth and income inequality, yet they seek to transfer more wealth and income to the extremely wealthy DC area where they produce nothing but regulations and bureaucracy. 

Most Of Nation’s Wealthiest Counties In DC Area

Once a government policy or bureaucracy starts, it is very hard to stop, and the budget and power almost always expands. There is little effort to control costs. 

The following article shows at least 456 agencies and there is little evidence anyone tries to eliminate duplicate goals. Does anyone think Pelosi, Schumer, Biden or anyone else can describe what these agencies do?

Look at what falls under the agriculture umbrella:

“In 1900, there (were) 11 million Americans employed on farms – and 2,900 employed by the USDA. A century later there are 3 million employed on farms – and 105,000 employed by the USDA.”

Each agency is essentially its own fiefdom lobbying for more money. They determine where their money goes. 

For example, the NIH handed out grants that ended up in the hands of the Wuhan lab which may have used the funds for gain of function research. 

456 Federal Agencies? The Eternal Push for Ever-Expanding, Redundant Over-Government

Here’s a Fun Number of the Day.  I just ran a Web search for “how many federal agencies are there” — and the Internet extruded the number FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX (456).

To wit: The human species has engaged in agriculture for more than 10,000 years.  We did so for 9,900+ of those years without a US Department of Agriculture (USDA).  Which now appears to have THIRTY-THREE (33) “Offices” under its umbrella.

Which is pathetically unreflective of today’s agriculture sector.  The proportion of Americans engaged in agriculture has plummeted — while the Department of Agriculture has massively expanded:

“In 1900, there (were) 11 million Americans employed on farms – and 2,900 employed by the USDA. A century later there are 3 million employed on farms – and 105,000 employed by the USDA.”

Besides the agencies that fall under the Congressional budget, there are several more entities that are essentially government agencies that wield massive control. None of these entities pay federal or state taxes.

The Federal Reserve has expenses of over $5 billion each year and over 23,000 employees. They have $8.7 trillion in assets.

The average salary is approximately $100,000 per year.

The CFPB was established by Congress, but it was set up as an "independent agency to give it more power.

The budget is around $700 million per year. It has around 1,600 employees

The average employee salary for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in 2020 was $125,476.


Fannie Mae has $3.5 Trillion in assets. They have 7,500 employees. Average salary $93,000 per year.  Five people at Fannie Mae made more than $2 million and four people at Freddie made more than $3 million despite a $600,000 cap on salaries. Where are the congressional hearings by Schiff and Pelosi?

How Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac dodged a $600,000 cap on CEO pay

At Fannie Mae, five executives earned more than $2 million each last year, while four executives at Freddie Mac earned more than $3 million, according to data compiled by Equilar, a research firm. The total amount spent on salaries for the top executives increased 31 percent at Fannie Mae and 4 percent at Freddie Mac last year, according to the data.

Freddie Mac. 2.1 trillion in assets and around 7,000 employees. Average salary $95,000.

The Federal Reserve, Fannie, and Freddie essentially have an almost monopolistic control over housing. It’s as if they never learn from previous bubbles and subsequent crashes.

Average salary of U.S worker is around $70,000. Average salary of U.S government employee is $90,000 and their pension and other benefits dwarf the private sector. Yet the Democrats focus on increasing government power and money.

 Average $90,510 Salary and Other Traits of 2.1 Million+ Federal Employees

As if politicians didn’t have enough money in the regular budget to funnel to their special interest groups, the corrupt Obama, Biden administration had slush funds at the Justice Department, EPA, and CFPB to give kickbacks to their special interest groups.

These special interest groups gave some money back to Democrats for campaign contributions and used significant funds to lobby for Democrat policies and against Republican policies. 

How Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance 

The Obama administration’s massive shakedown of Big Banks over the mortgage crisis included unprecedented back-door funding for dozens of Democratic activist groups who were not even victims of the crisis.

At least three liberal nonprofit organizations the Justice Department approved to receive funds from multibillion-dollar mortgage settlements were instrumental in killing the ObamaCare repeal bill and are now lobbying against GOP tax reform, as well as efforts to rein in illegal immigration.




Is there any wonder there is so much corruption in the U.S when most of the media looks the other way and hides it?

CFPB Joins Justice In Shaking Down Banks For Democrat Activist Groups 

CFPB Joins Justice In Shaking Down Banks For Democrat Activist Groups The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is diverting potentially millions of dollars in settlement payments for alleged victims of lending bias to a slush fund for poverty groups tied to the Democratic Party.

