Monday, January 17, 2022


Can the ruling Uniparty in America effectively flood the United States with so much unlawful immigration and unchecked voter fraud that the voices of individual Americans become drowned out?  Can the "free-traders" continue three decades of middle-class wealth destruction and blue-collar job offshoring by further selling to the destitute the wondrous benefits of their snake oil made from cheap Chinese imports and middle-American poverty?  

Blackburn: ‘Joe Biden Is the First President in History to Become a Lame-Duck Within the First Year of His Administration’


During an appearance on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) derided President Joe Biden for the lackluster first year of his presidency.

The Tennessee Republican lawmaker said he was the first president to become a “lame duck” in one year.

“Joe Biden is the first president in history to become a lame-duck within the first year of his administration,” she said. “And it has been a bad week and a bad year. Maria, look at the Supreme Court overruling them on the OSHA mandate. You look at globally what is happening with Russia, Kazakstan. You look at the Russia-Ukraine issue. You look at Iran shooting — going after President Trump, North Korea shooting off a missile, China with their daily antics, and this plus all that happened on Capitol Hill, with the filibuster, with their election takeover.”

“It’s been a very bad week for Joe Biden,” Blackburn added.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fear

Here's what our COVID-1984 authoritarians want: they seek to use pandemics, wars, uncontrolled immigration, doomsday climate predictions, and "woke" cultural Marxism to keep people in a constant state of fear, divided among themselves, and willing to hand over their freedoms for evaporative promises of protection.  "Protection" in this racket means survival but not lifeequity but not fairness, financial handouts but not prosperity, and politically correct narratives but no truth.

This last point deserves emphasis.  The powers that be — the central bankers, global financial elites, corporate propagandists, and political aristocrats — have given up on any notion of truth.  They neither pursue it objectively nor desire to discover it for philosophical or spiritual elevation.  Truth, to them, is too dangerous because it cannot be controlled by men with power.  So they murdered it and molded a monster out of clay they affectionately call their narrative.  Then, having no respect for the dead or remorse for their deed, they chose to disguise their monstrous narratives with masks made from truth's likeness.

Science is venerated as the apotheosis of objectivity, even as those with power dictate what official science can say, expunging dissenting scientific opinions from the public domain by either starving grant-dependent scientists into submission or outright censoring their work.  Like a tribe of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers dancing around a fire and praying to the moon, the powers that be pretend to be obedient and humble disciples of science's objective purity by chanting together, "We must follow the science wherever it goes."  In practice, however, they know exactly where the science will go because they are the ones paying for it to dance to the beat they alone provide.  If science is controlled by a global oligarchy using it for personal wealth and power, then "trust the science" really means "trust the authoritarians."  It really is that simple.

With neither truth nor the objective pursuit of science playing any part in their scheming, the political and financial 1% of the 1% are beholden to no one and nothing — not to God, reason, rationality, logic, or principle — leaving them to become their own highest powers entitled to create and destroy the world as they see fit.  We do not have to wait for the rollout of augmented and virtual realities being created by technocrats to further enslave the masses to understand that the "elites" who have controlled our reality since WWII play deadly games all the time — against each other, among nation-states, among whole continents, but most importantly between themselves and everybody else on planet Earth.  

Can Russia hawks start a war in Europe over Ukraine?  Can the ruling Uniparty in America effectively flood the United States with so much unlawful immigration and unchecked voter fraud that the voices of individual Americans become drowned out?  Can the "free-traders" continue three decades of middle-class wealth destruction and blue-collar job offshoring by further selling to the destitute the wondrous benefits of their snake oil made from cheap Chinese imports and middle-American poverty?  What's at stake?  Oh, only lives — those of soldiers who will be tasked to fight wars abroad triggered for the wrong reasons; those of innocent civilians who become collateral damage to an illegal U.S. policy that has aided and abetted the exponential rise of narco-terrorism, sex-trafficking, and other society-killing crimes flowing effortlessly across an unprotected southern border; and, of course, those of entire generations of lost Americans, whose happiness and stability were sacrificed for the swelling stock portfolios of globalist "free-traders," as well as the crumbling towns across America those generations still call home today.  What are lives, though, to a ruling class that celebrates the narrative and wears truth as Buffalo Bill would a skin suit?  For them, it's all just a game.  For the people who have fallen victim to these über-1% games, however, it has all become quite personal.

