Tuesday, September 5, 2023

JOE BIDEN - DEBACLE PRESIDENT - Two Years Later, the Consequences of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal Are Still Unfolding

The situation isn’t entirely dire for Biden. A lack of mental capacity has not hindered Democrats winning offices before. Look at senators Feinstein and Fetterman. The Democratic Party members are so indoctrinated they would vote in people they know suffer from mental incapacity as opposed to a Republican. As such, there’s still a threat in the carcass of Joe Biden running.

The Biden dilemma

The President is facing a string of problems regarding his 2024 run for the White House. Americans, despite the media’s lack of coverage, are seeing him as facing dementia in some form or another. He walks with a shuffle and has to be directed where to go. When he speaks in public he’s like Ron Burgundy from Anchorman -- he simply reads what is in front of him. In those instances where he goes off-the-cuff, he falls back on lies or rambles incoherently.

Biden’s list of accomplishments are deeper fiction than the bookshelf in Target. He claims the economy is strong, whereas most Americans are forced to deal with rabid inflation on a daily basis. Even he has admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act was nothing more than a rebranded Green New Deal. He claims to have done more about illegal immigration than any President before him, but even liberal cities are now bursting with problems as a result of his lack of leadership. His foreign policy drove Russia and China together and he has propped up Ukraine at the cost of American defense. The debacle of his withdrawal from Afghanistan is what prompted Russia to invade in the first place.

After claiming his son’s business affairs were Russian disinformation, the truth is finally being made clear. Every week more comes out about his unethical, if not illegal, activities as Vice President. His Justice Department’s pursuit of Donald Trump, almost three years after the last election, is being seen for what it is, an abuse of power. He has labeled members of the opposition party as, “threats to democracy,” something we have never seen in American history.

This normally would be a problem that could be propped up with a strong vice-presidential candidate. Instead he has Kamala Harris, the mental equivalent of a See and Say Toy. Her speeches do serve a positive purpose -- they make Joe Biden actually appear articulate and stable. She has accomplished zero in her role. We expect little from Vice Presidents and on that front, she has underachieved.

The Democratic Party has a first-term President and cannot resist the urge to go for a second term. They are embracing the lie that if Biden beat Trump once, he can do it again. It is the Devil-You-Know thinking. They put themselves in a position where they had to abandon Biden and, in turn, his policies, or back him. Turning to Kamala as the replacement candidate is not seen as viable.

But this isn’t 2020, where Biden hid in his basement during the campaign feigning fear of COVID. It was the perfect cover to hide from America his inability to handle the office he was running for. In 2024, in order to win, he will have to stop going on vacation and actually campaign. He physically and mentally is not up to it.

This leaves the Democrats and Biden with few options to avoid Presidential Debates. One, ensure Trump is convicted and unable to campaign himself. This option is clearly in play right now. If that doesn’t happen, a crisis will be needed to prohibit campaign speeches and debates. A new outbreak of COVID fits that bill nicely. The issue is that this time Americans are not going to lock down and isolate. The majority of people will not stand for mandates and manufactured fear to force them into submission. Having had their liberties challenged before, most will not tolerate it again.

The situation isn’t entirely dire for Biden. A lack of mental capacity has not hindered Democrats winning offices before. Look at senators Feinstein and Fetterman. The Democratic Party members are so indoctrinated they would vote in people they know suffer from mental incapacity as opposed to a Republican. As such, there’s still a threat in the carcass of Joe Biden running.

We are facing a Weekend at Bernie’s scenario with Biden…that or he will simply lock up his political opponent.

Blaine Pardoe is a New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author cancelled by one of his publishers in 2022. He is a regular contributor to a number of conservative sites. His conservative political thriller series, Blue Dawn, includes A Most Uncivil WarConfederacy of Fear, and No Greater Tyranny. This series tells the story of the violent overthrow of the government by radical progressives. He also authors the bestselling military science fiction series, Land&Sea.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

Two Years Later, the Consequences of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal Are Still Unfolding

How the Left’s woke religion kills.

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Two years later, people are still paying the price for the catastrophe of Old Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. And people will be paying the price for decades to come.

