Wednesday, March 22, 2023

BLACK REPARATIONS? - Ben Stein Is Right (Sort of): Black Americans Have 'Never Had It So Good'



Referencing the Wright and DeLisi report, Dr. Williams comments on another reality: that the rate of black homicide and armed robbery as well as other violent crimes are as is as much as 15–30 times more than whites, for example, and he points out the silliness of criminologists' claims that mass incarceration rather than criminality has decimated the black community.

Ben Stein Is Right (Sort of): Black Americans Have 'Never Had It So Good'

Recently, actor-cum-commentator Ben Stein was condemned in media for touting the "progress" the U.S. has made and saying that black Americans "never had it so good."  One website called his remarks a "racist rant" even though he was, in keeping with his personality, just calmly expressing his opinion.  The worst thing about this story, though, isn't that Stein may become a cancel-culture casualty.

In fact, the matter reminds me of philosopher G.K. Chesterton's observation that the worst aspect of duels wasn't that someone might die, but that they settled nothing about who was right or wrong.  For as is always the case with these matters, Stein is criticized only for making a politically incorrect assertion involving race — and could suffer reputational and career death because of it — when the real issue is this: was he correct or not?

He surely was, too — for the most part.

Only, the pseudo-elites don't want this issue settled and that known, lest their BLM narrative be debunked.

First off, broader perspective is necessary.  As even left-wing Think Progress admitted in 2013, the standard of living worldwide was that year the highest it had ever been in history.  America is among the world's lifestyle leaders, too, which means that, at least materially, we're generally living a relative life of Riley.

Note here that man's historical default has been grinding poverty.  People lived without our luxuries, including those we consider necessities, and sometimes with a lack of many necessities themselves.  They had no plumbing, indoor or otherwise; toilets; refrigeration; modern transportation; effective medical care; insurance policies; or safety net of any kind.  They might've had to toil sunrise 'til sunset to eke out a subsistence living.

Privation was the order of the day, with Spartan boys in their military camps, for example, living off blood soup and being perpetually hungry.  Lives were often hard, brutal, and short; I've read that the average lifespan in the Roman Empire was 22 and in ancient Greece 35, and while these numbers likely aren't dead-on accurate, our average of 76.4 was surely unheard of.

And even in today's relatively wealthy world, the U.S. is, again, among the best places to be.  The poorest 10 percent of Americans live better than approximately 70 percent of the world's people; moreover, were the poorest 20 percent of us their own nation, they'd be among the richest countries on Earth.  This isn't surprising when considering how many people worldwide still live on less than a dollar a day.

To the point here, much the same can be said of black Americans.  As economist Walter E. Williams informed in 2020, if "one totaled up the earnings and spending of Black Americans and considered us as a separate nation with our own gross domestic product, we would rank well within the top 20 richest nations."  Williams also added that "as a group, Black Americans have made the greatest gains ... in a shorter span of time than any other racial group in history."

So, now, here's a question for those condemning Stein, one which, if it cannot be answered, will reveal that their criticism reflects nothing but prejudice:

If he's wrong, and American blacks have had it better, when and where would this have been?  (Note for the world's Ras Barakas: Wakanda and Kailasa aren't options.)

Would it be/have been in Africa today or 50, 100, or 1,000 years ago?  Would it be some point in history in Europe, South America, or Asia, or at an earlier time somewhere in North America?  What's the answer?

The reality is that there's a reason why, after being asked his impressions of Africa following his "Rumble in the Jungle" fight in 1974, boxing great Muhammad Ali replied, "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat!"  To wit: Blacks are much, much better off in the U.S. — just as everyone else is.  And, as with how Rome's colonizing of other European lands brought superior civilization to them, benefits are often byproducts of misdeeds.

All this said, it's untenable claiming that black Americans "never had it so good" in every dimension.  For example, in "three-fourths of 19th-century slave families, all the children had the same mother and father," Dr. Williams also related in 2020.  "In New York City, in 1925, 85% of Black households were two-parent."  "In fact, 'five in six children under the age of 6 lived with both parents,'" the professor continued, quoting another researcher.  Williams further tells us that in 1938, only 11 percent of black children were born to unwed mothers.

Today, 73 percent are.

This broken-home status and rampant fatherlessness breed a host of social ills, such as crime and violence, including frequent black-on-black homicide; drug use; poor educational and occupational outcomes; and general irresponsible behavior.  All these ills were, do note, far less common in the black community a century ago.

