Monday, January 2, 2023



Government by Gimmick Won't Last

The system's too powerful!  You can't beat a "big brother" police State!  The globalists control all the money and have all the leverage!  I've heard every reason under the sun why individual liberty will continue to lose out to the rapidly advancing technocratic surveillance structure extinguishing Western freedoms today.  I say, "So what?"  The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Our whole human story is a repeating pattern in which power accumulates, empires emerge, power corrupts, divisions grow, and empires come crashing down.  Anyone who thinks an international oligarchy of corporate behemoths, central banks, and Intelligence Community spy chiefs will succeed where the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Carolingian, Byzantine, Ottoman, Yuan, Ming, and British empires all failed makes the mistake of giving today's power brokers more credit than they deserve.  International oligarchies commanding unbeatable militaries and hoarding unparalleled wealth are nothing new.  The "unbeatable" are always beaten.

When we are overwhelmed by those who choose to torment us, we tend to unfairly reward them with even more semantic power by referring to them as an ever-shifting, all-knowing, globular "they" that cannot be tamed, let alone specifically named.  Individual politicians, companies, institutions, and agencies end up looking so invincible that they are treated as omniscient gods.  Well, they are not divine; they are just ordinary men and women who have acquired tremendous wealth and power over others; and they exist at the top of society's artificially constructed hierarchical pyramid only so long as society chooses.  Their authority is neither fixed nor eternal; it disappears the moment enough ordinary people recognize the illusion of power as mere delusion.

They control the news, social media, the banks, the food supply, the flow of gasoline, and they're set to use the excuse of tracking our "carbon footprint" as a means to monitor and control us throughout our lives.  Well, that sounds scary, but those aren't exactly new powers being wielded for the first time in history.  Aztec priests engaged in human sacrifice to appease their gods during pandemics and droughts; "climate change" priests seeking to control population growth by stifling food and energy production are not at all different.  Just because population control has been freshly weaponized behind digital computer systems, facial recognition technology, and artificial intelligence platforms does not alter the age-old power structure of a group of "rulers" claiming the "divine" prerogative to tell a group of "subjects" what they can and cannot own, say, or do.  Whether some high priestess from the Stone Age, a First Dynasty pharaoh, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, King Louis XIV, Napoleon, Stalin, or Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, those who presume to have the power to command others what to believe and how to behave do not last.  

What is more powerful than the people who appear so powerful?  Ideas.  Give my enemies more weapons, money, and soldiers to wreak havoc and conquer what is not theirs.  I'll take the power of an idea over a blade in any conflict at any time.  Force is effective only in achieving momentary compliance; ideas upend whole systems like trickling water seeping through tiny cracks never before seen.  You plant the seeds of a new idea, give that idea room to spread, and let it grow right through the floorboards of a system of power unable to fend off attack — that's how real revolutions unfold.

The Marxists have been playing this game for over a century, except the seeds they have planted throughout the West are nothing but poisonous weeds.  They slowly took over the arts, institutions, schools, churches, and corporations until, unbeknownst to most Westerners, Marxist socialism had become their lands' dominant species.  Because so few defenders of freedom cut back against Marxism's invasive growth, its weeds spread over everything, and the only way now to remedy the immense damage is to sow such powerful ideas that vibrant, healthy growth overtakes the twisted, parasitic rot.  

The good news: man's yearning for liberty is as fierce as any inherent need, and when conditions are right, nothing can stop its vigorous bloom.  You open a population's eyes to its own enslavement, reawaken its forgotten thirst for freedom, provide it with the seeds for rejuvenation, and the lifeblood of liberty beats harder and flows stronger the longer it has been denied.  How do you eradicate the thorny weeds of Marxist globalism destroying the West with pernicious strains of totalitarianism in the twenty-first century?  You plant the seeds of liberty and let them grow into such tall trees that Marxism can find no sunlight, water, or soil beneath freedom's canopy.  How do you bring down an unhealthy system that nonetheless presumes to be all-powerful?  You let those trees of liberty flourish into wild orchards that overgrow all else.

