Sunday, September 4, 2022

Biden Aide Bottoms: ‘MAGA Republican Agenda’ Has ‘No Place in Our Democracy’ - WE'RE THE PARTY OF MAKE RED CHINA GREATER AND NO LEGAL NEED APPLY!


RNC Says Joe Biden’s Speech Ignored Issues Important to Midterm Voters: Border, Crime, Inflation

Biden Aide Bottoms: ‘MAGA Republican Agenda’ Has ‘No Place in Our Democracy’

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Biden senior advisor Keisha Lance Bottoms said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the so-called “MAGA Republican agenda” had “no place” in American democracy.

Bottoms said, “What MAGA agenda has been about, it has been about distorting the truth, it’s been about misleading people, it’s been about putting out information that inflames people.”

She continued, “This MAGA Republican agenda, hate-fueled agenda, that we saw incite violence on our nation’s Capitol has no place in our democracy. If we’re not intentional in calling it out our country, everything that our country is built upon is in danger.”

She added, “we saw it this summer when the president was able to work in a bipartisan way to get gun legislation passed. The president has always stood on the fact that he can work with mainstream Republicans to get things done on behalf of the American people, but it’s also going to take for all of us to stand up to hatred and what the president again continues to say it’s this MAGA agenda. The president has not called out all Republicans. He’s been very specific about this MAGA agenda.”

Bottom concluded, “I’ll just remind you of the words of Martin Luther King Jr. said. It’s not the words of our enemies that we’ll remember. It’s the silence of our friends. What the president has said is that mainstream Republicans, Independents, Democrats, can all come together, we’ve seen us come together to do what’s right on behalf of the American people, but if people are silent, then the very core of who we are as a country is in danger.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Biden goes 'Alinsky' on half of America

Joe Biden has chosen to adopt Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” in order to promote his America-last agenda.

This would effectively subdue conservative Americans, at least half the population of the country. The pioneering Chicago Way community organizer advised that in order to effect his vision, it is important to…

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Alinsky also said:

The despair is there; now it’s up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change. We’ll give them a way to participate in the democratic process, a way to exercise their rights as citizens and strike back at the establishment that oppresses them, instead of giving in to apathy.

The target to be frozen in this case is the discontented half of the American citizenry who are conservatives, whether they are Republicans or Democrats. What Biden has chosen to do is to "rub raw the sores of discontent," to set Democrats against conservatives in order to provoke them to violence, all the while claiming that it is “MAGA Republicans” who want violence.  

Lie. Joe Biden has picked, frozen, personalized, and isolated half the American population by demonizing them, Alinsky-style. He has declared war.

Instead of focusing on actually making America work for all Americans, Biden & Co. have chosen to make the upcoming November election and beyond about Donald Trump and his voters. They are the targets Biden has isolated.

Fear among Democrats over their looming loss of power has driven Biden to desperation.

Well, it’s not Biden so much as it is those who are actually running his administration: the Deep State Great Resetters, who are watching their hegemony seep away through the bony, gnarled fingers of their pathetic leaders. 

Donald Trump did so much to upset the speeding Marxist engine that was supposed to crush conservative America, that the Democrats who had planned their eternal communist city and who were watching MAGA Republicans yanking it away from them, suddenly realized that it might not happen.

It was then, perhaps, when so many Americans realized that the election was possibly stolen from them, that Democrats figured out that they needed to do something that would cause societal upheaval if they were ever to realize their Marxist Utopia.

But Trump voters were standing in their way and their plans for illegal aliens to vote Democrat were not panning out the way they had planned. Turns out that the Hispanics, whom they racistly confused with illegal aliens, were starting to give them whiplash in their rapid shift from Democrat to Republican, mainly over issues of abortion, God, education, immigration, and welfare.

A new tactic was needed. Enter targeting the "semi fascist" MAGA Republicans.

Now, the last resort is to bait Republican MAGA voters to violence. They picked the target — MAGA voters, — froze it (pointed all Democrat fingers at them), and personalized it — by giving last night’s speech about how it is Republicans who want to “destroy democracy” in America.

It was all lies, every word. But the Alinsky technique has always proved effective. Until now.  Half of America, the patriotic half who actually love America as founded, are being provoked to violence. This is a deliberate Alinsky tactic, because the moment we turn violent, they have their excuse to come down as hard on us as possible, Constitution be damned. 

It is our sacred duty to fight back against the Marxism that has infected this presidency and this culture. That excludes violence, the very trigger the Left are waiting for us to try. There are ways to fight back without using violence. Don’t take the bait. Now is the time for Democrats of conscience to eschew what the Biden administration is promoting — all of it; the violence, yes, but the cultural rot as well. Now is the time to say 'Hell No' to everything in America that has soured like bad milk due to Biden’s awful policies. 

It is time for all decent Americans to tell Joe Biden and all who are in his orbit that the latter do not represent America-loving citizens and that we will not be baited into violence. We will not give them an excuse to do what they desperately want to do — eliminate resistance. They want us silenced. If that doesn’t work, they want us removed, by any means necessary. 

The horizon is showing smoke. The spears of the enemies of freedom are being pounded on the fragile borders of this nation. The din grows louder and the drums beat faster. Who will take up Gandhi’s and MLK’s weapons of peaceful resistance against the ghost of Saul Alinsky and his modern-day acolytes, the Biden administration? They have declared war on half of America. 

