Sunday, October 29, 2023

DEBACLE PRESIDENT - Youngkin: Southern Border Chaos ‘Just Another Example’ of Biden’s Weakness


World War III is Here and We’re Losing It

While we wait for a big war that may never come, we’re losing the little ones.

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

World War III is everywhere and nowhere. Politicians and pundits predict it and warn about it as they’ve been doing for 70 years. And for all of that time we’ve been fighting World War III.

Is WWIII in Iran or Ukraine? Yes in its own way. Is it in the confrontations in the South China Sea, the Hamas attack on Israel or in the riots in the streets of our own cities? Also all yes. Not to mention cartels smuggling drugs and foreign influence operations being run in D.C.

And it’s in a thousand other incidents and crises, some that make the news and some that don’t, but that are all around us and others which have long become part of our history. It’s all WWIII.

“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,” Einstein was quoted as saying. But Albert was as good at physics as he was bad at politics and he had it the wrong way around. It’s WWIII that‘s fought with stones.

The atomic bomb, but not just it, had ended world wars as we knew them. Even more decisively than Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States had conclusively demonstrated that nations with superior production capacities combined with manpower and technological advancement will win any world war. For the Soviet Union, a world war against the country whose factories had supplied it with everything it needed to beat the Nazi war machine was unthinkable.

Instead the Soviet Union launched its own third world war fought not with atom bombs, but in some cases with stones and sticks, but mostly a political war that depended on spreading Communism, building third world alliances, and subverting America from within. It won that war even as its politics and economics imploded, finally leading to the fall of the Soviet Union.

While the United States was the last man standing in the Cold War, after paying a bloody price from Korea to Vietnam to the Middle East, it had inherited a world order shaped by the USSR. America had built multinational institutions, beginning with the United Nations, that had been hijacked by what we, in less politically correct times, would have called ‘subversives’.

Asia, Latin America and the Middle East were dominated by socialist and nationalist movements that had been allied with the Soviet Union and shaped by its Communist ideologies. All that the fall of the USSR did was cut off some of the funding. It also encouraged China to step into Russia’s place as a much more credible peer rival to the United States and the West.

But it wasn’t China that picked up the Soviet mantle: it was the Islamists, many of whom we had nurtured as anti-Communists. From Iran to the Muslim Brotherhood, they were the ones with a global vision, a knack for running secret organizations and a murderous belief system that was just as compelling to its adherents as Communism was to its acolytes earlier in the 20th century.

While most people still think of WWIII as some grandiose phenomenon in which nuclear weapons will rain from the sky leaving behind a poisonous wasteland filled with lurching zombies, the real world war was being fought before many of us were born. WWIII does look like Ukraine, but it also looks like Vietnam and like Iran bombing the Marine Barracks 40 years ago. And it’s also China stealing our technological secrets and barraging us with propaganda.

WWIII is small scale and deep. It’s compact proxy wars that fall short of a nuclear exchange. It’s information warfare that exploits our weaknesses. and It’s ideological, economic and social. Instead of nuclear explosions, it’s narrow territorial conflicts, it’s influencers on social media spreading lies and it’s hacking attacks. It’s death by a thousand cuts rather than one big smash.

The winners and losers of the first two world wars were conditioned by their history to think of a world war as something apocalyptic, but WWIII as it is now is being fought by nations and movements that were on the sidelines or bit players in those conflicts, but who have absorbed the post-war strategies of those wars that terrorism, guerrilla warfare, influence campaigns, economic warfare and limited hostilities are better tools of ju-jitsu against great powers.

The WWIII that so many imagined never came because we were the victims of our own success. With or without nuclear weapons, no one wanted to fight an unrestricted global war against us so they found ways to undermine us, to tie us down and small wars to drag us into. They focused on undermining our morale, fracturing our society, turning our youth against us, corrupting our morals, buying out our economy and invading us through immigration.

While we still keep waiting for a big war to begin, our enemies have been winning it. World War III is here and we’re losing it because we don’t see what’s going on around us as a war.

And so we never really fight back.

A world war plays to our strengths and our enemies, from the Soviet Communists of the Cold War to the Chinese Communists of today, from the local and international Marxist and Islamist coalitions, prefer to exploit our weaknesses. We may have the strongest army, but the worst internal security. There is nothing stopping foreign enemies from robbing us, ripping us off or just walking across the border. We hate the idea of war so we bribe our enemies to leave us alone, to return our citizens that they have taken hostage, and to win their hearts and minds.

