Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Every day, in many ways, Americans are living the pain that Biden’s handlers and congressional Democrats -- and their blue state and big city partners -- are inflicting.  Democrats are out-of-the-closet sadists.  People’s daily experiences are incompatible with the glittering lies Biden parrots. 

Biden Takes On the Soul of the Nation

Thursday night, Joe Biden takes to the airwaves to “continue his battle for the soul of the nation.”  Sounds kinda biblical -- this must be God at work. As to the outcome of this battle, Joe and his godless legions might be in for a little surprise.   

Ahead of the midterms, Biden, whose handlers smell a shellacking coming Democrats’ way, is expected to try to frame the elections as a choice between Orange Man Bad’s 74 million voters and Joe’s collection of Marxists, establishment hacks, wannabe oligarchs, lifer bureaucrats, race hustlers, LGBTQIA+ zanies, and freeloaders.

Joe, at a Maryland Democrat rally the other day, described America First voters as a “semi-fascist” horde determined to kill democracy.  Joe was mum about the game plan Democrats have been pursuing to “transform” democracy.  For Democrats, democracy is authoritarianism with a lot of lipstick, rouge, and uses the pronoun “we,” as in we’ve got the power and you don’t.       

Call Biden’s speech his Battle of the Bulge moment.  Joe has to shift the terms of the elections or Democrats are beating hasty retreats to Berkeley, New Haven, and New York’s Upper West Side. 

We know Biden’s motives are spotless because, in order to safeguard democracy, his agents worked overtime rigging the 2020 presidential sweepstakes.  Heck, expect “democracy dies in darkness” or some-such non sequitur to trip from Joe’s blanched lips.  Ah, you know what Joe means! 

For all we know, democracy’s guardians are toiling in the electoral salt mines right now, busily fixing just about anything fixable to guarantee outcomes favorable to Democrats. 

Hey, election tinkering may be the only way to stop those sly semi-fascists from voting in a semi-fascist Congress, which, come January 2023, would begin smashing democracy to pieces. 

In stark contrast, Democrats, seeking to protect democracy, made a special effort at the 117th Congress’ kickoff.  House Bill 1 -- the wryly named “For the People Act” -- which, as the number indicates, was the Democrats very first piece of legislation -- sought to centralize control of elections in Congress. 

To borrow from H.L. Mencken: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”  Democrats skip the “know what they want” part.  But they certainly relish giving the people their counterfeit version of democracy good and hard.      

Lest we forget that the same day Biden was sworn in, he signed a bunch of executive orders, signaling to the nation that governing by fiat was democracy in action. 

After a powerful mix of dementia meds, wobbly Joe, in something of a mockery, will be propped up before Independence Hall in Democrat-run and crime-ridden Philadelphia to make his case.  Independence Hall, that is, where the Declaration of Independence was conceived and signed.  It might be good for Joe and his gaggle of coconspirators (special shoutout to the DoJ and FBI) to buy a copy of the Declaration in the Hall’s giftshop and give it a look. 

That hallowed document chiefly addresses the trampling of rights and casting off a tyrant in favor of a government of the people subordinate to law.  The Declaration’s principal author was Thomas Jefferson.  You know, the guy Democrats love to defame as a privileged white racist?   

Not that we’re trying to hold a mirror to Joe’s oft-befuddled face, but what’s he doing in front of Independence Hall if the dead, rich white men who inhabited the place were a collection of slaveholders and their enablers?  Isn’t there a Juneteenth memorial somewhere?     

What is needed today isn’t a declaration of independence but a declaration of reclamation.  Tens of millions of honest Americans -- slandered now by our withered president -- deserve far better than to be used as fodder by a fuzzy-brained demagogue.  Those many millions who believe that their rights are inherent, who embrace the rule of law, who celebrate liberty, and who bend knees to no government or tyrant -- must and will reclaim government captured by corrupt, power-hungry, vain men and women.  Reestablishing government by and for the people is long overdue. 

After 20 months of Democrat rule from Washington; after the serial failures and disasters of Biden’s hapless, leftist-driven administration; after watching inflation and energy costs explode; after the tail-tucking retreat from Afghanistan; after laying open the U.S.-Mexican border to millions of illegals, gangbangers, and truckloads of fentanyl; after siccing the FBI -- again -- on the establishment’s nemesis, Donald J. Trump; after passing legislation more than doubling the IRS and arming agents to sic on not-rich Americans -- after all that and many other failures and offenses, old Joe will argue that such heady accomplishments merit raising the stakes.  The soul of the nation is the prize, and damn it, his side -- sans a proper warrant -- is going to seize it!    

Alas, Biden and his legions are destined to fail.  Their incessant Alice in Wonderland narratives, unabashedly asserting that up is down, good is bad, and bad is good, might sell now only if people take enough hits off crack pipes, but citizens aren’t, so they’re not buying the blather.   

Every day, in many ways, Americans are living the pain that Biden’s handlers and congressional Democrats -- and their blue state and big city partners -- are inflicting.  Democrats are out-of-the-closet sadists.  People’s daily experiences are incompatible with the glittering lies Biden parrots. 

Reports indicate that Biden will proclaim Democrats as pro-law enforcement, yet again inverting the truth -- but assuredly twisting reality to achieve justice.  Biden is expected to rollout his “Safer America Plan.”  The plan -- no doubt a poll-driven concoction based on the double-secret fact that Democrats are tanking on the crime issue -- will call for greater police funding.  What the extra funding will accomplish is a mystery. 

Democrat-run cities -- antipolice and pro-criminal havens -- are A Clockwork Orange.  These collapsing metropolises are Anthony Burgess’s eerie prophesy fulfilled, complete with droogs owning the streets

City cops -- those who haven’t turned in their badges -- are forced to play social worker, not sweep the streets of desperadoes.  Ask Chicagoans how tough on crime Lori Lightfoot is.  Lightfoot is a crime fighter, all right, particularly in black neighborhoods where gangs like to stage shoot ‘em ups.  Too many Chicagoans have met their ends from stray bullets.

Yet, Joe’s plan contains a solution: ban “assault weapons,” which is an entirely original idea for a Democrat.  In Democrat parlance, an assault weapon is anything they say it is.  Chicago’s Gangster Disciples, Latin Kings, and Vice Lords, won’t ever think to buy their guns on black markets.  School shootings are tragic, but most gun violence -- due mostly to handgun use -- is concentrated in gritty, poor, inner-city minority neighborhoods. 