The Associated Press reported on August 22 that “more than 200 extrajudicial killings of former Afghan government officials and security forces have taken place since the Taliban took over the country two years ago, according to a U.N. report.” These were people the Taliban had promised not to kill, but as Muhammad said, “War is deceit” (Bukhari 4.52.268). Nine days before that, the Daily Mail reported that “militants who left fingerprints on IEDs meant to kill Americans in Afghanistan and a prisoner freed by the Taliban were among more than 65 terrorists allowed into the United States after the catastrophic withdrawal.” What could possibly go wrong? Celebrate diversity!

Jihadis beyond Afghanistan, meanwhile, are benefiting from the $7.2 billion of military equipment the U.S. left behind for the Taliban. Nikkei Asia reported last March that “modern weapons and sophisticated night vision devices left behind by U.S.-led coalition forces withdrawing from Afghanistan and fleeing Afghan troops are being used by Pakistani Taliban militants to intensify attacks on law enforcement.” Jihadis in Kashmir have the best U.S. weaponry as well.

Emblematic of the mishandling of the entire withdrawal from Afghanistan was the fact that the Islamic State jihadist who murdered 13 American service members and numerous Afghans in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport in August 2021 had just been released from prison at Bagram Air Base, the center of American operations in Afghanistan until the U.S. precipitously and irresponsibly abandoned it in July of the same year. U.S. snipers had him in their sights but were ordered not to shoot.

CNN reported that the bomber, Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri, was part of “ISIS-K,” that is, the Islamic State’s Khorasan group in central Asia, and that he had “been released from a prison near Kabul just days earlier when the Taliban took control of the area, according to three US officials.”

Al-Loghri had been held in the Parwan prison at Bagram Air Base, along with around 5,000 other prisoners, including several hundred members of ISIS, as well as Taliban and al-Qaeda jihadis. In July 2021, according to the Associated Press, “the U.S. left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left.”

When the Taliban rolled into Kabul, they entered Bagram without encountering any significant opposition and opened the gates of the Parwan prison. Al-Loghri and many other jihadists walked free. Then on August 26, 2021, al-Loghri blew himself up at the Kabul airport, murdering eleven Marines, as well as one member of the Army and one of the Navy.

Contrary to Old Joe Biden’s claims that every contingency had been provided for, this was a catastrophe brought on by a lack of planning and foresight. In June 2021, General McKenzie gave an interview to Military Times in which he declared: “We have workable plans to evacuate any scale of people that we would be directed to do. That’s one of the things that we have done. I’ve talked to the secretary about it.” After the Biden regime spent nearly two years denying and evading responsibility for what happened, however, in June 2023 a review of the withdrawal was released that finally admitted, in a summary from The Hill, that “senior officials did not prepare for worst-case scenarios nor appreciate how quickly the situation could devolve; key leadership roles were not empowered with authority; and firmly held policy positions failed to take into account dissenting opinions.” What a surprise.

How many might have been saved if there had been even a modicum of strategic savvy, competence and patriotism among the commander-in-chief and his top military officers?

What were the high ranks of the military doing while they should have been preparing for a safe and successful withdrawal? In June 2021, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) questioned General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a Congressional hearing about an ongoing effort to saddle U.S. military personnel with mandatory readings and briefings on the topic of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Milley situated his interest in CRT as part of an investigation of the causes of the bogus January 6 “insurrection,” taking for granted the false claim that the Capitol incident, and support for Trump in general, was rooted in “white supremacism”: “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.”

Milley and the rest of the woke military brass could have spent less time studying Critical Race Theory and imposing it on the troops as a way of weeding out Trump supporters from the ranks, and more time doing their actual jobs. Had they done so, they might have realized how foolish it was to steal away from Bagram in the dead of night. They could even have used the base as a rallying point for Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave the country, getting them out in a safe and orderly manner instead of the Saigon-on-steroids nightmare that a horrified world witnessed at Kabul airport in August 2021.

