Friday, October 20, 2023

MURDERING MUSLIMS AND THE PRO-DEMOCRAT PARTY - LIfe is cheap in the Arab world -- and the West won't grasp the evil


Joe Biden's don'ts

In his vague warning to Hezb’allah in Lebanon -- really Iran -- against widening the Israel-Gaza War, Joe Biden warned Arab aggressors from widening their war against Israel by saying, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t in his trademark partial whisper.  He really reveals his own series of his own “Don’t, Don’t, Don’ts’”:

Don’t -- impulsively, foolishly, and prematurely abandon Afghanistan for symbolic political purposes, when your own military advisors and NATO allies astutely recommended that you leave three thousand troops to assure easier surveillance of Iran and China’s nuclear sites, and to prevent inevitable resurgence of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist haters of America in Afghanistan.

Don’t -- Look frequently at your watch while watching unloaded coffins of the dead troops who died during the chaos at Karsi airport that your flawed decision caused.

Don’t -- Always bring up your unresolved grief about your son Beau in efforts to comfort grieving military families. Beau did serve, as you did not, but not in Afghanistan.

Don’t -- Abruptly undermine and attack American oil and gas independence, the bedrock of American prosperity and energy independence.

Don’t -- Fawn over the Green New Deal for political gain while neglecting problems related a gradual transition for less use of fossil fuels.

Don’t – Okay the Nordstream pipeline that undermined our European allies and helped Putin.

Don’t -- Coyly hint that a small incursion by Putin into Ukraine might not bring immediate action by America. Putin listens to such carefully.

Don’t – Timidly predict sanctions on Putin if he chose to invade Ukraine instead of starting heavy sanctions on Russia and giving massive amount of lethal military aid to Ukraine preemptively.

Don’t -- Allow America to give twice as much financial support to Ukraine as other NATO countries and yet too little, too late for weapons that could have assured a decisive victory of Ukraine over Putin.

Don’t -- Boast about how well you know and how many hours you have spent with President Xi of China yet not call him out decisively and publicly about his violation of human rights towards and cruel treatment of the Uighurs.

Don’t -- Talk tough about China’s ambitions concerning Taiwan and the South China Sea but submit puny defense budgets that allow our Navy to fall behind China’s.

Don’t -- Boast about your affection, nurturing, and frequent contacts with your grandchildren but neglect to even mention and include your grandchild Navy from your prodigal son Hunter’s promiscuous sexual behavior until your denial was too obvious to ignore.

Don’t -- Call your son Hunter “the smartest man you know” when his drug abuse, carelessness with a gun, incestuous sexual behavior, and suspected corrupt financial foreign dealings that even might involve yourself seriously refute this.

Don’t -- Boast about your getting a full scholarship and being at the top of your class at Syracuse law school when such was not true.

Don’t -- Label Republicans MAGA glibly, don’t whisper at the country in your speeches and avoid saying, “That’s not hyperbole”, or “That’s not a joke…” we can discern that for ourselves.

Image: Gage Skidmore

‘Repeating Hamas’ Lies Can - and Does - Cost Lives in Gaza, Israel and Around the World,’ IDF Warns

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“Hamas set up a trap and the international media fell for it,” an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman said Thursday, rebuking the media’s eagerness to take the word of a terrorist organization, like Hamas, without first examining the facts.

After media in the U.S. and abroad jumped at the chance to blame Israel for the destruction of a Gaza hospital earlier this week – which was ultimately revealed to be Hamas’ doing – IDF posted a video on social media warning of the dangers of such hasty and biased journalism.

“Instead of verifying the information, the media kept publishing, sorry, keeps publishing, fake news,” the IDF spokesman explains:

“Islamic jihad bombed a hospital in Gaza. The whole world immediately assumed it was an Israeli strike.

“No fact-checking.

“No making sure.

“No filtering information.

“Hamas set up a trap and the international media fell for it. Instead of verifying the information, the media kept publishing, sorry, keeps publishing, fake news.”



“They quoted a terrorist organization that beheaded babies, rapes women, and indiscriminately kills, before seeing any proof,” he says, adding “Was ISIS ever considered a credible news source?”

