Friday, June 17, 2022




 It was while Joe Biden was vice-president that the flood gates opened and what was a domestic influence-peddling business expanded globally into Ukraine, China, Russia and Kazakhstan, among other  nations.  The layers of greed and unabashed willingness to sell access to the second-highest office in the country is mind-boggling.   The most egregious examples are five deals with the Communist Chinese and the subsequent payments to Hunter Biden and the Biden family valued at $31 million.


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

The incredible expanding lies of Joe Biden

President Biden blamed congressional Republicans for record-high inflation while addressing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in a recent speech in Philadelphia.  Biden pathetically argued that his economic agenda, which relies on massive government spending, would help tame inflation.  He also lamely — and falsely — blamed Republican obstruction of that agenda for the country's current economic woes.  (It seems Biden is an alumnus of the Hillary Clinton Institute for Excellence in Blame-Shifting and Denouncement.)

Biden boldly — if comically — stated, "Under my plan for the economy we made extraordinary progress and put America in a position to tackle a worldwide problem that's worse everywhere but here: inflation."

As if that wasn't a big enough lie, he added: "The problem is, Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families.  That's why my plan is not finished, and the results aren't finished, either."

Now tell us the one about the three bears.  (Okay, I've used that one before.)

Apparently, Biden is also a graduate of the prestigious William Jefferson Clinton School for the Advancement of Prevarication.  First off, overspending is a primary cause of inflation, not a cure.  Secondly, (relatively) moderate Democrat senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona also opposed the plan, effectively killing Biden's Build Back Better social-spending bill at this time -- taking Republican opposition into legislative relevance.

If Biden's "plan" is to fight inflation by dramatically increasing the already drunken-sailor rate of federal spending, he will make us all pine for the halcyon days of the Carter Era.  That is akin to bloodletting for the sick.  It would be like fighting obesity by ramping up your caloric intake or fighting STDs by engaging in more frequent anonymous sexual encounters.  In a word, it is preposterous.

But then a great many things are in the Biden Era.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.


Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty. MONICA SHOWALTER

As the months of his administration slip by, it becomes clearer and clearer that he is something of a sociopath.  Nick Arama agrees.  He is congenitally unable to care.  As for Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, he blamed them – for not getting to the airport, for being “dual citizens” as if that makes them less worthy of rescue.  

                                                   PATRICIA McCARTHY

Biden’s defense of his actions was predictably sleazy. He wrote to the law school faculty asking that he not be expelled, claiming: “My intent was not to deceive anyone. For if it were, I would not have been so blatant.” He added: “If I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid?” Well, why, not ?                  ROBERT SPENCER


Biden even served up an early form of his “my word as a Biden” routine: “I value my word above all else. This is a fact which is known to all those who are or have been acquainted with my character.” Yes, he really wrote that. He even had the audacity to claim that as a law student who had already obtained an undergraduate degree, he “had misunderstood the rules of citation and footnoting."    

                          ROBERT SPENCER

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings, lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues. 

                                   MARK CHRISTIAN


Biden Lies Again, Claims He Was Golda Meir’s Liaison During the Six-Day War

Mendacious? In the grip of dementia? Or both?

Mon Dec 6, 2021 

Robert Spencer



Old Joe Biden is a serial liar as well as an elderly man in the grip of dementia, and it was initially hard to tell which one was kicking in on Thursday when he claimed that he served as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir’s liaison to Egypt during the Six-Day War in 1967. Golda Meir wasn’t prime minister of Israel during the Six-Day War, and Biden was an unknown law student at the time, but Biden did meet with her in 1973, so maybe he was just mixing up the two. Apparently this is a case of both Biden lying yet again about his life experiences and also forgetting where he was and when.

“I was saying to a couple younger members of my staff before I came over,” Old Joe began, “about the many times I’ve been to Israel. And I said – and then all of a sudden I realized, ‘God, you’re gettin’ old, Biden – I have known every prime minister well since Golda Meir, including Golda Meir. And during the Six-Day War, I had an opportunity to, uh — she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez, and so on and so forth.”

Biden is an accomplished panderer; he said this at White House Hanukkah menorah lighting celebration, apparently to show the crowd how pro-Israel he is, despite his administration’s consistently anti-Israel stance. But there is no way it could be true: Biden was 25 in 1967, and was attending Syracuse University College of Law, from which he graduated 76th in a class of 85 in 1968. By 1967, when he supposedly talking to the Egyptian government on behalf of Golda Meir, he had already embarked upon his career of lying. A Syracuse College of Law faculty report on December 1, 1965 stated that Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.

