Friday, August 5, 2022

DEMOCRATS AND THEIR 'CHEAP' LABOR MEXICAN SERF CLASS - THAT COST AMERICA HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN WELFARE AND PRISON COSTS - The government should import more migrants because comfortable people are losing their cheap imported maids, janitors, cooks, drivers, and stoop labor, according to Mona Charen, policy editor of, a NeverTrump website.


Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.            DANIEL GREENFIELD   


According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s 2017 report, illegal immigrants, and their children, cost American taxpayers a net $116 billion annually -- roughly $7,000 per alien annually. While high, this number is not an outlier: a recent study by the Heritage Foundation found that low-skilled immigrants (including those here illegally) cost Americans trillions over the course of their lifetimes, and a study from the National Economics Editorial found that illegal immigration costs America over $140 billion annually. As it stands, illegal immigrants are a massive burden on American taxpayers.

NeverTrump Author Laments Shortage of Immigrant Servant Class

A cleaner wipes a handrail on day three of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. The annual Davos gathering of political leaders, top executives and celebrities runs from May 22 to 26. Photographer: Hollie Adams/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Hollie Adams/Bloomberg via Getty

The government should import more migrants because comfortable people are losing their cheap imported maids, janitors, cooks, drivers, and stoop labor, according to Mona Charen, policy editor of, a NeverTrump website.

Charen’s August 3 handwringing begins:

Postcards from the great American labor shortage: A couple arrives at the Seattle airport after a 5-hour flight and stands in line at the car rental desk. It quickly becomes clear that something is wrong. The line snakes through the garage. People are angry … There aren’t enough employees on hand to vacuum, wash, fuel, and process the cars.

A couple has been driving for several hours and requires a bathroom stop. They pull into a Burger King. The doors are locked. The only service is at the drive through. Why? Lack of employees.

Perhaps you’ve stayed in a hotel recently? Maid service and room service are scarce. If hotels offer these services at all, they are available only upon request. About 25 percent of restaurant and hotel employees are immigrants. What could be going on here?

“This is the discontent of the Republican aristocracy,” responded Jessica Vaughan, the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. She continued:

I can’t have someone come make my bed every day in my hotel room! No one will come pick my garbage up off the floor! No one would leave me a new chocolate on my pillow! … It is almost comical, but she is preaching to an decreasingly small choir.

“Oh my god,” responded Kevin Lynn, the founder of U.S. Tech Workers, adding:

It’s the height of arrogance that an entitled person like Mona Charen is reeling because someone isn’t there to step-and-fetch it for her … To think that the solution to these [workplace] problems is to bring in more foreigners is more than just being blind.

Charen explain her woes in an August  3 article, headlined, “We Need an America First Immigration Policy”:

A shortage of immigrants is driving up [Americans’] wages, which in turn drives up prices,” complained Charen, whose operation has been aided by wealthy donors.

“That dining room set you’ve been waiting to have delivered? A shortage of port workers and truck drivers is slowing everything down,” she wrote.

The solution is more immigration, she declared:

Those [migrant] workers would be driving trucks, administering IVs at hospitals, cleaning hotel rooms, picking vegetables, and designing software. … and caring for the elderly. And, by the way, they would be helping to bring down the overall price level.

Her establishment solution — import migrants to cut wages and shrink inflation — is shared by many investors, the Wall Street Journal, and by many Democrats.

Charen’s focus on “America First,” instead of “Americans’ First,” is notable, said Vaughan. Charen and her allies “view workers as providing services, not as American citizens with a stake in the future of their country,” she said, adding:

This is an illustration of the classic divide on immigration between elites in American society and the rest of us Americans. The elites who benefit from immigration only want more of it. They are oblivious to the costs for American employees — who by the way, are most of the [GOP] voters —  and who want to see immigration reduced because it is creating unfair competition for them and is costly to taxpayers.

[Charen is] among the few who benefit from mass immigration to American society. Every policy has winners and losers, and mass immigration benefits employers and the wealthy who consume the services  that are provided most cheaply by immigrants rather than U.S. citizens.

Charen’s comments are “akin to saying ‘The beatings will continue until morale improves,'” said Lynn, adding:

This isn’t an America First agenda. This is a an Americans Last agenda. It is a corporatist agenda. It is short sighted, that will only lead us to less productivity and less innovation … The voters see right through it … [Trump won in 2016 because] was the only politician in both parties speaking about class warfare. And when I read a piece by an entitled elitist like Mona Charan, it smacks of class warfare.

Charen’s vision says “America is a corporatocracy. But “American” means a citizen who has not only rights but also responsibilities and expectations … and the corporatocracy doesn’t want them to have expectations of a middle class lifestyle, of job security, or a pension.

Charen’s article linked to an April article in by Linda Chavez, a long-standing advocate of cheap migrant labor. “We should be opening our doors wider so that those seeking refuge in the United States can come here and help fill those jobs,” said Chavez, who is a board member of an investor-owned firm that rents out blue-collar workers to other companies, including hospitals.