Alinsky is dead but his spawn live on. They hold the reins of power and they wield the sword.  But we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. 

Half the country was just targeted. We do not consent.

Image: Twitter screen shot

Virgil: Saul Alinsky on ‘Rules for Radicals’ and the 2020 Election


Editor’s note: Publius Vergilius Maro, the Roman poet known to history as Virgil, died in 19 B.C. Saul Alinsky, the American radical and inspiration to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, died in 1972. However, for both of these legendary historical figures, their words, and their ideas, abide forever. So our Virgil had no trouble conducting this shade-to-shade interview with Alinsky.

VIRGIL: Saul, please tell us a little bit about yourself. 

ALINSKY: I was born in Chicago in 1909, and as a young man I worked for various communist causes. Beginning in the late 1930s, I chose to focus my efforts on the South Side of Chicago; I soon created the Industrial Areas Foundation to further my work as a community organizer. My organizing campaigns then spread, from coast to coast, from California to New York. And along the way, I wrote two books, Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, which gained me an even larger following among young leftists. 

For instance, in 1968, a Wellesley College student, Hillary Rodham, wrote a 92-page senior thesis on me, titled, “There Is Only the Fight . . .” Then, more than a decade after my death in 1972, a recent graduate of Columbia University, Barack Obama, came to Chicago to work in my organization.   

Interestingly, in 2007, the Washington Post profiled both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, then running against each other for the Democratic presidential nomination, viewing them through the prism of their connection to me. The piece quoted progressive activist Marian Wright Edelman as saying, “Both Hillary and Barack reflect that understanding of community-organizing strategy. Both just know how to leverage power.” And of course, one of them was elected president, and the other came close. So as you can see: Even though I’m dead, I rest in power. 

VIRGIL: Funny you mention death and the hereafter! In your second book, Rules for Radicals, you include a dedication to … Lucifer:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.

Kinda radical!


ALINSKY: That’s me. Deal with it. As I always said, my goal was “to rub raw the sores of discontent” and thereby force “action through agitation.” In fact, just last year, I was pleased to see that The Guardian newspaper reported that the British group Extinction Rebellion, which has staged disruptive protests all over the world on climate change, cites me as an influence.  As their co-founder said, “The essential element here is disruption. Without disruption, no one is going to give you their eyeballs.” And I think plenty of other groups follow my teachings, even if they don’t give me credit. Not bad for being dead these five decades! 

In fact, this year, 2020, I think it’s fair to say that you’ve seen a lot of my influence. Maybe you could write an epic poem about me, like The Aeneid that you wrote 2,000 years ago. You could call it the The Alinsky-eid. 

VIRGIL: I’ll have to think about that. In the meantime, do you see your influence as seen in, say, Portland? And Seattle? You were never known for violence in your lifetime.  

ALINSKY: Yes, but the Radical has to be ready to meet the moment, on the terms that seem appropriate for the moment. And sometimes, that might mean, uh, liveliness. As I also wrote, the organizer must “fan the latent hostilities.” I added that he—okay, now, maybe, she or they—“must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them.”  

I must say, this pronoun stuff is new to me, along with all this Cultural Marxism, but I do try to keep up.

VIRGIL: Speaking of keeping up, are you in favor of Antifa and its tactics? 

ALINSKY: As I wrote in 1946, “America was begun by its Radicals. America was built by its Radicals. The hope and future of America lies with its Radicals.” 

VIRGIL: Got it. So what do you expect to see happen in November 2020?   

ALINSKY: As I also wrote, the American people are forever divided between Revolutionaries and Tories. Joe Biden might not be much of a Revolutionary, although maybe Kamala Harris is a bit more of one; I loved it, this past June, when she said of the George Floyd protests: 

They’re not going to stop.  This is a movement.  They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day.  Everyone should take note of that on both levels, that they’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not.

That’s the spirit of permanent revolution that we need!  

In the meantime, without a doubt, Trump is a Tory. Yes, he’s different from the conservative stereotype in some ways, but still, he’s a Republican. So I know which side my people will be on. And no matter what happens in the balloting on November 3, I expect that the struggle will continue well past Election Day—as Radicals and Revolutionaries take to the streets in greater numbers than they have already. As you know, since you’ve read my work, I laid out some principles, or rules, for this sort of direct action. 

VIRGIL: Yes. In fact, I looked up your “Rules” and found that you listed 13 of them. So let’s go through these Rules, one by one.

ALINSKY: Glad to. 

VIRGIL: Number One: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”  

ALINSKY: That’s a good one, because you want to keep the enemy guessing. Just on September 17, I saw this headline in Breitbart: “Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos—‘We’re Going to Fight Like Hell.’”

VIRGIL: You read Breitbart? 

ALINSKY: Sure. As I said, if you’re going to outthink, and out-psych, the enemy, you have to know what the enemy is thinking. So when we throw around the name of George Soros, we are sure that Soros evokes fears on the right, because he has, after all, donated at least $32 billion to left-wing causes. So you get, you know, right-wing memes such as the Eye of Soros, and all that, straight from Sauron in Lord of the Rings. Now the truth is that, just as Sauron was defeated in the Tolkien story, so, too, Soros has been defeated, many times, including in the U.S. in 2016. And yet if right-wingers are afraid of him, good. Hell, Soros has even spooked Fox News into censoring Newt Gingrich when he mentioned Soros’s name. So if Republicans are spooked by a phantom menace, well, good—let them be spooked.  

