Wednesday, March 23, 2022



 Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied aboutscholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married.                                                                          MARK CHRISTIAN

The culture of power and money lust of the American Corporate Community and its major players — BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and Musk — and, of course, Gates — that draws them to a plutocracy that would never hesitate to betray America for a financial advantage or an opportunity to be a part of a global powerhouse oligarchy complicit with and colluding with malefactor government tyrannies. (avarice, cupidity, and rapaciousness) 

                                   JOHN DALE DUNN John Dale Dunn


Schweizer Hits Another Home Run on Biden-China Corruption

By John Dale Dunn

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win

by Peter Schweizer

352 pages, hardcover $18.25, Kindle $14.95
ISBN-10: 0063061147
Harper, 2022

Peter Schweizer is an Oxford graduate, former Hoover Institution Fellow, and cofounder and president of the Government Accountability Institute of Tallahassee, Florida.  He is a widely read and interviewed investigative journalist and has authored popular and well received books on political corruption: Clinton CashExtortionThrow Them All Out, and Architects of Ruin.

The book is the usual fare from Schweizer — based on well documented and researched financial records that support assertions of the author.  In this book, the focus is corruption in high places that results from cozy entanglements with China.  This book focuses on the Chinese communist connections for good reasons: China has set about a long-term effort to compromise the political, business, cultural, academic, and scientific elements of America as a set up for creating global Chinese hegemonic control and dominance.  The Chinese have accomplished a great deal in the decades since the ill begotten Kissinger Nixon opening to China in 1972, followed by the Clinton-Bush acquiescence to admission of China into the World Trade Association that was finalized with favored status in 2001.

Through these decades, the wolf, bear, coyote China has gradually expanded its dominance of world trade and economics by stealing intellectual property, using bribes and influence-purchasing, and standard espionage and propaganda methods.

The point of Red-Handed is exposing the participation of persons of influence in the West who have been compromised by Chinese efforts to buy influence and power — on a scale not previously seen.

Mr. Schweizer had a big scandal to investigate but a good team of researchers to help him organize the exposé — an exposé that warns of short-term and long-term danger for the survival of Western nations and the ascendancy of a savage and murderous Chinese communist tyrannical autocracy stained by a history of ethnic, religious, and domestic pogroms, persecutions, and genocide of immense and barbaric proportions that are numerous and stunning, extending forward from the millions of deaths of Mao's Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward that resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese from starvation and systematic political purges to modern-day activities that subjugate Tibet, Hong Kong, the domestic religious minorities while pursuing external influence and dominance.

Now under new leadership, China continues to commit atrocities domestically and expand its influence in foreign political and economic matters, which raises the question — how do the compromised oligarchs of the West who are ensnared in the Chinese web of influence sleep at night or excuse their complicity?  Is money enough to justify complicity with barbaric malevolence?  When does the complicity become the role of accessory to crimes ranging all the way to treason?

With the foregoing in mind, the best this review can do is identify and briefly describe and introduce evidence of the treasonous or traitorous American perps who have sold their positions, stature, and influence to the Chinese political peddlers.  Mr. Schweizer's systematic reviews and investigative revelations include the following (in order of the chapters) — and after every short summary comes my choice of a few words to describe the corruption and treason:

An introduction featuring the ROPE, alluding to the apocryphal commie saying that the capitalists will sell the communists the rope they can use to hang the capitalists.  This chapter is a warning and an exposition of how brutal and cruel socialist systems can infiltrate and influence — ultimately devour civil society from the inside.  How American core concepts can be compromised with cheap talk and promises — brutality can dominate civility, and culture can be eviscerated by aggressive activist advocacy of Marxist nonsense.  The key, though, is the complicity of American citizens.  (vice, infidelity and treachery)

A chapter on the evil and corrupt Biden family and its selling out to worldwide opportunities for corruption, but particularly Chinese influence-peddling. (decadence and depravity)

A wearying and maddening description of the corruption and pandering, grifting, and shilling by the denizens of capitol hill — Feinstein and family, Swallwell, Pelosi and family,  McConnell and Chou, former congress people like Senators  Boehner, Lott, Breaux, Baucus, and of course a long list of congressmen, also from both sides of the aisle — all selling their souls and positions of trust.  (degradation and degeneration)

