Monday, October 2, 2023

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO AMERICA??? - You Say You Want a Counter-Revolution REVIEW: ‘America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything’ by Christopher Rufo

You Say You Want a Counter-Revolution

REVIEW: ‘America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything’ by Christopher Rufo

October 1, 2023

For a right-wing supervillain hell-bent on cultural domination, Christopher Rufo has never made much effort to hide his master plan. The man who turned "critical race theory" into an electoral epithet, Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is fond of telling the public exactly what he wants to do and how he wants to do it, making his triumphs all the more mortifying for those seeking to arrest them.

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’" he tweeted in March 2021. "We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans."

With the recodification complete—a poll taken later that year found that only 27 percent of Americans supported CRT—Rufo announced a new trap. "The Left will expect that, after passing so-called ‘CRT bans’ last year, we will overplay our hand," he explained. "By moving to curriculum transparency, we will deflate that argument and bait the Left into opposing ‘transparency.’" The gambit worked: Within weeks, the American Civil Liberties Union was complaining that curriculum transparency laws, which require schools to post instructional materials online, are "thinly veiled attempts" to prevent discussion "about race and gender."

Because this bombastic honesty has been so effective, I expected Rufo’s new book, America’s Cultural Revolution, to be a simple exposition of its subtitle, "how the radical left conquered everything." And it is—but it also admits of more subtle and subversive readings, conveyed only by implication and buried between the lines with a wink and nod.

Rufo has ostensibly written a history of the left’s long march through the institutions, refracted through the lives of four figures—Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, and Derrick Bell—to whom he devotes surprisingly sympathetic profiles. What he’s actually done is provide a blueprint for a kind of right-wing countermarch, which uses the foibles of his subjects to preempt, gently, the possible pitfalls of that project.

Each profile reads like a reverse Bildungsroman, in which a brilliant and often persecuted thinker gradually succumbs to their worst impulses. There is Marcuse, a Marxist who saw clearly the evils of the Soviet Union but nursed the nihilism of his own followers; Davis, who escaped the Birmingham bombings only to become a domestic terrorist; Freire, who was exiled by Brazil’s dictatorship and ended up an apologist for Mao’s; and Bell, the godfather of critical race theory, who went from scrappy civil-rights lawyer to Ivy League race huckster, ginning up controversies about faculty diversity and hurling the R-word at anyone who disagreed.

Despite their declensions, Rufo shows, these cultural underdogs ultimately conquered an establishment set against them. The FBI wiretaps of Marcuse, the public backlash to Davis and the Black Panthers, the acerbic takedowns of Bell by other academics—none of it stopped their disciples from infiltrating the universities, then teachers’ colleges, then finally the administrative state.

But this ingress proceeded through means and arguments that, in 2023, sound positively right wing.

Rufo’s story begins with Marcuse, the "father of the New Left" and a friend of the Weather Underground, who argued, among other things, that an alliance of media, state, and corporate power had rendered democratic elections illegitimate; that ostensibly neutral structures really weren’t; and that dismantling them would require the creation of "counter-institutions," including alternative media, to "break the information monopoly of the establishment."

Each of these points has an obvious corollary on the contemporary right. The idea that a corporate-state leviathan vitiates democracy is received wisdom among those who believe the 2020 election was, if not stolen, then certainly rigged by Twitter, Facebook, and the FBI. The critique of neutrality is seen in conservatism’s growing distrust of public health officials and other forms of expertise. And the very term "counter-institutions" was used by Matthew Continetti, the founder of the Washington Free Beacon, all the way back in 2012 to describe this publication, as well as the many other outlets that had sprung up in opposition to the mainstream media.

That label could also be applied to the University of Austin, founded by former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, and to New College of Florida, where Rufo is now a trustee, both of which represent efforts to create new, non-woke universities.