But no need for aggressive policing in those precincts, regardless what frightened black and Hispanic residents clammer for.  Stepped up policing is racist say the affluent, white progressives who run cities from behind the curtains.      

Our irascible, mind-drifting president is also expected to run interference for the FBI.  The FBI has become the replacement strongarm for the KKK, which used to be the Democrats’ muscle until it fell out of fashion.  Joe is anticipated to claim that Republicans -- who are part of the semi-fascist throngs -- are anti-law enforcement because they dare call for body-cavity searches of the FBI, whose director, Chris Wray, tries to hide the Bureau’s endemic corruption wherever possible.

Tonight, watch Joe’s sleight of hand from Independence Hall warily.  Remember, Joe and his tyranny-infatuated gang not only want the soul of the nation in their pocket, but yours as well. 

Yep, there’s something biblical about that.    

J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith.  He also blogs at Flyover. 


The Democrat playbook is always the same

As the media and other Democrats say they want to unite the country, we see a rather unique way of achieving that "unity."

(GAMER LAWYER) Obama said we cling to our religion and guns.

(GAMER LAWYER) Biden and others compared Tea Party members who wanted smaller government and lower taxes to domestic terrorists.

(GAMER LAWYER) Hillary called us deplorable, xenophobes, homophobes, and whatever other phobe she could think of.

Parents who dared to have a say in their children's education were compared to domestic terrorists.

We are frequently referred to as "right-wing extremists."

Republicans who question an election where many states broke their laws, where there was ballot-harvesting, and where the media, the FBI, intelligence officials, and other Democrats buried the truth about Biden family corruption are called election deniers and election liars.

Biden said that Blacks who don't vote for him "ain't Black."  Who knew that all Blacks were supposed to think alike?

People who tell the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally are called climate change deniers and anti-science.

Liz Cheney calls us sick.

If you challenged the unscientific rhetoric and dictatorial edicts — including the vaccine — on COVID, you were said to want people to die.

Biden called us semi-fascists.  (My guess is he has no idea what that definition would be.)

And of course we are consistently called "racists" and "really stupid[.]"

Democrats sure as heck don't want to campaign on their extreme policy objectives, so they resort to name-calling.  Here is a partial list of their radically unpopular policies:

Higher taxes.  The government is already collecting record revenue from the taxpayers, so it is detrimental to raise rates.

More regulations.  Trump's policies were lifting all boats — we had energy independence, poverty hit record lows, and we had low inflation.  Democrats clearly don't care about the non-elites, or they would emulate Trump's policies instead of reversing them.

Destruction of the oil, natural gas, and coal industries.  Democrats want to force the poor and middle class to buy expensive electric cars powered by flammable pollutants, but they put no limits on private jets, yachts, or the number and size of mansions the rich own.  It is all for show and control.  They don't care about carbon footprints if you're an elite.

No right-to-work states telling voters they shouldn't have the freedom to be non-union, and point out that it's simply the prevailing wage laws that have been on the books for ninety years.  At least be transparent and tell the public that the "prevailing wage laws" were passed to prevent Blacks from competing in a White marketplace:

A relic of an era when laws were passed to prevent blacks from competing for economic opportunities, the Davis-Bacon Act has racist origins [emphasis added] and continues today to have a devastating impact on economic outsiders.

Open borders.  Brag that you don't enforce immigration laws and that your policies have made the cartels very rich with human- and drug-smuggling.

Soft-on-crime D.A.s.  Make sure the voters know that you support no-bail laws to allow career criminals to roam the streets, terrorizing cities.

Sanctuary cities and states.  Tell the voters that politicians in cities and states should be able to ignore federal immigration laws.

Forgiving student loans.  Tell the poor and middle class why it is so important to forgive loans for college graduates who make more than they do.

Abortion on demand with no limits.  Instead of telling the public they support abortion at any time and withholding care for newborns, they use the euphemism "reproductive choice."

They should be forthright about disproportionately targeting Black and Brown babies for abortion and tell the voters why that is good for minorities.

Maybe Liz Cheney should be asked if she thinks Democrats who support the withholding of health care from viable children are "sick."

Restricting gun ownership, and infringing on the right that "shall not be infringed."

Supreme Court liberals.  Tell the voters that you support courts and regulators being able to make laws, instead of confining laws to the legislative bodies like the Constitution requires.


Federal control of elections.  No photo IDs to vote, and pro-ballot-harvesting.

Men competing with women in sports and men sharing locker rooms with little girls.  Tell the voters that you support Biden's dictatorial actions to withhold school lunch money from schools that don't comply.  That you don't care if it violates girls' privacy rights.

Building up Iran.  Explain why it is a good idea to help Iran when the mullahs pledge death to America and Israel and sponsor terrorism around the world.

No school choice for poor and minority kids, no matter how much it helps them.

Obamacare.  Tell everyone that he should not have a choice as to what type of insurance to buy.

My body, my choice?  Tell women that you don't believe they have a right to refuse a vaccine, and termination is reasonable if they choose to exercise bodily autonomy.  Explain to them why that doesn't violate Democrat talking points that women can do whatever they want with "their" bodies.

Democrats support the most unaccepted policies and disparage all people with opposing thoughts.

Democrats are allowed to take kickbacks from foreign countries and abuse as many women as they want.  All that matters to the media and other Democrats is political power at any cost.

Trump worked hard to return power, money, and freedom back to the people, and the Democrats worked hard to falsely label him as a dictator and fascist.

Biden and other Democrats seek to move the power and money toward the few political elites, to make more people dependent on the government — yet they pretend they are for freedom.  They are the authoritarian party.

Image: Office of Nancy Pelosi, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

While the humanitarian crisis at the border worsens, the White House continues to create magnets to attract even more foreign nationals to enter the country illegally. DALE WILCOX


Federal control of elections.  No photo IDs to vote, and pro-ballot-harvesting.

“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.


"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!


THE OBAMA-BIDEN HISPANICAZATION of AMERICA… first ease millions of illegals over our borders and into our voting booths!

 How the Democrat party surrendered America to Mexico:



It is the single most dangerous piece of legislation before Congress. What I call H.R.1 is the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act.’ […] It’s the number one bill. It’s not about COVID; it’s not about vaccinations; it’s not about getting people back to work; it’s not about getting kids back to school. It is about ensuring that Democrats remain in power and control for the next 100 years. It is a radical bill. What does it do? It federalizes all elections. It strikes down every election reform protection at the state level. So photo ID laws — right now in a lot of states you’ve got to use photo ID to vote — ‘The Corrupt Politician Act’ strikes that down. It sets up automatic voter registration, which would result in millions of illegal immigrants, and criminals, and felons being able to vote. The Democrats believe if illegal immigrants and felons are voting, that benefits the Democrats and keeps them in power. Not only that, it mandates universal mail-in balloting, it mandates ballot harvesting. This is all designed to facilitate fraud. SEAN MORAN

While the humanitarian crisis at the border worsens, the White House continues to create magnets to attract even more foreign nationals to enter the country illegally.

