Sunday, October 9, 2022


He can escape from the burdens of leadership to his Delaware vacation home and lick pudding pops 'till he gives his Jell-O brain brain freeze.  For those with nowhere else to go, though, the Deep State's lost puppet sure has made a nightmare of the American dream.

Those who f---ked with Biden

My late uncle once told me that there are four kinds of people in the world. 

The gifted who are aware of their gifts, the gifted who are unaware of their gifts, the imbeciles who know of their imbecility, and finally the imbeciles who are unaware of their imbecility.

“Beware of the fourth kind, always,” he warned me as he concluded.

Joe Biden is a perfect illustration of this fourth kind. 

Not only is Biden a dolt who is unaware of his obvious shortcomings, he is also delusional enough to attribute his achievements, which are a consequence of his good fortune, to his nonexistent talent.

Many of his gaffes, prior to his impaired cognitive abilities, were a product of this erroneous overestimation of his abilities, coupled with his arrogance.

In his mind, all he had to do was show up and say whatever occurred to him at that moment, no preparations were required.

This mindset causes his trademark crude swagger and revolting smugness.

On some occasions, he paid premature tributes to the living.


On other occasions, he boasted about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor, who would have exposed his son Hunter's shady dealing in Ukraine and Biden’s abuse of power and corruption, fired. He knew the establishment was on his side and he had nothing to fear

Recently, during a visit to Florida to assess the damage done by Hurricane Ian, Biden bragged to Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy that “no one f--ks with Biden.”

If Trump had made similar claims while visiting a hurricane-ravaged state, the media would have called him every pejorative epithet known to mankind and House Democrats would have conducted another impeachment.

But since it is Biden, they ignore it and euphemize the profanity with the claim “Oh that’s just Joe, he means well.”

Time to fact-check Biden’s claim and look at those not only who dared to f---k with Biden but also lived to tell the story

Barack Obama

It happened during his April 2022 visit to the White House.

Obama knows Biden’s cognitive abilities are impaired. Anyone with the slightest sensitivity would have taken Biden along and ensured that Biden was included in all the fun.

But no, the narcissistic Obama joked at Biden’s expense during his remarks:


Following the speech, Biden was left all alone on stage, looking on listlessly:



After managing to descend from the stage, Biden attempted to include himself in a conversation that Obama was engaged in with others, but was ignored


Back in 2020, when Biden was running for president from his basement, Obama apparently told aides: "'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f-things up." 

What happened to Obama after humiliating Biden privately and in public?

He still remains the de facto leader of the Democrats.

Kamala Harris 

Among the others who ignored Biden during Obama’s April visit to the White House was Kamala Harris.

But that wasn’t the worst blow Kamala delivered to Biden.

During her failed presidential campaign Harris brutally attacked Biden calling him out for his racism:

What happened to Harris after that vicious attack on Biden?

She was made Biden’s vice president, the second most powerful individual in the U.S., and next in line to the presidency.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The self-centered champagne socialist and ‘squad’ leader AOC refused to endorse the idea of Biden seeking re-election in 2024.

What happened to AOC after snubbing Biden?

She is on track to be reelected during the midterms and she still continues to attract the attention she craves for.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Back in July, Biden met the crown prince of Saudi Arabia and shared a cordial fist bump with the leader of a nation he once pledged to make a "pariah" owing to its human rights record.

After waging war on energy in the U.S. by shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and restricting drilling on U.S. soil, Biden visited Saudi Arabia to plead with Prince Salman to increase the production of oil to combat the resulting energy crisis.

Biden’s implorings fell on deaf ears

The kingdom and its OPEC+ allies announced a massive cut to oil production.

What’s happened to OPEC+ and Saudi Arabia after.they rejected Biden's plea?

They continue to be powerful and dictate the price of petroleum and diesel fuel all over the world.

The Taliban

On July 08, 2021, following his hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden effectively declared 'mission accomplished' by saying the following

"The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army. They're not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan."

On 26 August 2021, ISIS carried out a suicide bombing at Kabul Airport that killed 183 people including Afghans and United military personnel.

