Monday, April 18, 2022



Many Democrats doubt Biden will stick around

May you live in interesting times, or something like that.  I feel pretty confident that whoever it was who came up with that line could not have imagined the Biden presidency.

According to a new poll, some voters don't think Mr. Biden will be around until the end:

Such a question might have seemed a bit over the top, as Biden only entered office in January of 2021. But, after a year of record inflation and gasoline price hikes, devastating COVID lockdowns, a surge of illegal immigration, the botched departure from Afghanistan, and growing questions over the 79-year-old president's mental fitness, a surprising number of Americans now think Biden won't last even another two and a half years in office, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll.

The poll asked adults: "In your opinion, how likely is it that Joe Biden will complete his first term in office?"

Predictably, most Americans (71%) said Biden was likely to last through his four years. 

But 21%, or one in five, said it was "not likely" he would last.

Do you ever recall anything like this?  I don't, and you probably don't, either.  At the same time, do you recall a modern candidate who campaigned from his basement?  Or one who avoided questions at all cost?  Or one who sat down only with friendly reporters?  Or a president who always speaks to the nation when no one is watching — i.e., in the afternoon?  Or one who will not answer questions?  Or one who "gaffes" as often as President Biden?

Honestly, I hope he sticks around until the next inauguration.  I can't wait to see the civil war that the party is about to embark on when V.P. Harris faces a challenge from Mrs. Clinton or Secretary Pete.

In the meantime, how is this playing overseas?  It can't be good.

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.


BOMBSHELL: Rep Jim Jordan DESTROY Pelosi and Biden for committing Serious acts of Treason

Biden is destroying our country: Mark levin

Joe Biden could be impeached for Hunter Biden laptop contents

Hunter, Jim Biden scandal 'ties into access to Joe Biden': Rep. Andy Biggs

Older White Man Gets Pulled Over


15 Signs That Most Americans Are Flat Broke And Totally Unprepared For The Coming Economic Collapse

When the coming economic recession strikes in America, more than half of all people in the nation are going to be financially wiped out almost immediately. Today, more than 60% of all U.S. workers are living paycheck to paycheck, and most Americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings. In other words, when the looming collapse occurs, we will see millions of people panicking all around this country. One of the primary principles financial experts teach people is that in order to achieve financial security you need to have a cushion to fall back on. You can never tell for sure when unexpected expenses, such as major car repairs or healthcare bills, will come along. So during a major economic collapse, if you do not have any savings, you will probably find yourself in a lot of trouble. We all know that there are millions of families barely scraping by month to month, so we can understand why so many people haven't been able to save sufficient money for an emergency. But if you are in a position to build up an emergency fund, you should do so while you still can. Our economic and financial systems are facing multiple threats, and the time to get ready for the next great economic crisis is rapidly running out, but the vast majority of us are not prepared at all. Maybe some people have just gotten completely numb. Maybe some people are still thinking that that this bubble economy can last forever. Maybe some people can actually see that challenges are coming, but aren’t in a position to do something about it. Maybe some people just don’t know where to start and how to get prepared. Well, if you’re new to this, we have several other videos in this channel that can help you. The most important thing right now is to stay alert and come up with an emergency plan so can keep you and your family safe when chaos takes over this country. We have to remember that are on our own, and our leaders have no actual intention of rescuing us from the economic catastrophe they created. So we must start acting now because global events are accelarating at an aboslutely shocking pace. For that reason, today, we compiled stats that expose America's lack of preparedness. Here are 15 Signs That Most Americans Are Flat Broke And Totally Unprepared For The Coming Economic Crisis. For more info, find us on: And visit:

Report: Joe Biden to Focus on Domestic Crises After Failing to Prevent War in Ukraine 

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 28: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks along side Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young as he introduces his budget request for fiscal year 2023 in the State Dining Room of the White House on March 28, 2022 in Washington, DC. Biden's $5.8 …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

President Joe Biden intends to shift his focus to domestic crises after failing to prevent Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with sanctions.

Biden will direct his attention to the mounting domestic crises impacting American workers, Politico reported. By focusing on Biden’s failures at home, White House officials reportedly feel his poll numbers may increase heading into the November midterms. Democrats currently trail Republicans in nearly every important midterm poll, including on voter enthusiasm, key issues, and the generic ballot.

