Thursday, February 17, 2022


the final days of the globalist democrat party are here!

Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now. TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

Jesse Watters: They're losing voters faster than CNN is losing viewers

'The Five' spouts off on 'wokeism'

Breitbart’s coverage of Red-Handed’s revelations include:

  • How the Biden family scored some $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals with direct ties to the highest levels of China’s intelligence apparatus

  • How a Chinese global energy company linked to a Chinese intelligence operation sent close to $6 million to Hunter Biden in 2017

  • How American elites — including the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe — purposefully aid the communist regime of China

  • How donations from Communist China to the University of Pennsylvania almost tripled after the university established a “Biden Center” in 2017 and gave former Vice President Joe Biden a professorship

  • How Hunter Biden planned to share his family’s office space in Washington, DC, with a Chinese intelligence-linked firm that employed a man Hunter described as “the f**king spy chief of China

  • How Hunter Biden’s business deals were helpful to the Belt and Road Initiative, which is China’s colonialist scheme for buying influence across the Third World and luring poor nations into taking loans from Chinese banks they can never repay

  • How 23 former U.S. senators and congressmen (most of whom are Republican) have lobbied for Chinese military or intelligence-linked companies after leaving office

  • How politicians use tepid criticism of China’s human rights abuses as cover to continue doing Beijing’s bidding — a concept the CCP refers to as “big help with a little bad mouth

  • How members of the Bush family cashed in on friendship with the Chinese official involved in the Tiananmen Square massacre

  • How the husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, was the part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military

  • How House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) softened her previous criticism of the Chinese Communist Party as her husband and son scored big business deals in China

  • How Pelosi reined in her criticism of the 2008 Beijing Olympics after her family members were involved in business ventures in China that would benefit from the 2008 Games

  • How Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has followed in his father Pierre’s footsteps both in assuming high office and in using it to further the interests of the Chinese Communist Party

  • How Wall Street titan Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone launched a $100 million global education scholarship program for Americans and other students studying in China to inculcate the superiority of Chinese communism

  • How Antony Blinken helped American universities “navigate problems” of legally balancing their Pentagon contracts while still accepting Chinese funding of dubious origin, and how he encouraged the U.S. government to deny political asylum to a high profile Chinese Communist Party defector who could have been a priceless intelligence asset for the United States

  • How American universities have often not complied with federal laws when it comes to accepting donations linked to the Chinese Communist Party 

San Fran patrol special officer rips Pelosi's inaction over BLACK crime surge: She doesn't care



Americans are exhausted of this Nancy Pelosi saga: GOP lawmaker


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


A president so bad that even his base is disgusted with him

Drew Magary is a San Francisco columnist who comes at politics from a place far, far along the leftist spectrum.  He is the radical base that drives the modern Democrat party.  On the Venn diagram mapping out my political views and Magary's, however, there is one point of intersection: we both think of Biden as a failed president.  That's good for my side of the aisle and very, very bad for Magary's.

Margary's essay is entitled "Joe Biden is a lousy president."  In it, you'll find phrases such as this: "Joe Biden is out of excuses."  "In many ways, it feels as if Biden's presidency is already over."  "All this begs the question: Does Joe Biden even know he's president ? Does he give a s---?"  "He's uninterested..."  "He's shown no ambition..."  "I am sick to death of this..."  "It's not merely that Biden has been a lousy president; it's that I've seen nothing to suggest that he'll STOP being lousy."  "I briefly had high hopes for Joe Biden, and that's on me."

I think we conservatives can agree with every one of those statements.  Where the opinion piece starts having that funhouse mirror feel is learning that, aside from being as disgusted as conservatives about Biden's Afghanistan pullout fiasco, every one of Magary's complaints comes about because he feels that Biden has failed as a leftist.  Thus, stripped to its essentials, Margary's article complains that Biden:

  1. Wasn't sufficiently proactive about distributing "free" COVID tests.  (Of course, they're not "free" at all.  You and I paid for them.)
  2. Failed to increase the federal minimum wage.
  3. Failed to override Manchin, who then dealt the death blow to Build Back Better.
  4. Failed to override Sinema, who killed the effort to federalize elections.
  5. Failed to continue COVID unemployment benefits.
  6. Failed to come down hard on the side of quarantining and mask-wearing.
  7. Failed to campaign vigorously to the Supreme Court to force it to preserve Roe v. Wade.
  8. Failed to use his bully pulpit to get foreign oil producers to keep prices down.
  9. Failed to use vaccine mandates to socialize America's health care system.  (So, you were right all along about the larger plan the left had for COVID.)
  10. Failed to pack the Supreme Court.

As far as Magary is concerned, Biden is a weak leader who blew every important item on the leftist wish list.

Image: Joe Biden.  YouTube screen grab.

Indeed, when Magary looks back on Biden's presidency, the best Magary can say about him is that "he wasn't Donald Trump."  Additionally, Magary remains thrilled that Biden did sign off on that first "nearly $2 trillion stimulus fund," even while he complains that Biden didn't do anything to stop inflation.  Apparently being a columnist at SF Gate does not require even the vaguest understanding of basic economics.

