Sunday, November 12, 2023


They could be told that “the border is secure” at a time when millions and millions of people are streaming in.  They could be told that Trump said white supremacists are fine people.  Etc.

Why we are sleepwalking into tyranny

The world is heading quite rapidly toward tyranny.  We are in a revolutionary period that will dramatically change civilization.  Few people understand the gravity of our situation.  Here are some of the reasons why the majority of people seem oblivious to the danger.  These psychological shortcomings explain why we are sleepwalking into tyranny.

The Normalcy Bias “is a cognitive bias that occurs in times of crisis, leading us to disregard any signs or warnings that we are in danger. ... Normalcy bias is a defense mechanism that lulls us into thinking life will just continue as it always has.”  It is a reassuring presumption that things will get better, or, at least things will not take a dramatic change for the worse.

But steady progress is not the way the world works.  History is a story of the rise and fall of civilizations.  Tyranny, poverty, and servitude are the normal state of mankind, and it would not be difficult at all to return to that state.  The pattern of history is that humans make some progress, and then evil men do evil things and stupid men do stupid things, and the civilization crumbles.  The normalcy bias can stop people from seeing this.

You may have confidence in constant improvement because the people you know are good, productive people who are kind to others.  You assume that most people are like that.  But you need to notice that there are also evil people who have decided that their role is to manage your life.  They are self-appointed shepherds, and they see you as their sheep.  This is the essence of tyranny.  If these evil people are also foolish, they may think that they can manage the world economy and force all the “little” people to act in a way that creates utopia…. a great leap forward. 

Centrally managed economies have been tried many times.  They always fail, often spectacularly.

Masses of people can also be detached from reality by the Conformity Bias, which also goes by several other names.  Ayn Rand called it Social Metaphysics.  People with this cognitive defect look to their social group to tell them what is true.  There is no independent critical thinking.  This is the lazy person’s way of acquiring his view of reality. 

It is the dream of any tyrant to have a population that acquires its beliefs this way.  If a political faction can be lied to with impunity, and if blind acceptance of the lies is required to maintain membership in the group, that is a powerful means of control.  A group like that could be expected to believe, for example, that a man could choose to be a woman and even have a baby.  They could be told that “the border is secure” at a time when millions and millions of people are streaming in.  They could be told that Trump said white supremacists are fine people.  Etc.

There are no limits to the lies when the target audience is essentially detached from reality.  In the book 1984, George Orwell symbolized this by showing that the model citizens readily accepted the government decree that 2+2=5.  Many of the lies of the left are equally absurd.  They are direct contradictions of what we know to be true. 

Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Václav Havel, two brilliant antagonists of tyranny, said that simply and steadfastly telling the truth was a fundamental weapon that citizens should use against tyrants.  Solzhenitsyn said, “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.  One word of truth outweighs the world.”

The third unfortunate human trait that favors tyrants was explained by Aldous Huxley.  Huxley and Orwell each wrote novels predicting a dystopian future.  Orwell’s prediction involved a substantial amount of fear and coercion, but Huxley predicted a relatively smooth and easy transition to tyranny.  Huxley said the population would be distracted with trivial pleasures and would hardly notice the prison being built around them.  He brilliantly foresaw how a society could sleepwalk into tyranny.  These Huxley quotes demonstrate his prescience.

Huxley said, “There will be [a] dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.  And this seems to be the final revolution.”

He said, “By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manip­ulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms ... will remain.  The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitari­anism. ... [T]he ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of sol­diers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”

Huxley imagined “a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping.  It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitude.”  He believed that “[t]he greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and ... is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”

Huxley correctly predicted, “a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant.  [The media will cater to] man’s almost infinite appetite for distraction.”

He knew that both poor education and perpetual crisis would enable tyranny, writing, “Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements.”  And “[l]iberty, as we all know, cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near war footing.  Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of central government.”

While most people are not paying attention, most of the key elements protecting freedom and prosperity are now under attack by people who wish to control our country and the world.  Globalist leaders wish to put an end to national sovereignty, enforce a “New World Order,” control information, put an end to free speech, give the WHO worldwide dictatorial power on major health choices, ban our only reliable sources of energy, and impose a digital currency that will allow complete monitoring and control of every single citizen with a Chinese-style social credit system.  At home, the U.S. is in the “looting the treasury phase” of empire collapse.  Our military is weak, woke, and overextended.  The dominant media function as a branch of the Democrat party.  The upper levels of the Justice Department also function as a branch of the Democrat party.  Anti-white racism is widely taught and supported by the government.

