Wednesday, June 28, 2023

SUCH BULLSHET! - Nikki Haley: ‘Looks Like’ Biden’s Love for Hunter Greater than His Love for America - JOE WAS USING HUNTER FROM DAY ONE AS HIS BAG MAN!


GOP Rep. Tenney Says the ‘Real Story’ Is Joe Biden Used His Son Hunter for ‘Money Laundering, Tax Evasion’

Then there's also the matter of Joe Biden's character.  Joe Biden is no Richard Nixon — and I don't mean that in the good way.  He isn't going to do anything for the good of the party or the nation, because Joe doesn't love anything but Joe.  He has never done anything to selflessly benefit anyone whose last name isn't Biden.  He hasn't even acknowledged his youngest granddaughter, because she's not a Biden — at least not in name.                                                         JOHN GREEN

Nikki Haley: ‘Looks Like’ Biden’s Love for Hunter Greater than His Love for America

Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) said Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports” that it “looks like” President Joe Biden’s “love for his son” Hunter Biden was “greater than the love for his country.”

Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Ana Navarro said, “The Hunter Biden story, the scandal, the this the that, it is also the story of a father’s love. Joe Biden has never and will never give up on his son Hunter and will never treat him lesser then. So he has a father first. Take it or leave it.”

Haley said, “First of all lets say, ‘Ok is the love for his son greater than the love for his country?’ Because that’s what it looks like. It smells bad Sandra. There’s clearly something there and there’s clearly something that needs to be found out. This is about accountability. Whether it’s a Republican or a Democrat, we’ve gotta have accountability. If you don’t address this, it will happen again, and we can’t have a situation where we think a president is compromised.”

She added, “We can’t have a situation where we have a son going rogue, raising money, threatening, or saying that he can get things that he can’t. And so I think if the Department of Justice can’t handle this, then I think Congress is right to go ahead and step forward. We’ve got to start taking these kinds of issues seriously and we’ve gotta bring ethics back to D.C.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

GOP Rep. Tenney Says the ‘Real Story’ Is Joe Biden Used His Son Hunter for ‘Money Laundering, Tax Evasion’

Representative Claudia Tenney (R-NY) said Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Morning with Maria” she believed that the “real story” was President Joe Biden “used his son” Hunter Biden to enrich himself illegally.

Tenney said, “The FBI is dirty. These are dirty cops. This what is happened during this investigation. The Department of Justice engaged basically in obstructing justice, in preventing the story from coming out. They interfered to make sure that these IRS agents, who by the way were investigating a pornography ring, somehow end up with Hunter Biden’s story. This is an important part of the mix too. We can all focus on Hunter Biden but the real story here is Joe Biden and how Hunter Biden was the proxy for Joe and the family. This started, as Peter Schweizer pointed out, back when Joe Biden was vice president. He was peddling his influence, using his son.”

She added, “While he’s vice president we are seeing influence peddling we are seeing violation of ethics laws, violation of campaign financing. Then he becomes a private citizen but they’re still trying to get this money from Hunter Biden to Joe and this is how the relationship started and continues. So while he’s a private citizen this becomes money laundering, tax evasion and all those things that these IRS agents really stumbled upon, these whistleblowers that we heard from.”

Tenney added, “This has been going on for years, using his position to protect himself and also using his position, Joe Biden, to enrich himself and his family.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Exclusive — Darrell Issa: Joe Biden Using White House Counsel as His Personal Lawyer to Stonewall Media on Alleged Corruption

US President Joe Biden speaks to members of the media before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023. Biden denied that relations with Beijing have suffered a serious blow after the US downed an alleged Chinese spy …
Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, questioned on Tuesday if the White House turned corruption allegations against President Joe Biden into a strictly legal matter when it referred reporters to the administration’s counsel.

“The White House is trying to use the president’s counsel as Biden’s personal lawyer to shield questions from the media,” Issa’s Communications Director, Jonathan Wilcox, told Breitbart News. “If Biden wants to lawyer up, that’s fine. But he’s going to have to hire his own criminal attorney.”

On Friday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer reporters’ questions about whether President Joe Biden was part of a shakedown on a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked business partner with Hunter Biden.

“Yes or no, was the president involved in that shakedown attempt?” New York Post’s Steven Nelson asked.

“Steven, Steven, I just answered the question. It’s not up to you how I answer the question,” she replied. “I just answered the question by telling you my colleagues at the White House counsel have dealt with this, and I would refer you to them.”