In a healthy, functioning republic, the political and military officials responsible for what happened in Afghanistan two years ago would have been impeached or forced to resign in disgrace. But the U.S. is no longer a healthy, functioning republic, and so instead, they are more entrenched than ever.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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These staggering numbers reveal the massive speed with which Islamic colonization takes place, fueled by birth rates and then religious violence, but even with the high birth rates within Islam in general and in Afghanistan in particular, the Fort McCoy numbers are still too high.

As Many as 1 in 3 Afghan Refugee Women at U.S. Bases are Pregnant

Despite the denials, statistics make the existence of child brides obvious.

Tue Dec 28, 2021 

Daniel Greenfield



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

When Biden's Afghanistan retreat first brought tens of thousands of Afghans to the United States without any visas or vetting, officials at Fort McCoy warned about numerous incidents of Afghan child brides. Democrats and senior military officials have denied these allegations, but shocking new statistics out of Fort McCoy raise new questions of just how pervasive this is.

When thousands of Afghans first arrived at the military base in rural Wisconsin, local residents in Sparta, the “Bicycling Capital of America”, a small city of less than 10,000, began warning that the Afghans being housed at Fort McCoy were putting a significant strain on their infrastructure and their medical services. I was told that there were as many as 800 pregnant refugees at the base. The number seemed wildly implausible, but now the official number is out.

According to military officials, there have been 500 pregnant Afghans at Fort McCoy and, according to a local news report, “the numbers keep growing”.

“I am so happy that my son was born as a US citizen,” one Afghan evacuee declared.

Considering that there were only 12,600 Afghans on the base, down to about 7,000 now, these numbers are staggering. According to the Pentagon, only 22% of Afghan evacuees across all the bases are adult women. Around half of the evacuees are children. Assuming that these numbers hold true for Fort McCoy, that would mean that it housed only 2,772 adult women.

As the number of Afghan evacuees fell to around 7,000, most recently, the number of adult women would have averaged around 1,500. Even as its highest population mark, that would mean that 1 in 5 Afghan women were pregnant, while as its current number it would be 1 in 3.

All of that within a five month period.

In all of Wisconsin, a state of nearly 6 million people, there were only 60,615 births last year. 1.6% of the adult women in the state had a baby in one year, but between 18% to 33% of the Afghan women at Fort McCoy were pregnant during their time there.

These staggering numbers reveal the massive speed with which Islamic colonization takes place, fueled by birth rates and then religious violence, but even with the high birth rates within Islam in general and in Afghanistan in particular, the Fort McCoy numbers are still too high.

At 4.32 children per woman (as opposed to the American birth rate of 1.70), the Afghan birth rate is high, but 1 in 5 Afghan women (let alone 1 in 3) are still not pregnant at any given time. Some of the Afghan female refugees must be older which narrows down the population further. The only way to account for such a high pregnancy rate is by factoring in the underage girls.

Shortly before September, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Mark Pocan and other Democrats toured Fort McCoy and falsely claimed that the evacuees were being reliably vetted and screened.

"There are no cases in Fort McCoy right now with a child, 15 or under, who is married," Senator Baldwin insisted. The careful wording by the former lawyer leaves plenty of room for loopholes. It does not address the question of whether there are any pregnant children, 15 or under. And it doesn’t even touch on how many 16 and 17-year-olds are pregnant. And, since many of the Afghan evacuees had no documentation, there’s no way to know if any of those 16-year-olds are actually 15, 14, or even 13, despite how old the men trafficking them claim that they are.

Why else did the State Department demand "urgent guidance" after “intake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ‘married’ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families?” Afghanistan has a 57% child marriage rate. Senator Baldwin and the Democrats expect us to believe that what the media is now describing as the “baby boom” is entirely due to 500 women, out of 1,500 to 2,700, all somehow being pregnant at Fort McCoy.

The only way to make sense of these numbers is to include many of the underage girls.

But why are so many Afghan women and girls at Fort McCoy pregnant? Obviously having a baby on American soil solidifies their legal status and provides them with assorted benefits. Demographic colonization of infidel nations through reproduction is also considered a form of Jihad. But for the men who bought and sold young girls for the trip, impregnating them is also a way to control them. It will be a lot harder for those girls to get away once they have a baby.

State Department personnel asked for guidance and the Biden administration began a coverup.

