Friday, August 18, 2023




That all changed though with Barack Obama in 2009.  Obama was able to capitalize; the country was at once, both fearful and hopeful.  We were coming off of one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression, and Obama rode in on promises of “change.”

Even though the U.S. was technically on the economic upswing before Obama’s inauguration, he initiated massive spending on a scale not seen outside of wartime; he truly put the entitlement state on steroids.  The national debt is $33 billion today.  At the start of the Clinton administration, it was $12 Billion.  With assistance from his political acolytes, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, eight years of Obama fundamentally altered our country’s checks and balances by evil intent.  Recall that Obama was a card-carrying socialist at one time and an unabashed Alinskyite community organizer who articulated a “fundamentally transform[ed]” America.

A Final Word On Barack Obama

Not just a “bad president.”

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

I can’t improve on an article by Mark Hemingway that appeared in The Federalist, which considers the “celebrity-obsessed would-be billionaire” and salon-Bolshevik, Marxist determinist, who believes that it’s important to get “on the right side of history” (anyone who opposes him is, of course, “on the wrong side of history”), our former President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama liked to use, as if it were his own, a line he took from Martin Luther King, and that MLK himself had lifted, without attribution, from the celebrated abolitionist Rev. Theodore Parker: “The moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.” No, it doesn’t. There was probably more injustice, with more than 150 million victims of war, genocide, and deliberate starvation across the globe, in the twentieth century than at any time before. And while he likes to prate about history, Obama is not himself a student of history. Consider his speech in Cairo, in 2009, in which, to flatter his Muslim audience, he ascribed so many achievements to Islamic civilization, almost all of them originating, in fact, with non-Muslims. More of Mark Hemingway’s examination of “Obama’s Fraudulent Legacy” can be found here: “Obama’s Fraudulent Legacy Is Being Exposed, And It’s On The Wrong Side Of History,” by Mark Hemingway, The Federalist, August 9, 2023:

Barack Obama’s crumbling public image is more Louis Farrakhan, less MLK.

Barack Obama is often hailed as one of the greatest orators in modern politics. While he had undeniable gifts in that department, as someone who attended a number of his speeches in person, I never quite understood all the praise. Setting aside his career-making “red states, blue states” speech at the 2004 Democratic convention — a plea for political moderation he spent his time in office repudiating — the only memorable things Obama said were either campaign pablum such as “hope and change,” or remarks that were unintentionally revealing.

In the latter category, my personal favorite remark was this comment about congressional Republicans from 2013: “We’re going to try to do everything we can to create a permission structure for them to be able to do what’s going to be best for the country,” he said.

“Permission structure” is a phrase that’s been used by marketing executives for many years, and was apparently in common usage at the Obama White House. The idea is “based on an understanding that radically changing a deeply held belief and/or entrenched behavior will often challenge a person’s self-identity and perhaps even leave them feeling humiliated about being wrong. … Permission Structures serve as scaffolding for someone to embrace change that they might otherwise reject.”

While there’s more overlap between politics and marketing than anyone would like to admit, the naked use of jargon that comes from the world of consumer manipulation betrays a remarkably egotistical approach to politics. There was no need to address honorable disagreement to Obama’s policies, which were politically extreme and consistently opposed by voters. The White House just needed to create, with the help of a slavish media, narratives that could help people admit they were wrong and come around to his way of thinking.

Ironically enough, I thought of the “permission structure” remark reading David Samuels’ interview in Tablet with Obama biographer David Garrow, which is shaping up to be perhaps the most discussed piece of journalism of the year. That’s because the entire article is a really effective “permission structure” for a lot of Obama voters and moderates to finally admit he’s an entirely overrated, largely failed president who was far more radical than he ever let on. He’s also obsessed with celebrity and not very loyal to the people who helped him along the way….

In Obama’s ballyhooed first memoir, Dreams of My Father, Samuels summarizes his description of the breakup between Obama and Sheila Miyoshi Jager, one of his serious girlfriends before he married Michelle Obama: “In Dreams, Obama describes a passionate disagreement following a play by African American playwright August Wilson, in which the young protagonist defends his incipient embrace of Black racial consciousness against his girlfriend’s white-identified liberal universalism.”