VIRGIL: Oh my, you’re being pretty candid.  

ALINSKY: Actually, you don’t know whether or not I’m lying to you, because the need to tell the truth to imperialists such as yourself—you were, after all, a tool of the Emperor Augustus Caesar—is hardly a part of the Revolutionary credo. But I like talking, so continue. 

VIRGIL: Hmmm, all right then. Let’s go to Number Two: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”

ALINSKY: Fortunately, we have lots of expertise, and not just in the streets. We have lawyers, and we have money. And crazy as it might seem, every time I look around, I see a new seven-figure front group—I mean group—dedicated to undermining Trump. Just on the 17th, I read about a group that I’d never heard of, American Oversight, which has gotten all the files and e-mails from the U.S. Postal Service, especially as they relate to that fascist, Louis DeJoy. Conveniently enough, all the information ended up with the Washington Post. I’m sure more dope will come spilling out soon.  

So you see, we have the streets—and we also have the suites. We have Al Sharpton and Soros, together, on the same side. Actually, I saw a little bit of that high-low alliance when I was alive, when Marshall Field, the Chicago department-store magnate, funded my early work, but I never thought I’d see this much overclass money flowing to the underclass—I wish I’d lived longer to really enjoy it.   

VIRGIL: Ah, yes, Saul, you did come to enjoy life, didn’t you? After all, you passed away in Carmel, California, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Not bad!  

ALINSKY: My mission was to afflict the comfortable. I never said that I, myself, should be afflicted. I worked hard for my comfort. But that’s enough about how I practiced my life—let’s get back to what I preached.  

VIRGIL:  Got it. Here’s Number Three: “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”

ALINSKY: That one’s interesting, because our legal armada has clearly bested Trump in the courtrooms.  

To cite just one of many examples in this election year, Biden and the Democrats have gone to court and just gotten the Green Party knocked off the ballot in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. What does that mean? It means no more situations such as in 2000, and 2016, when Green Party candidates siphoned off popular votes, and thus electoral votes, in key states for the Democrats. Now it looks like the Green Party will be on the ballot in only about half the states, most of which aren’t in contention this November. So good work, legal comrades!  

Furthermore, at the same time, our media partners have launched a campaign to persuade people that the Green Party is in the pocket of Putin—and it’s working! The Greens are always on the defensive now.  

Meanwhile, the crypto-Republican effort to get Kanye West on the ballot has been pitiful; as of now, he’s only on the ballot in five states. The Republicans were obviously hoping to get West on the ballot in more states, so as to steal away black votes from Biden, but it’s not happening.  

Yet even as Republicans were failing to bolster fringe parties that might drain away votes from Biden, they weren’t paying attention to the fringe party positioned to drain away votes from Trump. 

VIRGIL: What party is that?

ALINSKY: The Libertarian Party, of course. For most libertarian voters, their second choice is the Republican Party, so it makes a difference whether the L.P. is on the ballot, or not. And in fact, the Libertarian Party is on the ballot in 45 states, with hopes to get on the ballot in all 50 this year. That has to hurt Trump.   

VIRGIL: Number Four is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

ALINSKY: This is a good one, because it shows how important it is to pay attention to everything. That is, all the fine print that goes into the rulebook. Let me illustrate: Back in 2011, President Obama signed Executive Order 13583, aimed at “Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.” As he put it in that EO—I love reading about left-wing victories:

I am directing executive departments and agencies to develop and implement a more comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion as a key component of their human resources strategies.

Translated, that means providing funding for all the equity and social justice programs that right-wingers hate so much. And yet here’s the funny thing: The federal government has been funding all these programs for the better part of a decade, when Republicans had control of Congress, and, as well, including most of the Trump presidency. And yet Republicans never noticed!  

VIRGIL: Ah, yes, this issue of funding for “anti-racism” education blew up only in the last few weeks, mostly thanks to whistle-blowing by a smart young conservative, Chris Rufo. 

ALINSKY: But the fact that the issue has blown up only recently means, again, that all this was going on, unnoticed, for the past three-and-a-half years! During that time, how many millions of dollars went into the war chests of the left? So the Trump people were, in effect, operating according to the Obama playbook— fattening up all my allies, and those blockheads didn’t even know it!

VIRGIL: But they’ve stopped it now. 

ALINSKY: Maybe. On September 4, Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget issued a memorandum ordering federal agencies to “cease and desist” from funding “divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions.” Heh heh. A bit late for these right-wingers to notice.    

Yet still, even now, Trump has not issued an Executive Order repealing Obama’s Executive Order. So what will happen when some bureaucrat somewhere keeps funding the same anti-racism curricula? Will the Trump people be on their toes? Will they have the legal standing, and the mojo, to stop career civil servants—what you might call the Deep State—from doing what they wish? There are rules and laws and procedures concerning how funding works, contracts and so forth, and it’s obvious that the left has a handle on how to move these levers of power and funding—and the right doesn’t. So we’ll have to see if anything is truly, actually, defunded, at least anytime soon. My bet is “no.” 

VIRGIL: Hmmm. Here’s Number Five of your Rules: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

ALINSKY: One word: Trump. Two words: Stephen Colbert. Three words: Saturday Night Live. Four words: Orange Man Bad Hitler. Five words: The rest of the memes.