These are not conspiracy theories.  The evidence is mostly out in the open.  The people who are planning to be your future masters are not worried about stating their plans because the vast majority of people are distracted with their trivial amusements.  They are busy watching ball games and movies and smartphone screens.  The mental weaknesses discussed above have created a culture ripe for the taking, oblivious and unconcerned about the things that really matter. 

People can ignore important things...but they cannot escape the consequences of ignoring important things.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.  That price has not been paid.  Not at all.  So here we are, at the brink.

Image: DeltaWorks via PixabayPixabay License.



WaPo Hides Donors’ Migration Money Motive in Anti-Trump Opposition

DES MOINES, IOWA - AUGUST 12: Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Steer N' Stein bar at the Iowa State Fair on August 12, 2023 in Des Moines, Iowa. Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former President …
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

The Washington Post produced a three-byline, 2,150-word article on tech investors’ conflicts with former President Donald Trump but did not mention the overriding, all-important divide over migration.

The November 12 article is titled “Why Silicon Valley billionaires like Peter Thiel turned against Trump.”

However, the article does not mention voters’ rational support for Trump’s popular promise to curb what investors want — more wage-cutting, rent-spiking migration of foreign consumers, renters, and workers.

The article said:

Just two months before [the] Republican primary season kicks off in Iowa, [tech investor Peter] Thiel is one of several powerful Silicon Valley conservatives reevaluating their participation in politics. Tech heavyweights who helped ignite Trump’s candidacy have told close associates they feel alienated from the GOP and are casting about for a candidate who more closely aligns with their extreme pro-business agenda. 

By excluding migration, the article suggests investors have broken with Trump over his claimed failure to reduce regulation. “‘Look at the major agencies. The FTC, the FDA. Did they have any less when Trump left office than when he started? The answer is no,’ said one of the advisers to major Silicon Valley donors.”

The failure to mention immigration “does seem like an absence, a gap, in the story,” said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

He continued:

You would think a reporter would have asked because, if anything, Silicon Valley folks are, generally speaking, the boosters of immigration. If I were a reporter, one of the things that [I] would have asked is “How does the Republican Party’s stance on immigration have anything to do with your own changing attitudes?” Maybe they asked, but they got nothing worth reporting.

These days, there is much evidence that Silicon Valley investors strongly and rationally — from their self-serving perspective — oppose the GOP’s populist opposition to mass migration.

For example, the top-level advocacy group for tech investors is loudly opposing Trump’s latest promises to curb illegal migration, according to three reporters at the New York Times:

“Americans should understand these [Trump] policy proposals are an authoritarian, often illegal, agenda that would rip apart nearly every aspect of American life — tanking the economy, violating the basic civil rights of millions of immigrants and native-born Americans alike,” Mr. [Todd] Schulte said.

Todd Schulte runs — the very influential lobby group for billionaire investors founded by Mark Zuckerberg and many other Silicon Valley investors to push the failed “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill in 2013. lobbies because investors recognize that Wall Street’s stock values spike when the federal government skews the economy by importing more renters, consumers, and cheap workers, regardless of the pocketbook damage to ordinary Americans.

The breadth of investors who founded and still fund was hidden from casual visitors to the group’s website, but copies exist at the other sites.

Other investors cite migration as a reason to walk away from the GOP’s populists.

“Let me say the quiet part out loud: Trump supporters need to move on from Trump. And from Trump-style politics,” said an April 2022 statement from Jeff Giesea, another tech investor who backed Trump in 2016. He wrote:

I look back on the Trump era with mostly negative emotions. On the one hand, the American political establishment needed a wake-up call to listen to voices it had forgotten. Trump succeeded as a sort of wrecking ball and court jester. He forced necessary conversations and electoral reconfigurations.

[But] Many of the issues and grievances that fueled Trump in 2016 remain. Immigration is a mess. The country still lacks basic sovereignty. Bold, forward-looking policies around healthcare, energy, and education remain to be seen. Middle Americans are still underserved and taken for granted by our government.

