Friday, March 25, 2022


 When you try to sound SMART but you just sound STUPID.

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

 Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER

Biden presumably picked Harris as his running mate for three reasons: She was black-ish; she’s female; and, most importantly, she wouldn’t outshine Biden and might be an insurance policy against efforts to oust him under the 25th Amendment.




A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)


US Vice President Kamala Harris 'is such a hoax'



How Kamala Harris Made Her Millions


The Shady Side Of Kamala Harris


The United States is 'literally leaderless'


Newt Gingrich calls Joe Biden a 'sickness'


Kamala Harris comes out with another whacked oratorical moment

If you like your Vice President to function as comic relief, Kamala Harris is the gift that never stops giving. Because she’s been propped up for her entire career, first by Willie Brown and then by a political establishment that valued her kneejerk leftism and needed her XX chromosomes and melanin load for the optics, Kamala has developed a decidedly inflated sense of her oratorical skills. She truly thinks she’s Marin Luther King, something apparent from a speech she gave on Monday, while in a library in Sunset, Louisiana, to promote affordable, accessible, high-speed internet access.

Kamala’s rhetorical tropes rely heavily on repetition. She’ll say a sentence once, then twice, and sometimes even three times. And this isn’t because, like her boss, she may have forgotten the sentence as soon as she uttered it, requiring that she repeat it until she grasps that, yes, she’s said what she meant to say. Nope, not that.

What dawned on me today was that Kamala thinks she’s Martin Luther King, Jr., who was the master of repetition. In his speeches, King would repeat a phrase as a rhetorical drumbeat, emphasizing and expanding upon his message to the point at which everyone wanted to stand up and preach along with him. Jesse Jackson used to do that, too, but he lacked King’s beautiful voice, sense of spoken rhythm, powerful intelligence, and absolute moral clarity:

Then there’s Kamala, with a voice like Fran Drescher, except that Kamala’s Fran Drescher voice always sounds as if Kamala just emerged from an all-night session in the dorm spent smoking pot and, while stoned, solving the world’s problems. And I think we can all agree that, in addition to lacking Martin Luther King’s beautiful voice, Kamala comes up short on the intelligence and moral clarity metrics too. That, though, does not stop our brave Vice President from trying to mimic King’s elegant, powerful rhetorical flourishes.

All of which leads to this priceless audio of Kamala Harris’s philosophical musings in Sunset, Louisiana, where she’s making a sales pitch for Joe Biden’s $277 million plan for broadband access nationwide:

The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right? The significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires... what we need to do to create these jobs. And there’s such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children.

Without hearing more of the speech, I have a sense that Kamala is trying to point out that, given childhood’s brevity, we cannot delay this government project to ensure that kids get high-speed internet during that brief interlude. (That’s my guess.)

Of course, Kamala may have meant to say something completely different than my guess. Her problem is that there is no way to elevate her mindless repetitive statements into rhetorical brilliance. Her sentences, like those dreams brought to Mona Lisa’s doorstep in Nat King Cole’s lovely song, “they just lie there, and they die there.”

Nor should you ever think that Harris makes up in practical intelligence what she lacks in rhetorical and oratorical brilliance. Richard Grenell, Trump’s former Acting Director of National Intelligence and former US Ambassador to Germany, knows Harris and has nothing good to say about her. I’ve cued the video so it goes straight to the Harris material but I actually recommend the whole thing. What Grenell has to say about Biden’s foreign policy, Antony Blinken’s qualifications, and Angela Merkel’s disastrous decisions (among other things) is worth hearing:

You know, they’re not competent and I blame the Sacramento media for allowing Kamala Harris, as a woman and as a Black person, to rise and win all of these different offices simply because of her identity. She wasn’t qualified. She doesn’t have the capacity and I honestly will double down on that.

If you look, there’s no possible way Susan Rice and Ron Klain did not prepare her with a good book [about Ukraine] of what to say and what to do and what the policy was. I don’t think it was a lack of preparation. I think it is a capacity issue; that she doesn’t understand these issues.

She’s been allowed to rise to the top without any vetting from the media. There’s been no push until she got into the presidential [race] and then the national media, a little bit, were like, “Wait, you’re not really ready,” and so she imploded. But the Sacramento media allowed her just to, you know, capapult and take over. I don’t think she’s qualified.

Once again, the inimitable Kamala Harris has demonstrated why she is Joe Biden’s insurance policy. He is demented, stupid, and always wrong. And she’s worse.

The Decline and Fall of Kamala Harris

She thought she was a queen, but she was only a pawn.

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The end of the Obama era renewed the civil war between the Democrat establishment and the Socialist insurgents. Hillary Clinton, the establishment woman whose loss to Obama had inaugurated 8 years of insurgent rule, faced down a new challenge from the Sanders insurgency.

The next round of the fight in 2020 was a virtual draw with black voters choosing Biden and white lefties backing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The Biden administration was a compromise between both wings of the party. Its senior members are establishment while many of their juniors are Warren allies or linked to the Congressional Black Caucus.


Biden was a useful compromise candidate because his age and mental condition made him a “one-and-done” politician whose administration would take the hit by implementing radical policies and coping with the political fallout from the pandemic and runaway inflation.

Except that Biden, who keeps promising to run again, doesn’t seem to know it.

The only member of his administration who is even more clueless than Joe is Kamala. The compromise that put her in the White House was the most misguided one of them all.

Biden had promised the Congressional Black Caucus a black female veep. The CBC wanted one of its own, particularly Rep. Karen Bass, but considering her Castro sympathies and general leftist radicalism, that would have meant writing off Florida and the rest of America.