Wilcox told Breitbart News the White House’s action of referring reporters to the White House counsel begs a follow-up question from the media: Are questions of alleged corruption by President Joe Biden a strictly legal matter?

“This is the strategy everyone uses to not answer questions about a legal matter — refer to your lawyer who obviously can’t comment. But the White House counsel isn’t the president’s lawyer … but the lawyer for the presidency,” he said.

The discrepancy is the motivation behind Issa’s Sunday post on Twitter when it became apparent to Issa that Joe Biden is illegitimately hiding behind White House lawyers. “Joe Biden has officially lawyered up,” Issa said. “This is what a real scandal looks like.”

“The White House has no right to use its counsel to stonewall the media and shield itself from scrutiny and accountability. Congressman Issa will remove that shield and get the truth. He’s done it before,” Wilcox added.

The scrutiny over the White House’s response comes as Hunter Biden’s lawyer admitted the 2017 WhatsApp text demanding money from a CCP-linked businessman while “sitting” next to his dad was indeed Hunter’s message.

Breitbart News reported the Biden family business received $5.1 million within ten days of Hunter Biden’s message to a CCP-linked businessman who worked with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC Energy, according to the 2020 Senate report on the Biden family.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

The whistleblower also noted that Hunter Biden’s friend, a wealthy Hollywood celebrity lawyer named Kevin Morris, had paid off the $2.2 million that Hunter Biden owed the IRS for years 2014 through 2019.

How Can the Dems Get Rid of Joe?

The Biden hits just keep coming.  Trust in government is collapsing.  Americans are starting to wonder what passes for "normal" in Washington, if this is a return to normalcy.  According to Pew Research, only about 20 percent of Americans trust the government to do what's right.  That leaves 80 percent who expect government to do what is wrong — as in morally and ethically wrong.

Joe's fundraising is also lackluster.  Politico reports that the Dems are concerned that Joe isn't inspiring their donor class anymore.  If this keeps up, the party isn't going to have the money it needs to steal the next election.  Democrats are finding out that donors don't spend as much on influence when it looks as though influence is going to be in short supply.

That brings me to Joe's polling.  The cost of living is up, wages are down, and personal savings are evaporating.  An NBC poll found that 71 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong path — and they know who the trail boss is.  So Joe's numbers are down.  Pew Research reports that his approval has fallen to 37 percent.  Unless Joe finds a way to spend us out of economic collapse, or buys a Men in Black neuralyzer to wipe the last three years of our memory, public opinion is not likely to improve much.

Then there are the congressional investigations.  The Dems should have watched a few of those forensic crime shows.  Apparently, they didn't know that moving money around leaves an audit trail.  But the Republicans knew it, and they're using their shiny new subpoena powers to follow it.  And if bank records aren't enough, it turns out there are still a few ethical people working in government.  The whistleblowers are coming forward.  They may have been able to stomach a bit of Washington's shenanigans, but what they're seeing now is causing too much nausea to bear.  They're letting the House investigators know where to send the subpoenas.  The money for influence scandal is growing by the day.

As my grandmother would say, the Dems are in a pickle.  Panic is beginning to set in.  They're looking forward to 2024 with no successes, inadequate money, voter pessimism, and a candidate who can't walk across a stage without falling or shaking hands with Harvey the invisible rabbit.

Three years into the mess they created, the Dems are coming to the realization that they didn't hitch their wagon to a weak horse; they hitched it to a dying horse.  They need to do something — fast.  They need Joe off the 2024 ticket.

For that reason, the Biden corruption news blackout has been lifted — but they forgot to copy Karine Jean-Pierre on the memo.  Last week, she entered the White House briefing room for her daily therapy session with her fawning propaganda ministry.  But she was shocked to be asked actual journalistic questions — proving that reporters know how to be journalists but just mostly choose not to be.

They peppered the press secretary for four whole minutes with questions about her boss's involvement in selling influence to the Chinese — otherwise known as soliciting bribes.  It would have lasted longer, but she left — presumably to check her inbox for that missing memo.

Jean-Pierre's face said it all.  There's Biden blood in the water, the sharks are circling, and whoever is calling the shots has cleared them for a meal.

