Tuesday, September 27, 2022



A Congress full of contempt for the American people

There is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress.

                                                                                                                                    --Mark Twain


Since inflation is currently the major issue for the American people, the Democrat Congress, with much fanfare and the usual self-congratulation, passed the “Inflation Reduction Act.” 

Since, however, one is here talking about Congress, one should not assume that anything is what it is claimed to be.  No sooner was the bill passed than former Secretary of State and current “climate envoy” John Kerry, one of the D-Mass bunch, who purchased his massive seven bedroom carbon footprint mansion in the fake liberal “sanctuary destination” of Martha’s Vineyard in 2017, slipped up and told the truth to the International Energy Agency's Global Clean Energy Action Forum: “I'm not sure how much it has to do with inflation, but that's O.K.”

A University of Pennsylvania Wharton School study agrees, concluding that it has “low confidence the legislation will have any impact on inflation.”

The reason this deception is “O.K.” with Kerry is that the real purpose of the bill is to spend 375 billion taxpayer dollars on the Left’s “green new deal” agenda to “tackle” climate change and double the number of IRS agents to harass the remaining fraction of Americans that still have a job or small business. 

The reason the bill was not titled “The Green New Deal Bill” is that the peasants would not have approved of spending 375 billion of their tax dollars on the economy-destroying left-wing religious cult’s climate agenda or doubling the number of IRS agents to harass them.   It was therefore necessary to pretend that Congress was actually passing a bill designed to improve the peasants’ lives.  Thus, the “Green New Deal and IRS Harassment Expansion” bill was renamed the “Inflation Reduction Act” in the hopes that enough of the “deplorables” would be fooled in order to minimize Democrat party losses in the November 2022 midterms.

The fact that the Inflation Reduction Act will very likely increase inflation does not concern our multi-million-dollar overlords in their massive carbon footprints in Martha’s Vineyard.

One might assume that the main story here is that Congress, which is supposedly to represent its constituents, deceived the American people by labeling a “green new deal” bill as an inflation reduction act. 

But no, even that is not the real story here. 

The real story is John Kerry’s casual statement that he is “O.K. with” the deception, that is, that he says the secret part out loud, that our Democrat-controlled congress is happy to deceive the peasants (the American people) as long as they get what they want: more money and power for themselves

Unfortunately, Congress deceiving the peasants is the rule, not the exception. 

In 2014, an Obamacare “architect” and MIT economics professor, Jonathan Gruber, speaking, while laughing, to a university audience, many of whom also laughed, let the secret part slip out:

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. … [The] stupidity of the American voter … was really, really critical for [Obamacare] to pass.

That is, Obamacare would not pass if the peasants knew what was in it, specifically, that it is a large tax increase, and, therefore, it is lucky that the voters (American people) are so stupid.

Since MIT genius Gruber was himself stupid enough to make such remarks in front of many audiences, a tape recording found its way to the news media and he did, sort of, apologize, but he was really only sorry that he got caught. 

Anyone who has become familiar with the ivy league and similar top universities, knows that the sense of superiority is so thick one can cut it with a knife, and also knows that Gruber’s contempt for the American people is quite common.  For example, Yale Ph.D. Uwe Reinhardt does not believe Gruber should have apologized because “stupid” was a poor choice of words and Gruber should have called the American voters “ignorant” instead. 

“Obamacare,” one recalls, was sold to the peasants on grounds that it would decrease health care costs for an average family by $2,500 a year. 

In fact, that was obvious before it was passed, with the aid of Obama’s 2013 Politifact “lie of the year” that “if you like your health care and your doctor you can keep your health care and your doctor, period,” but the stupid peasants were not permitted to disagree with the elitists’ storyline. 

It is abundantly clear that the attitude of Democrats in Congress toward the American people is contempt.  They feel no obligation to inform the peasants accurately because they are not interested in their opinions.

