Monday, July 25, 2022

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY AND THE DEATH OF BLACK AMERICA - Thousands of dead black people are the Left’s latest achievement in anti-racism and equity. From Planned Parenthood to pro-crime, the only thing leftists really help black people do is die.


The Modern Enslavement of The Black Community in America

The black lives that don't matter.


As we draw close to the pivotal 2022 midterm election in November, many are discussing the electoral trend of the Hispanic community away from the Democrat, progressive socialist party. When I was Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I assessed that the reason why the Rio Grande Valley was blue was because we had not engaged with them. I remember being in Del Rio, Texas, at a Hispanic church for a showing of the documentary "Uncle Tom." There were those who asked, “Why show a documentary about black conservatism in the RGV?” The answer was simple--to show the Hispanic community what the Democrat Party had done to the Black community and let them know that if not careful, the same would happen to the Hispanic community.

Today we are witnessing a modern-day enslavement of the Black community on a 21st century economic plantation. We do not hear pundits talking about the black electorate because the black electorate is being destroyed and made irrelevant. Yes, I know, it was Rep. Jim Clyburn in South Carolina and the black Democrat vote there that saved Joe Biden's presidential campaign...but why?

Under former President Trump, black unemployment hit an all-time low. Historic black colleges and universities (HBCUs) received financial assistance. Black small businesses were prioritized and there was even a major criminal justice reformation. Mind you, none of this occurred under the so-called first Black president. No, not Bill Clinton, but rather Barack Obama.

Just recently, Kamala Harris spoke before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an organization founded by white progressive socialists back at the turn of the century -- Mary White Ovington, Henry Moskowitz, William English Walling, and Oswald Garrison Villard. They selected a black man named W.E.B. DuBois as the face. DuBois was an avowed leftist who would eventually renounce his U.S. citizenship and fully embrace communism. At this gathering instead of addressing the harm done to the "advancement" of the black community, VP Harris decided to advance abortion. She made the comparison to slavery, of course not mentioning that the physical enslavement of Blacks in America was part of the Democrat party history.

The murder of unborn babies in America has had the most adverse effect on the black community, which only makes up 13% of the American population. The Black community in America is no longer the second largest demographic; it has been overtaken by the Hispanic community. Over 35% of the murder of unborn babies in America are done by some 7% of the American population--black women. And let's not forget who the founder of Planned Parenthood was, a white supremacist, racist, eugenicist named Margaret Sanger who referred to Blacks as undesirables and human weeds full of disease. 

Those black lives do not matter in the modern enslavement of the Black community.

It is not just the murdering of black babies in the womb. Every major urban center, controlled by Democrats, can boast of astounding levels of shootings and murders of Blacks. I’ve got to ask, when was the last time Chicago Mayor Lightfoot, or any other mayor of a major urban center, especially Black ones, decried this violence...or for that matter BLM? They do not because there is little care or concern that blacks are slaughtering blacks; that just does not fit the political narrative. Sadly, it took a woman of color, Arabella Foss-Yarbrough of Minneapolis to condemn BLM protestors who were against a black man being shot after firing shots into her kitchen while she was cooking for her two Black children. 

Heck, Joe Biden was on a show with a Black commentator when he said that "if you do not vote for me, you ain't Black." Of course, there was no challenge from the commentator, just like there was no response when Biden said, "they gonna put y'all back in chains" in 2016.

The only political organization that has ever put Blacks in America in chains is the Democrat Party, be them physical or metaphysical chains.

Denying school choice in the inner cities and relegating black children to failing public schools is an example of enslavement. Once the Democrats stood outside the doors of education preventing black kids from they stand inside the doors and prevent them from leaving for better educational opportunities.

Look at Baltimore, and witness the utter despair and degradation of humanity. The lack of thriving small businesses, or even grocery stores, has had a detrimental effect on health in the Black community.  Successful businesses are thwarted because crime is allowed to run rampant, all because the left is more concerned with criminal rights than those of law-abiding Black citizens. Remember it was a Black man, Otis McDonald, who sued the City of Chicago, all the way to the Supreme Court, so he could be armed and protect himself in his own home.

The enslavement of the Black community in America is a tragic occurrence. It is enabled by charlatans and modern-day plantation overseers who benefit from the abysmal situations Blacks face. And of course, these are the same individuals who will assail those who have escaped this new plantation, wishing to not return. 

I will close with the sage words of my ideological mentor, Booker T. Washington, “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."