We've seen this before at the Justice Department, which Congress earlier this year scolded for "shortchanging" alleged victims of Bank of America and Citibank the same way. Justice funneled at least $150 million into a slush fund for Democratic interests, unconstitutionally avoiding Congress.

The EPA Stashes BILLIONS In Slush Fund-Like Accounts

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have accumulated at least $6.3 billion in more than 1,300 obscure spending accounts akin to slush funds that are essentially beyond congressional, media and public scrutiny.

Trump got rid of the slush funds, but the corrupt Biden reinstated the Justice slush fund the first day he took office. And the media pretends that the Biden Justice department is independent and honest. 

Biden Directs DOJ to Reinstate ‘Slush Fund’ Settlement Payments to Special Interest Groups

If Democrats really cared about the common good, they would give more freedom, power and money to the common person, instead of the government. We would drill to lower prices. 

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Would that have happened if the Clinton Foundation had been a legitimate charity? Do people stop donating to charities when public figures no longer run for higher office?

Between 2008 and 2016, the Clinton Foundation reported total revenue in excess of $1.1 billion, or an annual average of $130.4 million. Needless to say, Clinton's stunning failure to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 election appears to have had a significant impact on the foundation's ability to raise money.

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for reasons of personal gain.  Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is reaping the financial benefits of being on the board of a Russian company, Joule, which he did not disclose.  

                                                    PATRICIA McCARTHY

The Clintons have been a criminal enterprise since they came to power in Arkansas.  The list of scandals they have generated is long and tawdry.  Their principal goal then and now has always been to enrich themselves.  They never once had a moral compunction about lying, cheating, selling, and stealing their way to wealth. They are the Perons of America.  They eventually set up a "foundation" and the money kept rolling in. 

"Ask Jeff Sessions about the charges.  Money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation from all over the world, disguised, rerouted through a Canadian charity, all to obscure its origins."

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated.



“There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds,” states a separate interview memo attached to the submission.


“Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him,” the memo added.


If the Clinton Foundation Wasn't Illicit, Why Are Its Donations Down From $249M to $16M?



Four years ago, the Dem media insisted that the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity and there was nothing illicit about assorted special interests and foreign donors pouring in. And that the cash flow had nothing to do with Hillary's aspirations for the White House.

Let's compare and contrast.

During Hillary's opening year as Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation raised $249 million. In 2014, as Hillary prepared to march on the White House, it tallied $178 million.

The year after Hillary's defeat? Not so much.

The Clinton Foundation reported total revenue of $38.4 million for 2017, the fewest dollars the foundation has taken over the course of a fiscal year in more than a decade — and a sharp decline from the $249 million raised during Clinton’s first year as secretary of state.

How's the Clinton Influence Foundation doing now?

The foundation received about $16.3 million in contributions during 2020, according to a new annual tax filing.

That's less than a tenth. 

Officially they're blaming the pandemic (and I'm sure Jeffrey Epstein's death didn't help), but the Clinton Foundation's take dropped sharply not due to the China virus, but to the defeat virus.

Would that have happened if the Clinton Foundation had been a legitimate charity? Do people stop donating to charities when public figures no longer run for higher office?

Maybe Hillary Clinton should throw her hat in the ring for 2024, if only to get those donations going again.

Clinton Foundation Donations Hit Lowest Point in a Decade, Down 75% Since 2016

Michael Loccisano/Getty Images
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

Donations to the Clinton Foundation hit $16.3 million last year, the lowest amount in at least a decade, down close to 75 percent from its 2016 peak of $62.9 million.

IRS filings revealed the Clinton Foundation received $16.3 million last year in grants and contributions. Some of the largest donors in 2020 include the Norwegian government, Haim and Cheryl Saban, and the Walton family.

The 2020 donations are a significant decrease from its 2019 numbers, when the foundation raked in $29.6 million in donations. In 2018, the foundation took in $24.2 million. In 2017, the foundation received $26.6 million in donations.

“While 2020 brought urgent needs to address from the pandemic and a deepened focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion; it also was a difficult year for philanthropy,” Clinton Foundation CEO Kevin Thurm said. “Across the sector, resources were stretched thinly and fundraising activities were impacted.”


Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) stands at the podium as former U.S. President Bill Clinton leaves the stage during the opening plenary session of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), on September 22, 2014, in New York City. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

75 percent of nonprofit organizations said the pandemic negatively impacted revenues and fundraising, according to tax and accounting firm BDO.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation peaked in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and ran for U.S. president. The Clinton Foundation took in $62.9 million in donations that year.

As the Clintons lose their political relevance, so too do they lose donations to their foundation.