VIRGIL: Okay, but the anti-Trump onslaught is so relentless and, frankly, so not funny, that I wonder if it’s working. Sounds like these leftists are just preaching, with little actual humor, to the choir—a choir that never liked Trump anyway.  

ALINSKY: Yes, you might be right about that, but I’ll jump ahead to Number Six of my Rules: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” My people enjoy bashing Trump. So let ’em have their fun.  

VIRGIL: Okay, but then there’s Rule Seven, which states, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”

ALINSKY: Yes, and in that same paragraph, I added that the Radical must be “constantly inventing new and better tactics.” So there’s a challenge there. I think you’ll see a lot more creativity in the next few months, as we take the Trump people by surprise.  

VIRGIL: Like what?  

ALINSKY: Well, look, just on Friday night, the 18th, when the news broke that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died, thousands of people converged on the steps of the Supreme Court building in D.C. to light candles, say prayers, and otherwise mourn her passing. There was a bit too much sacredness and religion there for my taste, but the show of force was only potential force—it was entirely peaceful. See? The activist left can surprise people.  And in the meantime, I see that both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are saying that “nothing is off the table,” action-wise. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in their meetings!  I think I’d like a lot of what I’d be hearing.

Of course, the next protest could be, uh, livelier, as Michael Moore is calling for–I read that, too, in Breitbart. We’ll just have to see. Stay tuned, as they say, because you never know what will happen. That’s how you stay fresh.

VIRGIL: Yes, I was just reading in Breitbart about how “blue check” tweeters were threatening violence if Trump and Mitch McConnell try to fill Ginsburg’s seat.

ALINSKY: See? We contain multitudes—always something new! Keep ’em guessing! Look, even when I was active in life, there was always more than one game to be played. It wasn’t as if the poor people in Chicago who I was working with didn’t have the right to vote—they did. But I gave them another venue for power, namely, taking it to the streets. It was a dual-track thing: political action, and direct action. We could see both in re: Ginsburg.

VIRGIL: Now to Rule Eight: “Keep the pressure on.”

ALINSKY: As the Romans said, Res Ipsa Loquitur—“The thing speaks for itself.” 

VIRGIL: Got it. Now to Nine: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

ALINSKY: Ask yourself: How many Republicans have caved because they’re afraid of being called a name by the New York Times? Or because they fear being ostracized from polite society, especially in Washington, DC? Many, that’s how many. In particular, how many Republican judges turn liberal as they spend more time on the bench, especially inside the Washington Beltway? That’s the effect of keeping the pressure on.  

For instance, when Linda Greenhouse was the Supreme Court reporter for the Times, always pushing the justices to move left, they used to joke about the “Greenhouse Effect,” as in, at least some of the Republican appointees wouldn’t want to antagonize her, so they’d vote liberal. Yet the truth is, Linda didn’t have any real power, other than a word or two—and words don’t break bones—and yet words were enough. That is, it was enough to bluff many conservatives.  

VIRGIL: This one, Rule Ten, is similar to Rule Eight: “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”

ALINSKY: Yes, but it helps to have a coordinated operation, so that the pressure never lets up. I’ll bet the Biden people, the Democratic Party, and the left have a dozen war rooms in Washington alone, always making sure that Trump and the Republicans are feeling the pressure.  

VIRGIL: That takes money.

ALINSKY: Yes, and we’ve got plenty. As I said, there’s always a new NGO—the Center for this, the Democracy Alliance for that—being funded by some Trump-hating fatcat. Little do they know…

VIRGIL: What’s that? Know what?  

ALINSKY: Uh, nothing. Let’s keep going. My Number Eleven is, “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter-side; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.” And that means, we must realize that the real action is your opponent’s reaction. So keep probing and pushing! And be ready, if something breaks, to pick up the pieces.  

VIRGIL: Okay, and Number Twelve is, “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”

Alinsky: That means have a plan for what to do when you win. And I’ll admit: When I think of Biden, I worry about that one. Of course, Harris… 

VIRGIL: Lastly, we come to Number Thirteen: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” 

ALINSKY: That’s easy. Trump. For the next two months, he’s all we need. And if the election turns into a mess, as we all think it will, then Trump’ll be the rallying cry for the left—the man the left loves to hate. 

VIRGIL: Of course, Trump has plenty of supporters, too. 

ALINSKY: That’s true. So we could see some pretty wild times, as we prepare to storm the Winter Palace—oops, I mean, surround the White House. 

VIRGIL: Wild times, indeed.

ALINSKY: We’re ready. Are you?  



Arizona Republican Blake Masters: America Is ‘Uniting Against Joe Biden’


Blake Masters, Arizona’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, slammed President Joe Biden’s claim that MAGA Republicans threaten America as “demented.”

On Saturday, Masters appeared at GOP gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake’s “Faith and Family Fest” rally at Paloma Community Church in Mesa and spoke of Biden’s speech. On Thursday, the president claimed that “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

“Joe Biden wants to say anybody who wants to Make America Great Again, anybody who wants to put America First is some kind of threat to democracy,” said Masters. “Joe Biden thinks you’re dangerous. He says that you’re extreme. It’s just so demented.”

He noted that Biden “promised to unite America” while on the campaign trail a few years back and asserted that “in a weird way, it’s actually the one campaign promise he might end up making good on.”

“America is uniting. We’re uniting against Joe Biden,” Masters declared before calling out his opponent, Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ). “And I’ve got a message to Joe Biden and all of his regime propagandists and to all of his enablers and sidekicks in the Congress like Senator Mark Kelly: You guys are done.”

