Sunday, January 23, 2022



Hiding private Biden

Even before his long slide into dementia, Joe Biden was a babbling, bumbling, hair-sniffing fool whom no one really respected.  The main thing you can say about his stint as Obama's V.P. is that he reduced Barry's chances of being impeached to zero.

In early 2019, when Sleepy Joe announced his third candidacy for president, no one took him seriously.  He was clearly losing his marbles and frailer than ever.  His translucent skin; monstrous smile; and sad, wispy hair plugs made him look like an actor in a TV ad for assisted living.

But then two things went viral: Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign and COVID-19.

As Sanders's popularity soared, the Democrat powers-that-be were scared to death that a wild-eyed socialist would win the nomination only to get hammered by Trump in '20.  And thanks to the brand-new Wuhan Flu, the American public was simply scared of dying.

Never ones to waste a crisis, much less two, Democrats and their media courtesans decided on a brilliant albeit diabolical scheme.  They would pull a presidential Trojan horse on us!

Step 1: Get rid of Bernie.  Order lightweights like Tom Steyer, Combs Klobuchar, and Mayor Pete to drop out right before Super Tuesday to send votes Biden's way.  Then tell fake Indians like Liz Warren to siphon votes from Bernie on Super Tuesday before conveniently suspending her campaign almost immediately afterward.

His candidacy severely damaged after Super Tuesday, Crazy Bernie dropped out soon after.  We don't know what honorarium Sanders may have received for quitting, only that the last time Bernie suspended a presidential campaign, he somehow found the funds for a nice vacation home on Lake Champlain.

Step 2: Push COVID-19 fear and oppressive, poorly thought out government regulations, like mask-wearing, shutdowns, and social distancing.  At the advent of the Wuhan Flu, Democrats and the media, not to mention wee Tony Fauci, worked tirelessly to make everyone in America afraid to be around others.

Facing a new and unknown virus, you were now deemed an idiot, or worse, a menace to society, if you mingled in public or were seen without a mask.  This strategy was wildly successful and sent millions of sheeple, including the addled husk of Jill Biden's husband, to their basements ahead of the 2019 election.

Step 3: Keep the addled husk of Jill Biden's husband muzzled and in his basement. Hard enough to understand under the best of circumstances, Biden's nearly incomprehensible with a mask on.  Considering the things Joe comes out with — calling Obama "clean," questioning a radio host's blackness, and telling minority parents to put on the record player for their kids — a masked Biden being incomprehensible was a huge plus for his Democrat handlers.

Other people wrote candidate Joe's thoughts and policies.  All Basement Biden had to do was read them from a teleprompter — a difficult enough task, as it turns out, when your cerebral cortex is slowly turning to tapioca.

While Trump was out campaigning and taking heat from the media, Democrats, Hollywood, and academia, his opponent was a mirage, a hologram of a younger, more vibrant Biden spewing all the approved left-wing talking points for the masses.  He was kinder, gentler, and more experienced than Trump, this ersatz vision of Biden you saw on your TV and computer.  Heck, he was bosom buddies with Obama, as seemingly everyone except Barry himself was happy to point out.

Meanwhile, the real Joe Biden hid in his basement for most of 2019, no doubt taking naps, eating ice cream, and getting used to his new Depends.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Although you must tip your hat to the plotters and schemers who installed a corrupt, mindless meat-puppet in the Oval Office, what, pray tell, was their plan for after Sleepy Joe got elected? How do you hide the leader of the free world?

You can't.

Now, every time President Biden opens his mouth, the public sees how devastatingly senile he is.  How distracted.  How defensive.  How out of touch.  And as the pope could tell you, how incontinent.

Mentally and physically, President Biden's going downhill and picking up speed as he goes.  And now the American public clearly sees it.

As does China.

And Russia.

And Iran.

They say weakness is provocative, and in Joe Biden, we now have the weakest president in history.  When the Schiff eventually hits the geopolitical fan, and it must, don't blame me, or Republicans, or folks who simply love their country.

Instead, blame instead the vile Democrat power brokers and their media lackeys for successfully hiding the private Biden.

