Sunday, December 5, 2021



With no moral code, no center, nothing matters. You just read what’s in the teleprompter and hit the sack by 7:00 while your degenerate son collects piles of cash for the family until you’re free to do it on your own. All you have to do is what you’re told, your handlers and the media will take care of the rest.



There is nothing unexpected about the emerging right-wing, pro-war, pro-Wall Street composition of the incoming Biden administration. Biden himself spent decades in Washington as a corrupt bag-man for wealthy interests in the state of Delaware, the legal headquarters of hundreds of thousands of corporations that take advantage of its business-friendly laws.

Johnson said the decision to extend the moratorium is “jaw-dropping.” He added the Biden administration is “lawless” in the same way as former President Barack Obama’s administration by “ignoring the Constitution.”


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

Worst. President. Ever.

Derek Hunter
Posted: Dec 05, 2021 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Worst. President. Ever.

Worst. President. Ever.

Derek Hunter

Try to imagine a President doing a worse job than Joe Biden. Think about how that would even be possible. Would they have to set the White House on fire while vomiting on Boris Johnson? Maybe a President in a Nyquil-induced stupor trying to start a nuclear war with Canada? Jimmy Carter on his worst day couldn’t hold a candle Joe Biden on his best, provided Biden ends up having a best day.

Remember this one: “I’m gonna ask the public for 100 days to mask, just 100 days to mask. Not forever, 100 days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction if we occur that, if, if, if, if that occurs with vaccinations and masking to drive down the numbers considerably, considerably”? That was Joe Biden 1 year ago Friday, part of his “plan” he swore he had to “shutdown the virus.” How’d that work out again?

Has there ever been a bigger disconnect between what a candidate for President promised and what they delivered? It’s not even that Biden tried and failed, it’s that the entire premise of his campaign was a lie. He had no plan, he had no clue. All he had was an objective and handlers determined to get him there, for their own reasons.

It’s unclear to me that Joe Biden ever wanted anything more than the trappings that go with being President of the United States – the house, the being waited on hand and foot, and most importantly to a career politician with wild insecurity and unrivaled narcissism like Joe, the guarantee of being remembered. Senators are forgotten, quickly, Presidents are remembered forever. Someone who loves themselves as much as Joe does, who desperately needs others to love him just as much, that matters.

There’s also the added bonus that former Democratic Party Presidents are showered with money after their term, often times by the industries they pretended to “fight” when they were running. And Joe Biden loves money. He made a bunch after his stint as Vice President on the prospect that he would run in 2020 (leftists hedge their bets and spread their money around). That’s, of course, in addition to the millions his family raked in through Hunter’s string of jobs and contracts for which he was wildly unqualified. Joe pretends he isn’t, but he’s all about the money.

But to get to the rewards of being a former Democrat President, those Presidents tend to want to accomplish some things; they usually believe in things. Joe Biden believes in nothing. His biggest, and really only accomplishment in the Senate was the 1994 crime bill and he had to denounce it because Democrats had gone from being against crime and supporting police to supporting criminals and wanting to defund police.

On abortion, Biden changed his tune completely as well. There isn’t a person serving his administration, either in the White House or the media, who won’t insist Joe labored between running for President or becoming Pope, such a devout Catholic is he. And in his time in the Senate he used to pretend to be personally against abortion, but refused to allow his religious beliefs to dictate his policy positions. It was and is BS, but many politicians play this game (looking at you, Nancy Pelosi).

Now, he’s no longer pretending. The party of “safe, legal, and rare” abortions is now the party of abortions for everyone, on demand, with no restrictions on when. It won’t be long, maybe 5 years, before they start advocating post-birth abortions, taxpayer funded, of course. That’s where Democrats are now, so that’s where Joe Biden is now. Biden is such a weathervane on everything, and always has been, that he’d perform abortions in the White House if that’s what the fringe of his party demanded.

With no moral code, no center, nothing matters. You just read what’s in the teleprompter and hit the sack by 7:00 while your degenerate son collects piles of cash for the family until you’re free to do it on your own. All you have to do is what you’re told, your handlers and the media will take care of the rest.

