Saturday, October 29, 2022




"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Have Democrats Lost Interest in the Working Man?

We grew up being told that the Democrats were the party of the working man.  

Right or wrong, generations were raised with that belief.  The white collar and gray collar might be either Republican or Democrat – there were always professions that skewed either way – but blue collar?  That was Democrat to the core.

Looking at today’s America, however, it’s hard to see how the American worker – no matter what color collar he or she wears – can see today’s Democratic Party as anything but an enemy.

The Biden-Harris regime began – Day One - with a flurry of executive orders, cancelling the contracts in place for ongoing work on the Keystone XL pipeline.  Most were union construction jobs.  Thousands of workers were thrown out of work on the spot – no notice, no severance – just because the incoming regime’s green agenda didn’t square with the idea of a pipeline moving Canadian fuel southward.  In state after state along the route, materials were left sitting where they were, work unfinished, people fired and forced to move elsewhere to find new jobs.

And speaking of moving elsewhere… also among that flurry of executive orders were cancellations of existing permits for drilling on federal lands. And even more so, the hiring of federal bureaucrats – the top tier in every agency are always political hires – with the orders to slow-walk future permit applications.  Drilling, exploration, R&D, everything in the critical oil and gas sector that requires any federal permit, from drilling on federal lands, to drilling on private lands that require government access or government authorization of any kind, slowed to a crawl instantly. For all intents and purposes, this development just isn’t happening anymore. And that’s why gasoline has more than doubled in price (Illinoisans were paying under $2/gallon in the weeks before the last election and we’re paying over $4.00/gallon in the weeks before this upcoming one).

If you commute to work or school, this crowd has more than doubled your transportation cost.

On the U.S. West Coast, there’s been a growing problem for years; our coastal seaport complexes are too small to handle current volume, and our rail network’s inland hubs are much too small as well.  This isn’t a federal problem; counties and states just need to buy land, and expand to meet the needs.  But the Biden-Harris regime muscled in anyway, trying to force the ports to alleviate congestion by the imposition of late fees – as if the cargo were sitting still, clogging up the place, on purpose!

The biggest problem in the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach is that California’s overwhelmingly Democrat state keeps passing laws that are pushing about half of California’s truckers out of the state for good.  If the Biden-Harris regime wanted to help, it could pressure Sacramento and Los Angeles to cancel their idiotic green rules that ban half the trucks from the ports, and to cancel AB5, the state law designed to make owner-operators give up their businesses and work for somebody else.  

But when given a choice between siding with truck drivers or siding with government bureaucrats, you know who the Biden-Harris crowd chose.

The ILWU is one of the most powerful unions in the world, controlling every port on the West Coast.  Their longshoremen, clerks, and crane operators had their contract up for renewal in June.  The regime made it clear… no strike, no slowdown, nothing, until after the election.  They’ve stayed at the table dutifully; there’s been no strike. Yet.  But in an economy like this, was meddling with their contract negotiation fair to the workers? Again, the Democratic Party had its eyes on November 8, not on the good of the working man.

This same problem is writ that much larger on America’s railroads.  There are a dozen huge railroad worker unions, all of whom negotiate their new contract as a team.  The way they work, all twelve must agree to the contract or they go back to the drawing board; if any strike, the rest strike in solidarity.  The Biden-Harris regime got the union bosses to tentatively accept a flawed contract (sick leave issues, personal leave issues, safety concerns from crew size changes, etc.)… and present it to their members as late as possible.  They didn’t care if it was a good contract, they just wanted to postpone any strike until after the election.  The union bosses accepted the contract, but as the rank and file started voting on it this month, two member unions have already rejected it, probably with more rejections to follow. This sets us up for a potential nationwide rail strike after November 19, just in time for Thanksgiving or Christmas.  The regime’s focus wasn’t on the working man, it was on kicking one more can past November 8.

Then there’s transportation’s effect on all of us.  The aforementioned problem of gasoline prices hitting the working man’s wallet is just a drop in the bucket, compared to what doubling or trebling the diesel fuel price has done to the country. This one issue, more than any other, has driven up the production costs of everything made or sold in America. Transportation costs are the main reason for the massive inflation at retail stores and online - the reason why the price of beef has doubled and the price of eggs has tripled.  Eight percent? Ha.  Maybe on milk and orange juice.  Most of us see much higher grocery inflation.  The policies of today’s Democrats have cost the average American five to ten thousand dollars this year, depending on income level, age and geography.

And that’s not counting retirement plans.  Some 40 or 50 years ago, the blue collar workers had pension plans.  Since the advent of 401Ks, all three collars are more likely to have a personally-driven retirement investment plan, which requires ongoing success in the stock market.  What have the policies of today’s Democrat politicians done to that market? It’s down 15 to 20 percent this year.  And that means that every worker’s 401K is also likely down a fifth. What does this do to real people? It reduces their standard of living in retirement, or adds years of working before they even can retire. But federal politicians get a federal pension; they’re insulated from such market concerns. They’re focused on that reelection.

Inflation is known as “the poor people’s tax;” it’s been the key goal of both parties to keep inflation low for generations.  But today we have the highest inflation rate in over 40 years, admitted to be about 8%, but for most people, it totals something more like 16 to 20%, because one’s personal rate of inflation depends on what one buys.  A person who buys beef is suffering more than a person who buys pork, because beef has gone up much more than pork. A person who must drive to work suffers more than a person who works remote from his basement, or who lives in a big city and takes a bus.  This inflation is crippling, and the deepening recession means people will be that much less able to handle it… but the Biden-Harris regime isn’t interested in solving the problem, just in papering it over so they don’t lose too many votes on November 8.

Perhaps the most telling example of the Democratic Party’s abandonment of what used to be called “the working class” was the transparent effort of this regime to have the federal government illegally absorb a trillion dollars in college student loans this fall.  These are largely people earning six figures per year, a high percentage of them with advanced degrees.  These aren’t the hardworking longshoremen, railroad engineers, and factory assembly line workers who used to form the core of the Democratic Party.  A lot of these college loan defaulters wouldn’t know a lathe, conveyor belt, or arc welder from the background in their video games.  But blue collar workers’ taxes (and their children’s and grandchildren’s taxes) will be paying off the masters degrees and doctorates of these latte-drinking vegans for the next 100 years. 

How easily the Biden-Harris regime threw their old base overboard to take care of their new base.  The greenies and academics, the counter-culturists and bureaucrats. These are the Democratic Party’s base today.  Either they’ve lost all interest in the working man… or they just look on him with scorn.

Maybe it’s time the Democrats give up the color “blue.”  They don’t deserve it anymore.

John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation professional.  A onetime Milwaukee County Republican Party Chairman, he has been writing a regular column for Illinois Review since 2009. His book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes I and II) are available on Amazon.

The economic strategy of extraction migration has no stopping point, and it is harmful to ordinary Americans because it cuts their career opportunities and their wages while also raising their housing costs.

Extraction migration also curbs Americans’ productivity, shrinks their political clout, and widens the regional wealth gaps between the Democrats’ coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland states. The economic strategy also kills many migrantsseparates families, and damages the economies of the home countries.

An economy built on extraction migration also radicalizes Americans’ democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture and allows wealthy elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.

The wealth-shifting extraction migration policy is very unpopular, according to a wide variety of polls. The polls show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that Americans owe to one another.

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Fascist who attacked Paul Pelosi was targeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Initial information from San Francisco, California authorities plus media reports establish that the assailant who attacked Paul Pelosi early Friday morning, sending the 82-year-old businessman to the hospital with serious injuries, was planning to attack his wife, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, second in the line of succession to the US presidency.

It is also clear that the attack was politically motivated.

At a brief press conference on Friday, San Francisco Police Chief William Scott identified the assailant, who was taken into custody at the Pelosi home, the scene of the crime, as 42-year-old David Depape. Scott said Depape faces charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and “several other additional felonies.”

Scott confirmed that a criminal investigation into the assault is being conducted jointly by the San Francisco authorities, the FBI and the US Capitol Police.

Scott and San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins refused to take any questions after Scott’s statement.