We are right now in an interim period that might best be called a kind of government by gimmick.  Nothing our "leaders" say is bound by much truth.  Three years of pandemic lockdowns, forced experimental injections, government-sanctioned censorship, and other unconstitutional COVID-1984 measures were moronically justified as necessary because government health bureaucrats and politicians were acting at the "speed of science."  What kind of nonsense is that?  When has real science ever been anything but methodical and slow?  Yet that authoritarian policy directive has justified three years of reckless tyranny across the West, and too many minds squeezed by Marxism's weeds simply complied.  

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security habitually lies about America's borders being "secure," even though illegal immigration has never been worse, and so long as corporate media parrot government lies, reality is ridiculously distorted.  Climate change, which is an immutable planetary phenomenon, has been transformed into irrefutable proof that centralized government authority must intervene in all economic activity — the exact policy objective, coincidentally enough, that forms the foundations of Marxist power.  When Elon Musk's recent "Twitter Files" release confirmed that the FBI has been actively directing policies of censorship and speech punishment against the American people, the lawless law enforcement agency accused anybody with eyes and brain sufficient to comprehend the Bureau's constitutional betrayals of being "conspiracy theorists" pushing "misinformation."  Why should federal police confess to crimes when only they, not the people, have the power to make arrests?

Not only have Western governments partitioned free speech into new categories of "mis-," "mal-," and "dis-information" that have miraculously lost any legal protections, but they have also decided to ban all "hate" speech outright — which again, completely coincidentally, includes any anti-government language governments would naturally hate.  So the same Western governments that pretend to be bastions for freedom and democratic principles inexplicably insist that they can both declare what kinds of things the people may freely say and whether what the people ultimately say will be tolerated.  In the not so distant past, such government actions were understood as prima facie examples of tyranny, but in this era of government by gimmick, Western governments have simply redefined their tyranny as "protecting democracy."

By distorting the meaning of words, Western governments have destroyed their legitimacy.  For this reason, Westerners who wish to fight back can start by doing three things: (1) reject appeals to authority; (2) embrace the role of "conspiracy theorist" or any other derogatory label governments use when they seek to manipulate the public; and (3) consciously choose to elevate virtue, morality, and the pursuit of excellence in life.  

Appealing to authority, instead of truth, has always been a false path.  Today, however, when our "leaders" embrace obvious lies and the redefinition of words, positions of authority should hold no special value.  When those who commit crimes call the innocent criminals, no Westerner should be cowed by government name-calling.  And the fastest, most direct road back to a prosperous civilization grounded in personal freedom rejects Marxist relativism and embraces steadfast virtue.

Image: Pashi via PixabayPixabay License.

We Must Convince People That The Fascist Far Left Wants To Destroy The US

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.” -- Ayn Rand

Do you ever get the desperate feeling that you need to wake people up who are sitting around saying ‘This is fine,’ while the nation is on fire? If you look at the evidence that has accrued over the past few years and then apply it to the proper conceptional model, you will find that all the pieces fall perfectly into place. That is how you convince people that what’s happening is both real and serious.

Those of us on the pro-freedom right should be aware of the horrific events of the past few years. However, there’s a problem, which is that it’s hard to take it all in and make sense of it. It’s also an issue that sometimes we can’t wrap our minds around the fact that the tyrannical ten percent would want something so monstrous.

The people of Germany in the 1930s also failed to understand the monstrousness of the Nazi party. They paved the way for one of the great crimes of humankind. And the parallelism is stronger than many Americans realize because the Nazis were also creatures of the left. (Leftists who just lost the plot with that should read a booklearn some facts and realize they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed).

Modeling the past is the best way to predict the future. Thus, one looks at current events and then develops a working theory of what is taking place by seeing how the facts fit into the conceptual model you are developing, a model that can be based on the fact that people will repeat failed behaviors. Oftentimes, it must be modified to fit the facts in an iterative process, until the concept is perfected.

When you have a good idea of what is truly happening, most, if not all, of the disparate pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. Most of you are far ahead of us here, but this is to help you explain to others how all this fits together.

Ruling class leftists have been doing things that don’t make any sense unless they are examined in the context of the overall picture. Actions that look like complete incompetence in isolation form a pattern of terrifying malfeasance when taken together.

