Thursday, August 31, 2023

CALIFORNIA'S HOUSING CRISIS - Gavin Newsom Blames Federal Judges for Homelessness; Many Are Democrat Appointees



The Tired and Poor Are Already Here


By Paulette Varghese Altmaier

What does it say about our leaders, and our nation, that a closed fist for struggling Americans and an open hand for those who break our immigration laws is a winning political strategy?

Another core truth that we immigrants have reason to understand better than most is that this nation of immigrants cannot absorb all who wish to gain entry -- 150 million people, by Gallup’s recent analysis.


California Population Declined in 2020 as Thousands Fled Newsom-Boudin Axis of Terror

Andrew Stiles 

California's population fell by more than 182,000 in 2020, the state's first yearly population decline in recorded history, as thousands of residents fled the Democratic-controlled state. (MORE BELOW)

Gavin Newsom Blames Federal Judges for Homelessness; Many Are Democrat Appointees

Gavin Newsom points (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times via Getty)
Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times via Getty

California Gov. Gavin Newsom blamed federal judges for refusing to let state and local governments clear homeless encampments from the streets — but many of the judges involved are liberals, or Democratic Party appointees.

Newsom took to Twitter on Tuesday to support entrepreneur Elon Musk, who called for a boycott of the Latham & Watkins law firm that is representing a non-profit organization that is suing the City of San Francisco on behalf of homeless people. Newsom even agreed that California had spent billions on homelessness with little progress to show for it. But he blamed “federal courts,” not the law firm, saying that the courts “must be held accountable.”

The flaw in Newsom’s argument — leaving aside from the broadside attack on the judiciary — is that many of the federal judges involved in lawsuits restraining California’s cities from acting on homelessness are liberals, like him.

In San Francisco, the city was blocked from clearing homeless camps last December by U.S. Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu. She was appointed in 2010 by judges in the Northern District of California during President Barack Obama’s push to hire more women and minorities.

The appeal to Ryu’s ruling is being heard by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that includes one Donald Trump appointee — and two Joe Biden appointees.

In Los Angeles, the partisan allegiance of the federal court presiding over key litigation is even more stark. U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, made a sweeping ruling in 2012 ordering the city and the county to provide housing for homeless people. His decision was overturned by the Ninth Circuit.

Carter he was also publicly and repeatedly cited by the January 6 Committee when he stated an opinion that the former president broke the law — an opinion now driving criminal prosecutions of Trump at the state and federal level. CNN has also noted that Judge Carter once ran, unsuccessfully, for Congress as a Democrat in California.

So when Gov. Newsom takes a stand against federal judges who are ruling against local efforts to clear homeless encampments from his state, he is railing against liberal jurists whom he and his party are responsible for elevating.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


Just before Christmas last year, Jill Biden figuratively stepped over the huddled masses of homeless on the streets of America, and  headed across the border for a high-profile campaign photo-op.  Her destination was a camp for migrants who had entered the US illegally and were awaiting adjudication of their cases in Mexico. 


The Tired and Poor Are Already Here


By Paulette Varghese Altmaier


Just before Christmas last year, Jill Biden figuratively stepped over the huddled masses of homeless on the streets of America, and headed across the border for a high-profile campaign photo-op.  Her destination was a camp for migrants who had entered the US illegally and were awaiting adjudication of their cases in Mexico.

Twelve thousand children are homeless here in California, and our homeless population has risen to 151,000.  Last year, California was single-handedly responsible for the national increase in homelessness. 


Homeless camp on a street in front of a school in Los Angeles (YouTube screen grab)

Adjusted for cost of living, Census Bureau data show that California is also by far the highest-poverty state in the nation.

But it was not to the tired and poor in California that the Biden campaign sent its emissary for a high-profile Christmas-season media event.

As a private citizen, Jill Biden unquestionably has the right to choose the beneficiaries of her charity.  But this was no private outing, this was a campaign event.  Clearly, the Biden campaign had calculated that bypassing America’s needy in favor of a Lady Bountiful appearance across the border would be a winning campaign strategy.

In the same vein, California’s legislature recently imposed a state penalty on residents who cannot afford the Affordable Care Act’s sky-high premiums, while approving free health care for young adult immigrants who lack legal status.  My home county of Santa Clara has set aside millions for legal services for unauthorized immigrants, while the homeless shiver under our freeway underpasses, and food banks send out pleas for donations.

What does it say about our leaders, and our nation, that a closed fist for struggling Americans and an open hand for those who break our immigration laws is a winning political strategy?

In the four decades since I immigrated to the US from India, I have often observed that we immigrants think more deeply about the meaning of citizenship than our native-born peers.  This is not surprising - we are here by conscious choice, not by chance.  As part of our oath of citizenship we explicitly renounce “all allegiance” to the land of our birth and enter into community with a new people and a new nation.  When we take that oath, we recognize that we are entering into a solemn compact of duty and loyalty to America’s Constitution and laws, as well as to the well-being of the American people, with whom we are now joined in nationhood.

Civil rights leader and Texas Democrat Barbara Jordan eloquently expressed this ethos:  “A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good… a spirit of harmony will survive in America only if each of us remembers that we share a common destiny.”

This has never been a partisan position.  It should not be one now.

Another core truth that we immigrants have reason to understand better than most is that this nation of immigrants cannot absorb all who wish to gain entry -- 150 million people, by Gallup’s recent analysis.  That being the case, our adopted country has a clear moral responsibility to put the well-being of its own citizens front and center when deciding who should be admitted, and the indisputable right to ensure that admittance is in accordance with its laws.

This, too, has never previously been partisan or controversial.   Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were both forthright about the importance of an immigration policy grounded in adherence to the law.  Yet today, presidential candidates are engaged in a bidding war for votes by promising de facto uncontrolled admission to  the US, coupled with commitments to extensive government services for those who enter illegally.

Given the chaos at our southern border, and the enormous number of visa overstays, a serious review of immigration policy and enforcement is clearly required.  Unfortunately, what we are getting instead is divisive demagoguery about nativism and xenophobia, and a menu of false choices with heavily loaded framing: inclusive vs exclusive, pro-immigrant vs anti-immigrant, welcoming vs unwelcoming.

But as the Biden vignette illustrates, this rhetoric skirts the core moral question: do we “welcome” and “include” struggling Americans, and make their advancement and well-being our first concern, or do we callously pass them over in favor of unauthorized immigrants, who are in direct competition with Americans for already inadequate resources?  At the national level, services for unauthorized immigrants impose a net fiscal burden of over $50B on taxpayers.

The moral problem does not end with government services.  There is strikingly little attention paid to the inconvenient truth that uncontrolled entry of low-skill immigrants most impacts the wages of the poorest working Americans.  As Harvard’s George Borjas has shown, unauthorized immigration reduces the wages of American workers by more than $100 billion a year.  The poorest American workers, and those with the least education, are the most affected.