What's more, even unemployment was once lower among blacks — even than it was among whites.  Just consider that until "about 1960, black male labor force participation in every age group was equal to or greater than that of whites," wrote Williams in 2013.

Today, it's notably lower.

In fact, in "some cities, unemployment for black working-age males is more than 50 percent," Williams lamented at the time.

Of course, these realities contradict the claim that black Americans suffer today because of the "legacy of slavery" — for vis-à-vis these character- and morality-related measures, they were faring far better at a time much closer to antebellum days.

Note, too, that remedying these largely moral issues would go far toward closing the black-white performance gap.  (Such a disparity, mind you, also exists between whites and Asians.)  But moral appeals aren't the racial grievance–mongers' business — because they're shallow people, often with ulterior motives.  Moreover, the black community's woes are caused by the very left-wing policies and social norms the racialists themselves support.

At this point they may say, and have said, "Well, what does that matter?  Things can be better!"  But life could always be better, for everyone; perfection isn't a thing of this world.  Scoring America because, even though she gave you a lot, you have some perceived deficits with the context of the fit-for-a-king lifestyle she has provided, is a bit like condemning God for your headache — after he gave you your head.

So, once again, leftists, what's your answer?  If Stein is wrong, when and where did blacks have it better?

Don't be surprised if you hear crickets.  When liberals call someone a "racist," it usually means they're out of arguments.

Contact Selwyn Duke; follow him on MeWeGettr, or Parler; or log on to

Image: Ben Stein.  Credit: OWN via YouTubeCC BY 3.0 (cropped).

THE DEPRAVED GHETTO BLACK CULTURE IN AMERICA  - Is it the world’s most violent subculture?

Dr. Williams comments on another reality: that the rate of black homicide and armed robbery as well as other violent crimes are as is as much as 15–30 times more than whites


So, we have local black gang associates posting terror threats on social media -- threats of murder, by burning, directed at the women and children family members of white police employees -- immediately before the murder, by burning, of the white teenage daughter of a local police department employee. Plus, the killing took place only minutes after the victim was seen on video at the same location as the husband or boyfriend of the person who posted the threats, as he was filling a handheld can with gasoline.



Heather Mac Donald

Public safety

The Social Order

As for interracial violence generally, blacks disproportionately commit it. Between 2012 and 2015, there were 631,830 violent interracial victimizations, excluding homicide, between blacks

and whites, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Blacks, who make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, committed 85.5 percent of those victimizations, or 540,360 felonious assaults on 

whites, while whites, 61 percent of the population, committed 14.4 percent, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks. Regarding threats to blacks from the police, a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.


Anti-cop activist Shaun King says that his involvement in the campaign around the Jazmine Barnes murder was not driven by reports that a white man had killed the seven-year-old girl, who was gunned down in Houston on December 30. According to Barnes’s mother and 15-year-old sister, the white driver of a pickup truck had pulled up next to the family’s car before opening fire. The accusation set off a frenzy of hate-crime allegations and blanket coverage by the New York Times. King offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who located the suspect. 

As it turned out, Jazmine Barnes was killed by two black men, who opened fire on her mother’s car because they thought that they were targeting enemies of their gang. King passed along a tip about the real killers to the Houston police, and now says that he merely “internalized the pain of the family and tried to search as if it were my own child who was killed.” Race, in other words, had nothing to do with his activism. 

It’s worth remembering, though, the many other black children who have been victims of drive-by shootings without leading King to launch a national crusade.

A sampling: in March 2015, a six-year-old boy was killed in a drive-by shooting on West Florissant Avenue in St. Louis, as Black Lives Matter protesters were converging on the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department to demand the resignation of the entire department. In August 2015, a nine-year-old girl was killed by a bullet from a drive-by shooting in Ferguson while doing her homework in her bedroom, blocks from the Black Lives Matter rioting thoroughfare. Five children were shot in Cleveland over the 2015 Fourth of July weekend. A seven-year-old boy was killed in Chicago that same weekend by a bullet intended for his father. In Cincinnati, in July 2015, a four-year-old girl was shot in the head and a six-year-old girl was left paralyzed and partially blind from two separate drive-by shootings. In Cleveland, three children five and younger were killed in September 2015, leading the black police chief to break down in tears and ask why the community only protests shootings of blacks when the perpetrator is a cop. In November 2015, a nine-year-old in Chicago was lured into an alley and killed by his father’s gang enemies; the father refused to cooperate with the police. All told, ten children under the age of ten were killed in Baltimore in 2015; twelve victims were between the age of ten and seventeen. 