Indiana University professor Leslie Lenkowsky who studies philanthropy said, “I think it largely reflects the fact that the Clintons are less prominent these days and their ability to raise funds has been affected by that.” He also described the Clinton Foundation as a “celebrity foundation,” where donations to the organization rely mostly on the fame of its founders.

The Clinton Foundation operates the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, where Bill Clinton will appear this week to celebrate the center’s 20th anniversary.


A regime based on fraud and media collusion

By Ron Wright

The unmasking of Dr. Anthony Fauci is the straw that I think will break the back of the camel of an evil cabal.  Everyone in the United States was directly and personally affected by the fraud and cover-up that obscured the origins of COVID-19 in the laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, imposed unnecessary lockdowns, and denied effective therapies to those infected with the virus.  It brought home to Americans the untrustworthiness of the ruling class and its media servants that have covered up numerous frauds in recent years:

· Fast and Furious: Eric Holder's program to arm Mexican drug gangs with American weaponry, it looks like to me.


· Benghazi: Secretary of state Hillary Clinton and President Obama were collecting heavy weapons off the battlefield in

·  Libya using the consulate as cover for the CIA station.  The weapons were transshipped via Turkey to ISIS in Syria.  The hearings done by the DoS review board were a predestined outcome according to my sources.


· Pay to Play by Hillary: As SoS for her signature on items like Uranium One and other shady deals.  Donations would then be made to the Clinton Foundation.


· The bathroom server: A private email system done to facilitate the pay-to-play by keeping the backchannel emails at several arms' length to avoid disclosure by FOIA requests.


· Comey's presser: The FBI director indicted Hillary and then said no intent could be shown.  These charges do not require intent.  The fact that secret classified material was on her server is enough.  Ask Kristian Saucier about intent.


· Bill Clinton met on the Phoenix Airport tarmac with A.G. Lynch just before Comey's exoneration of his wife.


· Russiagate never was anything other than a domestic disinformation operation run by the CIA with the FBI doing the grunt work.  Comey, Clapper, and Brennan also lied to Congress.  Hillary had to have an excuse for why she lost.  She was a very poor candidate, and Trump ran circles around her.  The CIA was illegally running a domestic spy operation under the guise of a counter-intel operation.  This was a reverse target operation to spy on Trump using two minor campaign volunteers.  The DoS has their hands dirty, too.

The election was a full-court press using COVID as an excuse to illegally allow mail-in ballots with no identity verification on ballots to be cast.

Where is Hunter Biden's laptop that was put in the memory hole in the FBI, that the FBI is apparently not doing anything about?  And there's the issue of Ukraine and China with the big guy, Uncle Joe.

And let's not forget that Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden were both compromised by Chinese honey traps.  How many others are there?  A good portion of our government inside the Beltway.

A question now looms over the freedom of Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Do we draw the red line with the CCP after their purportedly accidental release of a bioweapon from Wuhan, or do we appease them as we did with the Third Reich?  How did that work out for us and the Jews?

Do We the People acquiesce in allowing the ruling cabal to make these decisions for us? 

The U.S. and the world are at a tipping point.  Do we succumb to a new world of fascism that dictates what we can and can't do and think?  Unlike the Nazis of Germany and the fascists of Italy, a new and improved version is on offer: corporatism, without an honest government that provides a level playing field for a free market and protection of the inalienable rights of We the People. 

Multinational corporations that have no soul will have more power than our governments.  This new world order will exploit the masses and the Earth's natural resources.  The much-detested colonialism period will pale in comparison.  

But its success depends on the further willingness of the free peoples of the world to accept government by fraud.  And when a fraud that affected everyone negatively for over a year is exposed, that willingness starts to evaporate.


The Clinton Foundation’s record of exploiting natural disasters to source funds for which they never account is as long as it is shameless.

As awful as this orchestrated campaign against President Trump has

been, it is absolutely maddening to realize that none of it would have

happened had Hillary Clinton not engaged in one of the greatest pay-

for-play operations in American history while placing our most

guarded secrets (as well as the very lives of our soldiers and

civilians) on a silver platter for those governments and adversaries who wish us the most harm in this world.  Three years of

Russian hysteria happened only because of the deep corruption of

Hillary Clinton.  J B SHURK

Clinton Foundation Put On Watch

List Of Suspicious ‘Charities’


"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  

                                                              ----  Patricia McCarthy


The Clinton Looting of the Poor of Haiti


“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service” into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes. The basic components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”

Only Barack Obama has serviced banksters

more than Hillary and Billary!