Charen’s hand-wringing lament is also economic nonsense, said Lynn.

Americans are ready and willing to do the work — in exchange for decent wages, he said:

This nonsense about hospitals not being able to find enough people. Well, every year several thousand American citizen or permanent residents can’t get residencies at us teaching hospitals. And during the height of the covered emergency, pleas were made we asked policymakers to put these doctors to work and [employers] wouldn’t do it. When they’re saying there’s a physician shortage and they need more immigrants, look to the sidelines — there’s loads of Americans there.

The so-called shortage of “STEM graduates” is also a corporate fraud, he added.

Democrats push that myth because they work for the investors, said Lynn.

“We have millions of workers in America who have been shunted aside and have left the labor force,” said Vaughan. “That should be a greater policy concern: How do we draw those workers back into the workforce?”

Extraction Migration

Since at least 1990, the D.C. establishment has extracted tens of millions of legal and illegal migrants —plus temporary visa workers — from poor countries to serve as workers, managers, consumers, and renters for various U.S. investors and CEOs.

This federal economic policy of Extraction Migration has tilted the free market toward investors and employers.

The inflationary policy makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to get marriedadvance in their careersraise families, or buy homes.

Extraction migration has also slowed innovation and shrunk Americans’ productivity, partly because it allows employers to boost stock prices by using cheap stoop labor instead of productivity-boosting technology.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional wealth gaps between the Democrats’ big coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states. The flood of cheap labor tilts the economy towards low-productivity jobs and has shoved at least ten million American men out of the labor force.

An economy built on extraction migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites, alienates young people, and radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it allows wealthy elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.

The economic policy is backed by progressives who wish to transform the U.S. from a society governed by European-origin civic culture into a progressive-directed empire of competitive, resentful identity groups. “We’re trying to become the first multiracial, multi-ethnic superpower in the world,” Rep. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) told the New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement … we will ultimately triumph,” he boasted.

 The progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants. It exploits poor foreigners and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors. This migration policy also minimizes shareholder pressure on U.S. companies to build up beneficial and complementary trade with people in poor countries.

Business-backed migration advocates hide this extraction migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding explanations and theatrical border security programs. For example, progressives claim that the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that migration is good for migrants, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

The polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration — but they also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.



Here’s how it breaks down; will make you want to be an illegal!




Staggering expensive "cheap" Mexican labor did not build this once great nation! Look what it has done to Mexico. It's all about keeping wages depressed and passing along the true cost of the invasion, their welfare, and crime tidal wave costs to the backs of the American people!




This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.

study by Tom Wong of the University of California at San Diego discovered that more than 25 percent of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens in the program have anchor babies. That totals about 200,000 anchor babies who are the children of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens. This does not include the anchor babies of DACA-qualified illegal aliens. JOHN BINDER


“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE 


As Breitbart News has reported, U.S. households headed by foreign-born residents use nearly twice the welfare of households headed by native-born Americans.

Simultaneously, illegal immigration next year is on track to soar to the highest level in a decade, with a potential 600,000 border crossers expected.


“More than 750 million people want to migrate to another country permanently, according to Gallup research published Monday, as 150 world leaders sign up to the controversial UN global compact which critics say makes migration a human right.”  VIRGINIA HALE

For example, a DACA amnesty would cost American taxpayers about $26 billion, more than the border wall, and that does not include the money taxpayers would have to fork up to subsidize the legal immigrant relatives of DACA illegal aliens. 


Exclusive–Steve Camarota: Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over Their Lifetime


 Every illegal alien, over the course of their lifetime, costs American taxpayers about $70,000, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steve Camarota says.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Camarota said his research has revealed the enormous financial burden that illegal immigration has on America’s working and middle class taxpayers in terms of public services, depressed wages, and welfare.

“In a person’s lifetime, I’ve estimated that an illegal border crosser might cost taxpayers … maybe over $70,000 a year as a net cost,” Camarota said. “And that excludes the cost of their U.S.-born children, which gets pretty big when you add that in.”


“Once [an illegal alien] has a child, they can receive cash welfare on behalf of their U.S.-born children,” Camarota explained. “Once they have a child, they can live in public housing. Once they have a child, they can receive food stamps on behalf of that child. That’s how that works.”

Camarota said the education levels of illegal aliens, border crossers, and legal immigrants are largely to blame for the high level of welfare usage by the f0reign-born population in the U.S., noting that new arrivals tend to compete for jobs against America’s poor and working class communities.

In past waves of mass immigration, Camarota said, the U.S. did not have an expansive welfare system. Today’s ever-growing welfare system, coupled with mass illegal and legal immigration levels, is “extremely problematic,” according to Camarota, for American taxpayers.

The RAISE Act — reintroduced in the Senate by Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), David Perdue (R-GA), and Josh Hawley (R-MO) — would cut legal immigration levels in half and convert the immigration system to favor well-educated foreign nationals, thus relieving American workers and taxpayers of the nearly five-decade-long wave of booming immigration. Currently, mass legal immigration redistributes the wealth of working and middle class Americans to the country’s top earners.