The culture of power and money lust of the American Corporate Community and its major players — BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and Musk — and, of course, Gates — that draws them to a plutocracy that would never hesitate to betray America for a financial advantage or an opportunity to be a part of a global powerhouse oligarchy complicit with and colluding with malefactor government tyrannies. (avarice, cupidity, and rapaciousness)

The special place of diplomats and the chattering class as the lubricant for the social and societal resets best exemplified by pretentious poseurs like Kissinger, with so many others that the author exposes as self-promoting narcissists who achieve a grandeur that they consider to be well deserved, a grandeur usually as part of the dominant oligarchy — the list of exposed poseurs by the author is impressive because they saturate public life. (egoist and megalomaniac)

A special chapter set aside for the Bush and Trudeau families, who have been served by their associations with China at the expense of their home countries. (betrayers and quislings)

Academia, for various reasons, provides excellent examples of the perfidy of betrayal, but of course academics consider themselves beyond such pedestrian concepts as loyalty, fealty, family, tradition, constitutional government, since they are pursuing the greater good...and their greater good.  They also identify themselves as "experts," essential to the survival of the world and progress of mankind, although many have no marketable or real-world valuable skills. (overweening, smug, and vainglorious)

Mr. Schweizer saves the last chapter for a grand summary and proposal to reverse the corruption he's put on display that endangers the survival of America.  The key phrase he uses is "Elite Capture," and the elites are vulnerable.  He warns that republics are easy prey for autocrat countries' intel and military influence-peddling and sabotage.  

· Clean up the lobbying and influence-peddling in D.C., and enforce foreign agent registration.

· No lobbying and influence-peddling by foreign intel and military entities.

· Clean up research and academics from influence-peddling and ban joint research.

· Ban foreign military and intel company listings on the stock exchanges.

· Engagement with foreign governments is a dangerous business.  Stop the looseness.

· Transparency and all conflicts declared on all "experts" proposed by media, government, or academia.

· Most of all, a return to the constitutional concepts of limited government and strict equality under the law, equal administration of the laws, no favorites or exceptions.  

Mr. Schweizer has received deserved praise for this excellent book, which is a product of extraordinary research.  I hope my introduction results in your decision to read it.  Three hundred fifty-two pages of your time.


Image: Marc Nozell via FlickrCC BY 2.0.


All of this is, if we can be permitted to use Biden’s catchphrase, “malarkey.” Harris has already proven herself as a trusted servant of the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the working class. The Wall Street Journal wrote last week that Wall Street financers had breathed a “sigh of relief” at Biden’s pick of Harris. Industry publication American Banker noted that her steadiest stream of campaign funding has come from financial industry professionals and their most trusted law firms.

There is something fitting in the selection of Harris to co-lead the Democrats’ ticket. The response of the Democrats to the mass multi-racial and multi-ethnic protests against police violence that erupted earlier this year was to divert them into the politics of racial division, using the reactionary and false claim that what was involved was a conflict between “white America” and “black America,” rather than a conflict between the working class and capitalism.



A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)



Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream⎜WHY POVERTY?⎜(Documentary)


 The close collaboration between the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the multi-billion dollar asset management firm Blackrock in devising the March 2020 rescue operation for Wall Street has been revealed in an article published in the New York Times yesterday.



World’s largest asset management firm was “front and center” of Fed’s Wall Street bailout Nick Beams


The close collaboration between the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the multi-billion dollar asset management firm Blackrock in devising the March 2020 rescue operation for Wall Street has been revealed in an article published in the New York Times yesterday.


According to the article, Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock, the world’s biggest asset management firm, was “in frequent touch” with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Fed chair Jerome Powell “in the days before and after many of the Fed’s emergency programs were announced in late March.”


Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

The extent of the collaboration is revealed in new emails obtain by the newspaper together with information that has been previously made public.

In one newly obtained email, Fink refers to planning for the rescue measures as “the project” that he and the Fed were “working on together.”

As the article notes, “America’s top economic officials were in constant contact with a Wall Street executive whose firm stood to benefit financially from the rescue,” showing “how intertwined Blackrock has become with the federal government.”

