Monday, September 4, 2023





Starting with the presidency of Joe "Which Way Do I Go" Biden, the political enemies of America's wannabe third-termer are currently reaping their just reward for perceived noncompliance.  Joe is so befuddled, incompetent, clueless, and embarrassing — what better humiliation on the world stage than the current commander in chief?  Making America a laughingstock with the weakest of weak leaders smacks of Obama-style spitefulness. 

Proud Boy leaders sentenced to double-digit prison terms

Last week, four high-level members of the fascist Proud Boys militia group, all of whom were convicted of multiple felonies in furtherance of ex-President Donald Trump’s failed coup, were sentenced to double-digit prison terms by US District Judge Timothy J. Kelly. While including a terrorism enhancement in all of the Proud Boys’ sentences, Kelly, a Trump appointee, ordered less severe prison terms that those recommended by prosecutors.

On August 31, Kelly sentenced Joseph Biggs, an Army veteran with two deployments to Iraq, who then became an FBI informant and InfoWars correspondent, to 17 years in prison, one less year than the 18 years handed down against Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes this past May. In seeking a 33-year sentence for Biggs, federal prosecutors wrote that he, perhaps more than any other defendant, “promoted the use of force against the government,” and “constantly invoked the language of ‘war.’”

Seeking to justify his relatively lenient sentencing decision, Kelly said that Biggs’ actions, while warranting a terrorist enhancement, did not result in mass death and therefore did not warrant the “stratospheric” sentence demanded by the government.

That same day, Kelly sentenced Zachary Rehl, a former US Marine and grandson of a Philadelphia police officer, to 15 years in prison, half of the 30 years sought by prosecutors. Both Biggs and Rehl were photographed at the head of the far-right mob that stormed the US Capitol at multiple points during the January 6, 2021 siege. Both men were convicted earlier this year of seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.

Proud Boys led by Ethan Nordean (bullhorn), Zachary Rehl (camouflage hat) and Joe Biggs (flannel shirt) march to the Capitol on January 6, 2021. All three men, along with former chairman of the group, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, and Dominic Pezzola have been charged with seditious conspiracy. [AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster]

The following day, Kelly sentenced bodybuilder, street fighter and Seattle-area Proud Boy chapter president Ethan Nordean, 32, of Auburn, Washington to 18 years in prison, 9 less than the 27 years sought by prosecutors. Nordean and Biggs assumed command of the Proud Boys following the arrest of former chairman Henry “Enrique” Tarrio on January 4, 2021.

Nordean, who implored his Proud Boy comrades to “fash the f*ck out” prior to the attack, led a group of about 200 Proud Boys to the Capitol on January 6. Convicted of seditious conspiracy earlier this year, he admitted prior to his sentencing that he had led “a group of men back to the Capitol,” adding, “There is no excuse for my actions, ignoring police commands, going past barricades, entering the Capitol.”

Like Biggs, Nordean appeared on January 6 organizer Alex Jones’ InfoWars program multiple times throughout the Trump presidency to promote the Proud Boys.

Also on Friday, Kelly sentenced former US Marine Dominic Pezzola of Rochester, New York to 10 years in prison, half of the 20 years sought by prosecutors, who described Pezzola as an “enthusiastic foot soldier” in “Donald Trump’s army.”

On January 6, Pezzola used a stolen police riot shield to break a window at the Capitol and crawl through it. Once inside the building, he helped open the doors, allowing the mob to flood in and stop the congressional certification of the election. While he was not convicted of seditious conspiracy, Pezzola was convicted of multiple serious felonies, including conspiring against members of Congress, assaulting police and destroying government property.

Prior to his sentencing, Pezzola tearfully requested leniency from Judge Kelly, saying, “Your honor, I stand before you as a changed and humbled man. But, nonetheless as a man who has always taken responsibility for his actions… I have never denied what I did on J6.”

After Kelly handed down his sentence and left the room, a gleaming Pezzola raised his arms as he was led out of the courtroom by US Marshals and shouted, “Trump won!”

On Tuesday, “prolific” FBI informant and former Proud Boys chairman Tarrio is scheduled to be sentenced. While prosecutors are seeking a 33-year sentence, given the generally lax sentences judges have handed down to Trump’s foot soldiers, there is little chance Tarrio will be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison, especially since he was not actually in Washington D.C. during the attack.

While the sentences handed down by Judge Kelly are more than warranted, the prosecution of leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers militia groups have not prevented smaller Proud Boys clubs and other militia groups from mobilizing on behalf of former President Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and fascistic Republican causes.

This is mainly due to the fecklessness of the Biden administration and the Democrats, and their deliberate cover-up of coup plotters in the military, the police, the intelligence agencies and the Republican Party leadership. This, in turn, is driven by their desire for biptarisan support to prosecute the war against Russia in Ukraine and to suppress the mounting upsurge of the working class.

While Trump is belatedly facing charges in relation to the January 6 coup, none of the indictments link Trump to the fascist militia groups that stormed the Capitol on his behalf. And while some of Trump’s top co-conspirators, such as Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows, have been indicted, hundreds more remain uncharged nearly three years after the coup. This includes conspirators at the Pentagon such as former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and General Charles Flynn, both of whom played critical roles in blocking the deployment of National Guard troops to break the siege at the Capitol.

Meanwhile, groups of Nazis, encouraged by politicians in both big business parties, held rallies in Florida over the weekend. On Saturday morning, roughly 15 Nazis, for at least the third time this year, held a rally outside Disney World. They wore black shirts featuring a Sonnenrad and waved swastika and DeSantis flags, while also holding signs in support of Democratic presidential challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Nazis in support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Orlando, Florida, September 2, 2023. [Photo: Brendan Gutenschwager]

Referring to DeSantis, the Nazis said they were “Ron’s Holocaust task force” and “his biggest supporters.” On-the-ground footage shows the Nazis cutting up a rainbow Pride flag and yelling vile insults against immigrants, Jewish people and “all the mud races.”

While he has backed off from his attacks against the Disney corporation in recent months, last year DeSantis endeared himself to Nazis freely operating in Florida by frequently attacking the corporation. In multiple speeches at far-right conferences and on Fox News, DeSantis accused the corporation of pushing a “woke agenda,” which, according to him, included “sexualizing children” and promoting LGBTQ rights.

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the neo-Nazis outside of Disney were from three separate groups, including Order of the Black Sun, 14 First, and the Aryan Freedom Network. In a statement, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said the Nazis rallied for about two hours and left without any arrests being made.

Later that afternoon, in and around Orlando, two different neo-Nazi groups, the Goyim Defense League, led by Jon Minadeo II, and Blood Tribe, led by former US Marine Christopher Pohlhaus, came together for a rally dubbed “The March of the Redshirts.”

Images circulated by the groups prior to the rally featured a photo of the AR-15 used by neo-Nazi Jerrald Gallion during his massacre at the Dollar General in Jacksonville, Florida the week prior.

At Saturday’s rally, roughly 50 Nazis, dressed in red and black and waving swastika flags chanted “Jews get the rope” and “Heil Hitler” on an overpass above Interstate-4. At one point, unsuccessful Republican congressional candidate and pro-Trump operative Laura Loomer, who is Jewish, appeared at the rally. Once the Nazis saw Loomer they immediately began yelling, “tranny Jew,” “f*ggot” and “Laura Jewmer.”

Asked by a journalist on the scene whom he would vote for in the 2024 election, Pohlhaus said his vote was useless, but that, “I think Biden is better than Trump because he sends rockets to Ukraine.”

“Hail Ukraine. Hail Azov,” Polhaus added. Behind him, another heavily tattooed Nazi, identified as Kent “Bone Face” McLellan, chanted “Slava Ukraini.”

McLellan was previously arrested by the FBI in 2012 on domestic terrorism charges. After pleading guilty to taking part in paramilitary training in preparation for the coming “race war” McLellan was sentenced to four years probation without prison time. McLellan has repeatedly claimed that he has traveled to Ukraine and fought alongside the Azov Battalion.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton  Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA  BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER  LAWYERS ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS)) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden  family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES,  FRANK, ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS)) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power  and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as  Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in  Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government  corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER  LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER  CHUCK SCHUMER). AND LYING LAWYER ADAM SHIFF AND TONY BLINKEN ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS).   BRIAN C JOONDEPH


President Obama's assault on Americans' constitutional rights and protections as well as on the nation's constitutionally defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars.  It included undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom.  It extended to usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court. 

A compendium of everything wrong with Barack Obama's legacy

Perhaps the greatest service of Barack Obama's True Legacy, the recently published collection of penetrating essays on the Obama presidency by a number of knowledgeable and trenchant authors, edited by Jamie Glazov, is its contribution to collective memory.  

President Obama's assault on Americans' constitutional rights and protections as well as on the nation's constitutionally defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars.  It included undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom.  It extended to usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court. 

In addition, Obama compromised the rule of law and protection of rights more broadly.  He ignored the findings of lower federal courts.  He subverted federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government, to illegal politicization and lawless attacks on perceived political enemies.  He promoted federal intrusion in and subversion of state and local law enforcement, also in the service of political ends.  

The collective impact of Obama's abuses of power, the "transformation" of America that he so often promised, was the creation of a less democratic, post-constitutional, authoritarian nation.  Consistent with his pursuit of this transformed America, Obama, throughout his presidency, lent his support to and openly advocated for groups and individuals, domestic and foreign, associated with anti-American, anti-democratic, authoritarian ideologies, particularly of the pro-communist and Islamist variety. 

Domestically, he appointed communist and pro-communist individuals to government posts and invited organizations with the same sympathies to a seat at policy-defining tables.  In a similar vein, he labeled virtually any expression of concern over Islamist and jihadist threats to the nation as Islamophobic and quashed programs that educated senior military officers and federal and other law enforcement groups about such threats. 

Abroad, he threw his administration's support to communist and pro-communist governments and government candidates in South America, undermined pro-democratic forces there, and played a major role in the seizing of power by far-left opponents throughout the continent.  He also accommodated post-communist Russian authoritarianism.  With regard to Islamism and jihad, Obama promoted the Muslim Brotherhood, the fountainhead of modern Sunni anti-Western Islamism.  He did so in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood was born, and elsewhere in the Arab world, where supporters of the Brotherhood challenged existing governments.  Additionally, he sought closer relations with nations in which allies of the Muslim Brotherhood were in control, as in Qatar.  He also pursued closer relations with the Shi'ite Islamists of Iran, most notably in his drive for a pact with Iran that would end in that nation possessing nuclear weapons.  His Iranian strategy proceeded even as Iran continued to call for America's destruction, continued to kill Americans, and provided financial and military support to numerous Middle East groups also engaged in killing Americans as well as in targeting America's allies.

Certainly, any American who was paying attention during Obama's eight years as president has some sense of the destructiveness he wrought domestically, on American freedoms and American governmental institutions, as well as in the arena of foreign affairs and America's relations with its adversaries and its friends.  But the passage of time, together with the ignorance of most regarding key details, inevitably leads to a vagueness in people's understanding.  The great majority of those who contemplate the current sorry state of the nation now recognize only in general terms Obama's central role in bringing about our present difficulties.  This is true even of those who see in the depredations of the Biden presidency a continuation of Obama's tenure.  (As Joseph Klein notes in his contributions to the present volume, "out of the top 100 positions filled in the Biden White House during Biden's first 100 days in office, seventy-four previously had worked in the Obama administration.")  But if we are to reverse our losses and reclaim our freedoms and the integrity of our institutions, a more granular understanding of how we got here is an invaluable tool.

That is what Barack Obama's True Legacy provides.  Whether addressing Obama's hostility to and undermining of American freedoms and institutions (as in essays by John Drew, Trevor Loudon, Stephen Coughlin, Matthew Vadum, and Joseph Klein) or his promotion of anti-democratic forces worldwide and pursuit of foreign policies inimical to American interests and those of our traditional allies (as in pieces by Daniel Greenfield, Raymond Ibrahim, Clare Lopez, Jeff Nyquist, Robert Spencer, and Dov Lipman), the collection is a granular explication of the path that led us to where we are.  

For this reason, the volume should be seen not only as an important tour d'horizon of the Obama presidency and what it wrought, but as an invaluable reference tool providing detailed reminders of how our nation has been brought to its present dire straits.   

Kenneth Levin is a psychiatrist and historian and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People under Siege.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.


Jager said that they broke up because they went to see an exhibit about Adolf Eichman's 1961 trial at the same time that Steve Cokely had accused Chicago's Jewish doctors of giving black babies AIDS.  Jager, whose grandparents were honored as Righteous Gentiles for saving Jews during WWII, broke up with Obama because he refused to denounce anti-Semitism.  Considering Obama's open hostility to Israel and later palling around with famous anti-Semites (e.g., Rev. Wright, Obama's infamous and still hidden tape at a pro-PLO dinner, and Obama's photo with Farrakhan), her version rings true.