Arizona's leaders blow off Biden, build the border wall themselves

As the Biden administration refuses to enforce our nation's immigration laws, border states are being forced to take their sovereignty into their own hands.  Texas has been leading the charge, and now Arizona is stepping up.

Arizona governor Doug Ducey announced earlier this month that he was ordering gaps at the border wall in the Yuma Sector to be filled in.

The state plans to use 60 double-stacked shipping containers to fill in more than 1,000 feet of border wall.

The Yuma sector has been especially ravaged by the Biden border crisis.  In just one week in July, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 5,600 illegal border-crossers from more than 40 different counties in Yuma.  This included more than 100 illegal aliens with felony convictions.

The Trump administration had previously ordered the wall completed, but Biden halted all further border wall construction shortly after taking office.  Ducey reportedly made his decision without contacting either the Department of Homeland Security or the White House, signaling a level of defiance toward this derelict administration.

"If the federal government won't act, we will," the governor said.

It is true that the Biden administration had previously pledged to fill in some of the gaps in the Yuma border wall, likely as a campaign favor to embattled Arizona's Democrat senator, Mark Kelly, who is facing a tough re-election this fall in large part due to the crisis at the border.

However, Ducey is right to go ahead on the project without waiting for the feds, and he's right to criticize the administration's cynical political games.

Joe Biden's attempt to appear as if he is doing something about the border crisis he created is a desperate attempt to save his party's slim majorities in Congress, nothing more.  Arizonans have spent the last two years watching their quality of life reduced and their state become more dangerous as a result of anti-border policies being pushed by anti-borders politicians, including Biden and Kelly.

While the state of Texas has received the most attention for bussing illegal aliens to the progressive hubs of New York City and Washington, D.C., Arizona has also bussed more than 500 illegal aliens to the East Coast over the past few months.  This tactic has not solved our immigration crisis, but it has forced the blue-state elites who imposed this crisis on us to at least bear some of its costs.  Ducey has also sent the National Guard to Yuma on multiple occasions in order to protect its citizens.  In late June, the governor signed a budget that included a record $564 million allocated for border security, some of which will be used to finish the wall.

While the humanitarian crisis at the border worsens, the White House continues to create magnets to attract even more foreign nationals to enter the country illegally.

The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a new rule to restart the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  Re-establishing DACA is one of the strongest pull factors in bringing foreign nationals to our southern border.  It also keeps the cartel-driven human-trafficking business flush with new clientele and increases the number of children abused and killed in this ghastly trade.

If the Biden administration only applied a fraction of its efforts into strengthening border enforcement instead of dangling carrots to encourage more illegal passage at the border, it would be a true humanitarian act instead of the faux compassion in its talking points that actually makes life far worse for the people it claims to be rescuing.  

Ultimately, it is tragic that the federal government has been so derelict in its constitutional responsibility to protect our country's borders, but states including Arizona and Texas are increasingly stepping up to the plate.  Other states would be wise to follow their lead.

Dale L. Wilcox is executive director and general counsel at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of mass migration.

Image: User:Huebi via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 3.0.

Ted Cruz, Conservatives to Hold West Virginia Rally Against H.R. 1, the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act’


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and conservative activists will hold a rally at the West Virginia state capitol Saturday against the “Corrupt Politicians Act.”

The Council for National Policy Act will host a rally at the Charleston, West Virginia state capitol at 1:00 P.M. Eastern.

The rally will feature conservative leaders to rally against H.R. 1/S.1, the For the People Act, which the leaders refer to as the “Corrupt Politicians Act.” The legislation already passed the House. The rally will feature:

· Sen. Ted Cruz;

· Eric Berger, co-founder of FreeRoots;

· Jake Hoffman, president and CEO of Rally Forge;

· Ken Blackwell, board member of CNP Action and former Ohio secretary of state;

· Kelly Shackelford, chairman of CNP Action, and president and CEO of First Liberty Institute;

· Mike Thompson, senior vice president of CRC Advisors.

The rally precedes a hearing on the bill held by the Senate Rules Committee on March 24.

The rally would presumably work to lobby Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), a moderate Democrat and swing vote in the 50-50 split Senate.

Manchin’s support or opposition to the Corrupt Politicians Act could help pass or tank the legislation as it works its way through the Senate.

The Corrupt Politicians Act is 791-pages long and would enact a massive transformation of America’s electoral system.

The legislation would:

· Federalize control over congressional elections;

· Declare that standard state and local maintenance of elections systems, such as purging ineligible voters from voter rolls, limiting vote-by-mail, requiring voter ID, and establishing rules against felons voting, would erode the right to vote;

· Restrict lawsuits against the rules in H.R. 1 to the federal court system, which is, coincidentally, favorable to Democrats;

· Establish online and automatic voter registration;

· Protect illegal immigrants from prosecution if they vote;

· Establish same-day voter registration;

· Register minors to vote;

· Mandate early voting;

· Establish nationwide vote-by-mail without a voter ID; and

· Allow ballots to be counted ten days after Election Day.

Sen. Cruz said this week the Corrupt Politicians Act is the most “dangerous piece of legislation before Congress.” He explained:

It is the single most dangerous piece of legislation before Congress. What I call H.R.1 is the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act.’ […] It’s the number one bill. It’s not about COVID; it’s not about vaccinations; it’s not about getting people back to work; it’s not about getting kids back to school. It is about ensuring that Democrats remain in power and control for the next 100 years. It is a radical bill. What does it do? It federalizes all elections. It strikes down every election reform protection at the state level. So photo ID laws — right now in a lot of states you’ve got to use photo ID to vote — ‘The Corrupt Politician Act’ strikes that down. It sets up automatic voter registration, which would result in millions of illegal immigrants, and criminals, and felons being able to vote. The Democrats believe if illegal immigrants and felons are voting, that benefits the Democrats and keeps them in power. Not only that, it mandates universal mail-in balloting, it mandates ballot harvesting. This is all designed to facilitate fraud.