I think it is no exaggeration to say that a growing number of people in America, the West, and around the globe, generally, are looking around at what the "elite" have wrought these last seventy-five years and do not like what they see.  The distinction between "free" and "controlled" countries is disappearing as governments expand their powers at the expense of individual rights and liberties.  Regulation, central banking, and crony capitalism have worked together to concentrate wealth into the hands of ever fewer people and companies while preventing the unadulterated operation of truly free markets.  National histories and cultures are being destroyed so globalists can reorder the world according to a "Great Reset" that gives them absolute power and total control.  And political "leaders" are all parroting the same "build back better" nonsense when what they mean to build back is a planet where the 1% of the 1% can tighten its grip around everyone else.  If any of their members espoused truth instead of narrative, they would admit that they are building a great machine, whereby all of humanity except for the "elite" can be treated as nothing more than 1s and 0s; inputs and outputs; expendable, exchangeable, nameless, and meaningless resources, widgets, or cogs.

This much is clear: government debt and central bank money-printing cannot continue much longer.  System breakdown, triggered by runaway inflation, implosion of asset values, or the death knell for fiat currency, means that a political and social construct built by "elites" for their own wealth, power, and amusement will spiral wildly beyond their control.  Revolutions begin this way.  Entire epochs in human history begin this way.  New ideas, paradigms, and civilizations arise as the old ones corrode, cavitate, and collapse.  I have no sympathy for the 1% of the 1% or the numerous lies they tell daily in order to build back a totalitarian system that enfeebles us while deifying them, but I will say this: if you were part of such a small part of the world's population, and you understood that drastic social change lay just ahead, perhaps you, too, would do everything you could to shackle the 99.99% with the chains of division, economic subsistence, rolling pandemics of fear, and bio-digital enslavement before the many awaken to the reality that the few long ago swapped truth for nothing more than control.

I think Patrick Rothfuss got it right when he warned, "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."  What happens as more and more people discover that all of the elites' dancing under the light of the moon these last few decades has really been about worshiping narratives for control and nothing more?  What happens when that light, like all their other "noble lies," dies out?  I think then we will experience what comes when all three great fears are unleashed at once — a monumental storm washing away "elite" corruption and power, the rage of long quiet and civilized men, and a period of unavoidable darkness that must exist before the next new moon can rise.  Considering how afraid the ruling class seems to be of losing power over the world, somebody with a little wisdom has surely been whispering in their ears about the future.

One certainty is now irrefutable: far from being at the end of history, we are witnessing what can only be described as the beginning of history's next chapter.

Image: orse via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Mediocrity in power

The power of government rests on ignorance of the people, and it knows this, and therefore will always resist enlightenment.

Leo Tolstoy

Every nation has its fair share of people with no useful abilities, yet harboring considerable ambition and an insurmountable craving for la dolce vita. The longing is there, but with no means for its realization. So, what are they to do? Sooner or later the mediocre find a workable solution: they go into politics.

A sufficiently high position in a government structure that doesn’t require any special abilities or talents gives a nearly assured opportunity to receive lucrative benefits, including money, respect, and influence. There is a famous saying: "Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” There is a corollary: Those who can’t teach, govern.

This is how the selection process works: mediocrities float to the top. Thus, government agencies accumulate a number of bureaucratic politicians for whom the main goal in life is to hold on to their positions and, if possible, move up the career ladder. The good of the country and its people becomes secondary and intrusive. Many professional bureaucrats possess just one talent: seizing and holding onto power.

Until recently, leaders of many countries had a clear understanding that the intellectual potential of a society can be of exceptional value to the state and for the preservation of their own power. Even such bloody dictators as Stalin and Hitler allowed a certain degree of free-thinking and independence of ideas in scientific and technical academia. They were well aware that quality education and the existence of an intellectual elite were among the cornerstones of the foundation of their power.

This understanding seems to have been lost in America.

Nowadays, our ignorant leaders don’t understand the importance of studying the sciences, which has led to the systematic destruction of education on all levels.  In colleges, the ability to play football is valued far above mathematics. Children in secondary schools often don't study physics, chemistry, biology, and other basic subjects. These have been replaced by an ephemeral discipline called "science," which, like a salad, comprises little bits and pieces of everything.