In 2016, a three-year-old girl in Baltimore was partially paralyzed by a drive-by shooting. In Chicago in 2016, two dozen children under the age of 12 were shot in drive-bys, including a three-year-old boy mowed down on Father’s Day 2016 who is now paralyzed for life and a ten-year-old boy shot in August; his pancreas, intestines, kidney, and spleen were torn apart. A Jacksonville 22-month-old was shot to death by a passing car last June. In September, three men killed three-year-old Azalya Anderson in a drive-by in Sacramento, and a week before Christmas in Bridgeport, a 12-year-old boy was shot and killed on his way home from the candy store in a drive-by shooting.

Why did King let these shootings of black children go by without responding as he did to Jazmine Barnes’s murder? Could it be because the perpetrators were black? You could end all white shootings of black children tomorrow and it would have zero effect on the death rate of black children by homicide, because such white-on-black shootings are extremely rare. Moral abominations, like the 2015 Charleston church massacre by white supremacist Dylann Roof, are aberrations that belong to the outermost lunatic fringe of American society. The country’s revulsion at the Charleston carnage was immediate and universal, resulting in a movement to banish the Confederate flag, embraced by Roof as a white supremacist symbol, from official sites. 

If Shaun King and other Black Lives Matter activists really want to save black children from the trauma of urban violence, they should put their efforts into rebuilding inner-city culture—above all, by revalorizing a married father as the best gift a mother can give her child. Fantasies about white violence against “black bodies” are a distraction from what is actually happening on American streets.


Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe and The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.


Walter Williams tackles the elephant in the room on crime


By John Dale Dunn


Dr. Williams is a well known conservative economist and longtime John Olin Chair faculty at George Mason University in eastern Virginia, author of 12 books and syndicated columnist.  In the past, he has been substitute host on the Rush Limbaugh radio program.  He is almost like family to me, and I have benefited from his essays and books over the years.  This past week, I saw and read his essay on disparities in crime rates among races that was picked up by Military in its October 2019 issue.  What got Dr. Williams going was the article by  Matthew DeLisi of Iowa State U and John Paul Wright of the U of Cincinnati titled "What Criminologists Don't Say and Why."

Dr. Williams confirms that the writers are right about the liberal tilt of criminologists — "If criminologists have the guts to even talk about a race-crime connection, it's behind closed doors and in guarded language.  Any discussion about race and crime ... can mean the end of one's professional career."  

Dr. Williams points out teen black-on-white predatory behavior — chronicled in detail by many, particularly Colin Flaherty, whose investigative reports appear frequently (more than 100) at American Thinker — cannot be reported, mentioned, or considered by the media, politicians,  criminologists, commentators, politicians, even law enforcement people without risking being called racist, the easy epithet used to enforce a ban on talking about the realities of racial disparities in crime and the increasingly violent nature of black violence against whites — the knockout game, polar bear hunting, flash mob violence against people and property.

Referencing the Wright and DeLisi report, Dr. Williams comments on another reality: that the rate of black homicide and armed robbery as well as other violent crimes are as is as much as 15–30 times more than whites, for example, and he points out the silliness of criminologists' claims that mass incarceration rather than criminality has decimated the black community.  He favorably quotes Wright and DeLisi when they say, "What they [criminals] did, in reality was to prey on their neighbors."

Dr. Williams returns to a theme he has explored many times before in this essay and commentary when he points out that the black family of the past was two parents and stable, even back to days of slavery, and that the black community was moral and law-abiding.  "The strong character of black people is responsible for the great progress made from emancipation to today. ... [T]oday's conduct among black youth wouldn't have been tolerated yesteryear."

My regret is there aren't enough Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell types to engage the nutty attitudes of liberal chatterbox experts.


John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D. is an emergency physician, sheriff's medical officer and inactive attorney, policy and science adviser to the American Council on Science and Health of NYC and the Heartland Institute of Chicago.




of crime and policing than this weekend’s demonstrations suggest.