A revealing interview reminds us what a bizarre, fake person Obama was and is

By Andrea Widburg

In 2017, David Garrow's carefully researched Obama biography, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, appeared to much less fanfare than it deserved.  The media undoubtedly downplayed it because it offered the truth behind many of Obama's self-adulatory inventions, and Trump's new presidency occupied everyone's energy.  What makes the book newsworthy today is that David Samuels has interviewed Garrow and revisited narratives in the book, reminding everyone of the scary, power-obsessed nastiness behind Obama's carefully built façade.

The interview on Tablet is long and worth every second it takes you to read it.  However, I've summarized below some of the highlights.

In Dreams from My Father, Obama describes his breakup with Sheila Miyoshi Jager, now a scholar known for her meticulous, honest research.  According to Obama, they broke up because after seeing a play by August Wilson, a black writer, Obama suddenly gained a black consciousness that Jager refused to recognize or understand.

However, Garrow, unlike other journalists in America, interviewed Jager for her side of the story.  It was quite different.

Image: Barack Obama. YouTube screen grab (cropped).

Jager said that they broke up because they went to see an exhibit about Adolf Eichman's 1961 trial at the same time that Steve Cokely had accused Chicago's Jewish doctors of giving black babies AIDS.  Jager, whose grandparents were honored as Righteous Gentiles for saving Jews during WWII, broke up with Obama because he refused to denounce anti-Semitism.  Considering Obama's open hostility to Israel and later palling around with famous anti-Semites (e.g., Rev. Wright, Obama's infamous and still hidden tape at a pro-PLO dinner, and Obama's photo with Farrakhan), her version rings true.

Another revelation was that Obama fantasized about sodomy with men, which would seem to support the many rumors about his sexuality.

When Garrow interviewed Obama over the course of eight hours, Obama impressed Garrow with his focus on the "hilariously inconsequential," such as insisting that he spoke fluent Indonesian in third grade.

When Garrow spoke with Bob Bauer, Obama's lawyer, to ensure that he was correctly stating things Obama had told him, Bauer told Garrow something very unusual, considering the book that launched Obama's career:

My clearest memory, and there's nothing officially off the record with Bob, so I think I can say this, and boy, it's the clearest thing I remember of all my conversations with Bob. ... This is close to a quote: "Whatever you do, don't ask him about his father."

Samuels noted how odd this was from the author of Dreams from My Father, eliciting from Garrow this stunning statement about a man he'd spoken with personally and whose life he explored in detail: "He's not normal—as in not a normal politician or a normal human being."

The interview expands on the letters Alex McNear, Obama's girlfriend in college, received from Obama.  As noted above, it was in those letters that Obama fantasized about sodomy.  The passage in the interview about those letters is striking because they reveal that Obama was a narcissist, someone who used people but never connected with them.  (The bolded passage is Samuel's question):

Barack's love letters to Alex, if they are actually love letters, are hard to read. Not just because they're so poorly written, but because of the clear lack of any human interest in the person he's writing to. The letters are completely performative. She may as well have been a tree or some kind of theater backdrop. Maybe all young men are guilty of this fault, but these examples seem pretty egregious.

It's pretty clear to me, and this is me putting little pieces together with Alex and with Sheila, but I'm 97 percent convinced that Barack either drafted all those letters in his journal and then made them into letters, or he wrote the letters and then copied them into the journal.

According to Garrow, Obama has always kept journals that he will deep-six forever.  Why?  Because "[h]e wants people to believe his story.  For me to conclude that Dreams from My Father was historical fiction — oh, God, did that infuriate him."

There's so much more, and every bit of it is worth reading because it reveals who Obama is and what the mainstream media assiduously ignored and, therefore, hid from the American public.  All this still matters, by the way.  There's good reason to believe that Obama, who refused to leave D.C. after his presidency ended (a norm-busting decision that Samuels describes in detail), is calling the shots in the ostensible Biden presidency.

Additionally, as increasing numbers of people fear, there's a good possibility that, when Biden is pushed out of the campaign, Michelle Obama will be substituted as the Democrat candidate — and she is still considered one of the most popular people in America, especially among two passionate voting demographics — namely, black and

 white women.

Barack Obama the Vindictive Enforcer

By Jeannie DeAngelis

The definition of "vindictive" is to have or show a "strong or unreasoning desire for revenge."  As an observer of the ongoing humiliation and persecution currently directed toward Donald J. Trump and anyone who supports him, what America may now be witnessing is an unparalleled display of malicious revenge.

One might ask, "Who is driving this retribution?"  The most obvious answer to that question is that it must be a self-absorbed force with a notorious reputation for spiteful exoneration.  Judging from past conduct, that force would be none other than former president Barack Obama.

This man thrives on adulation.  Even the casual observer is aware of Obama's inability to accept criticism.  Refuse to genuflect, and Mr. Obama's ire is immediately directed like a laser toward the defiant.  Just ask "tea baggers" or victims of a weaponized IRS.  Judging from Obama's self-identification with his ideology, retribution isn't just politics; it's personal.  Defy him, and the former president looks for any forum, weapon, policy implementation, or cruel injustice to vindicate his vendetta and somehow manages to accomplish this either publicly or privately.  The man's skin is so thin that, if not for his godlike status among his minions, his juvenile reactions would be considered embarrassing.  


Obama's list of vendettas is long and ugly — just ask the SCOTUSDinesh D'Souza, honest journalistsconservative groupsthe nation of Israel, Vladimir Putin, suburban property owners, individuals with private health insurance, WWII veterans, prolifers, ex-military, Second Amendment advocates...and the list goes on and on.

Think back.  From the start, "I won" Obama planned to "fundamentally transform" the United States from "the world as it is" into the "world as it should be," which, judging from its present condition, is beginning to resemble the Marxist hell-hole of his dreams. 

Obama's game plan: "level playing fields," "share the wealth," encourage worldwide contempt toward the U.S., enable mass illegal immigrationredefine democracy, rehabilitate Islamic terrorists, impose high taxes, usher in shoddy health care, encourage a weak military presence, foster energy dependency, stir racial unrest, insult allies, demonize law enforcement, install totalitarian diktats, desecrate the Constitution, and more.  Mysteriously, at a dizzying rate of speed, seven years after he left office, these are the very revenge tactics being enacted as we speak. 

How can this be? 

Starting with the presidency of Joe "Which Way Do I Go" Biden, the political enemies of America's wannabe third-termer are currently reaping their just reward for perceived noncompliance.  Joe is so befuddled, incompetent, clueless, and embarrassing — what better humiliation on the world stage than the current commander in chief?  Making America a laughingstock with the weakest of weak leaders smacks of Obama-style spitefulness. 

As "Obama's legacy and her dreams of the presidency lay shattered at Donald Trump's feet," in 2016, Hillary wasn't the only one livid as election results delivered the agony defeat.  Trump's win was a repudiation of eight years of Obama rule.  Thus, judging from the current course of events, could both Trump, who rolled back Obama policy, and the voters who put him in office be suffering the ramifications of being on Obama's hate list?  Could Biden be a vindictive adviser's suggested punishment for choosing Obama's antithesis?

The former president's inability to endure rejection may explain why whoever is secretly directing the White House from an underground bunker in Kalorama decided that 2020 recompense should arrive in the form of Mr. Magoo.

Let's face it: it is highly unlikely Joe Biden came up with the idea to cut open Trump's border wall in Arizona.  Nor is it likely that the guy who couldn't find his way to a podium accomplished the goal of abandoning U.S. soldiers Benghazi-style or haphazardly arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in military war weaponry.  Every policy decision, from the diminishing supply chain to destroying energy independence to the economic crippling of the middle class to the devastating invasion at the border to the vaccine mandates, hints at the forced exoneration of Obama's hurt feelings  — on steroids.

Then add to the equation the travelers aboard Biden's clown car, which include Giggles Harris, Sniffles Hunter, and the esteemed Dr. Jill.  And if that motley crew being within a mile of the nuclear codes isn't scary enough, what's even more disturbing is how everyone who dared question the 2020 election is being tarred; feathered; disgraced, and primed for political, professional, and in Trump's case literal gallows.

As each leg of the Constitution stool that Obama considers "fatally flawed" has been systematically sawn away, angry liberal legislators with deep-seated racial animosity, as well as Obama loyalists, have been granted carte blanche to plague Donald Trump in ways never experienced in American history.  The mug shots out of Georgia are a modern-day equivalent to a cautionary array of "co-conspirator" skulls on spikes.  The only one missing from the lineup is the "My Pillow" guy, Mike Lindell.

Defend Trump's election inquiries, and you're depicted an enemy worthy of being publicly disgraced in a vicious way.  Trump is portrayed as a facsimile of mob boss Carlo Gambino and his defenders a squad of mafia hit men.  The kind of political contempt we're witnessing is a far cry from the Kenyan imposter refusing Putin the gym space at the Group of Eight Summit or sending an in-your-face LGBT contingency to the Sochi Olympics in Russia — where homosexuality is illegal.  That was child's play; this is the real deal.

On a much grander scale, the Trump indictments evoke memories of the type of maliciousness Obama displayed when Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu was left sitting alone in a White House meeting room for more than an hour while a rude former president disappeared upstairs for meatloaf with the wife and kids.  On that occasion, Netanyahu was chastised for the sin of daring to differ with punk Obama's "13 demands" concerning settlements in East Palestine. 

In the end, this man-child will not rest until his egotistical reprisals are satisfied, and America still has a long way to go.  Barack Obama has already proven that if you deviate from his way of thinking, there's hell to pay.  Obama has also proven that he hates America, detests patriotic Americans, loathes the U.S. Constitution, and will set the world on fire to exact psychopathic revenge on his detractors.  Therefore, on behalf of the global elite, who better than a vindictive Barack Obama to do the dirty work necessary to bring the last vestige of freedom to its knees?

Jeannie hosts a blog at


Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.  


White House: Don’t Get Why GOP Wants to Repeal Bidenomics, Which Has ‘the IRS Working’ to Go After ‘Tax Cheats’

On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein reacted to criticism of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda during this week’s Republican debate by stating he doesn’t understand why Republicans want to repeal things like “the IRS working much more effectively to meet the needs of taxpayers and to close the tax gap by going after tax cheats above 400,000, in fact, way above 400,000 in terms of…their income.”

Bernstein said, “I talked about how the strong labor market, consumer spending, real wage gains, how important they are right now. I think equally important is the investment agenda of Bidenomics. Another tailwind here is the process of standing up a domestic semiconductor industry, a domestic clean energy product industry, domestic EV and electric batteries. Those are jobs here — good jobs for American workers, and this isn’t a one-week, month, or quarter endeavor. This is a long-term play. These are deep investments. It’s also catalyzing private investment to come in off the sidelines, and we’ve seen hundreds of billions of dollars of complementary investment in that regard.”

He continued, “Now, when it comes to Republican opposition, I will say what I certainly don’t understand is why they would want to consider repealing a level of investment that the private sector is clearly highly enthusiastic about, not to mention direct cost cuts in the area of health care, lower costs for health coverage, lower costs for prescription drugs, lower costs for insulin. We also have the IRS working much more effectively to meet the needs of taxpayers and to close the tax gap by going after tax cheats above 400,000, in fact, way above 400,000 in terms of…their income. So, all of those, we view, as completely positive.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Report: Merrick Garland Identified as Official Misleading Congress in Hunter Biden Tax Probe

136Kevin Lamarque, Pool via AP


22 Apr 20231,593


Attorney General Merrick Garland is the previously unidentified official who, according to an IRS whistleblower, misled Congress about the Justice Department’s probe into Hunter Biden, a report alleged Friday.

Garland refused to name a special counsel in Hunter’s tax investigation to provide a degree of separation between President Joe Biden and his Justice Department.


U.S. President Joe Biden (L) and Attorney General Merrick Garland walk into the East Room for the Public Safety Officer Medals of Valor ceremony at the White House on May 16, 2022, in Washington, DC (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images).

Garland has repeatedly testified before Congress that U.S. Attorney David Weiss has the “full authority” to make a criminal referral against Hunter without the permission of the Justice Department. Garland noted he would personally have to “authorize” any charges.

“There will not be interference of any political or improper kind” in the investigation of Hunter led by Weiss, Garland insisted in April 2022.

But the IRS whistleblower believes that Garland’s claims have misled Congress. The IRS agent’s attorney explained that his client can “contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee” — whom the New York Post identified as Garland.

As early as 2019, Hunter has been under investigation by Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware, for potential tax and gun violations. Yet no charges have been levied.

“There’s enough to indict Hunter Biden now, there was enough to indict Hunter Biden three or four years ago with what’s on the laptop,” House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) exclaimed on Lou Dobbs’ podcast. “So for whatever reason, this U.S. attorney hasn’t produced very many results.”