But Garrow, who started writing his Obama biography well into Obama’s second term as president, tracked down Jager — now a professor at Oberlin with a formidable academic reputation — and asked her about her relationship with Obama. (That the credulous journalistic establishment was totally incurious about digging into Obama’s inconsistent and self-serving life story is a thread running throughout the interview.) According to her, what really happened was this:

In Jager’s telling, the quarrel that ended the couple’s relationship was not about Obama’s self-identification as a Black man. And the impetus was not a play about the American Black experience, but an exhibit at Chicago’s Spertus Institute about the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.

At the time that Obama and Sheila visited the Spertus Institute, Chicago politics was being roiled by a Black mayoral aide named Steve Cokely who, in a series of lectures organized by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, accused Jewish doctors in Chicago of infecting Black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot against African Americans. The episode highlighted a deep rift within the city’s power echelons, with some prominent Black officials supporting Cokely and others calling for his firing.

In Jager’s recollection, what set off the quarrel that precipitated the end of the couple’s relationship was Obama’s stubborn refusal, after seeing the exhibit, and in the swirl of this Cokely affair, to condemn Black racism. While acknowledging that Obama’s embrace of a Black identity had created some degree of distance between the couple, she insisted that what upset her that day was Obama’s inability to condemn Cokely’s comments. It was not Obama’s Blackness that bothered her, but that he would not condemn antisemitism.

While it’s hard to land firmly on one side of a he said/she said account of a romantic break-up, Jager has an outstanding reputation; she’s a professor at Oberlin college. She hasn’t been outspoken about Obama on much of anything, much less publicly critical of him. She doesn’t seem bitter about a relationship that ended decades ago, where Obama asked her to marry him twice and she rejected him.

If Jager is to be believed — and I think she is, as the rest of the Samuels-Garrow interview is full of criticism of episodes where Obama has obviously fictionalized aspects of his memoirs and life story — then this just really puts an exclamation point on the narrative established by this landmark interview. Americans thought they were electing a guy who had tacitly, if not explicitly, said he would fulfill Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, a man who, in Garrow’s considered words, “did not buy into identity politics.” Instead, they got a guy invested in defending Louis Farrakhan’s vision of race in America.

Being a president in the mold of King­­­ would entail evaluating leadership failures as a matter of the content of your character and judgment. Following Farrakhan would entail blaming… well, it seems hard to believe Obama would embrace antisemitic conspiracies, but certainly there’s ample evidence that Obama and his defenders do dodge accountability by blaming a more socially acceptable villain of shadowy cabals of racists and Republicans. (On the other hand, if Obama is hoping for favorable assessments of his famously antagonistic relationship with Israel, he’s not helped by Jager’s anecdote or the fact that he had his kids baptized at a church run by a guy who even Ta-Nehisi Coates admits spews “crude conspiratorial antisemitism.”)

That “guy” is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose church Obama attended for twenty years, where sermons were full of Farrakhan-inflected anti-white sentiments, and Wright himself, after Obama’s election, let loose with a volley of antisemitic sentiments that likely were variations on what Obama had been hearing, intermittently, over two decades.

For those of you who may think this is a little too harsh and/or a Manichean take on Obama’s nuanced worldview, I have good news. The interview is also a springboard to debate Obama’s sexuality. And large portions of the interview are also consumed with discussions of whether Obama is a “celebrity-obsessed would-be billionaire, or … a would-be American Castro, reshaping American society.”…

But it’s been seven years since the guy was in the White House, and the judgment of history is starting to come in. I think we at least have permission to say he was a bad president.

Not just a “bad president.” One of the very worst.

Domestic Enemies of the Constitution and the American People

The tragedy of September 11th defined President George W. Bush’s first term, but it was also an inflection point that defined the American government.  Now, almost 22 years on, our nation still hasn’t recovered from the events of that terrible day, which changed our society and realigned us both politically and culturally, to our great detriment.

Subversive operatives in government took Rahm Emanuel’s famous commandment “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” to heart, and the result? Generally collegial relationships between our Washington representatives gave way to the zero-sum and anti-American political warfare we see today.