Why try to tangle with an Abrams tank or an A-10 when you can bribe our politicians, corrupt our universities and fund terrorist groups to attack us around the world. That’s the real WWIII.

Americans have a weakness of thinking that history begins and ends, that it explodes outward in world-changing events, when history is just a record of the things going on around us. The world wars were not abrupt cataclysms that divided the past and the future, they were extensions of events that had been underway. War has a way of marking periods in time, but the absence of great wars is not an absence of history: it just means that they are being fought by other means.

Our unhealthy obsession with World War III has all too often blinded us to what is going on around us. We did not take Islamic terrorism seriously because our enemies seemed too small and backward. And we only view small wars in terms of their risk of exploding into big wars as if the only wars that really matter are the ones that might lead to the ‘Big One’.

Instead of fighting a war as we imagine it to be, we need to be ready to win the ones we’re in.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interactions


The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM


20 years ago, Biden got it right

During the September 28, 2023, hearing on “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” House Committee on Oversight and Accountability chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) detailed how overwhelming evidence shows President Joe Biden lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt international and domestic business schemes. 

The list is long, but it includes only his criminal dealings since 2008, after he became Obama’s V.P.  There were other misdeeds committed by Biden during his many senatorial terms, but all of the above pale in comparison with the current situation, when more and more people in the know warn that he is pushing us to a nuclear WW3.

However, the purpose of this article is to give him credit when he was right, and if decision-makers in Washington would listen to his advice the world would be much safer, and definitely not on the edge of the abyss.

In a letter to President George W. Bush of November 7, 2001 signed by over 100 Members of Congress Biden’s signature goes first, and here is the full text.  

President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush:

As you prepare for the upcoming summit with President Putin, we commend the positive approach you have established with Russia. Too often, the focus of our bilateral relations has been on defense and security — precisely the issues on which our interests often collide. It would be more useful, as we move forward with a Russian policy for the 21st century to take a more holistic approach — one that takes into account Russia’s myriad concerns as well as our own.

Therefore, in consultation with many of the leading experts on Russia, we propose a series of bipartisan initiatives to engage Russia on issues such as the environment, energy, economic development, health care — as well as defense and security. We call this proposal “A New Time, A New Beginning.” Some of these are new ideas, but many are not. Many of these initiatives are already underway and need additional support to make even greater progress.

Such engagement is in the U.S. interest as well as Russia’s. If the United States and Russia cooperate on issues across the board, Russia will be more likely to work closely with America on the national security issues that matter most to us – missile defense, the war against terrorism, and proliferation.

We encourage you to review the enclosed proposal and hope that some of these initiatives will prove useful to you in the ongoing discussions between Russia and
America. We look forward to working with you to forge a new relationship that will benefit both our countries.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Attached to this letter was a 40-page document titled “A New Time, A New Beginning,” prepared by Congressman Curt Weldon, who hand-delivered the document to Bush’s NSC adviser, Condoleezza Rice, in advance of the Bush-Putin November 13–15 summit in Washington and Crawford, Texas.  This document included detailed proposals that could provide the basis for a new and mutually beneficial  relationship with Russia. 

It was also presented to Putin at the Russian Embassy in Washington at a November 13 reception, where, in the presence of over 400 foreign diplomats and notable public figures, the Russian president said, “We are ready to move Russia towards rapprochement with America as far as she is ready.” 

Two days later, Bush responded at a local high school, declaring Putin “a new style of leader, a reformer ... a man who’s going to make a huge difference in making the world more peaceful, by working closely with the United States.”

What happened next is well known: war in Iraq, abrogation of the crucial security ABM treaty, a push to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, destruction of Libya and Syria, the February 2014 coup in Ukraine, rejection of Russia’s mutual security proposals in December 2021, and sabotage of the Minsk accords and the Russia-Ukraine peace deal reached in March 2022.     

All of this was done with Biden’s vote as a senator or by his direct order as vice president or president.

The purpose of this post is to remind him and the rest of us of his signature on the document that could lay the foundation for a long-lasting peace, and strategic U.S.-Russia partnership to face the enormous challenges of the 21st century.