While Nancy Pelosi’s office issued a statement Friday morning that doctors expected the House speaker’s husband to make a full recovery, it was subsequently reported that he had suffered serious head injuries and injuries to his arm and hand. Late in the afternoon, Pelosi’s office stated that Paul Pelosi had undergone successful surgery to repair a skull fracture. Nancy Pelosi, who was in Washington D.C. at the time of the attack, was reported to be traveling to San Francisco, as were her five adult children.

According to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, President Joe Biden called Speaker Pelosi Friday morning to express his support after the attack. She noted that the president “continues to condemn all violence.”

Campaigning in Philadelphia, where the toss-up race for US senator from Pennsylvania between Democrat John Fetterman and Trump-endorsed Mehmet Oz could determine control of the upper chamber, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris both issued perfunctory statements condemning violence, while evading any mention of either Donald Trump or the Republican Party.

This followed media reports of social media posts by Depape echoing many of the fascist themes promoted by the former president and other Republican officials in midterm election campaign speeches, which have become increasingly violent and openly anti-Semitic in the run-up to Election Day on November 8.

The posts show that Depape is obsessed with the 2020 election and Trump’s big lie that it was stolen, which is backed by more than half of the Republican candidates in the upcoming election, many of whom refuse to say they will abide by the result should they lose.

Moreover, Depape’s posts, like Trump campaign events, invoke themes associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory: anti-communism, hatred of Jews, religious fanaticism, and the “Great Replacement Theory,” which claims that an international Jewish conspiracy is underway to flood white Christian populations with “inferior” races as part of a Satanic plot to conquer the world.

A standard feature of Trump’s speeches is an attack, by name, on Nancy Pelosi, along with Joe Biden, for deliberately opening the southern border to allow an invasion of migrants to destroy the US and its Christian inhabitants. Trump’s rallies have featured far-right Texas Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon adherent who calls herself a “Christian nationalist.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her husband, Paul Pelosi, arrive at the State Department for the Kennedy Center Honors State Department Dinner, Dec. 7, 2019, in Washington. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, was bludgeoned with a hammer by David DePape, 42, who broke into their San Francisco home early Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. [AP Photo/Kevin Wolf]

Just last Sunday, in a speech in Robstown, Texas, Trump declared: “We are going to end crazy Nancy Pelosi … We are going to end her political career. Her political career is going to be ended once and for all. Under Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the radical Democrat Congress the Texas way of life is under siege…

“Biden has allowed millions and millions of illegal aliens to storm across the border from 160 countries. ... They are storming our country. It includes Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Russia, China, Iran all of Africa. They are storming our country. They are storming our borders.”

It has been widely reported that Depape demanded to know of his victim, “Where is Nancy?” Other sources say Depape planned to tie up Paul Pelosi and remain in the house until his wife returned home.

At the press conference, Scott said that San Francisco police arrived at the Pelosi residence at about 2:27 a.m. (local time) in response to what he called a “welfare call.” There were subsequent media reports that Paul Pelosi, confronted by Depape, who had broken into the house, called 911 and left his cell phone on so as to alert the police to the attack.

Scott said: “When the officers arrived on scene, they encountered an adult male and Pelosi’s husband, Paul. Our officers observed Mr. Pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it. Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and rendered medical aid.”

He gave no explanation for the fact that there was no security detail at the house. Nancy Pelosi, as House speaker, is accompanied by a permanent detail of US Capitol Police, and the Capitol Police have established a satellite office in San Francisco since the January 6 attempted coup. However, according to press statements, there is no protocol for a security detail to guard the house when the speaker is away.

No doubt the absence of any protection, under conditions of escalating incitements by Trump and other Republicans against Democrats in general, and Pelosi in particular, and threats by fascist elements backing Trump to mobilize at polling places on November 8, would have been among the issues raised by reporters at Friday’s briefing.

This is the most serious fascist attack to date on a political figure since January 6. But it is by no means the only one.

  • In July, Seattle police detained and then released an armed fascist who had camped out in front of the home of Democratic Congresswoman Primala Jayapal, shouting that she should go back to India and threatening to kill her. The gunman was rearrested three weeks later, but charged with only one felony count of stalking.
  • In May of 2021, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene accosted New York Democrat and Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez outside the US Capitol and denounced her as a supporter of jihadist terrorism. In 2019, Greene and several accomplices attempted to force their way into Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional office. They then delivered a petition to Nancy Pelosi’s office accusing Pelosi of treason and suggesting that she be executed or imprisoned for her “crimes.”
  • Over the past several months, five Trump supporters have been convicted in the 2020 plot to kidnap and possibly kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in retribution for her partial lockdown of schools and businesses due to COVID. The plot followed Trump’s call to armed militiamen who occupied the state Capitol in Lansing to “Liberate Michigan.”

Last Sunday, the Boston Globe published an investigatory report showing that nearly one in three top county election officials in battleground states has quit since 2020 in response to threats of violence from Trump MAGA supporters. It also noted that one in six election workers has experienced threats, the total number of which are approaching 10,000 this year.

While Biden and the Democratic leadership sought to downplay the seriousness of the attack on Paul Pelosi and the political responsibility of Trump and the Republican Party, the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center and US Capitol Police issued a joint bulletin on Friday to law enforcement agencies nationwide warning of political violence surrounding the November 8 election.

“Potential targets of DVE (domestic violent extremism) violence include candidates running for public office, elected officials, election workers, political rallies, political party representatives, racial and religious minorities, or perceived ideological opponents,” the bulletin stated.

Friday’s attack underscores the fascistic transformation of the Republican Party under Trump and the danger to the working class of its promotion of far-right terrorism. The World Socialist Web Site condemns this attack and defends the right of elected officials to advance their views without fear of violence, notwithstanding our well-known and irreconcilable political differences with Pelosi.

But the attack, while shocking, cannot come as a surprise to those who have paid attention to the trajectory of US capitalist politics over the past several years. The January 6 storming of the US Capitol, led by paramilitary elements such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and defended to this day by Trump and the vast majority of Republican officials, featured taunts of “Nancy, Nancy” by the insurrectionists, who planned to kidnap and/or kill lawmakers in order to block the certification of Biden’s victory and keep Trump in power as president-dictator.

Biden immediately pleaded for “unity” with the Republicans and declared the need for a “strong Republican Party,” while doing nothing to prosecute and jail the ringleaders of the coup conspiracy, beginning with Trump. In the run-up to November 8, Biden and Democratic candidates have dropped any reference to January 6 and played down the danger of right-wing violence, intimidation and refusal to acknowledge defeat at the polls.

The overriding concern of the Democratic Party was, and remains, preventing a collapse of the two-party monopoly through which the US ruling class has kept the working class disenfranchised and trapped within the framework of capitalist exploitation and war. For the Democrats, including Pelosi, the overriding concern has been twofold: maintaining a relationship with a section of the Republicans in order to prosecute the war against Russia in Ukraine and prepare for war against China, and shoring up the state machine to repulse the growing opposition of the working class to poverty, inequality, inflation and war.

The social force that can defeat the danger of fascism and defend democratic rights is the working class. To do so it must break with the two parties of big business, mobilize its industrial strength and carry out a struggle for political power and socialism.


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Republican Kari Lake: Democrat Katie Hobbs Is ‘an Open Borders Globalist’

MESA, ARIZONA - OCTOBER 09: Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake takes part in a campaign rally attended by former U.S. President Donald Trump at Legacy Sports USA on October 09, 2022 in Mesa, Arizona. Trump was stumping for Arizona GOP candidates ahead of the midterm election on November 8. …
Mario Tama/Getty Images, Mario Tama/Getty Images

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs is an “open borders globalist,” Republican candidate Kari Lake asserted in an interview.

 Katie Hobbs is “an open borders globalist” who “wants to take what Newsom has done for California which is destroy that state and do the same thing here in Arizona” Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake remarked in a town hall interview with Sean Hannity. 

“If we elect someone like Katie Hobbs, we’re going to turn into California 2.0 and nobody wants that,” Lake added.

The Trump-endorsed candidate went on to say “look at her voting record when she was a state senator, and she voted against the border wall. She voted against the virtual border wall and against the border strike force.”