The political process is, by design, contentious.  Through this tension, the extremes of governance were supposed to be restrained, leading to gradual change, reliable policies, a degree of bipartisanship, and a predictable market economy.  There were always exceptions to the rule, but 9/11 was different, and it opened the door to profound changes in how we engaged the world and the way we viewed our own.  Unprecedented permanent powers were created to surveil Americans citizens, secret intelligence courts were established and normalized, and America’s role as guarantor of inalienable rights was no more.

The beginning of the rift between the government and its people results directly from massively increased spending and subsequent actions taken to “protect us,” which could also be construed as “control us” — it’s a fine line between “for your safety” and “for your enslavement.”  Politicians and agencies like the FBI exploited their new mandate to “protect and defend” to increase their power and prestige; today, we live with weaponized bureaucracies and two-tiered justice.

The first casualty of any war is truth.  War is more than actual combat; it also includes the political world from which war is born.  Carl von Clausewitz wrote, “War is politics by other means.”

The world as we know it began to unravel when the U.S. engaged in vaguely-defined combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and later in secret conflicts elsewhere.  The War Powers Resolution of 1973 gave the president the ability to unilaterally engage in warfare under certain congressional limitations; but the parameters have been repeatedly deemed ineffective by critics.

We’ve also had a problem defining our national interest for decades.  This gave rise to wars conducted without defined endpoints.  How has this happened?  Once we decide to engage, why are we afraid to openly acknowledge that the point of war is to fight our enemies to destruction?  Why do we not share our reasoning?  (Proxy wars are another layer of the onion and deserve a standalone article.)

Our country has frequently been blessed with great leaders in our high chambers and presidency.  Yes, there are the occasional duds, but the tension built into our system has restrained rapid changes that would upset the proverbial apple cart.

That all changed though with Barack Obama in 2009.  Obama was able to capitalize; the country was at once, both fearful and hopeful.  We were coming off of one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression, and Obama rode in on promises of “change.”

Even though the U.S. was technically on the economic upswing before Obama’s inauguration, he initiated massive spending on a scale not seen outside of wartime; he truly put the entitlement state on steroids.  The national debt is $33 billion today.  At the start of the Clinton administration, it was $12 Billion.  With assistance from his political acolytes, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, eight years of Obama fundamentally altered our country’s checks and balances by evil intent.  Recall that Obama was a card-carrying socialist at one time and an unabashed Alinskyite community organizer who articulated a “fundamentally transform[ed]” America.

To our detriment, he achieved it, and we’re still paying for it through deficit spending, endless wars, and a contentious split between fiscal conservatives and dedicated progressives that want no less than a Marxist-America “utopia.”  With Obama’s legacy of class warfare, many believe that our country’s ongoing destruction bears his fingerprints on the levers of a compromised and incapacitated Joe Biden.

We’ve made a devil’s bargain: a two-party system where both parties rubber stamp out-of-control deficit spending.  We can’t afford it, so we borrow money to cover the gap!

If you argue that taxation was inadequate, review the growth of government since 1965, and you will see an average 17.6% annual increase in revenue.  However, in that same graph, spending has increased at an average rate of 19.8%.  How much is enough?  Whatever is available, the government will spend more.  Deficit spending allows both parties to throw fiscal discipline to the winds.

Democrats demagogue relentlessly about their bleeding hearts.  Yet, after spending trillions of dollars on poverty, homelessness, and all, disenfranchised populations are unchanged or greater in number than before the Great Society Programs were established.  These failures are pushing us to a reckoning with endlessly rising entitlement spending.  Even present-day supporters are forced to equivocate and acknowledge the failures.

Democrats, nay progressives, tell you they hate the “one percent” that steals from the poor; yet AOC preens in a $14,000 dress before fawning followers.  The one-percenters in both houses flaunt their wealth in clothing, jewelry, yachts, personal jets, and lavish trips and homes; they are Marie Antoinette, but without the noblesse oblige.  It’s those like Jesse Jackson, who sent his children to elite private schools instead of Chicago’s infamously broken public schools, which see 85% of children graduate functionally illiterate. It’s the Denver mayor who flies to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving with his family — after urging others to stay home.  It’s the mayor of Austin, TX who jetset to Cabo San Lucas on a private plane.  It’s Gavin Newsom, who dined at a swanky French restaurant with lobbyists, none wearing masks, after force-closing businesses and muzzling Californians with “facial coverings.”  Everything is an illusion in Democrat political theater.