The tax probe into Hunter could implicate President Joe Biden. A witness who testified before the jury was reportedly asked to identify the “big guy.”


Committee ranking member Rep. James Comer (R-KY) attends a House Oversight Committee hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill on July 27, 2022, in Washington, DC (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images). // Inset: U.S. President Joe Biden (L) and son Hunter Biden exit Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, SC, on August 13, 2022 (Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images).

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Breitbart News he believes Garland and Biden are culpable for the alleged abuses.

“Under President Biden and Attorney General Garland, America is not equally applying justice and the rule of law. They are both equally culpable and responsible for abuse alleged by the IRS whistleblower,” he said.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

The swamp is deep and the IRS crocodiles are hungry

By Jack Hellner

Maybe the IRS should spend their time administering the tax code instead of targeting people they don't like and protecting criminals whose policies they like. 

These days, it is no different than when the IRS targeted Tea Party members for the sole reason that they did not like President Obama's big government and high-tax policies. 

Biden compared Tea Party members to domestic terrorists back then, just like he compares MAGA Republicans to domestic terrorists today.

It is Democrats who continually gin up racial hate and division while they pretend they want unity and most of the media cheers. 

Why should we hire 87,000 more IRS agents when the ones we have are more interested in protecting themselves instead of doing their job?

Look at this news here:

IRS Axes 'Entire Investigative Team' Probing Hunter Biden Taxes: Report

According to an exclusive report late Monday night from The New York Post, the IRS "removed the 'entire investigative team' from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who alleged a coverup."

Biden's latest financial disclosures are out and he showed no gifts. What about the gifts when Hunter uses kickbacks to pay Daddy's bills? I bet those gifts have never been shown on any gift tax return. I bet IRS agents don't care.

What about all the times Joe and his family spend vacations at a billionaire's house for free? Where are the gift tax returns?

The leftist media has been spending lots of time trying to destroy Clarence Thomas for free vacations, even though that is not a violation, but they actively support Biden no matter how corrupt he is and how many ethical violations he has. 

It is so hard to spot the bias

Royalties from a pair of books he published years earlier: $2,933. Interest from one bank account: $15,000 or less. Gifts to declare: none

Meanwhile, Special Counsel John Durham's report shows how corrupt and politicized the Justice Department has become. They have interfered in all elections since at least 2016 with endless witch hunts. The corruption by the Obama and Biden Justice Department dwarfs Watergate. 

There have been endless witch hunts seeking to destroy Trump and associates yet the corrupt Justice officials remain free. 

It is a joke when the Justice Department says the reforms they have put in place will stop this. They are targeting Catholics, parents, pro-life people, and trespassers with no regard for equal justice or the truth. 

The corruption in 2020 was as bad as 2016 when they colluded with the media to bury the truth about the Biden family corruption. 

And the media cheers and continues to intentionally lie to the public that the 2020 election was clean. 

If the media and other Democrats dispose of Trump, they will go after Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis or whoever else is the Republican candidate. They also trashed Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Romney. The only Republicans they pretend to support are Republicans when they are attacking other Republicans. 

Is the media going to call out Rep. Adam Schiff for all his intentional lies? Nope, they will continue to have him lie about Comey's and Jordan's investigations into the massive corruption of Joe Biden. The truth hasn't mattered for a long time to the sycophant media. They only care about power.

The swamp must be drained before the U.S. collapses. The younger generation is being indoctrinated with garbage, like the lies about climate change and white privilege. 

There is nothing progressive about the media and other Democrats that call themselves progressive. They are intentionally moving the country backwards. They should be referred to as depressives, oppressives, destructives, or regressives.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

How Joe Biden and the I.R.S are Performing Criminal Acts

To dismantle our borders and destroy our country.


Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER




Where did Biden's millions come from?


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens. P.F. WHALEN

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied aboutscholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married. MARK CHRISTIAN

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.




Joe Biden paid $800k in legal fees for Hunter according to email


How Joe Biden and the I.R.S are Performing Criminal Acts

To dismantle our borders and destroy our country.

Fri May 27, 2022

David Horowitz and John Perazzo


In an earlier article about Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts to fix the 2020 presidential election, we observed that the root cause of America’s current problems, beginning with broken borders and off-the charts urban violence – is lawlessness.[1] We also observed that this lawlessness originates in the White House, and includes the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Executive Branch generally.

Discussions of the border problem often touch on the criminal element that violates our unenforced border laws beginning with drug dealers, sex traffickers, and migrant smugglers. But the crime problem is vastly understated in these references which give the impression that it is largely confined to the countries they have left, and has no impact on the country they have invaded. In July 2018, the Government Accountability Office issued a report containing “Criminal Alien Statistics,”[2] which serves to correct this false impression.  Among its conclusions, the report states that one in five federal prisoners in the United States is a criminal alien. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The G.A.O. report covered the period between 2011 and 2016. During that time frame, approximately 2 million foreigners crossed the border into the United States illegally – which is just about the number of unvetted foreigners whom border officials predict will cross the border illegally this year alone. In that same time frame there were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, federal and state, and local jails. Criminals are not usually arrested the first time they commit a crime, and are often released with minimal time served when they are. So while there were 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, they accounted for 4.9 million arrests and 7.5 million offenses – which would translate into a 10 times greater number of victims than offenders. 

The offenses of these criminals, according to the report, included more than 1 million drug crimes (number of victims unknown); 500,000 assaults; 133,800 sex offenses (number of actual victims who may have been reluctant to report the crimes also unknown); 24,200 kidnappings; 33,300 “homicide-related events:” and “1,500 terrorism-related crimes.”

How many lives were damaged or destroyed by these aliens who entered the country illegally and should never have even been here in the first place, will never be known, and yet the lawless Biden administration which will not enforce existing immigration laws is planning to continue the outrage and pile up the victims at an even greater rate.

And worse. On July 14, 2021, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson revealed the Biden Administration had suborned the U.S. military to ship tens of thousands of illegals into cities across the country at taxpayer expense. Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas was used as the platform from which to secretly board illegals and fly them, under dark of night, to locations across the U.S.  Many other illegals were being sent to occupy the American interior, also at taxpayer expense, but by bus rather than by jet. In the words of Center for Immigration Studies fellow Todd Bensman, “a conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses … are carrying tens of thousands, sight unseen, from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward, and they are dropping their Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Central American family units in Florida and New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and to large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.”

The fact that the Biden administration chose the middle of the night to ship illegals secretly is a clear indication that the White House was quite aware it was conducting an illegal operation. Its goal, as Tucker Carlson claimed was “changing the electoral map” of the United States and enacting “demographic transformation in our country, without our consent, and in violation of our laws.” Former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller explained on the same show: “[W]hat is happening now is unprecedented…. This is not about an administration that is unable to protect the border. This is about an administration that in a very purposeful, planned, deliberate, painstaking fashion has turned our Border Patrol and I.C.E. [Immigration & Customs Enforcement] agencies into resettlement agencies…. This is a planned resettlement. The largest of its kind, I would suggest, perhaps in the history of the world in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law.”

In a similar vein, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reported in early November 2021 that, over the course of the preceding summer, dozens of flights had transported groups of illegals from America’s southern border to Jacksonville, Florida in the middle of the night. “Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” said Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety spokesman. “On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights,” added Keefe. “And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September…. Who is facilitating this travel? How are they getting here? Who are the support people? Who are the sponsors?” 

To answer Keefe’s questions, the support people and sponsors of the aforementioned flights were, in many cases, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have long enjoyed tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This status permits donors to give money to NGOs while claiming their donations as tax deductions. In many cases, the cost of the midnight flights was paid in full by faith-based and open-border NGOs that had contracted with, and were being paid by, the federal government.

Using tax-exempt foundations to defraud taxpayers into subsidizing an illegal invasion of the United States was only possible because of the collusion of the White House and the I.R.S. in supporting this subversion of the American immigration system. And this was only the big picture lawlessness. The smaller details were also full of improprieties. As reporter John Binder notes, these illegal aliens often received special privileges unavailable to American citizens and legal residents:

“All of the border crossers and illegal aliens used Department of Homeland Security (DHS) forms as their proof of identification, as Biden has allowed them to bypass standard TSA [Transportation Security Administration] rules where American citizens must show photo identification to board commercial flights. Most shockingly, perhaps, the forms border crossers and illegal aliens are allowed to use as official forms of identification for TSA include arrest warrants, deportation orders, Notices to Appear (NTA) in immigration court, and federal custody booking records. In addition, TSA officials confirmed that border crossers and illegal aliens boarding domestic commercial flights do not have to undergo health screenings beforehand.”

The obvious injustice of such an arrangement is greatly compounded by the fact that the very activities in which the NGOs are complicit amount to the willful provision of assistance to countless thousands of people who have intentionally broken American immigration laws. Such NGO activities are clearly in violation of the legal requirements that govern 501(c)(3) nonprofits, requirements that explicitly prohibit support for unlawful actions. As the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) states without ambiguity:

· “[Tax-]exempt purposes may generally be equated with the public good, and violations of law are the antithesis of the public good. Therefore, the conduct of such activities may be a bar to exemption.”

· “Not only is the actual conduct of illegal activities inconsistent with exemption, but the planning and sponsoring of such activities are also incompatible with charity and social welfare.”

· “Violation of constitutionally valid laws is inconsistent with exemption under IRC 501(c)(3).”

· “[A]ll charitable organizations, regardless of their form, are subject to the requirement that their purpose may not be illegal or contrary to public policy.”

It is impossible to read this Code without concluding that the Internal Revenue Service itself is not only derelict in its duty but has operated with criminal intent to violate its own statutes, indeed its own mission – and on a massive scale.

An enormous amount of money flows from the federal government to the various NGOs that help illegal aliens make their way to their ultimate destinations across the United States. The most recent year for which an accurate dollar figure is available is 2020, the final year of Donald Trump’s presidency. Even under the immigration policies of President Trump, which were far more restrictive than those of his successor, the federal government in 2020 alone distributed more than $1.5 billion among 42 separate nonprofit organizations that provided housing, educational, medical, and legal services for illegals. The leading recipient of this government largesse in 2020 was an Austin, Texas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit named Southwest Key Programs, which received $400 million in taxpayer funds. The second-leading recipient was BCFS Health & Human Services, a San Antonio-based 501(c)(3) which took in at least $253.1 million from the federal government.

In short, aiding and abetting people who break America’s immigration laws has become a very lucrative enterprise for these NGOs, thanks to the contempt the Biden White House and its bureaucratic agencies have for the law itself.

Another Texas-based 501(c)(3) organization, the Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition (VVBHC), processes large numbers of illegal aliens for airline flights or bus trips from Texas to places like Florida, Indiana, New York, Tennessee, and Utah. It also provides those passengers with basic necessities such as food, drink, and access to shower facilities. Moreover, VVBHC is assisted in these endeavors by two additional 501(c)(3) nonprofits, the Salvation Army and the United Methodist Committee on Relief.

In a similar spirit, Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (CCRGV) plays an active role in providing food and shelter to illegal migrants who have been released from federal custody, before they make their way to their final destinations in various locations across the United States. CCRGV also collaborates with a fellow 501(c)(3) nonprofit named Team Brownsville to provide such items as food, clothing, and diapers — as well as assistance in coordinating travel plans — for illegal aliens in Brownsville, Texas.

Also in Texas, Mercy Ministries works with fellow 501(c)(3)s like Catholic Charities and the Holding Institute to shelter illegal migrants in Laredo.

The Biden Administration has quietly flown enormous numbers of illegal alien minors from Texas to New York between the hours of midnight and 6:30 a.m.  Many of those illegals are then dropped off at the Syosset, Long Island campus of MercyFirst, a 501c3 nonprofit sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, a fellow Catholic 501(c)(3 nonprofit. From there, they are helped to find permanent homes.

On July 28, 2021, Texas’ Republican Governor, Greg Abbott, issued an executive order barring all citizens and residents of that state from providing transportation services for any migrants who had crossed the southern U.S. border illegally. Abbott’s order sparked the ire of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. (CLINIC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that characterized the governor’s edict as “an affront to human dignity and morality.” “It promotes racial profiling and punishes organizations, including CLINIC affiliates, for providing vital, life-saving services to immigrants,” said Viviana Westbrook, CLINIC’s state and local advocacy attorney. “This order, its origins and its goals,” she added, “are a direct attack on all of us, undermining the core value shared by Catholics and other people of faith across this country — we can and must welcome.”

These sentiments may seem noble, but even the Church must obey the law, as its Divine Authority famously said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s.” Sedition is not a holy obligation or rite.

Republican Congressman Lance Gooden of Texas has warned that in collaboration with the Biden Administration, tax-exempt NGOs are not only “facilitating human smuggling and child trafficking in our country,” but are also “allowing these migrants, many of whom are unknown to U.S. law enforcement agencies, to board commercial aircraft, creating one of the greatest threats to U.S. national security since September 11, 2001.”