“Virtually none of that existed in 1900 during the last great wave of immigration, when we also took in a number of poor people. We didn’t have a well-developed welfare state,” Camarota continued:

We’re not going to stop [the welfare state] tomorrow. So in that context, bringing in less educated people who are poor is extremely problematic for public coffers, for taxpayers in a way that it wasn’t in 1900 because the roads weren’t even paved between the cities in 1900. It’s just a totally different world. And that’s the point of the RAISE Act is to sort of bring in line immigration policy with the reality say of a large government … and a welfare state. [Emphasis added]

The immigrants are not all coming to get welfare and they don’t immediately sign up, but over time, an enormous fraction sign their children up. It’s likely the case that of the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, more than half are signed up for Medicaid — which is our most expensive program. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News has reported, U.S. households headed by foreign-born residents use nearly twice the welfare of households headed by native-born Americans.


Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2017, the foreign-born population reached a record high of 44.5 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder



Another line they cut into: Illegals get free public housing as impoverished Americans wait


By Monica Showalter

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.

The Trump administration's Department of Housing and Urban Development is finally trying to put a stop to it as 1.5 million illegals prepare to enter the U.S. this year, and one can only wonder why they didn't do it yesterday.

According to a report in the Washington Times:

The plan would scrap Clinton-era regulations that allowed illegal immigrants to sign up for assistance without having to disclose their status.

Under the new Trump rules, not only would the leaseholder using public housing have to be an eligible U.S. person, but the government would verify all applicants through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database, a federal system that’s used to weed illegal immigrants out of other welfare programs.

Those already getting HUD assistance would have to go through a new verification, though it would be over a period of time and wouldn’t all come at once.

“We’ve got our own people to house and need to take care of our citizens,” an administration official told The Washington Times. “Because of past loopholes in HUD guidance, illegal aliens were able to live in free public housing desperately needed by so many of our own citizens. As illegal aliens attempt to swarm our borders, we’re sending the message that you can’t live off of American welfare on the taxpayers’ dime.”

The Times notes that the rules are confusingly contradictary, and some illegal immigrant families are getting full rides based on just one member being born in the U.S. The pregnant caravaner who calculatingly slipped across the U.S. in San Diego late last year, only to have her baby the next day, now, along with her entire family, gets that free ride on government housing. Plus lots of cheesy news coverage about how heartwarming it all is. That's a lot cheaper than any housing she's going to find back in Tegucigalpa.

Migrants would be almost fools not to take the offering.

The problem of course is that Americans who paid into these programs, and the subset who find themselves in dire circumstances, are in fact being shut out.

The fill-the-pews Catholic archbishops may love to tout the virtues of illegal immigrants and wave signs about getting 'justice" for them, but the hard fact here is that these foreign nationals are stealing from others as they take this housing benefit under legal technicalities. That's not a good thing under anyone's theological law. But hypocrisy is comfortable ground for the entire open borders lobby as they shamelessly celebrate lawbreaking at the border, leaving the impoverished of the U.S. out cold.

The Trump administration is trying to have this outrage fixed by summer. But don't imagine it won't be without the open-borders lawsuits, the media sob stories, the leftist judges, and the scolding clerics.

Los Angeles County Pays Over a Billion in Welfare to Illegal Aliens Over Two Years



In 2015 and 2016, Los Angeles County paid nearly $1.3 billion in welfare funds to illegal aliens and their families. That figure amounts to 25 percent of the total spent on the county’s entire needy population, according to Fox News.

The state of California is home to more illegal aliens than any other state in the country. Approximately one in five illegal aliens lives in California, Pew reported.

Approximately a quarter of California’s 4 million illegal immigrants reside in Los Angeles County. The county allows illegal immigrant parents with children born in the United States to seek welfare and food stamp benefits.

The welfare benefits data acquired by Fox News comes from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services and shows welfare and food stamp costs for the county’s entire population were $3.1 billion in 2015, $2.9 billion in 2016.

The data also shows that during the first five months of 2017, more than 60,000 families received a total of $181 million.

Over 58,000 families received a total of $602 million in benefits in 2015 and more than 64,000 families received a total of $675 million in 2016.

Robert Rector, a Heritage Foundation senior fellow who studies poverty and illegal immigration, told Fox the costs represent “the tip of the iceberg.”

“They get $3 in benefits for every $1 they spend,” Rector said. It can cost the government a total of $24,000 per year per family to pay for things like education, police, fire, medical, and subsidized housing.

In February of 2019, the Los Angeles city council signed a resolution making it a sanctuary city. The resolution did not provide any new legal protections to their immigrants, but instead solidified existing policies.

In October 2017, former California governor Jerry Brown signed SB 54 into law. This bill made California, in Brown’s own words, a “sanctuary state.” The Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the State of California over the law. A federal judge dismissed that suit in July. SB 54 took effect on Jan. 1, 2018.