Follow Breitbart News for more coverage of this hearing.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


Joe Biden: ‘Absolutely Bizarre’ to Suggest Limit on U.S. Capacity to Absorb Immigrants


LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned inside a Chinese restaurant on Tuesday evening, telling supporters it was “bizarre” to suggest a limit on immigration to the U.S.

Biden promised to expand immigration to the U.S. if elected president.

“Folks, look — the idea that there’s some limitation on the capacity of anyone who — on the immigrants in this country is absolutely bizarre! It’s absolutely bizarre.”

Biden, speaking to a packed crowd inside the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant on the eve of the next Democratic debate, addressed members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, urging them to turn out the vote ahead of Saturday’s caucuses.

Last month, the AAPI Victory Fund super PAC endorsed Biden for president, citing his ability to defeat President Donald Trump and his experience working with immigrant communities from South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific generally.

Though the AAPI immigrant community is politically diverse, it has trended Democratic in recent years.

Last year, Breitbart News reported, another local AAPI organization in Las Vegas expressed opposition to President Trump’s proposed merit-based system for legal immigration.

On Tuesday, Biden promised, if elected, to allow family reunification visas.

“We should be able to increase, to three million people, the people who could come for family reunification. Period, period, period, period.”

He called the idea that the U.S. could not “reunite” more families “absolutely bizarre.”

Biden also reminded his audience that Latinos were not the only beneficiaries of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which applied to those brought to the country illegally as children.

He said there were “thousands and thousands of AAPI ‘Dreamers'” who had benefited from DACA as well.

Afterwards, Biden greeted attendees, some of whom proceeded to the Chinatown Mall to cast early votes before the polling place there closed.

Biden hopes to finish in the top three in Nevada, and to win South Carolina on Feb. 29, to make the case that he is still a top contender for his party’s nomination. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) now leads national polls, as well as Nevada polls.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He earned an A.B. in Social Studies and Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard College, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak. 


Rep. Byron Donalds: Biden's Open Borders Goal Is to 'Change the Electorate'

By Susan Jones 

( - Since February 2021, the first full month of Joe Biden's presidency, 3,385,016 people are known to have entered the country illegally, based on "encounter" statistics reported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

That number includes 1,946,780 in Fiscal Year 2022, which ends in September (see chart below).

It's not clear how many of the total "encounters" have been expelled for public health or other reasons, only to repeat their illegal entry attempts.

Likewise, an unknown number of people have crossed the southwest border undetected.

"What's the endgame here?" Maria Bartiromo, host of "Sunday Morning Futures," asked Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds on Sunday. "What's the point of having this wide-open border?"

"The endgame is to turn them into U.S. citizens at some point with another one of these illegal DACA measures that Barack Obama did when he was in office," Donalds said:


"And so you have kind of changed the population.

"Look, in New York and California, they tried to pass measures where noncitizens can vote. Why would you do that, except you're trying to change the electorate and change the nature of the electorate, so you can keep power?

"Federal immigration law and federal border security law is to protect the citizenry, not just from threats, but also to maintain the cohesion of America. When you have a president who flagrantly violates the law on purpose, not only is it unconstitutional. It's destructive of all of our cities, whether you live in a blue city or a red city, a blue state or a red state.

"Don't believe me. Go ask (New York City Mayor) Eric Adams, who now wants federal support. What Eric Adams should be asking for is for Joe Biden to reverse course on his reckless border policy."

‘The answer is close the border’

Speaking of Mayor Adams, New Jersey Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew told "Mornings With Maria" on Monday that Adams is learning firsthand what illegal immigration is doing to the country, now that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is sending busloads of border-crossers to New York City.

"You know, it's wonderful when you give speeches about sanctuary cities and how great they are and we should have open borders but now that -- and I don't blame Texas, and I don't blame governor Abbott at all.

“They're just sending a small percentage of the people that are coming over, and now this mayor is finding out what it really means, and he's even got more resources than these small Texas towns.

"It's easy, the answer is close the border. The answer is, build the wall. It's not complicated stuff. But rather than do that, this mayor of New York City is going to spend all kinds of money that he doesn't spend on taking care of veterans, doesn't take care of the countless number of homeless people that are in New York City, but he is going to take care of people that are illegal, that are bringing in all other kinds of problems including crime, including the cartels, including being on the terror watch list.”

"All of these things so important and so terrible, that's what he's going to bring in."

Van Drew agreed with Donalds that the Democrat goal is to change the nation's demographics:

"Just keep this in mind," Van Drew said:

"With the number of people that have crossed the border since Joe Biden has been president and we have had this (Democrat) majority in Congress, if you were to put them all together they would be -- it's unbelievable, the 30th largest state in the union. We're literally creating new

states in a sense with huge populations we're bringing in.

"It's to make sure that they change the fabric of America, to change America to its core. There's no other reason you would do this."

Van Drew said some of the illegal aliens are "dangerous people," "especially the cartels" that engage in human trafficking and drug trafficking.

‘Overdose awareness’

This past Friday, President Biden issued a proclamation declaring August 28 through September 3, 2022, as "Overdose Awareness Week."

The words "border" and "immigration" do not appear in the proclamation, although it does say that "untreated addiction and drug trafficking" are "two critical drivers of the overdose epidemic."

"We are targeting drug trafficking organizations by disrupting the operating capital they need to sustain their criminal enterprises," the proclamation says. But again, there's no mention of border security.

"During Overdose Awareness Week, we renew our commitment to taking bold action to prevent overdoses and related deaths," the proclamation says. "We continue our efforts to enhance prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support services for individuals with substance use disorder and addiction.  We affirm our duty to stop the flow of illicit drugs from reaching our communities..."

( - Since February 2021, the first full month of Joe Biden's presidency, 3,385,016 people are known to have entered the country illegally, based on "encounter" statistics reported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

That number includes 1,946,780 in Fiscal Year 2022, which ends in September (see chart below).

It's not clear how many of the total "encounters" have been expelled for public health or other reasons, only to repeat their illegal entry attempts.

Likewise, an unknown number of people have crossed the southwest border undetected.

"What's the endgame here?" Maria Bartiromo, host of "Sunday Morning Futures," asked Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds on Sunday. "What's the point of having this wide-open border?"

"The endgame is to turn them into U.S. citizens at some point with another one of these illegal DACA measures that Barack Obama did when he was in office," Donalds said:


"And so you have kind of changed the population.

"Look, in New York and California, they tried to pass measures where noncitizens can vote. Why would you do that, except you're trying to change the electorate and change the nature of the electorate, so you can keep power?