“Clinton also failed to mention how he and Hillary cashed in after his presidential tenure to make themselves multimillionaires, in part by taking tens of millions in speaking fees from Wall Street bankers.”

“The bigger the lie, the more likely the buy-in” -- that must be the theory underlying a plan relentlessly executed by Bill and Hillary Clinton to suck money from the public in support of a supposed “charity” currently known as “Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.”

Unlike the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that was originally funded primarily by the Gates family, the Clinton Foundation was meant to take money from the general public, and from governments.

So, affairs of the Clinton Foundation were never supposed to be directed by the Clinton family. But public records apparently prove that strict rules governing the conduct of public charities are not applied when it comes to long-time “public servants” such as the Clintons.

Incorporated but not Organized

Incorporated on Oct. 23, 1997, just as word started to leak of Bill Clinton’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky and while doubts crested concerning foreign funding for the Clinton legal defense effort, the main Clinton charity was originally named “The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation” in papers filed with the Arkansas Secretary of State by three lawyers.

However, to qualify for federal tax-exemption, a charity must be formally organized not simply by lawyers but by, at least three truly independent directors, who needed to adopt articles of incorporation and bylaws in a formal organizational meeting before the entity conducted official operations. Bylaws for this entity may not have been formally adopted by initial directors (referred to as “Trustees”) until Dec. 23, 1997 as you can see for yourself by reviewing these materials available through the main Clinton Foundation website.

A reasonable question to ask is: what did “The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation” do, if anything, prior to adopting bylaws, and how did they accomplish these actions before becoming formally ''organized ``?

“Formless aggregations of individuals” are not “organizations”

Well before Dec. 23, 1997, Clinton allies laid groundwork required to erect the Clinton Foundation in a portion of Little Rock that had long been run-down, depressing local property values.

However, the IRS explains that only “organizations” are eligible for exemption from taxes, not “formless aggregations of individuals”:

“An individual, partnership, or formless aggregation of individuals, however, cannot qualify for exemption under IRC 501(c)(3). If it is determined that no organization exists, the applicant will be advised that no ruling or determination letter can be issued [emphasis added].”

Newspaper accounts, court records and other publicly available information show that early efforts on behalf of the “Clinton Foundation” were not conducted in corporate form, but instead loosely and informally, chiefly  by Clinton political supporters.

For example, on Nov. 7, 1997, City of Little Rock public meeting notes state:

“[Little Rock] Mayor Dailey said he received word from Skip Rutherford, local coordinator for the Presidential Library at 7:00 AM, that President and Mrs. Clinton has selected the site along the Arkansas River in Little Rock as the location for the proposed William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library [emphasis added].”

In this C-SPAN clip, Rutherford is clearly seen explaining widespread activities carried out through Nov. 7, 1997:

In 1997, and for years afterward, Bill and Hillary Clinton were not lawfully designated directors, trustees, officers, or agents of the purported legal entity that was supposed to operate the presidential library and research center only in Little Rock.

How did Bill and Hillary Clinton have lawful authority to pick the site for Bill’s presidential library?

Moreover, did The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation even exist as a lawfully organized corporate entity in 1997?

Admissions Against Interest

Under siege late in 1997, in 1998, and then safely through the Impeachment trial by early 1999, the Clinton team must have been sure that loyal elements within the Arkansas Attorney General’s office, the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Attorney General’s office would never prosecute those responsible for operating the Clinton Foundation illegally so long as the Clintons remained resident inside the White House.

Though required to do so, the Clinton Foundation never filed an informational return (on Form 990, or 990EZ) for the “short period” from Oct. 23, 1997 through Dec. 31, 1997. This is important because, somehow, the Clinton Foundation acquired financial resources sufficient to pay lawyers and fund operations starting late in October. And a key unanswered question remains: “who advanced them the money?”

In a report to Michigan government authorities, filed in July 1998, Rutherford explained why the Clinton Foundation did not file an IRS Form 990 or 990EZ for 1997 because:

“The organization [was] not in existence last fiscal year--[Not Applicable] [emphasis added].”

In the second informational return the Clinton Foundation ultimately did file with the IRS for 1999, on Nov. 20, 2000, an officer of the entity admitted, under penalties of perjury:

“The Foundation began operations in 1998 [emphasis added] and is in the early stages of raising funds to meet the exempt purposes. Program development is in the very early planning stage and no significant program service expenses have been incurred.”

So, The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation did not exist in 1997, even as elements within the IRS rushed to grant federal tax-exemption to the entity back to Oct. 23, 1997 as this “Determination Letter,” found on the Clinton Foundation website clearly states.