Biden pledged to ‘not forgive the attack’ and ordered an airstrike that killed an Afghan aid worker and seven children instead of the perpetrators

What happened to the Taliban after humiliating Biden?

They continue to be in power in Afghanistan and continue to provide a safe haven to terror groups such as al-Qaida and ISIS.

Kim Jong-un

Back in 2019, North Korea called Biden a “rabid dog” that “must be beaten to death with a stick.”

President Trump met with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un on two occasions, resulting in no major missiles fired in that region.

Back in May during his trip to South Korea, Biden pledged to do whatever it takes to confront North Korea. Following Biden’s departure, North Korea fired three ballistic missiles.

What happened to North Korea after personally and symbolically attacking Biden?

Early in September, North Korea declared itself to be a nuclear weapons state. 

North Korea recently fired 2 ballistic missiles at Japan and followed that with many other missiles after Kamala Harris visited South Korea.

Vladimir Putin

The Democrats concocted their preposterous conspiracy theory that President Trump had colluded with Putin to rig the 2016 elections. They claimed Trump was soft on Russia.

But the truth is, Putin didn’t conduct any military operations when Trump was in power. He felt that Trump was too unpredictable.

However, following Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, things were different: Putin was emboldened to engage in a military intervention in Ukraine.

Biden has responded by dispatching billions worth of aid and advanced arms to Ukraine.

What happened to Putin after taking on Biden?

Putin continues to be the President of Russia, the Russian currency continues to rise and the war continues to ravage the region.

The New York Times

Back in July, the Democrat mouthpiece, the New York Times carried a piece that made the case that Biden, at 79, is "testing the boundaries of age and the presidency." The piece had comments from 50 Democrat officials who urged Biden not to run again in 2024.

What happened to the NYT after attacking Biden?

They continue to be the foremost outfit that the Democrats go to in order to spread their message.

Verdict to Biden’s boastful claim:  

Four Pinocchios

Biden’s boast is a blatant falsehood to being gravely insensitive.

Image: Screen shot from AP video, via YouTube

Biden: Exit Stage Lost

"Exit Stage Lost" must be the final command regularly displayed on Joe Biden's teleprompter because the senile old stooge always wanders around aimlessly after mumbling through any public remarks.  I'm guessing it's his speechwriters' way of gently prodding: "Now go along and play with your toys while the adults take care of important business."  Although, given how perplexed Biden always appears and how intensely he seems to be searching for something invisible to everyone else, perhaps the teleprompter-in-chief flashes: "Tag, you're it; now go find Corn Pop hiding in the bushes."  

Obama couldn't speak coherently without a teleprompter, and Biden can't speak coherently even with a teleprompter.  Had our enemies just made a concerted effort to destroy the world's supply of functioning teleprompters, the Obama-Biden presidencies would have consisted of nothing but strings of um-um-ums, regular urrs, a whole lot of uhhhs, mindless slobbering from Dementia Joe, and an occasional self-righteous "That's not who we are."  You'd think anybody haughty enough to claim the honorific title of "most powerful man in the world" would be capable of speaking in complete sentences for as long as the occasion required without the assistance of someone whispering in his ear, but alas, political puppets rarely require cognitive ability or oratorical skill.

Should we one day look back at this decade as the "Terrible Twenty-Twenties," Joe Biden's mental infirmity will stand as an apt metaphor for our continued suffering or a prime cause of the cataclysmic damage yet to come — perhaps both!  Many historians have opined that Franklin Delano Roosevelt could never have become president nearly a century ago — let alone have served as the White House's longest occupant — had American voters known he was confined to a wheelchair.  With a compliant press doing his bidding well before the age of television, though, most Americans were none the wiser.  Here and today, however, Biden's prolific public struggles in performing simple tasks are visible for all to see, and no reasonable person could observe and not conclude that the faux president is in severe mental decline.  Still, the press is completely silent about this unfolding catastrophe and goes to outrageous lengths to cover up and even justify his most absurd deficiencies.  It is as if we were all watching FDR wheeling himself around the Rose Garden, and the mainstream media are delightfully cheering, "What an incredibly fit jogger the president still is!"  The more the press pretends not to know what's going on, the more obvious it is to the average American that Soviet-style propaganda has taken over the United States.