According to Center for Immigration Studies, “The new law does many things: It forbids all localities from cooperating with ICE detainer notices, it bars any law enforcement officer from participating in the popular 287(g) program, and it prevents state and local police from inquiring about individuals’ immigration status.”

Some counties in California have protested its implementation and joined the Trump administration’s lawsuit against the state.

California’s campaign to provide public services to illegal immigrants did not end with the exit of Jerry Brown. His successor, Gavin Newsom, is just as focused as Brown in funding programs for illegal residents at the expense of California taxpayers.

California’s budget earmarks millions of dollars annually to the One California program, which provides free legal assistance to all aliens, including those facing deportation, and makes California’s public universities easier for illegal-alien students to attend.

According to the Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 2017 report, for the estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants living in the country, the resulting cost is a $116 billion burden on the national economy and taxpayers each year, after deducting the $19 billion in taxes paid by some of those illegal immigrants.



New data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that more than 22 million non-citizens now live in the United States.



Jesse Watters Primetime 8/4/22 | BREAKING FOX NEWS August 4, 2022

Biden administration doesn't care about their constitutional role: Texas AG Paxton

Business-Backed Group Says Climate Bill Can Expand Migration

Chip Somodevilla/John Moore/Getty Images
Chip Somodevilla/John Moore/Getty Images

A business-backed group wants to add a migration-boosting amendment to the Democrats’ draft “global warming” tax-and-spending package.

The demand for the Senate to expand migration comes from the business-backed Niskanen Center. “These are pro-family reforms that will reunite millions of families separated by immigration restrictions and generate significant economic benefits and revenue — potentially over $4 trillion to GDP in 10 years,” Kristie De Peña, a policy advocate at the center, said Monday.

tweet from the Niskanen group suggested five million people could get green cards from the climate bill.

That flood would be roughly equivalent to four years worth of legal migration, and it would spike Wall Street by reducing wages, raising rents, and boosting consumer sales. Niskanen gets funding from Silicon Valley foundations, George Soros, and other progressive gr0ups.

But Democratic legislators are wary about the push because they fear immigration amendments may crash the huge climate and taxation bill in the evenly divided Senate.

“This is not the [legislative] vehicle” for immigration, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) told a pro-immigration website. “We want to get this through this week and stay til it gets done –. opening up the amendment process [to include immigration] makes it very difficult,” said Durbin, who is the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate.

The so-called “vehicle” is the climate change bill that is being pushed through the Senate via the fast-track reconciliation process.

That process includes so-called “vote-a-rama” in which Senators are expected to offer many amendments to the spending package. The amendments are each decided by a majority vote, so if even a few Democrats support a GOP-backed amendment, it gets added to the Democrats’ climate bill.

The GOP is likely to oppose such Democratic migration expansions because the flood of new immigrants would quickly boost the Democrats’ voting scores by 2030.

But the business-backed demands for more migration may also be intended to deter GOP amendments.

For example, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) told Bloomberg on Tuesday that he has amendments “in the queue” for debate. The amendment may extend the Title 42 legal barrier on the border.

“Republicans appear likely to try to force votes on thorny issues such as immigration and border security that could divide Democrats and possibly put the overall bill in jeopardy,” reported on August 2. “You can expect a lot of challenging votes,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the magazine.

The proposed Title 42 extension is loudly denounced by Democrats, even though Joe Biden’s border chief is allowing most of the migrants to either be exempted from the Title 42 barrier or else sneak across the border with the help of coyotes.

Both parties are using the reconciliation debate to posture as opponents of illegal immigration prior to the November election, said Jon Feere, a former border agency official who is now working with the Center for Immigration Studies.

For example, the leading bipartisan bill to extend the Title 42 amendment does not force Biden’s border chief to close any of the loopholes he has created, told Breitbart News.

“Unfortunately, there are a lot of weak Republicans who are also okay with political messaging that is ineffective [in stopping migration],” said Feere.

“If Republicans were fighting harder, they would be adding amendments that require the hiring of thousands of new ICE officers and eliminating all of [President Joe Biden’s] illegal-migration encouragement policies,” he added.

Extraction Migration

Since at least 1990, the D.C. establishment has extracted tens of millions of legal and illegal migrants —plus temporary visa workers — from poor countries to serve as workers, managers, consumers, and renters for various U.S. investors and CEOs.

This federal economic policy of Extraction Migration has skewed the free market in the United States by inflating the labor supply for the benefit of employers. The inflationary policy makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to get marriedadvance in their careers, or raise families, or buy homes.

Extraction migration has also slowed innovation and shrunk Americans’ productivity, partly because it allows employers to boost stock prices by using cheap stoop labor instead of productivity-boosting technology.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional wealth gaps between the Democrats’ big coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states. The flood of cheap labor tilts the economy towards low-productivity jobs and has shoved at least ten million American men out of the labor force.

An economy built on extraction migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites, alienates young people, and radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it allows wealthy elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.

The economic policy is backed by progressives who wish to transform the U.S. from a society governed by European-origin civic culture into a progressive-directed empire of competitive, resentful identity groups. “We’re trying to become the first multiracial, multi-ethnic superpower in the world,” Rep. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) told the New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement … we will ultimately triumph,” he boasted.