Times were certainly different from 1997 through 2000, but we remember when the IRS rigorously and ruthlessly enforced key charity laws and regulations under President Obama.

Are former Presidents above the law?

Stillborn in 1997, the Clinton Foundation has managed to grow into a network of entities, none of which has ever lawfully been organized or operated. This allegation is now supported by some 200 podcasts, averaging two hours in length each, most of which are accompanied by pull-down slide presentations that readily take viewers and should take investigators into details of what seems to be the largest set of unprosecuted charity frauds in history:

Bob Mueller, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein may have “missed” the early development of this scam, from 2001 through 2005 when the FBI and DOJ “investigated” the Clinton Foundation as these redacted records reveal.

And, on the 10th anniversary of devastating disasters that flattened portions of Haiti, Hillary Clinton actually crowed about US Attorney John Huber’s unconfirmed decision to wind down the latest “investigation” of potential Clinton Foundation crimes:

The Clinton Foundation’s record of exploiting natural disasters to source funds for which they never account is as long as it is shameless.

Americans across the political spectrum must push our government authorities to hold operators of the Clinton charity scam network to account.

“Bleachbit” notwithstanding, overwhelming evidence of unprosecuted charity frauds dating to Oct. 23, 1997 hides in plain sight

Check applicable laws, then check facts for yourselves and remember these words from John Adams:

“Facts are stubborn things [emphasis added]; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

During the 2016 election cycle, the mainstream media failed to probe the heart of the more recent Clinton Foundation scandal -- how the Clinton family may have exploited Hillary’s position as Secretary of State and her standing as presidential frontrunner through November 2016.

Building fortunes through operating charities is a monstrous affront to decent, law-abiding people of all political persuasions, so it is not a partisan thing, here, to attack the Clintons for their known public record of transgressions.

In fact, a better question might be to wonder why Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, are not much more insistent that ongoing Clinton charity scams be fully exposed, and aggressively prosecuted by state, federal and foreign governments.

 Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump

campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to

the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the

one investigated.

Our Russia Collusion Nightmare: All Hillary's Fault?


By J.B. Shurk

The biggest political scandal in the history of the United States.  Three years of constant lies told by government agents, political operatives, and deceitful news personalities.  Thousands of hours of criminal investigative interviews; thousands of written stories and television segments; thousands of leaks and insinuations and threats.  All to take down the legitimately elected American president, Donald J. Trump.

Now that some light is finally revealing just how rotten this whole nonsense has been from the very beginning, the most maddening aspect of all is the one thing not said nearly enough: every bit of this frame-up job to hang the American president for being a Russian agent and traitor to his nation began as a way to inoculate Hillary Clinton from her largest political vulnerabilities going into the 2016 campaign.

Aside from her questionable health and a lifetime of scandal, Hillary had two sizable liabilities (of her own creation) that threatened her ability to win the general election: (1) her use of the Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for laundering bribes from foreign governments and moneyed interests and (2) her decision to conduct the business of the State Department (as well as to discuss our nation's most guarded secrets) on an unsecured private email server that had been hacked by known and unknown foreign governments and adverse entities.  Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash did a remarkable job exposing the Clinton Foundation as a spectacular pay-to-play operation that had allowed Hillary to trade the powers of her office for personal aggrandizement (including the sale of 20% of America's uranium to Russia for, among other things, $145 million transferred to her foundation).  And even though the Obama Justice Department was doing its best to minimize the revelation of Hillary's gross breach of national security and slow-walk any repercussions, the American people were discovering that life-and-death secrets had been entrusted to a person with such disregard for our well-being that she stored them on a personal server in a downstairs bathroom.

For a normal person with a modicum of ethical concern, sense of shame, or patriotic duty, these crimes would have been more than sufficient to prompt withdrawal from an election for the country's highest office.  This type of honest self-reflection and private admission of guilt is alien to the Clintons, though, so what would have represented immovable obstacles to anyone else became just another set of political variables that had to be neutralized in her favor.  

I can just imagine the conversation Hillary had with her most trusted advisers — not the ones with the official titles like Robby Mook and Brian Fallon, whose chief value lay in their expendable nature and the ease with which Hillary could roll them up into any unexpected scandal to be disposed with the trash at a future time of her convenience.  I mean the real group of confidants, the ones who have "the ends justify the means" tattooed on their souls and have gotten away with more crimes than we'll ever know.  If you're Sid Blumenthal or John Podesta or Cheryl Mills or Marc Elias or Lanny Davis and you know where some of the bodies are buried along the spectacular trail of Clinton corruption through the years, then the prospect of a massive pay-to-play scandal or criminal indictment for mishandling top-secret intelligence or engaging wittingly or unwittingly in espionage is just another bump on the long road of progressive relativism and Clinton nihilism.  If Clinton Cash and FBI investigators come knocking, you simply accuse all your political opponents of being the real grifters and foreign agents.