In February 2022, Rep. Gooden introduced The Stop Federal Funding for Human Trafficking and Smuggling Act, legislation designed to deny the flow of government dollars to nonprofit organizations that help facilitate illegal entry into the United States. As Gooden said in a statement: “The Biden administration is working with nonprofits, U.S. corporations, and international agencies to operate an illegal immigration network that spans from South America to every community in the United States. Taxpayer dollars should not be subsiding a mass invasion of our country, and it is time to put a stop to this corrupt operation.”

Former White House Office of Management & Budget Director Russ Vought, who now serves as president of Citizens for Renewing Americalauded Gooden’s bill: “Many NGOs openly encourage the flaunting of our border and immigration laws, providing ‘how-to’ guidance on how to come to the United States illegally, and then reward such activity by facilitating and funding housing, food, utilities, and legal support. The net effect of these activities either directly promotes or provides cover for human trafficking operations, and the exploitation of men, women, and children at the border under the guise of ‘helping’ migrants. I support Rep. Gooden's efforts to make sure groups that facilitate these activities are no longer funded with the hard-earned tax dollars supplied by the forgotten men and women of America.”

When Chris Cabrera, chief of the National Border Patrol Council in South Texas, was asked in February 2022 whether open-borders NGOs “are working at cross purposes to you,” he replied: “Most definitely. And they should not be allowed to, but our government allows it. And that’s a problem. And it’s one reason [Border Patrol] morale is so low.”

Like Texas, California is another state that serves as a destination for countless thousands of illegal border crossers from Mexico and Central America. California-based nonprofits like the San Diego Rapid Response Network (SDRRN) and Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS) — both of which receive significant funding from American taxpayers — have helped the Biden Administration fly illegal aliens into the U.S. interior at no cost to them, while allowing them to evade normal airport-security requirements. Indeed, the illegals are asked to do nothing more than pledge that they will check in with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency at some future date — a pledge that is almost always broken.

The San Diego Rapid Response Network — which was launched in 2017 by two California ACLU chapters, the San Diego Organizing Project, and SEIU Local 221 — professes to combat “dehumanizing immigration enforcement activities, including checkpoints, raids, arrests, and harassment, occurring in San Diego County.”

In other words, the lawlessness of the Biden administration has spawned a mentality that is seditious and insurrectionary, and thanks to the complicity of the I.R.S. funded by taxpayer donations that were never intended for such illegal and subversive purposes.

Jewish Family Services is a tax-exempt NGO that colludes with the Homeland Security Department to provide illegal aliens with shelter services. Moreover, JFS furnishes illegals with information packets that explain how they can: find an immigration attorney, apply for asylum, get past TSA agents at airports without showing proof of ID, get free access to high-quality hotels, contact immigration NGOs that can help them break the law, and enroll their children in U.S. public schools. “We … stand with all Dreamers and their families,” JFS proclaims, “and all estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants who consider the United States to be their home.” So much for the rule of law.

In November 2021, Just The News reported that Jewish Family Services, in its most recent financial statement, indicated that it had received more than $16 million in government support during the preceding fiscal year.

JFS’s subversive attacks on U.S. immigration law pre-date the Biden demolition project. JFS opposed virtually all Trump-era immigration policies, including the so-called Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a government action stipulating that foreign individuals traveling northward through Mexico and seeking asylum in the U.S. without proper documentation, could be required to remain in Mexico while waiting for their asylum hearings in America to eventually make their way onto a court calendar. Prior to the implementation of MMP, American border agencies had been required to release such illegals into the country’s interior, on the shaky expectation that they would someday show up for their asylum hearings. By JFS’s calculus, MMP was a “cruel and inhuman” policy. JFS is entitled to its opinion, but not to subverting the law and abusing taxpayer monies to implement its own agendas.

Other California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits that help illegal aliens access free food, hotel rooms, and commercial flights into the American interior include Catholic Charities of San Diego and the Los Angeles-based Shapiro Foundation. In San Diego, many illegals have been housed at hotels including The Four Points by Sheraton, where rates start at $159 per night. Elsewhere in southern California, various nonprofit NGOs have negotiated arrangements with the Biden Administration and the state to provide illegals with hotel rooms costing $71 to $90 per night — again, all courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer, and a derelict I.R.S.

Another center of illegal entry into the Unites States is Arizona, where, between March 2021 and March 2022, a 501(c)(3) non-profit called the Regional Center for Border Health helped more than 16,700 illegal migrants obtain food, clothing, and transport to far-flung locations across the United States where they could provide a demographic basis for future Democrat majorities – at least according to the assumptions of their Democrat sponsors.

Catholic Charities, meanwhile, has operated regular shuttle buses to Arizona’s Yuma International Airport, where illegal aliens are provided free commercial flights to their ultimate destinations. Many of those flights are paid for by Miles4Migrants, a tax-exempt NGO that uses donated air-miles to cover the costs.

No account of nonprofit organizations’ complicity in lawbreaking would be complete without some mention of what was done in 2018 by Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF, “People Without Borders”), a Chicago-based organization founded in 2001 by Roberto Corona, a Mexican-born activist dedicated to promoting the rights of illegal aliens in the United States. PSF is a project of another Chicago-based nonprofit, the now-defunct La Familia Latina Unida (“The United Latin Family”). Describing itself as “a collective of friends” who stand “in permanent solidarity with displaced peoples,” PSF has led numerous caravans of migrants and refugees from Central America to the U.S. The organization not only pledges to “provide humanitarian aid and legal advice” for such sojourners, but also candidly declares that its overriding objective is to “abolish borders” and facilitate the free, unregulated movement of Central American migrants into the United States. It proposes to do this by dismantling the immigration system and legal order that made America such a desirable destination in the first place, and replacing it with the lawless attitudes and practices that made Central America a slum.

In the spring of 2018, People Without Borders helped organize a caravan of hundreds of people from Central America seeking to enter the United States illegally. The co-organizer of that caravan was the CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, a coalition composed of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Three of those four coalition members are tax-exempt NGOs.[3]

On March 23, 2018, People Without Borders publicized the caravan by issuing a press release demanding that Mexico and the United States “respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families”; “open the[ir] borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel”; and end all “deportations which destroy families.” Notice that everything in this statement is an unsubstantiated claim beginning with the presumption that the caravan members are refugees with rights. Asylum seekers do have rights, but only because America honors them, and the current crisis at the border is in large part the result of would-be asylum seekers failing to show up for the court appointments designed to establish that they are indeed asylum seekers and not just liars seeking the bounties that the rule of law made possible before the Biden progressives began destroying them.

In mid-October of 2018, People Without Borders spearheaded an effort to overwhelm America’s border-control apparatus when it helped launch yet another large caravan — composed of several thousand people from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador — that began migrating northward for the declared purpose of breaking America’s immigration laws and occupying the United States.

In an October 21, 2018 press release, People Without Borders accused President Trump and the U.S. of using “repressive tactics” to inflict “fear and racism” on the people of Central America. These preposterous claims indicate what little chance there is that such people would make a positive contribution to American life should they succeed in their malign agenda. This agenda was made clearer in the statement of one of its funders, Freedom For Immigrants, an Oakland, California-based tax-exempt advocacy group which claims that America’s “immigration detention system is built upon a long history of white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism.” Sure, that’s what America needs – more racist Marxists who want America to look like Communist Cuba.

The I.R.S. is the patron saint of a movement to break America’s immigration laws, occupy its cities, bilk its taxpayers, overwhelm its health, welfare and education services, fill its prisons, and destroy its constitutional order. By their words and actions alike, this movement had shown its utter contempt for America’s integrity as a sovereign nation, and for the hard-won principles that made it the object of their envy. The I.R.S. has abandoned its responsibilities and betrayed its mandate in order to turn a blind eye to its own brazen complicity in advancing chaos and lawlessness through the length and breadth of a once proud nation.

David Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the bestselling author of I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax is Killing America.

John Perazzo is the editor of—an encyclopedic guide to the political Left and a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of Black Lives Matter: Marxist Hate Dressed Up As Racial Justice.


Can we please stop using the term 'President Biden'?

By James Mullin

AT readers know well the array of dementia signs in the current occupant of the White House. I’m sure most would contend that Biden is not mentally capable of the office. And yet, how many AT essays and comments decry this or that policy of Biden or this or that statement that he manages to utter as if they were his policies and statements? One of Biden’s chief functions for the left is his role as Straw Man in Chief. If you attack him, you’re not attacking them. (Leftist) Mission accomplished. Conservatives/patriots set themselves up here in what will be an exceedingly adept ploy from the left. Once the left gets rid of Biden, their minions will claim “problem solved.” Now let’s all Hail our new (Democrat) President ___________ [fill in the blank].

So, what is the proper approach that conservatives/patriots should take? Utter dismissiveness! Refuse to engage with any argument that centers on Biden. Refuse to acknowledge him. It will drive his minions crazy but, much more importantly, it will remind AT readers that Biden is merely the tip of the pimple that sits atop the festering subdermal abscess that is Democrat leftism. Eliminating Biden will accomplish nothing except proceeding to the next chapter that the left has written.

So how am I so sure that other hands man the steering wheel in our headlong plunge over the abyss? Little things. The mighty get tripped up so many times by just that, little things.


Image: Biden (cropped). YouTube screen grab.

For example, Biden did not bother attending the coronation of the monarch of perhaps our closest ally. The estimable Mrs. Biden did. I’m not a partisan of Charles, but I do respect the British people. Biden’s actions are inexcusable in that regard. And the petty meanness of the swipe seems odd. What exactly in Biden’s Senate or Vice Presidency past betokens his antipathy to the British or their monarch? In truth, nothing. That his mother didn’t like the British is not relevant to him in his role as White House occupant and the American people’s representative.

And then there’s this: Remember that bust of Winston Churchill that Barry Obama had summarily removed from the WH after his inauguration? The one that President Trump put back in place? Well, it seems (from none other than CNN) that Biden had it removed again.

Now we know that Biden can be petty and vindictive (ask Hunter’s disowned daughter), but even the petty and vindictive need a motive. Only one person would have the pettiness, vindictiveness, and the hatred to troll that low. And that would be Barack Hussein Obama.

So, with Susan Rice’s recent stint in the Biden White House as further argument about the real power behind the Oval Office chair (not to mention the estimable Merrick Garland as AG,) it really does appear that the Transformation of America is proceeding apace with the same cast of characters leading the way (where are Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder these days btw?).

Now this begets yet another question: How can a guy not bright enough to write his own autobiography lead a transformative revolution—both cultural and political—that has enveloped the U.S.? Like a series of infernal nesting dolls, we will likely find that the ultimate fingers working the strings belong to someone(s) still as yet uncovered, but not Barry.

But back to our theme here, don’t believe for a second that Joseph Robinette Biden pulls his own strings. That mirage only favors the left’s goals. And besides, he is about to be thrown under their bus anyway. They just await the moment of maximum gain.

It is very true that, to defeat your enemy, you must first know them. Just realize, it isn’t Biden. If someone shoots you, you don’t take it out on the bullet. You go after the shooter! (Except if your name is Alec Baldwin, of course). So, with us, don’t waste time on Biden. Focus on one row back. Biden is about to be history, courtesy of his current masters. But we will get only more of the same or worse.

Dershowitz: If Joe Biden Is Innocent, Let Him Be the One Calling for a Special Counsel

Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued President Joe Biden should be for a special counsel investigation into the alleged wrongdoing that has overshadowed his presidency.

Dershowitz argued if he were innocent, a special counsel investigation would clear it up.

“You know, Professor, I’m very curious,” host Sean Hannity said. “I don’t remember or recall — we probably have talked about, I just don’t remember off the top of my head, but this whole issue of Burisma. Let me give you the timeline. October 2015, we know from the reporting of John Solomon that it became the official policy after interagency collaboration for the U.S. to give this billion dollars to Ukraine in loan guarantees because they had concluded on the issue of corruption that Ukraine had made significant progress and that they deserved it.”

“Let’s move to December 4, same year, 2015 — that is the day that Hunter Biden is in Dubai. He’s meeting with Burisma executives,” he continued. “OK, he doesn’t have any experience in oil, energy at all or Ukraine, but he’s being paid a fortune, as you know. And anyway, their big problem at the time was they needed D.C. help. Obviously, Hunter Biden has no clout in D.C., but his father, the vice president, does. So, that day, December 4, 2015, they get on the phone with Joe Biden.”

“Five days later, Joe Biden is in Ukraine, and that’s when he leveraged $1 billion of our tax dollars going against U.S. policy because the U.S. policy was he was to deliver that money to get a prosecutor fired in hours,” he added. “He brags on tape later that son of a B he did it, and so, Ukraine gets the billion after they fire the guy, the guy, we just played he thinks it’s bribery, which got him fired, and Hunter continues to be enriched. Now, Professor, how would you describe that transaction? Because that sounds like a real bribery scandal to me.”

