Sunday, September 25, 2022

BIDEN AND HIS MUSLIMS - ONLY OBAMA HAS LOVED MUSLIM DICTATORS MORE - Biden Is Crushing Iran's Freedom Revolution, Just As Obama Did


The Muslim Brotherhood’s “endgame” is to murder every non-Muslim and “destroy Western civilization,” according to counterterrorism expert Cynthia Farahat, who revealed they are open about their intentions of infiltrating and corrupting every American institution “like a cancer,” and slammed the “far-left” for its “propaganda” supporting the global terrorist organization.                                            JOSUA KLEIN

Surely it is high time for the civilized world to acknowledge sharia for what it is—the antithesis of human rights?

Islamist at the White House

Imam Azhar Subedar cavorts with terror-tied radicals… and Joe Biden.

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years.   MATTHEW VADUM


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.” 

Exclusive: Counterterrorism Expert Cynthia Farahat Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Plan to ‘Destroy’ West – ‘Like Cancer’

Cynthia Farahat
Facebook/Cynthia Farahat

The Muslim Brotherhood’s “endgame” is to murder every non-Muslim and “destroy Western civilization,” according to counterterrorism expert Cynthia Farahat, who revealed they are open about their intentions of infiltrating and corrupting every American institution “like a cancer,” and slammed the “far-left” for its “propaganda” supporting the global terrorist organization.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, well-known Egyptian author and political analyst Farahat highlighted the Muslim Brotherhood’s association with virtually all Islamic terror groups.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is the incubator of Sunni Islamic terrorism,” she said. “They are the command and control for Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS), the Islamist Jemaah Islamiyah, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, along with many other radical terrorists groups.” 

“I actually found it harder to pin down a terrorist group that didn’t have a direct connection to the Muslim Brotherhood than the other way around,” she added. “They are also responsible for radicalizing Muslims because when you have a radicalized base, its so much easier to recruit jihadists from it.”

Farahat explained that the radical group’s ultimate goal is exactly “what they say they want to do,” which is the complete annihilation of those who dissent from their worldview. 

“I called my upcoming book The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Industry of Death, and the subtitle of my book is not my hyperbolic understanding of the group, it is what they themselves call their operation,” she said.

“Their end game is to murder every single non-Muslim on the planet and also kill all Muslims who are not members of a jihadist group, and destroy Western civilization,” she added. “That’s according to their own words.”

In addition, Farahat noted, they “believe in their radical eschatology that they can bring about the end of times after they accomplish these goals.” 

“And this is what they have been saying and this is what they have been working towards achieving,” she said. “It’s not just rhetoric, they have been consistently working to achieve these ends.”

“The strange thing is I never have to explain to Muslims why the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization,” she added. “It’s a foregone conclusion. Everybody knows it is a terrorist organization.” 

Farahat noted that she has never spoken to a Muslim in the Middle East “who doesn’t know someone who has either been hurt or murdered or persecuted” by the radical organization. 

“It’s a very common thing to have been victimized by this group in the Middle East,” she said. “I myself and my family have been victimized by them in every single way humanly possible, whether it was political persecution, religious persecution, and until they kidnapped my brother and tortured him, and they tried to assassinate me on October 9, 2011.”

While “everybody in the Middle East” knows of the Brotherhood’s viciousness, she slammed the “propaganda in the United States” that asserts that “it is ‘Islamophobia’ to talk about the terrorists who kill Muslims and non-Muslims.” 

“That is a way that radical far-left politicians exploit activists who are well meaning and gullible to further the end of destruction because far-left politicians view the Muslim Brotherhood as an ally,” she said.

According to Farahat, the group’s “mission” in the United States has been “extremely successful” due to the fact that they have “articulated their plans perfectly” for the country, operating nationwide through what they dub, “Civilization Jihad Operation,” the initial non-violent stage of the Islamist attack on the West.

She also noted that during the Holy Land Foundation Trial, the largest terrorism financing trial in United States history, one document entered as court evidence — the explanatory memorandum — discussed the operation, defining it as “destroying [Western civilization’s] miserable house from within by their own hands, [to be delivered to] the hands of the believers.”

“When they say that it means that they will be both doing infiltration and subversion of every single American institution and corrupting it from the inside out like a cancer,” she warned. “That’s how they identify what they’re doing and that’s exactly what they have been doing.”

Farahat claimed that their success in executing the operation was due to their “working with U.S. lawmakers and specifically the State Department and some American intelligence agencies.” 

“I got that right from the horse’s mouth,” she said. “That’s what I was told and given as a reason by several lawmakers to why the Muslim Brotherhood hasn’t been designated as a terrorist group” in the U.S. 

Consequently, Farahat described as “unbelievable” the fact that “after 9/11, American intelligence agencies still haven’t learned the lesson that if they did it with you, they’ll do it to you.” 

“If they conspire to destroy other populations with you, they’re going to conspire to destroy you too,” she said. “And using them as missionaries to further some foreign policy objective — that is a double-edged sword because Islamists are better at being evil than any American ever could, including American serial killers.” 

“Islamists will always win that equation,” she added.

She called any attempt to work with the Muslim Brotherhood an “extremely dangerous, reckless, antisocial, and, in some instances, a treasonous” one.

However, she admitted, such conduct is often encouraged.

“When you look at academia, someone like me has much of a less chance of finding a position as a professor than an Islamist,” she said. “Here, [for] an Islamist, all the doors are open.”

As an example, she cited a professor at Union College in New Jersey who is a “self-admitted member of the Muslim Brotherhood” and who, “according to his own allegations, was involved in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Egypt, which killed and maimed 506 people.” 

“That man is teaching American college kids because he has more access than I ever could to academia,” she lamented.

“And that’s the kind of situation we are in today. It’s more culturally acceptable to associate with mass murderers and terrorists than people who speak the truth,” she added.

Farahat described the current situation as a “war” on multiple fronts.

“There’s a war on history; there’s a war on reality; there’s a war on morality and Western civilization,” she said.

“People on the far left have found a great ally in these Islamists, but they haven’t learned the lesson from history that every time Islamists and communists allied, Islamists won that equation,” she added.

To those lacking that understanding, Farahat suggested watching a documentary about the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 that “shows how communists and socialists were indispensable to the Islamic revolution and how, after [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini perpetrated it, he hung their heads on sticks and marched the streets of Tehran with leftists’ heads on sticks.”

“They don’t learn from history and they’re committing the same mistakes again, over and over and over again,” she added. 

The Coptic writer and human rights activist also expressed outrage over Bahgat Saber, allegedly “the most prominent terror recruiter” in the US, who publishes violent and threatening clips daily “ranting and inciting for jihad” while using taxpayer funding even as authorities are “quite aware” of his activities. 

“It actually disgusts and horrifies me on so many levels that he is able to stream — from Times Square — Islamic terrorism and recruitment and encouraging lone wolf terrorist attacks to take place,” she said. “Yet a man like Salman Rushdie is not granted the same type of freedom in America.”

She then discussed the nexus between the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran and recent assassination plots in the U.S., attributing them to the current atmosphere that “President Joe Biden has created, that encourages that way of behavior and rewards it.” 

“So he’s basically telling the world, if you’re going to come and slaughter my Republican opponents, I’m gonna try to give you billions of dollars to reward you for it,” she said in reference to the Biden administration’s continued attempts to revive the Iran nuclear deal.

“That’s basically the message that the world is seeing right now coming from the Biden regime, that it’s open season on anyone who speaks against Islamism, or who’s on the right basically,” she added.

As for the modern alliance between militants of both Shia Iran and the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, Farahat described it as “a culmination of 14 centuries of Shia dissimulation and recruitment and infiltration of the Sunni camp.”

“The Sunni camp has always been more militarily advanced, but the Shia camp has always been more savvy when it came to politics and infiltration and covert work,” she said. “And that is why they have deeply influenced the Muslim Brotherhood’s thoughts.”

She also noted the early contacts between Ayatollah Khomeini and Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Brotherhood who “deeply influenced” the supreme leader.

“Another thing that people don’t know is that in 1928, when the Muslim Brotherhood was founded, a lot of its first members were Shia,” she said. “So they have blurred the lines between the militants of the two sects.”

As a result, the Brotherhood has consistently advocated for Iranian nuclear weapons, she stated.