That Joe Biden hasn’t come close to fulfilling any campaign promises, or even that those promises were made, is a testament to what he was willing to do to get the job. Just imagine what he’s willing to do to keep it. Even scarier, just imagine how much worse things have the potential of getting as he works to do just that.


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

What’s really baffling is Hunter’s success with women. Despite being a total loser with a terrible drug habit and some weird sexual perversions, Hunter managed to seduce his brother’s widow, her sister, a stripper, and the woman he married, all over the course of four years. It’s enough to make one think that Hunter’s charm had less to do with the man himself and more with the benefits flowing from the Biden family cartel. ANDREA WIDBERG


As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied aboutscholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married. MARK CHRISTIAN

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and ribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.



American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Jim Jordan: Americans must know this about Hunter Biden


Biden lied when he denied knowledge of Hunter’s businesses deals: Devine

Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

New Hunter Biden revelation undermines president's comments: Turley

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.

Biden lied when he denied knowledge of Hunter’s businesses deals: Devine

Joe Concha blasts media over Hunter Biden diamond scandal: 'He is untouchable'

New details further link Hunter Biden to China’s payroll

I'm Going To Highlight A New Hunter Biden Record...': Grassley Goes After POTUS Son On Senate Floor

This is Biden's biggest problem: Steve Moore


Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

'The Five' knock Biden for reassuring Dems he's running for reelection

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp

Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

New Hunter Biden revelation undermines president's comments: Turley

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.


RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)


Chris Hedges: How Republicans, Democrats, and the Media Have Weakened US Democracy


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Corrupti-looza: Biden family wastes no time profiting from public office

By Monica Showalter

In one-party states such as the old PRI-ruled Mexico, the stealing tended to start late. Before a Mexican president was escorted out for the next, he and his would sweep the presidential palace for everything not nailed down -- the lightbulbs, the toilet seats, the doorknobs and more. There were exceptions, but it was generally the known narrative. In more than one Latin American country, the last-minute asset grab on the way out actually had a name -- "La Pinata." After all, as former PRI mayor of Mexico City, Carlos Hank Gonzalez, used to say: "A politician who's poor is a poor politician." 

Which brings us to Joe Biden, and his family's unusually fast scramble to profit from his public office right out the gate.

Son Hunter still has his 10% China equity fund stake, contrary to what had been reported, and a new art gig just perfect for bringing in money from non-transparent sources, as the New York Post, in this excellent report notes, all because his blow-pipe 'art' done as his personal art therapy is somehow so very valuable. 

Brother Frank, meanwhile, is advertising his connections to old Joe for Florida law firm he's connected with, using Joe's name in a bid to drum up business. As New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin reported:

The latest sordid example involves one of Joe’s younger brothers, Frank Biden, appearing in a Florida law firm’s ad — on Inauguration Day no less. The ad used the president’s name to draw attention to the Berman Law Group’s class-action suit against sugar cane growers.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront,” says the ad. “The president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets.”

The ad, first reported by CNBC, appeared in the Daily Business Review and carried a picture of Frank Biden and quotes him saying, “My brother is a model for how to go about doing this work.”

How touching. And shameless. 

Brother James hasn't changed any, still under federal investigation for a hospital company that feds say isn't being run properly. 

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.

And it seems to be having a knock-on effect as Vice President Kamala Harris's stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, an art student (which generally isn't the most employable of professions), has suddenly gotten a fancy modeling contract, to be a 'style icon,' which hadn't been her forte until the establishment noticed she was close to power. Now they're gushing about her, selling her as stylish as emperor's new clothes. Kamala Harris, meanwhile, might just owe someone a favor. 

It's happening, Goodwin observes, because the Bidens have been doing it for decades, and never with any consequences. Now that Joe's 'the big guy' and not a mere vice president, for them it's all the better.

Which is true enough as far as it goes, but still doesn't entirely explain the speed of the influence-peddling and pocket-lining -- why, contrary to the Mexican and Latin American model -- did the rush to grab money start on day one? 