Image: Marc Nozell via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

Our current leaders have outlived their usefulness

Listening to Joe Biden—something I forced myself to do for a few minutes of his “news conference,” was definitively awful. It seems that most Americans agree. The man has lost what small modicum of sensibility he once possessed. No questions of substance were asked, none were answered, and no doubt his people vetted each in advance. Here’s one example:

“Thank you very much for this honor. James Rosen with Newsmax. I’d like to—I’d like to raise a delicate subject but with utmost respect for your life accomplishments and the high office you hold: A poll released, this morning, by Politico/Morning Consult found 49 percent of registered voters disagreeing with the statement, ‘Joe Biden is mentally fit.’”

Was that even a question? How about “President Biden, will you take a cognitive test? Trump did so to prove his mental fitness to serve as our President, will you?”

Nor was Biden asked substantive questions about crime, the border, the economy and inflation, easing COVID regulations, the January 6 political prisoners, or really anything that the American people care about. The whole thing was nothing more than a closely scripted window into the convoluted maze of Biden’s confused thoughts—and Russia, Russia, Russia.

Our esteemed media and “party leaders” created Biden the President. There seems to be no clear path away from three more years of this torture. It’s a given that Kamala would be an equally awful choice. Having her meaninglessly cackling to other world leaders, or unthinkingly directing our military towards rash actions, might be even worse for the American people than what Joe’s being directed to do and say.

If this were the corporate world, our two “heads of state” would be relieved of their positions, pronto. There wouldn’t be mere whispers about incompetence but real consequences: The company’s stock would plunge and stockholders and the board would demand change. Too bad government doesn’t run that way.

On the flip side, I tried to listen as Hannity talked with Donald Trump and realized that as awful as things currently are, I simply can’t stand to hear, yet again, the retread litany of how we accomplished so much, only to have it all snatched away. It’s like queueing up a once-favorite song and realizing you’ve heard it ten too many times, the artist was a one-hit-wonder, and it no longer holds your interest.

Image: Joe Biden (edited in befunky). YouTube screen grab.

It’s time to give way to the next generations. Biden is 80. Trump, by the next election, will be 78. Too darned old, both of them, to think on their feet—as are Nancy Pelosi (81), Mitch McConnell (79), and Chuck Schumer (71).

In the Senate, 64 of the 100 senators are over 65 years old and 26 are over 75. And yes, 14 are over the age of 80. Granted, Congress is a bit younger, but there are too many entrenched lifers there, too. Thirty-two percent of our representatives are over 65. The argument that they bring gravitas is easily countered by the fact that they accomplish absolutely nothing and seem to prefer it that way.

We need new blood—but we have a problem. Smart, honest people look at politics and run the other way. They see that it’s a game, complete with a system that doesn’t work, the frustration of endless procedural hearings and crooked, limitless, unreadable bills, plus endless fundraising. They see that the goal is to reward deep-pocketed cronies by funding their pet projects, and that faceless bureaucrats are working in the background, getting it done the way they see fit, so why bother?

There are always some idealistic, young, and eager congresspeople. Time and again, I’ve seen those newbies start strong only to slowly succumb to the machine. Once one gives up integrity in favor of raising money, it’s all over.

I remember an old TV ad slogan from my youth, “money talks, nobody walks.” I think it was a used car sales pitch, but if anything is more crooked than used car sales, it would be government. The rewards are there and plucking those rewards inevitably becomes the sole focus. That, and doing the bidding of the funders. It’s a system designed to fail the people and it works as promised.

We need an overhaul. It should include passing new rules about length of service, and even a rule about who is eligible to run. Candidates should have first succeeded in a real, productive job in the real world, one with a track record. Let those that serve us come from strength, knowledge, and life experience. Give them term limits that allow them to come away from their term still youthful enough to go back and resume a productive private life, rather than relying on parlaying their government position into the cash cow that funds their future.

Maybe if we fix the system, we can right our ship of state.


