Sunday, June 11, 2023

DANGER!!! - THE DEMOCRAT PARTY AT WORK! - The Democrat-Academia-Media-Corporate-Complex lies to you, misleads you, disdains you, threatens you, and wishes to lock you down, permanently…physically, intellectually, spiritually.


Democrats don’t care what Americans think because Americans don’t hold them accountable

A new Pew Research Center survey has found that at least half of Americans say they disapprove of affirmative action (a.k.a. reverse discrimination), whereby colleges and universities weigh admissions on the racial and ethnic backgrounds of prospective students.

But people’s opinions do not faze today’s Democrat party, which champions the practice. It has steadfastly determined to do the wrong thing, secure in the knowledge that it will never be held accountable. It has repeatedly been proven correct in that assessment.

Prior to the 2022 elections, a pre-mid-term poll by Schoen Cooperman Research found that the Democrats were perceived by voters as being ineffective, out of touch, and too left-wing. The logical conclusion was that, as a result, it would suffer substantive losses in the midterm elections.

Didn’t happen.  

Most Americans are not fond of open borders, CRT and The 1619 Project being taught in our schools, the sexualization of our young children in schools and by radical trans types, the defunding of police, cancel culture, reparations, and unfettered abortion until the moment of birth—or slightly after.

Truth be told, a majority of Americans/voters disapprove of a majority of the Democrats’ policy positions (and purported beliefs), but apparently keep voting them into office anyway. Are they incompetent? Insane? Masochistic? A combination of all three? Or is something much darker and more nefarious occurring? Has the donkey party’s malfeasance and widespread cheating been that effective? (In any case, there is, indisputably, both a method to the Democrats’ madness and a madness to the Democrats’ method.)

Simple logic and reason—and a firm grasp of actual history— should make debunking Democrats’ arguments easy and irrefutable. Yet this almost never happens, even by prominent Republicans. Why?

While I never underestimate Republicans’ ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, this still rankles me.

And now many RINOs are saying it is time to take back the party from Trump. This is exactly the wrong idea, exactly the wrong “lesson” to be learned. Trump took the GOP from a cocktail-party-loving/multi-national corporation abetting a you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours entity and made it the party of real Americans from the hinterlands, folks who do real work, understand the importance of the Declaration and the Constitution, and who respect the rule of law.

The Democrat-Academia-Media-Corporate-Complex lies to you, misleads you, disdains you, threatens you, and wishes to lock you down, permanently…physically, intellectually, spiritually.

In the most basic sense of the term, affirmative action is badly needed. Affirmative action to drain The Swamp, for example. Affirmative action to cleanse the Republican Party of those who are fine with the status quo, corruption, and insanely bloated government—even if they occasionally call for a small tax cut or throw shade at a “Squad” member.

MAGA in 2024. Or we will sentence ourselves—and our descendants—to permanent servitude.

America's Headlong Rush Back to Slavery

We're told by the left that our history of slavery is America's original sin.  They insist that since some of our founders failed to honor the God-given rights of all humans, our founding principles are flawed, and America remains unsalvageable.  So why is the left demanding a headlong rush back to slavery — this time administered by state rather than plantation masters?

Just days before the election of 2008, Barack Obama declared, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

He didn't promise to heal, tweak, or improve America.  He promised to "fundamentally transform" America.  That is precisely what the radicals have been working toward — using woke ideology to accomplish it.

"Woke" originally was used to indicate an awareness of racial injustice.  However, it has expanded to include all elements of social injustice — as defined by the self-proclaimed social justice warriors.  According to the woke, all the injustices are "systemic."  The rich are more successful than the poor not because they worked harder and made better decisions.  It's because the system is unjust.  We're told that America is plagued with systemic racism.  It's not that there are evil people among us; it's that the system is unjust.  The system needs to be transformed — to achieve social justice.