 The progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants. It exploits poor foreigners and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors. This migration policy also minimizes shareholder pressure on U.S. companies to build up beneficial and complementary trade with people in poor countries.

Business-backed migration advocates hide this extraction migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding explanations and theatrical border security programs. For example, progressives claim that the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that migration is good for migrants, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

The polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration — but they also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The opposition is growinganti-establishment,  multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.


Secretary of Homeland Security (GAMER LAWYER) Alejandro Mayorkas

Mayorkas insists that our border is secure and there is no illegal immigration crisis. His greatest skill is that he seems to lie more effortlessly, more easily in front of the camera than any of the other cabinet members. He has probably done more damage to the country than any other cabinet member by his willingness to betray America’s fundamental, long-term interests by encouraging the administration’s intentional illegal immigration invasion.

These so-called undocumented immigrants are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens as they openly reside in 500 sanctuary jurisdictions, receive welfare, education and medical care, are granted drivers licenses, and given tuition breaks at public universities as they, not legal immigrants or American citizens, are exempt from federal immigration, health and travel laws.

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully

 hidden by Democrats.      MONICA SHOWALTER

Prosecutor: DNA Test Proves Illegal Alien Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Who Sought Abortion

Franklin County Sheriff's Office

A DNA test proves that an illegal alien raped and impregnated a ten-year-old girl in Columbus, Ohio, according to prosecutors. The case was cited by President Joe Biden after the girl sought an abortion in Indianapolis, Indiana.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, 27-year-old illegal alien Gerson Fuentes was arrested and charged this month with raping the girl who then became pregnant. The case was cited by Biden — after the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade — because the girl traveled to undergo an abortion on June 30 at six weeks pregnant.

Following his arrest and the abortion, Franklin County prosecutors ordered DNA tests to be run on tissue from the aborted child to determine if Fuentes was in fact the father. On Thursday, prosecutor Dan Meyer said those tests confirmed that Fuentes raped and impregnated the girl.

As a result, Fuentes was denied bail and will be held in prison ahead of trial. Earlier this week, Fuentes pleaded not guilty.

The girl’s mother, who is reportedly pregnant with Fuentes’s child, has twice defended him against her daughter’s rape allegations. In interviews with Telemundo, the girl’s mother said that “everything that they’re saying against him is a lie.”

Fuentes has been able to live in the United States for at least seven years, working at a cafe despite his illegal alien status. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency told Breitbart News that they had not previously encountered Fuentes until his arrest for allegedly raping the girl.

ICE agents have placed a detainer on him so that if he is released from local custody at any time, he will be turned over to their custody for arrest and deportation.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here



Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.  

                         MONICA SHOWALTER

Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state, draining California’s already depleted public services while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and public safety for all citizens. Arthur Schaper 


Court Divide: Conservative Judges Say Enforce Immigration Law While Libs Want More Migrants

Asylum-seekers wait at a Greyhound bus station in El Paso, Texas, after being dropped off by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, on Dec. 23, 2018. (PAUL RATJE/AFP/Getty Images)

Conservative judges on the U.S. Appeals Court want the United States Supreme Court to overrule a case that sided with liberal justices who say encouraging illegal aliens to stay in the United States is a matter of free speech.

Nine conservative judges said a federal immigration law that makes such behavior a crime should apply.

But the U.S. appeals court said on Monday a majority of its 29 judges had rejected the government’s request for a new hearing before a larger panel.

The conservative justices want to uphold a 1985 law that says anyone who “encourages or induces” an unauthorized immigrant to enter or live in the U.S., knowing or in “reckless disregard” of the fact that the immigrant’s presence is illegal, could be found guilty of a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

In the Sacramento case, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 in February that the law violates freedom of speech because it could be to interpreted as merely advice about available social or legal services.

The ruling says, in part:

Vacating convictions on two counts of encouraging or inducing an alien to reside in the United States for private financial gain in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv), and remanding for resentencing, the panel held that subsection (iv) is overbroad and unconstitutional.

The panel interpreted subsection (iv) as prohibiting someone from (1) inspiring, helping, persuading, or influencing, (2) through speech or conduct, (3) one or more specified aliens (4) to come to or reside in the United States in violation of civil or criminal law.

The panel rejected the government’s argument that subsection (iv) is limited to speech integral to criminal conduct, specifically solicitation and aiding and abetting. Accepting the government’s position that prosecutions for procuring and providing fraudulent documents and identification information to unlawfully present aliens, assisting in unlawful entry, misleadingly luring aliens into the country for unlawful work, and smuggling activities “form the core” of subsection (iv)’s plainly legitimate sweep, the panel wrote that it is apparent that subsection (iv)’s legitimate sweep is relatively narrow.