These sorts of parallels suffuse the book and, though Rufo never acknowledges them directly, make it read like a manual as well as a history. Not fully, of course: Unlike the ’60s radicals, who captured universities from below by joining them as professors, Rufo arrived at New College through an act of raw political power, having been appointed by Florida governor Ron DeSantis with a top-down mandate to reshape the school. And the book ends with a call to "smash" the institutions rather than "seize" them, an apparent disavowal of right-wing entryism.

But there are still enough similarities between the New Left’s project and Rufo’s that any competent reader is bound to think: Isn’t he basically doing that? Even the jargon in his now-famous tweet about critical race theory—"decodify" and "recodify"—comes directly from Paulo Freire, one of the most cited theorists of education, who used the terms to describe a process by which students are made aware of the power structures supervening on their lives. In this book as in his career, Rufo himself functions as a Freirian, guiding the reader toward the realization that critical race theory has been so deeply institutionalized that it now constitutes an oppressive regime of its own, shaping policy, language, and thought.

(Anyone skeptical of that claim can consult the laundry list of examples, including the race-based allocation of COVID drugs and the curricula of countless public schools, that Rufo marshals in support of it.)

The attempts to turn "CRT" into a catch-all bogeyman, meanwhile, recall Marcuse’s concept of "linguistic therapy," in which activists redefine their enemies’ terms and, per Rufo, "floo[d] the discourse" with them, thereby conditioning the public for a particular conclusion. That is exactly what Rufo has done to critical race theory, what other conservative activists are doing to "ESG," and what may soon be done to "gender-affirming care." It is also what has been done to "woke," which originated on the black left but, to activists’ chagrin, has been captured and recodified by the right.

One can hear in these echoes a sly defense of Rufo’s own stratagems, and of conservatism’s long-term efforts to build up parallel institutions. After all, those are the tactics that worked for the left! But one can also hear an implicit warning: The linguistic shell games, the totalizing antinomianism, and the quest for institutional dominance were, in Rufo’s final analysis, disastrous, giving us the cultural cataclysms of 2020, an ongoing crime wave in major cities, and an education system so poisoned by ideology that it fails to teach basic mathematics.

There is a cautionary tale here about how critiques of power can morph into justifications for it—one with obvious lessons for a right that is now in the insurgent position of the ’60s left. And there is a related point about the importance of gatekeeping.

The far left’s institutional conquest, Rufo shows, could not have happened without liberal accommodationism. Even as the public turned against radicals like Davis, who almost certainly helped orchestrate a terrorist attack on a California courtroom, academia continued to hire, tenure, and legitimize them, creating a beachhead for bloodless sorties.

In one of the book’s most striking anecdotes, future Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan, then an editor at the Harvard Law Review, solicited four fictional stories from Derrick Bell about the alleged permanence of racism. The stories, which became the foreword to the journal’s November 1985 issue, helped boost Bell’s status and mainstream the then-fringe ideas that would become CRT.

Kagan is the establishment liberal par excellence, and as dean of Harvard Law she hired several conservative professors who arguably inoculated the school against the worst of campus craziness. Yet it was precisely this small-L liberal impulse—the belief that Bell and his critics both had something to contribute to the marketplace of ideas—that created the conditions for a broader ideological takeover within liberalism, even as the critical race theorists appeared to be losing the argument by the late ’90s.

That in turn offers a warning for conservatives who now chafe at boundary-policing their own fringe. The allergy is understandable, given the litany of unjust controversies and cancellations, but it has also harmed the right’s ideological immune system, giving genuine bad guys a small but real foothold that they didn’t have before.

And the lesson of Rufo’s book is that it doesn’t take many footholds to begin a coalitional conquest. Yes, there are structural differences between the establishment of 1968 and the NGOcracy of today. Yes, civil rights law has made it more difficult over time for institutions to resist woke entryism (a point Rufo makes but doesn’t develop). Yes, in some ways the right has gatekept its own fringes more effectively than the left, the massive caveat of Donald Trump notwithstanding.

