Monday, September 12, 2022


Considering both institutions have been vocal cheerleaders for Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists and that Democrats' war on police and support for open borders have succeeded in producing skyrocketing crime rates throughout the country without any pushback from Merrick Garland or Chris Wray, their mercurial concern for the rule of law seems grounded in nothing more than risible self-interest.  They don't trust us!  Worse, they don't fear us!  What if they learn not to obey?

We can’t understand Biden’s speech as just one given by a man who is the spokesman for cowards and hypocrites, all of whom crow that Biden’s Philly performance was securing a midterm sweep. (More likely this was a CYA operation because Grandpa Biden is in self-protect mode after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the FBI was running interference in the 2020 election, ensuring that reports about Hunter’s activities in Russia, Ukraine, and China, along with Joe’s cuts, would be treated as misinformation.)

Federal Bureau Investigated

What an independent search of FBI headquarters might turn up.

Lloyd Billingsley

Lloyd Billingsley is the author of Yes I Con: United Fakes of America, Barack ‘Em Up: A Literary Investigation, Hollywood Party, and numerous other works.

On August 8, for the first time in U.S. history, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the residence of a former president, Donald J. Trump. That home invasion invites another first for America: a sudden and thorough search of FBI headquarters, with bureau bosses and their lawyers barred from the premises and from contact with anyone inside.

Under these conditions, a crack team of independent investigators, deploying the latest forensic and high-tech tools, could be turned loose on all FBI files and records. The first thing this team might uncover is recent FBI action in a high-profile whistleblower case. Back on February 21, 2020, Philip Haney, author of  See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad was “found deceased” in Amador County, California, killed by a gunshot to the chest. Despite rumors, Haney’s death was not a suicide.

The Amador sheriff, “reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in analyzing documents, phone records, numerous thumb drives and a lap top that were recovered from the scene and Mr. Haney’s RV. Those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI. The FBI has performed a forensic examination of these items. We expect to receive these reports within the next few weeks.” More than two years later, there is no news on Haney’s thumb drives, documents and laptop in FBI custody.

With the evasive Christopher Wray removed from the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building, independent investigators could retrieve this material and possibly develop leads in the Haney homicide case. Somebody had motive, means, and opportunity. As Rod Steiger said in In the Heat of the Night, “we have the body, which is dead.” If investigators establish that the FBI destroyed or altered evidence, that would make for an obstruction of justice case against those responsible, and any FBI bosses who signed off on it.

As the “Russiagate” campaign against candidate and President Trump confirmed, the FBI fabricates evidence, alters evidence, and declines to recommend prosecution for clear violations of federal law, such as Hillary Clinton’s retention of classified material on an unsecured server, destruction of subpoenaed emails, and deliberate destruction of electronic devices. Yet from James Comey on down, not a single member of the FBI suffered a criminal prosecution.

The bureau knew about Omar Mateen but in 2016 the FBI failed to prevent the Islamic State supporter from murdering 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. In 2015, the FBI failed to prevent Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik from murdering 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California. The FBI played no role in the takedown of the Islamic terrorists, accomplished by San Bernardino police with no loss of innocent life.

An independent investigation could establish whether the failure to stop the mass murders was simple incompetence. On the other hand, it could be the result of official policy that looks the other way at Islamic terrorism and targets patriotic Americans out to preserve their constitutional rights.

Back in 2009, the FBI picked up on communications between U.S. Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan and al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. As Lessons from Fort Hood notes, the Washington office of the FBI did not assess Hasan “to be involved in terrorist activities.” As it turned out, he was.

On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, Hasan murdered 13 unarmed American soldiers, including Pvt. Francheska Velez, who was pregnant, and wounded more than 30 others. With access to all FBI records, independent investigators could reveal which FBI official called off the investigation of Hasan, a high-profile supporter of Osama bin-Laden.

The investigators could establish whether anyone in the FBI was disciplined, demoted, or fired over this deadly failure. It might also emerge whether politicians played any role, which could possibly lead to criminal charges, lawsuits and so forth.

The FBI is charged with counterintelligence and under J. Edgar Hoover the bureau did a decent job infiltrating the Communist Party USA. The FBI compiled a huge file on CPUSA member Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Stalinist who devoted most of his life to defense of an all-white Soviet dictatorship. Davis, who died in 1987, found his way onto the FBI’s security index, so it’s not out of line to classify him a Soviet agent.

Scholars such as Paul Kengor (The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: the Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor); David Garrow, (Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama); and filmmakers such as Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father) all spotted Davis as “Frank” in the 1995 Dreams from My Father. As Garrow noted, the book was a novel, not an autobiography or memoir, and the author was a “composite character.”