The panel wrote that subsection (iv) covers a substantial amount of speech protected by the First Amendment, given that many commonplace statements and actions could be construed as encouraging or inducing an undocumented immigrant to come to or reside in the United States. The panel wrote that subsection (iv)’s narrow legitimate sweep pales in comparison to the amount of protected expression encompassed by the subsection. The panel concluded that subsection (iv) is therefore facially overbroad.

Judges Sandra Ikuta, Consuelo Callahan, Ryan Nelson, Kenneth Lee, Lawrence VanDyke, Mark Bennett and Daniel Bress joined the dissent. All were appointed by Republican presidents.

The original case involved Helaman Hansen, who ran a Sacramento business from 2012 to 2016 and offered fake citizenship to hundreds of migrants who went through staged adoption ceremonies. Hansen was convicted in 2017 of two counts of violating the law and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. 

In its February ruling, the Ninth Circuit upheld his separate conviction for fraudulently misleading the immigrants, which also carried a 20-year prison sentence, but also ruled the law that banned “encouraging or inducing” illegal aliens stay in the U.S. was unconstitutional.

The case is United States v. Hansen, No. 2:16-cr-00024 before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

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‘Democrats Seem So Out of Touch’: Dems Launch Cringeworthy Ads Targeting Hispanics, Admit Party Weakness

Hispanic voters go to the polls for early voting at the Miami-Dade Government Center in Miami on Oct. 21, 2004.Gaston De Cardenas / Getty Images
Gaston De Cardenas / Getty Images

The Democrats have launched two cringeworthy ads targeting Hispanic voters as the party continues to lose favor with that once trusted demographic.

Slated to air in Texas and three other states, the DCCC, the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, ads openly admit that Democrats are “out of touch.”

The first ad features two Hispanic women speaking English as they talk about the many economic woes spurred by Democrat policies, even going so far as to admit the party has grown “out of touch” and should be voted only as a default against Republican extremism. Transcript:

Woman 1: Ah, my back and neck hurts.

Woman 2: That’s because you’re working too much. You should slow down.

Woman 1: I can’t. I need to make more money. Look, with gas prices through the roof and my kids needing daycare, it’s not enough.

Woman 2: Don’t worry so much.

Woman 1: I’m just so stressed out and I don’t know what else to do.

Woman 2: What you could do is vote for Democrats. These Republican extremists have no plan to help us.

Woman 1: But Democrats seem so out of touch.

Woman 2: Not true. These MAGA Republicans are only working for rich people. Democrats know firsthand that even small price increases are hard on working families like ours. Democrats are finding solutions. Unlike the Republicans. What you could do is vote for Democrats.

The second ad features two Hispanic gentlemen speaking in their native tongue discussing throwing a cookout.

Man 1: Why did you organize this carnita asada [cookout], are you expecting another child?

Man 2: What other child or other anything, I want quality time with family, have a nice time and see the positive things coming for all of us?

Man 1: But don’t you see that the extremist Republicans are hitting us all over the place [literally: even hitting us under the tongue], and you’re here throwing a party?! But thanks for inviting me, I’m having a good time. And… what good things?

Man 2: Well the things that the Democrats have been doing and the plans they are making are going to get us out of the hole.

Man 1: Nahhhh… seriously?

Man 2: Yes! They already increased the number of jobs and have plans for the economy, to lower the cost of living, the rents, reduce medical costs, and many other things. That said, get ready and go out and vote!

Man 1: Well then, no wonder you threw a party! You even gave me good news like this! Hey… are you going to have any more kids? That’s what I thought the party was for…

The ads come after first lady Jill Biden sparked tremendous anger among Hispanics over her comparing such voters to “tacos” while speaking at the Latinx IncluXion Luncheon.

“Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community – as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio – is your strength,” Biden said, speaking about UnidosUS founder Raul Yzaguirre.

Biden's Cabinet: Let us Count the Ways

That “President” Biden’s administration is the most inept, counterproductive, outright laughable in post-World War II American history is beyond question. One hardly needs to list out all the failures, missed goals and broken promises that we’ve suffered through in the last two years.  From generationally high inflation to skyrocketing energy prices to product shortages to rampant illegal immigration, Biden’s pathetic collection of Keystone Kops advisors and operatives could not have done a better job of destroying American culture, ruining the economy, gutting our defenses, and robbing us of international respect and influence if they’d tried.

Much of the blame can be laid at the feet of his sorrowful collection of incapable, bumbling cabinet members. To a person, they are simply a pitiful assemblage of special-interest box-checkers, apparently chosen for their appearance and demographic makeup, as opposed to their actual expertise and experience.

Mercifully, we won’t go through an analysis of every one of them here. Let’s just look at a few and see how they’ve played their role in harming the country with their utter incompetence and their hyperpartisan behavior.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

This appointment could be the most egregious of a truly notable group of incompetents. Mayor Pete was loved by the rank-and-file Democratic primary crowd not because of any worthwhile talent or accomplishment, but because of his choice of his life partner’s gender. He is the ultimate box-checker, the quintessential example of valueless progressive virtue-signaling. Buttigieg has never had the slightest experience in matters of complex international logistics, yet here he is, occupying a high-profile cabinet post and drawing inordinate negative attention to a normally invisible position by his having messed things up so badly.