Blackrock’s close collaboration with the Fed and Treasury came at a crucial point in the development of a crisis in financial markets which began with the onset of the pandemic in March and fears in corporate circles over the response in the working class amid walkouts by workers insisting that safety measures be out in place.

The Fed responded to the initial turbulence in the markets by cutting interest rates. But these measures proved to be insufficient and the potential for a major meltdown in the markets emerged in the week ending March 20 when the $21 trillion US Treasury bond market—the bedrock of the US and global financial system—froze.

Instead of providing a “safe haven” for investors it moved to the centre of the crisis as Treasuries were sold off and no buyers could be found as the sell-off extended to all areas of the financial system.

Faced with a disaster when the markets re-opened, Mnuchin, Powell and Fink were engaged in a series of discussions over the weekend of March 21–22 to devise a rescue package. According to the Times report, Mnuchin spoke to Fink five times over the two days, more than anyone else, other than Powell with whom he spoke nine times.

One of the most significant features of the rescue measures announced on Monday March 23 was the decision by the Fed, for the first time ever, to buy corporate bonds which, as the Times noted, “were becoming nearly impossible to sell as investors sprinted to convert their holdings to cash.”

Blackrock had already closely collaborated with the Fed developing its response to the 2008 financial crisis was thereby set to play a key role in the March intervention.

The article pointed out that, while Blackrock signed a non-disclosure agreement on March 22 restricting officials from sharing information about the upcoming measures, the way in which the rescue package was devised “mattered to Blackrock.”

The decision of the Fed to buy corporate bonds and provide an underpinning for the market was significant and involved two key areas of Blackrock’s operations. One of the ways it makes profit is by managing money for clients charging a preset fee. But assets under management were contracting as investors went for cash and its business model was under threat.

Blackrock is also a major player in the short-term debt markets which were coming “under intense stress” as investors moved their holdings to cash.

Electronic Traded Funds (ETFs), which track market indexes but which trade like a stock, were also severely impacted.

In the words of the Times article: “Corporate bonds were difficult to trade and near impossible to issue in mid-March 2020. Prices on some high-grade corporate ETFs, including one of Blackrock’s, were out of whack relative to the value of the underlying assets.”

As Gregg Gelenzis, associate director for economic policy at the Center for American Progress told the Times: “This was the first time that ETFs came under stress in a really systemic way.”

In the rescue package the Fed committed itself to buying already existing debt as well as new bonds and also decided it would purchase ETFs with the result that the “bond market and fund recovery was nearly instant.”

As the Times article notes, while practically all of Wall Street benefited from the Fed’s intervention, and other financial firms were “consulted” apart from Blackrock “no other company was as front and center.”

The closeness of the relationship between Blackrock and the financial and economic arms of the state, the US Treasury and the Fed, were highlighted in a comment by William Birdthistle, of the Chicago-Kent College of Law and the author of a book on funds, cited in the article.

He said Blackrock was “about as close to a government arm as you can be, without being the Federal Reserve.”

The Fed makes every effort to cover up that relationship in order to try to preserve the fiction that it is not beholden to Wall Street and operates as an independent public authority concerned above all with the state of the economy and the welfare of the population.

The Times article recalled a news conference in July 2020 in which Powell was asked about the discussions with Fink.

“I can’t recall exactly what those conversations were,” he said, “but they would have been about what he is seeing in the market and things like that.

He said there were not “very many” conversations and that the Blackrock chief was “typically trying to make sure that we are getting good service from the company he founded the leads.”

Powell’s claim that, in the midst of the most significant crisis since the meltdown of 2008—with a potential to go even further, as the freeze in the Treasury market showed—he could not recall those conversations simply does not pass muster.

The value of every crisis, it has been rightly said, is that it reveals the real relations that are obscured and covered over in “normal” times.

And that is the case here. The economic arms of the capitalist state are not some independent authority but function every day in the interests of the corporate and financial oligarchy, servicing its needs and interests above all else.