"Federal immigration law and federal border security law is to protect the citizenry, not just from threats, but also to maintain the cohesion of America. When you have a president who flagrantly violates the law on purpose, not only is it unconstitutional. It's destructive of all of our cities, whether you live in a blue city or a red city, a blue state or a red state.

"Don't believe me. Go ask (New York City Mayor) Eric Adams, who now wants federal support. What Eric Adams should be asking for is for Joe Biden to reverse course on his reckless border policy."

‘The answer is close the border’

Speaking of Mayor Adams, New Jersey Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew told "Mornings With Maria" on Monday that Adams is learning firsthand what illegal immigration is doing to the country, now that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is sending busloads of border-crossers to New York City.

"You know, it's wonderful when you give speeches about sanctuary cities and how great they are and we should have open borders but now that -- and I don't blame Texas, and I don't blame governor Abbott at all.

“They're just sending a small percentage of the people that are coming over, and now this mayor is finding out what it really means, and he's even got more resources than these small Texas towns.

"It's easy, the answer is close the border. The answer is, build the wall. It's not complicated stuff. But rather than do that, this mayor of New York City is going to spend all kinds of money that he doesn't spend on taking care of veterans, doesn't take care of the countless number of homeless people that are in New York City, but he is going to take care of people that are illegal, that are bringing in all other kinds of problems including crime, including the cartels, including being on the terror watch list.”

"All of these things so important and so terrible, that's what he's going to bring in."

Van Drew agreed with Donalds that the Democrat goal is to change the nation's demographics:

"Just keep this in mind," Van Drew said:

"With the number of people that have crossed the border since Joe Biden has been president and we have had this (Democrat) majority in Congress, if you were to put them all together they would be -- it's unbelievable, the 30th largest state in the union. We're literally creating new

states in a sense with huge populations we're bringing in.

"It's to make sure that they change the fabric of America, to change America to its core. There's no other reason you would do this."

Van Drew said some of the illegal aliens are "dangerous people," "especially the cartels" that engage in human trafficking and drug trafficking.

‘Overdose awareness’

This past Friday, President Biden issued a proclamation declaring August 28 through September 3, 2022, as "Overdose Awareness Week."

The words "border" and "immigration" do not appear in the proclamation, although it does say that "untreated addiction and drug trafficking" are "two critical drivers of the overdose epidemic."

"We are targeting drug trafficking organizations by disrupting the operating capital they need to sustain their criminal enterprises," the proclamation says. But again, there's no mention of border security.

"During Overdose Awareness Week, we renew our commitment to taking bold action to prevent overdoses and related deaths," the proclamation says. "We continue our efforts to enhance prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support services for individuals with substance use disorder and addiction.  We affirm our duty to stop the flow of illicit drugs from reaching our communities..."

Democrat-Linked Group Claims 96,000 Extra Immigrant Voters in Georgia


A Democrat-backed group claims to have naturalized almost 100,000 legal immigrants in Georgia before the November elections.

Over 96,000 newly naturalized Americans in the state, who naturalized between 2016 and 2020, could significantly influence the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections,’ said the press statement by National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), the SEIU union, and various Georgia-based, pro-migration groups. It added:

This number exceeds over eight times the state’s November 2020 presidential election margin of victory and the 2021 Senate runoff election margin of 93,272 votes.

“We’re knocking on doors, we’re having conversations with community members, we are registering people at festivals,” Jerry Gonzalez, the CEO of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) told 11Alivecom. “So the Latino electorate in Georgia is truly powerful, and it’s also outperforming the national low voter participation rate,” he added.

The naturalization includes many Indians, who are one of the most pro-diversity, pro-Democratic immigrant blocs. “The number of newly naturalized citizens originally from India, 11,188, is nearly equal to the margin of victory during the November 2020 presidential election,” the statement said.

Georgia used to be a solidly red state. However, the growing number of legal and illegal migrants recruited by businesses has allowed the Democrats to gain state seats and to win a national Senate majority in 2021 when Georgians elected two Democrat Senators.

Nationwide, Democrats are hoping to naturalize two million legal immigrants in time for the November election. The NPNA website says:

Naturalize Now. Vote Tomorrow! 

There are currently 9 million lawful permanent residents eligible to naturalize and become U.S. Citizens.”

Our campaign goal to Naturalize #2MillionBy2022 is a partnership among the country’s leading immigrant and refugee advocacy and service organizations, cities and counties and national advocacy organizations and unions.

In a July report, the group claimed the growing population of additional legal-immigrant voters:

By the time of the 2022 midterm elections, they can total an estimated 5.19 million … This multiracial, multi-generational, and majority women group of [legal immigrant] naturalized citizens represent a potential voting bloc that in 2022 can decide various political outcomes including who controls the U.S. Senate by voting in states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Florida

The mass inflow of Democratic-voting legal immigrants is protected by the Georgia business groups. The groups — including agriculture, construction, retail, and landlords — strongly favor the extraction of additional workers, consumers, and renters from foreign countries, by both legal and illegal migration. This political skew is reducing American employees’ wages, raising their housing costs, and diminishing their political and civic power.

The business lobby has huge sway over the state GOP, which has done very little to exclude a huge number of illegal migrants — perhaps 500,000 — from the state’s jobs, housing, and schools, said D.A. King, the founder of the Dustin Inman Society. which favors immigration reforms to benefit ordinary Americans.

For example, King is now trying to get the GOP governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, to enforce a Georgia law that requires sheriffs to report jailed illegals to the federal government.

GOP leaders also downplay the data showing that legal migrants strongly favor Democratic legislators. For example, Kemp promoted voting by five pro-Democratic foreign-language populations when he served as Secretary of State from 2010 to 2018.


Kemp won his 2018 election by just 50,000 votes.

The state also automatically enrolls citizens for voting whenever they get a new driver’s license, said, King. Non-naturalized migrants need to actively opt out to avoid registering for voting, he said, adding “that is a huge part of how the Democrats  have registered so many voters.”

Most immigrant populations tend to move toward the center only after 20 or 40 years. For example, a rising minority share of Latinos is now willing to vote GOP because of the Democrats’ bad management of the economy and the border.

But high immigration levels ensure a plentiful supply of new voters for Democrats. The left-wing New York Times reported on August 13:

Asian American voters have steadily shifted in the direction of Democrats since the turn of the century, as a younger and more liberal generation has come of age politically, while conservative-leaning older voters have turned away from the Republican Party’s … views on race and national identity.