Tellingly, American immigrants and minorities hold views that are sharply at variance with those of their self-appointed spokespeople. Immigrants in Maryland strongly opposed state sanctuary policies.   Zogby’s survey found that Hispanics and blacks overwhelmingly feel that there are plenty of Americans available to fill unskilled jobs.  They are also strongly in favor of immigration enforcement.  That is unsurprising -- they are directly impacted by the negative consequences of large-scale unauthorized immigration, unlike elite progressives living in gated communities and doorman apartments.

When trouble strikes Americans abroad, our nation comes together as a community, and exerts extraordinary efforts to bring our citizens home to safety.  With the Wuhan epidemic and quarantine making headlines, we read that the US government has evacuated Americans from the affected areas by special charter.  We cheer the sustained high-level efforts by the State Department that have successfully brought Americans home from North Korea, Iran, and other trouble spots.

We can and should harness the same spirit of national solidarity, national community and national priority to address the needs of Americans here at home.  America’s workers, as well as its tired and poor, deserve no less.

Paulette was a senior tech executive responsible for billion-dollar high-tech businesses in leading Silicon Valley companies. She immigrated to the US from India in 1978.  Linkedin

Exclusive—Victor Davis Hanson: California Is a Confederate Society with ‘Sick Fixation’ on Race

Matt Perdie

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 1 secondVolume 90%


27 Dec 202125


California is a neo-Confederate state with a “sick fixation” on ethnicity and race, historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson said in an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.

California’s hemorrhaging of residents to states with more freedom and prosperity is exacerbating the state’s social stratification in terms of wealth, Hanson stated. He said the state’s volume of illegal aliens further amplifies the wealth divide.

“The middle class has left,” he said. “About ten million people left California in the last 40 years, and we know where they went. They went to Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Florida, Tennessee. We have half of all the undocumented illegal aliens in the country. Twenty-seven percent of Californians were not born in United States, whether they’re legally [here], or residents, or citizens.”

Hanson characterized California’s polarization based on wealth as resembling the Antebellum South’s racial segregation.

“That is the nexus: great wealth, great poverty. But the way I look at it is — they would not want to hear this — but just think of the old Confederacy or the Antebellum South — one party, Democratic — this is a one-party state. They had Big Cotton. We have Big Tech. Big Tech runs the whole state, just like Big Cotton [ran the Antebellum South].”

He continued, “The Old South, we had the plantationist class. [Today], these are the people that live in Woodside or Berkeley Hills or Palo Alto, then you had everybody else: black slaves, and you had the poor, what they called ‘white trash.'” There was no middle class. When I go to Stanford, I see all these wealthy kids there, and then I go along El Camino, everybody’s living in a trailer.”

“I go to the Apple or Google or Facebook campuses, and people are living in the streets that work there,” he added.

Contemporary racial agitation pushed by Big Tech’s management and the broader left is reminiscent of racial segregation in the Old South, Hanson said. He noted how today’s left-wing fetishization and commodification of imaginary victimhood based on ethnicity and race resemble the focus on racial designations within the Confederate States of America.

He remarked, “The other thing about the Old Confederacy, they were obsessed with race, and it was the one-drop rule. Everybody was trying to figure out, when a baby was born, what the precise percentages [were], and then they were a ranked society. When I get my email in the morning, it’s all about one thing: race — race, race, race, race, race. I turn on the television: ‘white privilege.'”

“Can Elizabeth Warren pass as a minority? Can Ward Churchill pass? Rachel Dolezal? It’s like African Americans in the South trying to pass as white people.”

He concluded, “It’s just a sick fixation on our superficial appearance. It’s a very Confederate society, California. It’s medieval, feudal. There is no middle class anymore.”

Hanson is the author of The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America.






California is Leaving

No children, no middle class, and no future.

Mon May 10, 2021 

Daniel Greenfield




Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

For the first time in its history, California lost a House seat. California Democrats are resorting to conspiracy theories about President Trump and the census, but these are the numbers they got after spending $187 million on outreach and after rigging the census to make sure illegal aliens would continue to participate. And those are far better numbers than California deserves.

The decline and fall is not a surprising development out here where moving trucks are a frequent sight and everyone knows a family that is moving.

I know three of them in under two years.

The population numbers only tell part of the story of a big state that is rapidly losing its future.

California’s fastest growing population is senior citizens. By 2030, every 1 in 3 Californians will be over the age of 50. The over 60 population will increase by 166 percent by 2060 going from 5.5 million to 13.5 million. Hotel California is rapidly becoming a retirement community.

By 2030, California will have a higher percentage elderly population than Florida.

In 1970, the median age of Californians was 27 years old. Jerry Brown became the state's youngest governor of the century. When he next ran for office, he became its oldest governor at the age of 72. California’s median age is now 38. And it’s only headed north from there.

By 2050, a third of LA will be over 65 and by 2060, the median age in LA will be 48.

California’s elderly population is increasing faster than any other age group. While the young population will remain flat, the middle aged population will only increase by a fifth, even as the elderly population more than doubles. These numbers paint a portrait of a state with no growth.

The state’s birth rate fell 10% just last year. A one month comparison actually showed a drop of 23%. While the pandemic suppressed birth rates, the numbers had been dropping in California long before anyone had ever heard of Wuhan. Two years ago it hit the lowest level in a century down to half of the state’s 1990 birth rate. In the last decade, California’s birth rate dropped twice as much as the national average defying its own demographic destiny.

The news is much worse than these numbers make it look.

States with a large older population are often more conservative, but that’s less likely to happen to California. The fastest growth among its older population isn’t among white people, but the large Hispanic population that fundamentally altered the state’s demographics and politics.

A generation of cheap labor is coming of age. Its members are a lot less likely to leave the state than white seniors. As a Calmatters fellow noted, “older Californians are actually more likely to be immigrants than younger Californians”. They’re also more likely to be lower income.

These estimates are just projections of the future. They show trend lines rather than the escalating consequences of a state that is becoming increasingly unlivable.

California’s golden years were fueled by new industries and cheap land. The land isn’t cheap and the industries are pricing themselves out of the youth population they used to attract. Millennials have been moving out of New York and California in large numbers, and heading to Texas, Nevada, and Arizona. Industries will be forced to follow their potential workforce.

Big Tech monopolies will still maintain their Bay Area enclaves for now, but older and more traditional tech firms are heading to Texas. Sleeping six to a room in a decrepit building converted into a dorm may be part of the price of admission in start-up culture, but even much of the tech industry is opting out of the hellscape of the talent rat race.

This exodus probably won’t have good political consequences for either California or Texas.

The middle class provides political and economic stability and it’s vanishing from the state at rapid rates. What’s replacing it is an itinerant hipster class drawn to Big Tech and the entertainment industry, driven by radical politics, but with no commitment to the state.

This same hipster class wrecked New York City, before abandoning it in droves, and is busy wrecking its hubs in Portland and Seattle. Not to mention any other cities where it got a foothold.