But decisions like Kagan’s—premised on what we now know to be a mistaken calculation of coalitional power—were nonetheless integral to the radicals’ rise. And as conservatives consider what Faustian bargains to make in the service of cultural insurgency, they would do well to heed the warning implied by Rufo’s argument: Sometimes, it’s best to say no.

America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything
by Christopher Rufo

Broadside Books, 352 pp., $32 

Diversity, Division, Disintegration

What is wrong with the U.S.? What is wrong with the Western world? Indeed, they are coming apart.

The terms “racist,” “racism,” and “hate” are now commonplace charges and allegations in political discourse and the sphere of public opinion where whites are called to ceremonially denounce the “white privilege” into which they were born.

The destiny of migrants illegally crossing the southern borders of the U.S. and the European Union is to replace white Americans and Europeans. As the ongoing invasion continues, native-born white Americans and Europeans have practically stopped reproducing themselves. Any such voluntary downturn in the birth rate has always been a sign of internal agony, collapse of society, social upheaval, and decaying civilization.

The question to which the rendering of the old fabricated answer, i.e., “diversity is our greatest strength,” has never been adequate: Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, social, cultural, and ethnic diversity America can accommodate before it splinters into its parts?

Diversifying religious teachings leads to incompatible, opposing viewpoints about morality on the most divisive social issues of abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. Racial diversity and population exchange are enhancing and sharpening problems that have never been solved since the birth of the United States. In a few short years, white Americans will belong to racial minorities—the apparent goal of the ruling globalists.

Are all Americans still united in their love of their country? Do they still take pride in their achievements in the 400 years since Jamestown? Not at all.

Part of the population buys into the academic and intellectual elites’ rendition of history. According to this view, the “American nation” was born when diversity began. Being “Americans” by passports only, they not only disagree about their history; some even hate it.

Some see Western civilization as hundreds of years of colonialism, exploitation, imperialism, genocide, slavery, and segregation—practiced against people of color—the source of the West’s wealth and power. Therefore, according to this leftist viewpoint, the state should redistribute the bounty to the descendants of the victims of Western predatory greed. For many, equality of opportunity is no longer enough today—meritocracy must yield to equity, the state must pay restitution, administer reparations, and ensure a future with equality of rewards. Elite high schools must relinquish their insistence on good grades and exams to gain admissions and demonstrate advancement. And schools must mirror the racial and ethnic composition of the communities where they are located.

For years, the same feeling has haunted the native populations of the Western world: a strange and pervasive sense of dispossession. Anyone walking down the streets of Western cities will not recognize them by their “modern atmosphere” or milieu. Anyone looking at the television screens or listening to the news will not appreciate the strange, politically correct, alien language. Glancing at billboards, watching TV series, soccer games, movies, plays, reading children’s school books, taking the subway, going to train stations and airports, waiting for a daughter or son after school, anyone feels like he or she is no longer in the country they used to know. Accompanying one’s mother to the hospital emergency room, standing in line at the post office or employment office, sitting at a police station or in a courtroom, anyone feels like they are no longer in the country they used to call “home.”

You remember the country you knew as a child, the one your parents and grandparents described. You remember the land you find in films or books, say, the United States, that is both casual and brilliant, literary and scientific, intelligent and original. You remember the land you are desperately looking for everywhere and compare every country to it without ever knowing—the country you hold dear—and that is about to disappear.

You have not moved but feel like you are no longer at home. You have not left your country, but it feels like your country has left you. You feel like a foreigner and outsider in your home—internally banished. For a long time, you believed you were the only one who sees, hears, thinks, and fears that way; you were afraid to say it and ashamed of your impressions and thoughts.

For a long time, you did not dare to say what you saw, and most importantly, you did not dare to understand what you saw. And then you told your wife, husband, children, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, and then you realized that everyone shared your sense of dispossession. America was no longer America, and everyone had noticed; Britain was no longer Britain, and everybody had observed it. France was no more France, and all had recognized it; Germany was no more Germany, and people had realized it. Europe was no longer Europe, and everyone had seen it.