The culture of power and money lust of the American Corporate Community and its major players — BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and Musk — and, of course, Gates — that draws them to a plutocracy that would never hesitate to betray America for a financial advantage or an opportunity to be a part of a global powerhouse oligarchy complicit with and colluding with malefactor government tyrannies. (avarice, cupidity, and rapaciousness)


Schweizer Hits Another Home Run on Biden-China Corruption

By John Dale Dunn

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win

by Peter Schweizer

352 pages, hardcover $18.25, Kindle $14.95
ISBN-10: 0063061147
Harper, 2022

Peter Schweizer is an Oxford graduate, former Hoover Institution Fellow, and cofounder and president of the Government Accountability Institute of Tallahassee, Florida.  He is a widely read and interviewed investigative journalist and has authored popular and well received books on political corruption: Clinton CashExtortionThrow Them All Out, and Architects of Ruin.

The book is the usual fare from Schweizer — based on well documented and researched financial records that support assertions of the author.  In this book, the focus is corruption in high places that results from cozy entanglements with China.  This book focuses on the Chinese communist connections for good reasons: China has set about a long-term effort to compromise the political, business, cultural, academic, and scientific elements of America as a set up for creating global Chinese hegemonic control and dominance.  The Chinese have accomplished a great deal in the decades since the ill begotten Kissinger Nixon opening to China in 1972, followed by the Clinton-Bush acquiescence to admission of China into the World Trade Association that was finalized with favored status in 2001.

Through these decades, the wolf, bear, coyote China has gradually expanded its dominance of world trade and economics by stealing intellectual property, using bribes and influence-purchasing, and standard espionage and propaganda methods.

The point of Red-Handed is exposing the participation of persons of influence in the West who have been compromised by Chinese efforts to buy influence and power — on a scale not previously seen.

Mr. Schweizer had a big scandal to investigate but a good team of researchers to help him organize the exposé — an exposé that warns of short-term and long-term danger for the survival of Western nations and the ascendancy of a savage and murderous Chinese communist tyrannical autocracy stained by a history of ethnic, religious, and domestic pogroms, persecutions, and genocide of immense and barbaric proportions that are numerous and stunning, extending forward from the millions of deaths of Mao's Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward that resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese from starvation and systematic political purges to modern-day activities that subjugate Tibet, Hong Kong, the domestic religious minorities while pursuing external influence and dominance.

Now under new leadership, China continues to commit atrocities domestically and expand its influence in foreign political and economic matters, which raises the question — how do the compromised oligarchs of the West who are ensnared in the Chinese web of influence sleep at night or excuse their complicity?  Is money enough to justify complicity with barbaric malevolence?  When does the complicity become the role of accessory to crimes ranging all the way to treason?

With the foregoing in mind, the best this review can do is identify and briefly describe and introduce evidence of the treasonous or traitorous American perps who have sold their positions, stature, and influence to the Chinese political peddlers.  Mr. Schweizer's systematic reviews and investigative revelations include the following (in order of the chapters) — and after every short summary comes my choice of a few words to describe the corruption and treason:

An introduction featuring the ROPE, alluding to the apocryphal commie saying that the capitalists will sell the communists the rope they can use to hang the capitalists.  This chapter is a warning and an exposition of how brutal and cruel socialist systems can infiltrate and influence — ultimately devour civil society from the inside.  How American core concepts can be compromised with cheap talk and promises — brutality can dominate civility, and culture can be eviscerated by aggressive activist advocacy of Marxist nonsense.  The key, though, is the complicity of American citizens.  (vice, infidelity and treachery)

A chapter on the evil and corrupt Biden family and its selling out to worldwide opportunities for corruption, but particularly Chinese influence-peddling. (decadence and depravity)

A wearying and maddening description of the corruption and pandering, grifting, and shilling by the denizens of capitol hill — Feinstein and family, Swallwell, Pelosi and family,  McConnell and Chou, former congress people like Senators  Boehner, Lott, Breaux, Baucus, and of course a long list of congressmen, also from both sides of the aisle — all selling their souls and positions of trust.  (degradation and degeneration)

The culture of power and money lust of the American Corporate Community and its major players — BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and Musk — and, of course, Gates — that draws them to a plutocracy that would never hesitate to betray America for a financial advantage or an opportunity to be a part of a global powerhouse oligarchy complicit with and colluding with malefactor government tyrannies. (avarice, cupidity, and rapaciousness)