“Salad from Rose Garden”

Painting by the author

When high school graduates go to colleges and universities, many of them take what is called "liberal arts." Today’s highly politicized version of these disciplines don’t develop strong analytical and critical thinking, nor entice creativity, and thus don’t prepare students for a productive life. The vast majority of liberal arts graduates cannot find jobs in their fields, so they work as baristas or in other semi-skilled trades or live off their parents and occupy themselves with nonsenses like fighting climate change or protesting all kinds of things, no matter what, as long as they are "against." Due to the collapse of education, young Americans en masse have become mediocre --  which is exactly what the ruling elite wants. It’s easier to govern such people.

As a result, science and technology are deprived of domestic human resources, and the country's intellectual elite is disappearing. Engineering departments still exist in colleges and universities, but enrollments lean heavily toward those not born in America. Go to almost any school and you will find a disproportionate share of students from Asia or of Asian ethnicity, while many of the faculty and researchers are immigrants. Go to almost any high-tech company much of the intellectual and creative work is done either by recent immigrants or foreigners. In Silicon Valley, almost three-quarters of the professionals are from other countries. The native-born Americans work in marketing, sales, customer service, and other positions where highly specialized education is not a job requirement. This forces companies to outsource R&D and production overseas.

Because of a high standard of living (which was created by the previous generations), people live well in the U.S., better than in many countries. Thus, young people have little incentive to study or work hard. Why bother when you're doing just fine, and the "old folks" readily provide enough freebies? The result was the decline of intelligence, degradation of morality, destruction of work ethic, and decrease in the intellectual and moral quality of the U.S. population. Mediocrity becomes the norm.

One can clearly see that today the upper echelons of government are bad managers and inept businessmen. Everything they touch turns to ashes. During the first year of their direct rule under the figurehead presidency of Biden, there has been a sharp decline in all economic indicators, and inflation has reached levels not seen since the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter. The worst thing they have done to the country is the distribution of freebies — massive “stimulus” payments, even to those who don't need them, a form of universal welfare.

To keep the populace on a short leash, the mediocre have turned on the printing press and now are spending money like a drunken sailor. The national debt is skyrocketing. Fuel prices have doubled since 2020, everything becoming more expensive, and a situation unseen in history has arisen: millions have dropped out of the labor force and most businesses cannot find workers. Apparently, people prefer not to work but to live on handouts. Today, in a country with millions of idle hands there is an acute shortage of labor.

Free cash has destroyed the foundation of Americanism — the incentive to work and strive for personal success. Why work when your government pays you to stay at home and do nothing?

What about the other areas? The inept government doesn’t know how to deal with the tsunami of illegal immigrants besieging the southern border. History has seen this before — ancient Rome collapsed because of an influx of barbarians pouring into the empire for free bread and circuses. Think of the staggeringly botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan when scores of billions of dollars worth of the most advanced military hardware was abandoned. Think of the FBI persecution of dissenters who dare to disagree with critical race theory and political correctness. Think of the rampant crime: record-setting murders in Democrat-run cities, smash and grab shoplifting gangs, and the passivity of intimidated police. Think of stifling freedom of opinion in academia. Shall I continue?

Only a year ago, under Trump's presidency, the situation was diametrically opposite: prices were falling, for the first time in decades the country became energy independent, unemployment was noticeably lower even amid pandemics and mass quarantines (3.6% at the end of November 2020).

Trump must be called anything but a mediocrity. Yes, he is a bull in a china shop, but he was doing what was good for the country with little concern for his own reputation. Unsurprisingly, Trump's actions went against the interests of the inept bureaucrats, and they did everything they could to replace him with a vegetative puppet, which led to the degradation of the American way of life. They declared war on him and they won. Even a year after Trump's departure, they continue to persecute his supporters — the fear of a "Reconquista" is too great.

Over the past half-century, our political system has been transforming into a form of governance that I would call "dexiosocracy," which in Greek means "the rule of the mediocre.” Consequently, the country is heading toward the abyss. The mediocrities have seized power, and we are reaping the rewards.                                                                                                            

Jacob Fraden’s website is

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