“She even voted against asking the federal government to reimburse us for the costs that were incurred. I don’t know how she can look herself in the mirror.”

“We have a Fentanyl crisis,” Lake said before going on to explain, “when you see a mother come up to you and talk about losing her son or father, or 17 year old son took one pill. A 19 year old son took a half a pill and they’re gone.”

Democrat Katie Hobbs, who has repeatedly refused to debate Lake, has stated that it is “ridiculous” for border security to be a focus of the governor’s race. Meanwhile, the fentanyl crisis has gotten worse as the border crisis continues and millions of illegal immigrants have entered our country. 

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Many Democrats understand that the welfare checks for foreign children will encourage more illegal immigration, he said:

They know what’s going on. But they know that they can’t say what their true goal is, which is actual open borders with open, uncontrolled migration both ways. And this is a step toward getting rid of borders.

“It’s a globalist mindset and it welcomes anything that moves toward open borders,” he concluded. NEIL MUNRO

Zuckerberg’s goal was to massively increase voter turnout in Democrat-dominated jurisdictions by maximizing fraud-breeding practices like ballot harvesting, the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes, and mail-in voting without strict signature-matching requirements. To achieve his political ends, Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of a pair of politically partisan, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that were more than willing to do his dirty work and secure the presidency for a doddering contempt-for-the-law-and-the-truth Alzheimer’s case.

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat. 


Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most. 


 Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections

All criminal roads lead back to Hillary Clinton: Former US attorney


Tucker: Trump was right about this

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further. 

Clinton Foundation Exposed | Over 14 Billion Confiscated!

 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                      BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Biden Spikes Migrant Population by 3 Million to 48 Million

Anna Moneymaker/RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images
Anna Moneymaker/RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden has inflated the immigrant population by almost three million people since he was inaugurated in January 2021, says a study by the Center for Immigration Studies.

“The 47.9 million foreign-born residents (legal and illegal) in September 2022 is the largest number ever recorded in any U.S. government survey or census; and 2.9 million larger than in January 2021 when President Biden took office,” the center reported on October 27.

“As a share of the total population, the foreign-born now account for 14.6 percent of the population, or one in seven U.S. residents — the highest percentage in 112 years,” said the report, which is based on federal data.

Biden’s rush of illegal migrants is one-and-half-times the inflow of legal immigrants, the report notes. Biden’s inflow is managed by his progressive deputies — led by border chief Alejandro Mayorkas — who are deliberately pushing the population of illegal aliens above 13 million.

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas take part in a naturalization ceremony for new citizens ahead of Independence Day in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 2, 2021. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Biden’s deputies have welcomed many more than 2.9 million legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal migrants. But the inflow is offset by the fact that many migrants leave the United States or die of natural causes.

The growing migrant population is shifting the 2022 midterms, said William Gheen, founder of ALIPAC, which backs candidates who oppose migration. Gheen estimates Biden’s inflow of new migrants to be around four million, and he told Breitbart News:

The three top issues that we believe GOP candidates went on are illegal immigration, crime, and inflation … [and] those three are fueling each other.

Illegal immigration is fueling crime and fueling inflation. One of the reasons we don’t have enough housing, apartments, used cars and baby formula in America is this importation of over 4 million people in 22 months by the Biden administration.

The population of immigrants has been rising rapidly since 1965.

The inflow of immigrants was shut down in 1924, after decades of public pressure.

When Biden was born in 1942, the population of immigrants was about 11 million. The immigrant share of the nation’s population was just one in 13 and was heading down to the record low share of one-in-20 in 1970.

The shortage of labor after 1924 forced companies to hire American migrants — such as southern black Americans — and to invent new technologies and labor-saving practices. That economic policy raised wages and exports throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

Migration Policy Institute

But a multi-decade lobbying campaign by business and ethnic groups pushed Congress to reopen the nation’s doors in 1965.

The resulting 1965 inflow of immigrants was doubled by the 1990 immigration law. So the number of migrants in the United States spiked from ten million in 1970 up to 20 million in 1990, and 40 million in 2010.

By 1990, the immigrant population was rising above one-in-thirteen U.S. residents. It grew to one-in-nine in 2000 and is now one-in-seven.

The flood of immigrants — and the export of many jobs to free-trade China — has been great for coastal investors. It has stalled median wages, spiked real estate prices, and redistributed national wealth to investors.

Congressional Budget Office

Congressional Budget Office

Biden’s inflow has added about one million households to the nation, said Camarota.

“Immigrants and their children now account for one in five U.S. residents (65 million),” the center’s report said.

That 65 million is one in five of the U.S. population of 331 million people.

The massive inflow has shifted a vast amount of money, civic status, and political clout from wage-earners to investors, from young people to old people, from the central states to the coastal cities, and from the manufacturing businesses to the consumption businesses.

This economic shift helps to explain why the federal government continues its Extraction Migration strategy of goosing the U.S. economy with poor workers, consumers, and renters pulled from poor countries.

The establishment’s preference for a population of grateful, compliant, and cheap migrants is like a lawyer divorcing the aging first wife who paid for his college degree, said one sardonic advocate for Americans:

The first wife? She’s older now. She’s had a couple like kids, and you know, the kids are hard to raise and she’s not looking as good as she used to be, so I’d rather go with a young glamorous wife.

If present trends continue, the center’s report says, “the foreign-born share of the population will reach 14.9 percent of the U.S. population in August next year, surpassing the all-time highs reached in 1910 (14.7 percent) and 1890 (14.8 percent).”

Many polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration, but the polls also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into the jobs needed by the families of blue-collar and white-collar Americans.

This “Third Rail” opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.

New York City to Fill Another Luxury Hotel with Illegal Aliens, Border Crossers Bused from Texas

UNITED STATES - October 12: MANHATTAN, NY 10/12/2022 - Around 60 recently arrived migrants from Venezuela are seen being dropped off by an MTA Bus at a shelter at Bellevue early Wednesday morning. (Photo by Luiz C. Ribeiro for NY Daily News via Getty Images)
Google/Luiz C. Ribeiro for NY Daily News via Getty Images

New York City, New York, officials are readying a plan to fill more luxury hotels with border crossers and illegal aliens arriving daily on buses from Texas.

For more than six months, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has been busing border crossers and illegal aliens to New York City, a sanctuary city. The latest figures show that more than 19,400 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived on buses — 73 percent of whom remain in the city’s overcrowded homeless shelter system.

City officials have started putting the new arrivals in a tent city located on Randall’s Island that includes free WiFi, video games, laundry service, a popcorn maker, and other amenities.

Now officials will also house about 160 border crossers and illegal aliens in the Washington Jefferson Hotel in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood.

W42ST reports that in “…emails obtained by W42ST, the Department of Social Services (DSS) informed local elected officials and some Manhattan Community Board 4 members late Monday evening” of the new arrangements:

“As you are aware, New York City is currently in a state of emergency as we continue to experience a sharp increase in asylum seekers from Latin America and other regions, with more than 16,000 individuals entering New York City’s shelter system since May,” the email said. [Emphasis added]

“The City is continuing to work to provide comprehensive support and resources to these individuals in addition to our everyday New Yorkers experiencing hardship, and at this time must move rapidly to meet our legal and moral obligation to house those in need.” [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, The Row NYC has reportedly been housing border crossers and illegal aliens as well and officials said the luxury hotel will house a maximum of 200.

At this week’s New York gubernatorial debate, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) blasted Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul for having failed to demand President Joe Biden’s administration crack down on illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border.

The latest estimates reveal that about 5.5 million border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived at the southern border since Biden took office. From February 2021 to August 2022, the Biden administration released about 1.35 million border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here. 

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible

for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight

years of  that administration.


Game Over

The Biden administration is adding to the number of illegal immigrants in New York by flying unaccompanied illegal minors to New York State. “Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region,” the New York Post reported on October 18th.