“I believe the Sunni group when they say that the Iranian revolution is our revolution,” she said. 

Asked what she wished most to convey to Americans with her soon-to-be released book, Farahat, whose work has been translated into more than fifteen languages, said it was to recognize the “irrefutable evidence” she provides “from the Muslim Brotherhood’s own words, literature and internal documents” proving they are “indeed a terrorist organization” and should be designated as such.

That recognition is something she has attempted since her immigration to the US over a decade ago, she noted.

“I have discovered that the way to make this happen is to take it to the American people because these are the people that I want to protect and these are the people I identify with,” she said. 

“I became an American last year and I want them to stop these terrorists from destroying this country the way they destroyed my country of origin,” she concluded.

The Muslim Brotherhood — whose motto declares, “The Koran is our law, jihad is our way, dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope,” was founded in Egypt in 1928 as a pan-Islamic movement with both political and charitable arms.

It openly seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Sharia law. 

The group, having faced years of pressure, has been outlawed as a terrorist group in Egypt and banned in several other countries, including Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Last year, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) called on the State Department to designate the radical Brotherhood a terrorist group, with the Biden administration accused of boosting the extremist group in the Middle East.

Cruz has long called to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, having already pushed the bill previously in 2015, 2017, and 2020. 

In 2021, Austria became the first country in the European Union to ban the Islamist group as part of a recent anti-terrorism law.

Previously, then Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) urged for the terror designation, saying, “We need to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization. I think this administration would be supportive of that. So, I think we have a chance to push it through Congress if need be. Of course, they can take action against the brotherhood themselves.”

Farahat’s The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Industry of Death will be available this coming Tuesday. 

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

Biden Is Crushing Iran's Freedom Revolution, Just As Obama Did

Few people in America, with the exception of longtime readers of the Geller Report and other censored freedom-loving websites, may recognize the plaintive wails for freedom that are currently being sounded in Iran.  Yet we have seen this before.  And each time, the West, led by a Democrat president, has aided and abetted the brutal crackdown on brave young people (led by women) dying, quite literally, to be free.  Joe Biden is doing the same thing now that Barack Obama did years ago: ignoring the Iranians putting their lives on the line for freedom.  It's nothing short of shameful.

Firstpost reported Wednesday: "Over the past few days, protests have erupted across Iran after a 22-year-old woman died while being held by the morality police for violating the country's strictly enforced Islamic dress code.  Anger has seen women remove their mandatory headscarves, or hijabs, from covering their hair after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was picked up by morality police over her allegedly loose headscarf."

Yet as Iran's leaders continue to crack down on their citizens who yearn for freedom and liberty, the Biden administration shows no support for Iran's protesters.  The Biden administration relentlessly appeases this brutal and murderous regime.  The people of Iran are courageously protesting for freedom, all while the Biden administration emboldens Iran's murderous leaders with billions of dollars in sanctions relief.  Biden has released billions to the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, while working furiously to nuclearize the Islamic state.  Biden's handlers continue to beg the haughty mullahs to re-enter the JCPOA, the disastrous nuclear deal that Barack Obama concluded with the Islamic Republic, and the President Trump wisely discontinued.  Biden's handlers' version is even worse.

Biden's appeasement of Iran is just like the appeasement policy of Barack Obama.  And just like the appeasement pursued by Jimmy Carter.

The United States Secret Service even stooped so low as to protect the genocidal president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, when he spoke before the United Nations.  Instead of issuing sanctions against the regime's brutal violence against women, Biden opened America's doors to Iran's top terrorist to speak at the U.N. to deny the Holocaust.

Where is the backlash from the American media?  They provide very little coverage about Iran's atrocious human rights violations.  Watch some of Lesley Stahl's interview with the mass-murdering Raisi.  Stahl treats Raisi with much greater respect than she did President Trump.  She asks Raisi to outline the differences between Biden and Trump, implying that Biden's appeasement of Iran is a positive thing.  Awful.

It isn't just Lesley Stahl, either.  Western news outlets censor and scrub coverage of the freedom protests and the horrors that give rise to them.  This has been going on for years.  How many people know who Neda Soltan was?  She is an icon in Iran.  A decade ago, she was shot dead while protesting the Iranian regime's brutal enforcement of Islamic law.  Then, as now, thousands marched against the Islamic regime despite beatings, torture, and prison.

Neda became a rallying cry.  Iranians were beaten, jailed, raped, and killed.  It was a killing field.  Iranians begged for our help.  Finally, Barack Obama could no longer ignore it.  Obama said he "respects this regime."  Obama said: "We will seek common ground.  We will be respectful even when we do not agree."  He requested no funds for the promotion of democracy initiatives in Iran.

Knowing this, the people of Iran still took the streets, despite knowing full well what awaited them.  As Robert Spencer pointed out, the regime's only hope of remaining in power is to terrorize the Iranian people into submission, as per Quran 3:151, 8:12, and 8:60.

Sadly for the Iranian people, President Trump isn't in office.  He vowed to help them.

Where is America's feminist community on this outrage?  Firstpost also reported Wednesday that
"amid ongoing protests in Iran, Mahsa Amini's father has refused to allow Islamic prayers over his daughter's body.  'Your Islam denounced her, now you've come to pray over her?  Aren't you ashamed of yourself?  You killed her for two strands of hair! ... Take your Islam and go,' said Mahsa Amini's father in a viral video."

Pray for this grieving father who dared to tell the truth despite the immense risk, and for the people of Iran who yearn for freedom.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report, and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

KARE 11 News reporter Lou Raguse reports that only seven of the 47 individuals were taken into Minnesota law enforcement custody, including two who were previously charged with passport fraud. Some of those have since been released from jail pending trial.

DOJ: 47 in Minnesota’s Somali Community Charged with Stealing $250M in COVID-19 Funds from Child Nutrition Program

Twitter via @LouRaguse
Twitter via @LouRaguse

Forty-seven individuals, primarily in Minneapolis, Minnesota’s large Somali community, have been charged for their roles in allegedly stealing $250 million in COVID-19 federal funds meant for a child nutrition program.

According to federal prosecutors, the 47 individuals charged across six indictments and three criminal informations committed conspiracy, wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering when they defrauded millions from the Federal Child Nutrition Program during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Specifically, the 47 individuals allegedly used COVID-19 changes to the Federal Child Nutrition Program to oversee the massive fraud scheme via the Minneapolis-based Feeding Our Future and the for-profit restaurants as well as the food distribution services sponsored by the nonprofit.

In 2019, Feeding Our Future received and disbursed about $3.4 million in federal funds to feed underprivileged children in the Minneapolis area. By 2021, the nonprofit had received almost $200 million in federal funds.

The scheme included Feeding Our Future allegedly claiming to open more than 250 Federal Child Nutrition Program sites across the state of Minnesota. Most of the 47 individuals claimed to operate these sites by filing fraudulent documents purporting to be feeding children, prosecutors allege.

Feeding Our Future executives, prosecutors claim, knew all along that the fraud was taking place but continued to submit fraudulent documents to secure Federal Child Nutrition Program funds for the sites claiming to be feeding children.

In the process, Feeding Our Future was paid more than $18 million in administrative fees and employees of the nonprofit allegedly accepted bribes and kickbacks. When Minnesota regulators sought to provide oversight to the operation, a Feeding Our Future executive claimed the state was discriminating against the nonprofit.

Most of the individuals charged in the fraud scheme, prosecutors say, used the stolen funds to buy luxury vehicles, residential and commercial real estate, real estate in Kenya and Turkey, and to fund their international travel.