One might reply that this criticism applies to both Democrat and Republican congressional representatives and this is true.  The Republicans, many of whom are actually closet Democrats, are not blameless, either. Liz Cheney, after all, said she might campaign for Democrats in the next election, and other Republicans are just weaklings.  Many Republicans sound quite promising around election time when they want your vote but cannot wait after they are elected to cave to their Democrat co-conspirators.  One of the other illuminating things Twain also says about Congress is that “fleas can be taught nearly anything that a congressman can,” and that is, to jump.  When congressmen of either party are approached by their donors or attacked by partisan leftist thugs, they forget the people who put them in office and jump as directed like frightened insects.

However, the Democrat-controlled Congress is what we have now.  

The scale of the problem is far greater now than it was five or ten years ago.  Republicans are not very good, but at least they don’t seem as intent on destroying the United States while scoring massive profits for themselves.

One can debate why the problem is worse now than it has been in recent memory but part of the answer is clearly that the Democrats were so unhinged by Trump’s victory in 2016 that they decided that they must get what they want by any means necessary, whether fair of foul, which, as it turned out, was mostly foul.  Since Trump was not a part of their greedy incompetent elite club, he was a threat to their power and so the gloves came off.  Whatever the full reason, the current Democrat Congress see the American people as sheep that need to be herded into pens and controlled with threats and misinformation

Mark Twain gives an additional piece of advice about politicians:

No country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more.

Unfortunately, at present, our mostly corrupt and/or incompetent, some malevolent, Democrat “law officers,” who seem, unaccountably, to think very well of themselves, need to be taught a lesson for going so far Left. 

When people vote in the November 2022 congressional elections, they need to keep in mind, not merely the series of failed Democrat policies or the appalling nihilist hypocrisy of the Democrat Congress and president.  They also need to keep firmly in mind how much contempt many Democrats have both for the United States and for traditional freedom-loving American patriots and how casually and cynically they manipulate and deceive them.

Image: The Guardian, via Picryl // public domain

Running the World into the Ground

The actions of the people who are in charge of governments are supposed to benefit the countries they serve -- in theory, at least. In practice, the opposite is true. In the West, our leaders are destroying everything they can get their hands on.

This is certainly an apt description of the Biden/Harris administration. They inherited a healthy country from President Trump. The economy was taking off, inflation was practically nonexistent, the U.S. was energy independent for the first time in decades, and the border was closed. So what did Biden do? He immediately set out to reverse everything Trump achieved.

Who can claim to be better off under Biden? The economy has tanked, inflation is at a 40-year high, people can’t afford to heat their homes or fill up their cars with gas, crime statistics are off the charts, and confidence in America is at an all-time low. Biden’s open-border policy, which is opposed by a majority of American citizens, is leading to social unrest and economic chaos. A country without a functioning border is not a country, yet that is where Biden has taken us.

America is marching toward totalitarianism as Biden empowers the DoJ and FBI to go after his political opponents, i.e., at least half of the population. His worst offense, however, is following the climate dictates of the World Economic Forum. Biden is torpedoing the robust U.S. economy in service of a totally false assumption -- that human beings are able to change the planet’s climate. He is raising taxes so that billions of your dollars can be wasted on ridiculous anti-fossil fuel projects.

Biden has declared war on the energy industry in the name of global warming. He wants us to believe that oil, gas, and coal are killing the planet. What is the result of his climate policy so far? “Harvesting of fuel was cut back drastically,” explained Bill O’Reilly, “and that caused the price of oil worldwide to rise, and that caused the price of gas at the pump to rise, and that lit inflation, as all other goods went up in price as well because they are trucked in to the stores and businesses. That is all on President Biden.”

First, human beings are incapable of controlling the climate, which operates in cycles and always has since the planet was created. Second, our economy is dependent on fossil fuels, and -- contrary to the lies fed by the administration -- fossil fuel alternatives do not exist, and will not exist in the foreseeable future.