Ralph Nader: Biden's First Year Proves He Is Still a "Corporate Socialist" Beholden to Big Business

Joe Biden, in his days in the Senate, was very partial to China, as he voted against revoking China’s most-favored nation status and in 2007 opposed the idea of applying any tariffs on China despite their obvious unfair trade practices.  However, it was as Vice President that he became wholly enamored with the country and its leadership. STEVE McCANN

The book is a devastating chronicle of political corruption. From Ukraine to Mexico to China, Hunter Biden's private correspondence shows how he and his family leveraged his father's position to win high-paying, low-work gigs with shady foreign actors—and how Joe's official actions at times directly benefited his family's financial backers.  ALANA GOODMAN

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. 

                                                             ANDREA WIDBURG


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

The fact that Hunter's market value was derived from his father's position seemed to be a source of resentment for the younger Biden, even as he continued to cash in on the name. Hunter complained in texts to his daughter that he had financially supported the Biden clan for three decades and that "pop" takes a cut of "half [my] salary." Financia records and correspondence reported on by Devine indicate that money from Hunter's business accounts was used to cover Joe's AT&T bill and home

 maintenance expenses and that a portion of at least one major China deal was earmarked for the elder Biden. 

                                                                                          ALANA GOODMAN

China's Trade Surplus Soars to All Time High

RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

GOP Congressman: Biden ‘Has Been a Divider; He’s Been Rudderless and Confused’

By Melanie Arter 

( - Rep, Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.), who serves on the House Appropriations Committee, said Friday that President Joe Biden has been “a divider” who is “rudderless and confused.”

“I'm shocked really from the inception President Biden has taken this country totally in the wrong direction. I can remember vividly and fondly in the Trump administration every key indicator, the economy, jobs, foreign policy, we were clicking everywhere. The world was looking at us,” he told Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria.” 

“The country was coming back. There was optimism. Sadly,

President Biden from the inception has doubled down on zero,

and when you double down on zero, you get zero, but how

you could blame Republicans is far beyond anything else,”

Fleischmann said.

The congressman called Democrats “rudderless.”

“They are confused. They are wrong. I really wish Biden had come out the other day, and said look, he got it wrong in the first year, and he wanted to recalibrate, but I just don't see it,” he said.

When asked what we can expect in terms of priorities if the GOP takes the majority in the midterm elections, Fleischmann said, “First of all, plain and simple common sense, economic common sense, foreign policy common sense, looking at our great constitutional Republicans saying we need to embrace the values that have made this country great. 

“Biden has really acquiesced to the radical left of his party and that was the biggest sadness I thought. I really thought Joe Biden, even though I disagreed with him and would never have voted for him was going to try to be a unifier. He's been a divider, he's been rudderless and confused,” the congressman said. 

“So what the Republicans are going to do is get back to basics, make sure that our economy gets strong again, attack inflation at its root causes and things like that. Get Americans back to work. Stop the crazy vaccine mandates and things like that - just good-old common sense and guess what, people in the center will embrace that and America will come roaring back,” he added. 

On immigration, Fleischmann is one dozens of lawmakers in the House and Senate who are calling on the DHS inspector general to investigate Biden’s actions on the border. 

When asked what he would like to see the investigation uncover, Fleischmann said, “I'm the ranking member, highest Republican in appropriation subcommittee we have a porous border. There is no border policy. 

“They are just wandering all over the place, millions of illegals are coming in. It's wreaking havoc in this country. I want accountability. I want a policy, and I want to make sure that America has a border policy that is secure. It's border security and immigration, not just immigration,” he said.

Joe Biden’s Fractured Fairy Tales

The President’s talent for political fiction.

Don Feder


Joe Biden has been called a pathological liar,

Pinocchio on steroids, delusional and totally

detached from reality.

That’s unfair. Instead, let’s just say the president has a flair for fiction. Think of him as a master storyteller to put Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm to shame. Here are a few of my favorite Biden bedtime stories:

1. The Democrats Freedom to Vote Act will secure the right to vote for millions of Americans the GOP is trying to disenfranchise – Biden said Republicans working for election reform (secure ballots) are on the side of George Wallace not Martin Luther King. So, according to POTUS, to stand with the civil rights icon means supporting ballots mailed out en masse, casting ballots by putting them in drop-boxes, no requirement of signature verification, and no ID of any sort if you vote in person. DC now requires proof of vaccination and a photo ID to enter most indoor venues. That must mean that Mayor Bowser stands with George Wallace.