Heather Mac Donald

 The FBI released its official crime tally for 2016 today, and the data flies in the face of the rhetoric that professional athletes rehearsed in revived Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend.  Nearly 900 additional blacks were killed in 2016 compared with 2015, bringing the black homicide-victim total to 7,881. Those 7,881 “black bodies,” in the parlance of Ta-Nehisi Coates, are 1,305 more than the number of white victims (which in this case includes most Hispanics) for the same period, though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The increase in black homicide deaths last year comes on top of a previous 900-victim increase between 2014 and 2015.

Who is killing these black victims? Not whites, and not the police, but other blacks. In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The Post categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest. Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population. That 18.5 ratio undoubtedly worsened in 2016, in light of the 53 percent increase in gun murders of officers—committed vastly and disproportionately by black males. Among all homicide suspects whose race was known, white killers of blacks numbered only 243. 

Violent crime has now risen by a significant amount for two consecutive years. The total number of violent crimes rose 4.1 percent in 2016, and estimated homicides rose 8.6 percent. In 2015, violent crime rose by nearly 4 percent and estimated homicides by nearly 11 percent. The last time violence rose two years in a row was 2005–06.  The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect. Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened. Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it. Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January 2016. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate. 

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection. 

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.


Study: ‘Family Structure’ a Major Factor in Racial Disparities in School Conduct and Suspensions


A new study affirms what many public policy analysts say is intuitive — that unstable family structure, including chaotic households and single-parent homes, is a primary factor in racial disparities in school behavior and suspensions.

The study, conducted by senior fellows Nicholas Zill and W. Bradford Wilcox at the Institute for Family Studies, asserts education policymakers “must recognize that social and psychological problems in youth may manifest themselves at school but have their origins in family situations over which the school has little or no control.”


Brad Wilcox@WilcoxNMP



NEW: On Black-White divide in school suspensions

-More than 50% of gap explained by Family Structure
-White children in non-intact families *more likely to be suspended* than black children in intact families  @FamStudies



4:48 AM - Nov 19, 2019

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The authors find in their new analysis of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) that, in 2016, about 24 percent of black elementary and high school students had been suspended at least once, while eight percent of white students and only four percent of Asian students had the same experience.


The researchers note the NHES shows “black students are far more likely to be living apart from their married birth parents in the home (72%) compared to white students (37%) or Asian students (26%).”


“These family structure differences, then, are likely to play a role in inter- and intra-racial disparities in student conduct and discipline,” the authors state, and add:

Indeed, among black students who do live with both married birth parents, suspension rates are less than half as large as those for black students living in other family types: 12% versus 28%. The suspension rate for black students living in intact families, 12%, is also less than the suspension rate for white students from non-intact families, 13%.


The study also found that family structure even accounts for more of the racial disparities in school suspensions than socioeconomic factors.

When the researchers controlled for family structure, they discovered the racial disparities in school suspensions reduced by 55 percent. Controlling for socioeconomic status reduced the racial differences by only 38 percent.

“These results, then, suggest that family structure is a signal factor in accounting for real differences in school conduct and school suspensions,” the authors state. “This is especially noteworthy because discussions related to racial disparities in school discipline often overlook the role of family structure and highlight socioeconomic explanations.”

Zill and Wilcox assert that, while examples of racism exist, “there are legitimate reasons for believing that some of the racial differences in school suspensions and discipline are based upon real, not just perceived, differences in students’ behavior”:

We focus here on the possibility that some of these differences are related to family factors, including notable differences in family structure by race. Students who come from chaotic homes, single-parent families, or non-intact families are less likely to get the consistent attention, affection, and discipline they need to flourish and develop self-control. Their families typically have less money, which affects the quality of their neighborhoods and their neighborhood peers, which is also an important influence on school conduct. And they are also more likely to be exposed to conflict, stress, frequent moves, and neglect—all risk factors for delinquent and disruptive behavior. Indeed, our data indicate that rates of school contact for student misbehavior are nearly twice as high among students living with separated or divorced parents as among those living with stably married parents. And they are higher still among students who live apart from both biological parents, being cared for instead by grandparents or foster parents.

The researchers say that, in order to see a drop in school suspensions among black children and adolescents, black family life must be stabilized and reinforced:

Such efforts should include criminal justice reform, ending marriage penalties in means-tested policies, subsidizing the wages of low-income workers, and launching local and national campaigns directed by black religious, civic, and cultural leaders to strengthen marriage in the black community. Efforts like these are needed because, our research suggests, increasing the number of African American children who are raised by stably married parents would dramatically increase the odds that black girls and boys steer clear of the principal’s office—and increase the odds they flourish in school, avoid contact with the criminal justice system, and, later in life, excel in the labor force further down the road.

