Thursday, December 8, 2022




Chuck Schumer has also been in government since the 1980s and helped create the economy of today that makes it virtually impossible for people my age to build wealth and start a family. The man has literally done nothing but preside over America’s decline. 

                                    OLIVIA MURRAY 


The media-magnified focus on Indian workers and immigration “country caps” is hiding a massive corporate giveaway in the House’s pending EAGLE Act, now scheduled for a committee review on Monday and a House vote on Tuesday.

The bill “just blows the limits [on the hiring of temporary visa-workers] out in the water and makes all of these temporary worker programs permanent, so that all of these jobs will be permanently removed from American workers,” Rosemary Jenks, the director of government relations at NumbersUSA.


Saying Joe Biden has substance is like saying a toilet that doesn't flush is still a working toilet. Joe Biden has no substance, he's an empty shell of a man, a creature who has changed his beliefs the way normal people change their underwear, a puppet for the billionaire class and its radical left-wing allies, as well as teachers' unions, united in their elitist desire to keep the little guy down.

                                                                        MONICA SHOWALTER

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Washington, D.C. (December 8, 2022) – Before the 118th Congress is sworn in on January 3, the current Congress will likely consider several immigration measures in the “lame duck” session with the backdrop of a historic meltdown at the border. In this week’s episode of Parsing Immigration Policy, experts at the Center join Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director and host of the podcast, discuss the issues to watch for in the closing weeks of the 117th Congress.

George Fishman, a senior legal fellow, and Jessica Vaughan, the Center’s director of policy, focus on three specific measures. First, the "Equal Access to Green cards for Legal Employment" (Eagle) Act, supported by Big Tech, which would dispense with per-country caps for employment-based green cards and offer permanent work permits to many ostensibly temporary workers on green-card waiting lists.

Second, there is a bipartisan effort to provide green cards to so-called Dreamers, adult illegal immigrants who came as minors, many of whom have work permits through the legally dubious DACA program. This push is driven in part by the likelihood that DACA will soon be declared unlawful by the courts.

Finally, the panel discusses the possibility of a farmworker bill containing both an amnesty for illegal aliens and an expanded guestworker program. The last farm worker amnesty, crafted by current Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer when he was in the House, was the most fraud-ridden immigration program in the nation's history.

Chuck Schumer Suggests DACA Amnesty Needed to Spike U.S. Population as Nation Hits Record 331.9M Residents

Migrants heading in a caravan to the US, walk towards Mexico City to request asylum and refugee status in Huixtla, Chiapas State, Mexico, on October 27, 2021.(Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images)
Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images

Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggests an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens eligible and enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is necessary to spike the United States population even as a record 331.9 million people reside in the U.S.

During a press conference this month, Schumer and other Senate Democrats urged ten Senate Republicans to back an amnesty for 3.3 million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for Obama’s DACA program — providing them with green cards to remain permanently in the U.S. and, eventually, gain naturalized American citizenship.

As part of that plea, Schumer said an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is necessary to drive up the U.S. population and low birth rates among Americans.

“… we have a population that is not reproducing on its own at the same level that it used to,” Schumer said. “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the DREAMers, and all of them.”

Schumer also said the Democrats’ “ultimate goal” is to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, accompanied by House and Senate Democrats, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

The suggestion comes as the U.S. population has increased to the highest total in history, hitting 331,893,745 residents in 2021, driven mostly by legal immigration. For comparison, the population in 1970 stood at 203 million residents.

At current legal immigration levels, whereby more than a million foreign nationals are given green cards annually, the nation’s foreign-born population is expected to hit 70 million by 2060. In 1970, the foreign-born population was fewer than ten million.

Likewise, Schumer’s claim that an amnesty for illegal aliens would boost low birth rates among Americans is unlikely as fertility rates among foreign-born Americans have dropped more rapidly than fertility rates among native-born Americans.

“The total fertility rate for all women (immigrant and native-born) in America in 2019 was 1.76. Excluding immigrants, it would be 1.69 — the rate for natives. The difference is .06 children, or a 4 percent increase in overall total fertility rate in the United States,” Center for Immigration Studies research shows, suggesting more immigration would have a minimal impact on the nation’s low birth rate.

Unmentioned by Democrats, as well as many Republican lawmakers, is crafting a national family agenda that would help boost American birth rates. Hungary’s government has implemented such an agenda, focusing on economic initiatives to make it less expensive for parents to raise children while working.

Since 2010, Hungary’s fertility rate has increased from 1.25 to 1.59 births per woman.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

New York City mayor attacks the civil rights of the homeless

Last week, in a major breach of civil liberties, the Democratic mayor of New York City, former police captain Eric Adams, issued a directive to police and other city agencies to hospitalize people deemed to be mentally ill, whether or not they are willing to be hospitalized. Although officers will receive training, the directive extends the powers of the police to take actions that can—and will—begin to remove people involuntarily to mental health facilities.

Adams said at City Hall, “The common misunderstanding persists that we cannot provide involuntary assistance unless the person is violent. Going forward, we will make every effort to assist those who are suffering from mental illness.”

Adams claimed that he had the authority to issue the directive under state legislation passed in April that extends the right of the authorities to order treatment for mentally ill individuals. Police officers are now empowered to act, a significant departure from accepted practice since for decades the decision to bring a person involuntarily to a mental health facility has been limited by law to physicians or family members.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams speaking during a news conference on Monday, November 21, 2022, after two men, whom authorities say represented a real danger to the city’s Jewish community, were arrested. [AP Photo/NYC Office of the Mayor]

Civil liberties advocates were quick to condemn Adams’s policy. Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), said, “The federal and state constitutions impose strict limits on the government’s ability to detain people experiencing mental illness—limits that the mayor’s proposed expansion is likely to violate.”

The directive, as well as the new mandates by the Democratic-controlled state government, is not aimed at improving the treatment of mental health problems or helping those in need. The immediate goal of Adams’s directive is to remove as much of the homeless population as possible from plain sight, particularly in the richest borough, Manhattan. It should be noted that not once in the discussions by Adams or the media on the supposed concern for the health of the homeless has the spread of COVID-19 been mentioned.

In fact, the demonization of mentally ill and homeless people, who live on the street or in the subway system, has been a central project of the corporate media for months. The media has highlighted the statistically insignificant number of violent crimes by homeless people, often those who appear to be mentally ill, in what the New York Post, the city’s Murdoch rag, calls a “crime-ravaged subway system.” This has been accompanied by a nonstop media frenzy on shootings and other violent crime in poor neighborhoods, without an ounce of social analysis into the causes of these crimes.

As Jacquelyn Simone, policy director for the Coalition for the Homeless, told the media, “Homeless people are more likely to be the victims of crimes than the perpetrators, but Mayor Adams has continually scapegoated homeless people and others with mental illness as violent.”

In its annual survey published in June, the city found that 3,439 people live on the streets and the subways of New York. But according to its State of the Homeless 2022 report in March, the Coalition for the Homeless notes that the city’s estimate “is a vast undercount, and no accurate census of this population has ever been achieved.”

These figures do not include the some 60,000 who live in the city’s inadequate shelter system and tens of thousands of others who double-up with relatives or sleep on friends’ couches. Recently, over 110,000 public school students were estimated to be homeless.

The mentally ill homeless people hospitalized under Adams’s plan will likely have short stays and incomplete treatment. In its Fact Check on Homeless and Mental Health Care (February 2022), the Coalition for the Homeless noted, “Since May 2020, 9,231 unique individuals have accepted transportation to shelters, safe havens, stabilization beds, or drop-in centers … but only a third (3,105 unique individuals) accepted the placement once transported, and just 8.6 percent of those transported remained in their placements as of mid-February 2022.”

Again, the Coalition’s State of the Homeless 2022 report noted the “serious deterioration in access to mental health” in the city. For example, 600 psychiatric hospital beds diverted to COVID-19 treatment have never been replaced. The report observes, “As of 2019 and averaged across all inpatient facilities, one in five psychiatric inpatients was readmitted within 30 days, and nearly one in three was readmitted within 90 days.” While this statistic applies to the whole New York City population, figures are unquestionably worse for the homeless.

Additionally, the city’s public health care infrastructure, shaky to begin with, has been so ravaged by the COVID pandemic and recently by an increase in other respiratory diseases, particularly among children, that treatment of patients in many cases will be minimal.

These conditions reflect the vast social inequality in New York City, in which wealth, public and private, is diverted to the needs of its very richest layers. The city is now the most expensive in the world to live in, according to the Economic Intelligence Unit of The Economist magazine. It has risen from 6th place in 2021 to first place as part of a global 8 percent average cost-of-living increase. The average rent for an apartment in New York is $4,000 monthly, well beyond the means of most of the population.

The Democratic Party operatives in the Adams administration conclude that the results of these levels of inequality, starkly visible everywhere in the city, but especially in Manhattan, where luxury high-rises spring up by the minute, must be addressed by police action without regard to the rights of the poor.