Climate Change Business Journal quantified the cost to the U.S. of the green agenda at a whopping $1.5 trillion per year. That is the equivalent of economic suicide. And what do we get for this waste of time, money, and effort? Danish environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg calculates that even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments -- which they won’t, by the end of the century it will reduce the world’s temperatures by a mere 1/20th of a degree. In other words, the quality of our lives is going to plummet based on a monumental hoax.

If Biden gets away with his green policy, it will play right into Obama’s socialist dream of fundamentally transforming America. Under the guise of responding to climate change, the Left wants to take what we have and redistribute it to the Third World even if it means crippling the U.S. economy. Rampant crime, insane immigration policy, assault on individual rights, suicidal climate dictates -- Americans are being sold out by the politicians in charge, who happen to be members of the Democratic Party.

Now let’s talk about our friends in Europe. The criminal politicians who are in charge on the other side of the Atlantic are no better than their American counterparts. Europe’s social fabric was destroyed when Angela Merkel decided to open Germany’s borders to an onslaught of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, most of whom are either unwilling or unable to assimilate into European culture. Other countries followed Merkel’s deranged example. The appalling result is that France, the U.K., Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden are on the verge of civil war as they struggle to deal with hostile Muslim newcomers.

The takeover of Europe by Islam was predicted by Mark Steyn in his 2008 book, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. “What happens,” Steyn asked, “when a Western world so in thrall to platitudes about boundless ‘tolerance’ allows the forces of intolerance to carve it out from the inside? Much of the Western world is engaged in an act of auto-genocide, and Islam will be the immediate beneficiary.” European politicians have opened the doors to people who are opposed to the Western way of life and whose mission is to stamp it out.

On the economic front, European leaders have, like Biden in the U.S., succumbed to the delusional World Economic Forum. In a mad rush to eliminate reliance on fossil fuels, European economies are going into the winter without adequate energy supplies. The poor citizens of the continent are being told to anticipate blackouts and food shortages. They are about to discover that without fossil fuels, their way of life is going to hell.

What recourse do we voters have against the irresponsibility of political leaders who are obsessed with the lure of power? Is it too late to stop them? In the U.S., we have the possibility of Republican resurgence in the 2022 and 2024 elections. We need Donald Trump or someone like him to execute a return to sane policymaking. I’m counting on it. The alternative is just too bloody awful.

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of nine books including his new #1 Amazon besttseller, America on its Knees: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden. His website is www.edbrodowpolitics.com.


Pelosi Saves Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Through Another ‘Timely’ Stock Move

Some stock traders think the speaker is 'making the big bucks off of insider information,' Business Insider reported

 • September 2, 2022 3:10 pm


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and her multimillionaire husband, Paul Pelosi, saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling their shares in Nvidia about one month before the U.S. government placed restrictions on the tech company, causing its stock price to plummet.

In July, the Pelosis sold all 25,000 of their shares in Nvidia. On Aug. 26, the government ordered Nvidia to stop selling microchips in China and Russia without authorization, which could cost the company up to $400 million, CNBC reported on Wednesday. The day after CNBC's report, Nvidia's stock price was down nearly 12 percent, according to the Wall Street Journal.

By selling the shares before the news broke, the speaker and her husband saved around $600,000, according to multiple Twitter accounts that track the Pelosis' controversial stock trades.

Paul Pelosi has a long history of making "timely" purchases in companies that his wife has worked to subsidize, the Washington Free Beacon has reported. He purchased the Nvidia stock in June as the speaker oversaw a bill that would grant billions of dollars in subsidies that could benefit the company.

Internet stock traders often follow Nancy Pelosi's purchases and selloffs for investing tips, Business Insider reported, with some suggesting "she's making the big bucks off of insider information."

A Nancy Pelosi spokesman told Fox Business that Paul Pelosi does not speak to his wife about his stock trades until after he makes the trades.

While the speaker in February implied that she wouldn't oppose a congressional stock-trading ban, she appears "content to let" a ban "die behind the scenes," the Daily Beast reported.