The social justice of "woke" has expanded to include:

  • climate justice,
  • minority justice,
  • sexual justice,
  • gender justice (not the same as sexual justice),
  • economic justice, and
  • moral justice (i.e., moral relativism).

Woke ideology demands human behavior consistent with the demands of social justice across all elements of society.  It requires top-down control of all Americans — down to our very beliefs and behaviors.  That would indeed be "fundamental transformation."

But "fundamentally transform" America into what?  America was founded as a self-governed country, based on individual rights and respecting private property (capitalism).  A fundamental change to that foundation would be centrally governed, based on communal rights and public control of property.

Our three-year COVID nightmare gave us a glimpse of what a fundamentally transformed America would be.  Pandemic protocols gave us a taste of our future if our current flirtation with socialism/communism is not arrested.

The commune (the state) determined who could work and when.  Those deemed "essential" were allowed to continue working.  Others were denied employment.

The commune dictated what people could and could not do with their own property.  Property owners were denied access to their land and possessions.  Landlords were prohibited from collecting rent on their properties.  Small businesses were shuttered while their mega-corporation competition was allowed to thrive.

Individual rights were canceled for the health of the commune.  Freedom of speech, religion, and association were all denied to supposedly prevent the spread of a virus.  Curfews were declared, because apparently the virus was most contagious at night.  Even the right to make our own medical decisions was suspended for the welfare of the collective.

Does anyone doubt that something resembling the pandemic protocols is what the radicals want for America — permanently?  If so, explain recent history.

The Biden administration continues to work toward censoring free speech.  He proposed a Disinformation Governance Board, and his various agencies are currently working to stifle dissenting speech.

Freedom of religion is under attack as pro-life activities are criminalized, and Catholics are surveilled in a search of nonexistent right-wing domestic terrorists.

The government has even expressed a desire to control the means of generating wealth.  The Affordable Care Act placed one seventh of our gross domestic product under the control of the government.  Barack Obama proposed nationalizing pension plans.  Elizabeth Warren proposed nationalizing all large American businesses.  Joe Biden threatened to impose emergency powers on the energy sector — to control gas prices.  Biden has even promised to regulate other industries out of existence — starting with those with an insufficient commitment to ESG.  The government wants to control where we can and will work.

Once the government controls where we can work, it will also control how much we make.  Demands for regulation of a "livable wage" sound attractive.  But it is the government determining what our work is worth — defining what we need to live.

When Barack Obama said, "There's only so much you can eat.  There's only so big a house you can have.  There's only so many nice trips you can take.  I mean, it's enough," he was saying that he, as the president of the United States, knows what our needs are.

Does any of that sound familiar?  Doesn't it sound alarmingly like work according to one's ability (as the state allows) and receive according to one's need (as the leadership determines)?

"Fundamental transformation" would mean abandoning capitalism — where one contributes as he wishes and receives what he earns.  It would mean the acceptance of a system where one contributes as the collective needs and receives as the collective allows.  The radicals may use any number of names for it, but they are seeking to "fundamentally transform" America into a communist utopia.

As with any home improvement project, there must be demolition before the remodel can begin.  That systemically unjust system must be destroyed with a sledgehammer before the new socially just system is constructed.  The demolition is always messy.

Moves to decriminalize anti-social behavior and undermine law enforcement are triggering rampant crime, violence, and misery.  Eventually, social order will be destroyed, and Americans will demand a restoration of order.

Uncontrolled spending and inflation will eventually destroy individual wealth. After the collapse, Americans will hunger for a means to survive.

Cancelation, censorship, political correctness, and demonization of dissent are preparing us for life without individual rights.

Election fraud, court-packing, weaponized criminal justice, and abandonment of traditions of political discourse will eliminate political alternatives — leaving one-party rule.

The demolition before the remodel will destroy prosperity, morality, self-governance, and any semblance of God-given rights.  The radicals will then offer solutions — which will all entail collectivism and the empowerment of the state.  Then America will have been "fundamentally transformed."