If you’ve been paying attention to the news from a balanced set of sources (something few leftists do), you’ve been absolutely horrified by recent events. From the major stories to the minor, they have disastrous consequences.

Biden canceled pipeline construction and drilling leases, forcing us to be dependent on our enemies for energy. He depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that was meant for wartime emergencies, and he used its effect on fuel prices to hide his malfeasance for the midterms. But don’t worry when prices rise again. That should only matter if you need anything that depends on oil and gas to get to market, like food, medical, or consumer products.

Biden showed profound weakness to our enemies in Asia with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. The good news is that we’ve supplied them with plenty of examples of our latest weaponry and, if they can’t get them there, they can probably pick them up for a song in Ukraine or the African black market.

Image by Andrea Widburg

The dirty little secret is that the leftist ruling class (we loathe to refer to them as 'elite') has always worked to redistribute wealth - to themselves. That’s always the result when socialists preach ‘equity.’ They magically seem to always end up with other people’s money—cruelly taken at gunpoint. 

Then the Ukraine crisis (Biden’s old stomping grounds) cropped up, giving them a great opportunity to waste our money and weaponry even more.

All of that was just the warm-up act for the main event, the opening of the border to an illegal invasion the likes of which we’ve never seen before, accompanied by enough fentanyl to kill every American in 2022.

Those are just the big stories. Every day brings some new example showing malevolent incompetence, ranging from rampant election manipulation to an incessant assault on our fundamental freedoms—all emanating from folks who laughably pretend to be ‘liberal.’ The question is whether this seeming incompetence is really part of a bigger pattern, and the clear answer is “yes.”

Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left make clear through their rhetoric that they want to destroy the country; that should be bloody obvious. But it’s the results of what they are doing and their specific actions that prove it they’ve gone beyond rhetoric. Events are part of an overall plan that has a specific purpose that proves it’s not just incompetence.

Leftists desperately had to suppress the Biden laptop scandal because it showed that they were under foreign influence. We know now that if the people had been aware of this, history would have been changed.

That influence explains why we are diminishing our energy capabilities while giving the red Chinese a free pass. The purpose is to weaken us compared to them.

That influence explains why we are diminishing our military capabilities by shoveling cash and weapons into Ukraine.

That influence explains why we are committing national suicide with an open border that not only weakens us to the point of a Cloward-Piven implosion but also provides all manner of military infiltration opportunities.

That open border also is giving leftists a great opportunity to take a page from the history of the Opium wars and destabilize the US with a flood of Fentanyl. From Newsweek: “A Report on China’s Opium War Against the United States”:

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, this prolonged epidemic has endangered not only public health, but also economic output and national security. Testifying before the U.S. Senate in 2017, then-Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen linked the opioid epidemic to declining labor-force participation among “prime-age workers.”

Since 2013, China has been the principal illicit source of this deadly narcotic flooding the United States.

But it’s worse than that, considering that the fascist far left and the red Chinese are closely aligned in an ideological sense. Who do you think American leftists identify with in a political sense?

Look at the facts and see how they line up, then talk to people about the profound implications of what is taking place.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack





You may not care about woke speech, but it cares about you

This story is a couple of days old, but it still matters enough that it’s worth looking at now: North Carolina State football announcer Gary Hahn was suspended indefinitely for referring to “illegal aliens.” That he dared to mention their existence and refer to them by their legal nomenclature was a bridge too far for the wokesters at NC State. It’s also a reminder that the left is relentlessly limiting the parameters of what we’re allowed to say.

The term “alien” to describe someone who is not a citizen of the United States is an old one, going back to 1798 when it appeared in the Alien and Sedition Acts. More than 200 years later, it is still the term used in Title 8 of the United States Code, entitled “Aliens and Nationality.” One who is not a citizen and who has no legal right to be here is, by definition, an “illegal alien.”

To call people who violate American laws to enter this country anything else (e.g., “migrants” or “undocumented immigrants”) is a fraud by omission, as both terms are intended to obscure the person’s criminal conduct in entering the country. But of course, that’s exactly what leftists want to do: They want Americans to forget that the people streaming into America without abiding by any of our laws are just innocent people seeking the American dream—a dream propped up by our taxpayer dollars in the form of the benefits the government showers upon them.