“I would describe it as sufficient to warrant the invocation of special counsel from outside the government,” Dershowitz replied. “And Joe Biden himself ought to be asking for a special counsel. There is enough smoke. There’s enough suspicion. I don’t want — if I were myself, anybody to suspect me of bribery. If he’s innocent, let him be the one calling for a special counsel. Let Garland then go outside, pick the former dean, the presidents of universities, somebody, former judge and justice of the Supreme Court, let them investigate the case, and then let them.”

“But, Professor, you know that’s never going to happen,” Hannity interrupted. “You know that that’s not going to happen because the evidence that we have now, that we’ve corroborated, is damning, isn’t it? That is a strong prosecutable case, isn’t it?”

“It is an investigable case, and it may rise to the level of a prosecutable case if everything alleged turns out to be true,” Dershowitz replied. “And that’s the basis for appointing a special counsel. Maybe people ought to go to court and demand that the court require the appointment of special counsel because it seems to fit within all the criteria for special counsel. And the failure to appoint a special counsel, now there is already a special counsel.”

“And to be clear, the special counsel should be investigating Joe Biden,” Hannity said. “This is not a Hunter Biden scandal. You agree with that?”

“I agree that it’s a Biden,” Dershowitz responded. “It’s a scandal that alleges serious matters against the president.”

“And the matters would be bribery, and then according to James Comer, with all these shell corporations, that turns out to be true, nine Biden family members being enriched, including grandchildren. I wonder what they did for Burisma,” Hannity said.

“Look, the other thing that Congress can do, Congress can appoint a special counsel,” Dershowitz added. “Now, he would have subpoena power under the Justice Department. If the congressional committee feels there’s no sufficient investigation, they can conduct an investigation by hiring an outside counsel. That’s within their power.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Establishment Media Begin to Scrutinize Joe Biden’s Involvement in Family Business 

US President Joe Biden on a smartphone during a National Small Business Week event in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Monday, May 1, 2023. The White House said Biden administration investments in America has led to 10.5 million applications to start small businesses …
Ting Shen/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The establishment media in recent weeks have ramped up their examination of President Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden family business.

Though the scrutiny is shrouded in caveats and deflections, it could represent a departure from how the establishment media cover the Biden family moving forward.
The congressional testimony from Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s best friend in business, appears to have altered the media’s narrative on Joe Biden’s role in the business. Since Archer’s testimony, the media have shifted from reporting on “allegations” levied by Republicans to serious “claims” made by a witness inside the Biden family’s inner circle.

The first example of the media’s change in tune came from Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen, who published an entire article noting his shift in perspective towards the Bidens’ elaborate scheme.

“I have long dismissed the Hunter Biden story as an irrelevant sideshow, but recent revelations have changed my mind,” Olson wrote. “There’s more than enough evidence to merit a thorough investigation of President Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings.”

Olsen cited Devon Archer’s testimony as one of the greatest reasons he changed his mind:

Devon Archer, Hunter’s former business partner, recently testified before the House Oversight Committee that Hunter’s value to these firms was his family’s “brand” — his presumed access to the then-vice president. At the time, according to Archer’s testimony, Joe Biden attended dinners in Washington with Hunter and members of Burisma, the Ukrainian firm on whose board Hunter served. Joe Biden also regularly participated in phone calls with Hunter and his clients, Archer said.

In a second instance, Atlantic Magazine columnist Sarah Chayes published an article Wednesday that blamed Joe Biden for permitting the family’s “access-peddling business.”

“The biggest problem with Hunter Biden’s access-peddling business may have been that his father, the president, thought it was fine,” she wrote. “For a president and a political party whose brand stresses integrity, that’s a self-inflicted wound.”

Citing Archer’s testimony, Chayes highlighted the elaborate business operation the Bidens conducted:

Archer’s descriptions of the associates’ activities illustrate what I have found to be the typical modus operandi of such networks. His own corporate holdings, as well as those in which Hunter Biden had a stake, were subdivided and recombined in a dizzying array of similarly named entities that makes any attempt to trace money flows exceedingly difficult. The principals looked outside Europe, the U.S., and Singapore for markets “that were less sensitive,” Archer explained, to public scrutiny of questionable business practices—such as Kazakhstan. “It was pretty wild,” he bragged, citing a hastily assembled lucrative drilling project. “We pulled off a lot.”

A third example of the media’s altered tune came from NBC News. Joe Biden, who is reportedly “consumed” with his son Hunter’s scandals, angrily dismisses White House aides who believe Hunter Biden’s controversial history might politically hurt his father, NBC News’  and 

“Those close to the president have given up trying, even in the most gingerly of ways, to explain to him the potential political fallout,” the report stated:

For months as Hunter Biden’s legal woes persisted and he prepared to mount a public defense against Republican attacks after several years largely staying silent, Biden’s closest political and legal advisers have had to balance their instincts to protect their boss with his parental desire to protect his son, according to the people familiar with the dynamic. That has resulted in tensions between legal teams for the president and Hunter Biden and very delicate attempts by the president’s advisers to explain to him how his son’s elevated public profile may not be in his best interest when it comes to political goals — specifically winning re-election in what could be a rematch of the 2020 race against Donald Trump, these people said.

Even as some outlets published a few critical articles about Joe Biden, the media overall continued to defend the Bidens.

Hunter Biden receives worse treatment from the Justice Department (DOJ) than an average citizen in his position, New York Magazine’s Ankush Khardori claimed in a 1,500-word article.

Khardori argued that recently appointed Special Counsel David Weiss victimized Hunter Biden because the prosecutor succumbed to political pressure. Republican lawmakers manipulated Weiss’s team with IRS whistleblower leaks, which “strongly suggests that Biden has been treated worse — not better — than typical people in his position,” Khardori claimed:

People get off without criminal charges for failing to pay much larger sums of money than Biden owed to tax authorities. The gun charge is similarly dubious, and the notion that there is a chargeable case against Biden under FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] or a related statute — an idea that is basically now taken for granted in conservative media — is also open to serious doubt.

Polling shows public trust in national news media has plummeted in recent years. Six out of ten Americans say the establishment media are to blame for misinformation, a poll revealed in May.

A February poll found 50 percent of Americans say the national media intend to mislead, misinform, and persuade the public. Only 35 percent say most news organizations can be relied upon.

The same poll found 35 percent of respondents say national news organizations, such as CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the Washington Post, and Politico care more about pushing cultural activism than reporting news that interests their readers, viewers, or listeners.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality 

‘Middle Class Joe’ Is Actually Multi-Millionaire Joe

Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images


fr Vice President Joe Biden, who often pitches himself as “Middle Class Joe” on the campaign trail, is a multi-millionaire, according to his most recent tax returns.

On Tuesday, Biden’s presidential campaign released three years worth of tax filings showing the Democrat frontrunner and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, earned more than $15.6 million since leaving the White House. The majority of the couple’s income came from a book deal — estimated to be worth $8 million — and lucrative speaking engagements.

In 2017, Biden’s first year out of elective office since 1973, the couple earned more than $11 million. This was exponentially more than the $396,552 both reported making in 2016. The following year, the couple’s annual income decreased slightly to $4. 58 million.

Biden’s political standing appears to be the reason for the couple’s new found wealth. The returns show that Biden earned $9.49 million in 2017 through CelticCapri Corp., a shell company named after the couple’s Secret Service code names.

CelticCapri, which was incorporated in Delaware only days after Biden left office, serves as the main vehicle for the former vice president’s public engagements. In 2018, Biden was paid $2.73 million through the company for appearances and speeches all across the country. In total, over the two year period, Biden made 49 speeches with some generating honorariums upwards of $249,000.

Not to be outdone, Jill Biden also cashed in on her public persona. The former second lady delivered 18 speeches between 2017 and 2018, earning on average $36,000 per event. Giacoppa Corp., the former second lady’s shell company named after her family’s original last name, reported paying her more than $557,00 in 2017 and $506,000 in 2018 for such engagements.

Rounding out the couple’s income was Biden’s pension from the U.S. Senate and the vice presidency which generated $241,00 in 2017 and more than $190,000 in 2018. Biden also earned a six figure salary from the University of Pennsylvania. The former vice president leads the university’s Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C., a position that paid more than $371,000 in 2017 and more than $405,000 in 2018.

The couple’s income for both 2017 and 2018 put them squarely within the top one one percent of economic earners, a threshold set at $480,930 by the IRS. In fact, the former vice president’s income was the largest of any of his fellow 2020 Democrats.

Biden’s ascension into the economic elite comes relatively late in life. For the majority of his political career, Biden was one of the poorest members of Congress. The couple’s income barely edged above $300,000 until Biden’s first year in the vice president’s office, when he became eligible to to receive social security and his governmental pension.

Despite waiting so long to break into the one percent, the Bidens appear to have comfortably transitioned into their new lifestyle. Last month, it was disclosed the couple now resides in a 11,750 square foot Georgian-style mansion overlooking the Potomac River in McLean, Virginia. Biden rents the house, which once belonged to the late-Secretary of State Alexander Haig, even though he owns two properties within driving distance in his home state of Delaware. One of those is a recently purchased $2.7 million vacation house on the Atlantic Ocean.

Some signs of the couple’s prior lifestyle, however, appear to have remained in tact. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, Biden’s charitable giving has only slightly increased. According to the most recent tax returns released, Biden gave 1.4 percent of his income to charity in 2016. The following year, when the couple reported making 11 million, they donated just around 9.2 percent to charity. The percentage fell significantly in 2018 to six percent, even though the couple earned more than $4.58 million.

Since signaling his intention to run for president, Biden has sought to regain some of the working-class appeal that was exhibited in his early career.

“I know I’m called Middle-Class Joe. It’s not meant to be a compliment. It means I’m not sophisticated. But I know what made this country what it is: ordinary people doing extraordinary things,” the former vice president said last year.

Treasury Withholds Biden Family Suspicious Bank Records, James Comer Threatens Subpoena

80Drew Angerer/Getty Images, NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images


27 Jan 20230


The Treasury Department on Wednesday denied the House Oversight Committee’s request to disclose 150 suspicious reports flagged by U.S. banks concerning Biden family business transactions, causing the committee’s chairman to threaten a subpoena.

U.S. banks have flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chair, told Breitbart News. The wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks.

Wire transfers are widely used by money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Comer demanded the Treasury on January 11 to turn over the suspicious bank records. But the Treasury denied Comer’s request, citing “improper disclosure” of relevant information that could reduce the Biden administration’s ability to “conduct of law enforcement, intelligence, and national security activities.”

Treasury’s legislative affairs chief Jonathan Davidson asked Comer to provide more justification for seeking “highly sensitive” information on the Biden family business.

The Oversight committee responded Thursday and vowed to retrieve the bank reports by the “power of the gavel if needed.”

“[T]his coordinated effort by the Biden Administration to hide information about President Biden and his family’s shady business schemes is alarming and raises many questions,” he added.


The Biden family bank records are a key trove of information related to the House’s investigation into the Bidens for alleged violations, including wire fraud and money laundering.

The suspicious records will provide details about how the family business operates and desired transparency on Hunter’s anonymous art sales and foreign business transactions, along with knowledge of whether Joe Biden remains compromised by foreign governments through his family’s business.

CNN reported in January the family business remains operational, even as Joe Biden is president. On at least two separate occasions, Frank Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother, publicly cited the president as a means by which he has influence, despite holding no government position or relation to the White House other than by having the same last name as the president and being his sibling.

The Biden family has been alleged to have been peddling influence many times over Joe Biden’s career.

According to Breitbart News’s senior contributor Peter Schweizer, Hunter earned great sums of money from Ukraine for which he “offered no real work,” a statement that infers Hunter was profiting from peddling White House influence. In one of the most blatant examples, Hunter was paid $83,000 per month in 2017 to be on the board of Burisma. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no prior experience in the energy sector or Ukraine.


In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. 

Exclusive — Elise Stefanik: Whistleblowers Will Be Key in Helping Republicans Expose Government Corruption

20Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images


28 Jan 20231,095


House Republicans must make whistleblowers feel “comfortable in coming forward” and testifying on government corruption witnessed within federal agencies, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, told Breitbart News Saturday.

The work done on the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Stefanik said, will be what she described as “some of the most important work that House Republicans do in the majority” in terms of bringing “accountability and transparency to what the American people understand has been the weaponization of the federal government against everyday Americans.” She cited several examples, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) designating concerned parents as domestic terrorists or the FBI targeting President Joe Biden’s political adversaries.

Americans, Stefanik continued, see that there appears to be two sets of rules: “One set of rules if you are a well-connected Democrat who was part of the swamp” and another for law abiding Americans who happen to hold conservative views.