The Nixon gambit is coming.  The Dems plan to tenderize Joe for a few months with the realization that his life's dream, to be America's first emperor, is over.  Then a somber contingent of party elders (which is all they've got) will make a trek to the White House to explain the political realities to Joe Biden.  They'll help him see that it would be heroic and selfless for him to bow out of the 2024 race — for the good of his beloved Democrat party.

But they will have fundamentally misjudged the situation and the man.  Does beating the odds in the midterm election make Joe more or less likely to step down?  He thinks he's a winner, because they've told him so.

Then there's also the matter of Joe Biden's character.  Joe Biden is no Richard Nixon — and I don't mean that in the good way.  He isn't going to do anything for the good of the party or the nation, because Joe doesn't love anything but Joe.  He has never done anything to selflessly benefit anyone whose last name isn't Biden.  He hasn't even acknowledged his youngest granddaughter, because she's not a Biden — at least not in name.

The monster that the Democrats created has a say in this matter of stepping down.  The way Biden snaps at reporters and citizens shows that he is emotionally stunted.  He never learned self-control.  Is calling a voter, whose vote he needs, a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" an act of maturity?  He's a man-child who has been coddled by the sycophants who maintain a protective perimeter around him, for his entire 50-year career.

If you give a child unlimited power, no moral compass, and then tell him he has to share his toys, how would you expect him to react?  He's not going to make a selfless act in service to others.  He's going to throw a tantrum.

The Dems may be thinking they can use Joe's son to ease him aside.  Use the same strategy that they used against Michael Flynn — threaten his son with more legal jeopardy if he doesn't step aside.  But Joe Biden is no Michael Flynn, either — and I still don't mean it in a good way.  This strategy depends on Joe actually caring about the welfare of his son, Hunter.  That would be the son whom Joe used to facilitate criminal activity for decades, because he loves him so much (snark intended).

Rather than stepping aside, it's more likely that Joe Biden will give the party elders a good scolding, threaten them with a few F16s for "working against the government," and send them back to Capitol hill with their tails tucked properly between their legs.

That's when the Dems will realize that the only way to keep Joe off of the 2024 ticket is to get him out of office before their convention.  That would require them to do the unthinkable: work with Republicans to impeach Biden, clearing the field for "Kackles" Harris.

Whatever they do, the Dems need to work fast.  We're quickly moving back into the presidential campaign season — which starts earlier with every election.  The longer they let this drag out, the more of their precious donor money Joe will waste.  They are finding themselves between the rock of political reality and the hard place of a stubborn old fool who has never learned any limitations.  Their panic will turn into depression any minute now — and I have no sympathy.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker and American Free News Network.  He can be reached at

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Exclusive — Darrell Issa: Joe Biden Using White House Counsel as His Personal Lawyer to Stonewall Media on Alleged Corruption

US President Joe Biden speaks to members of the media before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023. Biden denied that relations with Beijing have suffered a serious blow after the US downed an alleged Chinese spy …
Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, questioned on Tuesday if the White House turned corruption allegations against President Joe Biden into a strictly legal matter when it referred reporters to the administration’s counsel.

“The White House is trying to use the president’s counsel as Biden’s personal lawyer to shield questions from the media,” Issa’s Communications Director, Jonathan Wilcox, told Breitbart News. “If Biden wants to lawyer up, that’s fine. But he’s going to have to hire his own criminal attorney.”

On Friday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer reporters’ questions about whether President Joe Biden was part of a shakedown on a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked business partner with Hunter Biden.

“Yes or no, was the president involved in that shakedown attempt?” New York Post’s Steven Nelson asked.

“Steven, Steven, I just answered the question. It’s not up to you how I answer the question,” she replied. “I just answered the question by telling you my colleagues at the White House counsel have dealt with this, and I would refer you to them.”

Wilcox told Breitbart News the White House’s action of referring reporters to the White House counsel begs a follow-up question from the media: Are questions of alleged corruption by President Joe Biden a strictly legal matter?

“This is the strategy everyone uses to not answer questions about a legal matter — refer to your lawyer who obviously can’t comment. But the White House counsel isn’t the president’s lawyer … but the lawyer for the presidency,” he said.

The discrepancy is the motivation behind Issa’s Sunday post on Twitter when it became apparent to Issa that Joe Biden is illegitimately hiding behind White House lawyers. “Joe Biden has officially lawyered up,” Issa said. “This is what a real scandal looks like.”

“The White House has no right to use its counsel to stonewall the media and shield itself from scrutiny and accountability. Congressman Issa will remove that shield and get the truth. He’s done it before,” Wilcox added.