It’s why California’s birth rate has declined twice as fast as the rest of the country.

California swapped a settled and more conservative population for a more itinerant population of millennial hipsters and immigrant laborers. The state lost its future even as the gross population numbers still looked good because there were still people even if they were becoming less likely to have children, buy homes, or do any of the things that a settled population actually does.

The short term fix looked good on the census, it looked good economically, but it had no future, and the state is slowly coming off the high and coming face to face with a bleak future.

California’s doom loop of radicals wrecking its cities and the state, enabled by the cheap labor imported to cater to their whims, is just getting started. As conservatives and the middle class flee the state, it becomes even more of a playground for urban elites, trashing rural counties, enabling crime, social dysfunction, and economic ruin that they expect to be immune from either because they’re walled off, expect to move on, or not to be alive when the social bill comes due.

Jerry Brown’s old California could outgrow and survive its worst follies, but the new California isn’t actually growing and is running out of the future it’s burning through at a rapid rate.

California Democrats are complaining that population growth has slowed because of President Trump’s immigration enforcement. But that hasn’t stopped immigrants from heading to other states. Their real problem is that younger immigrants and migrants are less interested in California because its economic potential and opportunities are running out like everything else.

The cost of living relative to the economic rewards are unappealing even to many illegal aliens. Those who do come are more likely to have plans for more profitable work in organized crime.

Meanwhile, poll numbers show that California Latinos have been turning on Governor Newsom over the lockdowns. The state’s new working class is on a collision course with the Democrats, and the Democrats are getting nervous because without constant migrant churn, new immigrants supplementing and displacing the old, their political hegemony might come apart.

The coalition between cheap labor and radical Democrats worked as long as there was work to go around. As California’s social stability collapses, its economic growth will go with it.

A reckoning is coming and a lost House seat is the least of it.

A scam works as long as everyone involved thinks they have something to gain. It falls apart when they wake up and realize that the Nigerian prince will never write them that check.

California Democrats have been writing checks post dated to the future. But there’s no future and the demographic checks are starting to bounce.

"My own belief is that California has a unique place on the planet. It's been a place of dreams,” a younger Jerry Brown would rhapsodize. But it turns out that California is not such a unique place after all. It’s a land of dreams, and dreams are not a good basis for policy. When leftists turn their dreams into reality, they wake up to discover they’re living a nightmare.


Rising crime and homelessness, unaffordable housing costs, exorbitant tax rates, and a botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic are among the factors fueling the effort to oust Newsom, who was busted on several occasions for flouting the state's pandemic-related restrictions on public gatherings.


California's leaders delude themselves about why their state is losing people

By Monica Showalter

The 2020 Census results are a complete embarrassment to California's ruling Democrats.

Despite opening the floodgates to millions of illegal aliens, making the state the home to one out of four foreigners who break into the country without authorization, the state has made substandard gains in population over the last decade. 

The population that the state did gain over the last decade was well below the 7.4% national average, according to the New York Times, and really bad compared to places like number-one Texas.  As a result, the state is losing a congressional seat, for the first time in its 170-year history.  It's happening despite the 6.1% gain because the number of congressional seats is capped at 435.  Any state that gains a seat does so at the expense of another.  Hello, California.

That's a significant reversal, because until now, California's story has always been about growth, with Census data often showing that its population had doubled

Worse still, the population has gone negative, not merely substandard in growth, just in the past year.  Residents are voting with their feet.

According to Breitbart News:

California's population declined by more than 182,000 people last year, marking the first time in the state's history that it has experienced a year-over-year loss.

State officials said Friday that California's population slid 0.46 percent to slightly under 39.5 million people between January 2020 and January 2021, the Associated Press reported.

Yet despite these embarrassing numbers, brought on by one-party leftist rule in California, state officials delude themselves that it's nothing to do with their policies.  Breitbart notes:

State officials chalk off the declining population over the past year to a declining birth rate, reductions in international immigration, and deaths from the coronavirus.

In 2020 alone, 51,000 Californians died from the coronavirus.

Really?  I just went to a farewell party last night in Lake Elsinore, California — a very multi-racial one, where nearly all of the attendees were black and Mexican.  They were homeowners.  Industrious immigrants.  Entrepreneurs.  Cops.  Military people.  The street they were on, in a very pretty, newish neighborhood of McMansions with big yards and swimming pools, was loaded with "For Sale" signs.

My friend, her husband, and their kids were pulling up stakes for South Carolina.  They weren't the only ones planning on going 

Reasons cited?  Not just high housing costs — the party attendees already had their own homes, as Breitbart cited, quoting the former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer, who's now running in California's recall referendum to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom.

They cited a feeling of non-representation in the one-party state run solely by Democrats.  They felt shut out.  They detested the state's ever rising taxes and ever falling services.  They loathed the rising crime and the war on cops.

Probably the biggest reason so many cited for leaving was strong desire not to expose their multi-racial kids to wokester education and Critical Race Theory.  They said they didn't want their kids to grow up to be victims full of hate for others.  They very much liked that red states such as South Carolina and North Carolina and Texas and Florida are full of people who "have manners."

"You can breathe in a place like that," said one. 

All of these things are realities of why Californians are fleeing.  It's not COVID as they claim.  It's not reduced legal immigration, well made up for by illegal immigration now.

It's wokester socialism and the high cost of living.

In South Carolina, my friend said everyone else they were meeting who was buying a home was from someplace else, and most were fleeing the horrors of their own one-party blue states.  Yes, they intended to vote conservative, not liberal, as some areas have been seeing from earlier waves of leavers who made their way to places like Phoenix and Austin.  It suggests that that this intense wave of people fleeing California are more values-motivated.

This ought to be a huge embarrassment to California's ruling Democrats.  They've gotten every last thing they've wanted on the wokester wish list — illegals, goodies for illegals, wokester education, high taxes, greenie policies, rolling blackouts, high electrical bills brought on by greenie mandates, cultural supremacy, falling educational scores, non-stop lockdowns — and people don't want to live in it.  They don't like the socialist paradise, and they're fleeing like Venezuelans. 

Yet amazingly, they delude themselves that none of this is their fault.

As was said by Jack Nicolson in A Few Good Men, "you can't handle the truth."


They're losing huge chunks of their tax base as well as a congressional seat to human flight (they even lost billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk to Texas), yet they still have no intention of trying to find out why.  There's no light on; it's no wake-up call in those quarters.

Seems it's because they are counting on Joe Biden to take from the prospering red states and use them to bail out their socialist failure.  Nobody's thinking of solving this by finding things to do that might just persuade people to stay.  They don't care that people are fleeing.  Yet they're the loudest voices out there talking about "sustainability" and "sustainable growth."  Everyone can see that on the sustainability front, they fail, big time.  Bearing only socialism, they are nothing but revolting leeches. 


California Population Declined in 2020 as Thousands Fled Newsom-Boudin Axis of Terror

Andrew Stiles • May 8, 2021 5:00 am

California's population fell by more than 182,000 in 2020, the state's first yearly population decline in recorded history, as thousands of residents fled the Democratic-controlled state.