With these questionable acts starting early -- despite Joe's call to brother Frank to 'watch yourself,' what seems a distinct possibility is that the family members think the gig is not going to last so the time to act is now.

Maybe they're betting Joe isn't going to last for one reason or another. That might explain why they are rushing to scarf up all they can without covering their tracks. They're like fund managers divesting a stock  --- quickly, and all at once. Fund managers buy stocks quietly and gradually on expectations the price will go up, but when they think it's heading down, they don't play around, they dump it all at once and don't care who's watching.

That kind of desperation seems to be evident in House Biden's quick bid to cash in all at once, too. Do they know something we don't? Do they expect their window of opportunity will be short? How is it they can jump up so fast to cash in, even against warnings from Joe, who after all, assured the voters last fall with this malarkey:  

“My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with inappropriate distance from the presidency and government,” he said.

Even with the spotlight on, for them, it's as if the walls are closing in and Gotterdammerung is beckoning. If that's not a vote of low confidence in the durability of Joe and his presidency, what really is?

Image: Screen shot from a camera aimed at a television set, processed with FotoSketcher.

Report– Joe Biden Warned Brother Frank: ‘For Christ’s Sake, Watch Yourself’


President Joe Biden cautioned his brother Frank about potential business dealings during his campaign for president, according to a report.

“For Christ’s sake, watch yourself,” Biden said according to a report in Politico. “Don’t get sucked into something that would, first of all, hurt you.”

Politico cited a “person with knowledge of the conversation” in its report and said that Biden was “jocular and serious” in his comment to his brother.

Biden’s intention, Politico reports, was to protect his brother from “being hurt and vilified” because of his connections to the president.

Since Biden’s inauguration, questions about members of his family have been raised regarding their business dealings, especially after Republicans questioned his son Hunter Biden’s business deals with foreign countries during the campaign.

Frank Biden’s law firm, The Berman Law Group, promoted his relationship to President Biden in an advertisement on Inauguration Day.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront; the president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example,” the ad read.

A White House official responded to the story by warning that Joe Biden’s name should not be used in any commercial advertisement.

“It is this White House’s policy that the President’s name should not be used in connection with any commercial activities to suggest, or in any way that could reasonably understood to imply, his endorsement or support,” the official told CNBC in January.



China: Power and Prosperity -- Watch the full documentary

Pinkerton: Biden’s Green New Deal = China First 

(L-R) US Vice President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Secretary of State John Kerry make a toast during a State Luncheon for China hosted by Kerry on September 25, 2015 at the Department of State in Washington, DC. AFP PHOTO/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL …
PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images

The Biden Plan to Squeeze the Middle Class

In a December 1 tweet, Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) got right to the point: 

A year ago America was energy independent.  Now gas prices have skyrocketed, with Hoosiers paying 68% more at the pump compared to this day last year.  High energy costs hurt everyone and are a direct result of the mindless decisions made by Joe Biden.

Nothing to argue with here, except for one thing: Maybe the Biden administration’s decisions were not “mindless.”  Maybe they’re just the opposite:  Maybe they’re all part of a plan—a plan, as Joe Biden said in 2020, to “fundamentally transform the country.” 

To be sure, from a Democratic political point of view, it’s a counter-productive plan; it could cause Democrats to lose elections.  And yet from a progressive ideological point of view, it all makes sense; it’s in keeping with the long march of a certain kind of leftism, begun more than a century ago.

The Associated Press

President Joe Biden speaks to the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, from the East Room of the White House on April 23, 2021. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Without a doubt, the lefty greens who dominate the Biden administration are thinking big—and they’re in a hurry.  In a hurry, that is, to reach their long-sought end point on environmentalism. As they wrote in the Democratic Party’s 2020 campaign platform: 

We agree with scientists and public health experts that the United States—and the world—must achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, and no later than 2050. 