Instead, Biden, in his only clever move, picked Kamala, a failed primary opponent, not because she was popular, but because she was unpopular. Rather than an affirmation, Biden went over the protests of his own people to select a political human shield. The party of identity politics would never pressure him to step down to make way for this particular “black woman”.

On the political chessboard, Kamala functioned as Biden’s incompetent queen. Her unpopularity protected Biden from any political pressure to step down, but also blocked potential opponents from trying to replace him. When Buttigieg’s efforts to build a platform for a presidential run inside the White House became too public, Kamala brought out the race card.

Kamala was too unpopular to run and too rich with identity politics to be cut out of the race.

Picking Kamala was a brilliant move for Biden. Not so much for Kamala. The mediocre political hack, rapidly elevated to the Senate and then the Veepdom, has little experience in D.C., few political skills, and is incapable of even running any kind of basic organization. The same qualities that wrecked her presidential campaign also devastated her vice presidency.


After her campaign collapsed into feuding between her staff and her sister, history is repeating itself. And once again Kamala can’t decide if she wants to be a radical or a moderate, and is trying to be all things to all people. Like her campaign flip-flopping on socialized medicine, she veers between open borders and immigration enforcement rhetoric, between demonizing Israel and conducting outreach to Jews, without being able to pick a platform and stick with it.


Kamala Harris is far from the only Washington D.C. politician who doesn’t believe in anything, but it’s her inconsistency that makes her appear phony and insincere even to her own people. Her opportunism has always been too blatant to conceal under fake idealism, even more transparently artificial identity politics, or a truly implausible “ordinary woman” facade.


That’s the Hillary problem. And the establishment already made two bad bets on Hillary.

In a party deeply divided between radicals and establishment types, Kamala tried and failed to win the support of both, but is coming away with the support of neither. No one likes her and no one trusts her. And the campaign to undermine her is being waged subtly, but effectively.

Kamala’s top people are leaving because everyone in D.C. understands that she doesn’t have a future. Staffers work for politicians whom they expect will be able to advance their careers. It’s become obvious even among the third and fourth tier people around Kamala that she isn’t going anywhere. And no one with any ambition is likely to stick around and follow her off to the exit.

No longer a senator and a veep no one wants to see in the big chair, she has nowhere to go.

2024 Democrat candidates are making it plain that they don’t see either Biden or Kamala as political threats. In what other administration could a cabinet member like Buttigieg keep his own PAC going for a potential future presidential run against his own boss and Kamala?

This isn’t just palace intrigue, it’s a palace coup.

Buttigieg isn’t the only Democrat aiming at 2024. Senator Cory Booker is going to New Hampshire. Senator Bernie Sanders says that there’s only a “slim” chance he’ll run, but Nina Turner, his campaign co-chair, declared that, “If President Joe Biden does not seek reelection for whatever reason, that makes this a totally open seat. Period,”

As a black woman, Turner is immune to Kamala’s race card even while warning that the Sanders camp will not respect any kind of incumbency by Kamala. That’s not a coincidence.


Both sides expect 2024 to reopen the Democrat civil war. Buttigieg is positioning himself as the establishment candidate and even if the Sanders camp doesn’t run their figurehead, they will likely turn up another candidate to build a completely unearned cult of personality around.

Where does that leave Kamala? Just like in the primaries, nowhere.

Too clueless to realize that her plum job was really a put-up job, Kamala has finally reached the pinnacle of her profession only to discover that it’s really a dead end. If the country continues to be an economic and medical mess, the last thing anyone will want is Biden or his political prop.

Instead, Democrats are likely to embrace a radical change candidate and run against themselves. In an age where the establishment Democrats are just a more moderate breed of radical, the difference between the establishment and the socialists is only skin deep.

But skin deep differences are how voters get scammed by the same political hacks.

Kamala’s problem is that her scam was uninspiring, her invocations of victimhood unconvincing, and her brand was inauthentic. Leftists hate her because she’s phony and the establishment doesn’t want another Hillary. The Congressional Black Caucus resents her because of her covert campaign against Rep. Karen Bass. Her only allies in D.C. are on her payroll.

And that’s not a good place to be.

Kamala thought she was boarding an elevator to the White House, but instead she’s a puppet in the middle of a civil war that she is uniquely incapable of participating in, let alone winning.

Kamala Harris thought she was a queen, now she’s realizing that she’s only a pawn.


Image: Kamala Harris (edited). Twitter screen grab.



 Biden presumably picked Harris as his running mate for three reasons: She was black-ish; she’s female; and, most importantly, she wouldn’t outshine Biden and might be an insurance policy against efforts to oust him under the 25th Amendment.


All of this is, if we can be permitted to use Biden’s catchphrase, “malarkey.” Harris has already proven herself as a trusted servant of the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the working class. The Wall Street Journal wrote last week that Wall Street financers had breathed a “sigh of relief” at Biden’s pick of Harris. Industry publication American Banker noted that her steadiest stream of campaign funding has come from financial industry professionals and their most trusted law firms.

There is something fitting in the selection of Harris to co-lead the Democrats’ ticket. The response of the Democrats to the mass multi-racial and multi-ethnic protests against police violence that erupted earlier this year was to divert them into the politics of racial division, using the reactionary and false claim that what was involved was a conflict between “white America” and “black America,” rather than a conflict between the working class and capitalism. 


US Vice President Kamala Harris 'is such a hoax'



How Kamala Harris Made Her Millions


The Shady Side Of Kamala Harris


The United States is 'literally leaderless'


Newt Gingrich calls Joe Biden a 'sickness'


Democrats plan to resurrect Kamala Harris’s reputation

By Andrea Widburg

The Hill, which often serves as a mouthpiece for Democrat press releases, has written an article stating that “Democrats see Harris as a major player in midterms.” When it comes to Harris’s moribund reputation, Dems want us to think of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead but saving Harris is more like Mel Brook’s Young Frankenstein and “Abby Normal’s brain.”