Just the same as there were tribes in Africa who sold other Africans to white slavers...history is repeating itself before our eyes. I just pray that more in the Black community will have the scales fall from their eyes and embrace the shackle-breaking constitutional freedoms, rights, and liberties that America affords them.

Steadfast and Loyal.

Democrats Decriminalized Drugs to Help Black People. Black Overdoses Skyrocketed

Eliminating the crime doesn’t eliminate the consequences.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Last year, Squad members and leftist Democrats introduced the Drug Policy Reform Act which would decriminalize drugs at a federal level. The Act falsely claims that the drug war led to  "the deaths of countless black and brown people".

Rep. Cori Bush contended that ending "criminal penalties for drug possession at the federal level" would help "repair harm in black and brown communities".

But even without a federal law, drug decriminalization has swept the country. 

While 38 states decriminalized marijuana, that's just the first step. Oregon decriminalized heroin and cocaine even though the state has the second-highest substance abuse rate. Last year, drug overdose deaths in the state rose 41% compared to 16%nationwide.

Despite that, New York, Washington and a number of other states are considering also decriminalizing “personal possession” of small amounts of drugs. Beyond legislative and proposition decriminalization, numerous jurisdictions dropped prosecutions, lightened existing laws, and rolled back street level enforcement creating urban drug overdose paradises.

Over 1,300 people died from drug overdoses in San Francisco in the last two years on pro-crime DA Chesa Boudin’s watch. "The days of giving dealers a free pass to flood the streets with fentanyl are over," DA Brooke Jenkins, the black female replacement for the white leftist pro-crime activist, promised. “We cannot allow our residents to die on the street of overdose."

Supporters promoted Oregon’s drug decriminalization as a way to “dismantle systemic racism.”

Oregon's Secretary of State and the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission claimed that racial disparities would be almost entirely eliminated by drug decriminalization.

But racial disparities in drug convictions were caused by disparities in drug use. And while you can eliminate disparities in sentencing by eliminating the crime, you can’t eliminate the real world consequences. 

That’s what the latest CDC report shows.

Drug overdose deaths shot up 44% among black people nationwide. 

The number of black overdose deaths rose from 5,452 in 2019 to 7,467 in 2020 leading to over 2,000 extra black deaths.

Among young black men, 15 to 24, the demographic that Democrat and some Republican politicians had particularly taken care to protect from the impact of the so-called "prison pipeline" through drug decriminalization, overdoses skyrocketed 92%. Among black people 25-44, drug overdoses climbed 55% and even among black people in their sixties, overdoses were up 44%.

2020, the year of the Black Lives Matter race riots, proved particularly deadly to black people due to the black nationalist hate group’s insistence on dismantling the criminal justice system.

The number of black people murdered in 2020 rose 62% as the culture of lawlessness unleashed by police defunding, prison releases, court shutdowns and general decriminalization claimed the lives of 5,839 black people.

That was an increase of 2,244 black deaths in one year.

Combined with the over 2,000 extra overdose black deaths, that’s 4,259 added black deaths due to criminal activity in the year when black lives were supposed to finally “matter”.

While black nationalists and their leftist allies falsely accused law enforcement of committing "genocide", the culture of criminality that they unleashed was so horrifying that a Johns Hopkins report on gun deaths in 2020 found that “In 2020, one out of every 1,000 young Black males (15–34) was shot and killed.” It noted that, “More than half of all black teens (15–19) who died in 2020—a staggering 52%—were killed by gun violence.”

The over 13,000 total black deaths from criminal activity in 2020 and, in particular the catastrophic increases in criminal deaths among young black men, look a lot more like a genocide, but it’s a self-inflicted genocide enabled by white wokes who claim to want to save black people from a fictious “systemic racism” while causing thousands of black deaths.

The CDC’s drug overdose death report shows that drug decriminalization proved to be as deadly to black people as the rest of the leftist and black nationalist agenda. In the face of these numbers, the media and pro-crime activists claim that the real problem is the lack of treatment.

But the CDC's own report notes that "among black persons, the drug overdose rate during 2020 in areas with the highest mental health provider availability (46.7) was more than 2.5 times as high as the rate in areas with the lowest rate of providers." 

Drug overdoses increased across the board in 2020, but the highest impact was on those who were the most vulnerable, not because of false constructs like “systemic racism”, but a history of addiction. The populations most likely to use drugs were most affected by drug overdoses.