We can pause over the vaulting ambition here: Net-zero greenhouse gases, not just for America, but for the world 

Yet it soon becomes clear that the Biden greens’ main focus is the United States.  The same platform document calls for “eliminating carbon pollution from power plants by 2035.” And since the Chinese are still building coal plants, that means, as a kind of compensation, that the Democrats must come down all the harder on American carbon-fuel plants.  The greens have to have a win somewhere! 

Similarly, the Democratic platform focuses heavily on electric cars, ASAP, because, after all, in the writers’ minds, Teslas are cool and Buicks are not.  

Yet most of all, the platform urges urgency. Phrases such as “climate change,” “climate crisis,” and “climate risks” appear hundreds of times of times in the document.  

It’s clear: This is what a certain tranche of elite Democrats—the kind that sit around, reading and writing position papers—truly believe:  As President Biden said on November 1, climate change is “an existential threat to human existence.”

The Associated Press

The sun sets near a coal-fired power plant on the Yangtze River in Nantong in eastern China’s Jiangsu province on Dec. 12, 2018. (Chinatopix via AP)

So yes, they still believe in the Green New Deal.  To be sure, the exact words “Green New Deal” are no longer used—they were laughed off the political stage in 2019—and yet the concept of deep eco-transformation is still central to progressive hearts.  Nowadays, though, it goes by other names, such as the Great Reset.

Guided by such existentially ambitious thinking, of course the Biden administration has sought to kibosh carbon-based fuels, starting with—on his first day in office—canceling the Keystone Pipeline. Now some might wonder: What about jobs?  To which the Great Resetters reply, in effect,  Jobs, schmobs—that was all just boob bait for Biden voters. What really matters is decarbonizing the planet. 

Obviously, in addition to hurting employment, such cancellations were going to raise the price of carbon-based energy, including gasoline.   And  in fact, for most of this year, the White House insisted that higher gas prices were all to the good—the greater good (or is it greater god?) of decarbonization. 

Indeed, higher energy prices are baked into the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar reconciliation bill; as energy expert Alex Epstein pointed out on November 30:

“Build Back Better,” aka “Make Everything Worse,” promises to further restrict US oil production and increase prices via:

1. new bans on offshore drilling,

2. a costly methane tax that only applies to US production, and

3. many other oil taxes and penalties.

Democrats insist that they are going full speed ahead on this legislation, which Sen. John N. Kennedy (R-LA) variously dubs “Build Back Bonkers” and “Build Back Broke.”  And yet electoral-minded Dems have started to notice that this approach isn’t popular.  Biden’s approval rating on handling the economy fell into the high 30s last month, and we have yet to see what happens to his poll numbers when everyone realizes that inflation is non-transitory. 

Already, according to a recent poll cited in The New York Times:

72 percent of registered voters wanted Mr. Biden’s top priority to be getting inflation under control and fixing supply chain issues, compared with 21 percent who thought the priority should be new spending on social services, health care and green energy.

So we can see: Nearly three-fourths of Americans want Biden to focus on curbing inflation, compared to 21 percent who want him to focus on everything else, including the Dems’ sacred “green energy.” 

And since Biden is doing the opposite of what the vast majority wants, Democratic political fortunes are sinking; according to the betting site PredictIt, Republicans have a 71 percent likelihood of winning the U.S. Senate next year, and an 83 percent probability of winning the House of Representatives.  

Yet true-believing greens have their eye on their grand goal, which to them is vastly more important than grubby politics.  

Thus Biden climate chief John Kerry, who shrewdly married into billions—and who used his donor-class clout to muscle his way into the administration—said loftily on December 1, “We have to be phasing out coal plants five times faster.”  That’s not exactly the way to woo Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and his key senate vote, but Kerry is too rich to care about “little people.” 

So now we mere mortals might step back and ask: How did we get here?  How did we end up with an intensely ideological administration committed to an unpopular agenda?


U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry delivers a speech at COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, on November 2, 2021. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

The Root of Zealotry: Progressive Technocracy 

Michael Lind is a professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.  Which is to say, he’s not exactly a Tea Party or Trump Republican.  And yet in a long article for Tablet, this scholar applies a critical eye to the Biden-Kerry administration’s green zeal, which he sees as just the latest manifestation of “progressive technocracy.” 