Those charged in the multiple indictments are:

  • Aimee Marie Bock, 41, of Apple Valley, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery. Bock was the founder and executive director of Feeding Our Future. Bock oversaw the $240 million fraud scheme carried out by sites under Feeding Our Future’s sponsorship.
  • Abdikerm Abdelahi Eidleh, 39, of Burnsville, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Eidleh was an employee of Feeding Our Future who solicited and received bribes and kickbacks from individuals and sites under the sponsorship of Feeding Our Future. Eidleh also created his own fraudulent sites.
  • Salim Ahmed Said, 33, of Plymouth, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Said was an owner and operator of Safari Restaurant, a site that received more than $16 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdulkadir Nur Salah, 36, of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Abdulkadir Salah was an owner and operator of Safari Restaurant, a site that received more than $16 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Ahmed Sharif Omar-Hashim, 39, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Omar-Hashim created a company called Olive Management Inc., a site that received approximately $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdi Nur Salah, 34, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Abdi Salah registered Stigma-Free International, a non-profit entity used to carry out the scheme with sites throughout Minnesota, including in Willmar, Mankato, St. Cloud, Waite Park, and St. Paul.
  • Abdihakim Ali Ahmed, 36, of Apple Valley, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Abdihakim Ahmed created ASA Limited LLC, a site that received approximately $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Ahmed Mohamed Artan, 37, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Artan registered Stigma-Free International, a non-profit entity used to carry out the scheme with sites throughout Minnesota, including in Willmar, Mankato, St. Cloud, Waite Park, and St. Paul.
  • Abdikadir Ainanshe Mohamud, 30, of Fridley, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Mohamud ran the Stigma-Free Willmar site. This site claimed to have served approximately 1.6 million meals and received more than $4 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdinasir Mahamed Abshir, 30, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Abdinasir Abshir ran the Stigma-Free Mankato site. This site claimed to have served more than 1.6 million meals and received approximately $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Asad Mohamed Abshir, 32, of Mankato, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Asad Abshir ran the Stigma-Free Mankato site. This site claimed to have served more than 1.6 million meals and received approximately $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Hamdi Hussein Omar, 26, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Omar ran the Stigma-Free Waite Park site. This site claimed to have served more than 500,000 meals and received more than $1 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Ahmed Abdullahi Ghedi, 32, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Ghedi created ASA Limited LLC, a site that received approximately $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed, 54, of Columbus, Ohio, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Abdirahman Ahmed was an owner and operator of Safari Restaurant, a site that received more than $16 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, 33, of Savage, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, money laundering, and false statements in a passport application. Abdiaziz Farah was an owner and operator of Empire Cuisine and Market LLC, a for-profit restaurant that participated in the scheme as a site, as a vendor for other sites, and as an entity to launder fraudulent proceeds. Empire Cuisine and Market and other affiliated sites received more than $28 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Mohamed Jama Ismail, 49, of Savage, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Ismail was an owner and operator of Empire Cuisine and Market LLC, a for-profit restaurant that participated in the scheme as a site, as a vendor for other sites, and as an entity to launder fraudulent proceeds. Empire Cuisine and Market and other affiliated sites received more than $28 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Mahad Ibrahim, 46, of Lewis Center, Ohio, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Ibrahim was the president and owner of ThinkTechAct Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit organization that also operated under the name Mind Foundry Learning Foundation. ThinkTechAct and Mind Foundry created dozens of sites throughout Minnesota, including in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington, Burnsville, Faribault, Owatonna, Shakopee, Circle Pines, and Willmar. ThinkTechAct received more than $18 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, 21, of Shakopee, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Abdimajid Nur created Nur Consulting LLC to receive and launder Federal Child Nutrition Program funds from Empire Cuisine and Market, ThinkTechAct, and other entities involved in the scheme.
  • Said Shafii Farah, 40, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Said Farah, the brother of Abdiaziz Farah, was an owner of Bushra Wholesalers LLC, a shell company used to launder fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin, 32, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Aftin was an owner of Bushra Wholesalers LLC, a shell company used to launder fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff, 31, of Bloomington, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Shariff was the chief executive officer of Afrique Hospitality Group, a shell company used to fraudulent obtain and launder Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Hayat Mohamed Nur, 25, of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering. Hayat Nur, the sister of Abdimajid Nur, participated in the scheme by creating and submitting fraudulent meal count sheets, attendance rosters, and invoices.
  • Qamar Ahmed Hassan, 53, of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Hassan was the owner and operator of S & S Catering Inc., a for-profit restaurant and catering business that participated in the scheme as a distribution site and as a vendor for other sites. S & S Catering received more than $18 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Sahra Mohamed Nur, 61, of Saint Anthony, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Nur ran a site called Academy For Youth Excellence that used S & S Catering as a vendor.
  • Abdiwahab Ahmed Mohamud, 32, of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Mohamud ran a site called Academy For Youth Excellence that used S & S Catering as a vendor.
  • Filsan Mumin Hassan, 28, of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Hassan ran a site called Youth Higher Educational Achievement that falsely claimed to serve up to 4,300 meals a day.
  • Guhaad Hashi Said, 46, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Hashi ran a site under the name Advance Youth Athletic Development that falsely claimed to serve up to 5,000 meals a day.
  • Abdullahe Nur Jesow, 62, of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Jesow ran a site called Academy For Youth Excellence that used S & S Catering as a vendor.
  • Abdul Abubakar Ali, 40, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Abdul Ali ran a site called Youth Inventors Lab that falsely claimed to have served a total of approximately 1.5 million meals in a seven-month period.
  • Yusuf Bashir Ali, 40, of Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Yusuf Ali ran a site called Youth Inventors Lab that falsely claimed to have served a total of approximately 1.5 million meals in a seven-month period.
  • Haji Osman Salad, 32, of St. Anthony, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Salad was the principal of Haji’s Kitchen and received approximately $11.6 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Fahad Nur, 38, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Nur was the principal of The Produce LLC, a vendor and purported food supplier who received more than $5 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Anab Artan Awad, 52, of Plymouth, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Awad was the president of Multiple Community Services, MCA. Awad claimed more than $11 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Sharmarke Issa, 40, of Edina, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Issa created a company called Minnesota’s Somali Community and was the manager of Wacan Restaurant LLC. Issa fraudulently caused MDE to pay out more than $7.4 million in Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Farhiya Mohamud, 63, of Bloomington, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Mohamud was the principal and CEO of Dua Supplies and Distribution Inc., a shell company that laundered millions of dollars of fraudulently obtained Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Liban Yasin Alishire, 42, of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, federal programs bribery, and money laundering. Alishire was the president and owner of Community Enhancement Services Inc., a company located in the JigJiga Business Center in Minneapolis. Community Enhancement Services was a cultural mall owned and operated by Alishire and co-defendant Khadar Jigre Adan. Community Enhancement Services received more than $1.6 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Ahmed Yasin Ali, 57, of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering. Ali created a second program site, run by Lake Street Kitchen, and located in the JigJiga Business Center in Minneapolis.
  • Khadar Jigre Adan, 59, of Lakeville, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering. Adan was the CEO of Lake Street Kitchen, which was a program site located in the JigJiga Business Center in Minneapolis.
  • Sharmake Jama, 34, of Rochester, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, federal programs bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Sharmake Jama was a principal of Brava Restaurant and Café LLC. Brava Restaurant received approximately $4.3 million in fraudulent Federal Child Nutrition Program funds.
  • Ayan Jama, 43, of Rochester, Minnesota, is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. Ayan Jama was a principal of Brava Restaurant and Café LLC. Ayan Jama also created shell companies to launder fraudulent proceeds.
  • Asha Jama, 39, of Lakeville, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Asha Jama worked for Brava Restaurant and created shell companies to launder fraudulent proceeds.
  • Fartun Jama, 35, of Rosemount, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Fartun Jama worked for Brava Restaurant and created shell companies to launder fraudulent proceeds.
  • Mustafa Jama, 45, of Rochester, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Mustafa Jama worked for Brava Restaurant and created shell companies to launder fraudulent proceeds.
  • Zamzam Jama, 48, of Rochester, Minnesota, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. Zamzam Jama worked for Brava Restaurant and created shell companies to launder fraudulent proceeds.
  • Bekam Addissu Merdassa, 39, of Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
  • Hadith Yusuf Ahmed, 34, of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
  • Hanna Marekegn, 40, of Edina, Minnesota, is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

KARE 11 News reporter Lou Raguse reports that only seven of the 47 individuals were taken into Minnesota law enforcement custody, including two who were previously charged with passport fraud. Some of those have since been released from jail pending trial.

Another individual is in custody after she booked a one-way flight to Ethiopia. Three of the charged individuals have already left the United States.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here. 

We Will Neither Forgive Nor Forget the Murder of Mahsa Amini

The Mullahs must be prepared.

On the day when the “moral police” was beating Mahsa Amini, they could not have imagined that her shed blood would engulf the religious authority system like the way it did.

Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old innocent Kurdish girl from Saqqez, western Iran, was taken to the hospital after being arrested and tortured by the “moral police” in Tehran and died on Friday 16 September in Kasra hospital. Now 4 days after, this cowardly act has angered all of Iran and the international community.

A member of the American National Security Council in the White House on Monday September 19 said: “The United States wants the Iranian government to be accountable for the death of an Iranian woman who was arrested and killed in Tehran last week on the grounds that she was “badly veiled”.

“While expressing his sympathy to the family of Mahsa (Jina) Amini, this American official said: “We share the grief of Mahsa’s family and loved ones.”

Addressing the Iranian government, he said that the Iranian regime must stop violence against women and stop limiting their basic freedoms and must also be held accountable for Mahsa’s death.

Now, from Tehran to London, Washington, Paris, …, everyone is protesting the unjustly shed blood.

NCRI’s (National Council of resistance of Iran) president, Mrs Maryam Rajavi tweeted:

“The clerical regime’s misogyny takes a toll on Iranian women and girls daily. The brutal beating of #MahsaAmini, a young Kurdish girl, by the so-called “moral police” was outrageous and appalling to every human being.”

After a long period of silence, Iranian universities have now risen and raised their voices against this cruelty and violence against Mahsa Amini and all the women of Iran. Following Tehran University, AmirKabir University, Melli University, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tarbiat Modares University, and Isfahan University have become the scene of student uprising and protest. And other universities will also rise.

The unjustly shed blood of Mahsa Amani’s and the unquenchable anger of the people of Iran and the international community have put the government leaders in a difficult position. Raisi left today for New York for the first time to speak at the United Nations General Assembly. Undoubtedly, the murder of Mahsa and the uprising of the Iranian people will cast a heavy shadow on his entire journey and make him more scandalous. To the extent that some of the regime’s leaders talk about the necessity of disbanding the Irshad (guidance) patrol!

Although everyone knows that the perpetrators of this murder will never be brought to trial, the very nature of these words and retreats against the initial denials shows the regime’s weakness in the face of public anger.

This issue has led to more confusion and disunity among the regime itself, and even many regime’s officials are trying to distance themselves from this crime. Some figures of the Khamenei gang and their newspapers tried to part away from this crime.

As it can be seen from the widespread condemnation of this crime at the global level, this incident will seriously trouble the heads of the regime.

The blood money of Mahsa Amini is the freedom of Iran.

Following this crime, people are now protesting to abolish the Irshad (guidance) patrol and discard the mandatory hijab. This is a rightful demand that even some of the dependents of the regime had to acknowledge and were forced to show themselves along with the people’s demand.

But beyond this, what is the real demand of the society, which has been widely reflected in the slogans of the students, is freedom. Freedom from all the shackles of slavery that mullahs’ regime has tied on the hands and feet of Iranians.

And everyone knows the angel of freedom will not rise in this country unless the demon of religious tyranny, namely the religious dictatorship, is swept away from this country with this public anger.

Therefore, the Iranian regime should be prepared for more violent storms. What happened to Mahsa Amini is a drop and a crystallization of 44 years of oppression that has happened to Iranian women in the Mullahs’ dungeons, and Mahsa’s blood materialized this public anger in the form of protest.

Iranian President Cancels Interview Because Journalist Won’t Wear Hijab

President Ebrahim Raisi's regime killed woman for wearing 'improper' headscarf, sparking mass protests

Christiane Amanpour wearing a headscarf
 • September 22, 2022 12:12 pm


Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi walked away from his first-ever interview on U.S. soil because the interviewer, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, said she would not wear an Islamic headscarf.

Amanpour, who also hosts a show for PBS, on Wednesday wrote on Twitter that she was ready to interview Raisi in New York City "after weeks of planning and eight hours of setting up." Forty minutes after Raisi was supposed to show up, a presidential aide told Amanpour that she could not interview Raisi without a headscarf.

She refused, and Raisi pulled out from the interview.

The canceled interview comes as Iran faces mass protests over headscarves. The country's morality police arrested a young woman for wearing an "improper" hijab. Police then beat the woman, killing her. In response, demonstrators have taken to the streets, with women burning their hijabs to protest the regime. The country's security forces have opened fire on protesters in the Kurdish region, killing three, and blasted water cannons on protesters in Tehran.

Amanpour's decision not to wear a headscarf comes days after American 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl decided to wear one to interview Raisi, prompting criticism in light of the protests.

"If I could just guess," Amanpour told another CNN program, Raisi "did not want to be seen with a female without a headscarf" as the protests rock the hardline regime.

"People would say, ‘How come he's sitting down with a foreign journalist who's not wearing a headscarf, and yet inside Iran they're cracking down on young women who are not wearing their headscarves?'"

Iranian Dissidents Sue Ebrahim Raisi for Torture

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi / Getty Images
 • September 15, 2022 4:45 pm


A group of Iranian dissidents and former hostages is set to sue the hardline regime's president, Ebrahim Raisi, in a landmark case in federal court alleging torture and other human rights crimes.

The case will be filed ahead of Raisi's travel to the United States to attend annual U.N. proceedings in New York City, according to information about the case provided to the Washington Free Beacon by the National Union for Democracy in Iran, an advocacy group comprised of pro-democracy advocates.

The plaintiffs include Mehdi Hajati, a former city councilman in Iran; Kylie Moore-Gilbert, an Australian academic formerly taken hostage by Iran; and Hamid Babaei, a Belgium-based Iranian dissident also held hostage in the country. "The complaint will allege violations of the Torture Victim Protection Act and torture, intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault and battery, and false imprisonment," according to the advocacy group. The plaintiffs are being represented by Iranian-American human rights attorney Shahin Milani.

The lawsuit is likely to increase controversy surrounding Raisi's visit to the United States later this month to attend the U.N. General Assembly. The Biden administration decided to grant Raisi a visa to enter the United States, even as members of Congress from both parties pushed the administration to bar him from U.S. soil.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) is spearheading legislation that effectively blocks the Biden administration from giving Raisi a visa, the Free Beacon reported on Wednesday.

Further details of the lawsuit will be unveiled next week during a press event in New York City to coincide with Raisi's address before the United Nations.

US General: Biden Sanctions Relief for Iran Will Aid Iranian Assassination Plots

New nuclear deal will strengthen Iran's terror network in Middle East, Africa, exclusive testimony says

Houthi fighters / Getty Images
 • September 21, 2022 2:20 pm


Iran will use cash assets provided by the Biden administration as part of a new nuclear accord to fund regional terror groups and enhance the capabilities of a militant network committed to assassinating U.S. officials, according to written testimony to Congress from a top U.S. military commander exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Gen. Stephen Townsend, who led U.S. Africa Command until August of this year, in March warned Congress that Iran is certain to use "at least some of the resources gained from sanctions relief to" increase its illicit shipment of advanced weapons to terror groups operating in Africa and the Near East region, according to written information he provided to Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) after a public hearing before Congress.

In addition to boosting Iran's terror allies like the Houthi rebels in Yemen, sanctions relief will enable Tehran to expand its Iranian Threat Network, a group of terror cells run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps's Quds Force that is focused on assassinating American officials, according to Townsend.

With a new Iran nuclear deal expected to provide Iran with up to a trillion dollars over the lifetime of the deal, a coalition of Republican lawmakers on Wednesday introduced new legislation that would bar the Biden administration from implementing the accord until it can certify to Congress that Iran has not engaged in assassination plots on Americans in five years. The bill, which is sponsored by Ernst and Rep. Michael Waltz (R., Fla.), was sparked by Iran's ongoing efforts to assassinate former U.S. officials like former national security adviser John Bolton and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo.

The disclosures made by Townsend in his communications to Congress are likely to generate further support for the legislation even among Democrats, some of whom recently wrote to President Joe Biden expressing concern about the impending deal.

"It's hard to fathom that, after countless attacks on Americans, and multiple confirmed plots against U.S. officials, the Biden administration continues to cozy up to Iran in hopes of a mythical, so-called nuclear deal," Ernst said in a statement. "President Biden should not provide a dime of sanctions relief to the largest state sponsor of terrorism, which is actively trying to kill U.S. officials and citizens, at home and abroad."