The shocking exodus could be an issue for embattled governor Gavin Newsom (D., Calif.), who will face a recall election later this year. Earlier this week, the California secretary of state announced recall proponents had collected enough valid signatures to trigger a gubernatorial recall, the first of its kind in nearly two decades.

Rising crime and homelessness, unaffordable housing costs, exorbitant tax rates, and a botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic are among the factors fueling the effort to oust Newsom, who was busted on several occasions for flouting the state's pandemic-related restrictions on public gatherings.

Residents have been fleeing California on a consistent basis over the last decade. According to a census data analysis, 6.1 million people left California for others states between 2010 and 2020, compared with 4.9 million who moved to California from other states during that same period. Last year's population decline suggests residents are increasingly fed up with the Democratic Party's stranglehold on the state's political system and with elected politicians' inability to address the numerous crises facing the state.

The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, exacerbated California's already out-of-control homelessness crisis. In 2019, California accounted for 12 percent of the nation's population overall and 25 percent of the nation's homeless population. The problem got even worse in 2020, when California's homeless population rose by 7 percent statewide, 13 percent in Los Angeles County, and as much as 25 percent in San Francisco.

California's largest cities have also experienced a surge in anti-Asian hate crimes in the first quarter of 2021, according to a recent study. Racially motivated attacks on Asian Americans increased 80 percent in Los Angeles and 140 percent in San Francisco compared with the first quarter of 2020.

Newsom is not the only Democrat in California to come under fire for failed leadership. Chesa Boudin, the radical left-wing district attorney of San Francisco, is facing two separate recall campaigns that have until Aug. 11 to collect the required amount of signatures. Boudin was recently the subject of a 60 Minutes profile that was largely sympathetic to his controversial efforts to reform the criminal justice system by refusing to charge and imprison violent criminals.

Boudin, the son of left-wing terrorists who were convicted for their role in an armed robbery that left two police officers and a security guard dead and several others severely wounded, worked as a translator for Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez before being elected district attorney in 2019.

Boudin's efforts to crack down on law enforcement have not been especially well-received, even in deep blue San Francisco. Several people were killed last year by repeat offenders who might have otherwise been in prison for past criminal acts. They were on the street because Boudin's office declined to file charges in the name of social justice.

In March, the radical district attorney dropped charges against a man who filmed a racially charged assault on an elderly Asian man and later uploaded a video of the violent attack on social media. The man was also suspected of violating his probation related to a battery charge.

Concerned citizens are fleeing the Newsom-Boudin axis of terror for good reasons. Those who stay are left with few viable options. One of them is to make history by electing Caitlyn Jenner the first trans governor in American history.



California's leaders delude themselves about why their state is losing people

By Monica Showalter

The 2020 Census results are a complete embarrassment to California's ruling Democrats.

Despite opening the floodgates to millions of illegal aliens, making the state the home to one out of four foreigners who break into the country without authorization, the state has made substandard gains in population over the last decade. 

The population that the state did gain over the last decade was well below the 7.4% national average, according to the New York Times, and really bad compared to places like number-one Texas.  As a result, the state is losing a congressional seat, for the first time in its 170-year history.  It's happening despite the 6.1% gain because the number of congressional seats is capped at 435.  Any state that gains a seat does so at the expense of another.  Hello, California.

That's a significant reversal, because until now, California's story has always been about growth, with Census data often showing that its population had doubled

Worse still, the population has gone negative, not merely substandard in growth, just in the past year.  Residents are voting with their feet.

According to Breitbart News:

California's population declined by more than 182,000 people last year, marking the first time in the state's history that it has experienced a year-over-year loss.

State officials said Friday that California's population slid 0.46 percent to slightly under 39.5 million people between January 2020 and January 2021, the Associated Press reported.

Yet despite these embarrassing numbers, brought on by one-party leftist rule in California, state officials delude themselves that it's nothing to do with their policies.  Breitbart notes:

State officials chalk off the declining population over the past year to a declining birth rate, reductions in international immigration, and deaths from the coronavirus.

In 2020 alone, 51,000 Californians died from the coronavirus.

Really?  I just went to a farewell party last night in Lake Elsinore, California — a very multi-racial one, where nearly all of the attendees were black and Mexican.  They were homeowners.  Industrious immigrants.  Entrepreneurs.  Cops.  Military people.  The street they were on, in a very pretty, newish neighborhood of McMansions with big yards and swimming pools, was loaded with "For Sale" signs.

My friend, her husband, and their kids were pulling up stakes for South Carolina.  They weren't the only ones planning on going 

Reasons cited?  Not just high housing costs — the party attendees already had their own homes, as Breitbart cited, quoting the former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer, who's now running in California's recall referendum to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom.

They cited a feeling of non-representation in the one-party state run solely by Democrats.  They felt shut out.  They detested the state's ever rising taxes and ever falling services.  They loathed the rising crime and the war on cops.

Probably the biggest reason so many cited for leaving was strong desire not to expose their multi-racial kids to wokester education and Critical Race Theory.  They said they didn't want their kids to grow up to be victims full of hate for others.  They very much liked that red states such as South Carolina and North Carolina and Texas and Florida are full of people who "have manners."

"You can breathe in a place like that," said one. 

All of these things are realities of why Californians are fleeing.  It's not COVID as they claim.  It's not reduced legal immigration, well made up for by illegal immigration now.

It's wokester socialism and the high cost of living.

In South Carolina, my friend said everyone else they were meeting who was buying a home was from someplace else, and most were fleeing the horrors of their own one-party blue states.  Yes, they intended to vote conservative, not liberal, as some areas have been seeing from earlier waves of leavers who made their way to places like Phoenix and Austin.  It suggests that that this intense wave of people fleeing California are more values-motivated.

This ought to be a huge embarrassment to California's ruling Democrats.  They've gotten every last thing they've wanted on the wokester wish list — illegals, goodies for illegals, wokester education, high taxes, greenie policies, rolling blackouts, high electrical bills brought on by greenie mandates, cultural supremacy, falling educational scores, non-stop lockdowns — and people don't want to live in it.  They don't like the socialist paradise, and they're fleeing like Venezuelans. 

Yet amazingly, they delude themselves that none of this is their fault.

As was said by Jack Nicolson in A Few Good Men, "you can't handle the truth."


They're losing huge chunks of their tax base as well as a congressional seat to human flight (they even lost billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk to Texas), yet they still have no intention of trying to find out why.  There's no light on; it's no wake-up call in those quarters.

Seems it's because they are counting on Joe Biden to take from the prospering red states and use them to bail out their socialist failure.  Nobody's thinking of solving this by finding things to do that might just persuade people to stay.  They don't care that people are fleeing.  Yet they're the loudest voices out there talking about "sustainability" and "sustainable growth."  Everyone can see that on the sustainability front, they fail, big time.  Bearing only socialism, they are nothing but revolting leeches. 