Armed and unarmed guards have been placed at some subway turnstiles to prevent people, especially working class youth, from riding without paying a fare. According to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), arrests for fare-beating have increased by 97 percent this year compared to last.

In October, Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul, who has ultimate control of the subways operated by the MTA, announced a bizarrely named program, “Cops, Cameras, Care,” that will pay for 10,000 more hours of NYPD overtime for cops to patrol the subways and to equip each of the MTA’s roughly 6,500 subway cars with two surveillance cameras. The initiative will fund a grand total of 25 psychiatric hospital beds for the city.

Adams is reviving the notorious “broken windows” policing launched by former mayor and current fascist Trump supporter Rudolf Giuliani in the 1990s. This focus on so-called “quality-of-life” issues like drinking in public led to the stop-and-frisk tactics that were later found to be unconstitutional, but not before tens of thousands of people, predominantly minority or immigrant youth, had been jailed at such hellholes as Rikers Island. Hundreds of thousands of these youth had their names and Social Security numbers stored in a police database.

Adams has also launched new Neighborhood Safety Teams within the NYPD, which are similar to the plainclothes units involved in the brutal treatment of whole working class communities, including police killings. These were disbanded in 2020, but Adams has reinstituted them, allegedly to get guns off the streets.

All these initiatives, including the blatant violation of the democratic rights of the homeless under his new directive, are meant to be used on the city’s enormous working class.

He has inaugurated a program of austerity in the city. He has refused to fill city jobs that have been depleted since the pandemic, ordered across-the board cuts of 3 percent to city departments and made enormous budget cuts to the already depleted public schools. Hundreds of educators have been “excessed” and scores of programs destroyed.

The vast expenditures for the war in Ukraine have made social programs and anything but the most cut-rate public education untenable.

This is combined with the volatile situation Adams and the Democratic Party from Biden on down has created by its continuing policy of mass infection during the pandemic. Cases of COVID-19 are rising again in the city, particularly in the schools. In the last two months, at least three children in the city have died of COVID-19.

These conditions are common to workers around the United States and the world, and New York workers are increasingly becoming a part of the broad pattern of social dissent, especially as annual inflation has eaten into incomes. Part-time faculty at The New School University have been on strike for two weeks for better pay and benefits, and HarperCollins workers have been on strike since November 10 for a new contract. Workers at the Brooklyn Museum have also threatened to strike.

A global movement of educators that includes university workers in Britain, Ontario education workers and tens of thousands of graduate students at the University of California have so far run up against the obstacle of the trade unions but threaten to expand.

Invariably, they will spread to large sections of the working class in New York City. Already over 70,000 educators in the school system are working without a contract. This layer of workers has been battered by the Democrats’ COVID-19 policies and is prepared to fight.

The success of the Will Lehman campaign for the presidency in United Auto Workers Union (UAW), which won nearly 5 percent of the vote despite voter suppression by the union bureaucracy—much more in some New York City locals, including striking workers at The New School—is a harbinger of things to come.

The working class in the city must be prepared to fight the policies of the Adams administration first and foremost through a thoroughgoing break with the Democratic Party and by building rank-and-file and neighborhood committees that will defend the entire working class from assaults on democratic rights now being implemented by Adams as well as those being planned.

Democrats Want $5.5 Billion Bailout of New York City’s Illegal Population


17 Nov 20201,148


The coronavirus crash has completely impoverished New York City’s huge illegal-migrant population, so it needs a bailout from billionaires, says a far left group of open border activists.

The advocacy group, Make the Road NY, wants to raise $5.5 billion from 120 New York billionaires to provide roughly $750 per week in aid for up to 1.2 million illegal migrants and their dependents. Numerous Democratic legislators back the campaign.

The New York Times gave the draft legislation a boost on November 15, with an excellent video report that showcased some of the unemployed, illegal migrants who were trying to earn some cash as street vendors:

On one corner, Cristina Sanchez stood forlornly at a produce stand. She had not sold a single thing. During the pandemic she had lost her job, and then her rented room, triggering a frantic hustle to survive: First she sold produce, then tacos, then produce again …

“This has affected my children [in Mexico] a lot,” Cristina said, as she started to cry. “I try to tell them that because there’s no steady work, whatever I make is only enough for me to survive for the day.”

The New York Times showcased one of the group’s members, “Gerardo,” a Mexican who arrived in 2006:

He decided to sell tacos de alambre — made with steak, chiles, bacon and cheese — on the street. The owner of a local deli let him use an enclosed sidewalk stand at night, free of charge. During the day it sells smoothies.

Gerardo’s sales have not been brisk. His tacos cost two for $5. He needs to sell at least 130 each day, a target he often misses by half.

Many excluded workers have become street vendors in the past few months as a new source of income.

Our member Gerardo, also featured, has fought to #FundExcludedWorkers after losing his job and having to sell his car to make ends meet.

— Make the Road NY (@MaketheRoadNY) November 16, 2020

The group also wants the state legislature to approve more licenses for street vendors — even though the extra supply of vendors would reduce income for the native-born and immigrant who operate the existing stands.

The Make the Road group said its surveys showed that:

92% of respondents reported that either they or another earner in their household has lost their job or income as a result of the crisis.

84% of respondents are now themselves unemployed, with 88% of them reporting job loss due to COVID-19.

Only 5% of respondents received unemployment benefits in the last month.

90% of household cleaners had lost their jobs. Those that were working had fewer clients than usual and had lost income.

The group’s survey says that 28 percent of renters in New York pay more than 50 percent of their wages on housing in the city’s migrant-crowded neighborhoods.

The scale of the imported poverty is huge but unclear.

Make the Road claims 1.2 million people “who haven’t received any aid,” while the New York Times says the city includes roughly half a million illegals.

The leaders in New York City choose to build their service and real-estate economies on cheap imported labor, so denying wages, jobs, and home to the many Americans who did live – or want to live — in the city.

Now the coronavirus crash is threatening the city’s economy by pushing out impoverished migrants, and their departure is pressuring employers to raise wages high enough to attract Americans to jobs in New York.

New York’s problem with impoverished illegal migrants is mirrored in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Los Angeles.

Mass immigration shifts investment, jobs & wealth from the central states to the coastal states.
NY shows how Trump partly reversed the wealth transfer by curbing migration.
Yet GOP pols keep voting for immigration that makes their states poorer. #H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) September 19, 2020

Chuck Schumer Puts Migrants over Moms

senate democrats
Jemal Countess/Getty Images

The United States needs more immigration to compensate for declining fertility, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said at a press conference Wednesday.

But Schumer said nothing about the alternative policy of helping American families have the number of children they prefer.

“Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Schumer said on the Hill at a press conference, which was intended to tout several draft amnesties for illegal migrants. He continued:

We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].

Schumer’s more-migration policy echoed the economic strategy adopted by New York’s elite, which uses low-wage migration to subsidize an elite-run economy of investors and landlords. The huge inflow of cheap and compliant foreign workers has forced down New Yorkers’ wages, boosted their rents and housing prices, and reduced native-born Americans’ clout in local elections.

His comments also echoed many Democrats’ support for changing the demographics of the United States. “Twenty-six percent of every child who’s in school today speaks Spanish — 26 percent,” President Joe Biden said in September. “We’ve had large waves of immigration before but the thing is, we just have so much opportunity to make this country so much better … so as my father would say, ‘Let’s go get ’em.’”

Schumer’s willingness to replace Americans’ absent children with foreign migrants also dismisses the widespread preference by American women for more children.

“We can see that every single estimate of ideal or desired fertility, including our hardcore minimum estimate from adjusted GSS data, is way above actual fertility,” a 2018 report by the Institute for Family Studies said. The report added:

What this comparison makes clear is that no matter whether you use intended or ideal fertility, women report greater childbearing ambitions than they have achieved or are likely to achieve, and this has been the case for a long time. Cut the data however you like, use whatever indicator floats your boat, and you’ll find the ship of American fertility sinking, steadily underperforming what women have been saying they want or intend.

Longer hours, lower wages, less consistent employment, high childcare costs, poor access to credit, burdensome loans, all-too-few good husband candidates—take your pick of the problem—a growing number of women are simply lowering their expectations for their own family lives, even as they continue to believe that something like 2.3 kids would be ideal for them [emphasis added].

But the Census Bureau reports that married couples have an average of only 2 children per family, up from 1.9 in 2010.

Children per family chart by the US Census Bureau

(Children per family chart by the U.S. Census Bureau) reports that the “average number of own children under 18 in families with children in the United States from 1960 to 2021” is only 1.9

“In 2018, U.S. woman [sic] had 1.7 children on average,” according to

In addition, a growing number of women do not have any children. “In 2006, 26.2 percent of women ages 30 to 34 were childless, meaning they had never given birth to a child.,” according to a 2017 report by the Census Bureau. “By 2016, that number had risen about 4 percentage points to 30.8 percent.”