That's exactly what Team Hillary did.  They leveled allegations of criminal bribery at Jeb Bush; they questioned Marco Rubio's loyalty to the United States; but Donald Trump was the prize.  A man who had spent a lifetime in the exotic world of luxury real estate around the globe while mixing it up with all kinds of powerful figures in that often shady world was the ideal mark, and he also happened to be a political novice who the Democrats universally believed would lose in a landslide of historical dimensions for political lore long to come.  When Paul Manafort joined his team just before the kickoff to the general election and brought with him a lifetime of political baggage that included skullduggery around Russia's zone of interest, it must have seemed as if Christmas had come early for the Clinton team.  (Kind of makes you wonder how coincidental this unforced error really was.) 

And so, after a lifetime in the public eye, starring in a popular television show, and rubbing elbows with celebrities and politicians of all stripes, Donald Trump woke up one day to find himself being generally slandered (and libeled) as a Russian spy by the information merchants who control America's airwaves and print media.  That had to have made him laugh, considering that the press had spent most of his foray into politics demeaning him as a greedy capitalist playboy nationalist who selfishly placed America's interests before those of our common world.  

Yes, before John Brennan devised a global espionage ring to frame President Trump as a national security risk and enable the FBI to open up counterintelligence investigations into his political associates; before Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe attested to false information with the FISA Court; before Robert Mueller put the screws to General Flynn in order to sink a lifetime defender of America for political purposes; before President Obama initiated changes to security classification that opened up scurrilous investigative records on President-Elect Trump to an exponentially greater number of bureaucrats with partisan motivations; before Susan Rice left an electronic CYA memorandum at 12:15 P.M. on Inauguration Day of 2017 noting that Sally Yates and James Clapper and John Brennan and Joe Biden and Jim Comey had all agreed in the Oval Office with President Obama to continue any investigations "by the book"; before Samantha Power unmasked hundreds of names picked up during the course of electronic surveillance that were deemed to somehow implicate the new president in wrongdoing; even before the Clinton operatives and Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele first started composing the fan fiction now known as "the Dossier" — before all of this and everything else we have been forced to endure for three long years, there was Hillary Clinton, doing what she and her people know best: accusing her political opponent of the very crimes she had committed herself.  

As awful as this orchestrated campaign against President Trump has been, it is absolutely maddening to realize that none of it would have happened had Hillary Clinton not engaged in one of the greatest pay-for-play operations in American history while placing our most guarded secrets (as well as the very lives of our soldiers and civilians) on a silver platter for those governments and adversaries who wish us the most harm in this world.  Three years of Russian hysteria happened only because of the deep corruption of Hillary Clinton.

This scheme of political projection and wicked treachery should go down as a final reminder that America survives today only because President Trump managed to prevail against the nearly insurmountable wave of our government's intelligence agencies, the justice system, media propagandists, and the combined wills of the Democrats and NeverTrump Republicans intending to swamp him.


Only six percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes to charity.  The rest subsidizes the lavish lifestyles of the Clintons and their sycophants; those people who have sold their souls to rub shoulders with unadulterated power.

Clinton Foundation bleeding money with no Clintons in high office


By Thomas Lifson


The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation can no longer raise enough money to cover its expenses, ever since Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign failed to propel her into an office from which she could dispense political favors. Clinton Foundation reports to the IRS for the last two tax years have demonstrated that without anyone to grant boons, fewer donors are interested in supporting it.

Andrew Stiles reports for the Free Beacon:

The Clinton Foundation reported a loss of more than $16 million in 2018, according to newly released tax records, marking the second consecutive year of losses since Hillary Clinton's humiliating defeat to President Donald J. Trump in 2016.

The foundation reported total revenue of just $30.7 million, including $24.2 million worth of grants and contributions, a record low for the alleged "charity." That figure was well short of the foundation's total expenses for the year—$47.5 million— resulting in a net loss of $16.8 million.

The previous year, the Clinton Foundation reported a net loss of $16.1 million. In total, the organization has lost a staggering $32.9 million since Hillary Clinton's lifelong quest for the presidency crumbled to dust in November 2016.