Tech Workers Flee San Francisco


Employees of tech companies in San Francisco, California, can’t leave the city fast enough, fleeing for the potential tech hubs of tomorrow such as Austin, Texas, and Miami, Florida. One former San Francisco exec said: “what else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has been fielding inquiries from top executives in the tech world, such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, according to a report by NBC News.

The report added that the mayor has also met with former Google Chairman and Clinton lackey Eric Schmidt, and the chairman of Palantir, Peter Thiel, among others.

“There is absolutely no doubt that a big part of the reason why they are moving is that they feel that there is an inhospitable environment for regulation and taxation,” said Suarez.

Miami is not the only city experiencing this type of migration, as tech employees from San Francisco are fleeing to other states offering them better opportunities as well.

Tech workers living in San Francisco had once believed that the high rent, high taxes, long commute to work, and rude neighbors were worth it if they could live in “the epicenter of a boom that was changing the world,” reported SFGATE.

But now, in the wake of the pandemic, tech workers can’t flee the city fast enough, as spending months working remotely in other towns has shown them that the quality of life can be higher elsewhere.

“Tech workers and their bosses realized they might not need all the perks and after-work schmooze events. But maybe they needed elbow room and a yard for the new puppy. A place to put the Peloton. A top public school,” noted SFGATE.

And so they fled to more affordable places, like Georgia, and states with no income taxes, like Texas and Florida. The report added that the number one choice of relocation for people leaving San Francisco is Austin, Texas.

John Gardner, the founder and CEO of the remote personal training startup Kickoff — who fled San Francisco for Miami Beach — told SFGATE that he can’t help but wonder, “what else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”

As for Mike Rothermel, a designer at Cisco who moved from the Bay Area to Boulder, Colorado, the tech worker said that he and his wife moved into a $1.3 million house that he “only saw on video for 20 minutes.”

“It’s a mansion compared to SF for the same money,” added Rothermel.

Justin Kan, who co-founded Twitch, tweeted to his followers in August last year, asking them where he should move.

“We’re selling our house and moving out of SF. Where should we go and why?” asked Kan.

We're selling our house and moving out of SF. Where should we go and why?

— Justin Kan (@justinkan) August 17, 2020

“Come to Austin with us. Growing tech ecosystem and Texas is the best place to make a stand together for a free society,” responded Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of software company Palantir.

Come to Austin with us. Growing tech ecosystem and Texas is the best place to make a stand together for a free society.

— Joe Lonsdale (@JTLonsdale) August 17, 2020

“You start to feel stupid,” said Sahin Boydas, the founder of a remote-work startup, of living in San Francisco. “I can understand the 1% rich people, the very top investors and entrepreneurs, they can be happy there.”

Boydas and his family ended up moving to Austin, where they were able to buy a five-bedroom home on an acre of land for the same price they were paying for their three-bedroom apartment in Cupertino, California.

‘We’re going to get a cat and a dog,” he said. “We could never do that before.”

Boydas also noted that his bills are lower, too, such as the water bill, trash bill, and the cost of dining out at a restaurant with his family — adding that he didn’t even know that there were no income taxes when he moved.

“I run payroll for myself, and when I saw zero, I called the accountant like there’s an error — there’s no tax line here,” said Boydas. “And they were like, ‘Yeah there’s no tax.'”

The report added that there are currently 33,000 members in a Facebook group called “Leaving California,” as well as 51,000 members in its sister group, “Life After California.” In the groups, people share photos of moving trucks, and links to property listings in new cities.

“When people decide to leave San Francisco, they usually don’t know where they want to go, they just want to go,” said Terry Gilliam, the founder of both Facebook groups.

Bear Kittay, the co-founder Good Money, echoed those sentiments, and even acknowledged that some people may find themselves relocating to “a place that is more conservative.”

“The things that make this city ill are not within my control to change,” said Kittay of San Francisco.

“A lot of people are choosing to go to places where there’s opportunity,” he added. “And maybe it’s a place that is more conservative and there can be an integration of dialogue.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff May Pull Dreamforce Conference from San Francisco over Homelessness, Drugs

Marc Benioff ( Jason Alden/Bloomberg via Getty)
Jason Alden/Bloomberg via Getty

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff said Tuesday that next month’s Dreamforce conference could be the last that he holds in San Francisco because of the growing problems of homelessness and drugs in the city, leading to rampant crime.

Benioff made his threat in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle:

Dreamforce is the city’s biggest convention and will bring 40,000 people to Moscone Center from Sept. 12 to 14.

“If this Dreamforce is impacted by the current situation with homelessness and drug use it may be the last Dreamforce” in the city, Benioff told the Chronicle on Tuesday.

The comments came during an interview about Salesforce’s $1 million donation to a Salvation Army’s program that aids homeless people. Benioff and his company previously poured money to support San Francisco’s 2018 Proposition C tax on major companies that now raises millions of dollars per year for homeless services.

San Francisco is already experiencing an exodus of major retailers, with a flagship Nordstrom location closing in the downtown area this week, due to the “dynamics” of the downtown area. Many other major retail stores have closed, thanks in part to a decline in foot traffic due to the pandemic-era shift to work-from-home, but also due to crime, including mass looting, that has plagued both high-end and low-end retail stores in the center of the city.

Benioff, a former Hillary Clinton donor who said in 2020 that he had abandoned political donations, has also threatened to pull his business out of Republican-run states that have passed socially conservative laws on abortion.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.





Mr. Kennedy calls the issue a “crisis,” and directed blame on companies like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.


EXCLUSIVE: RFK Jr. Proposes 3 Percent Mortgages, Says Corporations Make Housing Crisis Worse

EXCLUSIVE: RFK Jr. Proposes 3 Percent Mortgages, Says Corporations Make Housing Crisis Worse

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. waves to the audience after delivering a foreign policy speech at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., on June 20, 2023 (MORE BELOW)

Democrat-Corporate Alliance: Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back Hochul Plan to Have Americans Bail Out New York for Illegal Immigration

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 31: NY Gov. Kathy Hochul attends a press conference on gun violence prevention and public safety on July 31, 2023 in New York City. Mayor Adams was joined by NY Gov. Kathy Hochul, NY Attorney General Letitia James, and members of local and state …
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

The nation’s biggest banks on Wall Street, investment firms, and pharmaceutical companies are among a number of multinational corporations throwing their support behind a plan from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) that would have American taxpayers bail out the sanctuary state for an illegal immigration influx.

As Breitbart News reported, Hochul unveiled the bailout this week — promising to lobby President Joe Biden for millions, potentially billions, in American taxpayer money that would ensure border crossers and illegal aliens in New York secure jobs, healthcare services, housing vouchers, and free public transit.

“It is past time for President Biden to take action and provide New York with the aid needed to continue managing this ongoing crisis,” Hochul said in an address.