Townsend, who testified before Congress in mid-March, confirmed that sanctions relief provided under a revamped version of the 2015 nuclear deal will directly fund Iranian-backed terrorist organizations. His analysis was provided in a written form to Ernst after she posed a series of additional questions following that briefing.

"If the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is renewed, Iran will likely use at least some of the resources gained from sanctions relief to intensify the pursuit of its interests in Africa," Townsend said. "Tehran likely will allocate additional revenue to boost lethal aid facilitation to the [Houthis] in Yemen through smuggling routes and East Africa, and could further develop Iranian Threat Network (ITN) capabilities on the continent."

Once Iran's regime has access to hard currency freed up under the deal, it "will likely seek opportunities to exploit regional conflicts and the counterterrorism needs of African governments to increase arms sales, enhance defense cooperation, and to undermine Western and Israeli partnerships and ambitions on the continent," Townsend said. "Though these efforts are nascent, a growing Iranian presence also would provide increased cover for the ITN facilitation network and operational expansion."

Since late 2020, at least 10 Iranian assassination plots orchestrated in the region by the ITN have been disrupted, according to Townsend, including two against U.S. officials in Africa. Other plots targeted Israeli interests.

"Iran almost certainly continues to seek retaliation for the death of former IRGC-QF commander Qassem Soleimani, and it could leverage the ITN to attack high-level U.S. government or military officials visiting or staying in Africa, especially if Iran suspects them of complicity in Soleimani's death," Townsend said.

The Iranian Threat Network, he added, "has increased its activity and remained intent on expanding its capabilities in Africa, most likely through proxies and recruited agents," according to Townsend. The IRGC's Quds Force "also leverages East African smuggling networks to resupply the [Houthis] in Yemen with lethal aid."

The Houthis are now armed with several weapons systems, including ballistic and cruise missiles, that can reach a U.S. military base in Djibouti, according to Townsend. While the Houthis have not fired on the base due to fears about a U.S. response, this situation could change in the future.

"If the [Houthis'] calculus were to change, such as during a potential future conflict between the U.S. and Iran, U.S. forces in East Africa would be under threat from an Iranian ally who could attack with little to no warning," Townsend said.

Ernst's bill seeks to prevent Iran from using cash it gets from the nuclear deal to fund these assassination plots. The legislation would effectively stop the administration from waiving sanctions until the State Department "can certify no assassination attempts or bounties are placed on current or former senior government officials for five years," according to the bill.

Reader Interactions

Iran on the Brink

Column: How to support the Iranian people—and stop an Iranian bomb

Protesters in Iran / Reuters
 • September 23, 2022 5:00 am


Unforeseen events have created a crisis of legitimacy within the Iranian regime. For the third time in 13 years, mass protests directed against the ruling theocrats have erupted across the country. The unrest is an opportunity for the U.S. president to address the Iranian people directly and to tell them that America is on the side of freedom. President Biden, the mic is yours.

"Today, we stand with the brave citizens and the brave women of Iran who right now are demonstrating to secure their basic rights," Biden told the U.N. General Assembly on September 21. His words of support are welcome. But more needs to be said and done.

For those of you just tuning in: Iran has switched off the cameras that monitor its declared nuclear sites. Its nuclear centrifuges spin and spin. Its agents plotted to assassinate, on American soil, a former U.S. national security adviser and former secretary of state. Last month the decades-old fatwa of Iran's former supreme leader, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, inspired a 24-year-old New Jersey man to stab author and U.S. citizen Salman Rushdie 10 times at a public event in Chautauqua, New York. Last month, Iran sent its first shipment of drones to Russian forces. The invaders and occupiers of Ukraine put the weapons to use.

These latest protests began after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in state custody. The "morality police" had arrested and detained her for the crime of wearing an "improper hijab." Widespread disgust at the official explanations and excuses for Amini's cruel and senseless death has led hundreds of Iranian women to burn their own hijabs. Iranians of all stripes are marching in the streets in defiance of the authorities. Some call for an end to the Islamic Republic. At this writing, at least seven protesters have been killed. The government is scrambling to close social media and electronic communications. The crisis is real. It has the potential to threaten the regime itself.

Why? Because the disruption arrives at a critical juncture in the sad and bloody history of the Islamic Revolution. The state that emerged from that revolution in 1979, the Islamic Republic, faces both a leadership crisis and a demographic transition at the very moment that negotiations over the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a.k.a. the Iranian nuclear deal, have reached an impasse.

These are not the actions of a state that will give up its nuclear ambitions and be brought into the fold of the "international community." They are the actions of a crazy state whose chief export isn't energy but terrorism, violence, and death. The malignancy of the Iranian government spreads beyond the nation's borders, for sure. But its primary victims are the Iranian people. They are the first to suffer the economic, social, cultural, and physical costs billed to the regime. Their discontent is the clearest register of the regime's criminality and the most visible sign of its decay.

The overlapping challenges for Iran increase the regime's fragility. Hence the best course of action for the United States: End our nuclear negotiations with Iran, reinstate "snapback" sanctions, reestablish a credible military threat, and demand that the Iranian government recognize the human rights and dignity of the Iranian people.

Ayatollah Khamenei is 83 years old. He is not in good health. Yes, he has made some public appearances in recent days. But the few images we have seen of him do not exactly project strength. As happens in every authoritarian regime, his acolytes and toadies must be jockeying for position in anticipation of his ultimate demise. If so, then there must be an environment of confusion and uncertainty at the highest levels of the regime.

The cries of Iranian youth for personal freedom have no doubt worsened the disarray. There are 88 million Iranians. Half of the population is under 32 years old. They are ruled by a grizzled and sclerotic clerisy that funnels resources to its private army, the terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Mahsa Amini represented a generation of Iranians who want more than the limited options, cruelty, and state-imposed religion that have been on offer for 43 years. That is why she has become a symbol for all those who disapprove of, and dissent from, the mullahs' hard line.

A push from the United States would make all the difference. There is no better time for a change in U.S. strategy. The nuclear deal is going nowhere. Accepting Iran's most radical demands at the negotiating table would make America look weak, foolish, and callous. Give in to Khamenei as he murders his citizenry and supplies Russia with weapons to use against Ukrainians? The stomach churns at the idea.

If the current disorder were a test, Biden answered the first question correctly. He has yet to complete the exam.

America's two previous chief executives did not pass it. In 2009 President Obama stood mute as students took to the streets in the so-called Green Revolution. In 2019 President Trump delivered mixed messages while Iranians rebelled against government corruption and economic mismanagement. Obama did not want to jeopardize his plans for détente with the mullahs. As a rule, Trump's personal foreign policy deemphasized human rights and democracy. Crippling sanctions were his weapon of choice.

The motivations of the two presidents differed. The results did not. In both cases, the regime used brutal means to survive the upheaval. And the Ayatollah Khamenei continued to build his nuclear infrastructure and spread havoc throughout the region and the world.

Draw the line here. U.S. officials say they have made their final offer to Iran. Fine. The ayatollah rejected it. Now America must reject him as well. Isolating and punishing the Iranian regime for its malign behavior abroad and oppression at home would further American interests in the Greater Middle East. It would undermine one of Russia's few allies. And it would help the Iranian people in their struggle to put their government where it belongs: on the ash heap of history.


Islamists Unleash Havoc on Hindu Community in Leicester, UK 

Islamist gangs assert their dominance.

It all began with a mere cricket match but it went further than a mere sport, soon giving way to a maelstrom of communal discord, Islamist thuggery, and a feeble police response that has left a major British city in communal ruins. It is a city that will no longer be seen as a thriving metropolis of multiculturalism, but as just another urban wasteland in which radical Islamists can dictate the rule of law, oppress kaffirs, and assert dominance while the police officers look helplessly on.

The police force opened the way for Islamist misrule by falsely claiming in an email that a small group of people had called for the deaths of Muslims and Pakistan, inferring that the slogans could well be the handiwork of the Indian Hindu diaspora. A scrambled response to explain that this was not correct was irrelevant, since it paved the way for a nauseatingly predictable set of scenes which western audiences are sadly now used to: enraged Islamists arrogating to themselves the right to tell anyone around them just how insulted they are and that nobody can stand in their way while they express their displeasure and outrage.