Schumer’s migrants-before-families policy prompted a pro-family response from Bryan Griffin, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis:

Griffin followed up with a description of Florida’s workforce training programs. which could help Americans gain the skills and wealth needed to have their own families — complete with the number of children they prefer:

Meanwhile, in Schumer’s New York, poverty is growing as Democrats continue to extract more migrants from poor countries. reported in May:

A total of 1.4 million New Yorkers, including one in five city children, are currently living in poverty, according to an annual report by the non-profit Robin Hood, which shows that the city’s poverty rate is nearly twice the national average and disproportionally impacts Black, Latino and Asian New Yorkers.


Chuck Schumer has also been in government since the 1980s and helped create the economy of today that makes it virtually impossible for people my age to build wealth and start a family. The man has literally done nothing but preside over America’s decline.  OLIVIA MURRAY 


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the

Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2)

Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden

(LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by

similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren

and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent

book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the

surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS



"Along with (LAWYER) Obama, Pelosi and (LAWYER) Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration. (JOE BIDEN (LAWYER) WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)." 


Chuck Schumer Prioritizes Migration over American Fertility

senate democrats
Jemal Countess/Getty Images

The United States needs more immigration to compensate for declining fertility, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said at a press conference Wednesday.

But Schumer said nothing about the alternative policy of helping American families have the number of children they prefer.

“Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Schumer said on the Hill at a press conference, which was intended to tout several draft amnesties for illegal migrants. He continued:

We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].

Schumer’s more-migration policy echoed the economic strategy adopted by New York’s elite, which uses low-wage migration to subsidize an elite-run economy of investors and landlords. The huge inflow of cheap and compliant foreign workers has forced down New Yorkers’ wages, boosted their rents and housing prices, and reduced native-born Americans’ clout in local elections.

His comments also echoed many Democrats’ support for changing the demographics of the United States. “Twenty-six percent of every child who’s in school today speaks Spanish — 26 percent,” President Joe Biden said in September. “We’ve had large waves of immigration before but the thing is, we just have so much opportunity to make this country so much better … so as my father would say, ‘Let’s go get ’em.’”

Schumer’s willingness to replace Americans’ absent children with foreign migrants also dismisses the widespread preference by American women for more children.

“We can see that every single estimate of ideal or desired fertility, including our hardcore minimum estimate from adjusted GSS data, is way above actual fertility,” a 2018 report by the Institute for Family Studies said. The report added:

What this comparison makes clear is that no matter whether you use intended or ideal fertility, women report greater childbearing ambitions than they have achieved or are likely to achieve, and this has been the case for a long time. Cut the data however you like, use whatever indicator floats your boat, and you’ll find the ship of American fertility sinking, steadily underperforming what women have been saying they want or intend.

Longer hours, lower wages, less consistent employment, high childcare costs, poor access to credit, burdensome loans, all-too-few good husband candidates—take your pick of the problem—a growing number of women are simply lowering their expectations for their own family lives, even as they continue to believe that something like 2.3 kids would be ideal for them [emphasis added].

But the Census Bureau reports that married couples have an average of only 2 children per family, up from 1.9 in 2010.

Children per family chart by the US Census Bureau

(Children per family chart by the U.S. Census Bureau) reports that the “average number of own children under 18 in families with children in the United States from 1960 to 2021” is only 1.9

“In 2018, U.S. woman [sic] had 1.7 children on average,” according to

In addition, a growing number of women do not have any children. “In 2006, 26.2 percent of women ages 30 to 34 were childless, meaning they had never given birth to a child.,” according to a 2017 report by the Census Bureau. “By 2016, that number had risen about 4 percentage points to 30.8 percent.”

Schumer’s migrants-before-families policy prompted a pro-family response from Bryan Griffin, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis:

Griffin followed up with a description of Florida’s workforce training programs. which could help Americans gain the skills and wealth needed to have their own families — complete with the number of children they prefer:

Meanwhile, in Schumer’s New York, poverty is growing as Democrats continue to extract more migrants from poor countries. reported in May:

A total of 1.4 million New Yorkers, including one in five city children, are currently living in poverty, according to an annual report by the non-profit Robin Hood, which shows that the city’s poverty rate is nearly twice the national average and disproportionally impacts Black, Latino and Asian New Yorkers.



Schumer and company lament shortage of American workers and discover ‘solution’

Chuck Schumer has apparently had an epiphany — without serfs, there can be no lord.

Yesterday, the re-elected Senate leader addressed a crowd of reporters, and recognized a serious issue plaguing America, “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers.”

But don’t fret, the fearless leader has a solution: fill the void with foreign-born invaders, and grant them citizenship.

Citing the shortage, Schumer announced his party’s reinvigorated support for amnesty and citizenship for the illegal populations currently within our (fluid) borders — amnesty because these aliens are criminals for already having already violated America’s laws, and citizenship so they can officially become tax slaves, and of course, vote Democrat. In fact, disdain for the American identity and zero desire to assimilate is a bonus.

Watch what he had to say below:

Did you catch the kicker? “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.”

Quickly, let’s go through a brief, but relevant sequence of events:

  1. Roe v. Wade legalizes national abortion.

  2. Democrats champion abortion, citing it as a panacea to overpopulation, the oppressive patriarchy, and recently, inflation.

  3. Abortion currently kills more than 2,300 Americans every day.

  4. America experiences a worker shortage.

Why? Why does it have to be this way? Why do the Democrats have to burn it all down before they learn? Population control is a fool’s errand; couldn’t they just learn from China?

As a prominent Republican strategist noted:

Chuck Schumer has also been in government since the 1980s and helped create the economy of today that makes it virtually impossible for people my age to build wealth and start a family. The man has literally done nothing but preside over America’s decline.

The Democrats have a ‘Midas touch’ of sorts, but instead of gold, it’s excrement. Without fail, anything the Democrats dabble in, they afflict, and any sort of rectification occurs only with the implementation of conservatism.

Seems like President Trump’s famous quip needs some rewording — ‘everything Democrat turns to’ you-know-what.

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

Schumer: ‘We Have a Population That Is Not Reproducing on Its Own with the Same Level That It Used to’

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, speaks alongside US Senator Dick Durbin (L), Democrat of Illinois, during a press conference following the weekly Democratic caucus luncheon at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, September 28, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, speaks alongside US Senator Dick Durbin (L), Democrat of Illinois, during a press conference following the weekly Democratic caucus luncheon at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, September 28, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

( – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pushed Wednesday for Republicans to join with Democrats in passing legislation to protect Dreamers in the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program and to provide a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in America.

However, in doing so, Schumer – who is pro-abortion - argued that the United States is short on workers because the population is not “reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.”

“I believe in this so much. I believe in it on a personal basis ‘cause I know Dreamers who have been such great people here in America, and who have just struggled. Every time they get a phone call, every time they walk down the street, they’re worried will someone grab them and take them away,” he said at a press conference on Capitol Hill.

“So that’s personal about them and what they have done, but I also believe in it as an overall, as an American who wants to see our country be stronger, because immigrants make us stronger now more than ever,” Schumer said.

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a good future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers, and all of them, ‘cause our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented that are here, and we will be pursuing that in the next Senate, in the Senate, the comprehensive immigration reform,” he said.

“Right now, our focus is on Dreamers, and we retained the Senate. Catherine can tell you better than just about anybody,” Schumer said, referring to Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), who just won re-election. “We performed better in the Senate and better in the House than people ever expected in good part because of the support of Latino voters, and I'm confident with that support in the Latino community we're gonna expand our majority by winning in Georgia on December the 6th as well. 

“Latino voters and most Americans understand the stark difference between our values and those of Republican candidates. In the majority Senate, Democrats succeeded in improving health outcomes for Latino families. We expanded economic opportunity. We protected vulnerable communities from the dangers of gun violence. We also fought repeatedly to pass legislation that would protect Dreamers, TPS recipients, farmworkers, essential workers, because we believe in these people as individuals,” he said. 

Schumer claimed that illegal immigrants have a high “rate of employment and a lower rate of crime than average Americans.”

“So all the B. S spread by these right wing people are nastiness is just not true. It just aggravates me, it annoys me worse than aggregate. I'd use a Brooklyn word, but I won't,” he said.

“We also fought repeatedly to pass legislation that would protect Dreamers, and it was a key piece of our original legislative agenda. In fact, my office was intimately involved in pushing for a change in the registry date that would once and for all provide some sense of security to Dreamers and their families, and while we've encountered roadblocks along the way to get this done, we've never stopped fighting for immigrant relief,” Schumer said. 

The majority leader called on Republicans to “do the right thing” and provide a fix for DACA, because Democrats need 60 votes to do so.
He said that voters have rejected “MAGA Republicans” in the midterm election, because they “divide us by attacking immigrants.” 