Hochul’s bailout plan is now receiving praise from the corporate lobby, a number of whom are donors to the upstate Democrat.

In a letter from the Partnership for New York City — a coalition of massive multinational corporations — business executives write to Biden that they fully support such a bailout and ask that he consider moving ahead with the plan.

“We write to support the request made by New York Governor Hochul for federal funding for educational, housing, security, and health care services to offset the costs that local and state governments are incurring with limited federal aid,” the executives write.

Most importantly to the corporate lobby, the executives note they want to see the Biden administration release border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States interior with work permits so they can take American jobs and expand the labor market.

Mass immigration is a boon for Wall Street, real estate investors, and corporations as it adds millions of new consumers to the economy, new residents who need housing, and new workers whom employers can hire to keep the price of labor down.

WATCH: Migrants Sleep On Sanctuary New York City Streets

Saul Acevedo
0 seconds of 1 minute, 10 secondsVolume 90%

“… there is a compelling need for expedited processing of asylum applications and work permits for those who meet federal eligibility standards,” the executives continue:

Immigration policies and control of our country’s border are clearly a federal responsibility; state and local governments have no standing in this matter.

There are labor shortages in many U.S. industries, where employers are prepared to offer training and jobs to individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. The business community is also providing in-kind assistance and philanthropic support to organizations that are addressing the immediate needs of this largely destitute population.

Executives who signed the letter represent corporations like Pfizer, Paramount, JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, the WNBA, Citibank, Macy’s, AlleyCorp, Wells Fargo, Blackstone, Etsy, Goldman Sachs, Hearst, Maverick Capital, McGraw Hill, Tapestry Inc., the Georgetown Company, MetLife Inc., the IBM Corporation, LVMH, HSBC Bank USA, Deutsche Bank, Vox Media, and Apollo Global Management, among others.

“… we urge you to take immediate action to better control the border and the process of asylum and provide relief to the cities and states that are bearing the burdens posed by the influx of asylum seekers,” the executives write to Biden.

A number of the executives who signed the letter served as major donors to Hochul’s gubernatorial re-election bid last year against former Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY).

Hochul donors whose companies signed the letter include those linked to Vornado Realty Trust, the Related Companies, Tishman Speyer, the Fisher Brothers, and Standard Industries.

Already, American taxpayers are billed $143 billion annually for costs associated with illegal immigration. This estimate does not include any of the social and economic costs — such as higher housing prices, depleted wages, lost jobs, increased crime, and strained public resources at hospitals and schools.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Biden Admin Blames NY for Not Communicating Better With Illegal Immigrants Who Are Overwhelming City

Alejandro Mayorkas (Getty Images)
August 29, 2023

The Biden administration responded Monday to criticism from New York elected officials over the migrant crisis, citing "structural and operational issues" with the state and city’s response.

Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sent letters to Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City mayor Eric Adams, citing two dozen areas where the city needs to improve its response to the crisis, Politico reported. The letters urged the city to improve data collection and "communications" with migrants in order to facilitate applications for asylum and work authorization.

The letters come the day after an anti-migrant protest in the city turned violent outside the mayor’s official residence.

Hochul and Adams have both criticized the federal government for not doing enough to alleviate the crisis.

At the same time, tensions have risen between Adams and Hochul over the handling of the crisis. Hochul recently criticized Adams, blaming him for the shortage of migrant housing. On Tuesday, Adams hit back, saying Hochul needed to aid the city in processing migrants by having other New York counties share the burden.

recent poll showed that 82 percent of New Yorkers consider the influx of migrants a "serious" problem, with 54 percent saying it is "very serious."


Mr. Kennedy calls the issue a “crisis,” and directed blame on companies like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.


EXCLUSIVE: RFK Jr. Proposes 3 Percent Mortgages, Says Corporations Make Housing Crisis Worse

EXCLUSIVE: RFK Jr. Proposes 3 Percent Mortgages, Says Corporations Make Housing Crisis Worse

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. waves to the audience after delivering a foreign policy speech at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., on June 20, 2023

By Jeff Louderback

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that if elected president, he would create a 3 percent mortgage for Americans guaranteed by the government and funded by the sale of tax-free bonds, and he would work to make it less profitable for large corporations to own single-family homes in the United States.


“If you have a rich uncle who co-signs your mortgage, you will get a lower interest rate because the bank looks at his credit rating. I’m going to give everyone a rich uncle, and his name is Uncle Sam,” Mr. Kennedy said at a recent town hall in Spartanburg, South Carolina.


Mr. Kennedy added that the first 500,000 of those 3 percent mortgages would be reserved for teachers.

ANALYSIS: US Housing Market Facing Many Challenges From High Mortgage Rates to Lack of Supply


ANALYSIS: US Housing Market Facing Many Challenges From High Mortgage Rates to Lack of Supply

Since entering the 2024 presidential race and announcing he would challenge President Joe Biden for the Democrat party nomination, Mr. Kennedy has promoted a platform centered on “healing the divide” and “restoring the middle class.”


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to a crowd at a town hall in Richmond, Va., on Aug. 23., 2023. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to a crowd at a town hall in Richmond, Va., on Aug. 23., 2023. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

He recently traveled around South Carolina talking to voters about his ideas.


“Both President Trump and President Biden are running on platforms that they’ve brought prosperity to this country. But when I travel around South Carolina and other states, I’m not seeing that,” Mr. Kennedy told an audience in Charleston. “I’m seeing people who are living at a level of desperation that I have not seen in this country ever.”


Soaring Costs and Debt

Mr. Kennedy chastised the Biden administration, noting that the country has seen higher food prices, credit card debt, and energy costs, as well as an affordable housing crisis.


“In the last two years, the price of housing has gone from $250,000 average to $400,000. Interest rates have gone up 20 percent, and we don’t need to have that happen,” Mr. Kennedy said. “There are ways that the federal government can help people without driving up the debt.”


Making it easier for Americans to buy single-family homes without competing against institutional investors is a priority, Mr. Kennedy said.


A Wall Street Journal report in 2021 showed that 200 corporations were aggressively buying tens of thousands of single-family houses, including entire neighborhoods, and significantly increasing rental prices.


Pew Charitable Trusts, a nonpartisan research organization based in Philadelphia, reported that investors purchased 24 percent of the single-family homes bought in 2021. In 2022, the number climbed to 28 percent of single-family home purchases, according to the organization.


A MetLife Financial Management study contends that institutional investors could own up to 40 percent of single-family homes by 2030.


“Americans are being shut out of the American dream,” Mr. Kennedy said.


Mr. Kennedy calls the issue a “crisis,” and directed

blame on companies like BlackRock, State Street,

and Vanguard.


A 2017 academic paper published by Cambridge University Press reported that the three firms constitute the largest shareholder in 88 percent of S&P 500 firms.


“And now they have a new target, which is to gain ownership of all the single-family residences in this country. And they are on a trajectory to do that,” Mr. Kennedy told an audience in Greenville, South Carolina.