So here we are with a president-in-name-only, who most Americans believe cheated his way into the White House, proving almost daily that he is also supremely incapable of performing the job.  Not only was he most likely illegitimately installed, but also his mental handicaps make him legitimately unfit for office.  The Biden administration, in other words, is illegitimacy squared.

The American people know that he is not really running things.  The Pravda Press know that he is not really running things.  Foreign leaders — allies and enemies alike — know that he is not really running things.  Probably, deep down, even bitter and cantankerous Joe Biden knows he's not running things.  About the only Americans who are actually so caught up in this Deep State charade that they buy into the whole Aviator Joe public relations farce are the same Americans so easily hypnotized by the media's dark arts that they're still isolating at home, mummifying themselves behind germ-carrying masks, begging their pharmaceutical masters for new boosters, ranting indiscriminately at the television about Russian collusion, and raving about the wonderful economy while their savings and stock portfolios go up in smoke.

Biden could always carry the cuckoo vote because he speaks Rob Reiner's jibber-jabber language.  Dementia Joe puts the "dim" in the Dem Party, and some dim Dems will follow him to their graves.

What happens when you take a mediocre mind and a malevolent heart and churn both in the blender until you have lime-green purée?  Well, if you're Joe Biden, you get to play president for a spell while the world comes crashing down.  And boy, is it crashing down hard!  Homicide and violent crime rates are through the roof.  The U.S. government has abandoned the southern border with more gross dereliction of duty than it demonstrated during its strategically imbecilic retreat from Afghanistan.  Food and fuel prices are skyrocketing, while the Green Mafia controlling Washington, D.C. choke off domestic energy production and handcuff farmers with EPA insanity.  The Federal Reserve's central bank chicanery is intentionally tanking Main Street economic activity in order to provide cover for the inflationary destruction exploding forth from the Green New Deal's Pandora's box of regulatory upheaval.  Americans are going into record consumer debt while struggling to live paycheck to paycheck.  Fentanyl and other illegal drugs spilling into the country through our porous borders are killing tens of thousands.  And the cultural Marxists have been given carte blanche to undermine marriage and the nuclear family with paroxysms of transgender madness and fondness for pedophilia, such that children have never been more confused about their own identities.  

politically compromised and corrupt DOJ and FBI continue to target and harass any pro-Constitution Americans not down with American communism, and when they're not covering up their culpability for using the Hillary-Obama Russia collusion scam as part of a running coup d'état against President Trump, they're actively conspiring to foist further spurious charges against him in order to keep him off the '24 ballot.  Insidious censorship has gone so vogue under the malignant socialist State that American corporations, newspapers, "thought leaders," and social media platforms deceptively posing as defenders of free speech all justify viewpoint discrimination, language bans, and punishment for unapproved thoughts.  Members of the military, as well as huge majorities of the private workforce, are still being coerced against their will to accept experimental medical treatments and endure COVID-related crimes against humanity.  

Biden, picking right up where Obama left off, insists on aiding our enemies in China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and elsewhere, while browbeating Americans at home for unconsciously engaging in "systemic racism" and other meaningless Marxist claptrap meant to strangle Americans' freedom, self-worth, and initiative with vindictive and morally deficient "collective guilt."  And while ordinary Americans deal with these plentiful — nay, nearly overwhelming — government-created problems, they watch as the useful dotard and aspiring dictator putatively serving as president of the United States continues to use Ukraine as a vehicle for laundering money for friendly cronies and as a playing field for tit-for-tat geopolitical warfare against Russia's Putin while nonchalantly terrorizing the globe with dangerous murmurings of nuclear Armageddon.  