Today’s media are encouraging terrorists to continue to lie and putting lives at risk, he warns:

“This behavior rewards misinformation and encourages lies and shows terrorists around the world that this tactic, lying, works. This will remain a critical point in the coming days. Repeating Hamas’ lies can - and does - cost lives in Gaza, in Israel and around the world.”

By accepting and reporting Hamas’ lies as facts, media are failing to practice even the “most basic tenants of journalism,” the IDF spokesman says:

“Media outlets demonstrated that the most basic tenants of journalism, fact-checking, is sorely lacking. The whole world is asking for accountability from a country for defending its civilians after a brutal massacre. And yet, not only is accountability not demanded from Hamas, their lies are taken as facts and then misreported around the world.”

“Just remember: the whole world is watching,” he concludes.

Biden Warns Allies Against ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Antisemitism’

President Joe Biden speaks about his administration's economic agenda at Prince George's Community College, Center for the Performing Arts, Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, in Largo, Md. (Alex Brandon/AP)
Alex Brandon/AP

President Joe Biden used his Oval Office speech to warn the nation — and his Muslim and Jewish supporters — against mutual hatred as Israel prepares to smash a Muslim terror group.

“We must without equivocation, denounce antisemitism: We must also without equivocation denounce Islamophobia,” he said in his address to the nation, adding:

And to all you hurting, those of you hurting, I want you to know I see you. You belong. And I want to say this to you — you’re all American, you’re all American.

Biden is preparing to run for reelection and needs to minimize disagreements within his increasingly diverse coalition.

“In moments like these, when fear and suspicion, anger and rage run hard, we have to work harder than ever to hold on to the values that make us who we are,” he said as he called for sectarian unity amid his policy of accelerating diversity via immigration:

We’re a nation of religious freedom, freedom of expression. We all have a right to debate and disagree without fear of being targeted in schools or workplaces or in our communities. We must renounce violence and vitriol, see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.

Biden sidelined the causes of the rising domestic hatred — chiefly, the government’s immigration policy that has fuelled diversity and birthed identity-based “woke” politics  — as he blamed unidentified “hate.”

However, he used the term “Islamophobia” to suggest that public concerns about the civic duties of the Islamic religion are a “phobia,” which is commonly defined as “an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation.”

Biden also spoke in the passive voice, downplaying the responsibility of Hamas Islamic fighters for the murders of more than 1,000 Jews:

In recent years, too much hate has [been] given too much oxygen, fueling racism, the rise of antisemitism, Islamic-phobia, right here in America.

It is also intensified in the wake of recent events that led to the horrific threats and attacks that both shock us and break our hearts.

On October 7, terror attacks have triggered deep scars and terrible memories in the Jewish community. Today, Jewish families are worried about being targeted in school, wearing symbols on their faith, walking down the street, or going about on their daily lives.

After addressing Jewish concerns, he pivoted to Muslim concerns — but without identifying the Israel counterattacks in the Gaza strip, or the opinion polls that blame Hamas for the murders, and without identifying the 9/11 attackers:

I know many of you in the Muslim American community, the Arab American, the Palestinian American community, and so many others, are outraged and [are] saying to yourself, “Here we go again with Islamophobia and distrust we saw after 9/11.”

He quickly moved on from the 9/11 attack to the October 14 attack by a landlord on a Muslim family:

Just last week, a mother was brutally stabbed. A little boy here in the United States, a little boy who just turned six years old, was murdered in their home outside of Chicago. His name was Wadea, Wadea, proud American, proud Palestinian-American family. We can’t stand by and stand silent when this happens. We must without equivocation, denounce antisemitism. We must also without equivocation denounce Islamophobia.

“The attack came amid an increase in antisemitic and Islamaphobic incidents around the country since Hamas went on a killing rampage in Israel on Oct. 7,”  ABC News reported.

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is also warning of attacks by hotheads against both Jews and Muslims:

As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues, we have seen an increase in reports of threats against Jewish, Muslim, and Arab communities and institutions. Lone offenders, motivated by a range of violent ideologies, pose the most likely threat.

Biden continued:

When I was in Israel yesterday, I said that when America experienced the hell of 9/11, we felt enraged as well. While we sought and got justice, we made mistakes. So I caution the government of Israel not to be blinded by rage.

Israel’s attack against the Hamas terror group in Gaza may take months to complete.