The woke are demanding that we abandon our individual liberties for the social justice needs of the collective.  To avoid persecution, we may not express dissenting views or worship any god above the state.  We will work for only for ESG-approved companies.  We will be allowed to keep only that compensation that isn't needed to maintain the collective.  What's it called when a person's freedom is taken and he is placed in the service of another?  Slavery.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho.  He has written for American Thinker and American Free News Network.  He can be reached at

Image via Negative Space.

Only certain Black lives matter to BLM

The very people who wanted to defund the police are now finding themselves defunded.

Why? Technically, the answer would be mismanagement of funds, but in part, it could be said that they weren’t living up to their name. People are starting to see beyond the name and realize that that not all black lives mattered, just the ones who were friends and family with the organization’s management.

In some regards, Black Lives Matter can be considered a grift because an organization that is supposed to reduce police violence against Black people and improve their lives has nothing substantial to show for the scores of millions of dollars donated. Life hasn’t gotten better for Black people, and not because police were shooting innocent Black people. 

BLM’s ill-thought-out mission to defund, disband, and criminalize police reduced the number of officers on the street leading to an increase in crime. That crime has affected Blacks more than other racial groups because the places where crime has increased the most are the cities, which are predominantly liberal and Black. So, the very people BLM says it represents are suffering the most from its policies and positions.

Meanwhile, BLM pulled in plenty of cash because everyone wanted to be seen as a supporter. The problem is how the organization has spent that cash. It didn’t go to help Black people affected by violence or even try to find alternative ways to fight crime, which is devastating the Black community. It did go to pay founder Patrisse Cullors’ brother who was paid a total of $1.6 million for security services as the head of the security team at the $6 million Los Angeles mansion bought with charity donations to BLM. 

“He is best known as a graffiti artist, with no background in security,” the Daily Mail reported. “Patrisse Cullors defended hiring him, saying registered security firms which hired former police officers could not be trusted, given the movement's opposition to police brutality.”

A sister of a board member was paid $1.1 million for “consulting.”

The organization has also purchased luxury properties in Los Angeles and Toronto totaling $12 million.

It was recently reported that “The group ran an $8.5 million deficit and saw the value of its investment accounts drop by nearly $10 million, with fundraising down 88% year-on-year.” Reports have also appeared that the organization is at risk of going bankrupt.

People can now see that BLM is more interested in themselves rather than Black people.   Just a third of the money BLM has received has gone to charity. That means two-thirds has gone to things that won’t benefit the Black community.

In general, BLM has laudable goals, but words without actions are meaningless. BLM’s actions show a much different goal. They are enriching themselves while allowing the community that is supposed to matter to them suffer from rising crime and a reduced police presence.

It’s time to end the farce of BLM and send any future donations directly to neighborhood organizations that are actually working in the Black community and helping the people. That’s the best way to show Black Lives Matter. 

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. 

Photo credit: YouTube screebgrab (cropped)

Report: Assaults on NYPD Officers Rise 32% as Criminals Feel Emboldened

terror attack new york nypd
Yana Paskova/Getty

New York City police officers reportedly endured 32 percent more injuries so far in 2023 than in 2022 as crime plagues their communities.

In an article published Saturday, the New York Post cited New York City Police Department (NYPD) data regarding the issue.

“From Jan. 1 to March 31, citywide, 1,251 on- and off-duty cops were hurt by people using physical force against them, compared to 949 in the first quarter of 2022,” the outlet said.

Of the various injuries officers suffered, 1,179 of them were recorded as minor. However, nearly 50 of them were deemed “substantial” and required the victim to go to a hospital for medical attention.

In addition, 25 were considered “serious” enough for the victim to be admitted into a hospital’s care.

The Post shared images of officers receiving treatment for their injuries:

The outlet’s followers were quick to share their thoughts about the story, one person writing, “WTG, New York! Policing was hard enough already.”

