Saturday, September 9, 2023

DESTROYING AMERICA - Here Is the List of the Culprits

 How else can one explain the Department of Justice’s indifference to the Biden family's criminal behavior while turning a weak case against former President Trump into a felony-laden Threat to Democracy? 



how many of these clowns are  gamer lawyers?

Burning Man Roast


For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf




Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECES OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.



One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


For one thing, there’s a very sordid background to the story. The family  has a long history of corruption and drug use unhampered by legal prosecution.

SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption



Almost three years later, the media and other Democrats are still burying the story of massive Biden family corruption, no matter how much proof they are shown. 

And they never ceased promoting the biggest lie of all, which is that the Obama administration was scandal-free because no one went to jail.  That's called skating in the real world.



President Barack Obama: During his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. JUDICIAL WATCH



Protecting the Rule of Law

American justice depends on the widespread belief that the blindfolded lady (Themis, the Greek goddess of justice and law) is, indeed, blindfolded and not putting her thumb on the scale. Yes, American justice may not be perfect and historical abuses exist, but Lady Justice has been a blessing. Unfortunately, our faith in her justice is now being shaken.

That Lady Justice has been enlisted in the political fray by the Left to crush opposition is now undeniable. How else can one explain the Department of Justice’s indifference to the Biden family's criminal behavior while turning a weak case against former President Trump into a felony-laden Threat to Democracy? Or harshly punishing January 6th participants as “insurrectionist” while ignoring the far more violent BLM-inspired riots?  And it is relentless. When Elon Musk began complaining about government/Big Tech  collaboration to censor dissent, Washington “suddenly” discovered that Elon has violated laws regarding his discrimination against hiring of non-U.S. citizens and using corporate funds for his personal residence.

Nor is the Lady’s thumb on the scale purely a federal matter. The quest to incarcerate President Trump began with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg indicting him for a litany of minor offenses cobbled together into a long list of alleged felonies. Bragg, ironically, is well-known for downgrading the felony offenses of violent criminals into misdemeanors and then releasing the miscreant with no cash bail. The Georgia case against Trump is due to an overly ambitious county prosecutor.

Even everyday cop-on-the-beat policy has now succumbed to weaponization. As the George Floyd episode illustrated, police officers making the smallest mistake in apprehending criminals risk becoming criminals themselves while cities that once tried to control BLM riots have been successfully sued by these “largely peaceful protestors” for millions. Vandalizing a Robert E. Lee statute is legally protected but hanging a rope over a tree that might appear to be a noose is a punishable hate crime. In sum, not only is Lady Justice peeking and tilting her scales, but she is now using the sword in her Left hand, to smite political enemies. The Lady has gone woke.  

This politicization of Lady Justice is not the end of Justice, only the end of the state’s monopoly on dispending bias-free justice. As such, it is a backward step in sustaining American civil society and the cost of this transformation far outweighs any short-term political gain.   

Those who doubt this damage should visit a Third World nation to experience life without the rule of unbiased law. In today’s Haiti “rule of law” means what the street gangs can forcefully extract while in much of sub-Sahara getting “justice” entails making the right bribes to local warlords. In such venues locals know that reporting a crime to the police is pointless since the cops may be the culprit. Meanwhile, American businesses operating there make payoffs to accomplish what in the U.S. would be handled by lawyers in a court of law.   

What happens when the government-administered rule of law loses its legitimacy? In many instances, people take the law into their own hands. Buy a gun, practice target shooting, and solve carjacking on the spot. Or join with others for vigilante justice outside the legal code so, if squatters refuse to leave the local park, burn the tent city down and intimidate witnesses into silence. Then there are parallel governments where those formally in charge no longer guarantee public safety. The Mafia with its own code, tax collectors, courts, and methods of enforcement is the classic example. Ironically, it was often said that even during New York City’s worst crime waves, the Little Italy neighborhood was totally safe since no hoodlum would dare trespass on the mob’s turf.

This absence of state supplied law and order will be disastrous for the poor though some of the destitute may initially relish lawlessness. For them, being free to shoplift or take drugs openly may be enticing but the personal consequences will, eventually. be disastrous. Yes, a poor person may now loot the local Nordstroms with impunity, but given that “freedom,” why should Nordstroms open a nearby store or allow him to enter it? What if he steals the Gucci handbag and it, in turn, it is stolen from him by a bigger and stronger looter? What then? Settle it with a shootout? Call the cops?

A world lacking rule of law and its neutral enforcement would be rule by predators. In the words of Thomas Hobbes, life would be solitary, nasty, and short. There would be no 911 available even if your phone had not yet been stolen. Why would any supermarket locate nearby if it were defenseless against criminals? The few neighborhood stores would be fortress-like with super high prices to offset the cost of doing business in this jungle. What company would locate where employees were terrified to leave after dark? No parent would send their child to a school in such an unsafe wasteland. 

Nor would the rich benefit from the collapse of neutral state-supplied justice. How would companies settle disputes? Imagine a world where Elon Musk’s gun-toting “crew” would trash Facebook’s headquarters to settle “a beef” versus filing a lawsuit?  Tech billionaires would now live in super-safe compounds, surrounded 24/7 by armed bodyguards, while their children are chauffeured to school in armed convoys.  

Our economy would collapse. Business decisions would just reflect who momentarily controlled government, so the stakes of winning or losing an election becomes gigantic. Many of the rich would move their money offshore where it is safer. Politics would become Third Worldish. Microsoft might spend billions to help elect thousands of loyal toadies lest rivals capture the Department of Justice and arrested Microsoft employees for imaginary crimes. With the stakes so high, tactics now unthinkable in U.S. politics -- assassinations, kidnapping, threatening families and the like would be mandatory, just as they are in many nations bedeviled by dysfunctional economies. Groups like ANTIFA and Proud Boys would organize into for-hire private armies to serve the highest bidder.