Our collective memories allow us to look back over the past 75 years and discern what is true and what is false.  We can objectively understand what works and what does not.  We are in the middle of a period that will puzzle historians for the next millennia. They will ask how we willingly destroyed the finest economic system ever devised, and they’ll wonder how we traded prosperity for a make-believe world of wokeness, deficit spending, class warfare, and adulation of those who collectively led us off the cliff.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot, Author, Businessman, and Thinker.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

Impeach Biden, Make Democrats Sweat

Let’s set aside the sinister Merrick Garland and the plodding, lying apparatchik Alejandro Mayorkas. They can be impeached another day. Joe Biden needs to be impeached, ASAP. One needn’t qualify that Biden is, “perhaps, the most crooked president in history,” because, hands down, he’s the biggest, dumbest scoundrel to occupy the Oval Office. Bill Clinton isn’t dumb; he’s wily, but runs a close second in the scoundrel department, as does his semi-estranged wife, the nefarious Hillary. As Peter Schweizer explained, Bill and Hill were slicker stashing the cash.

Where is Hillary’s Indictment on the Same Charges as Trump?

The Clinton campaign is actually guilty of the electoral coup Trump was indicted for.

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

On December 12, 2016 (or D12), the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsed a call by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of then House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, as well as other electors to receive an “intelligence briefing” on how “Russian interference was performed to help Donald Trump get elected” from Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Hillary Clinton and her senior campaign officials were aware that they had concocted the lie that the Russians had gotten Trump elected, outsourced it to a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, who produced the infamous Steele dossier, and distributed it through the FBI and were exploiting it to subvert the Electoral College and hijack the presidential election.

The Clinton campaign was endorsing a move to influence members of the Electoral College to set aside their duty and corrupt the electoral votes. Electors are bound to vote in accordance with the ballot count. There was no purpose to a “briefing” on the conspiracy theories that were manufactured by the Clinton campaign except to persuade them to corrupt the vote.

The Wall Street Journal correctly described the move as an “Electoral College Coup”. Pelosi’s daughter and other Democrat electors were requesting “a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.” And they were asking it from Clapper who would go around pushing the Steele dossier and defending its conspiracy theories as based on facts.

Clapper, using similar language to the Democrat electors, would describe Trump as unfit.

The Clinton campaign endorsed this proposed Electoral College coup by claiming that the “electors’ letter raises very grave issues involving our national security. Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed.”

The attempted coup was backed by the Clinton campaign, members of Congress and assorted celebrities from Michael Moore to Martin Sheen. An Atlantic article by anti-Israel activist Peter Beinart contended that “The Electoral College Was Meant to Stop Men Like Trump From Being President”. More seriously, House Democrats made the case for a coup and a power grab.

“I do think the Electoral College should choose someone other than Donald Trump to be president. That will lead to a fascinating legal issue, but I would rather have a legal issue, a complicated legal problem, than to find out the White House was now the Kremlin’s chief ally,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) argued.

The elector coup letter was signed by former Rep. Carol-Shea Porter, future New York State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, D.C. Councilwoman Anita Bonds and backed by many other Democrats. None of them have been treated like Trump’s alternate electors.

The faithless electors coup ultimately collapsed and has been largely forgotten. But the Trump indictment has made it relevant again.

The indictment of the former president by Clinton ally Jack Smith covers the same bases.

Smith has indicted Trump for, in his words, having “spread lies” and then engaging in a conspiracy to “obstruct” the “lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted and certified by the federal government.”

Rather than creating alternate slates of electors, Democrats set out to corrupt existing ones.

The Clinton campaign and Democrats spread lies that they knew were false about the 2016 election because they had invented them. The electoral college coup was an attempt to undermine the proper process by inciting faithless electors to choose Hillary over Trump. All of this was done through fraudulent efforts based on conspiracy theories to “create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger” that could be used to overturn an election.

The Clinton campaign and the Democrats were not just engaging in a “conspiracy against the right to vote” of individuals, but of large groups of people through a campaign to corrupt electors.