Image: Frightened woman (edited) by kues1.

The RNC may not be good for much, but the person in charge of its Twitter feed is doing his (or her) job and has assembled a decent collection of tweets showing the scope of aliens crossing into America at the southern border:

By the way, as a throw-in regarding the Democrats’ attitude toward our border, I thought you should see this one, even though it’s not directly related to this post’s topic:

As I said, I just thought you should know….

When it comes to those millions of people streaming across the border, only some of them are getting official “migrant” designations conferring some measure of legality on them. A December 2022 Daily Caller investigation indicates that at least 600,000 people are known to have evaded the “migrant” process at the border. That is, they are “illegal aliens.” Given the scale of people streaming into America, it’s not unreasonable to believe that at least twice that number (or more?) are here entirely illegally.

So, illegal aliens are a real, statutory creature and, in addition to the tens of millions in America before Biden entered the Oval Office, we now have the burden of hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of new illegal aliens.

But the truth doesn’t matter when you’re a play-by-play announcer at North Carolina State. To allude to the semi-legal and illegal aliens turning nice, clean, polite El Paso into a hellhole is a firing (or at least suspending offense):

Hahn spoke the truth (albeit slightly snarkily, which used to be typical for sports announcers). Just remember, whatever you do, don't offend the illegal aliens.

The Bible tells us that “the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32.) No wonder, then, that the truth is the last thing the Democrats want for Americans. Freedom is not on the agenda.

For a long time, the vast middle in America thought that it could sit out the woke assault on speech. After all, these Americans reasoned, they weren’t hurling crude insults at foreign nationals or gays. What they didn’t realize is that the point isn’t what they say; the point is to silence them entirely by limiting what they are allowed to say. Because while you may not care about the woke speech police, they care about you.

Disney Disaster: Major Bank Makes 2023 Prediction that Woke Behemoth Will Dump ESPN and ABC

Bob Iger at the Sandy Hook Promise Benefit held at The Ziegfeld Ballroom on December 6, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Kristina Bumphrey/WWD via Getty Images)
Kristina Bumphrey/WWD via Getty Images

Banking giant Wells Fargo has made a 2023 prediction: the Walt Disney Company, which abruptly brought back former CEO Bob Iger to reverse the woke company’s rapid downward spiral late this year, will end its ownership of TV networks ABC and ESPN.

Bank analysts are predicting that some of the “big changes” Iger promised to initiate will include shedding the TV network and the cable sports network, both of which have been losing viewers, Fox Business Network reported.

“Spinning off the two networks is the best path forward and a probable late 2023 event, leaving the Walt Disney Company an attractive pure play intellectual property company,” FBN wrote.

If Iger makes the move, it will not be a big surprise to the industry, because Disney has been contemplating the idea for a while already.

ESPN, in particular, is in a tough spot in planning for the future. As Axios recently noted, ESPN ended 2021 with 76 million cable subscribers, which was down another ten percent from the 84 million it had in 2020. And each year previous to that, the network has lost a similar number of viewers.

One somewhat brighter spot for the sports network is that its ESPN+ grew 42 percent over 2021, FBN added. But it may not be enough to keep it in Disney’s portfolio.

Cable viewership in general is on a downward trajectory, so ESPN’s future is unclear.

In another sign of the times, ABC lost its third-place standing in the ratings last year as cable news network Fox News claimed the third most viewers in primetime, according to a Forbes report.

This is an unheard of success for a cable network considering that the big three TV networks — CBS, NBC, and ABC — were once the unchallenged kings of television broadcasting.

