Monday, February 21, 2022

KAMALA HARRIS FACES DEPORTATION TO GITMO! - New Poll of California Voters Spells Bad News for Democrats


Kamala Harris ripped for being ‘perpetually unprepared’ for saying this

Kamala Saves The Day

New Poll of California Voters Spells Bad News for Democrats

Madeline Leesman
Posted: Feb 21, 2022 4:15 PM
New Poll of California Voters Spells Bad News for Democrats

Source: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

A poll conducted by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies and co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times found that California voters’ approval of Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Vice President Kamala Harris have reached all-time lows.

California voters surveyed in the poll were almost evenly split in their approval for Biden, with 47 percent approving and 48 percent disapproving. The Times’ write-up noted that this marked a two-digit negative shift since the last poll, in July, when Biden’s approval rating stood at 59 percent. 

As for Vice President Kamala Harris, 38 percent of respondents said they approve of her handling of her job while 46 disapprove.

“The assessments of both Biden and Harris dropped sharply from last summer, in line with their slumping poll numbers nationwide,” the Times noted in their write-up.

Voters were asked their opinion on longtime California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who is now 88 years old. Forty-nine percent of respondents gave a negative assessment of the senator. 

“The 49% of registered voters giving Feinstein a negative assessment include respondents from core Democratic blocs: those who identify as “strongly liberal,” voters under 40 and Latinos and Asian Americans. In all regions of the state — including the major population centers of Los Angeles and the Bay Area, where she is from — a plurality of voters disapprove of her performance.

‘I’ve never seen those constituencies moving to the negative side in unison as we’re seeing now,’ said [Mark] DiCamillo, who has conducted polls at UC Berkeley and, before that, the statewide Field Poll, on Feinstein’s popularity since she joined the Senate.

Most striking is Feinstein’s loss of popularity among women voters. Feinstein had typically performed strongly with women ever since her 1992 election, when she and former Sen. Barbara Boxer became the first female senators from California. Now, one-third of women surveyed approve of her performance, while 42% disapprove.”

DiCamillio, the director of the poll, told the Times that he was “amazed at the dissatisfaction for both of the women [Harris and Feinstein].” However, as Townhall has covered, Harris’ approval rating, as well as President Biden’s, have been underwater for months

California voters in the poll hold Congress in low esteem with 72 percent of respondents disapproving of its job performance. Only 20 percent of respondents approved. Sixty-seven percent of respondents said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. 

“There’s frustration with the government and its inability to get a lot of things done,” DiCamillo said to the Times “I don’t think they warm to this hyperpartisan world that they’re living in, either. There’s really a disaffection with politics that perhaps wasn’t there in the past.”

Kamala Harris train wreck continues, this time on Russia-Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris was in Germany this weekend attending a high-level meeting at the Munich Security Conference. Her mission was to boost the transatlantic security alliance to strategically deter Russia from invading Ukraine.

Following her meetings, Harris held a presser.  The following is the gist of some of her key answers.

When asked if sanctions could have any leverage considering the claims (from her and Biden) that Putin had already made up his mind to invade Ukraine. She replied that the sanctions were the “greatest sanctions, if not the strongest, that we’ve ever issued”. She added that “diplomatic path still being open, the deterrence effect, we believe, has merit.”

When asked how a war in Europe would affect regular Americans. She replied that “America stands for her principles.” She added that “it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost.” She cited energy costs, perhaps she meant the price of fuel, but added that steps were being taken to mitigate what that cost might be if it happens.

For both of the above questions and all through the presser, Harris offered no details. There were no insights into the strategy developed to prevent Putin from invading Ukraine. Nobody was expecting a full revelation, but at least some key details.

Every answer was like a salad of words indifferently tossed together. There were long pauses between words and slight stutters which made it appear that she was ill-prepared and hence was winging it. Her usual staccato manner of speaking continued, making her sound like a speech-to-text mobile application.

Her body language lacked poise or confidence which is often the product of being ill-prepared. She failed to project any determination, or resoluteness which was key to communications in these situations such as these.

To sum it up, she did an abominable job of representing the US, the Biden administration, and even herself. It will undoubtedly cause leaders around the world to wonder “Is this the best they have got?

Her only triumph is that she didn’t burst into a fit of giggles at an inappropriate moment.

She will certainly not cause Putin to be deterred.

The situation on the Ukraine-Russia border is extremely critical. If war were to break out, matters could rapidly spiral out of control because Russia is a nuclear-armed state. At this juncture every syllable uttered matters. The least that is expected from someone in the position of Kamala Harris is to be prepared and use her words with unambiguous surgical precision. A clear message needed to be sent and confidence had to be projected.

Her performance in Munich adds to her record of poor communications. It has to be remembered that she struggled during interviews with friendly interviewers such as NBC’s Lester Holt, Craig Melvin, and even Charlamagne tha God.  All these interviewers were liberal people of color, so Kamala could not have branded them as racist Republicans who are out to get her.

This brings us back to the reason why Biden’s handlers chose Kamala Harris as his running mate and hand her important assignments such as managing the border and alliance building in Ukraine.

For this, we revisit Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 4. Mel Brook is depicted to be bored with his hit Broadway musical The Producers. He wants to move on to other things that will be more creatively satisfying but the show’s popularity won’t allow him that luxury. At this time he sees Larry David sing old tunes at a Karaoke bar.

Brooks offers Larry one of the leads in The Producers, which a very flattered David accepts. At the end of the season, it is revealed that Brooks thought Larry was such a catastrophe at the Karaoke that his performance would cause The Producers to flop badly and close down. He could finally move on. Larry was hence hired for his lack of talent, but almost nobody in the play knew of this.

The news media and experts saw Kamala as younger, energetic, and smarter than Biden, and hence an ideal replacement to become the first female President of color.

But Biden’s handlers saw Harris for what she really is, extraordinarily incompetent and unusually inarticulate,  and above all, extremely unwilling and probably incapable of learning on the job.

They knew that once Harris was exposed before the people, her ineptness on all fronts would become instantly obvious. This means she presented no threat to Biden, whose incompetence is compounded by his rapidly declining cognitive abilities.

They were right, her approval ratings fell precipitously. She blamed it all on her gender and race, obviously!

Any other individual in Kamala’s place (such as Stacey Abrams, who was among the candidates short-listed) would have been making plans to unseat Biden using the 25th Amendment.  But Kamala can barely keep her head above the water, so the question of an aggressive move to the very top is hence out of the question.. The result is that she has made Biden look unchallengeable. This was an astute but cynical political move by Biden’s handlers.

It seems obvious that the Washington Democrat Establishment had no intentions of resolving the border crises in the US or in Ukraine. In the US they want an influx of illegal aliens to alter the demographic map that will enable a permanent majority in government. On the Ukraine front, they want war perhaps due to their allies in the Military Industrial complex.

So, whom do they turn to for lots of activity but no actual achievement?

The one and only Kamala Harris.  

She hasn’t disappointed them. They say the role of a vice president is to make the President look good. Kamala has unknowingly been stellar on that front, her incompetence has made Biden appear unimpeachable.

Photo credit: YouTube screengrab

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