Usually it is those of the Judeo-Christian faith that have to sit by and deal with the consequences — whether it be in France or the United States. This time around it was the peaceful Hindu community in Great Britain.

What followed were harrowing scenes of Hindus being assaulted in their cars while parked in their driveways, Hindu families remaining indoors as Islamist groups wandered the streets inciting violence and vandalizing property, throwing eggs at religious idols as a sacred Hindu festival was being observed.

As dispersal powers were activated by befuddled police unable to shut down the rage of the Islamists (where have we seen that before?) the same groups turned their rage towards the peaceful Hindu groups that had since decided to take a stand and use the power of civil protest to express their dismay.

The Islamists weren’t listening to the Hindus’ calls for peace and instead hurled glass bottles at protestors, going so far as to desecrate and then burn a Hindu saffron flag (inscribed with the holy ‘Om’ symbol) atop a temple as the police looked on.

There have been arrests but the narrative has shifted towards one engineered by the Islamist cadres: that the Hindus are right-wing fanatics issuing war cries and that peaceful Muslims simply had to assail groups of large numbers to protect one another. This narrative has support from echo chambers and ecosystems in the West extolling a narrative, often with Islamist supporters coordinating talking points, that some Hindus are adherents to a kind of South Asian alt-right, that they fall in step with the ideologies of Narendra Modi who by his friendship with Donald Trump must be a prototype fascist. They call this movement ‘Hindutva’ without understanding what it is or what it might represent.

Interestingly, no definition has ever been ascribed to this “movement’s” exact provenance and meaning, other than a political belief in preserving the sanctity of the Hindu religion. You might call it a Hindu kind of Zionism, and we all know what Islamists think of that philosophy.

Ironically, the Islamists attribute the chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by the peaceful Hindu protestors as akin to Nazi salutes and fascist sloganeering even though the chant simply names a deity held in great esteem by many Hindus and Indians across the world and whose idol sits within just about every Hindu temple built in countries worldwide. That the cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ accompany terror attacks and episodes of unrelenting violence do not merit the same criticism or level of disparagement by these very western echo chambers or the Islamists themselves is always revealing.

What we’ve seen in Leicester, as in other cities around the world where Islamist groups can quickly assemble through social media enclaves, is a mobilization of personnel to unleash terror without any fear of legal repercussion by western power brokers who are too afraid to be seen as racist — or worse still, Islamophobic — rather than keep other British citizens safe.

That the British citizens in this case were not white makes their mute stewardship of these riots a particular insult to the Hindu community, one of the most peaceful, socially conservative, law abiding, well-integrated and well-assimilated communities in the United Kingdom.

There was also swift deployment of that useful weapon in the battle against the kaffir, the mistruth, which in this case was a completely false allegation that a mosque was attacked by Hindus which was promptly debunked by Leicestershire police and that a Hindu man had tried to kidnap a Muslim girl in the city, also proven to be false. While Islamists indulged in rabid misinformation painting the Hindu community as the perpetrator and not the victim that it was, western media quickly picked up the truths being propagated by Islamist rent-a-journalists, picking on one or two random Hindus and editing the footage to make them appear both incoherent and out of step with the rest of the peaceful protestors.

To add insult to injury, the Islamists than wielded that other tool in their arsenal of narrative weapons-victimhood status. As violence played itself out the Islamists took to social media and assembled their pliant stooges in left-wing media houses to confirm that they were in fact the real victims, desperately defending themselves after violent Hindus had targeted them. A little like how the IDF apparently always targets Islamists in Israel except that this isn’t Palestine, this is Leicester.

To Islamists the only thing more insulting than a kaffir amidst their ranks is a whole group of them daring to stand up for their rights and particularly if they do so peacefully. That Islamists have particular disdain and outright contempt for Hindus is well known throughout history and unfortunately Leicester has shown that these age-old grievances have been imported from the madrassas and mosques in Pakistan and the Muslim world that elevate their religious identity and patronage above paganistic idol worshippers which is what Hindus are to them. It is little wonder that this should be happening when the number of mosques in the UK has multiplied over the previous fifty years alongside demographic shifts that have ensured the Muslim bloc vote is an incredibly powerful one in British politics.

This power shift has reinforced itself through representation in media, academia, local and country wide political paradigms and in the culture wars where the cry of ‘Islamophobe’ is redolent of autocratic rule. Urban centers like Leicester are ‘easy meat’ for Islamists that wish to dictate their world view and show disregard for those not like them. We’ve seen this with the grooming gang debacles in the UK where mostly white, working-class young girls were subjugated and oppressed first by their Islamist rapists then ignored and discarded by the police forces for fear of offending them.

In Leicester, the idea of pagan idol-worshipping kaffirs standing up to them and proclaiming the name of one of their most important deities right in their faces was simply unbearable to the Islamist philosophy. The police have been keen to shy away from religion in their calls for peace but to tackle the multicultural hellhole that Leicester is at risk of becoming they have to talk about the root cause of these ugly scenes of sectarian violence or is it doomed to repeat again. This is a particular risk with the tentpole religious festival of Diwali right around the corner.

Meanwhile Hindus in Leicester are left feeling rudderless, exposed to harm and increasingly vulnerable. The consensus is that if Muslims had been attacked or had their mosque vandalized the scenes would have made headlines around the world and attracted outrage but as it was Hindus who were attacked and had a Temple vandalized, the rest is silence.

Iran: Death Toll Grows in Mahsa Amini Murder Protests

21 September 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: An Iranian woman takes part in a demonstration against the political regime in Iran in front of the US consulate in Frankfurt. She holds a poster with the picture of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died last week in Iran after being arrested by the morality …
Boris Roessler/picture alliance via Getty

Protests against the death of a young Kurdish woman named Mahsa Amini, killed by the “morality police” for failing to keep her head properly covered, grew and spread across Iran on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The death toll from the protests stood at seven on Wednesday morning, with Iranian officials claiming police officers were among those killed and injured.

“On Tuesday evening some people clashed with police officers and as a result one of the police assistants was killed. In this incident four other police officers were injured in Shiraz,” Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported.

Kurdish groups challenged the official narrative on Wednesday, claiming more protesters have been killed than the authorities will admit. These groups also accused Iran of cutting off Internet service to the Kurdistan region, in a bid to suppress the growing protest movement.

Iranian communications minister Issa Zarepour was quoted by state media on Wednesday warning that “restrictions to the Internet” could be imposed across more of Iran as unrest grows. Zarepour quickly denied these reports, claiming he was misquoted and insisting there have only been “temporary restrictions in some places and at some hours, which have been resolved.”

Outside monitoring groups noted total Internet blockages were indeed imposed in western Iran, despite Zarepour’s denials, and their timing corresponds with the first Iranian deployments of lethal force against Kurdish demonstrators. Also contrary to Zarepour’s statements, government restrictions on social media were still in force on Wednesday:

Iranian opposition groups said on Tuesday the protests have spread to “dozens of cities,” expanding far beyond the Kurdistan region, where outrage over a woman being fatally beaten in Tehran for not wearing a hijab was mixed with suspicions of anti-Kurdish racism:

Demonstrators are determined to defy the hijab law in overwhelming numbers, in some cases dancing in public (another activity forbidden to women under Iranian religious law) and burning their discarded headscarves.

“While we were waving our headscarves in the sky I felt so emotional to be surrounded and protected by other men. It feels great to see this unity. I hope the world supports us,” a woman in the central city of Isfahan told the BBC on Wednesday.

The BBC cited ominous comments from Iranian officials laying the groundwork for an even more brutal crackdown:

Tehran Governor Mohsen Mansouri tweeted on Tuesday that the protests were “fully organized with the agenda to create unrest”, while state TV alleged that Ms. Amini’s death was being used as an “excuse” by Kurdish separatists and critics of the establishment.

Sky News on Wednesday reported “solidarity” demonstrations in Istanbul, Toronto, and Berlin, with marchers emulating the Iranian women who defiantly cut their hair in public and brandishing photos of Mahsa Amini.

The Associated Press saw “thick clouds of tear gas” rising over Tehran on Wednesday, and speculated it was only a matter of time before the murderous Basij militia – a gang of thugs fanatically loyal to the theocracy – is unleashed against demonstrators.