“So there’s a lot of digging that we need to do, let alone the egregious illegal acts,” she said, highlighting the FBI working with Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“So the first service we can do is shining sunlight and bringing transparency, and we have subpoena power or in the majority and we’re not going to hesitate to use it,” she explained.

Stefanik admitted they anticipate a lack of cooperation from the Biden White House and Department of Justice but said they will “use every tool at our disposal” to bring the truth to light.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) building headquarters is seen in Washington, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

“Obviously, there is egregious, egregious crimes that have been committed if they’re so unwilling to turn over just basic documents, basic information to Congress. And, you know, hopefully what will come out of this is not only shining a transparent spotlight on these abuses of power on potential criminal acts, we need to reform these agencies so they’re not able to target Americans. Again, these agencies work for the American people, not the other way around,” the congresswoman explained, making it clear that there are good individuals who work at these agencies as well — some of whom may be willing to speak out, which could be key in exposing government corruption.

“There is a difference between the rank-and-file, hard-working, law-abiding FBI agents across this country, versus the politicized bureaucrats, the political appointees based in Washington, D.C.,” she said, citing a buried report that came out prior to the midterm elections from the Judiciary Committee, detailing “multiple whistleblowers from within the FBI and the Department of Justice who came forward” and provided what she described as a “deposition of the abuse that they see internally of the FBI from political leaders at the top and how they’re trying to use the Biden agenda.”

“So an example, there was an extraordinary amount of pressure to designate acts as domestic violent extremism as part of the left’s agenda, to boost that number in terms of the reporting. And these regional FBI officials across the country said that, basically to boost your score to boost your likelihood of promotion, career advancement, there’s an expectation that you continue down this road of priority to the Biden administration and the left,” she said, emphasizing the importance of these whistleblowers’ testimonies.



Breitbart · Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) – January 28, 2023

“The left only likes a whistleblower when it’s whistleblower and impeachment. They want to silence whistleblowers when they’re coming forward to expose the lies of the left. So we’re going to have to make sure that these patriots feel comfortable in coming forward and we encourage them to do so,” she said, noting that whistleblowers are protected by law and Republicans will make sure that protection is enforced.

Stefanik said a “silencing effect” was a major theme that came out of the report released prior to the midterms, noting that there has “already has been retaliation, whether it’s stripping of security clearances,” stopping promotions, or taking individuals off high profile cases, she explained.

“That’s why this subcommittee is so important in terms of really providing transparency to the abuses that are happening within these agencies, not just against the American people, but the rank and file hardworking Americans who make up the bulk of … the personnel in these agencies,” she said, lamenting the damage that the likes of James Comey, Christopher Wray, and Rod Rosenstein have done in terms of  politicizing and breaking these agencies.

“It’s impacted the morale and it’s impacted retention as well,” she added.

Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECES OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN, GEORGE SOROS RENT BOY, AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


Kamala Harris Hosted Soros Scion and Supermodel ‘Roommate’ at Private Residence

Alex Soros and supermodel “roommate” Savannah Huitema. (Getty Images/Twitter).
September 1, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris recently hosted a group of prominent Democratic donors, including the progressive megadonor Alex Soros and his supermodel "roommate," at a small gathering at her private residence, according to newly released visitor logs.

The Soros family scion and Savannah Huitema, an "American stunner" who has walked the runways of Europe, visited Harris’s residence on May 31, according to the logs. The visit came days before Soros was announced as the new leader of his father George’s philanthropy, the Open Society Foundations.

It marks Alex’s 21st—but by far most intimate—visit to the Biden-Harris White House, a testament perhaps to the Soros family’s support for the Democratic Party and liberal causes. George Soros has for years been the party’s biggest financial backer. And the Open Society Foundations pour hundreds of millions of dollars a year into liberal causes. The younger Soros has met in the past with White House advisers on national security and domestic policy issues and attended gatherings with hundreds of other guests.

Soros on June 6 posted a photo with the vice president on Twitter, where the progressive billionaire frequently shares pictures of himself hobnobbing with members of the Biden administration and other Democratic luminaries. While the purpose of Soros’s latest visit is unclear, he and Huitema joined seven other Democratic heavyweights at the Harris residence.

Wayne Jordan and Quinn Delaney, longtime Harris supporters, are listed as visitors. The Democratic power couple poured $1 million into a pro-Harris super PAC during her 2020 presidential campaign. They also run a foundation that supports the movement to defund police and to remove police officers from schools in Oakland. President Joe Biden appointed Delaney to the Commission on Presidential Scholars last year.

Avram Glazer, an owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team, also visited the Harris residence. He contributed $350,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in April and May. Glazer was invited to the White House state dinner in December for French president Emmanuel Macron.

The White House logs list the location of the visit as "1st Floor VPR." A search of past visitors to that location indicates it is Harris’s private domicile at the Naval Observatory. Television screenwriter Shonda Rhimes, who is listed as a Harris visitor on May 2, attended an event at the residence that same day, according to a news report.

It is unclear whether Soros and Huitema are an official item, though they have been spotted together in Europe. Huitema, who posted photos of her White House visit, accompanied Soros on a trip to Albania in July, where they rubbed shoulders with former president Bill Clinton and Albanian prime minister Edi Rama. Albanian news outlets described Soros and Huitema as "roommates."

Alex Soros—like his father—has reportedly dated supermodels in the past. But the younger Soros’s relationship with Huitema will hopefully fare better than his father’s. Brazilian model Adriana Ferreyr accused George Soros in 2010 of slapping and choking her while they were in bed. She later sued him for $50 million.

The White House and Open Society Foundations did not respond to requests for comment.

Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Alexander Soros
Open Society Foundations

Left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros’ son, Alexander Soros—who chairs the grant-making organization his father founded, Open Society Foundations—has apparently visited the White House numerous times since President Joe Biden (D) took office.

Last year, 37-year-old Alexander Soros had at least a dozen meetings with White House officials, per its visitor logs, the New York Post reported Saturday.

“His latest trips include visiting Dec. 1 with then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s advisor Nina Srivastava, who also worked on Biden’s presidential campaign, the logs show,” the outlet continued:

[T]he younger Soros was one of 330 people who attended a lavish state dinner on the White House South Lawn hosted by the president and First Lady Jill Biden honoring French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

A day later, Alexander Soros — who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad — met with both Advisor to the Counselor of President Mariana Adame and Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer, records show.

The young man’s profile on the Open Society Foundations website said he is also “the founding chair of Bend the Arc Jewish Action, and sits on the boards of Bard College, the Center for Jewish History, Central European University, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and International Crisis Group.”

An image shows the younger Soros at the State Dinner for Macron, while additional photos depict him with leaders that include former President Barack Obama (D):

The Post article said Alexander Soros also attended White House meetings in 2021, but the topics of discussion were not immediately known.

In recent years, George Soros has focused on local races for prosecutors and used funds to elect “progressives” who back “criminal justice reform” and support the Black Lives Matter movement, Breitbart News’ Joel B. Pollak wrote in January 2022.

“The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration,” he reported.

The Open Society Foundations website says it supports people and groups all over the world that it claims are “fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality.”

However, Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project at the Conservative Heritage Foundation, told the Post there was concern over the younger Soros’ access to the White House.

“The Soros agenda is one of death and destruction in the name of open borders and ending Western Civilization. The Biden administration and rogue prosecutor movement may be [its] most damaging purchase in America to date,” he explained.

George Soros: A New Kind of Tyrant?


By Diana Mary Sitek

The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.

George Soros with his Open Society money plus the Chicago Marxist contingency of Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Penny Pritzker, and Barack Obama are five people I'm inclined to group as the Biden puppet masters.  Is there a pecking order among them?  Does it matter?  I suppose it matters to these individual megalomaniacs, but to anyone else?  No.  Just get that totalitarian state up and running.  Maybe it will matter when all nations are under someone's thumb and one of those thumbs wants to be the one-world Big Thumb.  Not to worry — I'm positive the Big Thumb will be chosen by consensus. SPRUCE FONTAINE.....NO, THE BIG THUMB WILL BE CHOSEN BY BIG WALL STREET BANKSTERS! THE VERY ONES WHO PERPETRATED THE BANKSTER REGIME OF GAMER LAWYERS BARACK OBAMA, ERIC HOLDER AND 'CREDIT CARD' JOE BIDEN!!!

George Soros, the Obamas, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, and other wealthy, elite, no-borders, one-world Marxist climate zealots have an iron grip on the Democrat Party from bottom to top. Are the elites deliberately choosing weak people so as to control them from behind the curtain? We know they have done that with Biden, Kamala, and Fetterman. Is this their new modus operandi; choose the weak who will bow to the strong because the weak are more palatable to voters than the strong? M.B. MATHEWS

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal."                                                            RICK HAYES


House of the Rising Son

Alexander Soros takes control of his father’s $25 billion funding empire.

August 23, 2023 by Discover The Networks 8 Comments






New York hedge fund manager George Soros has long been one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government power for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros has affected American politics and culture more profoundly that any other person in living memory. Armed with a multi-billion-dollar personal fortune, he has cast himself as a missionary with a semi-divine mandate to transform the world and its institutions into something which he deems better—by promoting all manner of leftwing values and political agendas.

But George Soros is 93 years old, and he understands that it’s now time for him to pass the baton of his crusade for radical leftism to someone younger. Hence, a couple of months ago he officially named his 38-year-old son, Alexander Soros, as board chairman of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), the $25 billion philanthropic empire through which the elder Soros has funded the Left for decades. “We think alike,” said George Soros when discussing Alexander’s prospects as his successor. Alexander, meanwhile, told The Wall Street Journal that he considers himself to be an even “more political” person than his father. Thus, his ascent to the top of the OSF hierarchy suddenly makes him one of the most consequential human beings anywhere on the planet. Let us examine, then, exactly who Alexander Soros is.


Alexander “Alex” Soros was born in 1985 to the famous leftwing financier George Soros, who was then 55 years old, and the latter’s second wife, historian Susan Webner.

The fourth of five children from George Soros’ first two marriages, Alex was raised in a 14-room house on an estate in upscale Katonah, New York. The family also owned a duplex apartment in Manhattan. From pre-K through grade 12, Alex attended King Low Heywood Thomas, an elite private school located in Stamford, Connecticut.

Alex and his younger brother Gregory rarely saw their father when they were children. A 2012 New York Times profile quoted Alex saying, “I was very angry at him [the father], I felt unwanted. He had a very hard time communicating love, and he was never really around.” “He was there, but he wasn’t there,” Alex said on another occasion. “He was thinking about [financial] markets the whole time.” Most of Alex’s childhood days were spent under the supervision of a Chinese immigrant nanny named Ping.

At a young age, Alex was introduced, through his father, to figures like Hillary ClintonNelson Mandela, and Bono. He claims that he began to engage with his father more during his teenage years, in conversations that sometimes included debates about the merits of Karl Marx’s ideas. In particular, the boy grew closer to his father after his mother filed for divorce in 2004, when Alex was a freshman at New York University (NYU). “In a way, he [George Soros] took fathering more seriously after the divorce,” the son recalls.

Between 2004 and 2006, Alex worked part time at his father’s Open Society Institute, later renamed the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which has long been one of the world’s leading funders of leftwing groups and causes.

Alex graduated from NYU with a BA degree in history in 2009, before later obtaining both an MA and PhD in history from UC Berkeley in 2018. He also served stints as: (a) a post-doctoral fellow at the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities at Bard College, a school whose activities and programs had already been bankrolled by his father for a number of years; (b) an honorary fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University in Budapest, an institution founded by his father in 1991; and (c) a visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, a nonprofit educational institute whose relationship with George Soros, who was one of its board members, dated back to at least 1989.

In his young adulthood, Alex was best known for his high-profile social life. As a Daily Mail headline once put it: “Gorgeous models, NBA pals and hide-and-seek at his mansion: Welcome to the lavish life of investor George Soros’ playboy son.” Indeed, he garnered much media attention simply for attending extravagant parties with celebrities in places like the Hamptons and Cannes.

A New Sense of Purpose

When he reached his early to mid-twenties, Alex Soros resolved to bolster his credibility and become known for something other than hobnobbing with celebrities. Toward that end, he traveled, on his own initiative, to remote parts of the Amazon rainforest to meet with indigenous leaders for the purpose of drawing public attention to their needs.

Rising New Philanthropist for the Democratic Left

Soros began to make a name for himself as a philanthropist in 2010, when he contributed nearly $74,000 to Democrat candidates during that year’s midterm election cycle. At the time, he stated that America “will be better off if Democrats keep control” (of the U.S. House and Senate). He especially took issue with Republicans’ “extreme” rhetoric on social issues, stating: “I am the son of a Hungarian Jew who survived the Nazis … my politics are shaped by my family history and being Jewish. I was raised to sympathize with other minorities and targets of bigotry.” Asserting further that the then-ascendant Tea Party movement was “a movement of intolerance,” Soros articulated his hope that “my donations will help combat this intolerance.” He also noted that he felt an inner sense of “conflict” about contributing large sums of money to political campaigns as a matter of principle, stating: “I do not believe that elections should be privately financed. Ultimately, that’s incompatible with democratic principles.” “I detest the idea that money is speech,” he would elaborate in 2012, “but if the other side is going to do it, you have to do it.”