"The people who control the calendar don't want to bring it to the floor," Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D., Va.) said.

GOP Prepares For End Of ‘One Party Rule’ With ‘Commitment to America’

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) in Monongahela, Pa.
 • September 23, 2022 3:30 pm


MONONGAHELA, Pa.—House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) outlined on Friday a governing agenda of what voters can expect in 2023 and beyond should Republicans retake Congress this November.

McCarthy's remarks were part of the House Republicans' newly revealed "Commitment to America," a comprehensive policy pitch for voters in the lead up to the November midterms. That pitch contains bold policy goals related to border security, cutting spending, tackling inflation, and reversing several of President Joe Biden’s legislative victories. 

"It's a one-party rule that we've had for two years that have led to the disaster that we're in right now." McCarthy said. "It's going to take the values of southwestern Pennsylvania in ‘Real America' to get us back on track. That's why we're here."

The policies McCarthy announced include ending the practice of "catch-and-release" for illegal immigrants, loosening regulations on domestic oil and gas production, repealing large portions of the Inflation Reduction Act, and slashing taxes.

"As we went across this country listening, we heard the same thing, at the kitchen table, the dining room table, and inside the factory. ‘Can I afford it? Can I afford to fill up my tank? Can I afford the food, the milk, the baby formula?’" McCarthy said at a warehouse outside of Pittsburgh on Friday morning. "We asked everybody across this country, ‘Could you afford to give up one month of your wages? One month?' The sad part is the Democratic Party has already taken one month of your wages."

McCarthy’s announcement of a future House Republican majority policy agenda was reminiscent of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s 1994 "Contract With America." That proposal, meant to show voters that Republicans were committed to governing in a way that was responsive to voter concerns, was revealed six weeks before Republicans retook the House for the first time in 40 years.

The event also revealed the party's strategy of returning to kitchen-table issues such as the economy, illegal immigration fueling the fentanyl crisis, and left-wing overreach in public schools. Polling shows voters trust Republicans on issues related to the border and inflation, and Republican members told the Free Beacon they were confident it will increase the likelihood of a red wave in November.

"You don't have to walk down the sidewalk to trip over one of Joe Biden's crises," said Rep. Kat Cammack (R., Fla.) at the Friday event. "You don't have to be highly political and involved to realize how bad things are in everyday America. Everything in this country has turned for the worse."

"I talked to Republicans, Democrats, independents, they don't care who broke it," Cammack said. "They want to fix it and Republicans are the only ones that have a plan to actually fix it."

Although situated thousands of miles away from the southern border, voters in Monongahela expressed concern about the border, which has seen more illegal crossings a day than at any other point in U.S. history. With all those illegal crossings comes a flood of fentanyl, which has been deadly for communities across the country. A local police officer who spoke with the Free Beacon said his county has seen 69 fentanyl overdoses in 2022, a near record with still three months left in the year.

"Every city in America is a border city, whether you're in Texas, Pennsylvania, like we are now or anywhere across the country," Rep. Tony Gonzales (R., Texas) told the Free Beacon. "We're all a border city. Fentanyl is killing everybody, regardless of the color of your skin or live in rural America or live in urban America. We’re at the forefront of these dangers in Texas, but your city is next."

Republicans emphasized that their agenda resulted in participation from nearly every member, rather than party leadership. A wide range of members attended the event, from Steve Scalise (R., La.) to Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.), signifying a unified party on the cusp of retaking Congress.

"At the end of the day, we have to provide some tangibles on what our plan is," Rep. Lisa McClain (R., Mich.) told the Free Beacon. "When I’m in my district, voters will say what the problems are but also ask me, ‘Lisa, what are you going to do about it?’ And that’s what today is about."

Deadly Democrats: The Crime Wave No One’s Talking About

The left-wing killing spree is out of control

 • September 27, 2022 4:59 am


Violent crime continues to rise across the United States, and Democratic politicians are struggling to defend their anti-law enforcement policies that have in some cases resulted in preventable deaths. This alarming crime wave has coincided with a marked increase in the number of Democratic donors, operatives, and elected officials (and other left-wing maniacs) arrested and charged with violent crimes.