Masters went on to state that America First supporters “want border security,” “energy independence,” affordable goods, “safe streets,” a say in their children’s education, “a government that actually respects” the constitution, and “free and fair elections.”

“So tell me, which part of that agenda is controversial? Which part is radical? Did you hear anything extreme in there?” Masters asked the spectators. “This is just common sense. Every American wants this stuff except for a handful of demented left-wing radicals.”

Masters detailed that the “Democrats in charge… know they’ve failed. They don’t have anything to run on in November, so they resort to name calling,” such as labeling MAGA supporters extremists.

“What the left is doing to our country, that’s dangerous, that’s extreme,” he went on to say, adding that “400,000 new illegal aliens crossing the border every single month, that’s dangerous,” and “87,000 new IRS agents, apparently some of them are going to be armed, that’s extreme.”

“But voters are not going to be fooled. Joe Biden, Mark Kelly, they had their chance, and they failed. And now it’s our turn, and we’re going to succeed,” Masters declared.


When Must a Good Citizen Become a Dissident?

After my condemnation of our "banana republic" in a previous essay, a clever commenter remarked pithily, "Last patriot turn out the lights."  I laughed.  But the truth is that the light is not dimming; it is getting brighter.  We, all of us together, are in the sunshine business.  And the more sunshine we bring, the more difficult it becomes for the darkness not to light up!

Case in point: After Facebook's Zuckerberg recently confessed to censoring the New York Post's explosive Hunter Biden "laptop from Hell" story (evidencing a compromised and most likely criminally culpable Biden family) before the 2020 election in response to FBI pressure that the social media giant treat real news as "Russian disinformation" (thereby corroborating that the national security Deep State helped rig the presidential election), the FBI superciliously responded with the equivalent of a teenaged shoulder shrug and a haughty "so what?"  According to the FBI, our domestic spy agency regularly encourages censorship and secretive control over the free flow of information.  No big deal!

Except it is a very big deal.  Recent polling shows that nearly 80% of Americans believe that President Trump would have won re-election had voters "known the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop."  In other words, the Deep State stole an election.  This isn't a huge revelation for most readers here, but it is a huge revelation for those who have stubbornly refused to admit how corrupt and rotten the 2020 election was.  Little by little, truth overpowers deceit.  Let there be light!

In the sunshine business, our mission is to speak truth to power over and over again, much like a resolute punisher bringing down the lash against those who wound us with their lies.  None of us alone must harbor the strength to complete the task at hand, for as long as another rises to give timely support and respite to any one weary arm, the lashings of truth will continue.  That is truth's power and purpose: it cannot be bargained away or buried in the darkness for long.  It lives whether its tormentors like it or not, and all we must do is recognize it, protect it, and sing its blessings from one shadow to the next, with courage and conviction, until the brightness it brings becomes glaring.

How do you collapse a corrupt system?  By flooding it with oceans of luminous truth.

This is a war between those who embrace cynicism and those who embrace virtue.  The cynics are so committed to using fabricated "narratives" to obtain and maintain power that they have discarded even the pretense of seeking universal truths.  Whatever aids them in their conquest over others is sufficient justification for defense.  Is man-made climate change real?  Is Donald Trump a Russian spy?  Is America plagued with systemic racism?  Is COVID really the deadliest pathogen to afflict humanity?  To the cynics, the answers do not matter.  Pursuing conclusory "narratives," devoid of supporting evidence though they be, is valuable in itself.  Even the most ugly, monstrous lies are worth protecting if those falsehoods serve their purpose — to comfort the powerful and afflict the powerless.  

For those who believe in pursuing truth and virtue, this "ends justify the means" behavior is maddening.  It is not easy living in a world where so many around us peddle delusions, malice, and lies.  It is not easy to maintain clarity and balance when demonstrable truths are labeled as "misinformation" and outright fantasies are marketed as gospel truth.  When even the loudest of truth-speakers, such as Deep State target President Trump, is tormented relentlessly with criminal persecution and media calumny, it is easy for the more reticent among us to lose hope.  Yet when those with virtue stand fast and firm, those with no virtue screech and squirm.  Resolute defense of truth reveals the cynics' weakness.  The weaker they become, the louder they must be.  When the madness around us is deafening, then you can be certain that the cynics are losing all control.  So stay true.  Don't bend.  Hold the line.

When must a good citizen become a dissident?  Is it when the FBI and other Deep State truth-twisters manufacture crises and manipulate elections?  Is it when free speech comes under attack under the guise of State-labeled "misinformation"?  Perhaps it is when the president-in-name-only reads carefully scripted messages (written by those who control his office from the shadows) attacking half the country's citizens as "fascists."  Or when government and media "elites" falsely frame political protest as "insurrection" in order to justify criminal persecution and imprisonment of opponents of the ruling regime.  Or maybe when the endless declaration of fake "emergencies" is used to justify the steady imposition of extraordinary State power over each citizen's livelihood.  Maybe it's when the Intelligence Community operates a massive domestic surveillance network targeting Americans who have committed no crimes.  Maybe it's when secretly collected information mined from supposedly independent social media conglomerates and too-big-to-fail private banks is used to track and trace unsuspecting citizens.  Maybe it's when the value of the U.S. dollar is intentionally chipped away by central bank authorities enabling tax-and-spend legislators to expand institutional power at current and future Americans' expense.  Perhaps it is when the same federal government that insists on fighting wars all over the world in defense of other nations' borders staunchly refuses to protect America's own borders from invasion.  Maybe it is when politicians openly mock freedom and the Bill of Rights as "selfish" relics of a racist past, while implementing race-based policies trumpeted as "progress."  Perhaps it is when the American government declares itself at war with the American system.  Yeah, that seems like the right time to become a dissident.