Kamala’s lack of national viability made itself known during the Democrat primaries in 2019 when Harris dropped out without even breaking the 4% barrier in the polls and with zero delegates.

Biden presumably picked Harris as his running mate for three reasons: She was black-ish; she’s female; and, most importantly, she wouldn’t outshine Biden and might be an insurance policy against efforts to oust him under the 25th Amendment.

Since she’s been in office, Kamala has been a disaster. Monica Showalter’s astute posts about Kamala Harris tell the story. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Already in December 2020, perhaps as Democrats had their “Oh, my God! What have we done?” moment about getting Biden into the White House, there was the first of several desperate efforts to build Kamala up. This wasn’t helped by the fact that Kamala was mostly window dressing, standing behind Joe, wearing her little mask, like Death waiting for a turn.


In March, as Biden’s disastrous open border policy began to take shape, he appointed Kamala his “border czar.” And again, there was a push to resurrect her reputation. Kamala showed unusual initiative by ignoring the border and focusing on renovating the Veep’s mansion.

By April, even the Democrat cheerleaders in the media were wondering “Where in the world is Kamala Harris (and why isn’t she at the border)?” Jen Psaki, who may not like Kamala, covered for her by saying that Harris, who had bopped off to a Chicago bakery, was just like other Americans in Chicago, in that “she got a snack.”

A week later, Harris announced her solution to the border problem: She was going to Latin America to hunt down “root causes.” As for the border itself...meh! Two weeks after that, Kamala explained that El Salvador needed to have an independent judiciary, an interesting statement from a politician whose party fanatically wants to pack the United States Supreme Court. Meanwhile, Kamala avoided that border over which she allegedly presided as czar.

While Kamala dodged and weaved on the border, it emerged that people don’t like working for her. Apparently, like all people over their heads, she’s mean to and tries to blame the staff that can’t compensate for her inadequacies. (Her Secret Service agents suffer too.)

Because Kamala had failed so well as border czar, Joe promoted her to voting rights czar. Her aides allegedly panicked and then panicked some more. They were on to something because her trip to Latin America was a P.R. disaster. Her staff engaged in CYA behavior, stating that they were “perplexed” about her performance.   

In early June, as border czar, Kamala told illegal aliens “do not come.” Well, that should stop them...NOT. Still, at the end of June, when Trump threatened to get to the border first, Kamala finally announced a visit. She carefully avoided going to the site of illegal border crossing and, of course, she blamed Trump for everything.

Eventually, even a true believer like Ezra Klein had to admit that Kamala is incompetent. And so, in July, there was another effort to reboot Kamala’s popularity. It’s hard, though, when you have a Veep (and voting rights czar) who boasts about talking with Republicans about the Dems’ “reform” bill but can’t name anyone with whom she’s spoken.

In August, there was another effort to improve Kamala’s reputation. Again, though, she made it difficult, performing horribly in Asia, including wiping her hand after shaking the hand of the South Korean president.

And always, always, there’s that crazed, manic cackle. Plus the fact that her popularity is lousy. Very lousy.

With that history, it’s laughable when The Hill claims that “Democrats expect Vice President Harris to be a major player in revving up the party’s liberal base ahead of next year’s midterm elections.” She’s obnoxious, incompetent and, outside of rabid Third Wave feminist circles, disliked.

When a single Democrat pollster, a Harris ally, and a White House official sing her praises, no one should be impressed. Instead, there’s a strong odor of desperation when The Hill assures readers that “Democrats see Harris as uniquely positioned to drive up turnout among young people and women....”

Currently, Kamala’s only advantage is that no one is yet hollering “F*** Veep Harris” at sports events and concerts. As between a corrupt and senile president and an incompetent and unpleasant veep, it’s to be hoped that neither of them gets out the Democrat vote in the 2024 midterms.


Image: Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab (edited).


Biden Approval Rating Plummets in Deep-Blue State He Won by 29 Points

Getty Images
 • March 24, 2022 1:40 pm


In an ominous sign of things to come for Democrats, Joe Biden's approval rating is 5 points underwater in deep-blue California, a state the president won by 29 points in 2020.

According to a Public Policy Institute of California poll released Thursday, just 46 percent of likely California voters approve of Biden, while 51 percent disapprove. Those numbers mark a 19-point skid in just one year—a 2021 poll from the same group showed Biden with the support of 65 percent of likely voters in the Golden State. Biden won the support of roughly 60 percent of California voters in 2020.

Biden's freefall in California is likely to prompt serious concern for Democrats as they look to maintain control of the House in November. Four California Republicans flipped blue seats to red in 2020, and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is targeting seven additional Democratic incumbents in the state. Democrats will have to retain those seats in order to emerge from the midterm elections with a House majority.

The NRCC touted the poll's findings in a Thursday press release, noting that "Democrats' popularity continues to dwindle, and they're in big trouble ahead of the midterm election."

"Californians know Democrats are to blame for the high cost of goods and gas, and will vote them out in November," NRCC spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair said.

In addition to Biden's waning popularity, the Thursday poll shows that more than two-thirds of California adults are experiencing financial hardship due to inflation. A record-high 46 percent of Californians, meanwhile, "say the cost of their housing makes them and their family seriously consider moving," with "most saying they would move outside the state."

