Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this.


Watters investigates the Biden family's business dealings

Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER

Biden has mastered the art of deflecting criticism of his corruption and incompetence by using black women as human shields. It began with Kamala Harris, who was grossly unready to serve in the White House, but whose nomination made a ticket headed by an old white hack seem transformational and whose continued presence makes it all but impossible to remove or bypass Biden from an office that he is equally unfit to occupy on ethical and moral grounds.                  DANIEL GREENFIELD

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.” PAM KEY


The book, titled Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite., lays out how Hunter Biden and his business partners, in addition to his numerous Rosemont-branded entities and ventures, was deeply involved with an entity called the Burnham Financial Group. 

In short, Hunter Biden was not cutting business deals in Japan or Great Britain, where disclosure rules and corporate governance might require greater scrutiny. These were deals in the truly dark corners of the world.


Joe Biden, in his days in the Senate, was very partial to China, as he voted against revoking China’s most-favored nation status and in 2007 opposed the idea of applying any tariffs on China despite their obvious unfair trade practices.  However, it was as Vice President that he became wholly enamored with the country and its leadership. STEVE McCANN

Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

The book is a devastating chronicle of political corruption. From Ukraine to Mexico to China, Hunter Biden's private correspondence shows how he and his family leveraged his father's position to win high-paying, low-work gigs with shady foreign actors—and how Joe's official actions at times directly benefited his family's financial backers.

The fact that Hunter's market value was derived from his father's position seemed to be a source of resentment for the younger Biden, even as he continued to cash in on the name. Hunter complained in texts to his daughter that he had financially supported the Biden clan for three decades and that "pop" takes a cut of "half [my] salary." Financia records and correspondence reported on by Devine indicate that money from Hunter's business accounts was used to cover Joe's AT&T bill and home maintenance expenses and that a portion of at least one major China deal was earmarked for the elder Biden. ALANA GOODMAN


Biden, the Ersatz President

The United States does not have a real president right now. There is an individual named Joe Biden who shows up occasionally and sits in the Oval Office, but in no way can he be considered to be “President” in the traditional understanding of that term. Biden is an ersatz president.

An American president is essentially the CEO of the federal government. He or she sets the overall strategy and direction of the country, outlines and articulates its major objectives and manages the subordinate elements that create the actual policy in order to achieve the big-picture goals laid out by the president. Like any CEO, that person likely doesn’t personally have the specific technical knowledge and expertise on a micro level in a given subject area that his/her subordinates have (nor should a CEO or president get bogged down in that kind of attention-diverting minutia), but the CEO must have an overriding vision of their company’s intended direction and be able to see how the various component parts work together in the proper proportion and timing needed to achieve the stated goals. That holds true as well for the President of the United States.

Donald J. Trump was the prototypically ideal president in terms of setting clear achievement objectives for the country (securing the southern border, becoming energy independent, rebuilding our military, renegotiating advantageous international trade agreements, stopping China from taking unfair advantage of America in trade matters, getting NATO to pay more of its share of its defense needs, etc.) and putting in place the laser-focused personnel required to execute the plan.  This was classic large-scale business-style vision and management at its best.

Putting aside the unfounded, irrational personal animosity that his political opponents felt for him for having defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for being direct, rough-edged and unapologetic in his dealings with the liberal media, recalcitrant foreign adversaries and feckless erstwhile “allies,” President Trump’s clear-eyed ambitions for the country led to a very targeted effort with unrelenting emphasis on the ultimate goal.

Many presidents, coming from a life-long appearance-oriented, “You-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours” political background, are only too happy to compromise their objectives for the sake of popular acceptance and media adulation. For them, the final results as they redound to the country’s benefit are not their true goal. For the conventional politically minded president, an agreeable process is actually the end goal: activity that looks and sounds good, even if it’s bereft of real, meaningful substance.

Results vs. Process. Trump was a Results president. Biden is a Process president. Biden and the Democrats embark on a flurry of meaningless activity that plays well to the media and to their supporters, but which amounts to nothing of positive significance. To the extent that Biden’s empty activity subtracts from or negates President Trump’s actual beneficial results, what Biden and the Democrats are doing is incredibly harmful to this country and detrimental to a smooth-running world order.

Unlike President Trump’s clearly-stated, very specific intentions of how to improve the quality of daily life in America, Biden and the Democrats seem intent only on currying favor with special-interest groups and their accomplices, the adoring liberal media. Consider the major initiatives undertaken or proposed by the current Democratic regime:

  • The dissolution of our border integrity, with intentional unrestricted illegal immigration.
  • Ending American energy independence, curtailing fossil fuel exploration and production -- astonishingly, before a viable replacement exists! -- and imposing crippling restrictions on future fossil fuel energy industry activity.
  • Supporting destructive BLM activities and riots, favoring defunding the police, eliminating cash bail and decriminalizing what liberals laughably refer to as “low-level” crimes like shoplifting, robbery and breaking & entering.
  • Endorsing positions clearly opposed by the majority of the country, such as men competing in women’s sports, the U.S. military paying for gender-change surgery, males being able to declare that they “identify as women” and enter female bathrooms and locker rooms, elementary-age children being taught and exposed to “alternative” LGBTQ lifestyles far before children have any natural understanding or interest in such matters, and so on. This is the fringe woke speaking to the fringe woke. It’s not a government putting forth policies approved by the majority that benefit the majority.
  • Denuding our military of its equipment, mission and spirit by attempting to transform it into a mechanism for social change instead of a sharply honed, singularly aimed instrument of national security. It’s bad enough that the Biden Democrats are reducing the funding and equipping of our military. It’s even worse when Biden’s Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says his biggest concern is understanding “white rage.” The only thing Mark Miley should be concerned with is defeating our enemies on the battlefield. Nothing else.

This is the difference between a president concerned with bottom-line beneficial results and one who’s concerned with laughably shallow meaningless activity that amounts to nothing, other than buying the favor and future votes of niche special interest groups.

President Trump’s results-oriented approach gave us:

  • Energy independence with $2.25 per gallon gasoline vs. begging Iran for oil and $4.37 gasoline.
  • Secure, orderly, humane borders vs. human trafficking, drug infestation and illegals overwhelming our schools and healthcare system.
  • Treating 8-year-olds like 8-year-olds with worthwhile educational methods that emphasized a solid understanding of scholastic fundamentals along with a proportional appreciation for tolerance and compassionate societal norms.
  • A battle-ready military standing proud and poised to defeat any threat to American national interests.

The Biden Democrats have saddled us with the opposite. As a direct result of having an ersatz president without any semblance of worthwhile goals or inspired vision, daily life in America is now close to an unmitigated disaster. Absent America’s clear leadership on the world stage, uncertainty and potential catastrophe loom everywhere, around every corner because foreign adversaries are emboldened by our weakness. We are living through the debacle of not having a real president, someone with a clear plan to better the country.

Results are all that matter. Are you safe? Are you prosperous? Are you healthy? Are your children being educated? A real president understands all that and works to bring it about. A real president is immune to the distractions of appearances and media approval.

We don’t have a real president now.

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