“Now let's roll up our sleeves and get this done. Americans sent a clear message. They rejected the deeply anti-immigrant message of the MAGA Republicans. They said MAGA Republicans, we don't believe in you, and one of the main reasons we don't believe in you is you divide us and divide us by attacking immigrants,” Schumer said. 

“Just last week, we learned that Arizona, a purple state where the election was tight, approved a measure to extend in-state college tuition for noncitizens. That's not the politicians. That's the voters of Arizona, which has a virulent right wing, mostly who lost. Ha Ha!” he said. “And they joined 18 other states – Arizona did – in putting this in place. 

“Massachusetts voters rejected a GOP effort to repeal a state law that allows undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver’s license. So on something as simple as DACA, when the public is clearly on our side in blue states, purple states, even red states, we’re calling on Republican colleagues to join us. Waiting for our judicial system, hanging by a bare thread from court decision to court decision is no way for anyone to have to live,” the majority leader said.

“It’s cruel and inhumane to keep millions in limbo. It's past time DACA recipients feel safe in this country. So my message to Senate Republicans is this: work with us. Work with us on this widely supported policy so we can reach agreement that will protect families and strengthen our economy, just as we passed other bipartisan accomplishments, which they thought couldn't be done: guns, veterans, CHIPS,” Schumer said.

“We can get it done here. If we can get 10 Republicans to join us, we will get this done by the end of the year. It's the smart thing to do. It's the right thing to do. It's the moral thing to do. It's the humane thing to do, and I want to assure everyone here we will not stop fighting till we get a fix for DACA, a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented,” he said.


Chuck Schumer: Amnesty and Migrants Prevent Labor Shortages

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday amnesty and migrants are needed to prevent labor shortages.

Schumer made his claim as many employers say they must raise wages for Americans in a national labor shortage.

Since early 2020, many Americans quit their jobs in low-wage sectors, such as bars, restaurants, retail stores and for home-healthcare contractors. That resulting labor shortage has boosted wages for millions of blue-collar Americans.

Schumer spoke the morning after the Senate’s debate referee, the Parliamentarian, blocked the Democrats from putting an amnesty for illegal migrants in a special funding bill. The bill can pass with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 votes in the Senate.

Schumer said:

The last year and a half … have shown how vital our [illegal] immigrants have been to keeping our economy going during the time of crisis … We’re short of workers from one end of America to the other — one of the reasons? The Trump administration dramatically cut back on immigrants in this country. We need them. We need them in our labor force. We need them to continue American vitality. We need them because they’re part of the American dream.

Schumer sought to shame Americans into supporting the mass migration policies which allow New York’s employers and landlords to become reliant on plentiful and cheap legal immigrants and illegal migrants:

It’s estimated in my city [New York] by some that one-third of the healthcare workers at the height of COVID who risked their lives for us were immigrants. Having a strong law that helps our immigrants is vital. The American people understand that fixing our broken immigration system is a moral imperative [emphasis added] and an economic imperative.

Immigration reform has been one of the most important causes of my time in the Senate, and I will not stop fighting to achieve it.

Schumer blamed President Donald Trump’s 2020 curbs on migration for the labor shortage. But that admission indirectly credits Trump’s 2020 policy with helping to raise 2021 wages for millions of Americans.


Schumer’s claim the economy needs migrants is in direct contradiction to President Joe Biden’s inconsistent support for wage raises amid labor scarcity, technically known as “a tight labor market.”

Biden, age 78, explained his support for the long-standing and very popular goal of a tight labor market in a May 28 speech:

Rising wages aren’t a bug; they’re a feature.  We want to get — we want to get something economists call “full employment.”  Instead of workers competing with each other for jobs that are scarce, we want employees to compete with each other to attract wrk.  We want the — the companies to compete to attract workers.


Well, wait until you see what happens when employers have to compete for workers.  Companies like McDonald’s, Home Depot, Bank of America, and others — what do they have to do?  They have to raise wages to attract workers.  That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Many economists say labor shortages make the economy more efficient and productive per person.

“The labor scarcity we’re experiencing is real … [but] this is an opportunity, not a crisis,” David Autor, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a September 4 op-ed for Schumer’s home-town newspaper, the New York Times. He continued:

Couldn’t raising wages spur employers to automate many low-paid service jobs? Yes — but that’s not bad. There’s no future in working the fry station at White Castle. We should welcome the robot that’s now doing that job at some locations. Automating bad jobs has positive consequences for productivity. When employers pay more for human labor, they have an incentive to use it more productively … And one way to use people more productively is to train them. This may be one reason that employers provide more training opportunities in a tightening labor market — something happening now.

However, lobbyists have persuaded Biden to back the amnesties that would deliver roughly six million workers — at least — into many of the jobs needed by Americans.

To a large extent, Biden has been pushed to back amnesties — and to forget about tight labor markets — because of face-to-face pressure by lobbyists from Mark Zuckerberg’s advocacy group of West Coast investors.

On September 17, Biden’s economic advisors downplayed the wage damage to Americans as they issued a pro-amnesty memo. Notably, the memo did not endorse lobbyists’ claims that an amnesty would raise wages for Americans, and promised that wage losses would disappear “in the longer run.”


People attend a protest supporting DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, at Foley Square in New York, on August 17, 2021. (KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

The economic damage caused by migration to Americans was made clear September 1, when several Americans and illegal immigrant were drowned in the their cheap basement apartments in New York. The apartments were all they could afford in a city where migration has swelled real-estate values.

The New York Times posted an article on September 2, which was discreetly  silent about the federal government’s role in the drowning of migrants — and of poor Americans — in New York’s cheap basements:

In one of the most expensive housing markets in the world, they have offered low-income New Yorkers, including many working-class families who work in restaurants and hotels, affordable places to live. The basement apartments also provide some extra income for small landlords, many of whom are also immigrants.


Deborah Torres, who lives on the first floor of a building in Woodside, Queens, said she heard desperate pleas from the basement apartment of three members of a family, including a toddler, as floodwaters rushed in. A powerful cascade of water prevented anyone from getting into the apartment to help — or anyone from getting out. The family did not survive.

Many polls show that labor migration is deeply unpopular because it damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, and raises their rents. Migration also curbs their productivity, shrinks their political clout, widens regional wealth gaps, and wrecks their democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. This pocketbook opposition is multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisan,  rationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

However, donor-funded GOP leaders have downplayed the pocketbook impact of migration on Americans’ communities. Instead, they try to steer voters’ concerns towards subsidiary non-economic issues, such as migrant crime, the border wall, border chaos, and drug smuggling.

Democrats Want $5.5 Billion Bailout of New York City’s Illegal Population


17 Nov 20201,148


The coronavirus crash has completely impoverished New York City’s huge illegal-migrant population, so it needs a bailout from billionaires, says a far left group of open border activists.

The advocacy group, Make the Road NY, wants to raise $5.5 billion from 120 New York billionaires to provide roughly $750 per week in aid for up to 1.2 million illegal migrants and their dependents. Numerous Democratic legislators back the campaign.

The New York Times gave the draft legislation a boost on November 15, with an excellent video report that showcased some of the unemployed, illegal migrants who were trying to earn some cash as street vendors:

On one corner, Cristina Sanchez stood forlornly at a produce stand. She had not sold a single thing. During the pandemic she had lost her job, and then her rented room, triggering a frantic hustle to survive: First she sold produce, then tacos, then produce again …

“This has affected my children [in Mexico] a lot,” Cristina said, as she started to cry. “I try to tell them that because there’s no steady work, whatever I make is only enough for me to survive for the day.”

The New York Times showcased one of the group’s members, “Gerardo,” a Mexican who arrived in 2006:

He decided to sell tacos de alambre — made with steak, chiles, bacon and cheese — on the street. The owner of a local deli let him use an enclosed sidewalk stand at night, free of charge. During the day it sells smoothies.

Gerardo’s sales have not been brisk. His tacos cost two for $5. He needs to sell at least 130 each day, a target he often misses by half.

Many excluded workers have become street vendors in the past few months as a new source of income.

Our member Gerardo, also featured, has fought to #FundExcludedWorkers after losing his job and having to sell his car to make ends meet.

— Make the Road NY (@MaketheRoadNY) November 16, 2020

The group also wants the state legislature to approve more licenses for street vendors — even though the extra supply of vendors would reduce income for the native-born and immigrant who operate the existing stands.

The Make the Road group said its surveys showed that:

92% of respondents reported that either they or another earner in their household has lost their job or income as a result of the crisis.

84% of respondents are now themselves unemployed, with 88% of them reporting job loss due to COVID-19.

Only 5% of respondents received unemployment benefits in the last month.

90% of household cleaners had lost their jobs. Those that were working had fewer clients than usual and had lost income.

The group’s survey says that 28 percent of renters in New York pay more than 50 percent of their wages on housing in the city’s migrant-crowded neighborhoods.

The scale of the imported poverty is huge but unclear.

Make the Road claims 1.2 million people “who haven’t received any aid,” while the New York Times says the city includes roughly half a million illegals.