When the Dreams author  ran for the U.S. Senate and president of the United States, did anybody in the FBI pick up on the Communist Frank? An independent investigation could provide answers to this important question.

In 2008, the composite character set out to achieve the fundamental transformation of the United States, already a top-heavy welfare state. In the composite character’s transformation, the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the FBI and DOJ against the opposition. In this fundamental transformation, now on full display, the FBI acts as the American KGB, performing “special tasks” for the party in power.

Those tasks include arrests without trial, holding people in solitary confinement; confiscation of cell phones, as in the case of Rep. Scott Perry; denial of bail, and raiding the residence of former president Donald Trump. A full and independent investigation could shed light on these special operations. That will require help from those in the FBI who still show fidelity to the truth, along with the bravery and integrity to reveal it.

Such persons need full immunity and protection from reprisal. As the Philip Haney case shows, government whistleblowers can be found deceased in Amador County, California, killed by a gunshot to the chest. The people have a right to know what happened to this brave man.

The families of those killed at Fort Hood have a right to know who called off the investigation of Nidal Hasan. The loved ones of the San Bernardino and Orlando victims have a right to know why the FBI failed to stop terrorists before they could murder so many innocents.

These revelations will require the fundamental transformation of the United States of America into a nation where nobody is above the law, not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The FBI's Apex Bureaucracy Is Dangerous

There is growing hand-wringing among the devil's den in D.C. that the American people's cratering confidence in the Department of Injustice and Fascist Bureau of Investigation will lead to absolute anarchy in the streets.  Considering both institutions have been vocal cheerleaders for Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists and that Democrats' war on police and support for open borders have succeeded in producing skyrocketing crime rates throughout the country without any pushback from Merrick Garland or Chris Wray, their mercurial concern for the rule of law seems grounded in nothing more than risible self-interest.  They don't trust us!  Worse, they don't fear us!  What if they learn not to obey?

Here's a truth that tens of millions of Americans understand: if the sweeping criminal enforcement arm of the federal Leviathan disappeared tomorrow, life for the vast majority of citizens would go unchanged.  It might even improve.  We are spoon-fed this Big Government fallacy from kindergarten on up that absolute chaos lurks behind every corner if not for the protections provided from our beneficent bureaucratic masters who maintain order and peace.  That's absurd propaganda meant to keep Americans conditioned into accepting total government control.

The infantile dependence on government agents for security and survival is a recent phenomenon that does nothing but legitimize limitless State power.  When our ancestors were settling the wilderness of this expansive continent just a few generations ago, they didn't stop their wagon trains every time they reached the boundary between civilization and the frontier.  Nobody looked around and said, "Okay, we better wait here until the federal government catches up and finds time to build some interstate highways, a national police force, a welfare system, and proper surveillance technology to keep us all in line."  Rugged individualism, family commitment, community, camaraderie, vigilance, and religious devotion built this country from the ground up — not the bloodsucking apparatchiks of the bloated administrative State.

Personal responsibility and morality play far greater roles in promoting social peace than any government regulator recording names or bureaucratic billy club smashing heads.  In American communities where citizens work, play, and pray together, peace and harmony exist without the need for some authoritarian police State breathing down everyone's neck.  Is it any wonder, then, why Big Government proselytizers frown upon public pronouncements in support of religious faith, morality, or personal responsibility, when those three pillars for a stable society greatly reduce the need for heavy-handed punishment and bureaucratic enforcement (not to mention, lifelong federal pensions)?  Tens of thousands of towns across the country wouldn't miss a beat if our highly politicized DOJ and FBI disbanded tomorrow because, despite the "woke" cultural degradation wreaking havoc within blue city-states and leftist enclaves, a robust American spirit still thrives in red regions that encourages self-reliance and an aversion toward abject dependence upon the political calculations of civil authorities — especially when wrestling with the weighty moral consequences separating right from wrong.

What about all the Chinese spies and other foreign threats within our borders?  Who will keep track of all of them?  Well, maybe the federal government should refrain from filling its ranks with foreign agent-saboteurs and consider shutting down the Southern border once and for all — you know, the kind of commonsense actions that ordinary Americans would have taken long ago, if not for the vexingly anti-American policies bubbling up from the D.C. Swamp.  Who will pre-emptively read through Americans' email, text, and phone call "metadata" in search of "threats" that may or may not exist?  Twenty years after the post-9/11 PATRIOT Act architecture redefined Americans' constitutional rights without amendment ratification or public permission, perhaps it is time for Americans to insist that federal officers once again deign to establish probable cause and execute valid warrants before they go snooping where they have not been invited.  Maybe it is time for citizens to recognize that with their silence and compliance, they have handed away a mountain's worth of personal liberty for an anthill's hollow promise that they would remain secure.  Any way you slice it, nothing about the expansive, entrenched, and cumbersome national security Deep State that exists today is remotely conducive to Americans' constitutional rights or personal liberties. 