The scrutiny over the White House’s response comes as Hunter Biden’s lawyer admitted the 2017 WhatsApp text demanding money from a CCP-linked businessman while “sitting” next to his dad was indeed Hunter’s message.

Breitbart News reported the Biden family business received $5.1 million within ten days of Hunter Biden’s message to a CCP-linked businessman who worked with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC Energy, according to the 2020 Senate report on the Biden family.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Dershowitz: Hunter Plea Deal Shouldn’t Be Accepted Unless Judge Calls Garland and Weiss to Testify

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that the judge who has to approve of Hunter Biden’s plea deal needs to call Attorney General Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, and the six witnesses who whistleblower Gary Shapley’s legal team say can corroborate his statements before accepting the deal.

Dershowitz said, “[T]he judge who is sentencing Hunter Biden and who has to approve of the plea deal, must call Garland, must call Weiss, must call these six witnesses, and must say, look, Hunter Biden’s lawyers, we know you want the deal to go through. Justice Department, we know you want the deal to go through. But I’m a judge, I represent the people of the United States of America.”

He added, “The law provides that a judge need not accept a plea bargain agreed to by both sides if there is a problem here, and if he concludes, for example, that Weiss was denied the ability to investigate beyond Delaware, then the deal’s off. Because the deal probably ends any possibility of prosecution in the District of Columbia or in Los Angeles, and if those were foreclosed in violation of what Garland said would be available to Weiss, then the deal’s off, and you have to go back to square one, you have to conclude the investigation, and then you decide whether or not to make a plea bargain. Right now, the judge should not accept this plea bargain without hearing from Garland, Weiss, and the six witnesses.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Then there's also the matter of Joe Biden's character.  Joe Biden is no Richard Nixon — and I don't mean that in the good way.  He isn't going to do anything for the good of the party or the nation, because Joe doesn't love anything but Joe.  He has never done anything to selflessly benefit anyone whose last name isn't Biden.  He hasn't even acknowledged his youngest granddaughter, because she's not a Biden — at least not in name.


The whistleblower also noted that Hunter Biden’s friend, a wealthy Hollywood celebrity lawyer named Kevin Morris, had paid off the $2.2 million that Hunter Biden owed the IRS for years 2014 through 2019.

How Can the Dems Get Rid of Joe?

The Biden hits just keep coming.  Trust in government is collapsing.  Americans are starting to wonder what passes for "normal" in Washington, if this is a return to normalcy.  According to Pew Research, only about 20 percent of Americans trust the government to do what's right.  That leaves 80 percent who expect government to do what is wrong — as in morally and ethically wrong.

Joe's fundraising is also lackluster.  Politico reports that the Dems are concerned that Joe isn't inspiring their donor class anymore.  If this keeps up, the party isn't going to have the money it needs to steal the next election.  Democrats are finding out that donors don't spend as much on influence when it looks as though influence is going to be in short supply.

That brings me to Joe's polling.  The cost of living is up, wages are down, and personal savings are evaporating.  An NBC poll found that 71 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong path — and they know who the trail boss is.  So Joe's numbers are down.  Pew Research reports that his approval has fallen to 37 percent.  Unless Joe finds a way to spend us out of economic collapse, or buys a Men in Black neuralyzer to wipe the last three years of our memory, public opinion is not likely to improve much.

Then there are the congressional investigations.  The Dems should have watched a few of those forensic crime shows.  Apparently, they didn't know that moving money around leaves an audit trail.  But the Republicans knew it, and they're using their shiny new subpoena powers to follow it.  And if bank records aren't enough, it turns out there are still a few ethical people working in government.  The whistleblowers are coming forward.  They may have been able to stomach a bit of Washington's shenanigans, but what they're seeing now is causing too much nausea to bear.  They're letting the House investigators know where to send the subpoenas.  The money for influence scandal is growing by the day.

As my grandmother would say, the Dems are in a pickle.  Panic is beginning to set in.  They're looking forward to 2024 with no successes, inadequate money, voter pessimism, and a candidate who can't walk across a stage without falling or shaking hands with Harvey the invisible rabbit.

Three years into the mess they created, the Dems are coming to the realization that they didn't hitch their wagon to a weak horse; they hitched it to a dying horse.  They need to do something — fast.  They need Joe off the 2024 ticket.