Human rights activists wondered how any civilized nation could continue with increasingly risible efforts to resolve the Iran nuclear deal while Iran is beating women to death for not wearing their headscarves tightly enough, and might be preparing for a bloodbath in the streets:

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Tuesday said the violent crackdown on “protesters demanding accountability for a woman’s death in police custody” only reinforces the “systematic nature of government rights abuses with impunity” in Iran.

Acting U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada al-Nashif said she was alarmed by both Amini’s death and “the violent response by security forces to ensuing protests.”

“The international community shouldn’t be silent observers of the crimes the Islamic Republic commits against its own people,” said Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, director of Iran Human Rights (IHR), a group based in Oslo, Norway.

Even a member of the Iranian parliament, Jala Rashidi Koochi, made a rare break with the regime by publicly stating the Gasht-e Ershad morality police were “wrong” to assault Amini, and “the main problem is that some people resist accepting the truth.”

EXCLUSIVE: Iranian Dissidents Blast U.N. Welcome of ‘Butcher of Tehran’ as Regime Rocked by Protests

Iran Protest In this Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022, photo taken by an individual not employed by the Associated Press and obtained by the AP outside Iran, protesters chant slogans during a protest over the death of a woman who was detained by the morality police, in downtown Tehran, Iran. Iranians …
AP Photo; inset Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The exiled People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (MEK) opposition group blasted the U.N.’s decision to welcome Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi — dubbed the “Butcher of Tehran” — to its General Assembly on Wednesday, noting Raisi’s bloody past as well as current protests against the Islamic regime by angry Iranians within the country.

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News, the group’s press spokesman Shahin Gobadi, who is based in Paris, called out the U.N. for the move, which he described as antithetical to its supposed values. 

Welcoming Ebrahim Raisi, notoriously known as the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ and one of the main perpetrators of massacring 30,000 political prisoners in Iran in 1988 and a Holocaust denier, is an affront to the very values and principles upon which the United Nations is founded,” he said.

The MEK spokesperson claimed that the issue is even “more appalling” coming at a time “when anti-regime protests, with women at the forefront, have been erupting in scores of cities and towns across Iran for the past few days, with calls for the ouster of [Iranian dictator Ayatollah Ali] Khamenei and his regime,” with security forces having fired at protesters in at least one demonstration.

He also highlighted that “Resistance Units affiliated with the MEK have been playing a key role in leading the protests” and that “Iranians from all walks of life, outraged by ‘morality’ police killing a young Iranian girl — Mahsa Amini, are fearlessly chanting slogans such as ‘Death to Khamenei’ and ‘Down with the Dictator.’” 

Gobadi then referred to a recent civil lawsuit filed in federal court in New York by Iranian dissidents against Raisi for his role as a member of the infamous 1988 “death commission” that saw some 30,000 political prisoners tortured and hanged.

He also announced that “thousands of Iranians will stage a major rally in front of the United Nations as Raisi addresses the UNGA” on Wednesday.

Gobadi’s statement comes as massive protests continue to sweep Iran following the death of a 22-year-old woman while in the custody of the state’s notorious “morality police” for violating strict requirements for women to keep their heads covered in public.

In response, the acting U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights Nada al-Nashif called for an impartial probe into her death.

Raisi, who once held a seat on the Central Committee of the nation’s “death commissions,” has an extensive record of ordering mass executions of opponents of the Islamic regime and is accused of involvement in a range of egregious human rights abuses, including the execution of thousands of political prisoners, including pregnant women and teenage girls.

Under Raisi’s watch, impunity was granted to security forces and government officials responsible for violent crackdowns on protests in 2019, when more than 1,000 protesters were killed. 

In addition, Raisi has appointed terrorists and anti-Western hardliners to top ministerial positions, including an interior minister wanted by Interpol for his role in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, as well as a foreign minister with close links to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror group.

Last month, critics of Iran — the largest state sponsor of terrorism worldwide — called on the Biden administration to deny Raisi a visa, warning his attendance would “endanger national security,” serve to “appease terrorists,” and “reward the Iranian regime for its assassination and kidnapping attempts on Americans.”

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

French Interior Minister Under Fire Over Failed Attempt to Expel Radical Imam

By Fayçal Benhassain | September 20, 2022 | 7:11pm EDT


French police outside the house in northern France belonging to the radical iman Hassan Iquioussen, who disappeared shortly after a Council of State decision endorsing a government plan to deport him. (Photo by Francois Lo Presti / AFP via Getty Images)
French police outside the house in northern France belonging to the radical iman Hassan Iquioussen, who disappeared shortly after a Council of State decision endorsing a government plan to deport him. (Photo by Francois Lo Presti / AFP via Getty Images)

Paris ( – Following a botched attempt to deport a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated imam under a new “anti-separatist” law designed to counter radical Islamism, the French interior ministry is reportedly taking steps to expel others.

Mediapart, an independent investigative online newspaper, reported that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is preparing “a long list of imams to be expelled from France.”

Among those on the list, it said, was a former head of the Union of Islamic Organizations of France, a major umbrella organization affiliated to the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe

The interior ministry has not commented on the reports.

Darmanin has been heavily criticized over his handling of Hassan Iquioussen, an imam born in France of Moroccan parents. The minister told lawmakers in early August that he had signed an expulsion order for the imam, who he said had for years been responsible for “hate speeches,” with sermons including “calls for hatred and violence against the Jewish community in particular.”

The 58-year-old holds Moroccan citizenship, and Darmanin said that country’s government had issued a permit that would allow him to enter.

A Paris administrative court then suspended the expulsion order, saying it would amount to a “disproportionate attack” on Iquioussen’s “private and family life.” He has five children and 15 grandchildren, all French citizens.

Later in the month, however, the Council of State endorsed the decision to expel Iquioussen. It cited “anti-Semitic speech” as well as “speech on the inferiority of the woman,” calling them “acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination or hatred.”

(The Council of State, the country’s supreme court for administrative justice, also acts as legal advisor to the executive branch.)

Since that verdict was delivered on August 30, Iquioussen has been under an official order to leave France. But when police went to his house the next day he had disappeared. Amid rumors that he had fled to Belgium, he is now the subject of a European arrest warrant.

The government has come under fire over its handling of the affair.

The leftist Rebellious France movement said the Council of State decision had been political rather than judicial, charging that the executive had pressured the judiciary.

On the far right, National Rally leader Marine Le Pen said it was regrettable that “the expulsion of an Islamist is so complicated, so rare, and so late.”

The secretary-general of the center-right Republicans, Aurélien Pradié, in a radio interview questioned Darmanin’s competence, calling him “helpless” and saying that he “speaks a lot but doesn’t act a lot.”

Darmanin is widely seen as a prospective candidate to succeed President Emmanuel Macron after his second and final term. 

Iquioussen is seen as being close to the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamist organization founded in Egypt in 1928. It is considered a terrorist group by several countries, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia and, while not forbidden in France, is viewed with some suspicion. Security services keep a close watch on influential members and affiliated mosques.

According to Darmanin, Iquioussen has been listed on the government’s “S File” for 18 months. The file is a register of individuals who are considered potentially dangerous and subject to surveillance by police and intelligence agencies.

At the age of 18, Iquioussen was stripped of French nationality at the request of his father. As a result, he has since then been required to apply periodically for a permit, to enable him to continue to live and work in France. Until now, the permit has been renewed without any problems.

Surely it is high time for the civilized world to acknowledge sharia for what it is—the antithesis of human rights?

Islamist at the White House

Imam Azhar Subedar cavorts with terror-tied radicals… and Joe Biden.

Joe Kaufman, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative and the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Republican Nominee for U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

Azhar Subedar is an Islamist with a busy schedule. One August day he is at a terror-related mosque in Boca Raton, Florida. The next, he is wakeboarding with someone whom the FBI alleged was a fundraiser for the Taliban. Two days later, he was at a global youth event, in Dallas, Texas, hosted by the US State Department. This past May, Subedar attended a Ramadan celebration at the White House, the invitation of which was from President Joe Biden, himself. Why would a radical Muslim be invited to an official gathering by the State Department or be allowed to step foot into the White House? This is no doubt a threat to national security.