Biden not only betrayed all these hopes and ideas, but keeps fueling the fire by throwing more taxpayer billions and weapons into the fray, thus pushing the world toward a nuclear catastrophe.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Youngkin: Southern Border Chaos ‘Just Another Example’ of Biden’s Weakness - JOE HAS TO BE PUSSY, HE'S OUT THERE SUCKING BRIBES FROM EVERYONE

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) said on this week’s broadcast on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that President Joe Biden’s weakness on the Southern border was causing “chaos.”

Youngkin said, “The chaos that were seen at the Southern border is another example of the weakness from Joe Biden. We see weakness in foreign policy now we have international chaos, weakness at the border and we have drug chaos, national security chaos, humanitarian chaos. We see weakness in our economy because he does not understand that we have to fiscal responsibility and aggressive energy policy that preserves our advantage as the domestic full supplier of everything that we need. This is working against America in all aspects.”

He continued, “Joe Biden’s weakness when it comes to foreign policy is creating chaos around the world. It is  his weakness in dealing with China that has enabled China to feel very confident about the economic coercion, military aggression, their extensive surveillance and on top of that trying to embed Chinese nationals in America so they can advance their agenda.”

He added, “This is why we work so hard in order to ban TikTok on state devices to pass legislation that forbids the Communist Party of China from acquiring land in Virginia. It is Virginia we have the largest naval base in the world.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN




 They’re Infiltrating The US Border - Customs & Border Patrol Intelligence


It's Hard To Believe What Is Happening - Victor Davis Hanson

“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM


Joe Biden has blown up the world

By Patricia McCarthy

“It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

—Samuel Adams

On day one of the Biden administration, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of skilled workers out of work.  Over the ensuing months, he canceled oil leases, stopped fracking, and drained our strategic oil reserve.  All this was surely intentional; he means to starve the American people of energy, making what is available more expensive by the day.  Like Obama, he means to transform America, and not in a good way.

The most catastrophic stunt Biden pulled was the tragically ill conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan.  He left billions in state-of-the-art military equipment to the Taliban along with the Bagram Air Base, which sits close to China.  Thirteen young American patriots were killed by the sheer ineptitude of their leaders.  This tragic maneuver telegraphed Biden’s, and thus America’s, weakness to every leader in the world.  Russia thought taking Ukraine’s Russian-speaking border regions would be a cakewalk.  Our careless warmongers in the Biden administration thought their puppet-of-the-oligarchs Zelensky would easily defeat Russia with billions of U.S. dollars.  The military complex wanted that war.  All of that went awry.  Here we are a year and a half later; Ukraine has lost half a million people and is still begging for billions more in aid.  None of this would have happened if Trump had been in office.

Biden has grossly exacerbated the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI that began under Obama.  What those agencies have done to President Trump, to any conservative they view as a threat to their power, and to the hundreds of innocent people who were present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is right out of Mao’s Little Red Book.  Persons who have done nothing wrong have been denied due process and sentenced to absurd terms in prison while the violent offenders of Antifa and BLM commit grievous crimes and are not charged.  This administration foments chaos at every opportunity and relishes punishing political opponents.

“There are people whose souls have just withered, people who are willing to go along with anything evil - anything so as not to be suspected of disagreeing with whoever is in power.”

—Vasily Grossman

As volumes of proof come to light of the Biden family’s corruption, their selling of influence for vast sums of money to China, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania, the lapdog media continue to cover for the criminal enterprise that is the Biden family.  They protect the left and think nothing of smearing conservatives and using the courts to destroy them.  They make things up if necessary — anything to take down a threat to their overlords’ hold on power and control of the leftist narrative.  That Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office is a crime against the American people. 

Meanwhile, our wide-open southern border has allowed millions of illegal aliens from hundreds of countries around the world entry into the U.S.  None is vetted; millions of them are criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, or sick with diseases long ago eradicated here.  Most of them are men of military age.  They are given smartphones and credit cards.  The flow of migrants into the country is controlled by the drug cartels.  Huge migrant camps have been built from Panama up through Mexico to house the migrants at taxpayer expense.  It’s not much of a reach to expect Hamas-style attacks within the U.S. 