“Recruitment and morale at an all-time low, officers retiring out and leaving at record pace. But you, in your infinite wisdom, decided to push on and place political correctness above the safety of the citizenry. Well done! Now everyone can ‘feel’ good and live in absolute fear when the whole thing collapses on itself,” the user stated.

Indeed, the city’s police officers are reportedly resigning at a record-breaking pace as crime plagues the nation.

“This is a result of democrat pro criminal stance,” another commented.

In April, a suspect approached an NYPD officer from behind and allegedly hit her over the head with a bottle, according to a report.

Also, an NYPD officer was hurt when a driver fled a traffic stop several times, ABC 7 reported on April 19:

An NYPD Transit Bureau officer told the Post he, too, was hurt recently and did not express shock at the data.

According to him, leadership wants officers to make more arrests, but the suspects do not have much fear about potentially going to jail.

He said lawmakers do not offer police any support, adding, “We could be standing at the train station and they’ll jump over the turnstile right in front of us. This is the atmosphere that was created [by lawmakers].”

When retired NYPD sergeant and adjunct Professor Joseph Giacalone heard about the rising officer assault incidents, he pointed to bail reform and said the criminals involved feel emboldened in those situations.

“They know they’re not going to Rikers. They know they’re not going to face any real-time. So they just keep churning them out and the cops have to deal with it,” he said during an interview with the Post.

FLASHBACK: Protesters Attack and Bloody NYPD Officers in Broad Daylight

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Illinois To Grant $300k to Black Lives Matter Chapter Led by Convicted Felon

Black Lives Matter protesters at Case Western Reserve University / AFP via Getty Images
June 9, 2023

An Illinois Black Lives Matter chapter led by a convicted felon is set to receive $300,000 in taxpayer funds thanks to Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker.

Pritzker signed into law a $50.4 billion state budget bill on Wednesday that includes a $300,000 grant to Black Lives Matter Lake County, a charity led by black activist Clyde McLemore. A prominent figure in the Chicago metropolitan area with ties to Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, McLemore has a lengthy criminal rap sheet that includes convictions for felony aggravated battery. He currently faces a felony bail-jumping charge in Wisconsin stemming from a prior case in which he was charged with kicking down a door and threatening a police officer during the Kenosha riots in August 2020.

Republican members of the Illinois State Assembly railed against Pritzker for choosing not to block the grant with a line-item veto.

"No taxpayer dollars should ever go to Black Lives Matter. They’re clearly a Marxist organization," said Republican state Rep. Blaine Wilhour, the vice chairman of the Illinois Freedom Caucus. Pritzker "could absolutely have gone in there with a line-item veto. Apparently, he sees value in giving $300,000 to Black Lives Matter."

Illinois is set to enrich McLemore’s Black Lives Matter chapter as other groups in the movement flounder amid allegations of financial malfeasance. The national Black Lives Matter group filed tax returns in May showing it had doled out millions in lucrative contracts to friends and family of the movement’s co-founder Patrisse Cullors during its 2022 tax year. The year before, Black Lives Matter spent $12 million on luxury homes in Los Angeles and Toronto.

Wilhour lamented that Pritzker chose to fund the Black Lives Matter chapter while other state programs with a proven record of helping minorities are set to expire. For example, the Invest in Kids Tax Credit Scholarship Program, which has awarded 40,000 scholarships to help minority children in Illinois attend private schools, is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2023.

"What program is helping minorities more?" Wilhour asked. "Is it these opportunity scholarships? Or is it these criminal scumbags and Black Lives Matter?"

McLemore said during a podcast Wednesday he founded Black Lives Matter Lake County in 2015 after meeting with Cullors, who he said was mostly preoccupied with issues related to "black transvestites and gay people and gay rights and stuff." McLemore said he hasn’t talked with Cullors since 2015, and he said his autonomous chapter never received any funds from the national Black Lives Matter group.