“[S]tronger black families would go a long way towards reducing racial disparities in school discipline,” Zill and Wilcox assert.

The study comes as Obama-era holdovers and other progressives continue the narrative that racial disparities in school suspensions and discipline are due to systemic factors such as institutional racism.

The Obama Departments of Education and Justice, under Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder, issued public school guidelines that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said led to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

The policy, however, essentially blamed systemic racism for the fact that black and other minority students have been punished and suspended more than white and Asian students. Recommended remedies for the problem included eliminating suspensions for unacceptable behavior by minority students and urging, instead, their participation in “restorative talking circles” and “positive behavior interventions.”

In December 2018, the Trump administration revoked the Obama-era policy that urged public schools to employ these more lenient forms of discipline for students of color and of other minority groups.

The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice rescinded the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague Letter” that a federal school safety commission said “may have paradoxically contributed to making schools less safe.”

The outcry from parents, teachers, some media outlets, and many education analysts and stakeholders has been piercing, with most pointing to the rise in “dangerousness” in public schools.

Nevertheless, in July, Democrat members of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission urged the White House and Congress to continue the Obama-era race-based discipline policy.

The commission’s report, titled “Beyond Suspensions: Examining School Discipline Policies and Connections to the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students of Color with Disabilities,” stated, “[D]ata have consistently shown that the overrepresentation of students of color in school discipline rates is not due to higher rates of misbehavior by these students, but instead is driven by structural and systemic factors.”

The commission’s report was released as the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) issued its analysis indicating a rise in serious incidents of violence in the nation’s public schools:






NEW FINDING: During SY 2017–18, an estimated 962,300 violent incidents occurred in U.S. public schools nationwide.

How did this compare w/ nonviolent incidents? Find more #EdStats from the 2017–18 School Survey on Crime and Safety (#SSOCS):  #EdSafetyStats



7:32 AM - Jul 25, 2019

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Even a Democrat state lawmaker — New York State Sen. Leroy Comrie — and Teamsters President Gregory Floyd, who represents school safety officers — referred to the Obama-era policy as one that has led to “chaos” and a lack of “accountability” for dangerous behavior.

Two members of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission — Peter Kirsanow and Gail Heriot — dissented from the commission’s majority report.

Kirsanow wrote at National Review the report is “essentially a defense of the Obama Department of Education’s 2014 ‘Dear Colleague’ letter that used disparate-impact theory to interpret racial disparities in school discipline as evidence of racial discrimination.”

To progressives, “any racial disparity necessarily means invidious racial discrimination,” Kirsanow asserted, adding:

It’s undisputed that black students, as a group, are disciplined more than white students. For the commission majority, this is evidence of racially disparate treatment, as it’s an article of faith that discipline disparities aren’t due to disparities in behavior.

Kirsanow observed the commission’s report ignored key statistics in order to craft its narrative of racial discrimination against students of color.

He pointed to his colleague Heriot’s statement in which she said, “In the report, the Commission finds ‘Students of color as a whole, as well as by individual racial group, do not commit more disciplinable offenses than their white peers.’”

“That would be a good thing if it were true, but there is no evidence to support it and abundant evidence to the contrary,” she asserted, adding that what accounts for differing rates of misbehavior among students of color “likely” includes “differing rates of poverty, differing rates of fatherless households, differing parental education, differing achievement in school, and histories of policy failures and injustices.”

Kirsanow called for those truly concerned about improving education in the United States to “disregard” the report released by the majority of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.

“Claiming that racism or dislike of children with disabilities accounts for disparate rates of discipline only stokes resentment and erodes personal responsibility,” he asserted. “The supposed cures of ‘restorative practices’ and ‘positive behavioral interventions and supports’ only make it more likely that children in minority neighborhoods who want to learn will be less able to do so, and that teachers and children will be at the mercy of school bullies.”


1% of Democrat Counties Make Up 42% of America’s Murders

America doesn’t have a crime problem, it has a Democrat problem.

(Copies of I Can’t Breathe: How A Racial Hoax is Killing America, David Horowitz’s book, exposing the crimes of BLM are free with any purchase from the Freedom Center store.)