Endless Summits: Joe Biden Seeks to Lead ‘Free World’ at European Meetings

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (L) walks with US President Joe Biden as they arrive for a family photograph ahead of an extraordinary summit at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on March 24, 2022. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / POOL / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The White House on Thursday cast U.S. President Joe Biden as a man leading the free world as he began a series of summit meetings in Europe with the promise to “hold Russia accountable” for its invasion of Ukraine.

Over the course of 24 hours, the European diplomatic capital of Brussels is hosting an emergency NATO summit, a gathering of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations and a summit of the European Union.

Biden will attend all three and address a news conference afterward, AP reports.

The president’s diplomatic thrust on the world stage comes as back home faith in his ability to discharge his duties continues to fall.

Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said the U.S. wants to hear “that the resolve and unity that we’ve seen for the past month will endure for as long as it takes.”

To that end, Biden is scheduled to visit Poland on Friday, where both issues are expected to be at the center of talks with President Andrzej Duda.

Another significant moment could come shortly before Biden returns to Washington on Saturday.

U.S. President Joe Biden at the North Atlantic Council meeting during a NATO summit at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on March 24, 2022. (EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and U.S. President Joe Biden at the head of states summit of the NATO  military alliance, Thursday 24 March 2022, in Brussels. (ERIC LALMAND/BELGA MAG/AFP via Getty Images)

The White House said he plans to “deliver remarks on the united efforts of the free world to support the people of Ukraine, hold Russia accountable for its brutal war, and defend a future that is rooted in democratic principles.”

Sullivan said Biden and fellow leaders would aim to “set out a longer-term game plan” for what forces and capabilities are going to be required for the alliance’s eastern flank countries.

Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Hits 34 Percent

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC, on March 14, 2022.
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

The most recent national poll from Grinnell College showed that President Joe Biden’s approval rating was only at 34 percent.

The poll found that only 34 percent of adults in the United States approve of Biden’s performance as president, while a majority, 52 percent, disapprove. There were 14 percent that said they were not sure how they felt about his job performance.

Biden’s approval was down further when compared to the October poll that asked the same questions. The October poll found that only 37 percent approved of his performance as president, while half of the respondents disapproved.

When asked about the coronavirus, still only 47 percent approved of the way Biden handled the pandemic, while 44 percent disapproved and nine percent were not sure. In the October poll, 46 percent approved and 44 percent disapproved.

Regarding the economy, only 31 percent said they approved of Biden’s handling of it, while a large majority, 57 percent, said they disapproved. There was 13 percent who said they were not sure.

But Biden’s economic poll numbers are worse than October. Biden received 36 percent approval and 53 percent disapproval. Since then, inflation has continued to skyrocket, hitting a four-decade high, and gas prices have increased. Despite the facts, the Biden administration has tried to blame everyone but themselves, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, even coining the term “Putin’s price hikes.”

Biden also received poor marks on handling the Russian invasion into Ukraine. Only 37 percent approved of how Biden has dealt with the situation, compared to the 48 percent who disapproved. There were 14 percent who said they were not sure.

The Grinnell College national poll was conducted between March 15 and 20, wherein 1,002 adults in the United States were asked to answer the questions. There was a margin or error given of plus or minus 3.1 percent.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.

House Republican Leadership Announces Taskforce Leaders to Fix Biden’s Failures

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (L) walks with Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) after House Republicans voted in Stefanik as their new conference chairperson at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on May 14, 2021. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

PONTE VEDRA, Florida — House Republican leaders, including Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), and Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) ) on Wednesday announced the House Republican Taskforce Leaders who will focus on key issues leading up to the midterm elections, as they hope to retake the majority in the lower chamber and address President Biden’s failures.

Republicans, who are gearing up for the midterms, are creating task forces to focus on a variety of issues, including the economy, American security, and China accountability. But first, Republican leaders detailed the dire reality of the Biden administration’s failed agenda, pointing directly to skyrocketing gas prices, inflation, and an insecure border.

The GOP is here, McCarthy said, to listen to the America public and find solutions to problems “that Democrats created.” That includes one of the central concerns ignored by Democrats — rising gas prices. McCarthy noted that Americans will end up paying thousands more due to Biden’s failed policies with the continually rising prices of homes and consumer goods. And those are not the only things rising, he said. Crime is also rising due to Democrat policies.

“Can we afford their policies when it comes to the border?” he continued, mentioning fentanyl pouring across the border.

“Can we afford their foreign policy,” the Republican leader added before turning it over to Scalise, who noted that Americans everywhere are “talking about the same things” — angry about high prices and the far-left policies that “got us to this point.”

It was Biden who said, “no new pipelines, no new drilling for oil and gas in America,” Scalise said, adding that is comes as no surprise that a year and a half later, prices skyrocketed “well over 50 percent.” That is why Republicans are creating these task forces to solve these problems — fixing gas increases, securing the border, addressing inflation, and allowing parents to have a role in their children’s education.

What will Biden do when they are in the majority and they send these solutions to his desk, Scalise pondered. Rep. Stefanik added that the “stakes could not be higher” for Americans, who are facing the worst inflation crisis in 40 years and paying the highest gas prices in history. She added that Republicans plan to fire “lame duck” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-NY) “once and for all.”

The Task Force Leaders of each topic are as follows:

  • Jobs and the Economy: Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
  • Big Tech Censorship and Data: Rep. Cathy Rodgers (WA)
  • Future of American Freedoms: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
  • Energy, Climate and Conservation: Rep.  Garret Graves (R-LA)
  • American Security: Rep. John Katko (R-NY)
  • Healthy Futures: Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)
  • China Accountability: Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)

During the press conference, each Republican member provided a brief preview of the agenda items of their task force . Rep. Rodgers of the “Big Tech Censorship and Data” task force, for example, called  Big Tech a “destructive force” and used the censorship of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop From Hell” as an example. Rep. Jordan of the “Future of American Freedoms” task force vowed that a Judiciary Committee led by Republicans will focus on defending and respecting the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and America’s liberties. Rep. Graves of the “Energy, Climate and Conservation” task force noted that Biden has focused on the best interest of “other countries” on energy, deeming him a “complete failure” in this realm. He cited the spike in greenhouse gas emissions as well as the abandonment of America energy independence.