The activist stressed during a Thursday interview with the Washington Free Beacon that the $300,000 taxpayer grant his chapter is set to receive will go towards a host of programs it already runs in his community, including a narcotics anonymous program, a youth risk intervention program and a civil empowerment program to teach people about laws.

"This money does not come to Clyde McLemore," he said. "Matter of fact, I’m still driving a 2008 Camry. If I got $300,000, don’t you think I would have bought me a brand-new car?"

But this isn’t the first time Pritzker has tried to enrich McLemore’s Black Lives Matter chapter. The Democratic governor appropriated $300,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds to the group in the state’s fiscal year 2022 budget, but records show Illinois never cut them a check.

McLemore said the grant was canceled because of a February 2022 article in the Lake County Gazette that highlighted his lengthy criminal history.

"They was going to authorize it, and what happened was two Republicans came out with a newspaper and they stopped the grant," McLemore said.

Lake County, Illinois, court records show McLemore has been charged in over 100 traffic, misdemeanor, and felony cases since the mid-1990s. His rap sheet includes convictions of felony and misdemeanor battery.

"So, yeah I had some arguments with my baby mama," McLemore told the Free Beacon. "As you know in Illinois, first one call the police, the other get arrested. I got arrested 20 years ago. She’s been dead over 20 years. She died of a drug overdose."

McLemore was charged in February 2021 with felony battery against a law enforcement officer stemming from his involvement in the riots in Kenosha the year prior. Prior to being charged, McLemore had posted photos and videos on Facebook showing him kicking a door at the Kenosha Public Safety Building during the riots. He wrote that he "was mad enough to try to break the officer’s fingers."

A jury found McLemore not guilty of the charge in December, but found him guilty on a lesser misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. Just a few days later he found himself back in court on a charge of felony bail jumping for allegedly failing to show up to court for another case.

McLemore told the Free Beacon he’s never missed a court date and claimed his attorney told him the bail jumping charge will soon be dropped.

Pritzker’s office did not return a request for comment.

Published under: Black Lives Matter Crime Illinois J.B. Pritzker

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy  


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Watch — Marsha Blackburn: Indictment of Trump, Not Clinton, Reveals ‘Two Tiers of Justice’

Senator Marsha Blackburn
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Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said that the indictment of former President Donald Trump and the lack of investigation against Hillary Clinton for her email scandal reveals a two-tiered justice system.

Blackburn, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reacted to the indictment of former President Donald Trump, contending it reveals the country’s two-tiered justice system. She said:
We all remember when Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000 emails that she knew needed to be turned over. And those phones? Yep, they crushed those with a hammer. Nothing to see there, no reason to investigate, and now that President Biden has been implicated in a $5 million bribery scheme, what they’re doing is trying to interfere with that investigation, and they’re going after President Trump. Two tiers of justice.
Coincidentally, the twice-failed presidential candidate tried to mock Trump by promoting her “But Her Emails” merchandise on social media.

Bringing this back in light of recent news: Get a limited-edition But Her Emails hat and support @onwardtogether groups working to strengthen our democracy,” Clinton wrote.

Breitbart News’s Hannah Bleau continued:

The phrase stems from the controversy around Clinton’s past email scandal.

Clinton, who served as Secretary of State under former President Barack Obama, mishandled classified information on a private server “likely used to hide efforts to use her office to raise money for her family’s foundation,” as Breitbart News reported. She scrubbed 33,000 emails, but FBI Director James Comey infamously recommended against charges against Clinton in the summer of 2016. That statement was also reportedly watered down to soften the gravity of Clinton’s actions.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that Trump’s indictment is an “assault on democracy.”

Related — MSNBC’s Figliuzzi: Trump, GOP Claim Indictment Is Unfair, Will Incite Violence

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Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

Hang All the Members of the Liars’ Club?