All of the ingredients that Jack Smith shaped into his indictment of Trump were there.

Back when the Clinton campaign and the Democrats were perpetrating this coup, no one had seriously given thought to criminalizing it. Dirty electoral politics aren’t actually illegal. If they were, nearly every other president before the 20th century would have been locked up.

Alexander Hamilton had proposed much more radical remedies in the 1800 election. Some elections, like that of 1876 and 1888, were simply stolen through various shenanigans. There’s a line between legal and illegal shenanigans. Voter fraud, for example, is illegal, while slates of alternate electors and faithless electors are an election issue for the courts to decide.

The decision by Jack Smith, following up on the work of the House Democrat J6 committee, to criminalize the disputing of elections is deeply dangerous and it also reopens the issue of Russiagate. Beyond the various illegal acts and abuses committed by the government in the pursuit of Russiagate, the proposed electoral coup and the ways in which the Clinton campaign utilized its fraudulent claims of Russian intervention, ought to trigger similar indictments.

Obviously Jack Smith, a Democrat operative, is not about to indict his former boss. But if Democrats want to criminalize election challenges, they should face the consequences. Especially since if they lose in 2024 they will try some of the same stunts all over again.

A system of double standards in which prosecutions and exonerations are based on political party, rather than the specific acts committed, is worthy only of a corrupt banana republic.

Laws cannot apply to only one political party.

Democrats claim that the exigent threats to democracy entitled them to call for an electoral coup in 2016 and then to criminalize election challenges in 2020 and then perhaps to call for another coup in 2024. But that is how totalitarian regimes and their kangaroo courts function.

In 2016, Christine Pelosi was advocating an electoral college coup, while in 2022 her mother was pushing the J6 committee which criminalized electoral college election challenges.

The corrupt hypocrisy here could not be any more blatant.

Following up on the work of the J6 committee, it may be time for ethical members of Congress to begin exploring the proposed electoral coup in 2016 and the role of House Democrats and the Clinton campaign in this subversion of a vital government function. And then, suddenly, Democrats will discover that electoral coups are actually the ultimate expression of patriotic democracy and that only fascists would attempt to suppress them or to criminalize them.

Because what’s good for the goose ought to be shoved down the craw of the gander.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interactions

The Bidens singing 'Now give me money, (That's what I want)'

Who knew that the Bidens' family mission statement would be based on a Beatles' song?  Yes, get into "a Shindig mood" and sing along with the Bidens:

The best things in life are free

But you can keep them for the birds and bees

Now give me money, (That's what I want)

That's what I want

Based on more news reports, there is no question that the Bidens love money and that's what they want.  Check this out:

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., released a third memo Wednesday about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, producing bank records purporting to show that Hunter Biden and his business associates received millions in payments from Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs when his father was vice president. 

The 19-page memo, which provides screenshots of redacted bank records, says millions in payments came from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, as well as Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina and Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev, and that then-Vice President Biden attended dinners with Baturina, Rakishev and a representative from Burisma.

"Then-Vice President Biden met -- in person, for significant periods of time -- with those individuals or their representatives," the memo states. "Then-Vice President Biden joined approximately 20 phone calls on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates and attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who paid huge sums of money to Hunter Biden. Joe Biden, ‘the brand,’ was the only product the Bidens sold."

Yes, that Biden brand sure got around.  They will soon have MBA courses on brand management and have President Biden offer lectures subsidized by one of Hunter's business associates.  After all, the man sure knows how to promote a brand!

When is the mainstream media going to catch up and start reporting this?  I don't know for sure but keep an eye on a couple of developments:

First, a lot of Democrats would love to see the President move permanently to Delaware and drive that Corvette.  According to a poll, only 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term.  

Second, the migrant crisis may be the straw that breaks the back of the Biden campaign.  The "blue city migrant crisis" is creating a lot of discontent for the mayor of New York City, the governor of Massachusetts, and people in Chicago who are tired of their local resources going for the people arriving in buses.