LIfe is cheap in the Arab world -- and the West won't grasp the evil

If Americans do not have good background history, or very good intuition and common sense, it is increasingly difficult to cognitively negotiate the mainstream media war ‘news’ since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

Our gut tells us that we must sort this one out, quickly.  Concurrently, our decision-making as a free people is being hijacked by the leftist Democrats’ neurotic permaglue in massing to support the indefensible, e.g., the horror of Hamas (this leftist germinally fascistic stance that might also serve them well, briefly, as ‘socialists’).

Putting these phenomenally purblind Democrats aside, let’s look at what happened this week in Palestine.

Palestinian terrorists failed to blow up one of their own hospitals. The terrorists, and a few governments in the area, tried to blame the Jews. The Israeli government contends—and the White House, late in the day, agreed-- that Israel is innocent of this act.  Yet many in the MSM and U.S. government are still carrying water in a narrative that ‘subtly’ supports Hamas.

Fact check: life is cheap to terrorists. ‘Muslim’ carnage has been going on for centuries, at a level incomparable to any other ‘religion’ or ‘culture.’ Jews and Muslims; Muslims and Jews; it’s always been a big ‘problem.’ 

Jews are characteristically defensive; Muslims are far more brutally offensive in practice-against both Jews and Christians.   The Israelis have well documented and attested historical and Biblical priority in Jerusalem as home. The everyday, pitiable ‘Palestinians,’ a historically nomadic group, are being used, again, as human shields for terrorists.

If you want chapter and verse, open some vetted history books on the subject and read them. If you decline doing that, consider this: what is suicide bombing, anyway, but Muslims killing themselves-- we hear tell the suicides are for Allah, but not for any God as good as His name in America.

In most of the Arab world, life is cheaper than most Americans can readily imagine. Many Muslims would counter: ‘and, in your Great Satan world, too; just look at abortion.’ Touche.’ Doubtless America has lost a lot of moral ground since we turned our backs on God and our moral ancestry and let the U.S. Department of Education loose on our children. Given our declining profile as a civilized nation, now over several generations, no wonder we’re wobbling. However, we don’t have to lose everything. Not yet.

Evil is a funny thing. We never get it until it is standing on our heads and trying to bang our brains out. Then, frail creatures that we are, we can run for cover or fight back. Too many Democrat ‘leaders’ have an easy time with evil. They have so long been posturing aside the phony virtues of their ‘egalitarian’ Party, turning a blind eye to corruption; honoring criminals, knaves, and lying lawyers; taking their laps in the fetid pool of persecution of innocent men and women in the exercise of their own Constitutional rights. These actions are all the pleasures of fools. The media is, willy-nilly, cheering them on.

We are getting a huge and fearful dose of the mystery of iniquity in the terror attack on Israel.  The now-global radical spin machine is working non-stop to victimize the terrorists. We will never understand the mystery of evil, any more than we are conversant with the justice of God-- that is for later. For now, the United State must be utterly clear on this: we must be with Israel. For Israel alone, we need some actual heroes/heroines in Washington, for a big change-- and by yesterday.

Let’s talk about why it’s okay to say that Hamas’s troops are Nazis.

At American Thinker, we are careful not to call our American political opponents “Nazis” because that cheapens discourse and dishonors the Nazis’ victims. I’ll acknowledge that the Nazis were, and many of the Democrats are, proud socialists. And, as has become obvious in the past week, the Nazis loathed Jews, as do many at the heart of the Democrat party. But Democrats are not slaughtering Jews en masse and are not seeking world domination through force of arms. However, Islamists (an umbrella term that includes Hamas) share every metric with Nazis and, now that we have more details about how they slaughtered Jews, that similarity is more apparent than ever before.

Nazis were socialists, meaning that all power was centralized in the state. Everyone, voluntarily or not, was part of the socialist collective. Islamists are theocrats, meaning the religion and the state are one. Everyone, voluntarily or not, is part of the theocratic collective.

Nazi socialism had as a central tenet the belief that Jews were the enemy of the fascist state and must be destroyed. This tenet came from both Marx and Hitler. It is inseparable from the belief system. To this end, the Nazis came up with the idea of the Holocaust.

Islam has as a central tenet the belief that Jews are the enemy of the Sharia state and must be destroyed. This tenet comes directly from Muhammed. It is inseparable from the belief system. To this end, Muslims have been slaughtering Jews since the 7th century, a practice that continues today.

Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem greatly admired each other because of (among other things) their shared antisemitism:

Hitler dreamed of world domination. Islam is also based upon the principle of a global caliphate. Hitler was, and Muslims always have been, willing to act with tremendous violence to advance this globalist vision. In India alone, some estimates hold that ascendant Islam killed 90 million Hindus over four centuries. Nazis and Islamists have always needed their lebensraum.

Nazis were proud of their actions, with soldiers photographing their acts and Nazi bureaucrats keeping meticulous records about the civilians they murdered. With Hamas, one of the reasons we know so much about what they did to the Jewish civilians they attacked is because they filmed themselves and then shared those videos, sending them to family members of those they murdered and posting them on social media.

And here’s an interesting likeness that you probably didn’t see coming: Hitler’s forces were able to commit their atrocities against civilians and non-civilians alike because they were drugged to the gills with amphetamines. This engine powered the initially unstoppable Third Reich and dulled the troops’ ability to see civilians as fellow human beings.

That was in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Today, Israel announced that it discovered powerful amphetamines on the bodies of the Hamas terrorists who tortured and murdered men, women, and children:

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the “cocaine for the poor,” allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Incidentally, ISIS fighters, part of the worldwide Muslim caliphate, used the drug, too, when they were slaughtering and enslaving Yazidis.

With their moral sense absent because of religious indoctrination and any spark of humanity dulled by drugs, here’s what Hamas soldiers did (and you try to tell yourself that it’s any different from what Nazis did). They tortured young children to death:

They murdered a woman in front of her children, booby-trapped her body, and used the children as human shields.

They forced a boy to call out to his neighbors that all was safe…and then slaughtered the neighbors, making him complicit in their deaths.

I could go on and on for hours. I won’t. It’s sickening. Unbearably sickening. It eats at your soul even to think of these horrors.

And just to give you more context about who’s the Nazi, look at what Hamas’s supporters in America are saying:

Hamas supporters are proud of the Nazi-Hamas nexus:

If it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, proudly boasts of being a Nazi and uses amphetamines to torture and murder civilians, including children, it’s a Nazi. So, if you’re one of those trying to find some moral equivalence between the drugged-out Hamas fighters deliberately targeting and torturing civilians, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the Israelis, trying desperately to run a clean war by giving civilians a chance to remove themselves from the infrastructure behind which Hamas hides, you’d better ask yourself, “Am I the baddie?”

And by the way, remember that they’re coming for you. This video came out a few years ago, but it seems appropriate now:

Image: An entire family laid to rest, killed only because they were some of over 1,000 civilians slaughtered merely for being Jewish. You can be certain that they did not die easy. None of them did.

Stealth Jihad in American Education

Since the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, college campus rallies in support of the barbaric act have erupted across the nation.  Although world focus is on Israel, this is only one part of the global plan of Islam. 

Islamic law -- Shari’ah -- requires Jihad to be waged as "warfare against non-Muslims” until all the world is under Islamic law.  Jihadist doctrine is advanced by both violent techniques and “civilization jihad,” a stealth subversive effort to destroy Western civilization from within a nation by its own hand.  The pattern of Islam is to use the courts, schools, art museums, and other major institutions including outreach to churches to infiltrate, gradually introduce Shari’ah, and then finally take over a nation.  American education is a prime target.

For decades, billions of petro-dollars have been donated to American universities for the purpose of altering public opinion and U.S. foreign policies.  This subversive shaping of the mindset has reached a wide swath of American society through students studying for careers in banking, business, law, public health, education, and urban studies.  Through university outreach, programs on the Middle East are developed and provided to K-12 and adult education students.

Gifts to American universities are designed also to enhance the image of the Arab states and their rulers, effectively tamping down public criticism of Muslim hostility to Jews as well as Christians. One of the more recent donors and the largest investor in universities, Qatar has an image problem as a funder and supporter of both terrorist groups -- Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood -- and as home base to the rabidly anti-Israel, anti-American Al Jazeera.

Former English diplomat John Kelly noted, “They expect a return upon their donations to institutions of learning and their subsidies to publishing houses; whether it be in the form of subtle propaganda on behalf of Arab or Islamic causes, or the preferential admission of their nationals, however unqualified... or the publication of the kind of sycophantic flim-flam about themselves and their countries which now clutters sections of the Western press and even respectable periodical literature.”