Corrupting justice is a dangerous game where the short-term benefits easily obscure long-term costs. It is one reason why so many immigrate here -- they want to escape paying bribes for everything while risking their life for imaginary offenses.  State-supplied unbiased law and order is part of the Golden Goose that makes Western Civilization possible. It should not be a weapon for political advantage, though it is tempting to use it as such. Today’s Republican victims might be in charge next year, and it will be their turn to incarcerate Democrats for murky crimes while civil rights leaders suddenly discover new-found tax liabilities.  Then sides will change again, and with time nobody will recall what the statue of Lady Justice was or what she stood for. Was she a forgotten women who invented the balance scale? If things continue, brute force almost invisibly will replace the rule of law, and America will slide into Third World chaos and violence. Why trust the courts if you know that the fix is in? Time to put the Lady’s blindfold back on and take her thumb off the scale.   


Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what

I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal


By Richard Lawless


More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney  General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.

It feels as if our political leaders are pushing us to the edge of the cliff

At last! I just knew this could not remain hidden forever! Kudos to the sleuths at the Babylon Bee for uncovering the true identity of our deep-state overlords! Yes, I’m kidding about their reptilian nature, but it works as a useful analogy. After all, if true, this would certainly explain why Democrats are so supportive of the claims, actions, and leadership of the Supreme Red Dragon (i.e., China)! Reptilian or not, under Democrat aegis, bad times appear to be on their way and moving fast, and it’s not clear how long America can withstand the pressure.

We hear rumblings that a new pandemic of a new covid variant is coming our way—and no one can pretend anymore that it’s just a bat accident. Two Japanese researchers, Atsushi Tanaka of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Takayuki Miyazawa of Kyoto University, have discovered that both C19 and all its variants have been laboratory-created!

Is this new pandemic part of a reptilian plan to depopulate the planet?

We are rapidly becoming aware that we live in a hissing police state in which federal agency persecution is being unleashed upon political opponents of the reptilian regime. Note well, however, that persecution inevitably breeds contempt for and hostility to the tyrant. One way or another, the situation cannot last over the long run.

Image: Cliff’s edge (cropped) by jannoon028.

A clumsy rider’s repeated forceful action on a rein can numb the bars of a horse’s mouth, inducing a condition known as “smooth mouth,” in which the horse no longer obeys the rein and does as he wishes.

Hitherto politically passive men, the ones who can never be bothered to vote and whose only desire is to diligently provide for and protect their families, are becoming galvanized by federal aggression against their livelihoods, federal humiliation of their wives, and federal loosing of sexual perverts upon their children. They are the worms that will turn and find their way to the polling stations.

If the Democrats want to spur citizens to action, a short list of kinetic flash points would include, inter alia:

1. A judicial decree disqualifying Donald Trump using section 3 of the 14th Amendment. (That there is no basis for doing so will not stop an activist judge.)

2. Trump getting convicted.

3. Trump being sentenced to prison.

4. An assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

5. Trump (God forbid) actually getting assassinated.

6. Trump losing the 2024 election due to manifest election fraud.

No doubt there are some flashpoints I have overlooked.

Flashpoints 1, 2, and 3 are all subject to judicial appeal, but that could require months or even years to process to a conclusion.

I find it horrible to contemplate what will happen if things go too far. Optimally, in a representative republic, citizens angry at their government will take to the polls and “throw the bums out.” However, we’ve seen at other times and in other nations that, when lawlessness at the government level becomes the norm, that leads to lawlessness on the ground. The effects are highly disruptive of everyday life, creating chaos conducive to increased criminal and gang activity and interruption of governmental or quasi-governmental services such as police protection, fire protection, utilities, electric power, water, and food supply. Most of us have no experience with this. Survival in an environment of governmental and social chaos is largely a matter of prior preparation, including perhaps relocation.

Given that our current grasp on civilized norms seems tenuous, prudent citizens might carefully ponder “what if?” and make preparations of the same type they’d make if any storm were coming (only with lots more supplies).


ISBN  eBOOK 978-1-7374087-3-4

ISBN  BOOK 978-1-7374087-2-7

Things happen and at times love prevails no matter what we throw at it. Justin Swingle


Peter loves Maggie. Maggie loves Peter.

Alice loves Peter, too.

Mary, Maggie’s mum loves her daughter.

Maggie loves her mum and Louisa also loves Maggie’s mum.

And Brandon, he loves money even if it isn’t his.

It got tangled!

London, 1948. The city is putting itself together again after the Second World War, and people and families are trying to find a way forward. It’s a struggle for all.

Peter is a young man who works at the library. He has hopes and dreams of one day being a novelist. His dreams and fantasies help him escape his day to day life where his somber habits inhabit his ways with women. But then he meets the woman with the bright red lips like a movie star.

Maggie is a young woman of prominent cheekbones and startling ambition, who wants to be a film star – or, failing that, a novelist. She’s about as predictable as a thunderstorm.

Alice is the girl next door and works for a literary agent. She loves Peter’s writing – and Peter too. But will she find the courage to tell him so?

In a slippery tale of stolen hearts and purloined novels, secret loves and hidden ambitions, these lives become irretrievably tangled.

Who will end up with whom? Who will end up rich and celebrated? And will art – and love – win out in the end?

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