For that reason, the Biden corruption news blackout has been lifted — but they forgot to copy Karine Jean-Pierre on the memo.  Last week, she entered the White House briefing room for her daily therapy session with her fawning propaganda ministry.  But she was shocked to be asked actual journalistic questions — proving that reporters know how to be journalists but just mostly choose not to be.

They peppered the press secretary for four whole minutes with questions about her boss's involvement in selling influence to the Chinese — otherwise known as soliciting bribes.  It would have lasted longer, but she left — presumably to check her inbox for that missing memo.

Jean-Pierre's face said it all.  There's Biden blood in the water, the sharks are circling, and whoever is calling the shots has cleared them for a meal.

The Nixon gambit is coming.  The Dems plan to tenderize Joe for a few months with the realization that his life's dream, to be America's first emperor, is over.  Then a somber contingent of party elders (which is all they've got) will make a trek to the White House to explain the political realities to Joe Biden.  They'll help him see that it would be heroic and selfless for him to bow out of the 2024 race — for the good of his beloved Democrat party.

But they will have fundamentally misjudged the situation and the man.  Does beating the odds in the midterm election make Joe more or less likely to step down?  He thinks he's a winner, because they've told him so.

Then there's also the matter of Joe Biden's character.  Joe Biden is no Richard Nixon — and I don't mean that in the good way.  He isn't going to do anything for the good of the party or the nation, because Joe doesn't love anything but Joe.  He has never done anything to selflessly benefit anyone whose last name isn't Biden.  He hasn't even acknowledged his youngest granddaughter, because she's not a Biden — at least not in name.

The monster that the Democrats created has a say in this matter of stepping down.  The way Biden snaps at reporters and citizens shows that he is emotionally stunted.  He never learned self-control.  Is calling a voter, whose vote he needs, a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" an act of maturity?  He's a man-child who has been coddled by the sycophants who maintain a protective perimeter around him, for his entire 50-year career.

If you give a child unlimited power, no moral compass, and then tell him he has to share his toys, how would you expect him to react?  He's not going to make a selfless act in service to others.  He's going to throw a tantrum.

The Dems may be thinking they can use Joe's son to ease him aside.  Use the same strategy that they used against Michael Flynn — threaten his son with more legal jeopardy if he doesn't step aside.  But Joe Biden is no Michael Flynn, either — and I still don't mean it in a good way.  This strategy depends on Joe actually caring about the welfare of his son, Hunter.  That would be the son whom Joe used to facilitate criminal activity for decades, because he loves him so much (snark intended).

Rather than stepping aside, it's more likely that Joe Biden will give the party elders a good scolding, threaten them with a few F16s for "working against the government," and send them back to Capitol hill with their tails tucked properly between their legs.

That's when the Dems will realize that the only way to keep Joe off of the 2024 ticket is to get him out of office before their convention.  That would require them to do the unthinkable: work with Republicans to impeach Biden, clearing the field for "Kackles" Harris.

Whatever they do, the Dems need to work fast.  We're quickly moving back into the presidential campaign season — which starts earlier with every election.  The longer they let this drag out, the more of their precious donor money Joe will waste.  They are finding themselves between the rock of political reality and the hard place of a stubborn old fool who has never learned any limitations.  Their panic will turn into depression any minute now — and I have no sympathy.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker and American Free News Network.  He can be reached at

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Peter Schweizer: Investigations Detonate Two Bombs Under Joe Biden

The discovery of a secret Joe Biden cell phone paid for by Hunter Biden’s Communist China-connected business — and new confirmation that Joe is indeed “the big guy” designated for a piece of Hunter’s shady overseas profits — are developments that may imperil the Biden presidency, Peter Schweizer says in the latest episode of The Drill Down podcast.

Schweizer, whose Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has been breaking news on Biden family corruption since 2018, says his organization’s examination of Hunter’s infamous laptop uncovered the existence of the mysterious AT&T cell phone. The phone, which his father used from 2009 onward while he was President Barack Obama’s vice president, was paid for by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca business. Congressional committees investigating the Biden family businesses have signaled they may subpoena the records of that private, unsecured phone if they haven’t already done so.

“Why is the phone meaningful, and why do you think that will mean moving forward?” co-host Eric Eggers asks Schweizer.