The contrast with previous years when political favors were a lure is striking:

The Clinton Foundation posted its highest revenue haul ($249 million) in 2009, the year Hillary was sworn in as President Barack Obama's secretary of state. By 2013, the foundation had reported an additional $392.2 million in revenue, and went on to raise $344.4 million between 2014 and 2016.

Between 2008 and 2016, the Clinton Foundation reported total revenue in excess of $1.1 billion, or an annual average of $130.4 million. Needless to say, Clinton's stunning failure to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 election appears to have had a significant impact on the foundation's ability to raise money.

US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, has been tasked with investigating the Clinton Foundation. So far there has not been a single leak out of his office over its work. That could mean either that they have turned up nothing, or that the investigation and grand jury are proceeding with the secrecy that the law demands.




Is it a signal that she's back in the game because she's selling her president-ability to the world's global billionaire crowd and laying the groundwork for more funds?  There are all kinds of ways for foreign billionaires to get money to the U.S. without consequences, after all.  What's more, it's pretty much the biggest base of support she has, which is at least one reason why she lost the 2016 election.


“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service” into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes.


The basic components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”



“Facilitating strategic technology transfer in return for money is an old Clinton game.  The Chinese bought their way to access of considerable space technology when Bill Clinton was president.  Remember Charlie Trie, Loral, and the rest of the crew?”






"Ask Jeff Sessions about the charges.  Money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation from all over the world, disguised, rerouted through a Canadian charity, all to obscure its origins."


 Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”


It’s About Corruption – Replacing a Failed and Corrupt Political Establishment

 By Brian C. Joondeph

American presidents have their famous speeches, remembered long after they leave office. JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Ronald Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and told Mikhail Gorbachev to: “Tear down this wall.”

Some speeches are memorable in other ways. George W. Bush, days after 9/11, ironically announced that: “Islam is peace.” Barack Obama proclaimed himself the messiah: “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.”

President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.

On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.

The enigmatic Q group refers to it as the speech that got Donald Trump elected. As it was one of many pre-election speeches he gave and at a Florida rally, it may have only been heard by a fraction of Trump voters before the election, but it certainly encapsulates his philosophy, both before and after the election, toward government corruption.

The speech explains the resistance by the Washington, D.C. ruling class to Trump’s candidacy, election, and presidency. Trump attacked the foundation of deep state power, wealth, and corruption. Trump was indeed an “existential threat” to the cabal.

Before even being elected, and years before Joe Biden decided to run for president, Donald Trump was focused on corruption. Not to influence his reelection, as House Democrats accuse, since he wasn’t even president yet. But because rooting out corruption was part of his plan to make America great again.

Everything that followed his election, from the Russian collusion accusations, White House leaks, special counsel investigation, and now impeachment, is a reaction to the ideas Trump explains in this 6-minute speech. Watch it here or read the transcript.

The opening lines are prescient, becoming painfully obvious now almost four years after he laid out the scale of corruption.

 Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political

establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.

Candidate Trump then went on to say:

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is money given to corrupt foreign countries, disguised as aid, only to be returned to the political elite by hiring their unqualified family members for do-nothing jobs, as in Hunter Biden, or funneling these U.S. taxpayer dollars back into political foundations, consultancies, or campaign contributions.

Once upon a time, journalists investigated such corruption. Now they ignore it, aiding and abetting the deception. As Trump said in his speech:

The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda.

Speak up against the cabal and you will be destroyed, or even commit suicide. Trump went on:

The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.

It’s amazing that Trump predicted exactly what happened a few days ago when “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson called the group of “you” mentioned above, “credulous boomer rubes” with CNN hack Don Lemon laughing so hard he almost fell off his chair.

President Trump has been impeached for drawing back the curtain on deep state malfeasance. Before handing over millions of hard earned U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, he wanted to know the money was necessary and going where promised, rather than into the pockets of oligarchs and U.S. politician grifters.

He acted as he was required to under the “Treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters,” ratified in 2000, 15 years before Trump announced his run for president. He was doing his job, fulfilling his Constitutional oath of office. His reward for pouring roach killer in the nest of Democrat crooks and knaves was impeachment and a concerted effort by Democrats, the media, and nasty NeverTrump Republicans, all heads on the same toxic hydra, to overturn the last election and rig the next one.

It’s not about Trump enriching himself, despite what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler say, it’s for the country. Again, from the famous speech:

I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

It’s all about corruption, exposing it, rooting it out, and destroying it. Those who are the most threatened are those who scream the loudest. Given the Democrat and media apoplexy, Trump must be getting closer to the truth.