Lind explains that progressive technocrats trace their lineage back a century or more, to the days President Woodrow Wilson.  That’s when “prog-techs” got the blessing to start reordering American society in ways that a Princeton University professor (which Wilson once was) would approve of.  As Lind writes: 

[Their] utopia is a planned society administered by social scientists and technical experts.  In it, social engineers, insulated from democratic accountability and wielding vast authority, are empowered to devise long-range plans to promote social and environmental goals, which are handed over to deferential elected officials to implement with few changes—against the opposition of the ignorant masses if necessary.

Here Lind pauses to make a key point: The progressive technocrats are not communists.  That is, they don’t sit around thinking of Bolshevizing the means of production, nor do they look forward to living in propertyless communes and wearing egalitarian Mao suits. 

Instead, the prog-techs like to live well, and they are quite friendly to capitalism, albeit capitalism in its most elitist, cronyistic, and woke form.  It’s that tight relationship with money, Lind explains, that’s the source of their power: They are financed by capitalist wealth, shoveled toward them by “Silicon Valley and Wall Street moguls who find technocracy the most congenial version of liberalism.” 

Yet make no mistake: There’s an iron fist inside this liberal glove.  And that’s what we’re seeing with climate change, as the technocrats embrace this new issue as a rationale for doing what they’ve always wanted to do: bend the citizenry to do their bidding. As Lind explains:

Rising concern about global warming in the last three decades has given progressive technocrats an opportunity to move from the political sidelines to the center.  Because of the “climate emergency,” the various causes of twentieth-century progressive planners—high-density housing, replacement of automobiles by mass transit, renewable energy—are no longer matters of personal taste.  Now these generations-old top-down social engineering schemes are necessary to save the planet.  If these plans are not immediately adopted into a war-like mobilization, progressive technocrats claim, civilization will collapse, and hundreds of millions or billions of people—perhaps humanity as a whole—will die.

Got that? Do as the prog-techs tell you, or die!  And thus we can see that one needn’t be an all-out communist to nonetheless think like Josef Stalin or Pol Pot. 

In reality, the notion that climate change is some sort of immediately deadly emergency is a non-fact. That’s the view of Ted Nordhaus, a preacher of reason at the Breakthrough Institute, writing in The Economist.  Nordhaus does not dispute that climate change is happening, and yet he points to truths that are inconvenient to prog-tech climate-alarmism:

Deaths around the world from climate-related disasters are at an all-time low.  People’s vulnerability to extreme weather has fallen rapidly in recent decades.  Recent research in Global Environmental Change shows that climate vulnerability has declined the most in recent decades among the poor globally, owing to the resilience that comes with economic growth and development. 

And that’s the point: We can survive changes in the weather the same way that we survive changes in anything: with brains and the ability to adapt.  That’s why have roofs over our head, and heat and electricity—because we built them, for our safety and comfort.  And if we need to build newer and better, we’re smart enough to do that.

Another climate-rationalist, Bjørn Lomborg, made similar points in his 2020 book, False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.  As the author explains, the impact of climate change, by the end of the 21st century, will amount to about 2.6 percent of world economic output.  In dollar terms, that’s a huge amount, and yet in percentage terms, it’s obviously small—and so it’s manageable.  We just have to figure out how to manage it, Lomborg continues, through a combination of carbon dioxide reduction (nuclear power, carbon capture) and physical mitigation (sea walls, water pumps).  

It should be noted that we might have to do all this adapting no matter what we do, or don’t do, on carbon dioxide, because the earth is getting warmer, seemingly for reasons far beyond our control.  In fact, the entire solar system is getting warmer, most notably, the planet Venus.  (Who does Greta Thunberg blame for that?) 

Still, whatever the cause of earthly climate change, we probably do have to do something to adapt. Here experts Nordhaus and Lomborg agree: With the right mix of human brains and economic resources—resources that can only come from continued growth—we can calmly solve whatever challenges loom ahead.   