Tracy Xu, a voter at [Democratic Sen. Michelle] Au’s event, said she planned to vote for Democrats in November because she was upset about gun crime and the rollback of abortion rights. The law enacted by Georgia Republicans to ban most abortions, Ms. Xu said, reminded her of the repressive reproductive policies in China, where she lived for the first half of her life.

But the donor-dominated Georgia GOP is trying to win votes from legal immigrants in Georgia by nominating naturalized immigrants for state seats, the New York Times noted:

Republicans have put forward a handful of Asian American candidates, too: Dr. Au’s opponent in her state legislative election this year, Narender G. Reddy, is an Indian American real estate agent and longtime Republican donor


The press statement from the Latino group CASA provided additional information about the newly naturalized voters:

This voting bloc, called New American Voters, is racially and ethnically diverse, with a majority coming from Asia (37,773 or 39%) and the Americas (34,479 or 36%), followed by new citizens coming from Africa (15,510 or 16%). These groups respectively are larger than the 11,779-vote margin of victory during the November 2020 presidential election.  …. Approximately 61% are under the age of 45 years.

Decades of data show that new immigrants are among the most pro-Democratic groups, partly because the Democrats are eager to enable the preservation of their home-countries cultures — such as India’s caste culture — and also to provide welfare.

But “there’s a certain amount of Republicans who actually believe that … a majority of all the immigrants are going to vote for Republicans,” he said. “It’s a mystery to me,” he said, adding, “the Georgia government is driven by what the Georgia Chamber of Commerce dictates.”

Voters do not recognize the power of business lobbies in Georgia politics,  said King:

The Georgia Chamber of Commerce has their own lobbyists around the Capitol, and I know that [House] speaker [Rep.] David Ralston [GA-7], the second most powerful man in the state of Georgia, has told state representatives –after he clears a bill to be dropped — to go clear it with the Chamber of Commerce.

Kemp aligns himself with the state’s business employers.  His campaign website says:

Governor Kemp built his first business – Kemp Development and Construction Company – with a pick-up truck and a shovel. Over thirty years later, he is a successful entrepreneur with companies and investments in banking, farming, timber, manufacturing, and real estate.

“After spending the last eighteen years watching Republican voters in the monthly Saturday morning breakfasts and working in the national and state Capitols,” said King, “I can sadly report that most of the voters have no idea how their government really works.”

Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Biden


Sen. Kamala Harris promised Sunday to reduce detention space for migrants as she asked an illegal immigrant activist to help Joe Biden win the election.


“I’m undocumented … I can’t vote …What can we do during this election to help make sure that we get you elected?” asked Astrid Silva, who was brought into the United States as a child by her illegal migrant parents.

“You can tell people who can vote what life is like for you now, and what life can be like,” Vice President nominee Harris told the Nevada-based political organizer who runs the pro-amnesty Dream Big Nevada group, adding that:

We are committed to shutting down private detention centers and ending policies that have been about separating children from their parents at the border.

Harris’s comments may be a coded message to would-be illegal migrants and their supportive legal-immigrant relatives.

For example, if implemented, Harris’s promise to start “shutting down private detention centers” could cripple border enforcement. If the enforcement agency does not have commercial prisons to hold detainees prior to their asylum hearings, the agency would be forced to release waves of job-seeking migrants into the U.S. labor market.

Similarly, Harris’s promise to end “policies … about separating children” echoes the media-magnified demand by pro-migration activists that officials release migrant mothers and children when they cross the border. That demand would let migrant families freely travel to relatives — including their illegal migrant husbands and fathers — who are working illegally in the United States.

Last week in Nevada, I caught up with my friend @Astrid_NV, to discuss the Biden-Harris plan for immigration reform and how Dreamers can make a difference in this election.

If you're eligible to vote, show up at the ballot box for those who can't:

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 1, 2020

Like Biden, Harris pushed the Cold War “Nation of Immigrants” claim, even though only about 10 percent of people in the United States are legal immigrants:

We want to have a president who understands we are a nation of immigrants. This is a country that was built and that has derived its strength from immigrants coming here over the generations.

Harris also tried to blur the legal and civic differences between illegal migrants, legal immigrants, and American citizens. For example, she told Silva:

Define who you are, and you tell the world who you are. Don’t let anybody ever put you in a box because they have a limited perspective on who can do what and who can be one.


We are all in this together. And so, chin up, shoulders back, right? We speak our truth and know that there will always be people applauding and supporting that even if you can’t see them at that one moment, know that there are so many of us who are supporting your leadership and the power of your voice. It’s really important.

Harris also claimed President Donald Trump vilified immigrants: “We’ve seen under the current president the kind of vitriol, the kind of hate, the vilification of immigrants in such a horrible way.”

But a Washington Post poll showed in April that Latinos are the strongest advocates for a near-total halt to legal immigration during the coronavirus epidemic and economic crash.

Biden’s 2020 plan promises to “reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees,” wipe out Trump’s asylum reforms, bar any deportations for 100 days, and end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony.

Joe Biden’s asylum and open-border policies will destroy the American middle class by releasing millions of foreign migrants into the United States, Stephen Miller told reporters October 28.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 28, 2020

Biden also wants to let companies import more visa workers, let mayors import temporary workers, and allow an unlimited flow of foreign graduates through U.S. universities into white-collar jobs. Biden would “exempt from any cap [the] recent graduates of Ph.D. programs in STEM fields.”

Biden also wants to accelerate the inflow of chain migration migrants and dramatically accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.

“The influx of low wage workers from all across the world will drive down incomes, drive down wages, deplete the middle class, bankrupt Social Security, bankrupt Medicare, bankrupt Medicaid, bankrupt federal entitlements, overcrowd schools, and overcrowd every hospital in the middle of a pandemic,” White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters on October 28.

“It is an assault on reason, it is an assault on law enforcement, and it’s an assault on the very idea of having a country, having a Republic,” Miller added. “This is not about left or right or Center. This is about between having a country, or not even having a country.”


Black Americans File Federal Lawsuit Against NYC for Law Allowing Foreign Nationals to Vote



ul of black Americans, residing in New York City, have filed a federal lawsuit against the city’s Board of Elections for a local law that would allow nearly a million foreign nationals to vote in citywide elections.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Democrats on the 51-member New York City Council approved a plan last month that allows more than 800,000 foreign nationals with green cards, visas, and work permits the opportunity to vote in citywide elections so long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days.

Four black Americans — Phyllis Coachman, Deroy Murdock, Katherine James, and Anthony Gilhuys — represented by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) have now filed a lawsuit in federal court that mimics their lawsuit filed in New York state which challenges the law on the grounds that it violates the 15th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act.