The surveillance state buttressed by the DOJ and FBI justifies its enduring need to violate Americans' privacy by disseminating waves of fear to the public and pretending that its existence, however unsavory, is critical for Americans' personal survival.  It is far past time for Americans to recognize this ruse as the con it is and reclaim their inherent freedoms.  We have many grand American traditions.  The FBI is not one of them.  Neither the Constitution nor American history supports the existence of a quasi-independent national security force unconscionably vested with such broad authority to engage in domestic espionage, counterintelligence, and criminal enforcement as to render it omnisciently powerful.  That Congress and successive presidential administrations for the last century have allowed an institution possessing such supremacy over citizens to exist at all undermines the U.S. Constitution's principal guarantees against abusive government.  Even if it were led by and staffed with Americans of the highest moral character, its presence in a free nation would remain an abomination.

Whatever the FBI's past successes, it poses entirely too much of a threat to both Americans' liberty and security.  Given its highly political and suspect activities during the last decade and longer, those threats are no longer theoretical.  Without the FBI wasting law enforcement resources pursuing politically explosive yet highly questionable arrests near every election season, perhaps crime rates would actually drop.  Certainly Chris Wray's agents would no longer need to organize fake kidnapping attempts or set up fake terrorist attacks as part of the FIBbers' relentless efforts to inflate their own "domestic extremism" numbers!  Without a doubt, many parents attending local school board meetings and conservative political protesters exercising constitutional rights would sleep better knowing that the strong-arm of the lawless won't be breaking down their doors in the middle of the night under the color of legal authority!  Maybe President Trump could even run for re-election again without having to defend against the Obama-Biden Gestapo constantly working to indict him or his supporters for daring to confront Deep State hegemony!  Or does "democracy" survive only in the imposed darkness of FBI raids, home invasions, illegal general warrants, property confiscations, intimidation, and forced compliance?

The DOJ-FBI monstrosity that now exists is another powerful example of how a nation's culture ultimately determines a nation's fate.  Because so much business of the State today occurs in secret and beyond citizens' oversight, it has never been more important for ordinary citizens and their government to share a common culture keeping their interests aligned.  When the bureaucracy does not share the people's beliefs, then it persistently acts contrary to their wishes.  It replaces Americans' wants and needs with its own.  And like any apex beast, it becomes a danger to those who dare threaten its control.

Image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Democrats: The Party of Projection

Psychological projection means that people who think and act in a way even they would admit is wrong project those same motives and actions on others, rather than acknowledging them in themselves. In 2022, Democrats in politics and the media have elevated projection to an art form, which helps account for the license they grant themselves and the brutal crackdowns and insults they reserve for conservatives.

The latest and, in some ways, the vilest act of Democrat projection took place in Philadelphia last week when Biden, relying on the risible theory that events on January 6 (“J6”) were a real insurrection, appeared against a blood-red backdrop with Marines behind him and spoke about how Republicans are a danger to democracy. Biden barked that MAGA Republicans are violent Americans threatening democracy. Worse, they are fascists.

Frankly, rehashing J6 as an insurrection has gotten so old. How many more ads do we have to hear in which Democrat legislators tremble as they recall the scariest hours of their lives? What type of privileged people do the Dems (and some Republicans) send to Congress? Try managing the evacuation in Afghanistan, being a cop during the Dem’s war on cops, crossing the Rio Grande, or living in a Democrat-run city. Fifty-five people were shot in Chicago over the Labor Day weekend.

Image: Joe Biden. YouTube screen grab.

We can’t understand Biden’s speech as just one given by a man who is the spokesman for cowards and hypocrites, all of whom crow that Biden’s Philly performance was securing a midterm sweep. (More likely this was a CYA operation because Grandpa Biden is in self-protect mode after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the FBI was running interference in the 2020 election, ensuring that reports about Hunter’s activities in Russia, Ukraine, and China, along with Joe’s cuts, would be treated as misinformation.)

The correct filter is projection. Because Biden can’t come clean about or even acknowledge his and his party’s activities, he’s projecting: Hey, he effectively says, look over here at the danger to democracy from extreme Republicans denying that Biden is a legitimate president. Joe’s obviously banking on Americans having short-term memory loss. Democrat legislators, most democratic voters, Biden, Harris, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Karine Jean-Pierre all maintained Trump was an illegitimate President, something that persisted even after the two-year investigation into Russian collusion turned up empty.