Of course, they despised you for noticing. The powerful, the establishment, the do-gooders, the journalists, the politicians, the academics, the sociologists, the elite universities, and the religious authorities told you that it was all a delusion, that it was all wrong, that you were all bad. But in time, you understood that they did the deluding; they got it all wrong and harmed you.

Of course, we must re-industrialize America, balance our trade, eliminate unlimited spending and debts, bring our emigrated companies back to the U.S., get our unemployed back into work, preserve our architectural, cultural, and natural heritage, restore our school system, and stop surrendering our children to the equalizing experiments of gender theorists and the indoctrination of leftist fanatics. Of course, we must recapture our sovereignty left to the technocrats and judges who have robbed the American people of their ability to decide their fate—in the name of the fantasies of a globalized world that will never be a nation.

Yes, we have to wrest power back from the judges, who use their legally autocratic privilege in place of government. For decades, the rulers of the Western world—Right or Left—have led the U.S. on this fateful path of decline and decadence, lying about and concealing the reality of the ideological, political, cultural, and demographic exchange.

Can we still preserve our way of life, traditions, culture, language, history, and literature? Can Americans remain American, feel at home again, and not be strangers in an unknown and unrecognizable country? Can the newcomers assimilate into their culture and learn their history?

Will Americans prove themselves worthy of their ancestors? Or will they allow themselves to be exchanged, ruled, enslaved, conquered, and colonized? If not, they will face a cold, determined monster trying to defile them. Americans will be told they are racist and driven by evil passions, although the most beautiful of all emotions that can guide them is the passion for America.

The American people must raise their heads, drop their masks and show themselves, dispel false influences, and drive away their bad shepherds. Real Americans have always triumphed over everything; will they continue the noble American experiment and pass the torch on to the next generations?



James Woods Blasts the Joe Biden ‘Border Tsunami Nightmare’

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 27: "Once Upon A Time In America" cast member James Woods attends the 52nd New York Film Festival at Walter Reade Theater on September 27, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)
Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

Hollywood star James Woods went for Joe Biden’s throat in a Wednesday post blasting Joe Biden’s dangerous crisis at the southern border.

The famously conservative actor slammed the president with an X post reading, “Biden’s border tsunami is beyond a nightmare.”

Woods’ comment came in reply to a press conference by Alabama’s Republican U.S. Senator Katie Britt who was seen excoriating Biden’s immigration failures and blasting the media for refusing to report on it all.

Britt spoke about her recent trip to the border where she met and talked to illegal immigrants who face extreme peril and death in their attempt to walk through Joe Biden’s wide open border.

“We walked through and we got to hear women tell us their stories,” Sen. Britt said of her visit to the border, “and their stories are brutalizing.”

She then blasted the press to their faces, for ignoring these horrendous stories of what these illegals go through. “That’s on you,” she said pointing accusingly at the press in the room.

“Because when a woman sits there and she tells you a story not about just being raped,” Britt continued, directly addressing the media before her, “but how many times a day she’s raped. When she tells you about having to lay that bed, while they come in and out, and in and out, it’s disgusting and it’s despicable.”

“Folks, you look at the number of people that have died at the border because Joe Biden has made it more and more enticing to come here,” she said. “Make no mistake, this is a result of failed policy. We can fix this. We can’t throw money at this and fix it. We have to actually change the policy.”

“I looked in the eyes of CBP agents who said ‘We’re exhausted. We’re not only having to be paper-pushers, we’re also trying to do what we took an oath of office to do, and that is protect this border,'” she continued. “But when they tell you about finding small children who had drowned in that river, or pulling the lifeless body of a woman who was pregnant with twins, it changes the way you think about what’s happening.”

“Drug cartel, guys, they have the tentacles all over this country. We need you to start telling that story,” Britt added in a plea to the news-avoiding media.

“They will tell you exactly how much they paid to get here,” Britt said of the migrants she met, “then they’ll tell you where they’re going, what their job’s going to be, and how much more they owe. Got it? And guess what? Just the other day in Alabama a gentleman told me, ‘You will come back here with me in this neighborhood right behind you, you will see migrants who are here illegally, and they will tell you about the drug cartels coming around every other week to collect.”