President Biden will not be seeking reelection in 2024.  He was the guy not named Trump in 2020 and nobody voted for him.  They will vote even less for him in 2024.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

Image: Pexels, Jeff Stapleton

We see that congressional Republicans’ constipation has flared up again. It’s a chronic, though voluntary, distress. Joe Biden (GAMER LAWYER), Merrick Garland (GAMER LAWYER), and Alejandro Mayorkas  (GAMER LAWYER) are begging to be impeached, yet Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other bunged-up House Republicans refuse to extrude

Let’s set aside the sinister Merrick Garland and the plodding, lying apparatchik Alejandro Mayorkas. They can be impeached another day. Joe Biden needs to be impeached, ASAP. One needn’t qualify that Biden is, “perhaps, the most crooked president in history,” because, hands down, he’s the biggest, dumbest scoundrel to occupy the Oval Office. Bill Clinton (GAMER LAWYER) isn’t dumb; he’s wily, but runs a close second in the scoundrel department, as does his semi-estranged wife, the nefarious Hillary (GAMER LAWYER). As Peter Schweizer explained, Bill and Hill were slicker stashing the cash.

Impeach Biden, Make Democrats Sweat

We see that congressional Republicans’ constipation has flared up again. It’s a chronic, though voluntary, distress. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Alejandro Mayorkas are begging to be impeached, yet Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other bunged-up House Republicans refuse to extrude. It’s time to -- well, you know what -- or get off the flippin’ pot. True justice -- unfashionable among most “progressives” -- demands action. And politics -- a dirty word to dainty Republicans -- also demands action.

Let’s set aside the sinister Merrick Garland and the plodding, lying apparatchik Alejandro Mayorkas. They can be impeached another day. Joe Biden needs to be impeached, ASAP. One needn’t qualify that Biden is, “perhaps, the most crooked president in history,” because, hands down, he’s the biggest, dumbest scoundrel to occupy the Oval Office. Bill Clinton isn’t dumb; he’s wily, but runs a close second in the scoundrel department, as does his semi-estranged wife, the nefarious Hillary. As Peter Schweizer explained, Bill and Hill were slicker stashing the cash.

Joe is like a psychopathic crook, practically flaunting his crimes. For decades, he’s exhibited his compulsive lying. It knocked him out of the 1988 Democrat presidential nominating contest. But being an inveterate liar isn’t a disqualifier in politics. It’s only doing it stupidly in ways that harm comrades that busts anyone.

So, a bad mark only waylaid Joe briefly. D.C. gave Joe a second chance.

Barack Obama (GAMER LAWYER), the nation’s black George Washington, picked Joe to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Some wags have suggested that Barack picked Joe because Joe made Barack look good by comparison. But it’s more like a birds of a feather thing. Obama is corrupt in his way. Mark Levin made this keen observation about Barack a few years ago.

Of course, Joe famously bragged about strongarming Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to sack prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma Holdings, which precocious Hunter Biden was a principal. Joe was Barack’s veep when the strongarming occurred.

Jim Jordan and House Republicans are compiling a bookful of evidence linking Joe to influence-peddling, pay-to-play, and whatever other schemes involving Ukraine, China, Russia, and Timbuktu, for all we know. Hunter was merely the doped-up, sexed-out bagman.

Jordan and the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has taken testimony from Devon Archer, Hunter’s onetime business partner and pal. Tucker Carlson interviewed Archer for his “Tucker on Twitter” podcast. The beans are being spilled. Then there are the IRS and FBI whistleblowers. Hunter Biden is the gateway to getting Joe. The conspiracy to get Hunter off the hook to protect Joe isn’t some fluoridated water conspiracy jive. It’s vividly real.

McCarthy has done a lot of bloviating about crooked, ol’ Joe. It amounts to nothing.

CNN gives an insight into McCarthy’s reluctance to lower the boom, July 25:

The House speaker has previously resisted right-wing calls to impeach Biden over concerns that doing so could imperil the party’s slim majority in the House, especially because such a pursuit would go nowhere in a Democratic-led Senate.

House GOP caucus conservatives are pushing for Biden’s impeachment -- or at least some of them are pushing for an inquiry to begin. The real head scratcher is that House Freedom Caucus members have the leverage to force McCarthy into an impeachment inquiry leading to an impeachment. The Republican majority is razor-thin in the House. HFC can grind McCarthy’s agenda to a halt.