“Hunter was complaining about the fact that he was paying for his father’s phone bill,” Schweizer confirms. “In fact, it was Rosemont Seneca Partners, his firm, that — beginning in 2009, when Joe Biden became Vice President of the United States — started paying for a special phone line for Joe Biden.” The AT&T billing, Schweizer says, “will indicate who Biden was talking to on that back channel.”

“And here’s the key thing: the White House can’t claim executive privilege, this was not a government phone. This isn’t Joe Biden’s personal phone, because it was being paid for by Hunter’s business!”

The second bombshell was buried in the redacted transcript of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who confirms on page 120 of his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee that “the big guy” referenced in Hunter Biden’s business emails as “10 held by H for the big guy” is indeed now-President Joe Biden.

The reference was contained in an email thread between Hunter Biden and his business partners over the percentage stakes for each of them to be had from a deal they were negotiating with CEFC China Energy, a multibillion-dollar Chinese conglomerate founded by Ye Jianming, a Chinese Communist Party-linked business tycoon who has since disappeared in China but with whom Hunter Biden had attempted to work out numerous deals.

These two things are crucial, Schweizer said on his podcast, The Drill Down, because they show that Joe Biden was a beneficiary of his son’s deal-making with Chinese Communist Party-connected businesses, and that the committees will likely scrutinize the calls made to and from that cellphone.

During the podcast, Schweizer and co-host Eric Eggers noted that even the mainstream press is jumping onto the story after Hunter Biden’s plea deal was made public last week, perhaps signaling that the dam is beginning to break.

“My prediction and my belief are that we are going to see the establishment of the Democratic Party begin to turn on Joe Biden, recognizing that because of his age, but also because of these scandals, he does not have the capacity to win in 2024,” Schweizer said.

Whistleblower No. 2: Hunter Biden Willfully Evaded Millions in Taxes Through Elaborate Tax Scheme

Family members gather for a road naming ceremony with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, centre, his son Hunter Biden, left, and his sister Valerie Biden Owens, right, joined by other family members during a ceremony to name a national road after his late son Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III, in …
Visar Kryeziu/AP

Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty last week to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes on time, but according to the second whistleblower whose testimony was also released last week by the House Ways and Means Committee, he also willfully evaded paying millions in taxes in an elaborate tax scheme.

According to the second whistleblower — the lead IRS case agent for the Hunter Biden investigation whose name is redacted — Hunter Biden set up a scheme involving a Ukrainian natural gas company he sat on the board of and a Chinese business associate to willfully evade paying taxes.


Hunter Biden during the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn on April 18, 2022. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

The whistleblower said Hunter Biden had already owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes long before his father became vice president. In 2014, when the Joe Biden was in his second term as vice president in charge of Ukraine policy and when Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, put Hunter on its board of directors, Burisma paid Biden $666,667 to do little or no work.

According to the whistleblower, Hunter Biden received the money from Burisma, and instead of reporting it as income and paying taxes on it, he put that money into a Chinese firm run by one of Hunter Biden’s associates, who then “loaned” the money to Hunter Biden.

RELATED VIDEO — White House Press Corps WRECKS Karine Jean-Pierre for Refusal to Address Hunter Biden Bombshell:

The White House / YouTube
0 seconds of 3 minutes, 55 secondsVolume 90%

The whistleblower testified:

So [Hunter Biden] sets this out in this email and what ends up happening is — so imagine this. If you are an owner of a company and your friend tells you that, I want to pay my wages to your company and you’re going to loan the money back to me, that’s essentially what happened here. He took loans from that corporation — which were distributions. And he didn’t pay taxes on those loans.

So essentially for 2014, we had found that Hunter didn’t report any of the money he earned from Burisma. So the reason why this is important is because Hunter set it up this way, to not — to essentially earn the money through his friend’s corporation and then have his friend pay him back half of the money as loans, quote, unquote, loans. …

The whistleblower continued, “None of it was taxed. … So none of this has been paid or prosecuted. And I would also like to note that the statute has run out on these tax years or on the 2014 tax year.”

The whistleblower said the Justice Department believed Biden’s defense that the money was a loan.

“You can’t loan yourself your own money. It just doesn’t make any sense,” the whistleblower said.

When asked if the transactions seemed to be a “sham,” the whistleblower answered, “So, yes, I would agree that the transactions would — you would want to sham the transactions, yes.”

As the Washington Examiner’s Byron York noted, Biden’s income in 2014 was not part of the misdemeanor charges against him, and the statute of limitations was allowed to expire.