Empty store shelves, container ships backed up, airlines canceling flights, inane statements like, “Just buy an electric car,” and more mark his totally deficient stewardship over what should be a relatively easy, straightforward post. No one can even name a past Secretary of Transportation, but everyone knows Mayor Pete because things are so screwed up. And for no good reason.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Where do we even start? Rolling over to China in the Administration’s first high-stakes face-to-face meeting in Alaska in March 2021? His part in the completely disastrous and humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021? His total lack of personal gravitas with a demeanor that screams of soft weakness? As America’s diplomatic face to the world, Blinken is the utter embodiment of the term “pushover.”

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen

There was a great TV ad a few decades ago, where a sleazy salesman was on the phone with a disgruntled customer, caught in an obvious lie about his substandard product, saying, “I have… uh…. total confidence… that… uh…. everything will work out just fine” as copious, comical amounts of sweat poured from his brow. That’s Yellin, as she admitted that this horrific inflation would not be transitory after all, her earlier pronouncements to the contrary now exposed as the transparent partisan lies everyone knew them to be all along.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

Mayorkas insists that our border is secure and there is no illegal immigration crisis. His greatest skill is that he seems to lie more effortlessly, more easily in front of the camera than any of the other cabinet members. He has probably done more damage to the country than any other cabinet member by his willingness to betray America’s fundamental, long-term interests by encouraging the administration’s intentional illegal immigration invasion.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm

This choice is particularly rich. Energy -- which really means the management of nation’s exploration and production of fossil fuels -- is a very complicated and demanding position. Unlike many other cabinet posts, the selection of Energy Secretary demands that the individual have actual, real expertise and experience in that area. This is not a position for “on the job” training. An in-depth knowledge of worldwide energy market/economic dynamics, a true understanding of the U.S. auto market, the ability to balance competing economic vs. environmental factors, the capability to be mindful of political considerations without being blindly beholden to them to the detriment of the country, all these skills are essential in order for the Secretary of Energy to effectively discharge his responsibilities.

In fairness to Granholm, very few of her predecessors have satisfied all those requirements either. But most have at least done little harm, unlike her. Granholm apparently has no real knowledge of anything and simply parrots the Green line that, “Fossil fuels are bad, buy an EV, drive past the gas station.” That’s our national energy policy? Really? The conflicting considerations of worldwide oil supply and demand, domestic exploration/production, our national refining capacity, fuel distribution/logistics, political/environmental issues, all of these must be weighed in proper proportion in order to create an energy policy that works to the country’s benefit. Granholm gives every indication that she knows none of this whatsoever, and worse yet, doesn’t care. Her aim is clearly just to prop up the current Administration’s political position.

We could go on, with cabinet member after cabinet member. Are any of them experts in their field? Being from Massachusetts, the memory of Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh as a glib-talking, heavily-accented Boston mayor totally bereft of any substantive accomplishments is all too clear to me. What notable, innovative enhancements has he brought to the national labor market in his current position? None. Raimondo? Becerra? The bungling Lloyd Austin? Cardona? Fudge? Any of the others? They are all box-checking political rewards.

Attorney General Merrick Garland

Garland is the exception in this group. He has actual professional qualifications to be attorney general. He was a well-established U.S Circuit Court of Appeals judge in D.C. and has had a long career in the legal profession. Unlike all the other cabinet members, Garland’s education, experience, and expertise in his field are beyond question.

Unfortunately, his obvious qualifications make him the saddest, most pathetic political hack of a group of truly notable hacks. Garland can’t fall back on the “I didn’t know any better” or the “Well, it’s not my area” excuse. He does know better and it is his area. When he initiates a fraudulent, arbitrary prosecution against a former Trump associate or refuses to prosecute flagrant crimes against conservative Republicans, there can be no doubt that Garland is carrying out a one-sided, partisan legal strategy of the worst kind. He is so prejudiced and vengeful that he makes Eric Holder (known for being “Obama’s wingman”) and Loretta Lynch (she of the infamous Clinton runway meeting) look like Atticus Finch by comparison.

The fact that Merrick Garland is the only Biden cabinet member with any semblance of professional credentials and that he misuses those credentials in the extreme manner in which he does says everything one needs to know about this absolute embarrassment of a presidency.

A Corrupt and Rigged Government

A recent University of Chicago Institute of Politics poll showed that a majority of Americans think our government is corrupt and rigged against them. And almost a third of respondents also feel it may eventually be necessary to take up arms against the evil empire currently running the show.

Subtract from that poll the bleeding-heart libs who think feelings matter more than facts, and the numbers are scarier still.

Big Government, including their toadies in the mainstream media, has clearly blown its cover. And it appears, based on this poll, that the American people are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.

Why have so many lost faith in our government to the point that armed rebellion is being considered?

Double standards, that’s why. Americans see them and they’re rightfully furious.