The lying sharks swim and circle with impunity.

May 18, 2023 by Victor Davis Hanson 19 Comments



Federal prosecutors last week announced the indictment of U.S. Representative George Santos (R-N.Y.) on a host of charges, including misuse of federal campaign funds and wire fraud, almost all of them resulting from his pathological lies.

Certainly, Santos deserved the attention of prosecutors for lying on federal documents and affidavits that may have helped him win a congressional seat as well as personal lucre.

But if that’s the case, why haven’t federal prosecutors also gone after Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)? She clearly lied her way into a Harvard Law School professorship and an erstwhile presidential candidacy by claiming, in part, quite falsely she was a Native American, supposedly Harvard’s first indigenous law professor.

Her Senate colleague, Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), flatly lied (he said “misspoke”) about being a Vietnam War veteran. He never confessed to “misspeaking” about his résumé until caught. Both senators, apparently like Santos, gained political traction in their various campaigns from such lies, but the two apparently never put them in writing, or at least not as blatantly as did Santos.

New Federal Standards? 

Are federal and states prosecutors now setting a new moral and legal standard by criminalizing Santos’ lies? If true, congratulations—it is long overdue.

Now can we please extend the long arm of the law to reach far beyond a bit player like Santos?

Why not reboot with the really big liars? Their lies far more undermined the integrity of our key agencies and indeed our national security.

So let us start with John Brennan, the former CIA director. He lied on two separate occasions, in one case while under oath before the U.S. Senate. His untruths were not mere campaign finance fabrications. They involved falsely swearing that the CIA did not spy on the computers of Senate staffers (“Let me assure you the CIA was in no way spying on [the committee] or the Senate.”). He also lied that U.S. drone missions in prior years had not killed innocent bystanders (“There hasn’t been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we’ve been able to develop.”).

Brennan, only when caught, admitted to both lies. But he faced zero consequences and, in fact, was soon rewarded with an on-air analyst job at MSNBC.

Then we come to James Clapper, the former director of the Office of National Intelligence. Like Santos, he lied. But unlike Santos, Clapper was under oath to Congress. And further unlike Santos, Clapper was not a small fish, but a whale in charge of coordinating the nation’s intelligence bureaus.

Clapper’s lies mattered a great deal, especially when he swore to Congress that the National Security Agency did not spy on Americans. (“No, sir. Not wittingly.”) When caught, Clapper confessed that he gave “the least untruthful answer.” (“I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying ‘no.’”). He faced zero consequences for his perjury. And like Brennan, he marketed his anti-Trump phobias into a comfortable cable news gig.

Note well that both Clapper and Brennan likely lied again when they signed the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter, with a wink and nod suggesting it was a hallmark example of “Russian disinformation.”

Then we come to the former interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He is also currently working as a cable news commentator. McCabe admitted to lying—according to the inspector general, “done knowingly and intentionally”—four separate times to federal investigators, three times under oath. McCabe misled the country in matters that concerned a national election, more specifically lying that he had not leaked to the media to massage media narratives about the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

Then there is James Comey, another former FBI head, who confirmed McCabe had lied. He simply claimed on 245 occasions to House investigators and members that he either had no memory or had no knowledge, when asked under oath to explain some of the wrongdoing of the FBI during his directorship. Remember, Comey and the FBI signed off on the authenticity of Steele document material to obtain a FISA warrant, when they knew it was unreliable and Steele was not credible. Comey also likely leaked to the media a confidential memo officially memorializing a private conversation with the president of the United States.

Should we include yet another former FBI director? Robert Mueller swore under oath to Congress that he knew little about Fusion GPS (“I’m not familiar with that”) and more or less had ignored the Steele dossier. (“It’s not my purview.”) Mueller’s claims cannot be true because revelations about both were the very catalysts that prompted his own special counsel appointment.

Will the Santos prosecutors go after Anthony Fauci, the recently retired head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases?