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Investigation: Sanctuary States Dish Out Millions in Unemployment Benefits to Illegal Aliens as Americans Endure Inflation

Haitian migrants who are seeking asylum wait to get into a van to be transported from Del Rio, Texas, the United States, Sept. 24, 2021. The last remaining migrants, mostly Haitians, on Friday departed a temporary camp under a bridge in Del Rio, a border town in south central U.S. …
Nick Wagner/Xinhua via Getty Images

As Americans suffer through record-high inflation with rising costs for groceries, gasoline, and public utilities, sanctuary states are transferring millions in United States tax dollars to illegal aliens via unemployment benefits, a new investigation reveals.

The investigation, conducted by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), details how sanctuary states like New York and Colorado used the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to open unemployment benefits to illegal aliens — paid for by American citizens.

Specifically, the sanctuary jurisdictions of Washington, DC; New York, and Colorado have paid out $2.7 million in unemployment benefits to illegal aliens since the statewide accounts were opened.

“This is an insult to all those who are in the United States legally and abide by our laws,” IRLI Executive Director Dale Wilcox said in a statement.

IRLI investigators estimate that if Washington, DC; New York, and Colorado grew their unemployment programs even more and the sanctuary state of California implemented its program designed to provide illegal aliens with jobless benefits, the cost to American citizens would be upwards of $4.35 million every year.

“Unemployment benefits were meant to give assistance to U.S. citizens and legal residents facing temporary hardship,” Wilcox said. “Offering these benefits to foreign nationals is a powerful magnet to attract even more illegal border crossers.”

Already, illegal immigration costs Americans more than $143 billion annually. That figure has drastically increased by nearly $9.5 billion compared to prior estimates thanks to President Joe Biden’s expansive catch and release network that has resettled more than 1.35 million border crossers and illegal aliens across American communities from February 2021 to August 2022.

Americans are forced to absorb the cost of illegal immigration even as they endure record-setting inflation where gas prices have hit nearly $6.50 a gallon in some parts of the U.S. and crippling grocery prices are not expected to drop anytime soon.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here. 

Exclusive–J.D. Vance: New Congress Must Go After Corporations Replacing Americans with Foreign H-1B Visa Workers

MIDDLETOWN, OH - OCTOBER 19: Republican U.S. Senate candidate JD Vance speaks with supporters in his hometown at the Butler County GOP headquarters on October 19, 2022 in Middletown, Ohio. Vance, who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, is running against Democratic candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) in the …
Namas Bhojani for Bloomberg News/Gaelen Morse/Getty Images

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — Republican J.D. Vance says a new Congress must reverse a policy that allows corporations to replace American professionals, often in high-paying STEM jobs, with cheaper foreign workers on the H-1B visa program.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Saturday, the Ohio Senate candidate blasted a plan by OhioHealth where nearly 640 American tech and finance employees are being laid off and having their jobs sent to Accenture — a Fortune 500 multinational corporation notorious for importing foreign H-1B visa workers to replace Americans in white-collar jobs.

The interview took place over lunch after Vance’s second campaign stop for the day in Chillicothe — roughly 100 miles outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.

The Buckeye State Republican was making a swing through the southeast part of the state to channel his Appalachian roots with two weeks left in the race. Throughout the day, Vance, vying for the open United States Senate seat, visited Gallipolis in Gallia County, Chillicothe in Brown County, and Mt. Orab in Ross County.

While speaking with Breitbart News over a Mad Dog sandwich at 7 Mile Smokehouse, Vance spoke on a number of issues including what he calls the “bipartisan … big mistake” of shipping American jobs to China and, in some cases, Mexico, as well as crime, the U.S.-Mexico border, and inflation, which he attributes mainly to the Democrats shutting down American energy.

On the OhioHealth layoffs, set to occur early next month and continue through the beginning of 2023, Vance said federal law must be overhauled to ensure corporations like OhioHealth are not allowed to replace their American employees via third-party outsourcing firms like Accenture.

“Generally speaking, a lot of the H-1B abuse we see is in the interests of the people hiring the [foreign visa] worker, who can undercut the wages of Americans, but is it in the interest of the 700 Ohioans who lost their jobs? Absolutely not,” Vance told Breitbart News.

“This is one of these issues where you actually need public policy to solve this problem because they’re taking advantage of a visa system that’s meant to ensure that American companies have the workers that they need, it’s not meant to undercut the wages of American workers in this country,” Vance continued. “Unfortunately, that’s what the H-1B visa is just being used to do right now.”

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), whom Vance is running against, has for years voted to increase foreign competition in the labor market that working and middle class Americans are forced to compete against.

“My argument to [Tim] Ryan is the legislature creates these policies that allow these companies to take advantage of American workers, the only real solution is for the legislature to make different policies,” Vance said. “I really think we have to cut down on the abuse of the H-1B visa system.”

The outsourcing-offshoring business model has proven extremely lucrative for Fortune 500 companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, JP Morgan Chase, and others as they often contract with “body shop” firms like Cognizant, Tata Consulting Services, Infosys, Accenture, IBM, and Capgemini to lay off their American employees and replace them with tens of thousands of foreign H-1B visa workers primarily from India.

Accenture, for instance, sought to import more than 3,800 foreign H-1B visa workers this year alone. In 2021, Accenture sought to bring 6,200 foreign H-1B visa workers to the U.S. to take white-collar American jobs.

While being laid off, Americans are often forced to train their foreign H-1B visa replacements. If they do not, in most cases, their employer withholds their severance package. There are about 650,000 foreign H-1B visa workers in the U.S. at any given moment.

In Ohio, alone, firms and corporations including Cognizant, Tata Consulting Services, Accenture, and JP Morgan Chase were allowed to fill more than 9,700 American white-collar professional jobs with foreign H-1B visa workers this year.

Vance said “the first principle” of national immigration policy ought to “be about defending the interests of America and America’s workers” rather than corporate special interests.

“The question when we allow a new person to come to America should be, ‘Is this in the interests of the people who live here? Or is this in the interests of some narrow, multinational corporate interests?'” Vance told Breitbart News.

Economic Policy Institute research has shown that most corporations importing foreign H-1B visa workers are making significant savings in wages paid by doing so.

Likewise, internal documents from the India-based HCL Technologies body shop firm have detailed how the company grows its profit margins by hiring cheaper foreign H-1B visa workers over American professionals who have worked in the tech industry for years.

Last year, Facebook reached two settlements with the federal government after it was sued for discriminating against qualified American professionals and graduates in favor of imported foreign H-1B visa workers.

Though Vance is one of only a couple of Republicans to speak on H-1B visa abuse this election cycle, the GOP base, swing voters, and a majority of Americans — for years — have said U.S. employers should boost wages and offer better benefits to attract Americans for jobs rather than being allowed to import foreign visa workers whenever possible.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey on the issue shows that 57 percent of American adults, 65 percent of Republicans, and nearly 6-in-10 swing voters say companies should raise their pay and try harder to recruit Americans for blue-collar and white-collar jobs over the federal government subsidizing them with foreign labor year after year.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

Watch – Chuck Schumer Warns Biden of Sliding Democrat Senate Prospects

US President Joe Biden(R) is greeted by US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (C) and New York Governor Kathy Hochul (L) as Biden arrives at Hancock International Airport in Syracuse, New York, on October 27, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Video of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaking with President Joe Biden at the airport in Syracuse, New York, on Thursday shows him fretting about losing key U.S. Senate seats.

In one exchange, Schumer focused on the Georgia U.S. Senate race between Republican Herschel Walker and Democrat Raphael Warnock, admitting that the seat may flip to the GOP.

“The state where we’re going downhill is Georgia. It’s hard to believe that they will go for Herschel Walker,” Schumer can be heard telling Joe Biden.

Schumer at least appeared hopeful about early turnout in Georgia, calling it “huge.”

In another exchange, Schumer admitted that the Democrats are “in danger” of losing the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat to Republican Mehmet Oz, though he downplayed John Fetterman’s disastrous performance in the debate on Tuesday night.

“That seat. We’re in danger of that seat,” Schumer said. “It’s close.”

“It looks like the debate didn’t hurt us too much in Pennsylvania,” he added.