With the business of the day as serious as it has ever been, why not have a bumbling fool at the helm steering the ship of state — especially when it seems that this time around, the State is intent on driving us directly into the nearest iceberg!  It is as if we were playing Russian roulette with a hundred different life-threatening issues each day — including nuclear gamesmanship with Russia itself — and a corrupt, craven, lobotomized cretin were waving the gun at us all and repeatedly pulling the trigger.  But why should Braindead Biden care?  He gets to fly around on Air Force One, collect undeserved salutes, and prance around on the world stage as mad kings do.  He can escape from the burdens of leadership to his Delaware vacation home and lick pudding pops 'till he gives his Jell-O brain brain freeze.  For those with nowhere else to go, though, the Deep State's lost puppet sure has made a nightmare of the American dream.

Image: Marc Nozell via FlickrCC BY 2.0.


The Worst Places to Live in the US

Money Magazine recently released its list of the best places to live in the U.S.  It is riddled with pompous virtue-signaling and plagued by diversity-induced myopia that skews rankings to fit a progressive, multicultural agenda.  Indeed, the magazine admits that it "gave preference toward places with populations that were less than 80% white."  Many places probably are, but why propagate such bias instead of applying the criteria (education, jobs, housing, quality of life, etc.) objectively?

Instead, in the descriptive justifications for each ranking, Money Magazine touts diversity and multiculturalism.  That emphasis results in high "best place" rankings for places with high crime rates, which are a big concern for most Americans.  For example, a recent Morning Consult-Politico poll shows that 77% of voters believe that crime in the U.S. is a major problem.  If one doesn't feel safe, quality of life will be elusive.

Constrained by its contrived diversity data, Money Magazine proclaims crime-infested Atlanta, Georgia as the best place to live in the U.S. in 2022.  The reason: its booming jobs market and "eye on equality."  Unfortunately, the politicians in Atlanta, and other liberal enclaves, often conflate equality with equity, going beyond equal opportunity to ensure equal outcomes. 

Pollsters may include crime and safety as one metric to measure voter concerns, but the perverted ranking methods used by Money Magazine use "health and safety" as a criterion, perhaps in an effort to dilute the weighting of crime.  And yet, the magazine speciously claims that "we look at the things that matter most to people."


It makes more sense that health — including access to clinics and hospitals — be considered separately from safety, which is more related to crime stats.  And according to those numbers, Atlanta is a very unsafe place.  "With a crime rate of 45 per one thousand residents, Atlanta has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes."

If you can stomach their racialist approach, scroll through their list and notice the number of times diversity is mentioned.  Here are just a few of many examples from their ludicrous list:


Rogers Park (ranked number 5 best place) "is one of Chicago's most diverse neighborhoods, with more than 60 different languages spoken."  Nevertheless, it's riddled with crime.  Acording to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Rogers Park's overall crime rate is 22% higher than the national average, and residents have a 1 in 30 chance of being a victim of property, violent, or other crimes.  It's also noteworthy that major businesses are fleeing the Chicago areaincluding Tyson Foods, Caterpillar, Boeing, and Citadel.

Ann Arbor, Money Mag glows, is most welcoming, noting, "Last year, local representatives launched an Equitable Engagement Initiative to bring a diversity of voices into city planning.  Necto, a popular Ann Arbor club, hosts the state's longest-running LGBTQ+ Pride Night.  It's gone down every Friday since 1984."  Unfortunately, it's also welcoming to criminals.  After all, "the crime rate in Ann Arbor is considerably higher than the national average across all communities in America from the largest to the smallest[.]"

Kirkland, Washington: The ranking of Kirkland as the third best place to live is peculiar.  Residents of that highfalutin, overpriced, and overrated town complain they can't even sleep at night due to noise pollution.  Imagine that: one cannot enjoy a restful night in the putative third best place to live because construction vibrations are shaking the ground.  As a suburb of the Emerald City, it adds a new twist to the phrase Sleepless in Seattle.  Still, at least the insomniac zombies are diverse.

Raleigh, North Carolina: Further demonstrating its bias, Money asserts that "Diversity bolsters Raleigh's placement in our rankings.  The city is notably more diverse than North Carolina as a whole and celebrates the fact."  Such celebrations include the "Out! Raleigh" pride parades.  Meanwhile, during protests in June 2020, not peaceful but misbehaving protesters toppled statutes and dragged them through the streets, injuring several police officers in the process. 