The special place of diplomats and the chattering class as the lubricant for the social and societal resets best exemplified by pretentious poseurs like Kissinger, with so many others that the author exposes as self-promoting narcissists who achieve a grandeur that they consider to be well deserved, a grandeur usually as part of the dominant oligarchy — the list of exposed poseurs by the author is impressive because they saturate public life. (egoist and megalomaniac)

A special chapter set aside for the Bush and Trudeau families, who have been served by their associations with China at the expense of their home countries. (betrayers and quislings)

Academia, for various reasons, provides excellent examples of the perfidy of betrayal, but of course academics consider themselves beyond such pedestrian concepts as loyalty, fealty, family, tradition, constitutional government, since they are pursuing the greater good...and their greater good.  They also identify themselves as "experts," essential to the survival of the world and progress of mankind, although many have no marketable or real-world valuable skills. (overweening, smug, and vainglorious)

Mr. Schweizer saves the last chapter for a grand summary and proposal to reverse the corruption he's put on display that endangers the survival of America.  The key phrase he uses is "Elite Capture," and the elites are vulnerable.  He warns that republics are easy prey for autocrat countries' intel and military influence-peddling and sabotage.  

· Clean up the lobbying and influence-peddling in D.C., and enforce foreign agent registration.

· No lobbying and influence-peddling by foreign intel and military entities.

· Clean up research and academics from influence-peddling and ban joint research.

· Ban foreign military and intel company listings on the stock exchanges.

· Engagement with foreign governments is a dangerous business.  Stop the looseness.

· Transparency and all conflicts declared on all "experts" proposed by media, government, or academia.

· Most of all, a return to the constitutional concepts of limited government and strict equality under the law, equal administration of the laws, no favorites or exceptions.  

Mr. Schweizer has received deserved praise for this excellent book, which is a product of extraordinary research.  I hope my introduction results in your decision to read it.  Three hundred fifty-two pages of your time.


Image: Marc Nozell via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

Schumer-Aligned Group Brought in Record $92M in Dark Money from Anonymous Donors

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite


4 Feb 20220


A dark money group aligned with Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) brought in a record $92 million in dark money from anonymous donors while Schumer blasted Republicans for using dark money.

Majority Forward is a nonprofit organization affiliated with Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC. Between July 2019 and June 2020, Majority Forward hauled in $92 million, according to the organization’s most recently released tax forms.

During the 2020 election cycle, Majority Forward gave Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC $51 million in contributions, making it the largest donor to Schumer’s PAC.


U.S. President Joe Biden, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, arrives at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2022, to mark the anniversary of the attack on the Capitol in Washington, DC. (Photo by BILL CLARK/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

While Schumer benefitted from millions of dark money dollars, he criticized Republicans for doing the same thing. Schumer also pushed the Senate to pass the For the People Act, which contains provisions requiring political nonprofits to disclose donors who contribute more than $10,000.

“Majority Forward is kind of a dark money empire that the Democrat Party really doesn’t want to talk about, especially Chuck Schumer,” said Parker Thayer, a Capital Research Center investigator.

“The Democratic Party makes a big deal in public about getting rid of dark money, getting dark money out of politics, but the reality is even the New York Times is now reporting on this,” Thayer told Fox News.

Thayer referred to a recent New York Times report that found 15 of the most active Democrat dark money organizations outspent the top 15 Republican groups by a margin of over $600 million. Those Democrat dark money groups spent $1.5 billion during the 2020 cycle, compared to $900 million for Republican organizations.

Thayer pointed out the hypocrisy, telling Fox News:

Democrats use much more dark money than Republicans do, and they’re more than willing to take that funding as long as it benefits them, but they’ll still simultaneously call out conservatives and Republicans for using dark money as well.

Although Democrat dark money groups spent more than Republican groups in 2020, pro-GOP super PACs outraised their Democrat counterparts in 2021. For example, the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) raised double what the pro-democrat House Majority PAC did.

Last year, CLF brought in $110 million, compared to House Majority PAC’s $55 million.



February 5, 2022

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