Republicans also vowed to lay out a plan to address China’s threats, secure the border, fix the drug problem, and stop Washington DC’s one size fits all, “government knows best” approach to healthcare.

The bottom line is this, McCarthy said: Can America afford Democrat policies any longer?

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---                                    Karen McQuillan 

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration (JOE BIDEN WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)."     PATRICIA McCARTHY

Watters: Biden’s new business partners are evil


NY Times sues for info on Hunter Biden's business dealings


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party



Will Hunter take jail time to protect his father?

Joe Biden's supporters are strangely quiet as his presidency descends into crisis

Watters: Biden's White House is in shambles



The Tragic Tale of Hunter Biden

NRCC Poll Shows Democrats Are in Trouble Across 77 Battleground Congressional Districts

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., left, speaks with House Majority Whip James Clyburn, of S.C., right, and Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., center, after signing H.R. 3076, the Postal Service Reform Act during a ceremony on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 17, 2022.
Andrew Harnik / AP

The latest poll from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) of 77 battleground congressional districts across the country showed that the Democrats face headwinds with voters as they are being held responsible for record-high inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and out-of-control spending.

The NRCC’s battleground survey covered the 77 battleground congressional districts that could determine control of Congress after redistricting. The committee surveyed these districts because they are currently held by the most “at-risk” Democrats, whose districts President Joe Biden won by only five and half points or less.

The poll found that Biden’s descending approval numbers help Republicans on the generic ballot as voters believe Democrats are “out of touch” and “condescending.” Biden’s approval in the battleground districts is 15 points underwater, as only 40 percent of the voters approve of the president, while 55 percent disapprove. Seventeen percent of those who disapprove, strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance.

Of the independents surveyed, only 30 percent approve of Biden’s job as president, with 62 percent disapproving — which has eroded by a net -34 points since February 2021. With Hispanic voters, Biden’s approval rating is at a net negative ten, a 31-point drop since February 2021.

With all of this, Republicans lead the generic ballot by four points, which the NRCC pointed out is despite Biden winning battleground districts by over five points in the last election cycle. Over the last year, since February 2021, Republicans have seen a seven-point improvement in the battleground survey. Overall, 75 percent of swing voters in those districts believe that Democrats are “out of touch” and “condescending” towards everyday Americans.

The poll found that the cost of living, jobs, and the economy were at the top of the list of concerns for battleground voters, giving Republicans an advantage with those voters. Forty-six percent of the respondents indicated that they are mainly concerned with economic issues. Twenty-six percent of the respondents said inflation and the cost of living should be the most important issue for Biden and Congress to work on, while 15 percent are most concerned about jobs and the economy.

The Republicans hold a 24-percent advantage over Democrats on the generic ballot with those respondents mostly concerned about the cost of living, and a 20-point advantage with respondents who are mostly concerned about jobs and the economy.

Fifty-two percent of the respondents blame the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats’ unwillingness to allow more oil and gas production in the United States for skyrocketing gas prices. In comparison, only 31 percent blame Russia’s invasion into Ukraine and sanctions on Russian oil and gas. Two-thirds (67 percent) believe Democrats in Congress are spending money out of control, and 56 percent of respondents said high gas prices are hurting their families the most, while 41 percent said rising food costs are hurting their families the most.

Respondents also overwhelmingly support Republicans focused on addressing Democrat-created crises. Seventy-five percent of respondents said they are more likely to support a Republican candidate who will fight to lower the price of groceries and gas. Also, 78 percent said the same for a Republican who will work to stop cartels from bringing drugs into the United States. Additionally, 80 percent said they are more likely to support a Republican candidate willing to advance energy innovation to help the country’s economic growth and lower energy prices.

Furthermore, 73 percent of the respondents favor increasing oil and gas production and exploration across the country — 54 percent of the respondents are “strongly” in favor. Only 23 percent of the respondents said they opposed having an increase in oil and gas production and exploration across the country; 13 percent of these said they strongly opposed it.

The NRCC’s survey was conducted from March 12 to 16, and polled 1,000 registered likely voters. The margin of error for the sample size was plus or minus 3.1 percent.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.

Poll: Majority Believe World Is Less Stable Since Joe Biden Assumed Office 

US President Joe Biden speaks about the December jobs report on January 7, 2022, from the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC. - The fall in the US unemployment rate reported in the December jobs data marks a "historic day for our economic recovery," President Joe …
MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

A majority of Americans believe the world is less stable since President Joe Biden assumed office, a Wednesday TIPP poll revealed.

The poll conducted at the beginning of March asked 1,318 adults if the world under Biden’s presidency is more or less stable. Fifty-one percent said the world is less stable under Biden, while 24 percent said it was more stable. Eighteen percent of the world had not significantly changed.

Respondents differed in their opinion among party lines, with independents swinging the overall pendulum. Only 22 percent of Democrats, 88 percent of Republicans, and 53 percent of independents said the world is less safe under President Biden.

Recent polling also revealed that 56 percent blamed Biden’s deadly Afghan withdrawal for emboldening Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Another poll showed that 62 percent believed Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump had been in office.