Disney will have to do something to reverse its own tumble, too. It has been reported that the Mouse House lost $123 billion in market share last year alone. The legacy media is facing stiff winds of change and Disney will likely look to shed these backward-looking properties as it faces its own harsh financial realities.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

Woke Fail: Disney Lost $123 Billion in Market Value in 2022 as Shares Drop 44 Percent — Worst Year Since 1974

BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 07: The Walt Disney Company Former CEO and Chairman Robert Iger speaks onstage during Vox Media's 2022 Code Conference - Day 2 on September 07, 2022 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for Vox Media)
Jerod Harris/Getty Images for Vox Media

The Walt Disney Co. saw $123 billion of its market value evaporate in 2022 as its stock dropped 44 percent amid profitability concerns, CEO musical chairs, and a suicidal embrace of woke identity politics.

Not even Avatar: The Way of Water could lift the studio’s financial outlook as investors brace for what looks to be a  turbulent several months ahead.

Avatar 2

20th Century Studios.

Disney’s abysmal 2022 represents its worst year since 1974 when the company’s stock dropped 54 percent, according to Dow Jones Market Data. For 2022, Disney’s stock was the second-worst performing among the 30 companies that comprise the Dow Jones Industrial Average, after, whose stock fell 48 percent.

Disney has experienced a non-stop parade of bad news in 2022.

The company reported surprisingly weak profitability for its most recent quarter, sending its stock in a downward spiral while prompting the abrupt firing of CEO Bob Chapek and the return of former CEO Bob Iger.

Disney also picked an ill-advised fight with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over the state’s anti-grooming Parental Rights in Education Law. As a result, Walt Disney World lost its lucrative self-governing status in the Orlando area — a privilege the company has enjoyed for decades.

Joe Raedle; Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The company has increasingly embraced radical LGBTQ activism and has incorporated transgender ideology into its entertainment for children.

As Breitbart News reported, it was a terrible year for Hollywood overall. Major Hollywood studios, streamers, cable providers, and other media giants lost a combined $542 billion in market value in 2022, with left-wing Disney, Netflix, and Comcast accounting for the bulk of the bloodshed.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

Pelosi Statement: Omnibus Includes $2M That Will Help Center to Serve ‘Especially Trans and Non-Binary San Francisco’

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(Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images)
(Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images)

( - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif,) put out a statement on Thursday announcing that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that President Joe Biden signed into law that day would send $30 million to San Francisco for “community projects” including $2 million for a center that serves “LGBTQQ+ youth, especially trans and non-binary youth.”

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that nearly $30 million in new federal funding is headed to San Francisco to support vital community projects,” said the statement released by Pelosi’s office. 

“These investments – which will support neighborhood-serving organizations that are helping meet the needs of Bay Area families – were included in the government funding package signed into law today by President Biden,” the statement said.

Pelosi’s statement included a “full list of San Francisco community projects receiving funding for Fiscal Year 2023.”

Speaker Pelosi included this map of organizations and projects in San Francisco that would be funded by the $1.7 trillion omnibus. (Screen Capture)
Speaker Pelosi included this map of organizations and projects in San Francisco that would be funded by the $1.7 trillion omnibus. (Screen Capture)

This list included: “Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center, Inc. (LYRIC)--$2,000,000 for Youth Center Renovation.”

Pelosi's statement included a quote from the vice president of LYRIC. It said:

“These federal funds will increase the current LYRIC space by 40% which will allow us to serve more LGBTQQ+ youth, especially trans and non-binary youth, here in San Francisco,” said Adam-Michael Royston, Vice President of LYRIC.  “The LYRIC center is the second oldest LGBTQQ+ youth center in the country and with trans youth under attack across the country we have seen a tremendous increase in our services – specifically mental health and gender affirming care and these funds will allow us to serve more than 3,000 youth in San Francisco a year.”

TIME Magazine: Exercise in U.S. Originated as ‘White Supremacy’ Project, Wrong to Presume Fat People ‘Not Fit’

Gym Class at a YMCA (Photo by Jerry Cooke/Corbis via Getty Images)
Jerry Cooke/Corbis

Early 20th century pushes for exercise in the U.S. stemmed from “white supremacy” in order to produce “more white babies,” according to a TIME Magazine piece that also blamed the coronavirus pandemic for having “accelerated fitness inequality,” and alleged it is wrong to presume that fat people are “not fit” or that they “want to lose weight.”