Biden’s defense of his actions was predictably sleazy. He wrote to the law school faculty asking that he not be expelled, claiming: “My intent was not to deceive anyone. For if it were, I would not have been so blatant.” He added: “If I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid?” Well, why not, Joe?

Biden even served up an early form of his “my word as a Biden” routine: “I value my word above all else. This is a fact which is known to all those who are or have been acquainted with my character.” Yes, he really wrote that. He even had the audacity to claim that as a law student who had already obtained an undergraduate degree, he “had misunderstood the rules of citation and footnoting.”

And now Joe would have us believe that Golda Meir surveyed the wide world and fastened upon one dishonest, plagiarist law student to serve as her mouthpiece in high-level negotiations with a hostile government during wartime. To be sure, Joe did meet with Meir in 1973, when he was just beginning his lengthy career of corruption and deception in the U.S. Senate. He had just come from Egypt, although whether he was actually serving as Meir’s official liaison is unclear. A classified Israeli memo about their meeting shows that he was practically as anti-Israel then as he is now, warning Meir against “creeping annexation” of territories it captured during the Six-Day War and demanding that Israel make concessions to the hostile powers surrounding it. According to Israeli columnist Nadav Eyal, Biden was “full of respect to the PM yet his ‘enthusiasm as he spoke’ signaled his lack of experience in the diplomatic field.” Sounds as if Old Joe hasn’t changed all that much.

It’s bad enough that the president of the United States is a frequent, habitual liar with a record of dishonesty that extends back 56 years. It’s even worse that the sycophantic media doesn’t take any notice of his lies, and continues to do all it can to prop up his disastrous administration and make it appear as if it isn’t the dumpster fire that everyone can see that it is. The corruption of the American body politic is coming from the top; an unprincipled old ward-heeler and political hack such as Biden should never have gotten anywhere near the White House. The fact that his arrival there was greeted with hosannahs and sighs of relief by the international political and media elites bespeaks an even wider corruption. And be prepared: Biden isn’t even close to being through lying.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here. 

Biden throws a tantrum

By Patricia McCarthy

Our hapless president’s speech on Tuesday was not a speech at all.  It was a full-blown childish tantrum.  While he was ostensibly celebrating his massive “airlift” of thousands of mostly-Afghan refugees, from the beginning it was clear he is extremely angry.  He almost shouted his claim that his catastrophic misadventure in Afghanistan has been a smashing success.  This is a huge lie and everyone knows it, even those trying to spin this debacle as a win.


In fact, Biden’s surrender has probably set a genocide in motion just as our betrayal of the South Vietnamese gave birth to the killing fields.  Women and girls are sure to be brutalized.  

Biden had promised for days that no American would be left behind but of course hundreds, perhaps even thousands, have been left behind.  Some even made it to the airport and were then denied flights home by US forces on the ground there.  Thousands of those who escaped were rescued not by Biden’s forces but by retired vets and private organizations who set out to do what the government would not. 

Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty.  His seething, wretched defense of this massive failure will haunt this nation for decades to come.  He has single-handedly created a fully-armed terrorist state, a state surrounded by enemies of the US – China, Iran and Pakistan.  Those countries now have access to the $90b worth of American weapons, military vehicles and aircraft, not to mention Bagram Air Base.  

Our NATO allies will no longer trust us.  Biden will be forever known as the most destructive, the weakest and most gullible president in US history.  A better man would resign but Biden is not even a decent man.  As his mad rant on Tuesday proved, he will never take responsibility for his fatal errors in judgment.  

Biden blamed President Trump, whose actual plan had stabilized the country and would have worked if implemented, and he blamed the Afghan army whom he betrayed by withdrawing their air support and their financial support.  Of course, they fled.  Biden betrayed them as cruelly as any leader in history has abandoned his troops and allies.  He can claim his decision to withdraw as he did was successful from now to kingdom come, but it was the most egregious foreign policy error in American history. 

 The deaths of those thirteen young soldiers who died last Thursday is entirely his responsibility and yet he could not even bring himself to salute at their dignified transfer as their coffins passed by; he just kept checking his watch as if he had somewhere more important to be.  The man is without heart and soul.  The few parents who spoke with him were shocked that he only talked about his deceased son Beau.  That’s his go-to default reply to anyone else’s loss; he makes it all about him.  

As the months of his administration slip by, it becomes clearer and clearer that he is something of a sociopath.  Nick Arama agrees.  He is congenitally unable to care.  As for Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, he blamed them – for not getting to the airport, for being “dual citizens” as if that makes them less worthy of rescue.   