Too bad that crime stats don't diminish Raleigh's placement in the contorted rankings.  They should, because "[b]ased on FBI crime data, Raleigh is not one of the safest communities in America.  Relative to North Carolina, Raleigh has a crime rate that is higher than 65% of the state's cities and towns of all sizes."

At least Raleigh does have something going for it beyond the Money Magazine rankings — Raleigh-Durham ranks high on U-Hauls list of the top 25 growth cities of 2021.  However, none of the other highly ranked best places, as ordained by Money, reaches the same heights on the U-Haul list.  None!  Per U-Haul migration trend reports, towns in Florida and Texas are where people prefer to move.  In fact, the top five growth states in 2021 were Florida, Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Arizona.

Which list do you trust more?  I'll go with U-Haul, because that's where the rubber hits the road, as people pick up their belongings and flee degenerating liberal bastions.  U-Haul's migration data are derived from an "expansive network that blankets all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces.  The geographical coverage from more than 23,000 U-Haul truck- and trailer-sharing locations provides a comprehensive overview of where people are moving like no one else in the industry." 

Peevish progressives couch their discrimination mandates with diversity platitudes, but they become panic-stricken when a few illegal aliens are bussed to their doorstep.  When hardworking folks, such as U-Haul one-way van-renters, go to the effort to uproot their lives, I doubt it's to search for more diversity or linguistic challenges.  Indeed, online tools for assessing the livability of places include various screening options, but not for diversity.  There are no apps that screen for places with unassimilated foreigners who don't respect that English is our de facto language.

Money Magazine has hijacked innocuous-sounding terms like "diversity" and "inclusivity" to justify an anti-white disposition.  Its "best place" descriptions promote fringe cultures, but they are woke warriors who cancel mainstream culture.  They celebrate multilingualism, gleefully noting that half the residents in Jersey City speak a language other than English at home and that 43% or residents were born in another country.  Their ranking methodology ignores the confusion that engenders, especially when the police are trying to apprehend a migrant miscreant who doesn't understand their orders.

Money Magazine concedes, "We did things differently in an effort to present a more inclusive set of cities that are both interesting and inviting."  Excepting Raleigh, they don't appear inviting to the U-Haul truck–renters, or the businesses fleeing their jurisdictions.  Their bias is not unconscious, but blatant.  Their ill considered list of the best places is the worst.

Image: kolyaeg via PixabayPixabay License.

WashPost Op-Ed Says Migrants Should Replace Americans

SAN RAFAEL, CA - MAY 23: Illegal immigrants Misael Amrocio (L) and Jose Augustine, both of Guatemala, layout a flagstone patio while working on a landscaping job May 23, 2007 in San Rafael, California. Both Misael and Jose came to the United States from Guatemala and are currently living and …
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Migrants should be imported to fill millions of empty jobs, even though about seven million working-age American men have dropped out of the workforce, says a right-of-center columnist at the Washington Post.

“We need immigrants to help fill these jobs,” Marc Thiessen wrote on December 4, after dismissing the millions of American men who have been sidelined during the last 20 years.

Thiessen’s discard Americans proposal is “morally abhorrent” but is also commonplace among the GOP establishment, responded Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies:

He is just one among many saying that ‘We need to just give up on a large share of our workforce, give them their welfare checks, give them their Oxycontin, and let’s bring in people who are better.”… It’s a logical consequence of the perspective that we’re just an economy rather than a country.

The establishment’s dismissal of ordinary Americans “is one of the reasons that [establishment advocates] are not running the Republican Party anymore,” Krikorian added.

Many business leaders — both Democrats and Republicans — say the government should prioritize investors and business above employees and citizens:

Thiessen is a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush who pushed for his open-border “Any Willing Worker” program.  He wrote:

… despite the plethora of available jobs, my American Enterprise Institute colleague Nicholas Eberstadt points out more than 1 in 10 prime-age men are “labor-force dropouts — neither working nor looking for work.” While foreign-born workforce participation appears to be back to pre-pandemic levels, Eberstadt says, “Almost all of the residual manpower shortfall appears to be among native-born Americans.”