The media reporting on the “baby boom” at Fort McCoy state that the “base is partnering with local hospitals for deliveries”. Locals have long complained about the enormous demands that the Afghans at Fort McCoy are placing on local hospitals and medical personnel. For the first time we’re getting a small sense of just how enormous that demand really is.

In all of Monroe County, there were only 534 births in 2017. The Afghan migrants are set to equal all of the American births in a county with a population of three-quarters of a million.

When 12,500 Afghans can outnumber 741,770 Americans, what will happen when over 100,000 Afghans are brought to America? After Biden brought 53,000 Afghans to America, another 60,000 are waiting on visas in Afghanistan. That’s 113,000 Afghans and it’s just the beginning.

At a time when hospitals are already under strain and there are shortages of medical personnel, Biden’s decision to dump over 12,000 Afghans into rural Wisconsin has proven to be catastrophic. Gundersen Health Systems, one of whose hospitals has been used to deliver Afghan babies, has claimed that it's near capacity with COVID patients. Could Americans lose their lives because of shortages created by the Afghan strain on our medical system?

Either way, the Afghan influx has hit the region hard and as their wave of demographic change transforms the country, the next phase of the war in Afghanistan will take place in America..

A few days after September 11, Rep. Ilhan Omar signed a letter to the Secretary of Defense in response to complaints from the evacuees, claiming that the Afghans at Fort McCoy were suffering "mistreatment" and had been spoken to in a "rude condescending manner".

The next Omar, nurturing a grievance against America, is already at Fort McCoy. If the flood of Afghan migrants doesn’t stop, within another decade or two, she’ll be sitting in Congress.


Get The Hell Out Of Afghanistan Now


Kurt Schlichter

Surprising no one, recent revelations demonstrate that not only is Afghanistan a hopeless wreck but our glorious foreign policy elite has been lying about it for going on two decades. Remember, these people are our betters, our moral superiors, the people we should genuflect to and obey because of their wisdom and insights and credentials. And they are lying garbage people. If it wasn’t for the ridiculous impeachment foolishness, maybe our country could focus on this endless disaster – and one that is still killing our best and our bravest.

Here’s the bottom line. Donald Trump’s instincts were right when he looked at this Seventh Century wasteland and asked (I’m paraphrasing), “What the hell are we doing still being here?”

We need to get out of Afghanistan yesterday. The 4K Trump’s supposed to be pulling out soon should be the down payment. Bring our troops all home.

The Taliban rules the countryside. The drug warlords are laughing at us. Our corrupt “allies” are raking in our cash, with trillions of our dollars spraying out of a massive spigot that the beneficiaries don’t want to cut off. But worse, our troops are dying in drips and drabs. Hell, a year ago one of my friends got shot there by somebody pretending to be our ally right up until the moment that turd decided to blast the infidels with a weapon we probably bought him. I do not presume to speak for my friend and I have no idea where he stands on the politics – like all our great soldiers, he’ll go where ordered and do his utmost – but I’m retired and I know where I stand. 

I stand for lancing this festering boil of a war. End it. After nearly 20 years, it’s not worth one more American limb or life. 

Were we defeated? Not in any meaningful sense. We just have nothing to gain by fighting it anymore. We came to kill al-Qaeda. We killed heaps of those scumbags. But somehow that mission morphed into making Afghanistan a place that didn’t suck. That’s crazy. It’s always sucked and it always will suck and its suckiness is not our problem.

We didn’t “win,” in the sense that we did not crush all opposition. To say we cannot win in Afghanistan is wrong. Of course we can win. What we cannot do is summon up the will to do what it would take to win. Perhaps we do not want to – and there are plenty of good reasons not to do the hard and horrendous things necessary to pacify that backwater hellhole. But we could, if we wanted to. We have the combat power. What we do not have is the will – and again, maybe we don’t want to have the will to do it. We beat Germany and Japan by, in large part, annihilating their cities. But both were existential threats to our country. Afghanistan, if it provides a refuge for jihadi degenerates again, is a threat, but hardly an existential threat.