In addition to projection, it seems obvious that Biden and the Democrats are hoping that the absurd accusation that violent Republicans are a threat to democracy will incite Republicans to violence. Biden probably hoped the House’s J6 show trial or the raid on Mar-a-Lago would have lighted that flame. However, because Republicans refuse to riot, it was time for incendiary rhetoric.

Biden doesn’t want the Republicans to respond to his enticement with bare faces and armed only with flags and MAGA hats as they did at the J6 “insurrection.” He needs them to be armed, violent, and murderous and wearing masks as the BLM rioters did. After all, that’s the telegenic violence that moves voters. In 2020, the Democrat-aligned media, with its flair for propaganda, managed to use BLM’s violence to attack Trump. They’ll find it easier to use Republican violence, should it occur, to enshrine Biden.

Still, Biden’s strategy is flawed. It’s the nature of Republicans to embrace the rule of law. Biden calling on Republicans to condemn J6 ‘outlaws’ shows how out of touch Democrats are. True conservatives want nothing to do with white supremacists—they are racist hoodlums just like the BLM rioters that Democrat politicians cheered on and let go free.

Republicans should know that their comparisons between J6ers and BLM rioters are a real sore point for J6ers. They are right to be outraged because the Democrats’ hypocrisy is outrageous. To the Biden administration, J6 was a mercifully failed “insurrection,” while BLM threw the election to the Dems and they deserve congratulations.

BLM did the Dems’ dirty work by terrorizing America for 100 days with rage directed at traditional American institutions, Trump, and Republicans. In the midst of the terror, BLM was negotiating with the DNC to shape the latter’s platform. During the negotiations, BLM co-founder Cullors promised that BLM would “get Trump out of office,” and would continue fighting the American Revolution—like a real insurrection. BLM did so until election day, even as they boasted about the necessity for violence.

There’s no question that BLM went all in for the Dems. When it came time to pay the piper, Biden exceeded the writ. He ensured the ongoing pleasure of BLM while discrediting the soul of America by issuing a blanket authorization to fly the Marxist BLM flag atop America’s embassies.

The latest Democrat tactic—accusing the flag-waving, constitutionally-aligned Republicans of being democracy destroyers—is a change from the past. Under Obama, the trend was to paint them as pathetic. You know, calling them “a basket of deplorables” or insulting working-class Americans for clinging to guns, religion, and racism.

Democrats have also doubled down on projecting their policies and practices onto the Republicans. Which party hires people based on their identity rather than treating all people equally? Which party has made the rule of law optional? Which party is trying to make it easy for noncitizens to vote and take a torch to federalism by changing the Constitution to nationalize elections; promoting an end to the separation of powers by packing the Supreme Court; implementing race-based quotas and special concessions just for BIPOC (non-whites); affording unique rights to non-citizens, like offering them sanctuary; and advising social media companies to censor opposing positions or those that compromise Democratic politicians and their families?

With control of the mainstream media, it’s been child’s play for the Democrats to convince their captive audience that Republicans are assaulting democracy, promoting violence, and endorsing racist policies when it’s the Democrats. To understand how dangerous this is, think about how Putin and his lapdog media have convinced Russians that Ukrainians pose an existential threat to Russia or how China’s tightly controlled media have emphasized the danger of political pluralism and the diversity of ideas. America’s mainstream media, like the journalists at Pravda and Xinhua, have developed a flair for fanciful propaganda. No doubt, they will be rewarded with another leak from the Justice Department.

Biden and the Democrats are right: Democracy is under siege and, contrary to their sometimes silly, sometimes terrifying projection against Republicans, it is they who are the ones threatening it, with everything from election interference to behaving like fascists who censor the opposition. They also know the destruction of democracy is a platform for losing votes, so they are projecting that onto Republicans. 

FBI whistleblowers: In 2019, local leaders told FBI agents, 'You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop'

Senator Ron Johnson has disclosed some of what multiple FBI whistleblowers have told him about the Bureau's suppression of investigation into the laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Wilmington computer repair shop, in a letter sent to DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner has the story and quotes Senator Johnson:

"Whistleblowers have recently contacted my office to share serious concerns about the FBI's handling of Hunter Biden's laptop," Johnson told Horowitz, telling the watchdog that after the FBI obtained the laptop from a Delaware computer shop in late 2019, local FBI leadership told bureau employees that "you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop" and that the FBI is "not going to change the outcome of the election again," the whistleblowers said.