According to TIPP polling, Biden’s overall marks among party affiliations on Russia are terrible:

  • 60% of Democrats give President Biden an A or B
  • 80% of Republicans give him a D or F
  • 51% of Independents give him a D or F
  • 68% of conservatives grade him a D or F
  • 40% of moderates give him a D or F, while 31% of them give him an A or B, and
  • 51% of liberals give an A or B.

The impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused Americans to be more dependent on foreign powers for energy while spiking gas prices. Increasing about a dollar throughout Biden’s first year, gas prices have risen about an additional 70 cents since the invasion began. Many consumers are now paying record-high gas prices over 2008’s record highs.

As a result, Biden has reportedly attempted to increase oil production among countries that do not share American principles, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Biden is also looking to lift sanctions on Iran that could release the nation’s oil supply.

Biden has refused to take responsibility for the high gas prices. For instance, what was once called “transitory” inflation is now “Putin’s price hike.” Before that shift, CNN labeled inflation “good,” which the Washington Post quickly reframed as “corporate greed.”

The poll’s margin of error is 2.8 percentage points.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø

McCarthy: Inflation Continues to Get Worse Because of Democrat Policy


oh Wednesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reacted to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell saying inflation was going on in the United States prior to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine.

McCarthy, on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus,” argued inflation “continues to get worse because of the Democratic policy” in which “they attacked” energy independence.

“It continues to get worse because of the Democratic policy. You had the Fed chair just now admit it is not about Putin. It started when the Democrats had one-party rule in Washington,” McCarthy emphasized. “The first thing they did was spend $2 trillion. They … had the government pay people not to work, raising the price of what it costs for small businesses to survive. Then you watched their action about crime and others building within the streets. You watched what they did when we were energy independent. They attacked. You know, the strength of the country is not just your military — it is whether you have an economy that’s strong. And going after energy actually made us weaker in the process around the world but added to inflation because the thing people don’t quite understand — oil doesn’t just go into your car. It goes into your clothing, into the purchasing of your phone, it goes into the print on a box. So, it raises the prices on everyone.”

“It is every single day the price goes up while these Democrats are in power,” he concluded.

Tom Malinowski Sidesteps His Self-Imposed Corporate PAC Ban

NJ Dem takes tens of thousands from business groups, corporate lobbying firms

Rep. Tom Malinowski (D., N.J.) / Getty Images
 • March 23, 2022 5:00 am


In a September 2020 TV ad, Rep. Tom Malinowski said he doesn't "take corporate PAC money, so they don't own" him. In the following months, the New Jersey Democrat quietly accepted tens of thousands of dollars from business interest groups and corporate lobbying giants.

During his 2020 congressional run, Malinowski often touted his "no-corporate PAC pledge," arguing that the self-imposed ban allows him to "make decisions solely based on" what he thinks is right for his constituents. In the last 18 months, however, Malinowski has accepted nearly $43,000 from a multitude of business interest groups, corporate lobbying firms, and individual corporate lobbyists, federal campaign finance disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.

House and Senate Democrats use loopholes to accept campaign cash from corporate-funded groups while swearing off corporate money—most take money from congressional leadership committees that are bankrolled by corporations. While this is true of Malinowski, who has accepted at least $200,000 from leadership PACs since September 2020, the New Jersey Democrat has taken the custom a step further by also accepting contributions from business interest groups and corporate lobbying firms. In doing so, Malinowski has taken thousands from groups that attempt to sway Congress in favor of their business interests, a practice the Democrat claims to have sworn off.

Since October 2020, for example, Malinowski has accepted more than $10,000 from lobbying groups such as Winning Strategies Washington and Nelson Mullins. The firms have represented an array of top corporations, including BP, Google, and Comcast. In addition, Malinowski since September 2020 has taken more than $22,000 from business and professional interest groups such as the American Council of Engineering Companies and National Confectioners Association, which represents candy manufacturers and spent nearly $500,000 lobbying the federal government in 2021.

Malinowski's willingness to take campaign cash from these special interest sources contradicts his claim that he is not bound to corporate donors. In September 2020, Malinowski dismissed Republicans who criticized his acceptance of corporate cash through leadership committees, contending that because he did not take the money directly from a corporation, he has no reason to feel "indebted" to the original source of the funds. But Malinowski has not addressed his lucrative relationship with business interest groups, and his campaign did not return a request for comment.

In addition to Malinowski's decision to accept contributions from business groups and corporate lobbying firms, the Democrat has also taken thousands of dollars from individual corporate lobbyists—a move that has landed him in hot water. In February 2021, Malinowski accepted nearly $6,000 from former Democratic state lawmaker Vincent Roberti. Roberti runs a firm that has earned millions of dollars lobbying for Nord Stream 2, the pipeline that would transport national gas from Russia to Germany. Roberti's Malinowski campaign contribution came just months before the Biden administration waived sanctions on the controversial project.

Malinowski entered Congress in 2019 after he defeated then-Republican incumbent Leonard Lance by 5 points. Malinowski's short congressional term, however, has already been mired in controversy. During his first two years as a congressman, Malinowski failed to disclose dozens of stock trades worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, a violation of the STOCK Act, which requires members of Congress to report large financial transactions within 30 days. A subsequent Office of Congressional Ethics probe found "substantial reason to believe" Malinowski broke federal law.

The embattled Democrat is considered a top Republican target in 2022 and will face a difficult reelection bid this November. Malinowski is expected to face former New Jersey Senate minority leader Tom Kean (R.), who is again challenging the Democrat after a 1-point loss in 2020.