Democrats desperately trying to spin high crime rates caused by their pro-crime policies began falsely claiming that crime was a Republican problem. The media began running articles with headlines like, “Red States Have Higher Murder Rates” and “Republicans Like to Talk Tough on Crime — But They’re the Ones with a Real Crime Problem”.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who once claimed that the internet would have no more of an impact than the fax machine, argued that high crime was really a Republican problem and decided to prove it by claiming that, “Oklahoma’s murder rate was almost 50 percent higher than California’s, almost double New York’s.”

Krugman, who somehow has a Nobel Prize, failed to note that most of the murders were coming out of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. In last year’s gubernatorial election, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt won most of the state while Oklahoma, Tulsa and Cleveland counties however went to leftist Democrat Joy Hofmeister. The ‘blue’ parts of Oklahoma are also red with blood.

“The fact is the rates of violent crime are higher in Oklahoma under your watch,” Hoffmeister had claimed in a viral gubernatorial debate attack. Oklahoma had 287 murders in 2020: 166 came out of Oklahoma County and Tulsa County, the two counties that supported Hoffmeister.

Oklahoma County and Tulsa are two of the 62 counties that were responsible for 56% of America’s murders in 2020. A groundbreaking study by John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, revealed that “1% of counties have 21% of the population and 42% of the murders” and  “2% of counties contain 31% of the population and 56% of the murders.”

The 1% of bloody red counties include such Democrat strongholds as Philadelphia, New York City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Dallas, D.C., Miami-Dade, Milwaukee, San Diego, St. Louis, Chicago’s Cook County, L Houston’s Harris County, Detroit’s Wayne County, Memphis’ Shelby County, Pheonix’s Maricopa County, Cleveland’s Cuyahoga County, and many others.

Biden won Cook County, the bloodiest county in the country, by 66%. He won Los Angeles County, the second bloodiest, by 71%, Harris County by 56%, Philadelphia by 81%, New York City by 76%, Wayne County by 68%, and Shelby County by 64%.

Shelby was not only one of the three counties in Tennessee to vote Democrat, it was also responsible for 311 of the state’s 682 murders. Similarly, Wayne County was responsible for 379 of Michigan’s 693 murders. Houston accounted for 405 of the 537 murders in Harris County and along with Dallas’ 251 murders, Austin’s 47, San Antonio’s 128, Fort Worth’s 99, accounted for around half of murders in Texas. Maricopa County made up 299 of the 423 murders in Arizona.

Marion County, where Indianapolis is located, accounted for nearly half of the murders in the state, even though it has less than 10% of the population. Milwaukee was responsible for 201 of Wisconsin’s 308 murders even though it also has less than 10% of the population.

There isn’t a red state murder problem, red states have a Democrat crime problem.

The CPRC study showed that while 2% of counties populated by Democrats were responsible for 56% of the country’s murders, 52% of counties had no murders and 68% of counties had at most one murder.

These numbers clearly show that America is not a violent country, that we do not have a crime problem and that gun culture is not the issue: crime culture in Democrat cities is the issue.

Democrat crime cities and counties have created a massive social problem that otherwise would hardly exist. As the study notes, “If the 1% of the counties with the worst number of murders somehow were to become a separate country, the murder rate in the rest of the US would have been only 4.31 in 2020. Removing the worst 2% or 5% would have reduced the US rate to just 3.71 or 2.99 per 100,000, respectively.” We could have the murder rate of New Zealand.

If it wasn’t for the Democrat crime counties.

America is not a dangerous or crime-ridden country. Unfortunately Democrat cities are overrun with criminals and the politicians who cater to them. The Democrats became an urban party and, after jettisoning the white working class and the small business middle class became the party of criminals. From police defunding to the Black Lives Matter riots to mass jailbreaks and the legalization of drugs and shoplifting in major cities, they embraced pro-crime policies that unleashed a massive crime wave. And now they pretend not to know what’s causing the crime.

“Nationwide, violent crime rose substantially in 2020,” Krugman admitted. “Nobody knows for sure what caused the surge — just as nobody knows for sure what caused the epic decline in crime from 1990 to the mid-2010.”

Tough-on-crime policies cut crime in the 90s and the oughts: pro-crime policies boosted crime.

There’s no mystery here. Crime is caused by repeat offenders. In the 90s we began locking them up and then about 5 years ago, we began letting them go at the federal and state level.

In ‘I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America’, David Horowitz exposed the lies behind the Black Lives Matter pro-crime movement and warned of the pandemic of crime that was being unleashed. That hoax has unleashed unprecedented violence, but that crime wave largely remains confined to Democrat areas where criminals prey on members of the party.