“Voters, as sympathetic as they are to Ukraine, are getting a little fatigued,” Democrat pollster Celinda Lake told the publication. “And they’re wondering: We’re spending all this money abroad, but what are we spending here at home?”

The White House is undoubtedly aware of its 40-year-high inflation and fears the midterm elections may be a referendum on Biden’s poor management of the economy. As a result, “a concerted effort is being launched to reemphasize to Americans that the president understands their pain and is trying to help.”

To express his sympathy, Biden plans to spend taxpayers’ money traveling throughout the nation on Air Force One. On Tuesday, he will visit Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to speak about pumping more money into the economy during record-high inflation. On Friday, Biden will fly to Seattle to speak about how Americans’ economic well-being will improve by purchasing an expensive electric vehicle to fight global warming.

Biden’s transition from foreign affairs to domestic crises comes after he contradicted his administration on the effectiveness and purpose of imposing sections on Russia. Biden told reporters in February that “no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening,” referencing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But both Vice President Kamala Harris and national security adviser Jake Sullivan had previously claimed that sanctions were implemented to deter Russia’s aggression.

“The President believes that sanctions are intended to deter,” Sullivan said.

With the White House’s foreign policy in tatters, polling suggests that 62 percent of voters say Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were president. Sixty-nine percent of voters believe the nation is on the wrong track under Biden. Just 33 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance. Fewer than 25 percent of voters strongly believe Biden is mentally fit, healthy, and stable. Only 36 percent of Democrats want Biden on the 2024 ticket.

The polling reflects Biden’s challenges at home.

Inflation has reached 40-year highs and is reportedly costing Americans an extra $433 per month. The invasion of the southern border remains ongoing. Fentanyl overdoses have increased. Gas prices have soared to record highs. Weekly wages have shrunk. Supply chains have broken. And the deadly Afghan withdrawal has deeply embarrassed the nation.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


The Regime Media’s Quandary: By Exposing Joe Biden They Exonerate Donald Trump

The regime media (the amalgamation of the legacy media, elitist opinion writers, and the internet troika: Google/Facebook/Twitter) finds itself in a quandary of its own making.  As the nation descends into recession and societal turmoil, the candidate for whom they prostituted themselves, Joe Biden, reveals on a daily basis that he is not mentally or physically capable of being President.  Further, it has become increasingly more difficult to continuously obfuscate not only the ongoing revelations in Hunter Biden’s laptop but Joe’s life-long history of corruption and mendacity. 

By comparison, for four years, despite a lack of evidence coupled with numerous exculpatory investigations, this same cabal incessantly promoted the fictitious narrative that Donald Trump was a racist, a xenophobe, a demagogue, and the most corrupt person to ever serve as president of the United States. 

Accordingly, the regime media proclaimed that was in the nation’s vital interest to replace Trump with the “decent, honest, and honorable” Joe Biden.  As he has the “experience and character” to rescue the nation and restore “decency and honor” in the White House.

The quandary: how does the regime media avoid the exposure of Joe Biden’s lifelong corruption and failures without the public’s inevitable comparison of the two men, their families, and their accomplishments?   A comparison that would result in the effective exoneration and rehabilitation of Donald Trump, whom they relentlessly accused of being the most unscrupulous person on earth.  A cudgel they could no longer use if he decides to run for the presidency in 2024.

Their only option is to continue steadfastly limiting any exposure of Joe’s career-long penchant for selling his political office for personal gain.  They will have to throw Hunter Biden under the bus by claiming he was solely responsible for any revelations of corruption emanating from his abandoned laptop.  That a gradually diminishing but dedicated public servant, Joe Biden, was blissfully unaware of what was going on in his name.  Meanwhile, they and the Democrats in Congress can never abandon their quixotic search for Trump wrongdoing or continue beating the drum that he is the personification of corruption.

Why do they need to obfuscate Joe Biden’s personal history?   They cannot continue to muddle the revelations in Hunter Biden’s laptop if it is general knowledge that Joe Biden’s malfeasance and the “Biden Family Enterprise” began almost immediately after Joe Biden was first sworn in as a Senator in 1973 when Hunter was two years old. 