Of course, it is not just Biden that is to blame.  Those military clowns, the ones who just weeks ago were telling us that Covid was the gravest threat we face (Austin) or that ‘white rage” is worth investigating (Milley) are to blame as well.  Whoever was giving the orders on the ground in Kabul should also be fired.  

Who thought it was a good idea to have those young soldiers do crowd control in a sea of panicked Afghans?  Who decided those busloads of Americans had to be turned back in favor of unvetted refugees?  Whose decision was it to let the highly trained military dogs who were brought safely to the airport be left behind, turned loose to face certain death on the streets of that benighted city?  

Every leader who participated in this ill-timed, fateful attempt at withdrawal should resign or be fired.  As many observers have noted, a high schooler could have managed it all better.  But then maybe it was all by design, engineered by Biden’s paymaster, China.  Biden has been bought and paid by a long list of influence purchasers for nearly all his years in Congress.  “Selling out is usually more a matter of buying in.  Sell out, and you’re really buying into someone else’s system of values, rules and rewards.”  (Bill Watterson).  Biden sold us out long ago.  

Nancy Pelosi, a horrid woman equally as without heart and soul, on Tuesday refused to have the names of the thirteen soldiers killed in Kabul read out on the floor of the House.  That should permanently indict her for being the wicked witch she is.  She is more devious, more calculating than the irresponsible Biden but every bit as beyond redemption as he is.  She will do anything to try to convince the American people, for whom she has only contempt, that whatever she and her party do is righteous no matter how loathsome and totalitarian.  

Like the schoolyard thug he is, Biden will defend to the death the treacherous plan he put into motion so he could make a grand speech on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11.  He ignored the advice of some advisers, wanted Ghani to lie about the Taliban’s success in July (transcript here), all to mount a bit of theater with him in the starring role.  No matter what he says, things did not go as he envisioned so like a spoiled child, he threw a tantrum from the podium at the White House.  Shame on him a thousand times.

In today's election, yours is a choice between freedom and globalism

By Mark Christian

I know something about both freedom and globalism.  What I know is that you cannot have both, which is why I immigrated to America, the world's last stronghold of freedom. 

In the way of background, I grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and became an imam at an early age.  Like Christianity, Islam is a global religion.  Unlike Christianity, Islam imposes an imperial global vision on true believers and denies them freedom of thought and movement.

Progressive globalism does much the same.  Although Islam and progressivism would seem to have nothing in common, they do share one overriding goal: the need to crush traditional American Christianity, the one obstacle to world dominance in either case.  At some point, Islam and progressivism will part ways, but for now, they are content to "coexist."

Progressive leaders turn a blind eye to the slaughter of Christians at a church in France or the shooting of a priest in another church or the beheading of a French teacher for daring to show a picture of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam.  In countries like France, leftists have been responsible for as much church vandalism as Muslims, maybe more.  For now, the left and Islam are allies.  The result of the failed immigration policies and the rabid push of atheism by most European governments has made their combined mayhem possible.

The mayhem has been papered over with lies, which is why Joe Biden makes such a perfect front man for the global elites.  Biden has lied about almost everything in his life.  Where to begin?

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied about scholarships and educational aid he had received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of other politician's writings and speeches, lied about the circumstances around his first wife's fatal accident, lied about how he met his second and current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married.

Joe Biden is the embodiment of the dark side of American politics.

When the Vietnam war ended, and our troops needed funding to evacuate gracefully, Joe Biden stood in the way.  His obstruction led to Saigon's fall and the disgraceful flight of American troops and personnel off the American embassy's rooftop in Vietnam.

When President Ford pleaded with Congress to help the Vietnamese refugees, the ones who were aiding Americans during the war, Joe Biden stood in the way.  Even though many of these refugees were orphan children, Joe Biden called them criminals and prostitutes on the Senate floor.

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings, lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.

Biden has lied about so much that I am not sure if he ever told the truth or is now even capable of doing so.  Thanks to Big Tech's and Big Media's suppression of his record, he can present himself as a man of character and high morals.  We must feel sorry for the multitude of gullible Americans who believe him.

Do not be a fool and believe for a second that the elites hate Trump because of his tweets or because he is allegedly a sexist, a rapist, a racist, or a foreign agent.  Nor do they hate him because of the pandemic death toll.

In reality, the elites hate Trump because of "YOU," because you elected a man they did not nominate and could not control.  I have never seen global anticipation for an American election like this one.  The world is watching.  The progressive and Islamic elites are pulling for Biden, but lovers of freedom all over the world are quietly cheering for Trump.  If you have yet to vote, be sure to vote today and give them something to cheer about.

Image: Biden the globalist by Andrea Widburg.


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