Biden Donor Awarded White House Post, Millions in Fed Contracts

Joe Kiani / Masimo
 and  • March 23, 2022 5:00 am


One of President Joe Biden's top donors and "closest friends" has scored millions of dollars in federal contracts and a prestigious job in the White House, according to a Washington Free Beacon review of government records.

Biden in September of last year placed close confidant Joe Kiani, the founder and CEO of the medical technology company Masimo Corporation, on the influential President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Kiani's company, which manufactures various medical devices, has received almost $3 million in federal government contracts since Biden took office in 2021. Its contracts include funding from the Department of Defense and Department of Health and Human Services.

The council, according to its website, "advises the president on matters involving science, technology, education, and innovation policy" and "provides the president with scientific and technical information that is needed to inform public policy."

The new post and contracts were awarded just a few years after Kiani emerged as one of Biden's biggest benefactors. In 2017, the Masimo Foundation donated at least $1 million to the Biden Foundation, on top of up to $500,000 from Kiani and his wife, according to donations that were disclosed by the foundation. During the 2020 campaign, Kiani bundled more than $1 million for Biden and hosted in-person and virtual fundraisers for him. Kiani also gave $750,000 to the pro-Biden super PAC Unite the Country, and his foundation gave another $1 million for Biden's inaugural committee.

The Biden-Kiani relationship dates back years, and the president has not attempted to shield the friendship. At a 2018 conference sponsored by an organization Kiani funds, Biden referred to the businessman as "one of my closest friends." In 2015, then-vice president Biden delivered the keynote address at Kiani's Patient Safety, Science, and Technology Summit.

Kiani's post has raised the eyebrows of one member of the House Oversight Committee, who told the Free Beacon he plans to look into the potential "cronyism."

"Cronyism in any form is wrong," said Rep. Ralph Norman (R., S.C.), who serves on the House Oversight Committee. "For someone who has spent almost 40 years in Washington, you'd think President Biden of all people would know that.

"Yet here we are, another campaign donor receiving a post in the administration, this time on the prestigious President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. It's important to get to the bottom of this, and I'm happy to help lead that charge."

The post and lucrative contracts to Kiani's company after his massive donations to the president further undermine claims from the Biden administration that it has the highest ethical standards of any White House in history.

Both the Obama and Trump administrations awarded Masimo with contracts totaling in the millions, according to government spending disclosures. Masimo, however, is currently on track to surpass the amount of contracts under previous administrations.

Neither the White House nor Masimo responded to a request for comment.

Employees at Masimo Corporation donated thousands to Biden's American Possibilities PAC, making the company one of the largest backers of the super PAC.

Other members of the Biden family have fostered relationships with Kiani as well. Biden's son-in-law, Howard Krein, is the chief medical officer of Startup Health, a company that was launched with significant investment from Kiani's Masimo Corporation, which was part of a nearly $20 million funding round in 2018. During Biden’s presidential campaign, Krein served as an informal adviser to his campaign while working at the Masimo-invested Startup Health, which was simultaneously running "a special initiative to invest in health care startups that offer solutions to the pandemic," according to PoliticoBiden's son Hunter and brother Frank have both leveraged their ties to the president as part of their business pitches

Since Kiani joined the Biden administration, his foundation, the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation, and Competition in Healthcare, has funded coverage in USA Today about health and patient safety. Among the content paid for by Kiani's foundation is a recent story about the administration's at-home COVID test kit roll out. USA Today says the Masimo Foundation has no editorial input on news coverage. Its most recent public tax forms show over $350,000 of donations to USA Today to expand the outlet's "capacity to produce unique, groundbreaking journalism aimed at improving patient safety and outcomes."

The Biden administration has faced congressional scrutiny for similar conflicts of interest. Most prominently, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm owned millions of dollars of stock in Proterra, an electric vehicle battery manufacturer, while she was working on America's electric vehicle battery supply chain. Granholm ultimately sold her shares to an undisclosed buyer for a profit of $1.6 million.


“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ----                                                                                  Karen McQuillan  

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER


The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion(THE REVISED FIGURE IS CLOSER TO $50 BILLION on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs.  STEVEN BALDWIN

South Bend Cronyism: Top Donors Won Big Under Mayor Pete

Biden transportation secretary awarded campaign donors tens of millions in infrastructure contracts

Getty Images
 • February 23, 2022 2:30 pm


Top donors to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg won big money contracts from South Bend, Ind., when Buttigieg was mayor of the city, according to a Daily Mail report.

Buttigieg's mayoral campaign committees received more than $250,000 from 2011 to 2019 from donors who were awarded a total of $33 million in infrastructure contracts from the city, the report found. Buttigieg was mayor of South Bend from 2012 until 2020, when he ran a failed campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Executives for one Indiana engineering firm, American Structurepoint, gave $35,850 to the mayor's campaigns. Over the course of several years, the company received $790,177 in city contracts from South Bend.

In 2012, two months after meeting with representatives of American Structurepoint, Buttigieg appointed a former executive of the firm to lead South Bend's Department of Public Works. In the following years, the department has directed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the company.

In two cases, according to the Daily Mail, Buttigieg received donations from companies the same day they got contracts from the city.

Other contractors gifted Buttigieg hundreds of dollars' worth of alcohol, cigars, and golf trips.

While Buttigieg was mayor, 23 companies that

donated to him were awarded city contracts.

Government watchdogs told the Daily Mail they were alarmed by South Bend's record of awarding companies who supported the mayor.

"I'm stunned if it is true that South Bend Indiana doesn't have laws on the books that prohibit this," Scott Greytak of Transparency International told the outlet. "At the federal level, this would be entirely illegal. A federal contractor cannot make a contribution to a candidate, because of the obvious conflict of interest."