Racial discrimination, the latest lawsuit alleges, is behind the New York City law as it seeks to dilute the votes of black Americans by adding hundreds of thousands of Hispanic and Asian immigrants to the voting rolls.

The lawsuit states:

Local Law 11 violates the Fifteenth Amendment and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act because it was adopted with impermissible racial intent. It was the explicit intent of the Law’s sponsors to increase the voting strength of certain racial subgroups while simultaneously decreasing the voting strength of other racial subgroups. An election law enacted with any racial intent or purpose is unconstitutional under the Fifteenth Amendment and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. As the Supreme Court of the United States has stated, “There is no room under the Amendment for the concept that the right to vote in a particular election can be allocated based on race.” [Emphasis added]

According to data from the 2020 American Community Survey of the United States Census, there are approximately 1,300,000 foreign nationals residing in Bronx, Kings, New York and Queens Counties. Of that total, approximately 495,000 are Hispanic and 348,000 are Asian. [Emphasis added]

New York City has approximately five million active registered voters. The addition of approximately one million foreign-citizen voters could potentially make up almost 20 percent or more of the electorate in future New York City elections. This is greater than the margin of victory in many municipal elections. [Emphasis added]

The lawsuit cites former Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez (D) as “consistently” advocating for the law “with an explicit racial purpose.”

“Throughout the September 20, 2021, New York City Council public hearing, Council Member Rodriguez spoke in favor of the Bill in racial terms … many of his statements referred to the race of the foreign citizens who would be granted municipal voting rights,” the lawsuit states.

In June, the New York Supreme Court struck down the law as “illegal, null, and void” because “it is clear … that voting is a right granted to citizens of the United States” after the New York Republican Party filed suit in the state.

The federal lawsuit brought by black Americans is the third to challenge the law but the first that asks the federal courts to intervene in blocking its implementation.

The case is Coachman v. the City of New York, No. 1:22-cv-05123 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Soros-Funded Group Vows to Turn Out 6M Hispanic Voters to Defeat Trump


An open borders lobbying group, funded partially by billionaire George Soros, is vowing to defeat President Trump by turning out to vote about six million young and disenfranchised Hispanic Americans.

United We Dream activists said during a press call this week that they are “powering up” their members to turn out millions of new Hispanic American voters to tank Trump’s reelection campaign.

The group has long advocated for an amnesty for all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens and, specifically, the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Soros’ Open Society Foundations has been a donor to United We Dream since at least 2015.

“We know that in order to defend immigrants, protect DACA and defend our democracy, that Trump must be defeated this November,” United We Dream Executive Director Cristina Jiménez said, according to NBC News.

Jiménez said United We Dream is targeting about 2.5 million mostly Hispanic Americans who are the family members of DACA illegal aliens.

A whole swath of leftist organizations is involved in the get-out-the-vote effort, including the SEIU, the Sunrise Movement, the Soros-funded Center for Popular Democracy, the Youth Alliance, and LUCHA Arizona.

United We Dream is also trying to get in on the current Black Lives Matter movement’s “Defund the police” campaign. The groups have long claimed that arresting and deporting illegal aliens “are rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder


Michelle Malkin: Open Borders =

Election Sabotage


By Michelle Malkin 


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to wreck America's election integrity."

Yes, my friends, it's time to change the (in)famous phrase at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Open borders are not just a recipe for replacing native-born workers with cheap foreign labor and trading assimilation for multicultural militancy. They're about undermining the historic nation through devalued citizenship and sabotage of the precious right to vote.

Over the weekend, New York City's Democrat mayor Eric Adams threw his support to a City Council-approved measure to allow an estimated 800,000 local noncitizens to participate in local elections. The newly minted voters would include green-card holders, temporary visa holders, including H-1B workers mostly from China and India, F-1/Optional Practical Training foreign university students with employment authorization, and potentially unknown masses of illegal alien so-called Dreamers.

These new voters will be granted enormous influence over vital local matters pertaining to everything from education to taxes to crime and only need to show they've been in the city for a measly 30 days. It doesn't matter that these noncitizens will largely have no attachment at all to America as their permanent home but instead see it as a temporary rest stop, a cash cow, or, at worst, hostile territory.

Adams proclaimed in a statement that while he had "some concerns" about the bill, he now believes "allowing the legislation to be enacted is by far the best choice, and look forward to bringing millions more into the democratic process."

"Democratic process," of course, is a euphemism for "Democrat Party."

The demographic overwhelming of our elections through both illegal alien amnesty and unfettered legal immigration is straight out of the left-wing playbook. What's happening in the Big Apple is not new, nor is it a "conspiracy theory." As I've long reported since my early days in newspaper journalism in Southern California, there's been a steady erosion of voter integrity at the hands of open-borders politicians and operatives for decades.

Since 1991, six municipalities in Montgomery County, Md. have allowed noncitizens (with no distinction between legal and illegal aliens) to cast ballots in local elections: Garrett Park, Takoma Park, Somerset, Chevy Chase, Martin's Additions, and Barnesville. An additional five Maryland municipalities, two Vermont towns, two U.S. territories, and San Francisco (school board elections only, for now) have also opened their voting booths to noncitizens.

And don't forget: In 1993, the federal "Motor Voter" law "expanded the franchise" for political expediency — exacerbating the perilous trend of lowering the safeguards for voting that continues to undermine the value of U.S. citizenship today. The nationwide granting of driver's licenses to illegal aliens paved the way for untold election theft.

Former Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Alan C. Nelson's warning nearly 30 years ago when Takoma Park passed its noncitizen voting referendum remains more trenchant than ever:

"In many countries of the world, an alien is always an alien. In our country, we are proud that our laws and social policies encourage aliens of all races and cultures to become citizens. In recent years, however, an increasing number of aliens have not pursued citizenship....This trend is disturbing, because it could seriously affect the assimilation process immigrants have pursued in this nation for 200 years....This important value of becoming a citizen is lost if an alien can vote without becoming a citizen. Any legal resident alien can become a U.S. citizen in five years. That is not an unreasonable time to wait to be able to participate in our democracy....The five-year wait emphasizes the value of citizenship as a requirement to vote and to becoming a full member of the community....If local voting by noncitizens is allowed, state and federal voting could be next. Either there is a policy basis for noncitizens to vote, or there is not. If we open the door, it cannot be closed halfway."

It should be as glaring as Lady Liberty's torchlight that election reform begins with a complete, total, and immediate immigration moratorium.