America is a great nation.  America's history is rivaled by none.  America's people remain a melting pot of fighters and patriots yearning to be free.  America's government, however, is rancid.  D.C. has become a den of narcissists, liars, and thieves.  A lawless Deep State has made itself the enemy of all virtuous people.  The bureaucracy's failing cult of expertise has given rise to the urgent need for a new common sense conservatism grounded in individual liberty.  Washington's wayward class of inveterate liars requires a resurgence of fearless Americans willing to tell the truth.

What makes a good citizen today?  A tenacious determination to stand in and help spread truth's light.



Gutfeld: Biden wants to be a civil wartime president


FBI seized millions in fentanyl and cash in Albuquerque on Thursday


This is an epic slaughter of Americans: Sheriff

J.D. Vance: Tim Ryan Claims to Back ‘The Working Man’ But Has No Plan to Secure Border, Tackle Fentanyl Crisis

DALLAS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES - 2022/08/05: JD Vance speaks on stage during CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Texas 2022 conference at Hilton Anatole. (Photo by Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Nick Ut/Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

J.D. Vance, the Republican running against Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) for Ohio’s open United States Senate seat, said recently on the campaign trail the impact of drugs and migration is “hugely negative” for Ohioans.

Vance, during his Wednesday appearance on Fox News Channel’s Mornings With Maria Bartiromo, spoke about the impact of an open U.S.-Mexico border, which has resulted in nearly five million border crossers and illegal aliens arriving since President Joe Biden took office and now more than 100,000 Americans dying annually from drug overdoses, many linked to fentanyl.

“This is one of the things that really bothers me about Tim Ryan. He says he stands for the working man,” Vance said, explaining that it is also “hugely negative” for Ohioans.

Vance noted that the millions of illegal aliens crossing the southern border under Biden are flooding the U.S. labor market, driving down wages, and forcing working class Americans to compete against a growing number of foreign workers for American jobs.

Ohio, Vance said, also remains the “third leading state when it comes to opioid overdose deaths.”

“Let’s actually secure the border so that we don’t have 100,000 Americans dying of fentanyl overdoses,” Vance said:

Joe Biden and Tim Ryan have basically turned the U.S. southern border into the drug and sex trafficking capital of the world. We have got to shut this down. We can’t run away from the border issue because it’s making our country poor. [Emphasis added]

Indeed, while multinational corporates, Wall Street, and real estate investors are the biggest beneficiaries of mass immigration to the U.S., working and middle class Americans suffer the most as wages are dragged down, the job market gets more saturated, and investment shifts increasingly to the coasts outside of middle American states like Ohio.

Corporate special interest groups, lobbying for an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, have shown that such a plan drives tens of billions in investment to coastal states like New York and California while further gutting middle American states.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

RNC Says Joe Biden’s Speech Ignored Issues Important to Midterm Voters: Border, Crime, Inflation

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers a primetime speech at Independence National Historical Park September 1, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. President Biden spoke on “the continued battle for the Soul of the Nation.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Alex Wong/Getty Images

The Republican National Committee (RNC) criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday after he ignored many midterm issues voters care about most to focus, instead, on slamming Republicans as extremists.

With the midterm elections just around the corner, Biden delivered an official speech about how “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.” But Biden’s speech, dubbed by the RNC as  “another defining image of his presidency,” ignored the issues most pressing to Americans.

Biden failed to mention the invasion on the southern border, soaring crime, record-high inflation, supply chain woes, gas prices, the rise of China, the impact that the coronavirus had on children’s education, and the fentanyl crisis, the RNC’s research team tweeted:

Polling shows many of these issues are the ones that are important to Americans in the midterm elections. According to a Wednesday Quinnipiac poll, inflation ranked first at 27 percent, with no other issue reaching double digits.

A Rasmussen Reports poll found in August that record high gas prices, the economic recession, and soaring crime are the top three issues for voters heading into the November midterms.

Ninety-two percent were concerned about rising gas prices, while 68 percent were very concerned. Ninety-one percent were concerned about Biden’s economic recession. Sixty-six were very concerned. And 86 percent were concerned about violent crime. Sixty-one percent were very concerned.

A gas pump displays current fuel prices, along with a sticker of US President Joe Biden, at a gas station in Arlington, Virginia, on March 16, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

A gas pump displays current fuel prices, along with a sticker of US President Joe Biden, at a gas station in Arlington, Virginia, on March 16, 2022 ( SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images) / Inset: Joe Biden  (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images).dd

A University of Massachusetts Amherst poll in May found that border security is also a top concern. Across the board, 13 percent of Americans selected immigration as the most important issue. The poll found immigration ranked of more importance to voters than abortion (12 percent), health care (10 percent), and climate change (10 percent).

Less than 24 hours after Biden delivered the speech Thursday, he tried to walk back his characterization of Republican voters after receiving flack from members of the establishment media for his address.

“I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden replied when questioned about his remarks.

But the president did not change course and speak to the issues Americans most care about heading into the midterm elections. Instead, he continued to speak about January 6.