Here are a few of the most notable Democratic Party officials and associates to be charged, prosecuted, or sentenced for violent crimes in 2022:

Sean Caddle, a longtime Democratic consultant in New Jersey, pleaded guilty in January to hiring two people to murder a former associate, Michael Galdieri, who was found stabbed to death in his apartment in May 2014. Caddle, a former aide to Democratic state senator Ray Lesniak, operated a network of shady super PACs that poured money into local races throughout New Jersey. He was also implicated in an ACORN-linked voter fraud scandal in Texas. Caddle was scheduled to be sentenced in June, but that hearing was postponed until December amid reports that the Democratic operative was cooperating with federal authorities.

Ed Buck received a 30-year sentence in April after the Democratic megadonor and prominent California activist was found guilty of luring two men to his home and injecting them with fatal doses of methamphetamine. Federal authorities alleged that Buck engaged in a "lethal and unchecked pattern of reckless disregard for human life" by soliciting victims for sex by promising to provide them with drugs. During the trial, Buck's victims described being administered a variety of drugs until they lost consciousness, at which point Buck sexually assaulted them. U.S. Attorney Tracy L. Wilkison applauded the sentence, noting that the Democratic donor "preyed upon vulnerable victims—men who were drug-dependent and often without homes—to feed an obsession that led to death and misery."

Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton who attended former first daughter Chelsea Clinton's wedding in 2010, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex-trafficking underage girls. Authorities alleged that Maxwell played an "instrumental" role in helping another Clinton associate, the late multimillionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, to acquire and abuse young girls for at least a decade. Epstein's former pilot testified at trial that former president Clinton made several trips on the pedophile's private jet, often referred to as the "Lolita Express."

Jerry Harris, the former Biden campaign surrogate and star of the Netflix documentary series Cheer, was sentenced in June to 12 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving minors. Several months after taking part in an Instagram Live discussion with Biden in June 2020, Harris was arrested for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy at a cheer competition and paying another underaged victim to send him sexually explicit photos and videos on Snapchat.

Alex Murdaugh was charged in July with killing his wife and son. The South Carolina attorney, who donated $2,800 to Joe Biden's presidential campaign in 2020, was already facing an array of charges involving financial fraud, money laundering, and drug trafficking. He has already admitted to stealing more than $4 million of settlement funds owed to the family of Gloria Satterfield, who worked as Murdaugh's housekeeper until her mysterious death in 2018. Murdaugh, who is being represented by fellow Biden supporter Dick Harpootlian, is also accused of hiring his cousin to kill him in a botched murder-for-hire scheme to ensure his surviving son Buster would collect on the family life insurance policy.

Nicholas Roske was charged in July for attempting to murder Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh after being arrested outside the justice's home in Maryland with a knife, pepper spray, and burglary tools, as well as a handgun and 37 rounds of ammunition. Roske told authorities he was motivated in part by the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. Additional evidence suggested Roske sought to murder two other conservative justices in a bid to alter the High Court "for decades." The incident occurred several weeks after a New York Times opinion writer urged pro-abortion activists to escalate their efforts to intimidate Kavanaugh in public.

Robert Telles, a local Democratic official in Las Vegas, was charged earlier this month with the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter was found stabbed to death outside his home on Sept. 3. German had written a series of stories about Telles's conduct in office—including allegations of corruption, bullying, and an extramarital affair—that resulted in Telles losing the Democratic primary for Clark County public administrator in June. Prosecutors have described the crime as "willful, deliberate, and premeditated," accusing Telles of "lying in wait" outside German's home before stabbing the 69-year-old journalist at least seven times and leaving him to die.