Johnson said the new whistleblower claims "allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop until after the 2020 presidential election — potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in Dec. 2019."  (snip)

"It is clear to me based on numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden's laptop," Johnson told Horowitz this week. "I call on you to immediately investigate the FBI's handling of Hunter Biden's laptop and begin by obtaining the history of the investigative actions taken by the FBI on Hunter Biden's laptop which should be available on the FBI's case management system, Sentinel."

This is, of course, in addition to the FBI wrongly claiming that the laptop was Russian "disinformation."

The worries about changing the outcome of an election are ironic, given that the laptop came into its possession long before the 2020 presidential election, and given that the Bureau had no problem raiding Mar-a-Lago less than three months before the midterms.

Let's hope that more whistleblowers come forward and that they have plenty of documentary evidence.

As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.   

Report– Joe Biden Warned (GAMER LAWYER) Brother Frank: ‘For Christ’s Sake, Watch Yourself’

AP Photo/Evan Vucci


President Joe Biden cautioned his brother Frank about potential business dealings during his campaign for president, according to a report.

“For Christ’s sake, watch yourself,” Biden said according to a report in Politico. “Don’t get sucked into something that would, first of all, hurt you.”

Politico cited a “person with knowledge of the conversation” in its report and said that Biden was “jocular and serious” in his comment to his brother.

Biden’s intention, Politico reports, was to protect his brother from “being hurt and vilified” because of his connections to the president.

Since Biden’s inauguration, questions about members of his family have been raised regarding their business dealings, especially after Republicans questioned his son Hunter Biden’s business deals with foreign countries during the campaign.

Frank Biden’s law firm, The Berman Law Group, promoted his relationship to President Biden in an advertisement on Inauguration Day.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront; the president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example,” the ad read.

A White House official responded to the story by warning that Joe Biden’s name should not be used in any commercial advertisement.

“It is this White House’s policy that the President’s name should not be used in connection with any commercial activities to suggest, or in any way that could reasonably understood to imply, his endorsement or support,” the official told CNBC in January.

Exclusive—Poster Released for Feature Film ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘As if Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exploded’

Courtesy of

The official poster for My Son Hunter has arrived, and as director Robert Davi (Licensed to Kill, Die Hard, The Goonies) explained to Breitbart News, “I describe this movie as if Hunter’s laptop exploded onto the screen, and this poster reflects that in an amazing way.” Utilizing bold shades of red and green, the poster’s main image seems to be the filmmakers’ reference to Hunter’s recently video release—from his infamous stay at a detox center in 2019. Around the central image, it’s not hard to see what Davi is talking about. Images upon images from the controversial life of Hunter Biden provide a unique framing where one can witness everything from drug use to his promiscuous lifestyle, partying with strippers, corrupt business dealings, Ukrainian oligarchs, CCP emissaries, as well as his seemingly close relationship with his father, now President of the United States.

My Son Hunter—Breitbart News’ foray into film distribution—was crowdfunded by producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney of the Unreported Story Society.

“We crowdfunded My Son Hunter because this was a story that big tech and big media want to cover up,” Ann McElhinney told Breitbart. “They didn’t want the truth to ever see the light of day. But there is a hunger for truth out there. Hollywood would never make this movie. It doesn’t fit their narrative, so that’s why we had to get the American public to fund it.”

The feature length film is available for PRE-ORDER NOW and will be available for streaming and downloading on September 7 at

Courtesy of


Starring Laurence Fox (Victoria, Inspector Lewis, The Professor and the Madman) as Hunter Biden, My Son Hunter is a farcically hilarious and devastatingly factual look into the drug use, prostitution, and partying that consumed the future first son’s debauched life, as well as the shady international business deals—from Ukraine to China—that Hunter leveraged his father’s massive political power to land.

Behind the Scenes of “My Son Hunter” with Laurence Fox and co-star Emma Gojkovic.

The movie also stars former MMA megastar Gina Carano (The Mandalorian, Dead Pool, Heist) as a Secret Service agent; John James as Joe Biden; and Emma Gojkovic as a sex worker that Hunter befriends.

Gina Carano plays a Secret Service Agent.

Actor John James plays Joe Biden.

“Working with Breitbart on this project made perfect sense to me. They’ve always been the first ones through the door, taking on the media and waging the culture war,” Davi said. “Given my friendship with Andrew, it’s a poignant moment for me to have this film represent Breitbart’s entry into the world of cinema, especially since the establishment media covered up the story of Hunter Biden in the most cynical of ways.”

“My Son Hunter” director Robert Davi.

You can PRE-ORDER your copy of My Son Hunter RIGHT NOW at

Courtesy of

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo




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