The leaders in New York City choose to build their service and real-estate economies on cheap imported labor, so denying wages, jobs, and home to the many Americans who did live – or want to live — in the city.

Now the coronavirus crash is threatening the city’s economy by pushing out impoverished migrants, and their departure is pressuring employers to raise wages high enough to attract Americans to jobs in New York.

New York’s problem with impoverished illegal migrants is mirrored in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Los Angeles.

Mass immigration shifts investment, jobs & wealth from the central states to the coastal states.
NY shows how Trump partly reversed the wealth transfer by curbing migration.
Yet GOP pols keep voting for immigration that makes their states poorer. #H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) September 19, 2020

White House Backs White-Collar Replacement Bill

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 03: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks to reporters before the start of a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House on March 03, 2022 in Washington, DC. Earlier today, President Biden spoke on a secure video call with fellow Quad Leaders, Prime Minister …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The White House is supporting a bill that would spend roughly $29 million to exclude more Americans from white-collar jobs and also reduce job-creating investment in heartland states.

“The Administration supports House passage of GH.R.36438, the Equal Acess to Green Cards for Legal Employment (EAGLE) Act, and its goal of allowing U.S. employers to focus on hiring immigrants on merit,” said a December 6 statement from the White House’s Office of Management and Budget.

The bill is likely to cost $29 million over the next five years, according to a December 5 estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The bill is marketed as a reasonable aid for Indian migrants who have been hired for U.S. jobs by Fortune 500 companies and their pyramids of Indian subcontractors.

But the CBO report noted that the impact goes far beyond aid for Indians because it would allow foreign workers imported by U.S. companies to get renewable work permits, regardless of the backlogged line for green cards:

The bill would allow beneficiaries of employment-based petitions for immigrant visas who are living in the United States to apply to adjust status to lawful permanent resident even if an immigrant visa is not immediately available.

The biggest losers from the Democrats’ bill are the swing-voting college graduates who mostly voted Democratic in the 2022 midterm elections.

But the bill has also sparked rare opposition from Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), who runs the immigration task force for the Congressional Black Caucus. She argued the bill would unfairly tilt the immigration system towards a subset of immigrants, adding, “I cannot support efforts that would perpetuate the current inequities in our immigration system.”

The CBC has repeatedly tried to boost the award of green cards to African migrants. But the EAGLE Act would likely ensure the Fortune 500’s Indian workforce would dominate the distribution of green cards.

In turn, the inflow of Indians is expected to boost the political clout of ethnic Indian groups at the expense of African-American groups.

The EAGLE Act is cosponsored by eight Republicans — and is also being pushed by Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) — even though it would reduce investment in GOP-dominated areas, and encourage more job investment in the c0astal states dominated by pro-migration Democrats

The corporate giveaway bill is backed by Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN). He was elected party whip for the 2023 Congress, after running a partly successful 2022 election campaign in which donor opposition suppressed Republican debate about the huge and growing pocketbook pain of migration on American families.

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is another supporter of the outsourcing bill. He is also cochairman of the establishment-minded Problem Solvers Caucus and is pushing a farmworker amnesty that helps agricultural investors.

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), the coleader of the Main Street Caucus, is also a supporter of the giveaway to investors, Fortune 500 companies, and foreign graduates.

Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) is under pressure from state Republican leaders who expect many Indian visa workers to settle in their state, so boosting real estate investors and spurring retail sales.

The other supporters include Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN), Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH), Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), and Rep. William Timmons (R-SC), most of whom face determined home-district lobbying by Indian citizens working as contract workers in jobs needed by U.S. graduates.

The EAGLE Act would reduce job opportunities for American graduates living in interior states, such as Bucshon’s Indiana, Bacon’s Nebraska, Johnson’s Ohio, and Emmer’s Minnesota. The reduction happens because the bill opens up a huge pipeline of cheap labor for Fortune 500 companies based in California, New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington. Without a steady inflow of cheap foreign labor, the companies and their subcontractors would face rising economic pressure to open up new workplaces in lower-rent inland cities such as Columbus, Ohio, or St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Section 7 of the bill “is an end-run around the annual green card limit,” Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI) told the Committee on Rules, which sets the rules for each floor debate in the House, adding:

It allows certain temporary visa holders to file an application for Adjustment for Status, despite the fact that no green card is available to them. The result is that many temporary visas will essentially become permanent because the alien visa holders will be able to live and work in the U.S. as if they had a green card. Of course, this will further strangle the ability of Americans to get good-paying jobs in tech and other sectors.

The bill offers permanent work permits just two years after each foreign worker is approved for a green card. This would mean that companies can recruit endless foreign workers for U.S. jobs at low wages in exchange for providing them with renewable U.S. work permits after just several years.

The dangled “Employment Authorization” permits are extremely valuable because they allow foreign workers to work in many U.S. jobs until they can receive their promised green cards. The green cards can then be traded to get the deferred mega-bonus of American citizenship for themselves, their families, grandchildren, and all of their descendants.

There are no limits on the number of foreign workers who can be hired and then paid with the bill’s renewable work permits. These eligible workers could arrive via the uncapped H-2A visa for agricultural workers, the uncapped L-1 visa for corporate transfers, the uncapped H-1B visa for white-collar workers, the uncapped E-2 for franchise operators, or the uncapped F-1/OPT work-permit program for foreign graduates of U.S. universities.

“FAIR firmly opposes the EAGLE Act (H.R. 3648),” says a statement from Joe Chatham, the senior government relations manager at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The statement says:

This bill undermines the fairness in our immigration system by creating a preference for workers from India and China at the expense of all other workers across the globe. It also eliminates diversity in the workers who come to the U.S. permanently. And, in the end, it would do nothing to reduce the line for employment-based green cards but would instead create more competition for American workers while lining the pockets of Big Tech.

The work-for-work-permits corporate giveaway is being hidden deep in the bill, while Democrats, advocates, and reporters tout the beneficial impact for the many Indian contract workers who have created their own huge backlog for green cards.

For example, the billionaire investors at tout the bill as help for foreign workers:

Per-country caps have created extensive backlogs that leave immigrants and their families waiting years to receive their green cards simply because of their country of origin. This restricts their ability to work, travel, and contribute, and creates significant challenges for their families. It also makes the U.S. less attractive to global talent, hindering our competitiveness. Congress should pass per-country cap reform, like the bipartisan EAGLE Act, to ensure fairness and begin reducing the green card backlogs.

The bill also includes language to protect families and address challenges brought on by the backlogs, including allowing individuals to file for adjustment of status before a green card is available to them if they have waited two years or more for an available visa. Filing early to adjust would allow individuals to secure travel authorization and portable employment authorization so that they could change employers.

Meanwhile. Democrats and business leaders are pushing the bill amid a wave of layoffs by Fortune 500 companies that ensure rising unemployment and underemployment levels among American graduates.  For example, the bill is being pushed by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), whose home district is seeing a huge wave of layoffs. On December 6, the Mercury News reported:

SANTA CLARA — Intel has revealed plans to chop hundreds of jobs in Northern California, an ominous new sign of widespread layoffs in the increasingly wobbly Silicon Valley tech industry, official state filings show.

The latest layoff notices from Intel meant that since Oct. 1, tech and biotech companies have unveiled job cut plans, or carried out layoffs, that affect well over 7,700 jobs in the Bay Area, this news organization’s review of WARN notices filed with the EDD shows.

Even before the layoffs, a 2021 study by the Census Bureau reported massive underemployment among U.S. graduates amid the replacement-level inflow of visa workers:

The vast majority (62%) of [American] college-educated workers who majored in a STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] field were employed in non-STEM fields such as non-STEM management, law, education, social work, accounting or counseling. In addition, 10% of STEM college graduates worked in STEM-related occupations such as health care.

The path to STEM jobs for non-STEM majors was narrow. Only a few STEM-related majors (7%) and non-STEM majors (6%) ultimately ended up in STEM occupations. collects data on technology workers’ salaries. In January 2022, the site’s owners showed that U.S. tech workers’ wages had dropped in value from 2009 to 2021 because inflation had exceeded their wage gains.

The pre-inflation salaries in the tech sector rose from $78,845 in 2009 to $93,244 in 2018, and to $104,566 in 2021. But that shows a slight decline of 0.3 percent according to the inflation calculator offered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As tech salaries stalled, tech investors gained trillions of dollars in extra value from escalating profits and stock prices.

The visa programs are all about forcing down Americans’ wages, said one American who has been forced out of work by CEOs’ preference for cheaper Indian workers. Investors “saw this as an opportunity to drive down wages,” he added.

This workplace shift from professionals to foreign workers also allowed C-suite executives to demote professionals’ workplace clout. That demotion crippled many major companies, such as IntelBoeing, and Theranos.

Many polls show the public strongly opposes corporate labor migration into the jobs that Americans need for middle-class lives, homes, and families.