More than an additional 5,000 people were killed in 2020. There is little doubt that the disproportionate majority of both the victims and the killers were Democrats. Democrat pro-crime policies are killing Americans, but mostly they’re killing fellow Democrats.

An added 5,000 murders alone means $85 billion in costs. That’s a fraction of the money, estimated at half a trillion dollars, that we spend every year coping with the criminal justice and social problems caused by Democrat crime.

America could be a safe and pleasant place to live. And the majority of its counties, which are mostly Republican, are. Unfortunately many of its Democrat counties are broken places, packed with broken families, criminal cultures and leftist politicians who pander to the criminals.

And the party and its media cover it up with lies about systemic racism.

As David Horowitz warned in, ‘I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America’, the consequences of these lies is more of the same misery, more crime and more death.



Houston teens arrested in caught-on-camera 'jugging' robbery that left woman paralyzed

Houston teens arrested in caught-on-camera 'jugging' robbery that left woman paralyzed

Two teens have been arrested and charged in connection to the caught-on-camera "jugging" of a Houston woman who was left paralyzed as a result of the violent robbery of cash that she had withdrawn from a bank.

The arrests of Joseph Harrell, 17, and Zy'Nika Ayesha Woods, 19, were announced at a press conference Friday, more than a month after Nhung Truong was brutalized the day before Valentine’s Day.

Surveillance video showed a Black male suspect wearing a red, white and black sweatshirt with an Air Jordan "Jumpman" logo, dark shorts and sneakers grab Truong, who had withdrawn an estimated $4,300 in cash from a Bank of America for a planned trip to see family in Vietnam.

Police said Harrell and Woods followed the mother of three from the bank to a nearby business by car.


Houston jugging suspects
Joseph Harrell, 17, and Zy'Nika Ayesha Woods, 19, have been charged with aggravated robbery in the "jugging" incident on Nhung Truong last month.

Harrell allegedly got out of the vehicle driven by Woods and assaulted the victim. The video shows how the 17-year-old first took Truong’s wallet and started to run away, but upon realizing that he didn’t have the money that Truong withdrew from the bank, he immediately turned around and tried to wrestle away the envelope of money that she was holding. Harrell then picked her up and slammed her down onto the concrete, causing severe injuries, Houston police Detective Tyrus Fontenot said. Surveillance video helped detectives determine the license plate of the vehicle seen leaving the scene of the crime.


Woman in hospital bed with her family.
Nhung Truong, seen in a hospital bed with her mother and children, was left paralyzed after being attacked by a robber in Houston.

With assistance from the Westside gang unit, Woods was first detained for a traffic violation. During her interview with detectives, she confessed to her involvement in the robbery on Truong and also implicated Harrell, Fontenot said. Another detective had already been preparing a warrant for Harrell in a separate aggravated assault case. With assistance from the gang unit, he was located and brought into custody on that warrant. Harrell also allegedly confessed to the attack on Truong, Fontenot said.

"This type of violence will not be tolerated in our city. It is just senseless," Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said Friday. "I just spoke to Ms. Truong about an hour ago and assured her, and I want the city of Houston to stand behind us. These are very serious injuries. The recovery is very long. And I want her to know the love of our agency but also our great citizens in this city."


Suspect running away from the victim he pushed to the floor.
A robber attacked a woman in a shopping center after she made a withdrawal from her bank in Houston.

"I just want people to know if you are foolish enough to commit these types of crimes, we will find you," Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, a Democrat, added. "It may take a few days. It may take a few weeks. But we will find you, and we’ll get you off the streets. Then I will trust the other parts of our system, criminal justice system, to make sure that they remain off the streets, so it doesn’t happen to somebody else."

Fox News Digital also reached out to the Harris County District Attorney's Office for comment.

Houston woman in a hospital bed.
Nhung Truong was hospitalized for more than a month after being attacked by a robber in Houston.

KTRK reported that Harrell was out on bond at the time of the attack for two charges and that he is also accused of the aggravated assault of another woman 12 days after Truong was hurt. Woods is being held on a $50,000 bond, while bond has not yet been set for Harrell, according to the outlet.

A GoFundMe account set up by Truong’s family raised more than $263,000 by Monday.

Her daughter wrote that Truong, who suffered a spinal cord injury, was discharged from the hospital Friday for what is expected to be a years-long recovery process.

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