“Usually, when a company buys a home with a cash offer, there is an LLC with an ambiguous name. It often can be traced back to one of those big companies,” Mr. Kennedy explained.


Mr. Kennedy added that Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, is a World Economic Forum board member.


“The WEF is a billionaire boys club that meets in Davos every year and has a plan, which is New World Order and what they have called the Great Reset,” Mr. Kennedy noted. “Klaus Schwab, who wrote the book on that agenda, says that you will own nothing and you will be happy. They are well on their way to accomplishing that first part.”


Corporate Investments in Ohio

Earlier this year, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) introduced legislation called the “Stop Predatory Investing Act” that would ban federal tax breaks on interest and depreciation for corporations (JOE BIDEN’S CRONY, LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK) that own 50 or more single-family rental homes. If passed, the bill would make it less profitable for large investment companies to buy so many homes.


In Cleveland, Mr. Brown said, institutional investors own 70 percent of homes in one zip code.


The same problem exists in neighborhoods like Cincinnati’s East Price Hill, Mr. Brown remarked.


"In 2021, the last year we have complete data at this point, investors bought 15 percent of homes, and nearly 50 percent of homes in some communities like Price Hill,” Mr. Brown told reporters. “It drives up prices and makes it harder for relatively low-income families. That's where they prey on people."


Another presidential candidate agrees with Mr. Kennedy’s assessment of BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard


Ohio entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who has emerged as one of the main challengers behind former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, wrote on social media that BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard represent “arguably the most powerful cartel in human history.”


"They're the largest shareholders of nearly every major public company (even of each other)," Mr. Ramaswamy posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.


"And they use your own money to foist ESG agendas onto corporate boards—voting for 'racial equity audits' & 'Scope 3 emissions caps' that don't advance your best financial interests. This raises serious fiduciary, antitrust, and conflict-of-interest concerns."


Economic Struggle

Mr. Kennedy, who is scheduled to speak at a town hall in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Aug. 30, criticized Mr. Ramaswamy and the other seven Republicans who were on stage at the party’s first 2024 presidential debate in Milwaukee on Aug. 23.


“The Republican debate last night was out of sync with the mood of the country,” Mr. Kennedy said in a statement, pointing out that the candidates “said nothing about the desperation and hardship working people face in this country. They said nothing about wages, housing costs, food costs, child care costs, and medical costs, or what we can do about it. They said nothing about the systemic corruption that enriches corporations and the elites as swaths of the former middle class fall into poverty.”


“Our nation deserves better than posturing and bickering masquerading as debate. Instead of arguing, we can tap into the swelling popular will to turn this country around,” Mr. Kennedy added.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addresses a crowd during a town hall in Greenville, S.C., on Aug. 21., 2023. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addresses a crowd during a town hall in Greenville, S.C., on Aug. 21., 2023. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

At every stop in South Carolina, Mr. Kennedy said that one of his first priorities as president would be to change the tax code so that “it will be less profitable for large corporations to own single-family homes.”


During his address in Brooklyn, just as he did in South Carolina, Mr. Kennedy is expected to talk about the economic challenges facing American families, and his plan to address those issues.


Curbing credit card debt is another way to help more Americans achieve home ownership and become more financially comfortable.


“Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The average income in this country is $5,000 less than the average cost of living. What that means is people have to make up the difference by putting those expenses on credit cards,” Mr. Kennedy told a crowd in Richmond, Virginia.


“We recently reached a milestone in this country with more than $1 trillion in personal credit card debt,” Mr. Kennedy said, adding that many creditors are charging interest rates of 22 percent and higher. “If it was the mafia, it would be loan sharking and they would go to jail, but for banks and credit card companies, it is considered the cost of doing business.”


Before concluding his remarks about credit card debt, Mr. Kennedy asked the audience a question.


“Who do you think owns many of those

 companies? BlackRock, State Street, and

 Vanguard,” he said. “They are strip mining the

 wealth of the American public, and their political

 clout allows them to do that, which is why I’m

 going to make it less profitable for large

 corporations to own single-family homes.”


San Francisco May Lose Lucrative Tech Conference Because of Drugs and Homelessness, Organizer Says

(Getty Images)
August 30, 2023

San Francisco could lose a massive conference that brings in millions of dollars because of the city's homelessness and rampant drug use.

Marc Benioff, cofounder and CEO of Salesforce, said his company may be hosting its final "Dreamforce" tech conference in San Francisco this year, pointing to attendees' fears about safety in the city. Benioff said he projects the event, which will run from Sept. 12-14, will bring 40,000 people to the city and inject $57 million into the downtown economy.

"If this Dreamforce is impacted by the current situation with homelessness and drug use, it may be the last Dreamforce," Benioff told the San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday. He has told the outlet in previous years that attendees have complained about the situation in San Francisco.

Salesforce has given tens of millions of dollars to fight homelessness and crime, but the city continues to struggle with public safety, an issue that has prompted dozens of businesses to close or relocate.

Homicides in San Francisco have increased nearly 40 percent from 2020 to 2022, and deaths from fentanyl have spiked.

Published under: Crime San Francisco

NYTimes: Immigration Spikes Housing Costs

7AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell


9 Oct 20220


Mass migration has quickly spiked Canadians’ housing prices and rapidly reduced the share of Canadians who can own homes, admits the pro-migration New York Times.

“Basically southern Ontario has become unaffordable” amid a massive inflow of immigrants, real-estate agent Bryan Adlam told the newspaper for an October 8 article, and added:

“I have two clients I have right now whose budget is $500,000 to $600,000, which is not chump change,” he said. “Are they going to be renters for life? Probably. Has owning a home become unattainable for someone on the lower income echelon? I would say, yes.”

The impact was also admitted in a 2021 report by the government-run Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation:

House price surges in Toronto and Vancouver between 2015 and 2019, partly owing to much higher international migration, [and] were the catalyst for significant changes in domestic migration patterns within their respective provinces.

The rising house prices also help push young Canadians out of the major cities, the 2021 report noted:

Since 2015, a greater share of people from nearly every age cohort moved out of Toronto and Vancouver to live in other regions of their respective provinces.

For people 25-44 years old, surging house prices in Toronto and Vancouver led to a greater incidence of “drive until you qualify.” Homeownership had become too expensive in Toronto and Vancouver for many potential first-time buyers in this age group


“Census data released this month showed that the [homeownership] rate fell to 66.5 percent last year from a peak of 69 percent 11 years ago,” the New York Times reported.

The newspaper’s pro-migration editors downplayed the role of immigration, but the reporter repeatedly hinted at the relationship, writing:

HAMILTON, Ontario — Even with a budget of 1 million Canadian dollars, Ritu Choudhary and Nippun Goyal, a newly married couple living in Toronto, discovered that buying a house there would be impossible. The competition inside the city and nearby was so stiff that they had to consider 50 properties, before finally outbidding everyone to pay 995,000 Canadian dollars, or about $730,000.