We need to expand the number of legal immigrants and reform our immigration system to make sure we are bringing the right people into the country with the skills our economy needs.

Thiessen added: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says, ‘The best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform’ …. Pelosi is right.”

However, Thiessen’s claim of 10 million “unfilled jobs” is questionable. Many companies post job ads with little interest in quick hiring, subcontracting companies post multiple ads for each job, and lawyers post fake job ads while trying to import foreign workers.

Eberstadt, a demographer, has a more nuanced view than Thiessen about the “flight from work” crisis among working-age men.

“The United States has a Depression-scale work problem,” Eberstadt wrote in a September 20 column for the Washington Post. 

“Absent a dramatic reversal of the current flight from work, the U.S. labor shortage will probably have to be solved by some combination of immigration, automation, and recession,” he wrote.

Automation is an alternative to migration because it helps Americans do more work each day. For example, robot cow-milking machines allow family farms to operate without a large number of hired hands.

However, business groups prefer migrants to robots because the migrants can be dismissed in any economic downturn whereas the loans to buy robots must be paid regardless of economic conditions. So Trump’s decision to reduce immigration pressured many companies to invest in productivity and automation.

Trump’s cutback on migration also helped to nudge down the “flight from work” problem by pulling sidelined workers back into the labor force.

But that progress was quickly reversed by President Joe Biden’s policy of welcoming roughly four million additional legal and illegal migrants.

That mass inflow of migrants forces down Americans’ wages, raises their housing costs, and pushes many out of decent jobs.

The worst-hit Americans include the old and slow people, middle-aged technology experts, people with criminal records, people who cannot speak Spanish or who are too proud to work alongside illegal migrants, as well as people who are sick, or who have to take care of children or ailing relatives.

Eberstadt’s “flight from work” problem is driven by federal support for policies that help push young men out of the workforce, such as immigration, outsourcing, and the export of factories.

“This [mass dropout] is caused by policies and institutions, not by technology,” admitted Jason Furman, an economist who chaired President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors. “We shouldn’t accept it as inevitable,” he told a Brookings Institute expert, Dave Wessel, shortly before Donald Trump was elected President in 2016:

In the early 1950s, 98 percent of men in that age bracket had a job … [or] were actively looking for one. Today, that fraction has fallen down to 88 percent. … Understand it is quite large. The difference between a recession and a normal economic period is maybe two percentage points on the employment population ratio … so this is something that is more like 10 percent age points [five recessions] stretched over a long period of time.

In some sense [this drop-off] is bigger than the difference between a recession and a boom, and the impact it has, the evidence is very clear that … when you’re talking about someone who is not married, who has less than a high-school degree, there’s a good chance that [unemployment] is not a choice, and it is associated with depression, with drug use, with suicide, with a range of bad outcomes for people.

The non-working men lead miserable lives, Eberstadt told CNN’s Michael Smerconish on September 24:

It’s a terribly dispiriting picture that they themselves paint through self-reported time-use data. Basically, they say that they don’t do civil society, that they don’t do worship much, or volunteering or charity, even though they’ve got a lot of time on their hands. They don’t do an awful lot of help around the house … They report that they watched screens about 2,000 hours a year, almost as if it were a full-time job, and they also report almost half of these men …. are taking pain medication every day.

In many cases, the oxycontin pain medication becomes drug addiction, fentanyl use, and death. That process has created a huge number of “Deaths of Despair” among sidelined men. More than 106,000 Americans died from drugs in 2021, and many others died from alcohol and suicide.

The policies that can pull sidelined Americans back to work “are hard, they’re expensive, they’re not going to be immediately successful,” he said.

But the government’s support for migration policies encourages businesses to stop trying to recruit and train the unwanted and sidelined Americans, Krikorian said:

Easy immigration enables that [replacement migration] perspective … If there weren’t large-scale immigration, it’s not like some of these elite commentators would like [working class] Americans … but they would have no alternative to policies that try to bring these lost young men back into the world of work.

“Government exists to promote the interests of its people,” Krikorian said, adding: “We have a responsibility to our own people that’s different from the responsibility for others.”

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