A wholescale GOP surrender on the EAGLE Act is unlikely because roughly one in six GOP voters described immigration as their single top issue in 2022.

But GOP leaders in the Senate may let the bill pass while they theatrically oppose the giveaway.

Democrats’ EAGLE Act Explodes Indentured Service Workforce

work permit
Getty Images

The media-magnified focus on Indian workers and immigration “country caps” is hiding a massive corporate giveaway in the House’s pending EAGLE Act, now scheduled for a committee review on Monday and a House vote on Tuesday.

The bill “just blows the limits [on the hiring of temporary visa-workers] out in the water and makes all of these temporary worker programs permanent, so that all of these jobs will be permanently removed from American workers,” Rosemary Jenks, the director of government relations at NumbersUSA.

“Congress is using an immigration ploy to lock Americans out of a growing part of the labor market … They’re dead serious about it,” she said.

The bill allows corporations to pay foreign workers with permanently renewable work permits in exchange for several years of uncomplaining, l0w-wage work in the U.S.

Those “Employment Authorization” permits are extremely valuable because they allow the workers to hold U.S. jobs until they can receive their promised green cards. The green cards can then be traded to get the deferred mega-bonus of American citizenship for themselves, their families, grandchildren, and all of their descendants.

Corporations that can pay workers with government-provided work permits and green cards will be more likely to hire foreigners than Americans because Americans want to be paid fair-market wages.

The work-for-work-permits bill will dramatically expand the “indentured service” labor market, said Jenks.

Commercial contracts for Indentured Service were made unconstitutional by the 13th amendment after the Civil War.

The work-for-work-permits bill is numbered H.R.3648, and is titled the “EAGLE Act of 2022.” It has 83 sponsors, including eight Republicans.

The chief sponsor of the bill is Rep. Zoe Lofgren D-CA), who represents Silicon Valley investors and companies. Those investors — such as — stand to gain from an expanded ability to recruit foreign workers with dangled offers of fast-track work permits and green cards, so they are eager to spotlight the subsidiary “country caps” aspect of the bill and to hide the work-for-work-permits expansion.

The leading GOP backer is Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), whose home-state establishment has pushed for similar bills for more than a decade. Utah advocates expect their support for the bill will spur investment by Indian subcontractors in the state, so creating a wave of new revenue for home builders, landowners, and retail outlets.

The corporate giveaway bill is also backed by Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN). He was elected party whip for the 20223 Congress, after running a partly successful 2022 election campaign that suppressed GOP debate about the huge and growing pocketbook impact of migration on American families.

The bill is being reviewed by the House rules committee today prior to a floor debate, which may take place on Tuesday.

In the Senate, the chief GOP supporter for the bill is Sen, Kevin Cramer (R-ND). He is under pressure from major corporations that want to recruit more visa workers for jobs in the Dakotas, even though the bill will also sideline many U.S. graduates and will redirect job-creating investments out of North Dakota.

The bill is opposed by immigration reform groups, such as Jenks’ NumbersUSA. The bill is also opposed by other groups of migrants from Iran and China who fear their access will be blocked by the huge inflow of Indian workers.

The Work Permit Giveaway

The work-permit giveaway is hidden in Section 7

The section creates the permanent work permits — dubbed the “green card lite” — and then covertly expands eligibility to many visa-worker programs beyond the H-1B program.

Instead of waiting several or more years for green cards, permanent work permits would be provided just two years after each foreign worker is approved for a green card.

The corporate giveaway is also buried underneath much legalese about the award of more green cards to roughly 300,000 Indians who now hold H-12B and L-1 visas, and usually, work for Fortune 500 companies and their vast pyramids of subcontractors.

The debate over Indian green cards has grabbed most of the coverage of the bill, partly because of the extremely aggressive lobbying by the Indian contract workers. That lobbying features many claims of entitlement by Indians, much tweet contempt towards Americans, and a flowering diversity of “Racism!” claims directed against opponents and sympathizers, such as Sen. Dick Durbin D-Ill.

The federal government already operates a huge variety of little-known temporary work programs for many types of jobs, alongside the inflow of legal and illegal immigrants. These temporary workers are not immigrants — they are just contract workers who can be sent home by middle-manager in the HR department.

‘The government sets no annual limits on the number of H-2A agricultural visa workers, or L-1 visa corporate-transfer workers, on H-1B white-collar workers, E-2 investor visas, or F-1/OPT work permits given to foreign graduates of U.S. universities. There is a limit of roughly 150,000 H-2B workers used in non-agricultural labor and service workers.

But only about 70,000 workers per year can get green cards via this process, so most of those temporary workers go home after a year or several years. Many others overstay their temporary visas to work illegally in white-collar or blue-collar jobs.

Most foreign nationals who are approved by their employers for green cards quickly get their green cards in the mail.

The huge crush of Indians who want green cards ensures that a subset of Indians must wait several years or even a decade. That wait has prompted much lobbying by the Indian contract workers — and a myriad of sympathetic articles and lobbyist visits. But the “queue exists because U.S. employers sponsor more foreign nationals and their family members for EB1, EB2, and EB3 employment-based green cards each year than can be issued under current INA annual limits,” according to a July 2022 report by the Congressional Research Service.

There is also a growing green card backlog among workers from Central America, many of whom have been hired at very low wages for jobs at U.S. chicken-processing janitorial and transport companies.

The overall population of visa workers, including the waiting Indians, hold about 1.5 million white-collar jobs, and about 400,000 blue-collar jobs.

The work-for-work-permit section is likely to expand the use of foreign workers in place of Americans and to steer more job investments toward the big coastal states.

In 2022, a lawsuit against the H1B program described how corrupt Indian managers sold multiple tickets for the H-1B lottery to their fellow Indian nationals:

phony companies created a pay-to-play scheme where they charge individuals to submit multiple registrations on their behalf. See Exhibit. A (compilation of advertisements promoting H-1B abuse). For example, one individual selected in this year’s lottery reported that the consultancy he used for H-1B registration purposes was seeking $4,500 from him in order to submit an H-1B petition on his behalf.

For example, one entity, which calls itself “Fluxtek Solutions,” advertised that they “will place you on H-1 lottery from multiple companies so that the probability of picking cap process is high.” … Fluxtek Solutions was also promising its customers “100% job Guaranteed with H1B Visa Sponsorship.”

In October, a federal court also approved the expanding and uncapped OPT work-permit program, even though it was not created by Congress. The program awards work permits to roughly 300,00 foreign graduates each year.

The H-1B and other visa programs allow Fortune 500 companies and their subcontractors to recruit and import low-wage, mid-skill foreign professionals for a very wide variety of jobs needed by American graduates, including in scienceSilicon Valleyjournalismfashion, and healthcare.

That huge population of indentured visa workers has had a huge impact on many white-collar and professional workplaces rarely visited by media outlets.

‘If immigrants compete with and can substitute for native-born workers, immigration may put downward pressure on wages and employment of native-born workers,” said the CRS report, which was titled “U.S. Employment-Based Immigration Policy.”

The replacement of free-speaking American professionals with indentured foreign labor also allows executives to discard important civic priorities. These priorities — such as security, privacy, and durability of high-tech infrastructure — are sacrificed to lower costs and raise stock prices. The resulting damage was exposed by losses at IntelBoeing, and Theranos.

In conversations with Breitbart, immigrant workers from Indian and other countries have described the damaging impact of CEOs’ use of indentured workers.

“I have seen the system in the backend, and it is so appalling to see that there is so much [resume] forgery being done, there’s so much of corruption being done, that it is almost to the level back in India,” said Aabha, an Indian in North Carolina. Aabha continued:

I have met so many [American] people who are graduates and so much more knowledgeable than the Indians that I see in my regular [work]day — and they are [saying] like “Okay, because we are not experienced, we are not getting [technology] jobs.” So they decide to do a blue collar job. They’re walking into Walmart, they’re walking into Best Buy. And these Indians, the team that I work with, they cannot even speak a single sentence in English without making any mistakes.

Indian-run subcontractors and visa workers can forge resumes and technical credentials because U.S. employers “do not really do background verification unless and until they hire you as a full-time employee,” Aabha said, adding:

Just in case the [U.S.] employers need to check, the [Indian subcontractors] create one small office in India, they take a rental apartment in India, they put poor people there, they [instruct them to say]  “If you get any calls, tell them that this person has experience.” That it. It’s as simple as that.

Indian managers also duplicate the DHS’s H-1B visas to import additional, kickback-paying Indian workers, Aabha said:

They have been doing it openly and it’s all Indians, only Indians, because they are so desperate to move to the states. They’re so desperate to leave their country because they know they cannot work there. They know that they’re not going make so much money as they do here.

Once hired at U.S. wage rates, untrained Indian software workers pay qualified Indians in India to do the actual work on their U.S. computer at Indian wage rates, regardless of U.S. privacy and secrecy laws, Aabha said:

I’ve seen people working [for the] Bank of America [as] they take support from India. I’ve seen people working [for] Wells Fargo taking support from India …The person there in India will guide [them] via Zoom or by via video call and they will get the work done.