Fauci seemingly lied under oath to the Senate when he preposterously claimed the money he channeled through a third party to the Wuhan virology lab did not entail support for gain-of-function virology research. (“The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”) Many virologists were aghast at Fauci’s claims, since they knew gain-of-function research conducted in China—the point being to skirt U.S. laws—was precisely what the U.S.-subsidized researchers in China were doing.

The Bidens 

Prosecutors are currently looking at the various shenanigans of Hunter Biden, whose lies may even be a match for those of George Santos. Joe Biden’s son apparently lied on his firearms background check affidavit when applying for a handgun purchase—so far, with impunity.

When asked point blank on national television whether his lost laptop was his own—he had signed a receipt for it at the repair shop—Biden refused to give a yes or no answer.

Hunter Biden has apparently de facto lied for years when he purportedly did not report either his entire income or his real business expenses accurately, or that he was the father of a child he conceived with an ex-stripper in Arkansas.

If Hunter’s lies do not match the number of Santos’ prevarications, his were at least far more significant. His lie that the laptop was not his prompted current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a former top Biden 2020 campaign aide, to call up Mike Morell, former interim CIA director. Morell’s mission was to round up as many intelligence authorities as he could to lie on the eve of a presidential election that the laptop had “all the hallmarks” of “Russian disinformation.” He found 51, including himself. Apparently, some active members of the CIA pitched in as well to lend the letter additional authenticity.

Note that Morell swears Blinken called him to solicit signers of the bogus letter, while Blinken claims he did not. So either the current secretary of state or the former interim director of the CIA is lying—or they both are. Again, among the first to sign the fraudulent intelligence letter were Brennan and Clapper. They apparently had earned a reputation as team players, given that both men had been willing to lie under oath to Congress. Misleading the nation again about the laptop to aid Joe Biden’s campaign was small potatoes.

Biden, on spec, promulgated the lie when he said in his second debate with Trump, “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. Five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it, except his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”

A subsequent poll suggested the Bidens’ concocted laptop lies may have influenced voters to side with Biden in the election. If true, that was a lie that should be of far more interest to current federal prosecutors than Santos’ crazy fairy tales.

The Lies of the “Big Guy”

So we come to the greatest prevaricator of all.

Joe Biden flat-out lied on numerous occasions, such as when he claimed that he never discussed the family shake-down business with Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden, in fact, turns up on the laptop as someone deeply connected to Hunter Biden’s quid pro quo companies (“10 [percent] for the Big Guy”). Tony Bobulinksi, a former business associate of Hunter’s, has sworn that Joe and his brother Jim Biden were deeply involved in their foreign leveraging efforts.

A photo shows Joe Biden with Hunter’s “business” associates. Will the current Santos prosecutors turn their attention to the Oval Office occupant’s financial records to determine whether his lavish private homes and lifestyle were viable under his reported stated income?

Biden lied to Americans dozens of times to get elected. The tragic death of his wife in a car accident was not due to the drunkenness and fault of a truck driver. That was a horrific smear designed to shift blame onto an innocent man and gain sympathy for himself.

He lied that his son, Beau, died while serving in Iraq.

Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race after he was caught lying about his college records and plagiarizing a speech from a British politician.

So we know that in the past, Joe Biden’s lies have left a mark on history in a fashion that Santos’ never will.

When Biden prefaces his whoppers with “No joke!” or “This is the God’s honest truth!” and especially when he swears, “My word as a Biden!” then it is a fair bet that he is lying.

When Biden entered office, he lied about the number of Americans previously vaccinated under the Trump Administration and preposterously claimed there had been no COVID vaccine available.

He lied that his loan forgiveness amnesty passed Congress by two votes. In fact, Biden simply declared amnesty by fiat and never submitted the request to Congress at all.

He repeatedly lies that billionaires pay only three percent of their income in taxes on average. He lies about minor details, from giving his Uncle Frank a purple heart to matters of national concern, such as the price of gas when he entered office. It was most certainly not $5 a gallon!