He ended his speech by throwing down the gauntlet:

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

It’s not about abuse of power or obstruction of Congress. It’s not about quid pro quo or bribery. It’s simply a new sheriff in town, bringing law and order to drain a swamp of greed and corruption. It’s President Trump doing exactly what he said he would do if elected, making America great again.

He is doing what past presidents have talked about and promised, but then either looked the other way or became active participants in the graft. And those milking the system are petrified over exposure and their long overdue reckoning.


Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitter, and QuodVerum.

Donald Trump Should Not Bother with A Presidential Library

By Charles Ortel

Win or lose on Nov. 3, 2020, Donald Trump can set an excellent example by letting the National Archives retain and later provide access to all records created or received during his tenure as president of the United States.  Thereafter, citizens and scholars can study these presidential records. After all, they are our property, and not that of any single president.

Unlike all presidents in office from 1955 onwards (when the Presidential Libraries Act was signed into law), Donald Trump entered the White House with a vast fortune, and a track record promoting and developing business ventures inside and outside the United States. Given his accomplishments as president, he and his family will only have more substantial profit-making opportunities when he leaves the White House.

The Trump family will later only be hurt, possibly grievously from a financial point of view, if they simultaneously get involved with a presidential library. Loved by many, but hated by denizens of the still lubricated deep state swamp, he will be relentlessly pursued by the very people who have let the Clinton family exploit their purported charity for personal and political gain since Oct. 23,1997.


Though the Clintons and other dynastic political families including the Bush and Obama clans profess otherwise, presidential libraries are public charities -- these are supposed to be governed by directors or trustees who are broadly representative of the public at large, and certainly not blind supporters of a president. These entities may not push or oppose a political candidate, nor may they promote or block legislation. Moreover, public charities may not, during their entire life create more than an insubstantial amount of "private gain" in total through their operation.

In financial terms, insubstantial has been held to be amounts of $1,000 or less. Here, private gain does not merely mean financial gain (unfairly and generously priced speech, book and film deals, or sweetheart investment terms) but any kind of advantage or edge created for insiders at the supposed charity. Most of all, public charities must actually exist. If they are nonprofit corporations, they must incorporate, then organize by adopting articles of incorporation and bylaws, and scrupulously follow all applicable laws, everywhere they operate or solicit donations.

In recent years, attorneys general in New York State have persecuted the Trump family for operating charities outside local law, even though no Clinton charities, and there are too many of these, have ever registered truthfully to operate and to solicit inside the Empire State.

Meanwhile many different lawyers and law firms have "studied" public filings of "The Clinton Foundation," identified glaring defects, but chosen to either look the other way, or in the name of DLA Piper in November 2015, to make manifestly false claims suggesting that the filings complied with applicable laws and regulations. Since Mar. 16, 2015, a number of concerned persons have documented massive, ongoing, illegal activities carried out in the name of "The Clinton Foundation" and others involving a supposed organization using Federal Employer Identification Number 31-1580204. Google searches,, and @CharlesOrtel are good places to find perspectives on these apparent charity frauds.

After trying to stimulate interest in investigating and bringing to justice those responsible for directing the largest criminal fraud and corruption exercise ever attempted using charities in traditional media, I started cohosting podcasts with Hollywood veteran Jason Goodman in various formats under the umbrella. Our latest podcast is linked here.  These cumulative efforts have triggered interest in many places inside and outside the United States. And now we wait to see whether authorities will do the right thing and demonstrate, via prosecutions and plea agreements that even, and especially, dynastic political families are subject to our laws.

Since November 1992, publicly available evidence shows that the Clintons have schemed with their supporters to monetize their "public service" using leaky charities that fail, lawfully, to account for their activities as is required. This abominable record is emulated by others in both parties and in many foreign nations.

America's founders did not throw off the yoke of monarchy to replace it with a new form of intolerant rule by unregulated, self-selected cultists in thrall to gauzy themes like "globalism," and unvetted schemes to address "inequality" and "climate change" chiefly by seizing wealth and income of the meek.

Intended to serve as archives and research facilities into the histories of presidents, presidential libraries in modern times have become vanity exercises through which corrupt interests can pay tribute to families seeking to rule, we the people using monuments to themselves. Given existing technology alone, libraries are becoming expensive anachronisms, that need to be heated, cooled, and maintained.

The 45th president should set another cutting-edge marker letting his records remain at the main National Archives complex.  Then, after he leaves the White House he and his family can profit to their hearts' content, unfettered by the real conflicts of interest that come and should be prosecuted when merchants in misery like the Clintons (and others) milk public charities. illegally.

Charles Ortel is host of the YouTube series, Sunday with Charles. An archive of 263 episodes since June 2017 is found here.


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