“When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol. They weren’t voting for overruling an election,” Biden acknowledged. “They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Biden’s Labor Chief Promotes Worker Replacement, Says Immigrants Are ‘Only Way’ to Fill Jobs

Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, speaks at a White House event launching the Apprenticeship Ambassador Initiative, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Democrat party’s pick for Secretary of Labor says CEOs are being victimized by a shortage of immigrant workers.

Companies want to hire another 11 million people, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh told Fox News on September 2, adding:

If those 11 million jobs had to be filled tomorrow, we certainly don’t have enough people in the United States to fill those jobs … the issue of workers has to be addressed and the only way [emphasis added] you can do it is through immigration.

“When I talk to CEOs from companies all across America, they’re all in favor of immigration reform,” he said, “they’re all in favor of pathways — of visas — for people coming into the United States working and we’re going to have to have that real serious conversation because at some point it will begin to impact our economy.”

But Walsh “doesn’t seem to know what’s going on in the U.S. labor market in terms of real wages for the less-educated, or the labor force participation,” responded Steve Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“There are two main things that you could do [to get Americans into those jobs] — make it more attractive to work and make it less attractive to sit on your ass,” he said:

Could you ever get teenagers to work like they did in the 70s? No, but could you get a million more teenagers to work? Yeah. Could you ever get men to have the labor force participation rate of 96 percent — say non-college men 25 to 54 — that we had in 1964? No, but could you get it up to 88 percent instead of 84 percent or 83 percent? Yes.

The government should try to fill jobs with some of the roughly 60 million adults not working by allowing wages to rise, he said.

The 60 million number includes 5.5 million people who said they want a job but are not part of the unemployment numbers because they have not looked for jobs in the last four weeks.

The government should also try to raise the productivity of American workers with better training and machinery, he added:

The most important way to make a country actually richer on a per capita basis — which is all that really matters — is productivity. If you want to grow the per capita GDP, productivity is really a key option, and there’s no evidence that immigration helps to do that.

Walsh “seems to be entirely captive to the perspective of Wall Street, which wants a bigger economy and ignores the fact that productivity growth is the real key to increasing wages and improving the standard of living,” he added.

Some GOP legislators are looking at ways to help non-working Americans rejoin the labor force. For example, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), told a town hall event:

There is a number of innovative ideas I would support. [Former Sen.] Phil Gramm came to the Senate where we were talking about our labor shortage and one of his suggestions was to coax seniors to re-enter the workforce — don’t charge them payroll tax. They’re not paying it anyway so they want to get back in and earn a few extra bucks.

But that pro-American, anti-poverty proposal was quickly stabbed by Todd Schulte, the president of a billionaire-funded pro-migration advocacy group:

[I] would suggest a better approach is a pathway to citizenship (work permits!) for undocumented immigrants, not terminating DACA/TPS/H-4 EADs, and modernizing and expanding vs trying to slash legal immigration avenues for those coming in the future.

Schulte heads, which is a trade lobby created by wealthy West Coast investors, including Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, and various other investors-billionaires. The group was formed in 2013 to maximize the inflow of foreign workers, taxpayer-aided consumers, and high-occupancy renters into the U.S. economy. The investors have close ties to many Democrats, including Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain.

The mostly female staff of the group tries to hide the identity of the investors who founded and funded the group. But copies exist at other sites.

Many local business groups are also calling for sidelined Americans to be replaced with eager, compliant, hard-working migrants.

“On July 7, about 30 business and humanitarian leaders gathered in Nemo [South Dakota] to initiate plans for Freedom’s Haven for New American’s Workforce,” said a September 2 report in Watertown Public Opinion. The report by a local real estate appraiser Brad Johnson continued:

The group, led by Lake Area Technical College President Mike Cartney, recognizes that South Dakota’s economy depends on more immigrant and guest workers. [Sen. John] Thune, who participated in the July meeting, had just asked President Joe Biden to increase the number of [H-2B] work visas.

Critics of Thune and anyone who suggests more immigrants be welcomed and allowed to work, allege that these workers take jobs the U.S. citizens would fill. Obviously, that is not the case in South Dakota. One employer said Wednesday that a $21 an hour part-time job to wash cars in Brookings, a college town, had no applicants.

However, many companies are trying to sell automated car cleaners that allow a few employees to earn good wages while washing many more autos:

Many companies are being pressured by labor shortages to invest in high-tech, high-wage gear, including dairies in South Dakota:

Similarly, a new meatpacking plant in South Dakota will rely heavily on automation, DRGNews reported July 19:

The Western Legacy Development Corporation facility will utilize robotics and artificial intelligence along other tech applications thereby creating a completely automated packing line, which will make the facility safer, more efficient, more humane, and will provide consistent cuts of meat that would not ordinarily be achieved by a human with known margins for error

Many pro-migration advocates and journalists admit that labor migration is the “Third Rail” of U.S. politics. For example, Johnson wrote:

That will take congressional action to modify, and Thune, Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., and Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., plan to meet with business leaders sometime in September to map out a strategy. Part of that strategy will be insulating the three men from the inevitable attacks coming from those who … demonize anyone who supports making immigration easier.

The government’s policy of pumping foreign labor into the U.S. economy has distorted the incentives for the nation’s CEOs, investors, and political leaders Camarota said.

Immigration “allows them to both be empathetic and indifferent at the same time,” he said.