Biden constantly lies about his résumé. He was never a long-haul truck driver. Nor was he a star athlete almost headed for the Naval Academy on a sports scholarship if only Dallas Cowboys legend Roger Staubach had not beat him out. “I was appointed to the academy in 1965 by a senator who I was running against in 1972. I didn’t come to the academy because I wanted to be a football star. And you had a guy named Staubach and Bellino here. So I went to Delaware.”

His house was never almost destroyed by a fire. He was never raised “politically” as a Puerto Rican. Biden never pinned the Silver Star on a Navy Afghanistan war hero for bringing back the body of a fellow soldier from a deep ravine. He was never arrested, either in South Africa or in Atlanta, for demonstrating on behalf of civil rights.

No foreign leader can believe Biden. He never traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He lied about his own Amtrak travel. He lied about his record on inflation and economic growth. He lied about upping Social Security payments. (It was a larger-than-usual automatic cost-of-living increase spurred by his inflationary policies.) He lied about the nature of the Trump tax cuts.

Biden keeps lying that the southern border is “secure” even as nearly 2 million people have crossed illegally on his watch and tens of thousands more are massed to enter the country as Title 42 restrictions are lifted.

He insists that five police officers died at the hands of protestors on January 6, 2021. In truth, the one person we know for certain who died violently that day was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed protester who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police lieutenant with a checkered record, whose identity was suppressed for months while Babbitt’s past was sullied by the press.

Biden’s defenders hint that either he is cognitively compromised and thus not responsible—as if he has told the truth the last 40 years when he was hale!—or his lies are mere “exaggerations” unlike the “lies” of Trump—as if lying about the death of one’s spouse or son or school record or resume or major legislation or his presidency is a mere “exaggeration.”

As a general rule, since 2015, if any federal bureaucrat or elected official lied in service of opposing Donald Trump, he was exempted from consequences. If not, he was properly held responsible for his lying. So the more that the fake Steele dossier, the Russian collusion hoax, and the Russian disinformation laptop lie warped the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, the more the promulgators of those falsehoods never faced any consequences for their untruths.

So, yes, let federal prosecutors go after the lying George Santos to set a precedent that the lying of government officials has consequences.

But in the great scheme of lying things, Santos is a prevaricating minnow who was snagged to great acclaim because the lying sharks swim and circle with impunity.

This article originally appeared at


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH


This is a joke that will be repeated over and over by the media and other Dems: ‘No one is above the law’

Here is a short list of people who have essentially been above the law no matter how many lies they tell under oath or how many crimes they commit. 

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Lois Lerner
  • Eric Holder
  • James Clapper
  • Adam Schiff
  • Fifty-one former intelligence officials who vouched for a fictitious document to elect a corrupt Democrat.
  • Andrew McCabe
  • James Comey
  • Joe Biden

They can commit fraud by lying to the FISA Court to illegally spy on political opponents.

They can lie to Congress and hide documents and the corrupt Justice Dept will let them off. 

They can illegally target political opponents at IRS

They can mishandle classified documents and destroy computers if they want, and corrupt officials will say that no one will prosecute such crimes.

They can line their pockets with as many kickbacks from foreign sources as they want.

They can produce fake dossiers that can be used by corrupt swamp creatures and complicit members of the media to target political opponents.

Others less prominent can destroy cities and kill and maim cops and others and few will be prosecuted.

They can illegally enter this country without fear of being prosecuted.

No matter how often you lie or commit other crimes, the complicit media will hire you as long as you target Republicans and repeat the talking points to push the radical leftist agenda.

But if you are a Republican who wants to drain the swamp, question an election, or dare ask that foreign officials investigate the corrupt Biden family, you will be impeached and investigated endlessly in search of a crime.

Photo credit: YouTube screengrab

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