Canada’s housing costs are already among the highest in the world, driven, in part, by robust real estate markets in its largest cities, like Toronto and Vancouver, that have a global appeal.

On October 7, the Wall Street Journal also admitted migration’s role in pricing ordinary Canadians out of good housing:

Population growth, a shortage of housing stock and low interest rates helped push up house prices in Canada’s biggest centers, prompting would-be buyers to look farther afield and drive up prices in smaller, far-flung communities unaccustomed to housing booms.

The WSJ also quoted a low-wage immigrant — with eight other family members — who are helping to drive up real-estate prices:

Kanishka Noorzai and his wife, his four sons, his parents and his younger sister arrived here in February, from Afghanistan via Albania, and settled in the Waterloo region, an urban center of a half-million people west of Toronto. After a monthslong search that took him to apartments, townhouses and other domiciles, he found a three-bedroom bungalow — at a cost of nearly $3,000 a month for a one-year lease, or “really, really above our budget,” said Mr. Noorzai, 43 years old. He is currently working part time as a security guard but is seeking full-time hours.

“I really was surprised,” he said, “because I did not think it would be that difficult to find a house in Canada. It was a nightmare.”

Noorzai’s group can likely pay for their expensive housing because it includes at least five working-age people who can pool their low wages.

Immigration is also changing the housing markets for Americans as it shifts more wealth from wages to Wall Street.

Wealthy investors are using their immigration-related profits to buy more housing that would otherwise would have put young Americans on a road to middle-class housing wealth, the Washington Post reported October *

ROUND ROCK, Tex. — Adam and Tahnya Gaston arrived in this Austin suburb in June with a toddler, a dog and enough money for a down payment. But within days they scrapped their plans for buying a house, deterred by soaring home prices and rising mortgage rates. Instead, they’re paying $4,000 a month to lease a three-story house in a new development aimed squarely at renters.

It’s one of thousands of “build-to-rent” developments springing up around the country, billed as an attainable route to single-family homes and front yards at a time when homeownership is increasingly out of reach. Developers are expected to add 105,000 homes in such communities this year, and 50 percent more by 2025, according to real estate consulting firm Hunter Housing Economics.

“We fit the demographic of people who, five years ago, would’ve bought a huge house in the suburbs,” Adam Gaston told the Post. “But now prices are crazy, and we’re making different decisions.”

Nearly all corporate-run media outlets in the United States favor migration. So their editors hire pro-migration reporters for the immigration beat. Very few of those immigration reporters want to recognize Americans’ views about migration, or the damaging impact of international migration on Americans’ pocketbooks, housing, and wealth.

But many ordinary business reporters want to follow the money, and they are freer to sketch migration’s economic impact in articles that are not directly about U.S. migration. Their articles tell careful readers about immigration’s impact on housing prices in Canada, or about fights over zoning regulations.

Breitbart News, however, extensively covers the U.S. government’s economic strategy of extraction migration and has covered the impact of migration on housing costs in the United StatesCanadaAustralia, and New Zealand.




New York City Wants $1 Billion to Help Exploit Biden’s Migrants

185Shawn Inglima/New York Daily News/Tribune News Service/STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images


7 Oct 20220


New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams wants $1 billion from other Americans to subsidize the city’s economic strategy of importing penniless immigrants for use by New York’s business leaders.

“We need help — and we need to now,” Democratic Mayor Eric Adams said in a Friday press conference, adding:

Today we’re issuing a clear message — [the] time for aid to New York is now. We need help from the federal government. We ned help from the state of New York. Our city is doing our part and now others must step up and join us …. We need those to come through.

Adams also demanded preferential treatment from legislators nationwide:

We need legislation that will allow these asylum seekers to legally work now, not the six months … We need a coordinated effort to move asylum-seekers to other cities in this country to ensure everyone is doing their part and Congress must pass emergency financial relief for our city and others. Finally, we need a bipartisan effort to deliver long awaited immigration reform.

“We expect to spend at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year on this crisis, all because we have a functional and compassionate system,” he said.


Eric Adams, mayor of New York, speaks to members of the media during a New York State Financial Control Board meeting in New York, on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. (Stephanie Keith/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The demand was $500 million two weeks ago, as officials counted the cost of housing migrants who are being drawn to the free overnight shelters attracted to the jobs and schooling in the so-called “sanctuary city.”

City leaders want more migrants because they help to cut wages, inflate real-estate rents and values and boost profit for local business leaders.

The policy also generates many customers for the city’s welfare, aid, housing, education, and medical agencies. For example, Adams admitted in his speech that the city is providing overnight shelters to 61,000 homeless people each night, and is adding 5,500 migrant children to the overcrowded and failing schools needed by non-wealthy Americans in the city.

The cheap-labor migrants also provide more profits for investors in the city businesses. Without the extra labor, the investors otherwise would be forced to hire unemployed Americans in upstate New York cities, or other states such as New Jersey, Maine, New Hampshire, and West Virginia.

Overall, the Biden migrants being welcomed by Adams allow the city’s Democratic leaders to preserve their high/low economy, where a small number of wealthy landlords and investors keep political power amid a fractured city of divided, diverse, distracted, and poor voters.

Between the 1940s and about 1980, the city’s wage gap was much smaller, in part, because nearly all migrants to the city were outspoken, equality-minded Americans from nearby U.S. states, such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

City leaders hide their post-1990s exploitation of migrants behind the 1950s “Nation of Immigrants” narrative. That elite-imposed narrative repurposes the Statue of Liberty from a celebration of Americans’ constitution into a “Golden Door” invite for foreign economic migrants.


In his speech, Adams repeatedly declared his support for the Democrats’ policy of extracting migrants from poor countries, even as he tried to blame Republican governors for the resulting economic damage to American pocketbooks:

Our right-to-shelter laws, our social services, and our values are being exploited by others for political gain. New Yorkers are angry. I am angry too. We have not asked for this. There was never any agreement to take on the job of supporting thousands of asylum seekers. This responsibility was simply handed to us without warning as buses began showing up. There’s no playbook for this. No precedent.

But despite all this, our city’s response has been nothing short of heroic. From setting up welcome centers, organizing housing, health care, and transportation, New York city agencies and their community partners have done great work in the face of overwhelming need. New Yorkers as always, have responded to this crisis by pulling together as one.

Yet Adams simultaneously denied that the Democrats’ sanctuary city policies have any role in the migrants’ arrival.

“This crisis is not of our own making, but one that will affect everyone in this city now, and in the months ahead,” he insisted, before ending his speech with a contradictory flourish:

Generations from now, there will be many Americans who will trace their stories back to this moment in time. Grandchildren who will recall the day their grandparent arrived here in New York City and found compassion — not cruelty. A place to lay their head, a warm meal, a chance at a better future. Thank you New York, for doing the right thing.

Breitbart News has extensively covered the damage caused to citizens by the establishment’s policy of Extraction Migration.




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