Immigration “lets us ignore the problem of all these men sitting on the sidelines, not even looking for work,” he said, adding:

They do want to care … but they’re just exasperated to some extent with the nonworking black — and white and actually U.S.-born Hispanic population — because the truth is raising the labor force participation rate of less-educated men is very challenging. It’s not clear exactly how to do it, whereas just bringing the foreigners — and having a lot of sympathy for them — is easy …. The immigrants seem to be more more virtuous because they work. Everything is perfect — they’re nice and quiet and so forth.

Training less-educated Americans, especially at small companies, “is thankless, with lots of frustration and lots of failures. Given how kids are raised today, it’s more and more failure all the time,” he said, adding:

There are all kinds of [social tools] that have atrophied as a consequence of immigration. There used to be seasonal employers at the beach or in the mountains, or at [summer] camps, who had all kinds of contacts in the cities and suburbs with ministers and other community leaders to help them funnel young people to those seasonal jobs. That’s all gone– [employers] just use the H-2B [and] H-2A workers and illegal immigrants. [Employers] don’t need to worry about keeping their contacts.

For politicians and government officials, the easy option is to “pay them their disability and give them Medicaid,” Camarota said.

But Democrats also want immigration to deliver them additional immigrant voters on election days. In a May statement, Walsh downplayed the value of non-citizen teporary visa workers, saying, “We need to figure out some immigration laws and get some reform. Not H-2B visas, H-2A visas, not those visas — that’s not immigration.”


Extraction Migration

It is easier for government officials to grow the economy by immigration than by growing exports, productivity, or the birth rate.

So Washington, DC, deliberately extracts millions of migrants from poor countries and uses them as extra workers, consumers, and renters. This extraction migration policy both grows and skews the national economy.

It prevents tight labor markets and so it shifts vast wealth from ordinary people to investorsbillionaires, and Wall Street. It makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to advance in their careers, get married,  raise families, or buy homes.

Extraction migration slows innovation and shrinks Americans’ productivity, partly because it allows employers to boost stock prices by using stoop labor and disposable workers instead of the American professionals and productivity-boosting technology that would allow Americans and their communities to earn more money.

This migration policy also reduces exports by minimizing shareholder pressure on U.S. companies to build up beneficial and complementary trade with people in poor countries.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional economic gaps between the Democrats’ cheap-labor coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states.

An economy fueled by extraction migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites, alienates young people, and radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it gives an excuse for wealthy elites and progressives to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society, such as drug addicts.

This economic strategy is enthusiastically pushed by progressives who wish to transform the U.S. from a society governed by European-origin civic culture into an economic empire of jealous identity groups overseen by progressive hall monitors. “We’re trying to become the first multiracial, multi-ethnic superpower in the world,” Rep. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) told the New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement. … We will ultimately triumph,” he boasted.

But the progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants. It exploits the poverty of migrants and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors.

Progressives hide this extraction migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding narratives and theatrical border security programs. Progressives claim the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that migration helps migrants, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

Similarly, establishment Republicans, media businesses, and major GOP donors hide the skew towards investors by ignoring the pocketbook impact and by touting border chaos, welfare spending, migrant crime, and drug smuggling.

Many polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration. But the polls also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs needed by young U.S. graduates.

This “Third Rail” opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.


GOP Oregon Gubernatorial Candidate Christine Drazan: State Experiencing ‘Decade of Decline Under Single-Party Leadership’

Christine Drazen for Oregon
Christine Drazen for Oregon

Oregon has experienced a “decade of decline” under radical leftist leadership, Republican gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan told Fox News’ Tammy Bruce on Friday.

“[Oregonians] are demanding better from their leaders. What we are experiencing has been a decade of decline under  progressive, extreme, single-party leadership in our state. And we are feeling across the whole state, but especially in Portland, where they are less safe today than they have ever been before,” Drazan said, adding:

We are seeing mom and pop shops close up. We are seeing national chains exit our beautiful city [Portland]. And instead, we are leaving our beautiful city to people who are abusing hard drugs, which are now legal in our state — who in fact, are forming encampments and are refusing to leave public spaces.

Portland streets were particularly marred by violence and destruction in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Fiery riots, combined with police budget cuts, the decriminalization of hard drugs, and “bail reform” have combined to create often- nightmarish living conditions for city dwellers. Drazan has made public safety a focal point in the three-way race for Oregon’s governorship, as some Oregon voters begin to lean away from failed far-left destructive policies. The gubernatorial hopeful in her campaign platform cited a 207 percent increase in homicides in Portland between 2019 and 2021, and rebuked the destabilization of law enforcement via the “defund the police” movement. She has also voted to declare homelessness a state of emergency, repeal Measure 110, which decriminalized hard drugs, and expand mental health services. 

“Portlanders themselves are asking for leaders that are willing to stand up for their quality of life. They want to be safe in their own yards. They want to be safe when their kids walk to school. This is not partisan,” Drazan told Bruce.

Drazan will face off against Democrat-turned-independent Betsy Johnson and far-left Democrat Tina Kotek in November. While Oregon is typically considered a blue stronghold, political analysts in recent weeks, shifted their rating of the Oregon gubernatorial race from “leans Democratic” to “Toss-up,” pointing to the volatile nature of potentially splitting a governor’s race between three candidates, as well as Democrat Gov. Kate Brown’s extreme unpopularity

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