The whistleblower also noted that Hunter Biden’s friend, a wealthy Hollywood celebrity lawyer named Kevin Morris, had paid off the $2.2 million that Hunter Biden owed the IRS for years 2014 through 2019.

The whistleblower said on Hunter Biden’s 2020 tax returns he included a note that he had received financial support from Morris of $1.4 million, which both agreed to treat as a loan with 5% interest to be paid between 2025 and 2027.

“The taxpayer is treating this amount as a loan for tax purposes. The balance of the financial support is treated as a gift. No amount of the support is treated as a reported taxable event on this return,” the note said.

RELATED VIDEO — Biden: Hunter Has “Done Nothing Wrong” and His Situation Impacts My Presidency “By Making Me Feel Proud of Him”:

0 seconds of 19 secondsVolume 90%

Morris would give Hunter Biden approximately $800,000 more, totaling $2.2 million to pay off the taxes he owed.

When asked if that transaction had been investigated, the whistleblower said he did not know since he and the other whistleblower, Gary Shapely, were removed from the investigation by then.

York wrote:

And now the matter has been resolved with two misdemeanor charges. The conclusion is deeply frustrating to IRS agents like [whistleblower #2]. Hunter Biden failed to file returns, failed to pay his taxes for several years, and falsely claimed deductions. … The agents’ conclusion is that just because Hunter Biden’s new friend bailed him out — no repayments required until 2025 — does not mean Hunter Biden did not violate the tax laws repeatedly in the 2010s.

“At the end of WB2’s deposition, a Republican lawyer asked this question: ‘If someone meets all the elements for a crime of willful evasion and are found to, in conjunction with that, owe a liability, and they pay off that liability years later when they’ve been caught, has a crime been committed?’ WB2 answered simply: ‘Yes.'” York concluded.

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Bombshell revelation: Hunter paid for secret $300/month 'global phone' used by VP Biden while in office

Shades of Hillary Clinton's "home brew" email server!  Ace sleuth Peter Schweizer, who has an impeccable record digging up revelations of the Biden crime family's misdeeds, revealed to Maria Bartiromo's outstanding Sunday morning series, Sunday Morning Futures, that Hunter Biden had been paying for an expensive telephone used by his father, the then–vice president, that could call anywhere on Earth.  It would be very surprising, indeed, if this phone were equipped with the scrambling devices normally employed to protect secret conversations of U.S. officials, especially when dealing with overseas parties.  Were any secrets compromised this way?

Here's the transcript of what he told Maria Bartiromo, followed by the Grabien video:

BARTIROMO: "Look, you both have broken so much news on this story. Peter, you broke a lot of this years ago, about the Biden family influence peddling, and you've got new information this morning, breaking news on a cell phone that Joe Biden was using. Tell us about that."

SCHWEIZER: "Yeah. I mean, it's interesting, what is the line of communications between Hunter Biden and his business partners and Joe Biden when he's vice president of the United States? It's not the government phone, it's not Joe Biden's personal phone. We know from the laptop that Hunter Biden's business paid for a private phone line that Joe Biden used while he was vice president. It was from AT&T, it was $300 a month, it was a global phone where you could access somebody anywhere around the world. We shared that phone number and that account information with people at the House Oversight Committee. My hope is that, if they haven't already, they will subpoena those records because I think it will give an indication on how tight the communication was. And that may be the phone, for example, that the Ukrainian, the Burisma executive might have used in this allegation that the he talked to Joe Biden and recorded conversations. I would just say one other thing, Maria, as it relates to that sort of shakedown phone call with Henry Zhao that we alluded to, Henry Zhao in 2015 had already sent $5 million to the Bidens. He was the head of a Harvest Investment firm. And what's interesting is, in the correspondence there, Hunter Biden again talks to Zhao in the context of 'This is a deal that's important to my family,' involving his father. Let's also keep in mind we fixate on the criminal element of this, we also have to focus on the espionage element of this. Henry Zhao paid $5 million to Hunter Biden from an account that was part of a company that he co-owned with the family of the minister of state security of China, who's in charge of the entire spy apparatus. And you see that in every deal that Hunter Biden did in China, these individuals that are sending him money have ties to Chinese intelligence."

BARTIROMO: "Unbelievable. We have to take a quick break and then talk more about that and the 17 recordings that the Burisma executive has."

Photo credit: Graben video screen grab.

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