Others expressed concern that Buttigieg's record as mayor indicates he might reward supporters through his discretionary budget control as head of the Transportation Department.

"This really doesn't bode well for the secretary

of transportation when he has access to almost

$1.2 trillion in infrastructure money," said

David Williams, president of Taxpayers

Protection Alliance.

Joe Scarborough: Mayor Pete Buttigieg as Exciting as Ronald Reagan

"We live in a moment that compels us each to act,” he said. “The forces changing our country are tectonic — forces that help to explain what made this current presidency even possible. That's why this time it's not just about winning an election — it's about winning an era."

                                                                                                     BIDEN CLONE PETE  BUTTIGIEG

The fact that he was born and bred in the American Rust Belt is possibly his biggest asset.

"Scripture tells us to look after the least among us, that it also counsels humility and teaches us about what's bigger than ourselves," said Buttigieg, a devout Episcopalian. "It points the way toward an inclusive and unselfish politics that I strive to practice, whether I'm talking about my faith on the stump or not."


Of course, the Buttigiegs have not held onto all of that cash. Aside from paying taxes and covering living expenses, they also had to pick up things like Chasten’s airfare for a portion of the campaign, part of an effort to steer clear of ethics concerns. But make no mistake: they still cashed in on the campaign. Today, Forbes figures that Pete and Chasten are worth at least $750,000, estimating conservatively.


Forbes: Pete Buttigieg ‘Cashed In on His Candidacy’ for President


Forbes published a financial profile piece on Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and explained how the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor “cashed in on his candidacy” for president in 2020.

The magazine said Buttigieg would have to give up his mayoral job, and therefore income.

“We could make it work, as long as we were very conservative,” his husband Chasten wrote in his book, the publication noted. “So it was decided: We were doing it.”

Via Forbes:

Smart move. Instead of costing Buttigieg money, the presidential run helped him earn gobs of it. Round-the-clock cable appearances made him famous, and fame led to money. Eventually, social media helped make Chasten a star too, which led to even more money. Over the course of the next two years, the Buttigiegs went from earning the sort of modest salaries you might expect from a middle-school teacher and a small-city mayor to hauling in more than $1 million, according to our calculations.

In the leadup to the election, they pumped out three books — one by Pete at the start of the race, another by Chasten toward the end, and a third by Pete in the closing days. Those works sold more than 150,000 copies, according to NPD BookScan, an industry data service. Then there were the university gigs. Chasten got one at Harvard, and after dropping out of the race, Pete started one at Notre Dame, which provided $37,000 in six months. Pete also became a podcast host with iHeartMedia, securing a minimum guaranteed payment of $150,000. At the close of 2020, he nabbed a cabinet nomination in the Biden administration, which led to a salary increase. As transportation secretary, he now earns more than $200,000 a year. Settled in D.C., he sold his house in South Bend three months ago for $310,000, more than double his initial investment.

Of course, the Buttigiegs have not held onto all of that cash. Aside from paying taxes and covering living expenses, they also had to pick up things like Chasten’s airfare for a portion of the campaign, part of an effort to steer clear of ethics concerns. But make no mistake: they still cashed in on the campaign. Today, Forbes figures that Pete and Chasten are worth at least $750,000, estimating conservatively.

Buttigieg had a favorable book deal that earned him escalating royalties. As Forbes put it, “The book supported the campaign, and the campaign supported the book — allowing Mayor Pete to make money as his candidacy took off.”

Last week, the Atlantic magazine published a profile piece on Buttigieg and laid out his potential path to the presidency that would involve an early exit for President Joe Biden and effectively a snubbing of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Something like: He takes an inherently snoozer job as a low-ranking Cabinet official, spends a few years quietly kissing up to mostly forgettable members of Congress with talk about railroads and broadband, and going on TV to defend the administration,” reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote.

“Along the way, he counts on Biden not to run again and Kamala Harris not to emerge as Biden’s natural heir,” he continued. “If everything comes together perfectly, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, becomes the first president since Herbert Hoover to have come out of the Cabinet.”

For the time being, Dovere noted, “Buttigieg is the public point man for the infrastructure bill,” which allows him to appear on news programs regularly.

In his role pitching the infrastructure plan, Buttigieg promotes “his own brand in the process,” Yahoo News reported.

“He gets to be Build Back Better,” an anonymous former presidential campaign staffer told Yahoo, referring to Biden’s campaign slogan.

“He gets blank checks. He can tie himself to feel-good projects coming out of the administration,” the person said.

Those “feel-good projects” afford Buttigieg the opportunity to travel the country and introduce himself “to prospective voters, and tout those” taxpayer-funded projects.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays — download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Parler.


McCarthy: Biden Needs to Tell Putin He Can’t Cyberattack U.S., Not Tell Us to Be Ready for It


On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) criticized President Joe Biden for focusing on telling Americans to guard against Russian cyberattacks rather than telling Russia there will be consequences if they do so and argued that Biden has repeatedly sent the wrong signals to Putin by making statements that tell Putin he can get away with certain actions like only declaring that certain sectors of the U.S. are off-limits to cyberattacks and that a smaller incursion into Ukraine would provoke a smaller response.

McCarthy said, [relevant remarks begin around 5:15] “This is what makes me so mad about this administration. Don’t tell us there’s a threat. We know there’s a threat. Tell Putin that he doesn’t have the right to do it. Remember when President Biden said at a press conference in the White House that if Putin just took a little of Ukraine, it wouldn’t be that bad? Gave him the wrong message. Remember when President Biden said, well, these are 16 companies Putin cannot go after? No, what he should say to Putin is, don’t go after any American company, if you do, there will be consequences.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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