The reason I was caught by Magary's attack on Biden is that it showed something interesting about the man in the Oval Office: he is so extraordinarily bad that even his base hates him.  He's managed to repulse most Americans.  What this means is that Democrat turnout in November 2022 will almost certainly be lackluster.  More than that, it may mean that Biden is driving a stake through the heart of the Democrat party. 


 Report: Democrats Flee from Associating with Democrat Party, ‘Brand Is so Toxic’

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of Calif., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)
AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Democrats across the nation are embarrassed about the perception of the Democrat Party’s growing toxicity.

The Democrat Party, which has pushed wokism, open borders, police defunding, and coronavirus mandates is specifically struggling with rural voters throughout the nation. The struggles have been reported by the Associated Press and Politico in two articles over two days, alerting Democrat Party leaders of the impending doom come November’s midterm elections.

“The trend lines in rural America are very, very bad. … Now, the brand is so toxic that people who are Democrats, the ones left, aren’t fighting for the party,” former North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp told the AP.

“We’re letting Republicans use the language of the far left to define the Democratic Party, and we can’t do that,” she said about the Republicans, who by the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) internal polling, are winning the culture war.

In rural Pennsylvania, a local voter Tim Holohan told the AP the grand dislike of Democrats is momentous. “The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,” said Holohan, who reportedly asked his daughter to remove a Joe Biden bumper sticker from her car. “I feel like we’re on the run.”

Rural and retiring Democrat from Tennessee, Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN), told the AP he worries the Democrat Party is “facing extinction” in rural America. “It’s hard to sink lower than we are right now. You’re almost automatically a pariah in rural areas if you have a D after your name,” Cooper said.

The consensus from the DCCC indicates voters outside big cities are impacted by the Democrat policies of defunding the police and open borders. The DCCC report characterized the GOP’s messaging among voters as “alarmingly potent,” while Democrats were perceived as “preachy” and “judgmental,” Politico reported.

As a result, the AP characterized the alarming dilemma facing the Democrat Party as “threatening” as the 2022 midterm elections approach:

These Democrats are used to being outnumbered by the local Republican majority, but as their numbers continue to dwindle, the few that remain are feeling increasingly isolated and unwelcome in their own communities.

The AP also analyzed the nationwide county trend of just how bleak the Democrat future appears:

Barack Obama won 875 counties nationwide in his overwhelming 2008 victory. Twelve years later, Biden won only 527. The vast majority of those losses — 260 of the 348 counties — took place in rural counties, according to data compiled by The Associated Press.

The worst losses were concentrated in the Midwest: 21 rural counties in Michigan flipped from Obama in 2008 to Trump in 2020; Democrats lost 28 rural counties in Minnesota, 32 in Wisconsin and a whopping 45 in Iowa. At the same time, recent Republican voter registration gains in swing states like Florida and North Carolina were fueled disproportionately by rural voters.

Biden overcame rural losses to beat Trump in 2020 because of gains in more populous Democratic counties. Perhaps because of his victory, some Democratic officials worry that party leaders do not appreciate the severity of the threat.

The DCCC’s report echoed the AP’s analysis. It suggested Democrats should attempt to spin the results of Democrat policies to “correct the record” to reengage Democrats and Hispanics. The report warned that if the party speaks about off-topic agenda items, “changing the subject risks confirming suspicions.”

Democrats have seemingly taken the advice. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Tuesday began confronting inflation, the number one issue among Americans. But instead of admitting Democrat policies have fueled rising cost of living, such as huge 2021 taxpayer spending, the Democrats will focus on more spending.

“We’re having lots of discussions with individual senators to get Build Back Better moving again,” Schumer said about his plans to reduce inflation. “We’re sitting down and discussing things with Senator Manchin, and we want to hear what he has to say.”

It’s unclear what the Democrats propose to reduce inflation besides spending more taxpayer money, flooding the economy with cash, and giving handouts via the costly Build Back Better package.

Polling indicates Biden is losing among the three “Cs” – crime, coronavirus, and cost of living – all topics Americans voters highly prioritize and will vote upon coming in November. Io generic ballot midterm polling, the GOP is averaging historic margins above Democrats.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø

Peter Schweizer’s ‘Red-Handed’ Hits #1 on New York Times Bestseller List for 3rd Week in a Row

Photo: Nicole Myhre

Peter Schweizer’s blockbuster new book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win has landed at number one on the New York Times bestseller list for the third week in a row since its release by HarperCollins.

Schweizer, whose past books have sparked an FBI investigation and exposed congressional insider trading that spearheaded groundbreaking legislation, has called the revelations in Red-Handed the “scariest” of his quarter-century career investigating corruption.

As the book’s subtitle states, Red-Handed exposes the vast complicity of elites – from politicians to diplomats to business, tech, and entertainment tycoons – who have enriched themselves by advancing the interests of China’s communist regime.