With these illegal entrants into the U.S. come massive amounts of fentanyl and thousands of unaccompanied children.  The cartels are trafficking children, shipping them throughout the country to mysterious NGOs who answer to no one.  What was demonstrated in the film The Sound of Freedom is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Biden administration and his Cabinet of incompetents are an evil entity on nearly every level.  Illegal aliens are being flown to forty-three different airports throughout the nation to be dispersed among unsuspecting citizens.  The southern borders of Arizona and Texas have been transformed into vast homeless camps.  American citizens’ homes and businesses have been overrun and destroyed.  Seven to possibly as many as nine million people from cultures alien to ours have come here since Biden took office.  They will transform the country in countless ways.  America may well never recover from the damage done by this president.

“As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities.” 


It is doubtful that Hamas would have mounted their savage, barbaric attack on Jewish citizens, the worst since the Holocaust, if Trump had been in office.  Trump had stopped giving money to them, which became payments to the families of Palestinians who died killing Jews.  Biden reinstated that money.  Obama was hostile to Israel and remains so to this day, and Biden does what Obama tells him to do.  Why else would he be sending “humanitarian” aid to Hamas?  He knows that Hamas will use it to re-arm, to ramp up their murderous plans.

Biden is demanding that Israel delay its ground invasion of Gaza, while Iran is targeting U.S. bases throughout the Middle East as he strolls on his beach in Delaware.  Could it be that our military has been so compromised by wokery, transgenderism, and CRT that we cannot mount an effective defense of our own installations in the region?  Perhaps.  Gen. Austin is as incompetent as every other member of Biden’s pathetic Cabinet.

“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it conscientiously.” 


As students in formerly elite universities across the country are marching for Hamas, the terrorists who raped, burned, and cut up fourteen hundred Jewish citizens of Israel, Americans are being shocked into the reality of what has become of higher education in America.  They are teaching hatred of this nation, of Jews, and have lost any semblance of a moral core.  These thousands of students have become good little Maoists, who would turn on their own parents if they opposed the government narrative they themselves have swallowed hook, line, and sinker.

Just as the ridiculous COVID lockdowns gave parents a window onto what their kids were being taught in elementary and middle school — pornography, sodomy, transgenderism, sexual grooming — the Hamas massacre has shown us just how evil our universities have become.  Qualification for university has been set aside — no more SAT, LSAT, or MCAT required.  Perhaps these colleges want a more complaint student body, willing subjects for their continuing psy op.

The world is beset with violence and unrest, and it’s all on Biden and his merry band.  Our economy is a disaster.  We are $32T in debt, with probably more than a $2T deficit in coming years, and Biden demands another $100M for Ukraine, with a few crumbs to Israel, Taiwan, and “border security.”  That money for the border is not to close it, but to streamline the flow of illegal aliens into the country.  Inflation creeps up and up.  People who make over a hundred thousand a year are living paycheck to paycheck.  Banks are failing.  The dollar is losing its value.  That’s part of the left’s plan, to destroy the middle class, along with the sinister goal of the WEF: we will own nothing and like it.  We, our children and grandchildren certainly, will be serfs.

Biden is an angry man, a stupid man, an arrogant man, and a little man.  He was never a good senator.  He is a racist; he relished humiliating Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing.  He constantly makes up things that he’s done or accomplished when those claims are easily checked.  He lies repeatedly about how and where his son Beau died.  He has tried for years to make us believe he is good, smart, and legitimate, but he is none of those things.  He has brought the United States to a historic low — the brink of another world war.  He’s blown up the world.

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”



Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.


The Inevitable Fracturing of the Democrat Party

By Steve McCann

The Democrat Party is not a homogenous entity, but an amalgamation of various left-wing factions now overwhelmingly dominated by its smallest and most radical element, the avowed anti-Semitic and racist American Marxists.  However, the largest group and underpinning of the Party are the credulous, patronizing, and narcissistic liberals who, in their naiveté, willfully allied themselves with any group virulently opposed to conservatives and Republicans.  While living in their cocoons among the likeminded, they chose to ignore the Marxist’s inexorable infiltration of the Democrat Party as well as their declared intention to transform America into a socialist “paradise” which will devour these same liberal elites.

With so many on the Left celebrating the premediated slaughter of women, children, and the elderly in Israel, many of these gullible fools have been shocked at the vast number of young people that have been indoctrinated and the depth of anti-Semitism that has its home in the Democrat Party.  