2. White Supremacy is a threat to democracy – Did white supremacists riot in more than 23 states in 2020, burning whole city blocks? (Actually, that was BLM and Antifa.) Are there hundreds of churches preaching white supremacy? (No, but there are hundreds of mosques preaching jihad.) Are foreign governments supporting white nationalism? (Oh, you must mean the way Iran, Yemen and half a dozen other Islamic states fund jihad here?) White supremacy is the Democrats’ “look-over-here” ploy to distract the credulous from Islamic extremism and leftists subversion.

3. What happened on January 6, 2021 was an insurrection or an attempted coup, if you prefer. – You betcha, struck at the very heart of democracy it did. Except, the only death directly attributable to the riot at the Capitol was an unarmed protestor shot by Capitol police. In fact, none of the rioters had guns. (How do you overthrow a government with supersonic jets by throwing folding chairs?) January 6, 2021 is the Democrats’ Reichstag fire. The goal is to criminalize the conservative movement and the half of the country that agrees with Donald Trump. The real threat to democracy isn’t the non-insurrection of 2021, but using the myth to crush dissent.

4. America does not have a crime problem. In 2021, 12 cities reached new highs for the number of homicides. Police officers intentionally killed in the line of duty hit a 20-year high. Many cities are plagued with smash and grab. In Los Angeles, railroad cars are looted as they stand on sidings. Homeless crazies stab women to death and throw them onto subway tracks. There are mayors who pander to the criminal element, prosecutors who put those arrested back on the streets as fast as they’re processed and a president who all but calls cops racists. A crime problem -- where would that come from?

5. America is racist – We fought a civil war with half-a-million dead to abolish slavery. Segregation would not have ended without the support of the white majority in the 1960s. You can say anything – and I do mean anything – about Caucasians and nobody blinks an eye. But use the “N-word” (even in jest) once and your life is destroyed. POTUS thinks COVID treatment should go to minorities first. We’re racist the way Outer Mongolia is anti-Semitic.

6. Only the rich will pay the administration’s proposed tax hikes – This is a familiar refrain from the party of plunder. Every time they propose a new tax hike, we’re assured that only-the-top-1%, super-rich, multi-millionaires will pay it. How is it then that in 2018 the average filer paid $15,322 in federal income taxes alone – almost $46,000 for a family of three. Democrats use the rich as bait to get the middle class to stick its head in a noose.

7. We can fight inflation with spending – This is like fighting wildfires by spraying gasoline from a crop duster. Spending drives inflation. The U.S. government is now running a deficit of 7.8% of GDP. Of course, it’s just a coincidence that in the same year Washington spent trillions to supposedly fight COVID, stimulate the economy, and repair infrastructure, inflation reached its highest level in almost 40 years.

8. The rising cost of gas has nothing to do with the administration’s energy fantasies. As soon as he took office, President Green set about making America a net energy importer once again – the Keystone XL pipeline cancelled, new oil and gas leases on public land and waters prohibited, an impossible green agenda embraced (promises to cut emissions by as much as 52% from 2005 levels by 2030). We’ve paid for this with a 58% increase in the price of gas in the past year (home heating up 34%). Biden’s policies have worked wonders for the energy sector – Russia’s.

9. There is no crisis at the Border – Think of what’s happening at the border not as a crisis but an opportunity -- for Democrats to import a new electorate. Those midnight flights to relocate thousands of illegals across the country is an urban legend. Pictures of illegal encampments just south of the border – an optical illusion. Just ask Vice President Harris. She was close to the border -- once.

Oh, and the pullout from Afghanistan? It was easily the most successful military operation since the D-Day landings.

As Sinbad the Biden spins his yarns, in thousands of ways a million times a day, life gets harder and harder for the average American. Unlike Biden’s fractured fairy tales, Rapunzel and the Little Mermaid didn’t come with trillion-dollar price tags attached.



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