That included not only black people, but American Indians as well who also have high abuse rates.

Back in Oregon, black people were twice as likely to die of drug overdoses than white people. Decriminalizing drugs hadn’t defeated systemic racism, it led to more black deaths.

None of this is a surprise.

Pro-crime leftists accuse President Nixon of racism over the drug war, but he was frantically trying to win black votes. It was former Rep. Charles Rangel who had urged Nixon to go to war on drugs. “Public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive,” he had argued.

In 1973, 71% of African-Americans in New York wanted drug dealers to be sentenced to life in prison without parole while some civil rights ministers and black intellectuals were calling for the death penalty for the men who were destroying black communities.

"Those of us who fight for our children's lives know what we have to do," Orde Coombs, a contributing editor to New York Magazine wrote. "We must walk through our Harlems and find the black pushers and kill them in their burgundy jump suits."

His was not a lone view.

The only thing surprising about what happened in 2020 was that anyone was surprised by it.

The drug war, like the war on crime, was not the invention of white racists, but black community leaders who were seeing their neighborhoods devastated by drugs and drug dealers. Black nationalists advocated against any kind of law enforcement, not because they cared about black lives, but out of a separatist agenda aimed at dismantling the country and its institutions. Leftists joined the campaign to take apart the criminal justice system out of the same overriding goal.

13,000 black deaths in one year are a small price to pay for the destruction of America.

Decriminalizing drugs, like decriminalizing all crime, has nothing to do with helping black people. Short of bringing back slavery, it’s hard to think of a single policy more likely to quickly destroy black neighborhoods and kill black people. Pro-crime activists claim that they want to save black people from racial inequity, when they are the single greatest force driving racial inequity.

Thousands of dead black people are the Left’s latest achievement in anti-racism and equity. From Planned Parenthood to pro-crime, the only thing leftists really help black people do is die.

This Wisconsin Dem Wants To Distance Himself From ‘Defund the Police.’ Two of His Biggest Donors Bankrolled Campaign To Remove Law Enforcement From Schools.

Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (D.) / Getty Images
 • July 25, 2022 4:59 am


Two of Wisconsin Democratic Senate candidate Mandela Barnes's biggest donors are major funders of the "defund the police" movement and bankrolled a successful campaign to remove law enforcement from schools in crime-plagued Oakland, California.

Barnes's leadership committee—a political fundraising committee that candidates often use for personal expenses unconnected to their campaigns—raked in 13 percent of its donations this year from millionaire real estate developer Wayne Jordan and his wife, Quinn Delaney, according to Federal Election Commission records.

The couple is heavily involved in left-wing and anti-police activism through their charity, the Akonadi Foundation.

The funding could complicate Barnes's attempts to distance himself from the increasingly unpopular "defund the police" movement. Barnes, who serves as Wisconsin's lieutenant governor, previously partnered with anti-cop groups, sponsored a bill to end cash bail, and took $28,000 in campaign donations from an organization that supports defunding police, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

But Barnes's campaign told the Free Beacon in February that he "does not support defunding the police."

Jordan and Delaney, who contributed $10,000 in May to Barnes's leadership committee Leading the PAC and $5,800 to his campaign, are prominent in the progressive activist world.

The couple founded an Oakland-based nonprofit group, the Akonadi Foundation, that in 2020 pledged $12.5 million to fight to "fix school discipline," remove police from schools, and close juvenile detention centers. In June 2020, the Oakland Unified School District board voted to dismantle the school system's police department—and even temporarily shut down a popular police volunteer mentorship program for students—because it claimed the presence of officers was "fundamentally undermining the economic and public health of the Black community by restricting access and opportunity."

The Akonadi Foundation went even further than objecting to law enforcement in schools, arguing that police departments should be defunded entirely.

"To address police violence instead of reforming we need to defund police & invest in non-police solutions," said the Akonadi Foundation in a June 4, 2020, Twitter post, adding in another post that "cities across the U.S. need to defund the police and invest in communities of color."

The decision to remove police security from schools was one of several anti-law enforcement initiatives adopted in Oakland and neighboring areas that preceded a massive crime spike in the city.

The city recorded over 130 homicides last year, the highest since 2006, and residents have decried a sharp increase in youth crimes, with kids as young as 11 committing car jackings and robberies, according to reports. In May, officials reportedly recovered 15 pounds of fentanyl and over $100,000 from drug traffickers operating out of a school parking lot in Oakland.

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