They see the despicable treatment afforded President Trump, whose term in office surely seems like the good old days when compared to the turmoil Democrats have unleashed in just a year and a half at the helm.

They watched the press question Trump’s mental fitness and acuity while staunchly supporting the corrupt, dried-up turnip currently occupying the Oval Office.

They observed the media constantly demonizing Trump’s family and then totally supporting “Dr.” Jill and the hapless, hopeless Biden spawn.

They’ve seen every aspect of the Donald’s financial dealings examined with a fine-tooth comb, while the Big Guy (Hunter’s nickname for Crusty Joe) gets half of his crack and sex-addled son’s ill-gotten millions with impunity.

They’ve watched the FBI run multiple coups against both candidate and President Trump, while sitting on the treasure trove of Biden family criminality contained in Hunter’s laptop, which the Feebs have been “investigating” for two and a half years now.

They’ve observed how law enforcement looked the other way as BLMers peacefully rioted, taking lives, ruining businesses, and causing billions of dollars in damage -- all this while authorities pretend that January 6 was another Pearl Harbor, instead of a relatively small dustup where the crowd was rife with Feds, officers obligingly opened the doors to the Capitol, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot to death with impunity by a cop.

They see criminals, perverts and drug dealers released without bail to continue their wicked ways while the Jan. 6th defendants rot in D.C. jails, their Constitutional rights suspended and their personal lives ruined.

They’ve watched in stunned silence as Democrats and the Deep State pulled every dirty trick in the book on President Trump, while the Republican members of the D.C. Uni-Party sat silent or, as in the case of Cheney and Kinzinger, eagerly concurred.

They’ve listened as Hollywood, the media, and academia all denigrated Trump’s burning desire to make America great again, at the same time supporting the notion that our country is a racist, sexist, xenophobic hellhole, and always has been.

They’ve undoubtedly noticed that Democrats, with the help of Big Tech and many millions of Zucker-bucks, made it incredibly easy to cheat in the last election; yet Trump has been portrayed as a psychopathic monster for pointing out that he was clearly jobbed out of a second term.

They watched President Trump fight the COVID-19 pandemic with all his might, even as wee Dr. Fauci and Dr. Scarf purposely undermined his efforts with their lies, double-talk and obfuscation. While Trump fought the good fight, white-coated bureaucrats and their pals in Big Pharma got incredibly wealthy.

They watched Trump castigate China for loosing COVID-19 upon the world, causing millions of needless deaths, even as the NBA, Hollywood, influential leaders of both parties, and the Biden Crime Family all filled their pockets with yauns while defending the fine folks of the Chinese Communist Party.  

They surely observed how President Trump’s policies lifted all financial boats, setting records for black and Hispanic employment, while the Swamp was busy calling Trump and his supporters irredeemable racists.

They couldn’t help but notice how Trump was deemed a scoundrel for pointing out that women generally allowed him easy sexual access because he was a wealthy celebrity. But those same folks upset with Trump’s statement of fact, were totally incurious about our current demented president’s fondness for touching, fondling, and smelling small children; nor did they show any interest in reports that Creepy Joe took showers with his young daughter, who then became a promiscuous young woman and an addict.

They surely took note of Trump’s incredible energy in his old age, how quick he was to travel the world, campaign for his undeserving party, and speak to reporters. It must have been shocking then to see Senile Joe garble his words, hide from the press, and spend long weekends out of sight and out of mind in Delaware, all this while falling up stairs and off his bicycle.

They also noted how firm President Trump was with other countries, telling Germany to pony up for NATO, forcing Mexico to stop enabling illegal immigration with financial penalties, and reducing IRGC general Qasem Suleimani to a grease stain on the desert floor for threatening U.S. soldiers and diplomats. Now, of course, they watch as Iran plays Biden’s diplomats for fools, Russia feels secure enough in Biden’s impotence to start a war, and the Saudis laugh in the doddering old fool’s face when Biden comes begging for more oil.

They could see that President Trump made the U.S. energy independent, creating jobs and prosperity for everyone; while the current administration has crushed the energy industry, making gas and oil unaffordable for the common man, even as the climate-change crusaders fly around in private jets, party maskless during a pandemic, and buy up oceanfront mansions.

They watched Donald Trump become the first president to stand up for the rights of unborn babies and choose like-minded justices for the Supreme Court; this followed by an administration vowing to use all means, legal and extralegal, to facilitate the dismemberment of unborn innocents, not to mention choosing a Supreme Court justice solely on the basis of her genitalia and skin color.

They observed Trump praising and building up our military might, even as turncoats like General Mark “White Rage” Milley and Col. Alexander Vindman, surely the softest Ranger ever, purposely undermined their commander-in-chief by providing comfort to the enemy and conspiring to impeach the president, respectively.

In summation, it’s clear to me and anyone with eyes to see why a majority of Americans thinks our government is rotten to the core, and why many think a second American Revolution may be necessary to restore integrity in government. What’s not clear is why anyone who’s lived through the obvious double standards I just enumerated, doesn’t feel that way.

Image: University of Chicago Institute of Politics

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