Apparently, far too many so-called educated elites fail to understand that their American Marxist allies are virulently anti-Semitic and racist.  They fully accept Karl Marx’s unequivocal belief that Jews are part and parcel of the oppressor class that must be eradicated.  Marx further amplified this position in an essay published in 1844 titled, On the Jewish Question, when he wrote: “Money is the jealous God of Israel, in face of which no other God may exist.” He argued that in the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from the Jews. In other words, Jews can only become free when, as Jews, they no longer exist.

Further amplifying his overt racism, in a letter Marx wrote to his co-author and friend Friedrich Engels in 1879, Marx described one guest at a resort he was visiting as a “Jewish ni**er.” A vile racist epithet often used by Marx in his writings and conversations as documented by Diane B. Paul in an essay published in The Journal of the History of Ideas (1981).

The current American mélange of Marxist-inspired activists and narcissists are little different than Karl Marx in their racist and anti-Semitic outlook.

In the United States, the current iteration of Marxists began their ascendancy into the nation’s mainstream when they insinuated themselves into the popular Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War protests of the 1960s.  Today, these radicals are the dominant force in the nation’s culture, education, and governing class as well as being in de facto control of the nation’s largest political party.

After eight years of Barack Obama, the liberal elites or ruling class viewed their ultimate objective of assuming near-permanent political power as being within reach. However, their erstwhile allies, the American Marxists, viewed the eight years of Barack Obama as the opening salvo in their ultimate objective of permanently transforming America.

The transformation the Marxist radicals seek will subsume their liberal allies, as there is no room in the structure they are building for the elites and their wealth, as well as their unfettered and hedonistic lifestyles. While some have awakened to this reality, the vast swath of self-described progressives and liberals have been blissfully oblivious. Thus, the Marxist radicals currently have power far beyond their numbers.

Their power has further been abetted by the current president and presumptive Democrat nominee in 2024, Joe Biden, who has been overtly and willingly blackmailed by the Marxists, into acquiescing and pursuing virtually all their policy positions.

However, Biden is becoming increasingly unelectable due to scandals, his age, senescence, and failed policies. The American Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is faced with the reality that Biden will have to be replaced during the 2024 campaign season.  

However, those who might be considered for the nomination and ordinarily viewed as more moderate or liberal are roundly criticized if they stray too far from Marxist dogma and thus stand virtually no chance of winning the nomination unless approved by the party’s Marxist overlords who are convinced they can nominate virtually anyone as they believe the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is so unpopular among the general electorate that he cannot win in November of 2024.

However, trepidation is now creeping into the higher reaches of the liberal establishment wing of the Democratic Party as they look across a barren landscape of potential nominees promoting, by necessity, Marxist ideology.  However, they are essentially powerless, having gradually ceded their dominance of the Party to their radical allies over the past three decades. Allies who now dominate academia turning out armies of mind-numbed activists. Their number in turning out to support Hamas and the slaughter of Jews has been an eye-opening bucket of cold water for not only the Democrat Party establishment but all Americans.

Thus, it is too late for the Party to turn back toward any semblance of moderation. If the Democrats were to win the presidency in 2024 and control both house of Congress, the Marxist wing would be more determined than ever to implement their Marxist/socialist agenda.

Ultimately, while the nation would unduly suffer under Democrat/Marxist control and in all probability move beyond the point of no return, the tension between the two factions in the Democrat Party will eventuate in the implosion of the party allowing the American Marxists full and permanent control of the Party as well as near-perpetual control of the levers of government. Additionally, they will, in all likelihood, marginalize the Republican Party by use of executive orders and legislation to nationalize all elections while third parties will effectively cease to exist.

In an ironic turn of events, either a Trump or DeSantis presidential victory in 2024 and Republican control of both Houses of Congress is the single event that would not only save the nation but be the opportunity for the Democratic Party to recover a sense of moderation, assuming that the liberals or so-called moderates have the intestinal fortitude to use that outcome to divorce themselves from their long-term incestuous bed partner, the American Marxists.

The question then becomes, would the liberal elites be too squeamish to confront their Marxist allies for control of the Party, as it is highly likely there would be excessive political bloodshed resulting in the ultimate creation of a third party to replace the Democrat Party.

The 2024 election is not only critical to the future of the nation and the future of both parties but in particular the Democrat Party as the cracks in the façade are beginning to widen.

Image: William Warby


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