Michelle Malkin is a conservative blogger at, syndicated columnist, author, and founder of Michelle Malkin's email address is


Photo ID Required to Enter Businesses -

But, Not to Vote - Due to DC Mayor

Bowser’s New Mandate

By Craig Bannister  

Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s new COVID mandate requires people to show photo proof of identification in order to enter businesses – but, the Nation’s Capital does not require photo identification to vote, except in rare cases.

“Somehow, the Left wants you to believe it is racist to ask for photo identification to vote, but not discriminatory to ask for photo ID in order to enter restaurants, bars, movie theaters, or gyms in the name of COVID-19 safety,” The Daily Wire reports:

“On Saturday [Jan. 15, 2022], Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser’s vaccine mandate is set to go into effect in Washington, requiring nearly every business and entertainment venue located in the nation’s capital to verify that patrons are vaccinated against COVID-19 with at least one shot. As part of that mandate for patrons over the age of 18, customers will have to show photo ID as proof their name matches the vaccination card they present for entry. Despite that, the District does not require photo identification for most voters with two exceptions.”

“Before patrons can access the indoor portion of the business, a business is required to check the patron’s proof of vaccination,” the D.C. government website detailing the mandate explains.

“Remember that starting Saturday you will need these three things before heading out: 1. Proof of vaccination (12 years +), 2. Proof of vaccination and Photo ID (18 years +), 3. Mask,” Mayor Bowser tweeted Tuesday.

The following types of businesses will be required to check vaccination status:
• Indoor food and drink establishments, such as:
o Restaurants
o Nightclubs
o Taverns
o Food halls/courts
o Breweries, wineries, and distillery tasting rooms
o Seated dining halls, restaurants, and cafes in museums, libraries, hotels, and other
public venues
• Indoor cultural and entertainment establishments, such as:
o Concert, live entertainment venues
o Sporting venues
o Movie theaters
o Pool and billiard halls
o Bowling alleys
o Cigar bars
o Hookah bars
o Adult entertainment venues
• Indoor exercise and recreational facilities, such as:
o Gyms
o Fitness Studios
• Indoor event and meeting establishments, such as:
o Hotel meeting rooms
o Banquet halls
o Conference center meeting facilities
o Event/banquet halls in museums and libraries
o Convention centers
o Auditoriums
o Shared work facilities when hosting events
• Any other indoor establishment designated by the Director of the DC Department of

“In the past Democratic Party leaders and others in the media have suggested that requiring ID to vote is tantamount to enacting ‘New Jim Crow’ laws because they argue black Americans are less likely to have voter ID than their white counterparts,” The Daily Wire notes, citing comments by President Joe Biden and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Last August, reported that 81% of all voters nationally, including 77% of Black voters, support laws requiring voters to provide a photo I.D.

People entering the establishment to use the bathroom room or pick up a to-go item are exempt from the proof of vaccination/identification mandate, as long as they were “a well-fitted face covering.”


Voter ID Requirements Make Sense

By Terence P. Jeffrey


A young man who looks like a teenager walks into a liquor store and pulls a bottle of cheap whiskey off a shelf.

He puts it down at the checkout counter and pulls out his wallet.

The clerk at the counter looks at him skeptically. "Can I see your ID?" he asks.

"Yes," says the young man, who instantly takes his driver's license out of his wallet and hands it to the clerk.

The driver's license indicates to the clerk that the customer in front of him had turned 21 two months ago. He sells him the cheap whiskey.

Then another young man walks into the store. He grabs a bottle of very expensive champagne and puts it on the counter.

Once again, the clerk asks the young man if he has an ID.

"No," says the young man.

"Then I can't sell you this champagne," says the clerk.

"You have got to be kidding me," says the young man. "I am 22 years old."

"Then prove it," says the clerk.

"I left my driver's license at home," says the young man.

"Then go get it," says the clerk.

"No, I'll go buy my champagne somewhere else," says the young man, who leaves the store in disgust.

This second hypothetical young man, however, was only 19, which made him old enough to vote but not old enough to buy champagne.

If it were up to the Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, neither of these young men — or anyone else — would need to show an ID to vote.

Last March, 220 of the 221 Democrats in the House — but not one Republican — voted to pass the "For the People Act."

The introduction to the bill claimed it had the following purpose: "To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes."

"Congress also finds that States and localities have eroded access to the right to vote through restrictions on the right to vote including excessively onerous voter identification requirements," said the bill.

One section of the bill carried this title: "Permitting use of sworn written statement to meet identification requirements for voting."

"Except as provided in subsection (c)," it says, "if a State has in effect a requirement that an individual present identification as a condition of receiving and casting a ballot in an election for Federal office, the State shall permit the individual to meet the requirement — (A) in the case of an individual who desires to vote in person, by presenting the appropriate State or local election official with a sworn written statement, signed by the individual under penalty of perjury, attesting to the individual's identity and attesting that the individual is eligible to vote in the election; or (B) in the case of an individual who desires to vote by mail, by submitting with the ballot the statement described in subparagraph (A)."

"The Commission," the bill said, "shall develop a pre-printed version of the statement described in paragraph (1)(A) which includes a blank space for an individual to provide a name and signature for use by election officials in States which are subject to paragraph (1)."

So, if this bill were to become law, a person could simply sign a pre-printed government form and drop a ballot in a mailbox without presenting anyone with an identification.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) has offered a slightly stricter bill in the Senate. It is called the "Freedom to Vote Act."

One part of this bill is headlined: "Voter Identification and Allowable Alternatives." It says in part: "If a State or local jurisdiction has a voter identification requirement, the State or local jurisdiction — (A) shall treat any applicable identifying document as meeting such voter identification requirement."

"The term 'applicable identifying document' means, with respect to any individual, any document issued to such individual containing the individual's name," it says.

It then stipulates that this document can only have expired within the past four years. "The term 'applicable identifying documents,'" says the bill, "shall include any of the following (so long as that document has not expired or, if expired, expired no earlier than four years before the date of presentation)."

Some of the "applicable identifying documents" then listed in the bill are completely reasonable: "A driver's license or an identification card issued by a State, the Federal Government, or a State or federally recognized Tribal government."

Some are more dubious: "A bank card or debit card."

So, if this bill became law, a debit card that expired in 2021 would be a valid identification for someone voting in 2024.

It is not unreasonable in the 21st century to require people who want to vote to demonstrate that they are legally eligible to do so by presenting a valid form of identification.

(Terence P. Jeffrey is the editor-in-chief of



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