As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday, Herschel Walker has taken a nearly 4-point lead over Warnock in the Georgia race:

Georgia Republican U.S. Senate nominee Herschel Walker took his largest lead over Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) with less than two weeks until the election, a Wednesday co/efficient poll found.

The poll puts Walker above Warnock by nearly a four-point margin, with 47 percent supporting Walker and 43.6 percent supporting the incumbent Democrat Senator.

Following Tuesday night’s debate, an Insider Advantage poll showed that Mehmet Oz now leads John Fetterman by 3 points.


Schumer: Fetterman’s Dismal Debate Performance ‘Didn’t Hurt Us Too Much’

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) / Getty Images


Caught on a hot mic Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) told President Joe Biden that Democratic candidate John Fetterman's performance in the Pennsylvania Senate debate "didn't hurt us too much."

The comment comes as Fetterman's performance Tuesday night, which included frequent bumbled statements, left Democrats struggling to cast it in a positive light. A post-debate poll conducted by local Pennsylvania channel WPXI shows that 82 percent of respondents thought Republican candidate Mehmet Oz won.

Oz on Thursday offered a rematch debate to Fetterman, whose campaign complained about the venue's closed captioning system.

Schumer also said that "we are picking up steam in Nevada," where Democratic incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto is up just half a percentage point, according to recent polling.

The majority leader also said that Democrats are "in danger" in an unspecified congressional race. Schumer could have been referring to the Arizona Senate race, where Republican Blake Masters is now tied with incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly.



New York’s problem with impoverished illegal migrants is mirrored in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Los Angeles.

Mass immigration shifts investment, jobs & wealth from the central states to the coastal states.
NY shows how Trump partly reversed the wealth transfer by curbing migration.


The situation will only get worse as the Biden administration continues to admit hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country and releases many of them, flying some individuals to New York.


"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible

for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of  that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY


The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats.               MONICA SHOWALTER


Progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are pressing for

an expansion of New York State’s $2.1 billion giveaway of

subsidies to illegal immigrants who are otherwise ineligible for

government relief. Passed last April as part of the New York

State budget, the “Excluded Worker Fund” has provided one-

time payments as high as $15,600 to illegal immigrants who

have been able to document that they lost work during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Other illegal immigrants without this

level of documentation were still able to receive payments of

$3,200 to match the amount of COVID-19 related assistance

that many American citizens and other legal residents have

received from the federal government.

President Joe Biden’s deputies have delivered so many illegal migrants into New York that some of the female migrants cannot find work to pay their smuggling debts, according to claims by advocates for migrants. NEIL MUNRO

The Biden administration is adding to the number of illegal immigrants in New York by flying unaccompanied illegal minors to New York State. “Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region,” the New York Post reported on October 18th.

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY



These 7 CITIES have the WORST INCOME INEQUALITY (San Francisco is NOT #1)



Joe Biden Delivers Flood of Cheap Migrant Labor to New York



4 Mar 20220


President Joe Biden’s deputies have delivered so many illegal migrants into New York that some of the female migrants cannot find work to pay their smuggling debts, according to claims by advocates for migrants.

“This intersection in Williamsburg, New York City, known as LaParada, or the stop, is a place where [illegal migrant Ecuadorian] women find a job for the day, primarily doing domestic work,” reported on February 28. The report continues:

Every day up to 150 [illegal migrant] women wait here, bargaining for hourly pay that is often below minimum wage, according to data collected from the Workers Justice Project last year. Often these day laborers are undocumented [illegals] and in recent months, many come from Ecuador. Rosa migrated from Ecuador and eventually settled in New York city nine years ago. She still comes to La Parada at least five days a week to look for work:  [She said] “Now it is very, very difficult because there are a lot of people”

With more women, looking for work there’s more competition. Desperate to find a job and with little to no English, many new arrivals don’t negotiate their rate … [NBC asked] So you were here for a month before you could get a first job? [A migrant answered] Yes, one month.

The inflow is illegal because long-standing laws passed by Congress generally bar the admission of foreign workers into Americans’ labor market.

But Biden’s deputies — chiefly, the pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas — helps tens of thousands of migrants from the country of Ecuador in South America walk through the U.S. border. Roughly 500,000 Ecuadorians walked through the southern border between 2000 and 2017, and another 97,000 Ecuadorians were recorded in 2021 while trying to cross the border.

“I left my country because of the economic situation that all of us Ecuadorians are living,” a recently released migrant told NBC.


“I’ve been here almost 34 years and I’ve never seen the wave of Ecuadorians coming in the short time,” said Walter Sinche, the executive director of the Alianza Ecuatoriana Internacional, or the Ecuadorian International Alliance. “I knew a family, for example, they came with five kids. Not only undocumented but also people that come with visa, they overstay, so that’s also a large number,” he told Breitbart News on March 2.

“Most of the ‘[female migrants arrive] with some kind of relatives, some on their own with no relatives,” said Sinche.

The female migrants are being exploited because employers pay them less than the minimum wage of $15 per hour, Sinche said  “It’s a new wave of new migrants coming to the U.S. and that’s why they [employers] take advantage,” he told Breitbart News. He continued:

The minimum wage in New York, it’s $15 an hour. But since they are new in the country, the people sometimes get paid that amount and sometimes they pay them less. I know people, they get paid like $7, $8 an hour … Like I said, a new generation.

“I earned very little and it was not enough,” one of the migrant women told NBC.

State governments and federal agencies do little about wage theft against illegal migrants. The lax enforcement of labor law hels to push down wage levels for Americans. For example, reported in June 2021:

“Employers were using the pandemic as an excuse to not pay workers,” said Glendy Tsitouras, an organizer with the Workers Justice Project, a Brooklyn-based worker center that serves day laborers and domestic workers. “They would tell workers that something happened and that they will pay next week—but that never happened.”
In April of 2020 alone, Tsitouras said, her organization was flooded with between 30 and 35 cases. Pre-pandemic, they typically received around 15 cases a month.

The workplace migrant abuse tends to come from Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants, Sinche said. There are “not many” complaints about Americans  “like, for example, [Americans] from Ireland, Italians, Germans,” he said, adding:

Because they’re more conscious about their past, their history and they know also their grandma, their grandparents, came to the U.S. almost the same situation and [so] they are less abusive with new migrants on a high percentage. I’m talking about new communities, the Asians, they came a little later, and they start purchasing homes, for example, in the Corona area …  They [are] not bueno, can be really bad … mainly Chinese … I’m just talking about the facts of what people have been telling me … They take advantage of new migrants and also basically if you’re trying to claim [legal protections] they say they will call immigration.

New York City’s government encourages and funds illegal migration into the city, despite the damage to Americans’ wages and housing costs. In September 2021, for example, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declared:

The last year and a half … have shown how vital our [illegal] immigrants have been to keeping our economy going during the time of crisis … We’re short of workers from one end of America to the other — one of the reasons? The Trump administration dramatically cut back on immigrants in this country. We need them. We need them in our labor force. We need them to continue American vitality. We need them because they’re part of the American dream.

“The main driver of both new business formation and population growth in New York has historically been international immigration,” says a September 2020 article. If international “immigration remains suppressed, New York will suffer,” says the article, which was titled “The math of New York City’s recovery.”

Migrants in New York need jobs to live in the expensive city, but they also need money to pay off their debts of about $15,000 to $20,000 per person.

They also need cash to re-hire the coyotes so they illegally deliver the migrants’ children to them via the federal government’s Unaccompanied Alien Children child-delivery program.

If the migrants cannot get jobs, they cannot pay their smuggling debts, Sinche said.  “All over, coyotes are lending money [to migrants] but they have to sign a document saying ‘If you’re not paying [the debt], I’ll take your land or house or any other property,'” he said. When the debt is not paid, “most of the time, they ended up taking the properties … That’s a corrupt system that’s happening in Ecuador.”

If the women cannot get jobs, they also cannot save enough money to pay coyotes to bring their children to U.S. border officials, Sinche said.


The rise in Ecuadorian migration during 2021 is partly caused by migrants hiring coyotes to deliver their children to the border, William Murrillo told in August 2021. “It’s parents who haven’t seen their children in many years and send for them,” said Murillo, a former government official in Ecuador who now runs a binational legal firm for Ecuadorians.