Shannon Brandt, a deranged liberal from North Dakota, was released on bail last week after he admitted to killing an 18-year-old with his car following a "political argument." Brandt told police he believed the victim, Cayler Ellingson, was "part of a Republican extremist group." The incident occurred several weeks after President Joe Biden delivered a menacing speech, ostensibly about national unity, in which he accused the Republican Party and its supporters of "destroying American democracy."

Getty Images

Published under: CrimeDemocratic PartyJoe BidenMurder

Fetterman Gave Nod to Crips Street Gang During Mayoral Campaign

Fetterman’s nod to the Crips at his loft in Braddock, where a city sign emblazoned with the gang’s graffiti hangs / New York Times
 • September 26, 2022 4:59 am


As a mayoral candidate in 2005, Senate hopeful John Fetterman adopted a unique tactic to appeal to the youth of Braddock, Pa.: tout the borough’s connections to the notorious Crips street gang. After his election, he downplayed the gang’s prevalence in his town, and attributed some of their gang activity to the acts of "disenfranchised" and "disenchanted" youth.

During his first mayoral run in 2005, Fetterman adopted the slogan "Vote John Mayor of Braddocc," a nod to the spelling that local Crips gang members used for the town. After he was elected, Fetterman created the website Braddocc.com as part of a revitalization project to appeal to young people in the dilapidated steel town. The now-defunct website, which Fetterman launched with his own money, explains that "Braddocc" was "unofficially renamed" by the "young and disenfranchised for its Crip allegiance." The Justice Department considers the Crips, founded in southern California in the 1970s, to be one of the country’s most violent street gangs.

Fetterman, the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor, has come under fire during his Senate bid for his progressive views on criminal justice reform. Republicans have portrayed Fetterman as soft on crime for calling for the release of up to one-third of Pennsylvania’s prison inmates. As chairman of Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons, Fetterman cast the lone vote to free several people convicted of first-degree murder. His appointee for secretary of the board has called to "disarm the police," and has referred to cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as her "friend" and "buddy," the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Fetterman has denied that he glorifies the Crips or gang culture, though he has acknowledged that his embrace of the "Braddocc" nickname helped him in his 2005 campaign by attracting younger voters.

"Ultimately I carry their flag, because they’re the ones that made the difference that I won by one vote that first election," he said in 2015. "It’s not a glorification of gang violence, or embracing gang violence," he added of the "Braddocc" moniker, noting that he "caught some flak … because some people thought I was spelling it like a gangster."

While Fetterman promoted Crips lingo, he downplayed the gang’s presence in Braddock after his election win. In 2006, he said gang graffiti that appeared on buildings in the borough were the act of "a disenfranchised young person who is disaffected and has few options."

"You have ‘C'z Up' and ‘Ghuttacide,' but at the end of the day it's not a movement; it's not a reflection of what's going on. One shouldn't make the erroneous assumption that it's some kind of movement, some kind of criminal element," he told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2006.

Fetterman said punishing the teens behind the graffiti was not an ideal remedy and that the graffiti "appears more fearsome than it is."

But Crips were active in Braddock during Fetterman’s tenure as mayor.

Members of the gang appeared in a video from the late-2000s discussing their life in Braddock, promoting their music with the Braddock-based "Geto Bred Entertainment," and warning rivals against "snitching" to police. The video, which also employs the "Braddocc" moniker, shows gang members rapping in front of graffiti that bears the "C’z Up" and "Ghuttacide" tags that Fetterman discussed with the Post-Gazette.

Fetterman's campaign denies that Fetterman has any affinity for the Crips.

"The notion that John Fetterman has any affinity for the crips is complete and utter bullshit," Fetterman's communications director Joe Calvello told the Free Beacon. "Under John, crips in Braddock were taken off the street and put in jail."

Fetterman’s nod to the Crips can still be found at his loft in Braddock, where a city sign emblazoned with the gang’s graffiti hangs above his refrigerator. The New York Times photographed Fetterman in front of the sign for a 2011 profile. Fetterman’s wife posted a photo to social media in 2020 with the sign in the background.

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