Arab donations between 1986 and October 2022 totally nearly $11 billion with more than 10,000 contracts and gifts spread across 273 institutions.  The total is grossly underestimated because numerous donations have gone unreported. Beginning with Aramco’s funding in the early 1950s, donors from Arab states have quietly made contributions to American universities, hijacking the field of Middle East Studies with faculty, including college presidents, who have been bought for 30 pieces of silver and are using their positions to advance political agendas that are pro-Arab/Palestinian, anti-Israel, and pro-radical Islam.

Though the far Left has never had any real political power, it has controlled the social and cultural narrative.  During the summer of 2020, academics defended looting and/or supported the destruction of the nuclear family while Fortune 500 CEOs did nothing. The most extreme actions actually enjoyed greater publicity.

The brutality of Hamas in murdering babies, raping women, and taking the elderly and disabled as hostages was cheered on by left-wing student groups.  Academics also weighed in.  A Cornell University professor speaking at a recent pro-Palestine rally called the attacks “exhilarating.” A Stanford University instructor told her Jewish students to stand in a corner like “Israel does to Palestinians.” Other academics have posted their support on social media.  Administrators remained silent.

Now it seems the radical Left has gone too far. People are standing up and saying enough is enough. It began with Bill Ackman, the hedge-fund billionaire who learned of an open letter signed by over 30 student groups from Harvard -- his alma mater -- that blamed Israel instead of Hamas for the murders.  Ackman and several other CEOs contacted Harvard to get a list of the members of each Harvard organization that issued the letter.  They are refusing to hire anyone who signed the letter.  Job offers to some graduates already have been rescinded.

Marc Rowan, the chairman of the board of overseers at Wharton who donated $50 million to the school in 2018, called for donors to cease any further donations until the university’s leadership changes.  Vahan Gureghian, a member of the University of Pennsylvania’s board of trustees, resigned.  The Huntsman family announced they have closed their checkbook on all future giving to Penn.  David Magerman, who helped build the trading systems of Renaissance Technologies, said he will cease funding to Penn. The 80th richest man in the world, Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer and his wife Batia, resigned from the executive board of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Others followed.  Playboy cut ties with the porn star Mia Khalifa for cheerleading the massacres in Israel.

Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars are speaking up in support of Israel.  Even TMZ got in on the game, reporting that Black Lives Matter Chicago has embraced the terrorism of Hamas.  Sopranos fan sites to artists and comedians to any number of household names -- LeBron James The RockReese Witherspoon -- have also responded.

Meanwhile, all those rabid Harvard activists who gleefully signed a pro-murder statement were in a blind panic and tried to explain away their participation, saying they did not read the letter.  Sure.  Are we to believe that very smart Harvard students do not read before they sign?  The public should beware of Harvard-educated lawyers.  At the end, all students removed their names. They are learning that actions do have consequences.

First there was Bud Light and then Target, followed by the snowballing scandal surrounding Ibram Kendi’s antiracism center at Boston University.  With the loss of donors, university administrations suddenly see the virtue in institutional neutrality.  Harvard, Northwestern, and Stanford’s presidents have issued statements that they will cease responding to political, geopolitical, or social issues that do not directly impact the core mission of their universities.  They should have adopted this policy long ago. These cocky academics seem to care little that the public has lost confidence in higher education and, more especially, in elite universities.  

As Ackman pointed out, “None of these institutions are solvent without the support of their alumni. Perhaps this is the beginning of a catalyst for change.”  The question is whether it is too late for these arrogant institutions to regain their reputations.

Most important is that no foreign money be allowed to flow into our educational institutions to shape the mindset of students and influence American policy to support a radical ideology. Since its birth in 1987, Hamas has declared its aim is to destroy Israel. The fact is this Islamic terrorist group intends to annihilate not just Jews but anyone who is not a Muslim.

The pro-Hamas rallies where students celebrated the mass murders and beheadings show just how successful the indoctrination has been.  Since the United States shares with Israel the greatest number of the world's Jewish population, allowing radical Islamic indoctrination of students creates an enemy within and poses a dire threat to our national security.

Image: IDF


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