In 2011, Soros joined the OSF board of directors. Initially, however, he was scarcely noticed in that role. “Alex used to come to board meetings, but he hardly spoke,” recalls former OSF president Aryeh Neier.

Also in 2011, Soros and his younger brother Gregory collaborated to launch the Soros Brothers Investments firm, where Alex served as a managing partner.

In 2011 as well, Alex Soros joined the board of Global Witness (GW), an organization dedicated to exposing human-rights abuses by mining companies and governments around the world. In its self-description, GW says: “We want justice for those disproportionately affected by the climate crisis: people in the global south, indigenous communities and communities of colour, women and younger generations. We want corporations to respect the planet and human rights, governments to protect and listen to their citizens, and the online world to be free from misinformation and hate.”

While still a graduate student at UC Berkeley, Soros in April 2012 launched an eponymous philanthropy called the Alexander Soros Foundation (ASF). His objective was to fund “more experimental and perhaps controversial projects that larger mainstream foundations might not be able to take on.” As reports, ASF’s “stated mission is to promote social justice and human rights, though its grants also focus on environmentalism, education, cultural causes, and more.” In July 2012, Soros told The Wall Street Journal: “I don’t want to become a full-time philanthropist, because I don’t think it is a job, per se. I think it is something one should do—a responsibility.”

Shortly after its launch, ASF awarded grants to the National Domestic Workers Alliance and Make the Road New Yorkboth of which support increased levels of immigration to the United States, as well as amnesty for illegal aliens currently residing there.

In 2012, Soros contributed slightly more than $400,000 to Democratic campaigns and political action committees during that year’s election cycle.

During the 2014 election season, Soros matched his 2012 output by donating yet another $400,000 to Democratic campaigns and PACs.

In April 2015, Politico reported that Soros had poured $1.2 million into the preceding three election cycles, including support for Friends of Democracy, “a super PAC started by his half-brother Jonathan Soros, who has focused his political efforts on getting money out of politics.”

In August 2015, Soros attended a Hollywood fundraiser for presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, an event that featured the presence of luminaries like Tom Hanks, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.

In 2015 as well, Soros took a full-time role with OSF. “He worked with George’s longtime adviser, Michael Vachon, and others, to hone his public speaking and political skills,” reports The Wall Street Journal. “He emerged as his father’s deputy.”

In a January 2016 interview with Forbes magazine, Soros publicly identified himself as “an avid supporter of many progressive politicians, including Gavin Newsom, who is running for Governor of California in 2018, Tammy Duckworth, who is running for Senator in the state of Illinois in 2016 election cycle, and Hillary Clinton.”

By May 2016, Soros had contributed $1 million to the pro-Clinton political action committee, Priorities USA.

In August 2016, Soros took to Instagram to post a photo of himself and Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine after an exclusive dinner that the two had shared. “Love this man!” read the post. “Was great to have dinner with a man we need to call one day #vicepresident@timkaine last night! He is definitely the real deal! #clintonkaine2016#strongertogether.” As noted by Breitbart News, Soros’ Instagram account, by that point in time, had also featured photos of Soros alongside such high-profile Democrats as Barack ObamaChuck SchumerNancy PelosiValerie JarrettCecile RichardsAl FrankenElizabeth WarrenKirsten Gillibrand, and Keith Ellison.

During the 2016 election season, Soros donated more than $4.5 million to Democratic campaign committees and political action committees. The leading recipient of his largesse was the Senate Majority PAC, a political action committee associated with Senator Chuck Schumer, which took in $3.5 million from Soros between August and November of that year. Soros also gave $1 million to Priorities USA Action$127,800 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and $133,400 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corporation. Among the individuals whose campaigns Soros supported with the $5,400 maximum contributions allowable by law were Hillary ClintonChuck SchumerRuss Feingold, and Keith Ellison.

In 2017, Soros donated $650,000 to Democratic causes. This included the legal maximum of $33,900 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in April, plus contributions to such notable Democrats as congressional candidate Jon Ossoff (Georgia) and Senators Claire McCaskill (Missouri), Jon Tester (Montana), Maria Cantwell (Washington), and Chris Murphy (Connecticut). And during the 2017 gubernatorial primary campaign in Virginia, Soros donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrat Tom Perriello. who ultimately was trounced in the primary race by establishment-backed Ralph Northam.

Also in 2017, Soros gave $500,000 to the International Crisis Group, on whose board of directors he sat.

As of 2017 as well, Soros was also an active board member with the Open Society FoundationsBend the Arc Jewish Action PAC, Global Witness, Libraries Without Borders, Central European University, and the Gordon Parks Foundation. In addition, he was a trustee with the Alexander Soros Foundation.

In early 2018, Soros donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, a Democrat who ultimately was defeated by Republican Ron DeSantis and was later arrested for a drug-fueled encounter with a homosexual male prostitute.

By September 2018, Soros had contributed almost $3 million to Democratic committees during that year’s midterm election cycle. This included a $100,000 donation to an independent expenditure committee supporting Rep. Keith Ellison‘s bid to become attorney general of Minnesota – nearly half of all the money raised by that committee.

In June 2019, Soros was among 19 liberal-left philanthropists to publicly endorse the imposition of “a moderate wealth tax on the fortunes of the richest 1/10 of the richest 1% of Americans.”

On October 21, 2019, Soros hosted a dinner event in his own home to benefit the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which sought to redraw America’s nationwide election map in a manner that would benefit Democrats at the polls. The three featured guests at this event were NDRC chairman Eric Holder, former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, and former President Barack Obama.

During the 2020 presidential election season, Soros gave $700,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in support of Joe Biden’s White House bid.

In September 2021, Soros and his father spent time with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. On September 9, Alex Soros tweeted a photo of the three of them smiling together, with a caption that read: “In Pelosi we trust! Was good seeing @SpeakerPelosi this weekend.”

In 2022, Soros was named president of Democracy PAC, which had served as his father’s major campaign-spending vehicle since 2019. Among other things, this political action committee had backed the election campaigns of numerous district attorneys and law-enforcement officials who viewed the criminal justice system as inherently racist and therefore sought to reduce the incarceration rates of nonwhite minorities. All told, the PAC had funneled more than $80 million to Democratic organizations and candidates during the 2020 election cycle, and was re-seeded with an additional infusion of $125 million by George Soros in January 2022 – money that would be used to help Democrats in the midterm elections later that year.

In December 2022, Soros attended a state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron at the Biden White House.

From 2018 through March 2023, Soros gave approximately $5.7 million to left-leaning political action committees and Democratic campaigns. Also during that same period, he met at least 9 times with Chuck Schumer (who served some of that time as Senate Majority Leader), and at least 8 times with Nancy Pelosi (who served some of that time as House Speaker). Further, Soros contributed a combined total of more than $130,000 to Pelosi’s congressional campaign and to a Super PAC victory fund associated with Pelosi.

By early July 2023, Soros had visited the Biden White House at least 20 times since the new administration was installed in January 2021. Among the officials with whom Soros had met were Madeline Strasser and Nina Srivastava (advisors to White House chief of staff Ron Klain); Hazel Castillo (National Security Council staff assistant); Mariana Adame (advisor to Steve Ricchetti, counselor to President Biden); Kimberly Lang (national security advisor); Jonathan Finer (deputy national security advisor); and Amanda Sloat, the National Security Council’s senior director for Europe.

Soros’ Views on Israel, the Jewish People, & Anti-Semitism

In a July 2012 interview with Philanthropy News Digest, Soros articulated his thoughts regarding the American Jewish community’s perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

“When it comes to Israel and Palestine, I believe in consistency. If there’s one problem I have with the American Jewish community, it’s that it is at times rather inconsistent on the subject. I think that Jews have supported progressive causes because of the better part of their nature and that’s a great legacy; it’s really a part of Jewish exceptionalism. But I worry when Jews in America start to support policies in Israel which they wouldn’t support in America, which don’t allow for separation of church and state, which don’t give full rights to people who are technically living under occupation, and which don’t allow for immigration of people who aren’t Jews, or for non-Jews to become citizens. This is a problem because it gives credence to the old adage that Jews are liberal or left-wing only for their own self-interest; that they want a color-blind society with all these different ethnic groups because it makes them safer. So I think that whether you keep your values consistent is a true test. A lot of Americans Jews do support one thing here and another thing there, and that’s inconsistent.”

In 2012 as well, Soros:

· donated at least $200,000 to the Jewish Council for Education and Research, a leftwing super PAC that strongly supported both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns

· was one of the nation’s top donors to J Street, a Jewish organization highly critical of Israel’s dealings with the Palestinians and Hamas terrorists

In an April 2018 interview with the Israeli news outlet Ynetnews, Soros charged that conservative criticisms directed against his father were largely motivated by Jew-hatred:

“Since I was a child, I realized that—beyond all political reasons—the attacks against my father have an anti-Semitic tone. I read what they said about him in Hungary. They described him as the creator of an international Jewish plot. All the Elders of Zion and the Protocols in one man, in my father. They asked how dare this man come to central and Eastern European countries and dictate norms to them; who is this immigrant fighting against the discrimination of Muslims in America. They stepped up the attacks on him because they saw how influential he was.”

In the same interview:

· Soros asserted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “ties with radical right-wing, anti-Semitic and corrupt elements contradicts Israel’s commitment as a Jewish state.”

· When asked whether some of the money that he had donated to J Street might possibly have been used to support the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement, Soros answered: “In my opinion, the call for boycott and divestment of Israel is wrong. This movement is trying to follow in the footsteps of the South African precedent. Israel is a different story. I believe the occupation is bad, but we can’t hold every Israeli accountable for the occupation.”

On July 31, 2020, Soros authored a piece for about his family’s “fight to eradicate systemic racism in America” in the face of what he portrayed as widespread anti-Semitic opposition. Some key excerpts:

“The senseless killings of George Floyd and countless other Black Americans while in police custody have sparked the largest and most diverse mass protests in the history of the United States. You might think everyone would now be focusing on how to fix a system that has mercilessly subjugated, brutalized and killed Black and brown people in this country. But you would be wrong.

“Instead of trying to come together and figure out how America can live up to its promise of equality for all, too many people prefer to stoke the flames of anti-Semitism. The wave of outrage over systemic racism has provoked anti-Semitic accusations that Jews — specifically my father, George Soros — are organizing the protests behind the scenes. […]

“Blaming Jews for mass civil rights movements is a textbook white supremacy tactic that has been around for longer than anyone reading this article has been alive. The logic is simple: Those who promote these lies want you to believe that Black and brown people are not smart or strategic enough to organize such actions themselves, so Jews must be pulling the strings.

“This construct also ties into the abhorrent ‘replacement’ conspiracy theory that flourishes in the darker corners of the internet, such as on 4chan, Gab and Reddit’s now-suspended The Donald subreddit: Evil Jewish financiers want to somehow replace white people with supposedly more pliant people of color.

“This despicably racist online poison uses ideas and imagery that are directly drawn from the anti-Jewish propaganda of Nazi Germany — although the ‘replacement’ theory remains a distinctly American manifestation of white supremacy.”

Bend The Arc

In anticipation of the pivotal 2016 elections in the United States, Soros in April 2015 co-founded and became chairman of Bend The Arc Jewish Action PAC, a political action committee “focused on representing the views of Jewish Americans” on domestic policy issues like immigration, sexuality, and social change of a leftwing variety. “There’s an opportunity to launch something that actually speaks to what the American Jewish community cares the most about and to show the narrative of what the real American Jewish experience is,” Soros stated at the time. (The Bend The Arc Jewish Action PAC is affiliated with Bend The Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice (BTA), an organization that grew out of the June 2011 merger of the California-based Progressive Jewish Alliance and the New York-based Jewish Funds for Justice.)

Contempt for Donald Trump

Soros was deeply upset by Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. “When Trump was elected,” said Soros in April 2018, “I wasn’t surprised—I was sad. Since Trump’s election, I have been waking up every morning and saying to myself, the world is in danger. I have to do whatever I can to prevent that danger.”

Later in 2018, reports emerged that packages containing pipe bombs had been shipped to prominent Democrats like George Soros and former President Barack Obama. Blaming President Trump for having created a political atmosphere in which such potentially destructive acts could take place, Alex Soros wrote an October 2018 op-ed in The New York Times claiming that this “profoundly disturbing” development was a manifestation of “the new normal of political demonization that plagues us today.” Characterizing Trump as someone who sought to foment “division and hate,” Soros added: “We must find our way to a new political discourse that shuns the demonization of all political opponents. A first step would be to cast our ballots to reject those politicians cynically responsible for undermining the institutions of our democracy. And we must do it now, before it is too late.”