Schweizer, who is the president of the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and a Breitbart News senior contributor, spent over a year conducting the research for Red-Handed with his team of forensic investigators at GAI, combing through a trove of financial and corporate records. The book contains 1,093 endnotes and 81 pages of source material with no off-the-record sources, making it easier for federal law enforcement and U.S. intelligence services to track down the book’s bombshell revelations.

Indeed, Breitbart reported Wednesday that U.S. House Republicans have introduced the “Stop CCP Act” to impose sanctions on Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, including Chinese dictator Xi Jinping and his family. The legislative proposal comes on the heels of the shocking revelations in Schweizer’s book.

Leaders on Capitol Hill — including Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) — are also calling for Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate the revelations in Red-Handed concerning President Joe Biden’s family members’ business dealings with individuals with direct ties to the highest levels of China’s spy apparatus.

The New York Post’s editorial board echoed these calls in an op-ed headlined, “Appoint a special counsel on Hunter Biden—now.”

Breitbart’s coverage of Red-Handed’s revelations include:

  • How the Biden family scored some $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals with direct ties to the highest levels of China’s intelligence apparatus
  • How a Chinese global energy company linked to a Chinese intelligence operation sent close to $6 million to Hunter Biden in 2017
  • How American elites — including the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe — purposefully aid the communist regime of China
  • How donations from Communist China to the University of Pennsylvania almost tripled after the university established a “Biden Center” in 2017 and gave former Vice President Joe Biden a professorship
  • How Hunter Biden planned to share his family’s office space in Washington, DC, with a Chinese intelligence-linked firm that employed a man Hunter described as “the f**king spy chief of China
  • How Hunter Biden’s business deals were helpful to the Belt and Road Initiative, which is China’s colonialist scheme for buying influence across the Third World and luring poor nations into taking loans from Chinese banks they can never repay
  • How 23 former U.S. senators and congressmen (most of whom are Republican) have lobbied for Chinese military or intelligence-linked companies after leaving office
  • How politicians use tepid criticism of China’s human rights abuses as cover to continue doing Beijing’s bidding — a concept the CCP refers to as “big help with a little bad mouth
  • How members of the Bush family cashed in on friendship with the Chinese official involved in the Tiananmen Square massacre
  • How the husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, was the part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military
  • How House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) softened her previous criticism of the Chinese Communist Party as her husband and son scored big business deals in China
  • How Pelosi reined in her criticism of the 2008 Beijing Olympics after her family members were involved in business ventures in China that would benefit from the 2008 Games
  • How Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has followed in his father Pierre’s footsteps both in assuming high office and in using it to further the interests of the Chinese Communist Party
  • How Wall Street titan Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone launched a $100 million global education scholarship program for Americans and other students studying in China to inculcate the superiority of Chinese communism
  • How Antony Blinken helped American universities “navigate problems” of legally balancing their Pentagon contracts while still accepting Chinese funding of dubious origin, and how he encouraged the U.S. government to deny political asylum to a high profile Chinese Communist Party defector who could have been a priceless intelligence asset for the United States
  • How American universities have often not complied with federal laws when it comes to accepting donations linked to the Chinese Communist Party 

Schweizer’s track record investigating both Republicans and Democrats is well-established, winning him a unique mix of bipartisan praise for his investigative work from both the left and the right. After the release of Schweizer’s bestselling Clinton Cash, liberal columnist Eleanor Clift called Schweizer “an equal-opportunity investigator, snaring Republicans as well as Democrats.” Clift added: “It’s a mistake for the Clinton campaign to write off conservative author Peter Schweizer as a right-wing hack. It won’t work, and it’s not true.” Similarly, Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessing wrote that “on any fair reading, the pattern of behavior that Schweizer has charged is corruption.”

Schweizer is also the author of Throw Them All Out, which, according to left-leaning Slate, was “the book that started the STOCK Act stampede.” The bipartisan STOCK Act (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) banned insider trading by members of Congress and was signed into law by President Barack Obama on April 4, 2012. The legislation received overwhelming support from both parties. One of the main figures featured in Schweizer’s Throw Them All Out, then-chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Spencer Bachus (R-AL), announced he would not seek reelection after the book’s reporting. CBS’s 60 Minutes did an investigative report on Schweizer’s revelations that won them the Joan Shorenstein Barone Award for excellence in Washington-based journalism.

Schweizer: Joe Biden Was a ‘Beneficiary’ of Hunter’s Deals with China


Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said Tuesday on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom” that President Joe Biden was a “beneficiary” of his son Hunter’s business deals with China.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said, “What was initially a story of cronyism and corruption we now have to recognize is an intelligence story, and it’s not just a question of the Bidens getting rich. We have to start having the conversation and investigating whether the Biden family may be compromised.”

He continued, “We knew that there was a commercial tie in the past, that Hunter Biden put it together. I broke story in 2018. What we now know are two separate strands that are critically important. Using the Hunter Biden laptop and using emails from a Gmail account of one of Hunter’s business partners, he gave us access to the email account. We now know that every deal that the Bidens got in China came through individuals with links to the highest level of Chinese intelligence.”

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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