But they may share McCarthy’s reluctance. Republicans holding vulnerable seats could lose in 2024 thanks to an impeachment. Moreover, Republicans want to flip House seats in blue states. Justice for Biden likely takes second place to retaining the House GOP majority. That’s how garden variety pols calculate.

Yet it’s a gamble that needs to be taken. It needs to be shown that a president with an abundance of evidence piling up against him is held accountable for his actions. Not only is the GOP’s America First base demanding justice, the nation needs to see that Republicans are striving to do justice and are working to eliminate double standards.

Elites game the system with impunity and get off the hook for their crimes. Crypto king Sam Bankman-Fried recently had campaign finance charges dropped. Reported MarketWatch, “Bankman-Fried donated $46.5 million to the Democrats in 2022, making him the party’s second-largest donor behind George Soros that year.”

Bankman-Fried claims he gave a lot to Republicans to cover his bases. Maybe he did. But it was Biden DoJ prosecutors who moved to drop the contribution charges against Bankman-Fried. The appeal was made to Clinton appointed judge Lewis Kaplan, who, in the last few days, dismissed Trump’s counter-defamation suit against E. Jean Carroll. Could it be that the uniparty doesn’t want any of Bankman-Fried’s money rocks lifted to see what’s underneath?

Biden is dirty in both petty and big ways. Not only has he lined his pockets as the kingpin of his family’s influence-peddling operation, he’s weaponized the government to destroy his chief rival, Donald Trump. The federal indictments, led by DoJ hatchet man Jack Smith, were, are, and always will be persecutions, ginned up to take the heat off Biden, who appears slimier with each passing day, and to deny Trump the presidency.

Trump would have won a legitimate election in 2020. As we know, the Democrat-led multipronged dark campaign just barely denied him reelection. Biden winning in a squeaker was too nerve-wracking, though, for Silicon Valley doyens, NYC money manipulators, and creaking, dirty Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Democrats and their establishment backers don’t want any close calls in 2024. Trump is to be ruined well before those phony mail-in ballots are bundled on pallets and trucked to Democrat-controlled polling places.

Justice and politics demand that Biden be impeached. With the most consequential presidential election looming, House Republicans have an obligation to take the fight to Democrats. A longish impeachment inquiry followed by an impeachment are in order. No sham charges against blathering, ol’ Joe. No stretching the law like taffy to make charges appear semi-plausible. Just fact-based, documented charges of criminal conduct while Biden occupied the second highest office in the land.

Biden won’t be removed from office, of course. There aren’t 67 votes in the Senate to do so. And deteriorating Mitch McConnell, like every other establishment Republican, opposes impeaching Biden, anyway, claiming impeachment needs to be “rare.” One supposes that a vice president selling his office to the Chinese and Russians doesn’t qualify as rare. And one supposes that President Joe isn’t compromised now. Then again, McConnell and the uniparty probably don’t want Biden rocks lifted because theirs may be next.

Let’s add an article of impeachment to Joe’s list of dirty deeds. The U.S.-Mexican border has been obliterated to serve the Democrats’ political and ideological interests. Flooding the country with seven-plus million illegals isn’t a blunder or a result of gross incompetence. It’s part of Democrats’ scheme to transform America into an unrecognizable, vast Third World barrio. Slums and dystopic cities are Democrats’ prowling grounds.

An article directed at Joe’s debauching of the border is likely to win plaudits among independents and some Democrat rank-and-file voters. Regardless, national security and the welfare of the nation compel Republicans to address Joe’s border ploy in an impeachment.

Ultimately, McCarthy and his ilk may discover that a thorough impeachment inquiry and a well-planned and smartly executed prosecution of Joe will be seen favorably by voters, most importantly independents. Plenty of Hispanics have had enough of Joe’s antics, too. Illegals are ruining their communities.

And a shrewdly done impeachment may help Trump return to the presidency, even in the teeth of the election shenanigans to come. RINOs loathe that prospect as much as Democrats. But conservatives must insist. Trump deserves a break. So does America.