The essay by staff writer Olivia B. Waxman, titled “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness,” describes the evolution of U.S. exercise trends, which allegedly began with “reinforcing white supremacy.”

In a conversation with the news magazine, exercise historian Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, a professor at the New School in New York City, discussed the matter, which is a featured topic in her new book, “Fit Nation: The Gains and Pains of America’s Exercise Obsession.”

Discussing how Americans went from a mentality of “fat is good” to “skinny is better,” Mehlman Petrzela noted that her intention in writing the new book was to “look at the change in how we think about our bodies and what’s considered attractive.” 

“Until the 1920s or so, to be what would be considered today fat or bigger, was actually desirable and actually signified affluence—which is like the polar opposite of today, when so much of the obesity epidemic discourse is connected to socio-economic inequality and to be fat is often to be seen as to be poor,” she said.

She claims the switch happened when “caloric food became more accessible, and as more people were doing sedentary white-collar work and had access to cars and leisure,” leaving someone “who could resist those caloric foods, exercise, and have a thin body” to be as “more desirable.”

Deeming it the “most surprising” matter she learned during her research, Mehlman Petrzela claimed that while early twentieth century fitness enthusiasts called for women to rid themselves of corsets (because they are an “assault on women’s form”) and to begin weightlifting and body strengthening, it was not due to a “progressive” approach but rather to “white supremacy.”

“[T]hey’re saying white women should start building up their strength because we need more white babies,” she said.


File/1905: Full-length view of young women stretching with dumbbells during a gymnasium class presided over by a male instructor and two women at a piano, Christ Church House, 228 West 35th Street, New York City.  (Museum of the City of New York/Byron Collection/Getty Images)

“They’re writing during an incredible amount of immigration, soon after enslaved people have been emancipated,” she added. “This is totally part of a white supremacy project.”

Claiming that gym usage has been “rebounding rapidly” since recent coronavirus lockdowns, Mehlman Petrzela lamented how much the pandemic “accelerated fitness inequality.” 

“You can go home and be on your Peloton if you can afford it, if you have the space for it, but not everyone can,” she said.

She also noted that running “access,” too, “was never totally equal,” for example, “if you lived in a neighborhood that didn’t have safe streets or streets that were not well lit.”

“Women were catcalled. People of color were thought to be committing a crime,” she said.

“The ‘running is for everybody’ discourse still quite often leaves out the fact that depending on where you live and the body that you live in, it can be a very different kind of experience,” she added.

File/Photo shows Sugar Ray Robinson training on a gymnasium speed bag. (Getty)

She then described the influence of former exercise guru Richard Simmons as “really important in terms of shifting who was welcome in gyms.”

“Today, you see quite a few fat people in the fitness industry, who are operating from a better perspective, which is that your body size does not necessarily dictate your fitness level,” she said. 

“We should not presume that because you are fat, that you are not fit or that you want to lose weight,” she added. “And I think that we probably couldn’t have had that without Richard Simmons.”

In response, many mocked the recent TIME essay.

“The only way to fight against the white supremacy roots of exercise is by leading a sedentary life,” wrote professor and author Gad Saad. 

“Say no to exercise as a means of being an ally to people of color,” he added.

“Exercise is now racist. We are doomed,” wrote science journalist and best-selling author Max Lugavere.

“LOL exercise is white supremacist now too,” wrote author and conservative commentator Dr. James Lindsay.

“Paging @TheBabylonBee, they are stealing your content,” wrote conservative comedy duo Kevin Hodge and Keith Hodge, better known as the Hodgetwins.

“The attack on fitness continues,” wrote fitness podcaster Sal Di Stefano. “Unhealthy people are easier to manipulate.”

“Be fat unless you support white supremacy,” tweeted one Twitter account.

The essay comes as the push to lose weight is somehow tied to racism, and obesity continues to be encouraged by many on the left and in the entertainment industry despite it being a condition that puts adults of any age at an increased risk of severe illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

On Wednesday, Scientific American posted an essay claiming the fight against obesity is rooted in “racism” and that black women “consistently experience weightism in addition to sexism and racism,” while arguing that the prescribing of “weight loss” has “long since proved to be ineffective.”

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein 

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