Murillo’s “personal experience as an undocumented migrant marked his life and he decided to serve our community of Ecuadorians in the world,” according to the firm’s website.

The migrants try to save wages for debt payments by crowding into apartments, Sinche said. “They have to struggle — they cannot afford to spend too much money … because they want to save,” he said.

“For example, a two-bedroom apartment, it’s supposed to be for a family, maybe two [people per bedroom. But now] sometimes, it is five to six or seven in a two-bedroom apartment,” he said. Rents are “way too crazy, especially here in the area of Queens Corona. A single studio will go for $1,500 to $1,600, and a two-bedroom, sometimes it goes to 2000 to $2,400,” which is up about $150 since rents declined during the coronavirus crash, he said.

City officials do not stop landlords from subdividing apartments to extract more rent, he said. In an August rainstorm, 11 migrants drowned in their basement apartments.

Migrant men are in a better position because they can take construction jobs, Sinche added. “They do pretty good,” said Sinche, who offers government-designed safety training to the illegal migrants.

Without domestic work, some women are trying to get construction jobs, he said.

What I find out was that women are taking the men’s positions, even construction. I just got a conversation yesterday with a couple of women that they do concrete work, they do carpentry works. I know one woman is doing electrical work. So since I’m an electrician for many years, I never seen so many Hispanics on the electrical trade, for example. I mean it’s good for them, but they do because there’s no other options to pick up my new skills.

The migrants’ money generates profits for many businesses in New York, according to Sinche: “They also pay for taxes, regardless of immigration status … they make money circulate in society … They have to eat, they have to wear clothes, they have to take transportation, [when] they get sick, they take medication.”

“They make money circulate in society,” he said.

But the huge inflow of migrants cuts Americans’ wages and raises their housing costs. A 2021 report by New York City’s government says a couple with two children would need to earn at least $154,000 to count as middle-income in the city.

Since at least 1990, the D.C. establishment has used a wide variety of excuses and explanations to justify its policy of extracting tens of millions of immigrants and visa workers from poor countries to serve as workers, consumers, and renters in the U.S. economy.


The economic strategy of extraction migration has no stopping point, and it is harmful to ordinary Americans because it cuts their career opportunities and their wages while also raising their housing costs.

Extraction migration also curbs Americans’ productivity, shrinks their political clout, and widens the regional wealth gaps between the Democrats’ coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland states. The economic strategy also kills many migrantsseparates families, and damages the economies of the home countries.

An economy built on extraction migration also radicalizes Americans’ democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture and allows wealthy elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.

The wealth-shifting extraction migration policy is very unpopular, according to a wide variety of polls. The polls show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that Americans owe to one another.


NY School District Slashes Budget by $6M After $4.5M Cost to Accommodate Influx of Migrants



One sector of the economy that is being hit by the continuous flow of migrants into the United States, including thousands of illegal aliens, is public schools, which accept all students regardless of immigration status as dictated by law.

This puts pressure on not only school budgets and how they cover staffing, student resources, and even charge taxpayers, including a school in Long Island, New York. Officials with the Wyandanch School District announced it would trim its budget by almost $6 million.

The local ABC affiliate reported on the Wednesday announcement of the revised budget plan:

The budget includes reductions in athletics and sports programs, the elimination of a science teacher, ELA teacher, guidance counselor, classroom monitors and STEM personnel. It calls for the outsourcing of transportation and security in order to cut costs.

Last week voters in Wyandanch rejected the [first] school budget by 332-149. It called for a 40.93 percent property tax increase and would have reduced school bus service in the 2019-2020 school year. It was the only school budget rejected on Long Island. State auditors have warned the school district needs to cut costs and that it’s spending millions more than it has.

But the massive cost of unlimited immigration is buried in the story:

[Superintendent Mary] Jones said the cause of the budget issues includes paying for an influx of hundreds of immigrant children from the border, which cost the district about $4.5 million over the past few years. Jones said the district had to purchase six portable classrooms and had to rent space in the nearby Half Hollow Hills school district. She said costs also included extra materials, transportation and after-school academic support for the new students.

“Monies we had in our reserves we had to use to meet the spacing needs,” Jones said. “We were under the impression that because we filed our papers to the state, the state would reimburse us for those dollars that we had spent, but that is not the case.”

“These are extremely huge decisions that have to be made, but if we are to present a balanced budget to the public after review of the first budget this is what it entails,” Jones said.

Follow Penny Starr on Twitter or send news tips to


Progressives Demand More Giveaways for Illegal Immigrants

Biden’s open-border policies expand the pool of entitled illegals.

Joseph Klein

Progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are pressing for

an expansion of New York State’s $2.1 billion giveaway of

subsidies to illegal immigrants who are otherwise ineligible for

government relief. Passed last April as part of the New York

State budget, the “Excluded Worker Fund” has provided one-

time payments as high as $15,600 to illegal immigrants who

have been able to document that they lost work during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Other illegal immigrants without this

level of documentation were still able to receive payments of

$3,200 to match the amount of COVID-19 related assistance

that many American citizens and other legal residents have

received from the federal government.

The New York Times described the Excluded Worker Fund as “by far the biggest of its kind in the country and a sign of the state’s shift toward policies championed by progressive Democrats.” But evidently, the fund is not big enough as far as the progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are concerned.

The Excluded Worker Fund is already running out of money. “To date, the state has distributed just over two-thirds of the fund, to about 128,000 people, a fraction of the nearly 351,000 claims that were received,” the New York Times reported on October 19th.

What else would you expect from yet another poorly conceived progressive Democrat program? Demand for the illegal immigrant subsidies has outstripped the money available to pay for them. The number of claimants to date has exceeded by over 20 percent the number of illegal immigrants that the Director of Immigration Research at a liberal think tank estimated last May would benefit from the program. 

The situation will only get worse as the Biden administration continues to admit hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country and releases many of them, flying some individuals to New York.

The answer for the progressives is to throw more good money after bad. A progressive coalition calling itself Fund Excluded Workers tweeted on October 20th: "We call on @GovKathyHochul and the state legislature to add $3 billion to the Excluded Workers Fund in next year's budget. The Governor and the State Legislature must finish the job and FULLY #FundExcludedWorkers.”

The progressive Democrat base in New York will almost certainly look at how hard Governor Kathy Hochul fights for this additional money in deciding whether to support her in next year’s gubernatorial election or back a more progressive candidate instead.

Bianca Guerrero, the campaign coordinator of the Fund Excluded Workers coalition, declared that “It’s not enough to finish the job that the last governor started; we need her to make sure that it meets the actual demand.”

Meeting the “actual demand” from a rapidly increasing number of illegal immigrants residing in New York will be an endless exercise, at least for as long as the Biden administration’s open border and catch and release policies remain in place.

“At least 160,000 illegal immigrants have been released into the U.S., often with little to no supervision, by the Biden administration since March – including a broad use of limited parole authorities to make more than 30,000 eligible for work permits since August,” Fox News reported, based on  Border Patrol documents Fox News obtained.

The Biden administration is adding to the number of illegal immigrants in New York by flying unaccompanied illegal minors to New York State. “Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region,” the New York Post reported on October 18th.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed the New York Post report, making light of it instead of explaining the secrecy surrounding the flights. According to Psaki, the underage illegal immigrants flown into New York were “en route to their final destination to be reunified with their parents or vetted sponsor.”

It’s not hard to imagine the illegal immigrant advocates demanding more New York State money to subsidize these newly arrived minors and their parents or sponsors.

The massive “Building Back Better” tax and spend bill that President Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress are trying to foist on the American people demonstrates the progressive left’s pro-illegal immigration priorities. They are seeking to extend the existing Child Tax Credit to illegal immigrant children. The financial impact would be massive.

Nationwide, it has been estimated that more than 1 million illegal immigrant children and their families would benefit from such an extension. The financial impact of including illegal immigrant children in the Child Tax Credit expansion would exceed an estimated $3 billion. The financial impact in New York alone is estimated to exceed $221 million.