In August of 2019, Politico International, in a lengthy article, traced the beginning of the “Biden Family Enterprise” back to 1973, Joe’s first year in the Senate.  Freshman Senator Biden adamantly demanded and was appointed to a seat on the Senate Banking Committee.  Soon thereafter, his brother James, then a 23-year-old business neophyte with a net worth of less than $10,000, decided to open a nightclub.  Per a bank officer, James used the Biden family “connection” to obtain $165,000 ($1.1 million in 2022 dollars) in mostly unsecured loans from a failing Delaware bank.  Within less than 18 months the venture started to unravel, and James was unable to make the loan payments.  Joe intervened with the bank’s Chairman to make certain the bank did not harass James for payment or foreclose on the nightclub. 

Miraculously, James was able to find another bank, which was on the Federal Reserve watch list, that gave him a $500,000 ($2.6 million in 2022 dollars) loan.  Around the same time Joe Biden met with that bank’s senior vice-president on “other matters” -- no doubt a coincidence.  The nightclub venture soon failed, leaving behind a trail of lawsuits and unpaid loans and debts. 

The Bidens sanctimoniously proclaimed that Joe and his status as a U.S. Senator had nothing to do with James getting the loans.  The fact that Joe served on the Senate Banking Committee (which oversees bank regulatory agencies) and his 23-year-old brother with no business experience received extraordinary – actually, unheard-of -- loans from two banks under scrutiny by the government was, no doubt, also a mere coincidence.

Thus began a pattern that over the years that continued to include James and occasionally other members of the Biden family, and eventually Hunter Biden as the ultimate front for the Biden family business.  A family enterprise that despite chartering and acquiring numerous companies over the decades never operated a successful business.  Perhaps no prominent family in American history has been involved in so many consistent business failures.  The only successful aspect of the “Biden Family Enterprise” was selling Joe Biden and his political influence.

It was while Joe Biden was vice-president that the flood gates opened and what was a domestic influence-peddling business expanded globally into Ukraine, China, Russia and Kazakhstan, among other nations.  The layers of greed and unabashed willingness to sell access to the second-highest office in the country is mind-boggling.   The most egregious examples are five deals with the Communist Chinese and the subsequent payments to Hunter Biden and the Biden family valued at $31 million.

For the past five decades, the legacy media and virtually all of Washington, D.C. has known about Joe Biden’s corruption and penchant for being a serial fabulist and compulsive liar.  However, when Donald Trump was elected President, he was immediately inundated with false and hyperbolic corruption charges.

A month before his inauguration on January 20, 2017, Politico Magazine featured an article full of absurd innuendos and breathtaking assumptions entitled: “Trump Could be the Most Corruptible President Ever.”  Within ten months after his inauguration it was unabashedly proclaimed to the nation that the Trump Administration was already the most corrupt in American history.

Unsurprisingly, by the end of his term the regime media and left-wing “historians” declared that Donald Trump was not only the most corrupt president in American history but also the worst.

The New York Times, in a hyperbolic October 2020 editorial, pleaded with the public to vote for Joe Biden “and return the country to a more peaceful, stable and respectful form of self-governance” and accused Trump of “rampant corruption, celebrations of violence, gross negligence with people’s health and incompetence—the worst American president in modern history.”

It would not be an overstatement to say that Donald Trump and his immediate family are the most investigated, vetted and audited people in American history.  Yet virtually nothing substantive has been found.  I spent nearly forty years in international finance and interacted with numerous domestic and international real estate developers.  Success in this field requires a single-minded focus and determination in order to build or acquire properties.  Virtually all developers at some point have skirted the law, or greased palms, or by-passed regulations. 

In light of Trump’s massive business success and nearly 50 years in real estate development, it is remarkable, considering the armies of investigators and auditors with unlimited budgets, that nothing of consequence has been unearthed.  Which confirms that Donald Trump is among the least corrupt men to serve as President of the United States.  In other words, Donald Trump is the antithesis of Joe Biden.

That is why the regime media, and the Democrat Party will do everything possible to avoid the full exposure of the decades of corruption with

in the “Biden Family Enterprise.”  They cannot run the risk of the inevitable comparison of Donald Trump and his family to Joe Biden and his family. 

Nor can the regime media risk the unmasking of their primary role in not only falsely incriminating Donald Trump but duplicitously praising and overtly suppressing damning information about Joe Biden during an election.  As the citizenry will rightfully conclude that they are chiefly responsible for the disastrous state of affairs in the country today.Photo credit: Michael Vadon CC BY-SA 4.0 license

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