“Guys, that’s not the American dream,” Britt concluded. “That’s an American nightmare.”

Woods, who last year noted that if you “scratch a liberal you will find a fascist every time,” and Alabama Sen. Britt are 100 percent correct. Joe Biden has created a nightmare for illegals who are beaten, raped, forced to carry illegal drugs, and then forced into a potential lifetime of servitude to the drug cartels just to get a chance to walk across our southern border in violation of our immigration laws.

Donald J. Trump for President 2024
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In March, for instance, the group Doctors Without Borders identified the sexual violence that illegals face on the way to our border as widespread and endemic.

While solid numbers are very difficult to compute, in 2017, the group felt up to 32 percent of illegals women are raped on their way to the USA. Today, with the ubiquity of the control the cartels have over the trek, it may be even worse.

Woods is on point when he pins this wave of sexual abuse, rapes, torture, enslavement, and violence on Joe Biden. His open door policies have created a hell on earth for millions of economic migrants desperately trying to come to the U.S.A.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

Two Million Migrants Apprehended at Southwest Border for 2nd Straight Year

FY23 Border Apprehensions. (Photos: Breitbart Texas/AP/Texas DPS/Border Patrol)
Photos: Breitbart Texas/AP/Texas DPS/Border Patrol

Border Patrol agents assigned to the nine southwest border sectors apprehended more than two million migrants for the second consecutive year. September’s apprehension of approximately 218,000 migrants pushed the Fiscal Year 23 report to just over two million migrants, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas.

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 5.7 million migrants who illegally crossed the southwest border between ports of entry, the reports indicate.

Randy Clark / Breitbart
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In September, the last month of the fiscal year, Border Patrol agents apprehended just over 218,000 migrants, unofficial reports revealed. This brought the total for the year to approximately 2,045,000 migrant apprehensions. In addition, Border Patrol officials classified an additional 664,000 migrants as known got-aways.

In contrast, during President Donald Trump’s last full fiscal year in office, agents apprehended only 400,651. During the last two months alone, agents apprehended 399,000 migrants.

The two million migrant apprehensions do not include migrants who entered the country through the CBP One app and other immigration blanket parole programs not authorized by Congress. Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports that include these numbers are not expected to be released until the end of October.

Randy Clark / Breitbart
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Following the end of Title 42 on May 11, the Biden administration relished in a brief decline in migrant apprehensions along the border. In June, agents apprehended 99,543 migrants. During that time, migrants and human smuggling cartels re-evaluated the Biden border security and immigration plans, pushing another surge of migrants to the border. Since the low point in June, apprehensions jumped approximately 119 percent to September’s 218,000.

Migrant apprehensions exceeded 200,000 per month in four months during the fiscal year. Two additional months exceeded 180,000.

Despite the recent surge in the Tucson and Del Rio Sectors, the El Paso Sector finished the year in first place with the apprehension of more than 426,000 migrants. Del Rio finished the year in second place with the arrest of nearly 400,000 migrants. The Tucson, Rio Grande Valley, and San Diego Sectors rounded out the top five with 374,000, 338,000, and 230,000 respectively.

Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas
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In September, Tucson Sector agents apprehended more than 51,000 migrants. Del Rio finished second with nearly 48,000 apprehensions. The Rio Grande Valley Sector finished in third with more than 45,000 apprehensions.

In the five Texas-based Border Patrol sectors, agents apprehended nearly 134,000 of the 218,000 September apprehensions (61 percent). This brought the FY23 total for the Texas-based sectors to more than 1.2 million of the 2.045 million apprehensions (60 percent).

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The September and FY23 year-end totals referenced above came from unofficial Border Patrol reports obtained from multiple law enforcement agencies. Official reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection are not expected to be released until late October.