The Democrats, led by their left-wing progressive base, have become the open border handout party for illegal immigrants.

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday amnesty and migrants are needed to prevent labor shortages.

Schumer made his claim as many employers say they must raise wages for Americans in a national labor shortage.

Since early 2020, many Americans quit their jobs in low-wage sectors, such as bars, restaurants, retail stores and for home-healthcare contractors. That resulting labor shortage has boosted wages for millions of blue-collar Americans.

Schumer spoke the morning after the Senate’s debate referee, the Parliamentarian, blocked the Democrats from putting an amnesty for illegal migrants in a special funding bill. The bill can pass with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 votes in the Senate.

Schumer said:

The last year and a half … have shown how vital our [illegal] immigrants have been to keeping our economy going during the time of crisis … We’re short of workers from one end of America to the other — one of the reasons? The Trump administration dramatically cut back on immigrants in this country. We need them. We need them in our labor force. We need them to continue American vitality. We need them because they’re part of the American dream.

Schumer sought to shame Americans into supporting the mass migration policies which allow New York’s employers and landlords to become reliant on plentiful and cheap legal immigrants and illegal migrants:

It’s estimated in my city [New York] by some that one-third of the healthcare workers at the height of COVID who risked their lives for us were immigrants. Having a strong law that helps our immigrants is vital. The American people understand that fixing our broken immigration system is a moral imperative [emphasis added] and an economic imperative.

Immigration reform has been one of the most important causes of my time in the Senate, and I will not stop fighting to achieve it.

Schumer blamed President Donald Trump’s 2020 curbs on migration for the labor shortage. But that admission indirectly credits Trump’s 2020 policy with helping to raise 2021 wages for millions of Americans.


Schumer’s claim the economy needs migrants is in direct contradiction to President Joe Biden’s inconsistent support for wage raises amid labor scarcity, technically known as “a tight labor market.”

Biden, age 78, explained his support for the long-standing and very popular goal of a tight labor market in a May 28 speech:

Rising wages aren’t a bug; they’re a feature.  We want to get — we want to get something economists call “full employment.”  Instead of workers competing with each other for jobs that are scarce, we want employees to compete with each other to attract wrk.  We want the — the companies to compete to attract workers.


Well, wait until you see what happens when employers have to compete for workers.  Companies like McDonald’s, Home Depot, Bank of America, and others — what do they have to do?  They have to raise wages to attract workers.  That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Many economists say labor shortages make the economy more efficient and productive per person.

“The labor scarcity we’re experiencing is real … [but] this is an opportunity, not a crisis,” David Autor, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a September 4 op-ed for Schumer’s home-town newspaper, the New York Times. He continued:

Couldn’t raising wages spur employers to automate many low-paid service jobs? Yes — but that’s not bad. There’s no future in working the fry station at White Castle. We should welcome the robot that’s now doing that job at some locations. Automating bad jobs has positive consequences for productivity. When employers pay more for human labor, they have an incentive to use it more productively … And one way to use people more productively is to train them. This may be one reason that employers provide more training opportunities in a tightening labor market — something happening now.

However, lobbyists have persuaded Biden to back the amnesties that would deliver roughly six million workers — at least — into many of the jobs needed by Americans.

To a large extent, Biden has been pushed to back amnesties — and to forget about tight labor markets — because of face-to-face pressure by lobbyists from Mark Zuckerberg’s advocacy group of West Coast investors.

On September 17, Biden’s economic advisors downplayed the wage damage to Americans as they issued a pro-amnesty memo. Notably, the memo did not endorse lobbyists’ claims that an amnesty would raise wages for Americans, and promised that wage losses would disappear “in the longer run.”


People attend a protest supporting DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, at Foley Square in New York, on August 17, 2021. (KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

The economic damage caused by migration to Americans was made clear September 1, when several Americans and illegal immigrant were drowned in the their cheap basement apartments in New York. The apartments were all they could afford in a city where migration has swelled real-estate values.

The New York Times posted an article on September 2, which was discreetly  silent about the federal government’s role in the drowning of migrants — and of poor Americans — in New York’s cheap basements:

In one of the most expensive housing markets in the world, they have offered low-income New Yorkers, including many working-class families who work in restaurants and hotels, affordable places to live. The basement apartments also provide some extra income for small landlords, many of whom are also immigrants.


Deborah Torres, who lives on the first floor of a building in Woodside, Queens, said she heard desperate pleas from the basement apartment of three members of a family, including a toddler, as floodwaters rushed in. A powerful cascade of water prevented anyone from getting into the apartment to help — or anyone from getting out. The family did not survive.

Many polls show that labor migration is deeply unpopular because it damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, and raises their rents. Migration also curbs their productivity, shrinks their political clout, widens regional wealth gaps, and wrecks their democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. This pocketbook opposition is multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisan,  rationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

However, donor-funded GOP leaders have downplayed the pocketbook impact of migration on Americans’ communities. Instead, they try to steer voters’ concerns towards subsidiary non-economic issues, such as migrant crime, the border wall, border chaos, and drug smuggling.

Democrats Want $5.5 Billion Bailout of New York Citys Illegal Population


The coronavirus crash has completely impoverished New York City’s huge illegal-migrant population, so it needs a bailout from billionaires, says a far left group of open border activists.

The advocacy group, Make the Road NY, wants to raise $5.5 billion from 120 New York billionaires to provide roughly $750 per week in aid for up to 1.2 million illegal migrants and their dependents. Numerous Democratic legislators back the campaign.

The New York Times gave the draft legislation a boost on November 15, with an excellent video report that showcased some of the unemployed, illegal migrants who were trying to earn some cash as street vendors:

On one corner, Cristina Sanchez stood forlornly at a produce stand. She had not sold a single thing. During the pandemic she had lost her job, and then her rented room, triggering a frantic hustle to survive: First she sold produce, then tacos, then produce again …

“This has affected my children [in Mexico] a lot,” Cristina said, as she started to cry. “I try to tell them that because there’s no steady work, whatever I make is only enough for me to survive for the day.”

The New York Times showcased one of the group’s members, “Gerardo,” a Mexican who arrived in 2006:

He decided to sell tacos de alambre — made with steak, chiles, bacon and cheese — on the street. The owner of a local deli let him use an enclosed sidewalk stand at night, free of charge. During the day it sells smoothies.

Gerardo’s sales have not been brisk. His tacos cost two for $5. He needs to sell at least 130 each day, a target he often misses by half.

Many excluded workers have become street vendors in the past few months as a new source of income.

Our member Gerardo, also featured, has fought to #FundExcludedWorkers after losing his job and having to sell his car to make ends meet.

— Make the Road NY (@MaketheRoadNY) November 16, 2020

The group also wants the state legislature to approve more licenses for street vendors — even though the extra supply of vendors would reduce income for the native-born and immigrant who operate the existing stands.

The Make the Road group said its surveys showed that:

92% of respondents reported that either they or another earner in their household has lost their job or income as a result of the crisis.

84% of respondents are now themselves unemployed, with 88% of them reporting job loss due to COVID-19.

Only 5% of respondents received unemployment benefits in the last month.

90% of household cleaners had lost their jobs. Those that were working had fewer clients than usual and had lost income.

The group’s survey says that 28 percent of renters in New York pay more than 50 percent of their wages on housing in the city’s migrant-crowded neighborhoods.

The scale of the imported poverty is huge but unclear.

Make the Road claims 1.2 million people “who haven’t received any aid,” while the New York Times says the city includes roughly half a million illegals.

The leaders in New York City choose to build their service and real-estate economies on cheap imported labor, so denying wages, jobs, and home to the many Americans who did live – or want to live — in the city.

Now the coronavirus crash is threatening the city’s economy by pushing out impoverished migrants, and their departure is pressuring employers to raise wages high enough to attract Americans to jobs in New York.

New York’s problem with impoverished illegal migrants is mirrored in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Los Angeles.