Winning in Afghanistan means exponentially more blood and treasure. We would need to flood the country with troops, and flood it with even more money. It would take hundreds of thousands of soldiers, which we could send. But would we want to? Do we want that butcher’s bill?

As for money, well, the reports make clear that we have flooded that country with cash for two decades and all we have to show for it are rich grifters and…more rich grifters, American and Afghani. That’s it. We could have set those trillions of bucks on fire and at least we would not have had to bury a few thousand of our troops.

And to pacify the countryside means putting aside the counterinsurgency fad that’s led to two decades of treading water in a sea of American blood. Julius Caesar understood how to pacify a country. So did Curtis LeMay. You go in and wipe out your enemies. You kill them in massive quantities until they beg you to surrender. And you destroy their territory, leaving it a wasteland. We did that in World War II, not coincidentally the last war we unequivocally won. 

But would we do that here? Do we want to shed that amount of blood? Let’s not dance around it – we don’t want to, as a country. We have no stomach for the kind of meat grinder warfare we used to practice, at least not in this scenario. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe the objective of a pacified Afghanistan is not worth the moral cost of victory. But there’s no need to even think about it because there is not going to be a consensus in our country to do what we would have to do to win. We’re not going for Dresden II: Pashtun Boogaloo. So let’s stop this bloody Groundhog Day of a war, after countless funerals, countless dollars, and countless years.

If a war is not important enough to win, then it’s sure as hell not important enough to not win for years and years and years.

So, what happens to our allies? Some of our “allies” are apparently less allies than parasites. They’ll be fine, and if they aren’t, too bad. The ones who truly stood with us, who fought beside our men and shed blood with them, we should take care of. That might mean arming them. That might mean bringing them here. But it does not mean running on this miserable rat wheel forever.

“But,” warn those who want to stay, “if we abandon our allies what message does that send?” Well, it sends the message that if we prop you up for two decades and you still can’t hack it, yeah, you’re on your own. That is not a bad message to send.

It’s their country. If they want to fight for it, that’s their choice. And if they don’t, that’s also their choice. But after 20 years, it’s not our problem anymore. The fact that we’ve been stupid enough to waste blood and bucks on Afghanistan for two decades – when the reason we came there in the first place was to exact vengeance on terrorists, not remake its entire primitive society – does not somehow morally obligate us to keep doing so forever.

 “The terrorists might come back” is another argument. That’s true. But then we can come back too – in the form of drones or bombers or special ops guys, and we can kill them. If the Taliban takes over, that’s bad. But then the Taliban has taken over. It would have something to lose.

Might terrorists threaten us from there again even though we would hold the local warlord responsible? Maybe. But right now, Afghans are actively trying to kill Americans who are, conveniently, right there. How are we worse off removing the enemy’s targets across an ocean?

A lot of people have an interest in this fiasco continuing. The foreigners our fecklessness have made rich. The contractors cashing in on Uncle Sam’s cash. Even our military has an interest in continuing it. It’s not some sort of evil delight in war, but professionals tend to want to use their skills. Afghanistan is a mission, and our military – because it is mostly composed of aggressive achievers, except in the JAG Corps – likes having a mission. But the military works for us, and we should tell it, “Nope. Thanks, but you’re done. Pack up and redeploy.”  

Some others warn, “Well, China will go in if we go out.” Oh no, that would be awful. 

There is one more argument. There are folks who worry that leaving will render our sacrifices meaningless. But that’s not so. The courage and sacrifice of our warriors under unbelievable conditions was not in vain. Those who served in Afghanistan have a right to be proud; we should be proud of them. They were never defeated. They are leaving not because they were forced out but because we called them home. They should leave with their heads held high as the heroes they are.

And it’s precisely because they are heroes that we owe them this tough decision to finally end this war.

With so many real-world disasters going on, you need a break. Go ahead and check out my new novel Collapse. It’s the pro-military, action-packed, yet cynically funny, sequel to People's RepublicIndian Country and WildfireLiberal madness has broken our country in two. In the blue states, political correctness has reached peak insanity. And all hell is breaking loose. Collapse is fun. In fact, check them all out – Bill Kristol (Ahoy! He shows up too!) calls them “appalling” so you know they’re good. 

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