In the meantime, this much is obvious: The whole progressive technocratic doomsday argument is somewhere between a false alarm and a hoax.  We may need to take action, but we don’t need John Kerry and the Green New Dealers Great Resetters to tell us what to do, or how to do it.  

Yet at least for now, the Bidenite prog-techs are in charge.  So how did that happen?  How have they come so far in Resetting us?  

Perhaps because the prog-techs have been boosted by a partner—a partner across the Pacific Ocean. 

Qui Bono?—Who Benefits from the Green New Deal? 

Michael Lind is crisp and to the point: The green progressive-technocrats have a de facto ally in the People’s Republic of China.  And China is the big winner in the Green New Deal, the Great Reset, or whatever else it might be called. 

Needless to say, the Red Chinese regime itself isn’t the least bit green.  As noted, the country is still building coal plants. However, the Beijing capitalist-communists have been clever: They have used their cheap coal-powered electricity—and slave- or semi-slave labor—to dominate the world market in the manufacture of solar panels.  And now the American prog-techs want America to buy them from China, by the boatload.  

Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. We could mandate that the green technology we use must be Made in USA.  However, it would take a few years to stand up these new industries, and the green prog-techs say that we can’t wait, because of the urgency of the “climate crisis.” 

Chinese workers inspect a solar panel at the Tianxiang Solar Energy Equipment Factory in Huaibei, east China’s Anhui province on March 21, 2012. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

Not surprisingly, for their own reasons, the Chinese agree: Buy solar panels from us. Now.  This is the de facto alliance: American greens and Chinese reds. Lind writes:

It is thus no coincidence that American supporters of the Green New Deal tend also to be dovish toward China in matters of trade, arguing that the coming climate crisis gives the United States no time to rebuild its own capacity to manufacture equipment needed for renewable energy installations.

The green prog-techs say: Never mind China’s human rights abuses, or its threats to neighbors, or its ongoing theft of American intellectual property.  As Kerry has said, the chief concern must be climate change.

To that end, just on December 2, The Washington Post reported that the Biden administration was lobbying against Congressional efforts to get tough on blood-stained Chinese exports.  In the cutting words of Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), the Bidenites are lobbying “because John Kerry wants to import solar panels made by slave labor.”

For American greens, it’s climate first. For Chinese leaders, it’s China first.  





The New Global Order

On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the decline of the American empire and the new global order with Professor Alfred McCoy, who holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Alfred McCoy, the chair of the history department at The University of Wisconsin-Madison, looks at past empires and how they disintegrated in his book ‘To Govern the Globe.’ The familiar patterns of decline allow him to speculate about what lies ahead as the global dominance of the United States crumbles under the weight of disastrous military adventurism, the collapse of public institutions, a rapacious and greedy oligarchic elite and inept political and military leadership. The new world order, McCoy argues, will see China ascendant. “While Washington was spilling its blood and treasure into desert sands,” writes McCoy, “Beijing had been investing much of its accumulated trade surplus in the integration of the ‘world island’ of Africa, Asia, and Europe into an economic powerhouse.” The key to Chinese dominance, he argues, is its far-sighted strategic focus on control of the world’s energy and raw materials, increasingly in short supply, and its investment in a technologically advanced infrastructure. “Each transition to a new world order has occurred when a massively destructive cataclysm has coincided with major social change,” he notes, arguing that the climate crisis will be the trigger for a new configuration of world dominance. Professor Alfred McCoy’s new book is ‘To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.’

Chris Hedges: How Republicans, Democrats, and the Media Have Weakened US Democracy

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration (JOE BIDEN WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)."     PATRICIA McCARTHY



Chris Hedges | Voting BIDEN was WRONG

“Joe Biden’s transition is absolutely staked with tech industry players,” noted Protocol, an online publication that covers technology.

There is nothing unexpected about the emerging right-wing, pro-war, pro-Wall Street composition of the incoming Biden administration. Biden himself spent decades in Washington as a corrupt bag-man for wealthy interests in the state of Delaware, the legal headquarters of hundreds of thousands of corporations that take advantage of its business-friendly laws.