In the same op-ed piece, Soros again suggested that opposition to the work of his father and the Open Society Foundations was rooted in a breed of “anti-Semitism” promoted and fostered by Trump:

“[S]omething changed in 2016. Before that, the vitriol he faced was largely confined to the extremist fringes, among white supremacists and nationalists who sought to undermine the very foundations of democracy.

“But with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, things got worse. White supremacists and anti-Semites like David Duke endorsed his campaign. Mr. Trump’s final TV ad famously featured my father; Janet Yellen, chairwoman of the Federal Reserve; and Lloyd Blankfein, chairman of Goldman Sachs — all of them Jewish — amid dog-whistle language about ‘special interests’ and ‘global special interests.’ A genie was let out of the bottle, which may take generations to put back in, and it wasn’t confined to the United States.”

Supporter of Joe Biden for President

On July 3, 2020, Soros touted the many benefits that he believed America would reap if Joe Biden were to be elected president that November:

“While European pundits are correct to doubt that the old transatlantic alliance will simply return to its pre-Trump state, they are underestimating what a Biden victory would mean for US foreign policy. The Democratic Party is still a party of values, and a Biden administration would pursue a full reset after four years of Trump, restoring America’s historic commitment to responsible leadership on the world stage.

“Whereas Trump has spent his time in office starting fights with Europe over climate change, trade, and human rights, Biden would bring America back to the diplomatic table. The United States would rejoin the Paris climate agreement, pursue new trade deals, and participate in cooperative efforts to ensure that technological innovation conforms with human-rights standards.

“In the European Union, America’s image is at an all-time low, thanks to the Trump administration’s slow, incoherent, and ineffective response to the covid-19 crisis, a major part of which comprised blaming other countries, rather than cooperating with them. Instead of combating the crisis using the resources of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other multilateral organisations, the US banned travel from Europe without warning and announced it would defund the WHO. One of Biden’s first foreign-policy objectives would surely be to rectify this and to treat covid-19 as the global crisis it is. That means leveraging international cooperation to protect Americans from the pandemic (and its attendant economic devastation), as well as leading global efforts to combat the threat.

“With Biden in the White House, European telecoms firms such as Nokia and Ericsson would be recognised and supported as the transatlantic alliance’s 5G champions, and the US would help Europe wean itself off Russian gas as it worked on a clean-energy transition. A Biden administration would also recognise the wisdom of negotiating a renewal of the New START nuclear-weapons agreement with Russia when it expires in 2021. And it would pursue other forms of arms control to advance European and US security interests and prevent a new arms race.”

Combating America’s “Systemic Racism” and Supporting the “Black Lives Matter” Movement

On July 13, 2020 —  seven weeks after the infamous May 25 death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis — the Open Society Foundations announced their intent to advance the cause of “racial justice” by channeling $220 million toward the mission of “merging organizations and leaders building power in Black communities across the country.” “This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said Alex Soros. “These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long.”

On July 31, 2020, Soros authored a piece for titled “My Father, George Soros, Is White Supremacists’ Favorite Target. But They Won’t Stop Us.” Some key excerpts:

“The senseless killings of George Floyd and countless other Black Americans while in police custody have sparked the largest and most diverse mass protests in the history of the United States. You might think everyone would now be focusing on how to fix a system that has mercilessly subjugated, brutalized and killed Black and brown people in this country. But you would be wrong.

“Instead of trying to come together and figure out how America can live up to its promise of equality for all, too many people prefer to stoke the flames of anti-Semitism. The wave of outrage over systemic racism has provoked anti-Semitic accusations that Jews — specifically my father, George Soros — are organizing the protests behind the scenes. […]

“Blaming Jews for mass civil rights movements is a textbook white supremacy tactic that has been around for longer than anyone reading this article has been alive. The logic is simple: Those who promote these lies want you to believe that Black and brown people are not smart or strategic enough to organize such actions themselves, so Jews must be pulling the strings.

“This construct also ties into the abhorrent ‘replacement’ conspiracy theory that flourishes in the darker corners of the internet, such as on 4chan, Gab and Reddit’s now-suspended The Donald subreddit: Evil Jewish financiers want to somehow replace white people with supposedly more pliant people of color.

“This despicably racist online poison uses ideas and imagery that are directly drawn from the anti-Jewish propaganda of Nazi Germany — although the ‘replacement’ theory remains a distinctly American manifestation of white supremacy. […]

“The hatred, which is ripping apart the fabric of this country, does not deter my father or me…. [F]or us, the surge in online attacks on my father and me in the wake of the renewed energy around the Black Lives Matter movement is simply one more installment of a long, ugly story — the predictable reaction of those whose power and position are threatened by the demands of justice.

“And we are not stopping. Earlier this month, our Open Society Foundations announced a $220 million commitment to help achieve racial equality in America, building on our existing work with groups engaged on issues including voting rights, education, drug policy reform and ending the blight of mass incarceration of Black Americans.

“We will continue to fight to eradicate systemic racism in America. And we will never stop fighting the bigotry of those who sow discord, spread lies and engage in hateful, anti-Semitic rhetoric.”


Alexander Soros is the new leader of the $25 billion philanthropy that, at the direction of his father, has done more in recent decades to fund leftwing organizations than virtually any other entity on earth. Among the most significant of those beneficiaries are organizations that:

· accuse America of routinely violating the civil rights and liberties of racial and ethnic minorities

· depict the U.S. as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites

· portray the American criminal-justice system as racist and inequitable

· call for the recruitment and training of activist leaders to help foment massive social change

· disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes

· support socialized medicine in the United States

· strive to move American politics to the left by promoting the election of radical political candidates

· promote leftist ideals and worldviews in the media and the arts

· seek to inject the American judicial system with leftist values

· advance leftist agendas by infiltrating churches and religious congregations

· promote open borders, mass migration, a watering down of existing immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty for all illegals

· depict virtually all American military actions as unwarranted and immoral

· advocate America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending

· promote radical environmentalism

· oppose the death penalty in all circumstances

· promote women’s right to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand

· favor global government which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies

· support drug legalization

· pressure mortgage lenders to make loans to undercapitalized borrowers, a practice that helped spark the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008

· exhort the U.S. and Israel to negotiate with, and to make concessions to, Arab terrorist groups and regimes that have pledged to destroy America and Israel alike:

George Soros already has proudly told us that he and his son “think alike.” Thus, there is every reason to expect that Alexander will dutifully follow in the cataclysmically destructive footsteps of his father.


Mark Levin Lists ‘Ruling Class Thugs Who Make Up the Cabal Trying to Imprison Trump’


On Monday, conservative commentator and Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin took to social media to list and expose some of “ruling class thugs” breaking and bending the law in their efforts to imprison Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump.

“And these are but a few of the ruling-class thugs who make up the cabal trying to imprison Trump,” Levin wrote in one post, introducing his list:

· “Hunter Biden (GAMER LAWYER) should be in prison.”

· “Joe Biden (GAMER LAWYER) should be in prison.”

· “Hillary Clinton  (GAMER LAWYER) should be in prison.”

· “Jack Smith (GAMER LAWYER) should've been disbarred for his past unethical (and worse) abuses of prosecutorial power.”

· “Eric Holder (GAMER LAWYER) was never held to account for arming the Mexican drug cartels.”

· “James Comey (GAMER LAWYER) was never held to account for his efforts to sabotage the incoming Trump administration.”

· “Nancy Pelosi attempted multiple coups against Trump, including two phony impeachments and the January 6 Stalinist committee.”

· “In 2016, congressional Democrats objected to counting all the electors on the House floor in an attempt to overturn the presidential election and install Hillary.”

· “The corrupt Democrat Party-media assisted these thugs every step of the way (Russia collusion and all the rest).”

· “The DA  (GAMER LAWYER) in Manhattan is a lapdog for George Soros.”

· “The DA  (GAMER LAWYER)  in Fulton County, GA, whose father was part of the violent Black Panther movement, is a Democrat hack.”


In a separate social media post of a video clip from Sunday’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Host Levin goes into detail, explaining the secret abuses of prosecutorial power, violations of civil rights and Justice Department rules, and false charges the thugs are employing against Trump.


Levin condemns the corruption of “All these secret trial activities going on” and being used to rig the outcome of Trump’s cases - such as stripping the former president of Attorney-Client Privilege and Executive Privilege”:

“Trial by secrecy, in a Democrat courtroom, with a Democrat judge, a Democrat prosecutor, a Democrat grand jury, Democrat future jury.”

In particular, Levin notes how a secret search warrant was granted to allow the government to seize all communications (including private communications) the former president had on Twitter:

“Now, why was that done in secret? The bogus argument: ‘Well, if he finds out that we’re looking at his Twitter account, he may flee the country.’

“Yeah, he’ll leave his family, he’ll leave Mar a Lago, he’ll leave it all. He’ll just flee the country. Now, how ridiculous is that?”

Levin goes on to explain how corrupt prosecutors are using irrelevant statutes, as well as inventing and piling on countless charges - because they want the juries to be able to find just a single one they can use to justify convicting Trump - the front-running candidate to be Republicans’ 2024 nominee for president.


George Soros: A New Kind of Tyrant?


By Diana Mary Sitek

The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.




The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama With Farrakhan In 2005

A journalist announced last week that he will publish a photograph of then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that he took in 2005 at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting, but did not make public because he believed it would have “made a difference” to Obama’s political future.

The photographer, Askia Muhammad, told the Trice Edney News Wire that he “gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy.”

“But after the nomination was secured and all the way up until the inauguration; then for eight years after he was President, it was kept under cover,” Muhammad said.

Asked whether he thought the photo’s release would have affected Obama’s presidential campaign, Muhammad said, “I insist. It absolutely would have made a difference.”

Reached by TPM on Thursday, Muhammad said a “staff member” for the CBC contacted him “sort of in a panic” after he took the photo at a caucus meeting in 2005. TPM has published the photo above with Muhammad’s permission.

“I sort of understood what was going on,” Muhammad told TPM. “I promised and made arrangements to give the picture to Leonard Farrakhan,” the minister’s son-in-law and chief of staff.

Muhammad said he gave away “the disk” from his camera but “copied the photograph from that day onto a file” on his computer.

“Realizing that I had given it up, I mean, it was sort of like a promise to keep the photograph secret,” Muhammad said.

Muhammad said he did not release his copy of the photograph because he thought it would be perceived as a betrayal of that promise: “I was really, I guess, afraid of them.”

Muhammad said he thought the photograph would be “damaging politically” if it were released and was afraid that someone might “break into his apartment” looking for it, like “that Watergate crap.” He said he “felt a little bit more at ease” after Farrakhan in 2016 claimed that Obama visited his home in Chicago. Muhammad contacted Farrakhan in autumn 2017 with the “final manuscript” for a self-published book containing the photo.

“I sent him a copy of the manuscript suggesting that, showing him the picture, and saying to him, if he did not object, I was going to publish it,” Muhammad said. “He had no objection.”

Muhammad also told TPM that around the time he took the photo, he asked Obama about a perceived resemblance to Farrakhan.

“I asked the senator, ‘Has anyone ever told you that you resemble Minister Farrakhan?'” Muhammad said. “And he said what I thought was the perfect answer: ‘Well, he’s much better looking than I am.'”

TPM learned about the photograph and Muhammad’s upcoming book from a write-up in Richard Prince’s Journal-isms newsletter.

A spokesperson for the Congressional Black Caucus suggested that TPM contact the caucus’ former chair, Mel Watt, who now leads the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Watt did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

A spokesperson for Obama referred TPM to remarks he made in 1995 after attending the Million Man March that Farrakhan organized. At the time, Obama said that “anti-Semitic and anti-Asian statements are not going to lift us up” and said the march’s organizers were lacking “a positive agenda, a coherent agenda for change.”

Muhammad is the news director at Washington, D.C. radio station WPFW and has served as the head of the Washington offices of the Nation of Islam’s official newspaper, The Final Call.

Farrakhan is a minister who leads the Nation of Islam and has made anti-Semitic remarks. During Obama’s presidential campaign, conservatives pushed multiple apparently racially motivated conspiracy theories about Obama’s religion and supposed ties to Islam.

During the 2008 presidential election, conservatives questioned the indirect ties between Farrakhan and Obama, who attended a church that gave Farrakhan an award. At a 2008 presidential debate in Cleveland, Obama said he had “been very clear” in his “denunciation” of Farrakhan’s remarks.

“I did not solicit his support,” Obama said, referring to Farrakhan’s praise for his candidacy. “I can’t say to somebody that he can’t say that he thinks I’m a good guy.”

This post has been updated.

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