Migrant Surge in Texas Border Town Outpacing Haitian Crisis of 2021

Randy Clark / Breitbart
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EAGLE PASS, Texas — An estimated 1,500 mostly Venezuelan migrants entered the small border town of Eagle Pass, Texas,  during the late evening hours on Tuesday. The latest group of migrants to surrender to authorities brings the eight-day total of migrant crossings to more than 16,000. It took ten full days in September 2021 for 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants to ford the river during the infamous immigration surge in Del Rio.

In just over a week, Breitbart Texas observed more than 16,000 migrants stream across the Rio Grande from Piedras Negras, Coahuila, to Eagle Pass. Despite the heavy presence of local, state, and federal law enforcement, Texas military soldiers, and layers of razor wire, the migrants crossed the border into Texas unscathed. Border Patrol agents scrambled to find transportation to quickly move the migrants from the highly visible park in Eagle Pass to grossly overcrowded detention centers.

More than 2,000 migrants entered Eagle Pass, Texas on Monday. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

Nearly 2,000 migrants entered Eagle Pass, Texas on Monday. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

Media swarmed to the Eagle Pass area to cover the current migrant crisis, due in part, to the easy access for photojournalists to the staging area. In contrast, the 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants were detained outdoors in the grueling heat for days on end in an area not visible to media cameras.

During the Haitian crisis, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed he did not know the migrants were coming in these large numbers. However, Breitbart’s coverage of the growing crisis proved there was no way he could not have known.

For nearly a month, constant news reports from Breitbart Texas followed the migrant population count and eventually about the population at the camp. These data did not escape the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The government’s own press releases helped to tally the arrivals.

In early September, 500 migrants were detained by DHS at the camp. By September 12, 1,500 were detained. By the end of that same day, 2,000 had arrived. On the 14th, 3,000 were living in squalor below the bridge. By the 15th5,000 had arrived without a federal response.

On September 16, the count had risen to 10,000 mostly Haitian migrants. Over the next three days, the count reached nearly 15,000.

Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass hold the large group of mostly Venezuelan migrants under the international bridge while awaiting transportation. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass hold the large group of mostly Venezuelan migrants under the international bridge while awaiting transportation. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

More than 2,000 migrants crossed the border into Eagle Pass by midnight on Tuesday morning. This has become an average day for migrant apprehensions during the past eight days as more than 16,000 migrants crossed into the small Texas border town. Eagle Pass has a population of less than 30,000 people.

As migrants continued crossing the border on Tuesday, border agents received a surprise visit from their boss, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens. The chief praised his agents for how quickly they were able to process the migrants — a sharp contrast from the 2021 Haitian crisis where migrants were left in the heat for days.

USBP Chief Jason Owens tours the Texas border crisis in Eagle Pass. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

USBP Chief Jason Owens tours the Texas border crisis in Eagle Pass. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

“I want you to notice the efforts of our Border Patrol agents, the spirit, drive, and determination that the men and women who wear this uniform have, who come in each and every day to face the overwhelming challenges they face managing not only this influx, but trying to maintain the border security mission that keeps all of our communities safe,” Owens emphasized.


One day earlier, a group of Republican congressmen from Texas and New York visited the same location to get a first-hand look at the current crisis.

Republican representatives demand border solutions be achieved through the congressional "Power of the Purse." (Photos: Breitbart Texas)

Republican representatives demand border solutions be achieved through the congressional “Power of the Purse.” (Photos: Breitbart Texas)

Some of the representatives demanded that solutions to the ongoing border security crisis be tied to the looming budget talks.

After the day’s border tour, Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-TX) told reporters, “Now more than ever, Congress needs to pass a strong budget that puts a stop to Biden’s open-borders agenda. This should not be a partisan issue.”

West Texas Congressman Jodey Arrington added, “Congress is broken. It’s hard to have any hope they’re going to do much about the border crisis, but we are going to push and use the power of the purse.”