Johnson said the decision to extend the moratorium is “jaw-dropping.” He added the Biden administration is “lawless” in the same way as former President Barack Obama’s administration by “ignoring the Constitution.”

Chris Hedges | The American Dream is a BIG FAT LIE

Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion | The New School

Chris Hedges "The Politics of Cultural Despair"

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans



Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream⎜WHY POVERTY?⎜(Documentary)



Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

THE DEMOCRAT PARTYS BILLIONAIRESGLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat. 


Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most. 




The judge found these releases, together with the publication of Clinton’s secret speeches to Wall Street banks, in which she pledged to be their representative, were “matters of the highest public concern.” They “allowed the American electorate to look behind the curtain of one of the two major political parties in the United States during a presidential election.”

“Clinton also failed to mention how he and Hillary cashed in after his presidential tenure to make themselves multimillionaires, in part by taking tens of millions in speaking fees from Wall Street bankers.”



Job Creators Network Blasts Biden’s ‘Misleading’ Economy Speech: Millions Out of Work, Inflation Wiping Out Wage Growth, Gas Prices Spiking

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 03: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the November jobs report in the State Dining Room of the White House on December 03, 2021 in Washington, DC. According to the U.S. Labor Department, the economy added 210,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network, called out President Joe Biden over his speech on the economy following the November jobs report. Ortiz said Biden’s speech is evidence of the “complete delusion concerning the actual state of the economy.”

“Biden continually pats himself on the back as if he’s delivering new levels of American prosperity, when in reality he inherited one of the strongest V-shaped recoveries in modern history, and his administration has failed to come close to returning the thriving pre-pandemic economy we once had,” Ortiz said.

Watch below: 

Ortiz put forth some sobering economic data, that Biden omitted, in what he called a “reality check” for the president.

“Biden touted the ‘significant improvement’ in created jobs since he took office, yet chooses to ignore the fact that we are still 4 million jobs behind pre-pandemic numbers. Today’s jobs report showed there are still 6.9 million Americans unemployed. The number of those who currently want to work but can’t find work is a stagging 5.9 million. It’s worth noting, the Bureau of Labor Statistics does NOT count those 5.9 million looking for work among the 6.9 million currently unemployed since they are actively looking for a job.”

“Biden also implied that American wages are up, even after accounting for rising prices. That is factually not true. Today’s jobs report shows that average wages increased by 4.8% year over year. Yet inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), is increasing by 6.2% year over year. American’s are making less because of the ‘Biden Pay Cut,'” Ortiz said.

A recent Gallup survey shines light on the pain inflation is inflicting on millions of Americans. The survey said 45 percent of American households are experiencing some degree of financial hardship due to inflation. Lower-income households are being hit the hardest.

Ortiz continued:

Another area that Biden gave himself an undeserved pat on the back for was a ‘significant’ decrease in the price of gas. The DCCC recently put out a misleading graph, thanking Biden for what looks like a large decline in gas prices since releasing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The graph, which measured prices in increments of $0.005, was meant to look impressive but showed the price of gas has only gone down by 2 cents. The CPI shows that the price of gas is up 50% over the last year, and the cost of oil to heat homes has risen nearly 60%. Not what I or any American would call ‘significant.’

“When discussing his Build Back Better bill, Biden repeated his misleading promise not to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000 a year. This promise has already been broken if you consider the impact of inflation that acts as a regressive tax on ordinary earners and entrepreneurs,” Ortiz said. “Even the left-wing Tax Policy Center projects that 20 to 30 percent of middle-class Americans, including small business owners who file as pass-throughs, will see their taxes increase under his plan.”

“Today’s press conference was a stark reminder of how disconnected Biden is from economic reality. It isn’t surprising that a man who spent nearly a half-decade in politics can recite liberal rhetoric from a teleprompter while being oblivious to the impact of his administration’s ‘War on Small Business.’”

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitterinstagram, and Parlor @jeromeehudson






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