Mass immigration shifts investment, jobs & wealth from the central states to the coastal states.
NY shows how Trump partly reversed the wealth transfer by curbing migration.
Yet GOP pols keep voting for immigration that makes their states poorer. #H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) September 19, 2020 



Joe Biden Delivers Flood of Cheap Migrant Labor to New York



4 Mar 20220


President Joe Biden’s deputies have delivered so many illegal migrants into New York that some of the female migrants cannot find work to pay their smuggling debts, according to claims by advocates for migrants.

“This intersection in Williamsburg, New York City, known as LaParada, or the stop, is a place where [illegal migrant Ecuadorian] women find a job for the day, primarily doing domestic work,” reported on February 28. The report continues:

Every day up to 150 [illegal migrant] women wait here, bargaining for hourly pay that is often below minimum wage, according to data collected from the Workers Justice Project last year. Often these day laborers are undocumented [illegals] and in recent months, many come from Ecuador. Rosa migrated from Ecuador and eventually settled in New York city nine years ago. She still comes to La Parada at least five days a week to look for work:  [She said] “Now it is very, very difficult because there are a lot of people”

With more women, looking for work there’s more competition. Desperate to find a job and with little to no English, many new arrivals don’t negotiate their rate … [NBC asked] So you were here for a month before you could get a first job? [A migrant answered] Yes, one month.

The inflow is illegal because long-standing laws passed by Congress generally bar the admission of foreign workers into Americans’ labor market.

But Biden’s deputies — chiefly, the pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas — helps tens of thousands of migrants from the country of Ecuador in South America walk through the U.S. border. Roughly 500,000 Ecuadorians walked through the southern border between 2000 and 2017, and another 97,000 Ecuadorians were recorded in 2021 while trying to cross the border.

“I left my country because of the economic situation that all of us Ecuadorians are living,” a recently released migrant told NBC.


“I’ve been here almost 34 years and I’ve never seen the wave of Ecuadorians coming in the short time,” said Walter Sinche, the executive director of the Alianza Ecuatoriana Internacional, or the Ecuadorian International Alliance. “I knew a family, for example, they came with five kids. Not only undocumented but also people that come with visa, they overstay, so that’s also a large number,” he told Breitbart News on March 2.

“Most of the ‘[female migrants arrive] with some kind of relatives, some on their own with no relatives,” said Sinche.

The female migrants are being exploited because employers pay them less than the minimum wage of $15 per hour, Sinche said  “It’s a new wave of new migrants coming to the U.S. and that’s why they [employers] take advantage,” he told Breitbart News. He continued:

The minimum wage in New York, it’s $15 an hour. But since they are new in the country, the people sometimes get paid that amount and sometimes they pay them less. I know people, they get paid like $7, $8 an hour … Like I said, a new generation.

“I earned very little and it was not enough,” one of the migrant women told NBC.

State governments and federal agencies do little about wage theft against illegal migrants. The lax enforcement of labor law hels to push down wage levels for Americans. For example, reported in June 2021:

“Employers were using the pandemic as an excuse to not pay workers,” said Glendy Tsitouras, an organizer with the Workers Justice Project, a Brooklyn-based worker center that serves day laborers and domestic workers. “They would tell workers that something happened and that they will pay next week—but that never happened.”
In April of 2020 alone, Tsitouras said, her organization was flooded with between 30 and 35 cases. Pre-pandemic, they typically received around 15 cases a month.

The workplace migrant abuse tends to come from Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants, Sinche said. There are “not many” complaints about Americans  “like, for example, [Americans] from Ireland, Italians, Germans,” he said, adding:

Because they’re more conscious about their past, their history and they know also their grandma, their grandparents, came to the U.S. almost the same situation and [so] they are less abusive with new migrants on a high percentage. I’m talking about new communities, the Asians, they came a little later, and they start purchasing homes, for example, in the Corona area …  They [are] not bueno, can be really bad … mainly Chinese … I’m just talking about the facts of what people have been telling me … They take advantage of new migrants and also basically if you’re trying to claim [legal protections] they say they will call immigration.

New York City’s government encourages and funds illegal migration into the city, despite the damage to Americans’ wages and housing costs. In September 2021, for example, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declared:

The last year and a half … have shown how vital our [illegal] immigrants have been to keeping our economy going during the time of crisis … We’re short of workers from one end of America to the other — one of the reasons? The Trump administration dramatically cut back on immigrants in this country. We need them. We need them in our labor force. We need them to continue American vitality. We need them because they’re part of the American dream.

“The main driver of both new business formation and population growth in New York has historically been international immigration,” says a September 2020 article. If international “immigration remains suppressed, New York will suffer,” says the article, which was titled “The math of New York City’s recovery.”

Migrants in New York need jobs to live in the expensive city, but they also need money to pay off their debts of about $15,000 to $20,000 per person.

They also need cash to re-hire the coyotes so they illegally deliver the migrants’ children to them via the federal government’s Unaccompanied Alien Children child-delivery program.

If the migrants cannot get jobs, they cannot pay their smuggling debts, Sinche said.  “All over, coyotes are lending money [to migrants] but they have to sign a document saying ‘If you’re not paying [the debt], I’ll take your land or house or any other property,'” he said. When the debt is not paid, “most of the time, they ended up taking the properties … That’s a corrupt system that’s happening in Ecuador.”

If the women cannot get jobs, they also cannot save enough money to pay coyotes to bring their children to U.S. border officials, Sinche said.


The rise in Ecuadorian migration during 2021 is partly caused by migrants hiring coyotes to deliver their children to the border, William Murrillo told in August 2021. “It’s parents who haven’t seen their children in many years and send for them,” said Murillo, a former government official in Ecuador who now runs a binational legal firm for Ecuadorians.

Murillo’s “personal experience as an undocumented migrant marked his life and he decided to serve our community of Ecuadorians in the world,” according to the firm’s website.

The migrants try to save wages for debt payments by crowding into apartments, Sinche said. “They have to struggle — they cannot afford to spend too much money … because they want to save,” he said.

“For example, a two-bedroom apartment, it’s supposed to be for a family, maybe two [people per bedroom. But now] sometimes, it is five to six or seven in a two-bedroom apartment,” he said. Rents are “way too crazy, especially here in the area of Queens Corona. A single studio will go for $1,500 to $1,600, and a two-bedroom, sometimes it goes to 2000 to $2,400,” which is up about $150 since rents declined during the coronavirus crash, he said.

City officials do not stop landlords from subdividing apartments to extract more rent, he said. In an August rainstorm, 11 migrants drowned in their basement apartments.

Migrant men are in a better position because they can take construction jobs, Sinche added. “They do pretty good,” said Sinche, who offers government-designed safety training to the illegal migrants.

Without domestic work, some women are trying to get construction jobs, he said.

What I find out was that women are taking the men’s positions, even construction. I just got a conversation yesterday with a couple of women that they do concrete work, they do carpentry works. I know one woman is doing electrical work. So since I’m an electrician for many years, I never seen so many Hispanics on the electrical trade, for example. I mean it’s good for them, but they do because there’s no other options to pick up my new skills.

The migrants’ money generates profits for many businesses in New York, according to Sinche: “They also pay for taxes, regardless of immigration status … they make money circulate in society … They have to eat, they have to wear clothes, they have to take transportation, [when] they get sick, they take medication.”

“They make money circulate in society,” he said.

But the huge inflow of migrants cuts Americans’ wages and raises their housing costs. A 2021 report by New York City’s government says a couple with two children would need to earn at least $154,000 to count as middle-income in the city.

Since at least 1990, the D.C. establishment has used a wide variety of excuses and explanations to justify its policy of extracting tens of millions of immigrants and visa workers from poor countries to serve as workers, consumers, and renters in the U.S. economy.


The economic strategy of extraction migration has no stopping point, and it is harmful to ordinary Americans because it cuts their career opportunities and their wages while also raising their housing costs.

Extraction migration also curbs Americans’ productivity, shrinks their political clout, and widens the regional wealth gaps between the Democrats’ coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland states. The economic strategy also kills many migrantsseparates families, and damages the economies of the home countries.

An economy built on extraction migration also radicalizes Americans’ democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture and allows wealthy elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.

The wealth-shifting extraction migration policy is very unpopular, according to a wide variety of polls. The polls show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that Americans owe to one another.




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