Many government reports, lawsuits, and articles say that India’s workplace culture is far more distrustful and grasping than Americans’ ideal of high-trust, dispassionate professionalism. Breitbart News has covered these developments herehereherehere, and here.


But the imported Indian workplace culture is increasingly dominant in U.S. Fortune 500 companies, in part, because it matches the ruthless worldview of Wall Street investors, one U.S.worker told Breitbart News. “The fact of the matter is, the people on Wall Street don’t care — they want the bottom line.”

In 2021, a corporate-backed think tank said President Donald Trump’s short-term freeze on the inflow of more H-1B workers denied $100 billion in stock wealth to investors.






The Rasmussen Reports/NumbersUSA poll surveyed midterm election voters, finding that 69 percent support the federal government requiring U.S. employers to screen potential hires through the electronic E-Verify system to ensure illegal aliens are not hired for jobs over American citizens and legal immigrants.

Across all racial demographics, a majority said they support nationwide mandatory E-Verify — including 73 percent of Hispanic Americans, 70 percent of black Americans, and 68 percent of white Americans.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) introduced bills this year to mandate E-Verify across the U.S. but the legislation stalled in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees with a lack of support from Democrats and Republicans.


GOP Rep. Scott Fitzgerald: EAGLE Act is ‘End Run’ Around Immigration Caps

UNITED STATES - JANUARY 4: Rep. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Wis., is seen during a group photo with freshmen members of the House Republican Conference on the House steps of the Capitol on Monday, January 4, 2021. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty

The Democrats’ pending EAGLE Act includes an end-run around the current annual caps on legal immigration, says a GOP legislator.

Section 7 of the bill “is an end-run around the annual green card limit,” Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI) told the Committee on Rules, which sets the rules for each floor debate in the House.

The bill would encourage temporary visa workers to become permanent workers by taking the jobs needed by Americans, he said during the Monday meeting:

It allows certain temporary visa holders to file an application for Adjustment for Status, despite the fact that no green card is available to them. The result is that many temporary visas will essentially become permanent because the alien visa holders will be able to live and work in the U.S. as if they had a green card. Of course, this will further strangle the ability of Americans to get good-paying jobs in tech and other sectors.

The EAGLE Act is marketed as a “country cap” reform to aid disadvantaged Indian visa workers.

But the bill enables corporations to recruit an uncapped number of foreign workers with dangled promises of renewable work permits in exchange for a few years of uncomplaining, l0w-wage work in the United States.

This work-for-work-permits exchange would expand companies’ economic incentive to lock out the hard-working Americans who must be paid wages and salaries, not work permits.

The cheap foreign labor would also encourage more corporate hiring for jobs in California and other expensive coastal worksites, Ths coastal encouragement would discourage the hiring of Americans in the cheaper inland states, such as Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

The work-for-work-permits corporate giveaway is being hidden deep in the bill. Many polls show the public strongly opposes corporate labor migration into the jobs that Americans need for middle-class lives, homes, and families.

Congress now allows roughly 1 million people into the United States as immigrants each year. The legal immigrant total includes roughly 140,000 migrants sponsored by companies, which also employ roughly 2 million temporary visa workers in a wide variety of jobs that would otherwise be held by skilled Americans. President Joe Biden’s deputies also encouraged the inflow of roughly 2 million illegal migrants and refugees in 2022.

“If Congress wants to raise the overall annual green card limits, then that is what Congress should do,” Fitzgerald continued. “We should not instead create a special green-card-lite treatment for certain aliens [workers].”

The top Democratic sponsor of the bill. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), dodged Fitzgerald’s criticisms about the end-run in Section 7.

She instead touted several small but useful curbs on the H-1B visa program that imports roughly 100,000 foreign white-collar graduates each year.

Lofgren represents the views of Silicon Valley investors, including the billionaire investors at who are backing the bill. The investors expect to gain financially when the bill’s provisions incentivize many poorly paid foreign graduates to fly into the Americans’ white-collar labor market.

The Democrats’ work-for-work-permits bill would do the greatest economic damage to the coastal U.S. college graduates that were a critical part of their 2022 coalition.

The work-for-work-permits bill is numbered H.R.3648, and is titled the “EAGLE Act of 2022.” It has 83 sponsors, including eight Republicans.

GOP Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) also spoke out against the visa-worker incentive, saying

There were 250 Disney IT employees that were laid off and required to train their [Indian visa-worker] replacements … That is the type of story that when ordinary Americans read, they don’t understand why they cannot have the full protection of law, and furthermore, why Congress would be passing a law that would advance [foreign] people who are going to take their jobs — and then they’re forced to train them if they’re to preserve their severance package and not find themselves a subject of a [hiring] blacklist — … I don’t think language we’ve got in the bill in front of us today would prevent that from happening.

The senior GOP member of the rules committee, Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) did not mention the end-run provisions that are hidden in Section 7 of the bill, or the likely pocketbook hit to U.S. college graduates.

But he talked about how government-linked China nationals could use the work-for-work-permits law to gain U.S. jobs, green cards, and citizenship.

 I am troubled that the Majority chose to take out a critical provision of the Senate bill, such as a provision banning the admission or the adjustment of status of aliens affiliated with the military forces of Communist China or the Chinese Communist Party. If we can all agree on one thing, surely it should be that the United States should not be allowing members of the Chinese Communist Party to receive adjusted immigration status in the United States. I find it astonishing that the Majority removed this commonsense provision..

In response to Cole, Democrats argued that existing law, and a planned amendment to the bill, would exclude government-tied Chinese graduates.

For many years, GOP legislators have vocally denounced amnesty bills that would convert migrants into citizens who would likely vote to eject GOP politicians from their jobs.

But those GOP leaders have studiously avoided direct opposition to bills and regulations that allow companies to transfer Americans’ jobs to visa workers who cannot vote against politicians.

For example, Lofgren’s corporate giveaway bill is backed by eight GOP candidates, including Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), the GOP’s incoming party whip for the 2023 Congress.

Emmer got elected by Republicans to the whip job after he ran a partly successful 2022 election campaign. Amid the donor-funded campaign, GOP leaders suppressed mentions of migration’s huge and growing pocketbook damage to American families.

Critics of the Lofgren bill say that it will dramatically increase the resident population of visa workers, far above the current population of roughly 1.5 million white-collar workers, and roughly 400,000 blue-collar workers.

In time, that population will lobby for more corporate-sponsored green cards, the critics say. Democrats will likely portray them as another population of victims, like the so-called “DACA” population of migrants brought to the United States by their illegal migrant parents.

A wholescale GOP surrender on the EAGLE Act is unlikely because roughly one in six GOP voters described immigration as their single top issue in 2022. But GOP leaders in the Senate may let the bill pass while they theatrically oppose the giveaway.

The hidden giveaway to foreign workers and their Fortune 500 employers are being ignored by the corporate-owned establishment media. For example, a Washington Post article about pending immigration bills summarized the EAGLE Act giveaway as a bill to “phase out the per-country cap on employment-based immigrant visas” for Indian visa workers.

The Work Permit Giveaway

The work-for-work-permits giveaway is hidden in Section 7

The section creates the permanent work permits — dubbed the “green card lite” — and then covertly expands eligibility to many visa-worker programs beyond the familiar H-1B program.

The bill offers permanent work permits just two years after each foreign worker is approved for a green card — regardless of how many foreign workers are waiting in the growing backlog for green cards annually given to workers sponsored by companies. The backlog is growing because companies have an economic incentive to hire and sponsor far more foreign workers than the annual supply of 140,000 new green cards.

The dangled “Employment Authorization” permits are extremely valuable because they allow foreign workers to work in many U.S. jobs until they can receive their promised green cards.

The green cards can then be traded to get the deferred mega-bonus of American citizenship for themselves, their families, grandchildren, and all of their descendants.

There are no limits on the number of foreign workers who can be hired and then paid with the bill’s renewable work permits. These eligible workers could arrive via uncapped H-2A visa for agricultural workers, the L-1 visa for corporate transfers, or the H-1B visa for white-collar workers, the E-2 for franchise operators, or the F-1/OPT rules for foreign graduates of U.S. universities.

The bill “just blows the limits [on the hiring of temporary visa-workers] out in the water and makes all of these temporary worker programs permanent, so that all of these jobs will be permanently removed from American workers,” Rosemary Jenks, the director of government relations at NumbersUSA told Breitbart News.

“Congress is using an immigration ploy to lock Americans out of a growing part of the labor market … [Democrats] are dead serious about it,” she said.

“My [Democratic] colleagues have brought us here today to move legislation which makes exceptions to the rules for [the benefit of] aliens who violated our law … that floods the labor market with foreign workers to the detriment of American workers,” GOP Rep. Fitzgerald told the committee.