Subedar was born and raised in Canada, which may have contributed to his strong animus towards France; he refers to French people as “conniving.” Subedar currently resides in Texas, where he presides as the imam of the Plano-based Islamic Association of Collin County (IACC), but spends much time in Florida, as well. He too has a fervent dislike towards Floridians. In September 2017, he wrote on his social media, “Stupid + American = Floridians.”

The Boca mosque that Subedar attended (and where he said he had a “fantastic evening”) was the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), an institution founded by individuals linked to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) that received its seed money from an al-Qaeda-related charity. Co-founder Bassem Alhalabi, who before coming to ICBR was an assistant to PIJ leader Sami al-Arian, is currently ICBR Secretary and Registered Agent for ICBR’s corporation. The mosque’s website previously featured an essay labeling Jews “people of treachery and betrayal” and discussing a Judgement Day when Muslims will “fight the Jews and kill them.”

The Taliban-linked individual who Subedar went wakeboarding with (and this was not the first time) was Izhar Khan, an imam who, in May 2011, was arrested and detained for his alleged participation in a scheme to ship $50,000 to the Taliban for the purpose of murdering US troops overseas. Though the court determined Khan “posed a danger” to others, ultimately he was released from jail by a sympathetic judge. Khan is the spiritual leader of Masjid Jamaat-ul-Mumineen (MJAM), a mosque that promotes texts on its website labeling Jews and Christians “enemies,” mandating death for gays, and sanctioning domestic violence against women.

Subedar’s involvement with ICBR and Khan is no aberration. He proudly surrounds himself with such radicals. One is Muslim activist Abdur Rahman Al-Ghani, who has used Facebook to attack Jews, gays and America. Subedar refers to him as “my dear brother.” Another is Shafayat Mohamed, founder/imam of the Darul Uloom Institute (DUI), what has been a haven for al-Qaeda operatives. Mohamed has been thrown off a number of county boards for his extreme rhetoric against gays. Subedar calls him his “mentor.” Subedar has also fundraised and participated in events for Islamic Relief (IR), a group that has been banned by several nations.

Subedar has taken part in functions with: Monzer Taleb, a self-professed member of Hamas, who refers to Hamas militants as “SUPERHEROES” and who wrote, in June 2019, that Jews in Israel “should be relocated to Germany”; Mazen Mokhtar, a former administrator for the now-defunct al-Qaeda recruitment site,, and who stated, in April 1996, that suicide bombings are “an effective method of attacking the enemy and continuing jihad”; and Sofian Zakkout, the President of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), who was thrown off the boards of anti-crime groups for his support of Hamas and Holocaust denial.

None of this, it seems, has mattered to the Biden Administration. Recently, Subedar was invited to the White House for a May 2nd celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim festival marking the end of Ramadan. The invitation states, “The President and Dr. Biden request the pleasure of your company for a celebration of Eid al-Fitr to be held at the White House…”

Photos from the Eid celebration depict Subedar posing with a number of fellow Islamist leaders. They include: Emgage National Chairman and attorney for high-profile convicted terrorists, Khurrum Wahid, who reportedly spent time on a terrorist watch list, himself; former President and current board member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), former Senior National Director of Islamic Relief USA, and current CEO of Muslim Aid USA Azhar Azeez; and former Secretary General of ISNA Sayyid M. Syeed. ISNA’s early relationship to the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), led the group to be named an “unindicted co-conspirator” to Hamas funding.

None of these individuals should have been allowed to enter the White House, let alone be participants at an official White House function at the behest of the President and First Lady. Yet, for Subedar, he has a significant past with the Bidens, as he spoke, in his capacity as the imam of the Plano Mosque, at the January 2021 Inaugural Prayer Service for the Fifty-Ninth Presidential Inaugural at Washington National Cathedral. A photo on his Facebook page, has him and Biden next to one another with big smiles. Also, according to his bio, he was a member of White House Faith Based and Community Initiatives under President George W. Bush.

Because of the groups and individuals they associate with, by having Subedar and these others participate at their functions, the White House and State Department are legitimizing Islamic extremism and severely compromising America’s security. Instead of inviting these individuals to galas and celebrations, the US government should look to shut them and their groups down.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.

Death for Apostates, Jail for Blasphemers

Recent developments in Libya and Egypt.

This article first appeared on Coptic Solidarity.

Libyan court has sentenced a young man to death for “apostasy from Islam.”  According to the Libyan al-Jumhiriyah channel, the verdict was issued against a young man named Diya’ al-Din Bil’awa, who graduated from the College of Information Technology in 2018.

Diya’ was also described as a hafiz—one who had memorized the entire Koran—suggesting that he was once a member of the Islamic clerical class, thereby making his apostasy all the more scandalous.

It is unclear how the accused’s apostasy has manifested itself—whether he had converted to Christianity, as is often the case with Muslim apostates, or whether he had become an outspoken atheist/agnostic.

According to al-Jumhiriyah, sometime in 2019, the accused was “offered” to retract his apostasy and rejoin the fold of Islam, but he refused to do so.

What is clear is that the apostasy law being cited was established in Libya’s penal code after the “Arab Spring” overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, when “We [the U.S.] came, we saw, he died,” to quote a then cackling Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

This development is another reminder that, as with every other Middle Eastern nation that experienced what the Western media long portrayed as an “Arab Spring”—a supposed overthrow of tyranny and authoritarianism, replaced by liberalism and progressivism—so too has Libya, home to where 21 Coptic Christians had their heads severed off for their faith in 2015, taken a turn for the worse.

In neighboring Egypt, it was also just reported the other day that a Cairo appeals court confirmed a five years’ imprisonment sentence (with hard labor) for another young man, the Copt, Marco Guirguis Shehata, who is charged with “deriding Islam.” The accusation is based on “evidence” found on his smartphone, which Marco had said was stolen at that time. His father, a modest iron smith, in Kena, north of Luxor, and his entire family were devastated by the unexpectedly harsh sentence.

These two cases—a man sentenced to death for “apostasy” in Libya, and another sentenced to five years’ imprisonment with hard labor for “deriding Islam” in Egypt—come within just one week of the tragic case of “Baby Shenouda”:  Egyptian authorities snatched a four-year old child from his adoptive, Christian parents, and sent him to an orphanage, where he was forcibly “returned” to Islam.  The reason for such an inhumane reaction is that Egypt is governed by sharia, which not only bans adoption, but teaches that every human is a sort of prototypical Muslim on birth; they only “lose” their Islam when taught false things or religions—hence the urgent need to remove this child from otherwise loving but Christian parents.

Surely it is high time for the civilized world to acknowledge sharia for what it is—the antithesis of human rights?

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

78 Migrants on Terror Watchlist Apprehended in 2022, Triple Last 4 Years Combined

A Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass, Texas, arrests a migrant after he illegally crossed the border from Mexico. (File Photo: Bob Price/Breitbart Texas)
File Photo: Bob Price/Breitbart Texas

Border Patrol agents along the southwest border with Mexico apprehended 78 migrants listed on the Terrorist Screening Dataset (Watchlist) during the first 11 months of Fiscal Year 2022. This is three times the total of the last four years’ apprehensions of potential terrorists combined.

A report released late Monday afternoon from U.S. Customs and Border Protection details the arrest of 78 migrants who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico Border who appear on the terrorist watchlist known as the Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS). With one month to go this year, the total is three times more than the combined total of the past four fiscal years.

In contrast, not a single person appearing on the watchlist was arrested crossing the U.S.-Canadian border, the report states.

The TSDS ” is the U.S. government’s database that contains sensitive information on terrorist identities. The TSDS originated as the consolidated terrorist watchlist to house information on known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) but has evolved over the last decade to include additional individuals who represent a potential threat to the United States, including known affiliates of watchlisted individuals,” CBP officials stated. “TSDS watchlisted individuals encountered by the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) after entering the country without inspection may be detained and removed, to the extent possible under CBP policy, or turned over to another government agency for subsequent detention or law enforcement action, as appropriate.”

The report from CBP stated that in addition to the 78 watchlisted migrants apprehended in 11 months this year, another 15 were apprehended in all of FY21, three in FY20, none in FY19, six in FY18, and two in FY17.

The apprehension of 78 watchlisted migrants out of the nearly two million total migrant apprehensions is a small number. However, the numbers could be significantly higher if you take the more than 580,000 migrants classified by Border Patrol as “got-aways.”
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Randy Clark contributed to this report.

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