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

12K Migrants Apprehended in Arizona Border Sector in One Week

Tucson Sector Apprehnsions in late September. (U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 12,000 migrants during the past week. Unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas reveal the apprehension of approximately 50,000 migrants so far this month.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin posted a report on social media showing that his agents apprehended 12,000 migrants during the past week. The agents also carried out approximately 700 rescues of migrants in distress in the Arizona desert.

Modlin stated that the agents also arrested approximately 150 people on federal criminal charges. The report also reveals 17 human smuggling interdictions and ten drug seizures.


One week earlier, Modlin reported the apprehension of 11,000 migrants in the same sector.  One of those migrants was a convicted rapist who was deported after a conviction in the state of Washington.

With one day to go in the fiscal year, Tucson Sector agents have apprehended more than 372,000 migrants. This includes official and unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas.

Official numbers for September and the year-end report for FY23 will likely be released late in October.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

1,800 Migrants Pour into Texas Border Town in Single Day as Crisis Continues

Migrant Surge Continues in Eagle Pass, Texas.(Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)
Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas

EAGLE PASS, Texas — According to a source within U.S. Customs and Border Protection, nearly 1,800 migrants were apprehended entering the small Texas border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, on Monday. Nearly 1,400 migrants made landfall along the Rio Grande in the heart of the downtown area. The migrants were quickly moved to a Border Patrol processing facility that is already nearly five times over its capacity of 1,000 migrants.

Hundreds of migrants apprehended by the Border Patrol made their way to the Texas border on freight trains in the Mexican city of Nava, Coahuila, on Sunday. The migrants walked 27 miles to reach the border city of Piedras Negras, Coahuila. In a scene that has repeated itself daily, Breitbart Texas observed migrants crossing the river in large groups of more than one hundred being staged for transport under the Eagle Pass International Bridge 1, which has been closed since Wednesday. The Biden administration closed the bridge to legal border crossings while the illegal crossings continued unabated.

Adding to the migrants arriving in Piedras Negras by freight train are hundreds that arrive by bus and other means to the border city as they make their way to the United States. The source told Breitbart the story of migrant crossings elsewhere is being missed.

“The optics of the huge wave of migrants that come into the downtown area require the bulk of our agents to deal with, but they aren’t the only ones crossing,” the source explained. “Large groups are arriving in Piedras Negras by bus and crossing through more remote areas as well.”

In addition to the nearly 1,400 migrants crossing into the heart of Eagle Pass, nearly 400 more were discovered farther from the city. The number of migrant encounters by one of two Border Patrol stations in Eagle Pass reached more than 1,700 by day’s end, according to the source. The station’s area of responsibility is centered around the incorporated areas of the city. The Del Rio Sector’s other station in Eagle Pass is responsible for more remote areas where migrant crossings occur in smaller numbers but whose Border Patrol agents are also tasked with assisting in the current migrant crossing spike in the downtown area.

The source told Breitbart Texas nearly 15,000 migrants have crossed into Eagle Pass in the last eight days. The unprecedented migrant surge has strained the agency’s resources, impacting routine patrols outside a small footprint in the city.

“These daily crossings take every available Border Patrol agent to deal with, whether transporting, processing, or providing humanitarian services under the bridge, we have no one left to patrol ranches outside the city,” the source lamented.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, nearly 600,000 migrants are believed to have eluded apprehension this fiscal year, according to the Border Patrol. The number of known got-a-ways is likely much higher, according to the source, as fewer Border Patrol agents are performing the routine patrols relied upon to gather the data.

The mayor of Eagle Pass issued a disaster declaration last week in hopes of receiving additional funding to deal with the crisis. City workers cleared debris from land near the international ports of entry to accommodate the Border Patrol’s need to stage the migrants underneath the bridge. The city has also provided all-weather road materials to assist with bus access to move the migrants.

The city’s 7-day disaster declaration will expire on Tuesday and require a vote of the City Council to extend.

So far this month, more than 35,000 migrants have been apprehended in the Del Rio Sector that includes the Eagle Pass area of operations, according to Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

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