“Americans can breathe a sigh of relief that the Democrats will no longer control the House legislative agenda a few short weeks from now, but on their way out the door, Democrats are trying to go and do even more damage to our immigration system,” he added.



Will Republicans betray their voters on lame-duck 'immigration reform'?

Just yesterday, the Washington Post reported that Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have reached an agreement on a "draft framework of immigration reform compromises."

It is important to know that D.C. has its own jargon that often functions as a euphemism in order that those beyond D.C. don't easily comprehend the motives.

"Immigration reform" in D.C. means amnesty and a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants.

"Compromise" usually occurs when the GOP has surrendered its agenda before the Democrats.

The objects of the Democrats' generosity currently are the "DREAMers."

A bit of a background about these "DREAMers": DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is an Obama administration policy implemented on June 15, 2012.  DACA prevents the deportation of aliens who entered the U.S. illegally as minors and allows them to get work permits. 

The illegal aliens who participate in the program are referred to as DREAMers, a reference to the DREAM Act (the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).

Most of these DREAMers were born in Mexico (80.2%), followed by El Salvador (3.8%).  Some were born in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa.

So what are the details of this plan developed by Tillis and Sinema?

The WaPo revealed the following salient ideas of the plan:

  • A path to citizenship for 2 million "DREAMers."
  • A boost in resources to speed up the processing of asylum-seekers.
  • More resources to expedite the removal of migrants who don't qualify for asylum.
  • A continuation of the Title 42 COVID health rule restriction on migrants applying for asylum, until the new processing centers are operational, with the aim of a one-year cutoff.
  • More funding for border officers.

On the surface, this is a win for both parties.  The Democrats will have 2 million new voters in the form of DREAMers and new asylum-seekers, who are likely to be future Democrats voters.  The Republicans will have border security, the removal of migrants, and the continuation of COVID-19-based restrictions.

The Democrats are claiming that the lame-duck session is the last opportunity to pass immigration legislation.  They could also claim that 3 out of the 5 points of the deal are in favor of the GOP; hence, the GOP should sign on.

In politics, if you compromise on your agenda despite being in a position of power, you are not only duped, but also a betrayer of your voters.

The Republicans are going to take control of the House next month.  From then, they have two years to author all the laws they want to ensure that the border is secure.  They can work to build a coalition with moderate Democrats in the Senate after that.

If, however, the Democrats are able to squeeze in their agenda during this lame-duck session, it is a victory for the Democrats, despite their being in a position of disadvantage.

Biden can claim that he was a facilitator of this deal, which increased their voter base increases by 2 million.

The legislation will need 60 votes to pass in the Senate.  Currently, there are 50 Senate Democrats, and the Democrats need the support of at least 10 Republicans.

The WaPo laments that President Donald Trump, his adviser Stephen Miller, and "right-wing media propagandists" such as Tucker Carlson "amplify that toxic message to enrage the base" — i.e., it scares GOP lawmakers from compromising on their principles and giving Democrats easy victories.

Yes, it is ironic that propagandists such as the WaPo have the audacity to attack others as propagandists, but the sanctimonious rarely have any self-awareness.

The WaPo was unknowingly highlighting the importance of the MAGA movement.  Trump, Miller, and Carlson are the few standing not only against the Democrats, but also against establishment Republicans, who readily capitulate before the Democrats.

The WaPo even refers to GOP senators who could support this plan.  They are retiring Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, and anti-Trump senators such as Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, etc.

Let's focus on the idea of granting the "DREAMers" a path to citizenship.

By entering the country illegally, the migrants have committed a crime.  Perhaps the crime was committed unknowingly because the minor had no option but to accompany his parents and illegally enter the U.S.  But it still is a crime.

A crime needs to be punished to deter others from committing similar crimes.

If the DREAMers are granted a pathway to citizenship, it sends an invitation to aspirants around the world.

It is the equivalent of saying, "Feel free to bring your children to the U.S. illegally.  Someday, they will become citizens."

There are other disadvantages too.

If citizenship is given to one group, it gives hope to other groups who are in the U.S. illegally.  They could stay in the hopes of qualifying eventually and receiving citizenship.

The presence of illegal aliens is a burden on the taxpayers and the facilities and infrastructure meant for citizens.  If illegal migrants work for less than minimum wage and without benefits, once again, the citizen could see a drop in wage or be rendered unemployed.  If the illegal migrants are of the criminal variety, once again the victims of these crimes will be citizens.  Usually, it is the working class who suffers from this.

In the end, every country has laws that have to be followed, and immigration laws are not at all different.

The only way to enter or temporarily work in the U.S. is to apply for a visa and undergo a thorough background check and an interview.  If the applicant clears all of these phases, he can enter or temporarily work in the U.S.  The duration of stay and work also depends upon the visa permits. 

The only path to citizenship is by naturalization, by marriage, through your parents, or through the military.  Each route has its own set of specific requirements that must be followed.

If this proposed "immigration reform" plan is passed, lawmakers will be incentivizing the breaking of laws, which is the last thing any lawmaker should do.

Hopefully, the GOP senators will not participate in this sneaky attempt by the Democrats to push their agenda and instead focus on the dreams and aspirations of citizens.

Image: Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) in 2016.  Credit: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.                           MONICA SHOWALTER

 As reported by Breitbart Texas, the arrest of migrants with existing criminal records has risen more than 350 percent since 2020. According to CBP, the number of migrants who have criminal convictions for Homicide and Manslaughter rose from 3 encounters in 2020 to more than 60 in 2022. More than 120 migrants with homicide or manslaughter convictions have been encountered since January 2021 — compared to 11 during the Trump era. The increase reflects those convicted of prior offenses committed in the United States.

DACA: Delinquent Aliens, Criminal Aliens

By George Fishman

Excerpt: Despite the successful framing of DREAMers and

 DACA recipients as young people with no criminal records, it

 turns out that many were affiliated with gangs and many had

arrest records when granted DACA benefits, and many others saw

 their DACA status terminated because of criminal activity. As

 USCIS has admitted, “[t]he truth is that we let those with

 criminal arrests for sexually assaulting a minor, kidnapping,

 human trafficking, child pornography, or even murder be

 provided protection from removal.”

Poll: Midterm Voters Support Nationwide Crackdown on U.S. Employers Hiring Illegal Aliens


Midterm voters, by a wide majority, support a nationwide crackdown on United States employers hiring illegal aliens over American citizens, a recent poll shows.

The Rasmussen Reports/NumbersUSA poll surveyed midterm election voters, finding that 69 percent support the federal government requiring U.S. employers to screen potential hires through the electronic E-Verify system to ensure illegal aliens are not hired for jobs over American citizens and legal immigrants.

Across all racial demographics, a majority said they support nationwide mandatory E-Verify — including 73 percent of Hispanic Americans, 70 percent of black Americans, and 68 percent of white Americans.

Likewise, 69 percent of swing voters said they support Congress passing mandatory E-Verify along with 57 percent of Democrats and 83 percent of Republicans. The labor policy also gets massive support among non-college educated voters, 71 percent, who are the most likely to compete for jobs against illegal aliens.

Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, speaks during a hearing in Washington, D.C., US, on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2022. The hearing is titled "Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Sen. Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, speaks during a hearing in Washington, DC, on Thursday, August 4, 2022.(Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) introduced bills this year to mandate E-Verify across the U.S. but the legislation stalled in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees with a lack of support from Democrats and Republicans.


Congressman Mo Brooks speaking with attendees at the 2021 Southern Regional Conference hosted by Turning Point USA at the Sheraton Panama City Beach Golf & Spa Resort in Panama City Beach, Florida. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

In states such as Florida, where Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) sought a statewide mandatory E-Verify law, elected Republicans in the legislature watered down his legislation to provide carve-outs for industries most likely to illegal aliens.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at an annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at an annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition Saturday, November 19, 2022, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)

In general, 65 percent of midterm voters told pollsters that they support policies to prevent employers from hiring illegal aliens for American jobs. This includes 65 percent of Hispanic Americans, 59 percent of black Americans, and 67 percent of white Americans as well as 66 of swing voters and 87 percent of Republicans.

Again, non-college educated voters — the most likely to compete for illegal aliens in the labor market — said by a 69 percent majority that they want to see national policies implemented to crack down on businesses hiring illegal aliens.

President Joe Biden’s administration, on a broad scale, has been utilizing a work-around to funnel border crossers and illegal aliens into American jobs. The policy has allowed at least hundreds of thousands to enter the U.S. labor market in the last two years with work permits approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency.

Republicans in Congress, while vowing to back mandatory E-Verify, have yet to offer policy prescriptions to halt the massive influx of border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. labor market on work permits.

While at least seven million illegal aliens hold American jobs today, 11.6 million Americans remain unemployed but wanting full-time jobs and another 3.7 million are underemployed.

The Rasmussen Reports/NumbersUSA poll surveyed more than 1,700 voters and has a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

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