J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith. He also blogs occasionally at Flyover. He’s recently returned to Twitter. His Twitter handle is @JRobertSmith1

Image: Ted Eytan

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROScorruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN, GEORGE SOROS RENT BOY, AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


Biden's Criminal Enterprise

In creating a free and open system, the framers of the Constitution recognized that corrupting influence from foreign powers was a real threat. They were particularly concerned about a corruptible American president. In his famous Farewell Address of 1796,  George Washington issued a stern warning against the poisonous influence of foreign governments on the affairs of the new United States of America. He said, "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence... the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."

The Founders were idealists but also realists, and they recognized that people’s private ambitions and thirst for power or money were powerful motivators. They understood that the human condition was flawed, and that goodness of human nature could not be relied upon. So, they set up a system of checks and balances of power in the three branches of the legislative, the executive and the judiciary, and in a federal system of divided power between  states and the federal government. They understood it was necessary to create these competing and redundant structures to guard against abuse of power and corruption. But they went even further.

The Constitution created two other safeguards against corruption in the impeachment powers of Article II, Section 4 and in the emoluments clause in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The latter prohibits any person holding a government office from accepting any present, emolument, office, or title from any foreign state without congressional consent. With these safeguards, the Founders believed they had created a governmental system better than any prior to forestall domestic public vice and the corruption that would come from foreign influence. Still, Washington’s Farewell Address of 1797 framed the issue in ways that are as relevant today as they were 227 years ago, when he wrote:

The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave… to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury… So, likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification.

The standard for impeachment as expressed in the Constitution is conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

President Joe Biden’s questionable activities go back to his first year as Vice President in 2009 and continued  throughout his eight years serving in the two-term Obama administration, punctuated with son Hunter being paid $1 million a year as a board member of  the Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2014. That role continued for more than four years, with a large $10 million dollar payoff from Burisma coming to Hunter and Joe Biden after the latter blackmailed Ukraine by threatening the withholding of $1 billion in U.S. aid unless  prosecutor general Victor Shokin was fired from the corruption investigation of Burisma in March of 2016 -- an investigation that would have exposed fraud, including questionable payments to Hunter Biden.  FBI documents refer to the two $5 million payments to Hunter and Joe Biden as a 'bribe' paid by Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky.

The case for impeaching President Joe Biden goes beyond bribery and emolument high crimes related to Ukraine. In 2014, Hunter Biden introduced his father, then Vice President, to Kazakhstan oligarch Kenes Rakishev at a dinner. Records and testimony obtained by James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee show that at that time of introducing  Rakishev to Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer were working on a deal involving Burisma, on whose board they both served, and a Chinese company that would have been based in Kazakhstan. To facilitate the deal and his relationship with Archer and the Bidens, Rakishev wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca -- a shell company created by Devon and Hunter -- the exact amount needed to fund Hunter's sportscar purchase the next day.

Another mysterious payment to the Bidens came during that same year. Shortly after Joe Biden was introduced to Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina at a dinner meeting in February 2014,  $3.5 million was wired to Rosemont Seneca by Baturina.  

These kinds of payments to the Bidens coming from oligarchs from Ukraine and other countries are way beyond a level where impeachment and removal from office is justified. Also, the means of transferring and distributing funds follows the pattern of international criminal enterprises. The Bidens were involved with the creation of  some twenty shell companies for the purpose of concealing money transfers from foreign nationals and then distributing those transferred funds to as many as nine different Biden family members.

As egregious as all these payments and shell game money transfers were, the scope and scale of Biden deal activities in China crosses a new threshold requiring urgent correction.

China engages in unrestricted warfare against the United States, something that the Founders could hardly fathom. Blackmail was not then a term in wide usage, having first been coined in Scotland in the 17th century. Today blackmail is one of the chief tools in China’s massive elite capture program in the United States, giving them control over many in government in the United States -- with the top elite family in the U.S. being Joe Biden’s family. Preliminary records assembled in 2021 and 2022 by investigative journalists without subpoena power or access to bank records show that the Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to the Biden family. For the Chinese, these payments were and are about control and blackmail, which may explain why Biden more than any other U.S. president has pursued policies that have weakened the United States and helped China.

Bring on impeachment and let the hearings on the Bidens’ involvement in China begin.

Scott Powell is senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and a member of the Committee on the Present Danger-China. His timeless book, Rediscovering America, was #1 new release in history for eight straight weeks ( Reach him at

Image: Josh Hallett

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