Billionaires are also abandoning Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who promoted himself as a competent governor who could bridge the GOP’s pro-migration donors and low-migration voters:

The right-wing venture capitalist David Sacks was a major DeSantis backer, hosting the launch of DeSantis’s presidential campaign on X, formerly Twitter, in the spring. But in recent months, Sacks has soured on DeSantis, according to two people familiar with his thinking, and has thrown fundraisers for rivals Vivek Ramaswamy and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, then running as a Democrat.

Many polls show that the party cannot accept the investors’ demands for more and more migration, no matter how much money the investors dangle in donations.

For example, immigration is the top issue for 26 percent of Republican voters, according to a poll by Reuters announced on November 7. The 26 percent score is four points above the 22 percent who said the closely related economic issue is the most important.

Swing voters also oppose migration. In October, for example, a majority of the Democrat-leaning Jewish community in New York agreed that migration is more of a burden than a benefit.

Curiously, the Washington Post’s do-not-mention-migration article mentioned Republican presidential candidate and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley just once — even though she is getting funds from Silicon Valley investors while promising them an immigration giveaway.

In September, Politico reported on Haley’s investor donors:

They include billionaire WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum, who has donated $5 million to a super PAC supporting her campaign, venture capitalist Tim Draper, who gave $1.1 million, and million-dollar donor Steven Stull, another venture capitalist, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

“We need to [think about immigration] based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say, ‘What do you need that you don’t have?'” Haley told supporters in New Hampshire on November 2. “So think agriculture, think tourism, think tech, we want the talent that’s going to make us better.”

Yet the Washington Post suggested that Haley is getting donations from investors because of her foreign policy record. It quoted Keith Rabois — a general partner at Thiel’s venture firm Founders Fund who backs Haley — saying, “DeSantis hasn’t demonstrated sophisticated expertise in foreign policy and the economy.”

The article cited investor support for Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy but declined to explain his pro-investor immigration and trade policies.

On the Democrat side, President Joe Biden and his deputies have lavished Silicon Valley investors with favors and giveaways since well before the 2020 election.

In October, Breitbart News reported more Biden giveaways to high-tech investors:

President Joe Biden told his deputies Monday to import more foreign graduates for the Fortune 500 white-collar careers needed by indebted U.S. graduates and their families.

The directive is described in a White House fact sheet outlining the directive, “Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.”

Biden is “setting up another wave of indentured servitude workers,” responded Kevin Lynn, the founder of U.S. TechWorkers.

The visa programs include the infamous H-1B program, which grants roughly 200,000 three-year work permits each year to low-skill and mid-skill foreign graduates.

The programs “are used to bring in ordinary [mid-skilled foreign] workers to not only displace Americans but allow [CEOs and investors] to control these people during their entire tenure in the country,” Lynn said.  The CEOs and university presidents can control their indentured workers by dangling the hope of green cards and the threat of exile back home, he said.

There should be little surprise when reporters at establishment sites fail to follow the money in migration, said Krikorian. “It’s not so much because [Washington Post owner and high-tech investor] Jeff Bezos is telling them what to do — it’s because they’re in a newsroom where peer pressure would militate against that,” he said.

“In fact, they’re pre-selected [by hiring managers] to not even think about that question,” he added.

Many reporters for the New York Times post many excellent articles about the economic abuse and poverty of migrants, such as child labor and rising rents, but the top editors are pro-migration, so the newspaper does not connect the dots and describe the pocketbook damage of migration to ordinary Americans.

Ordinary Americans — especially black Americans — enjoyed a long and steady rise in prosperity after Congress curbed migration in 1925, but lobbyists persuaded Congress to reopen migration in 1965, double it in 1990, and largely open the border in 2021. The result has been a colossal transfer of wealth from ordinary Americans over to CEOs, investors, and Wall Street.

The government’s migration stimulus for Wall Street policy greatly reduces U.S. innovation, imposes chaotic diversity on American society, and extracts human resources from many poor countries.



 Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.             MONICA SHOWALTER

And just recently, the state-funded University of California system announced it will spend $27 million on financial aid for illegal aliens. They’ve even taken out radio spots on stations all along the border, just to make sure other potential illegal border crossers hear about this program. I can’t afford college education for all my four sons, but my taxes will pay for illegals to get a college education (BOTTOM).

Census: Mass Immigration Set to Drive U.S. Population to 400 Million by 2060

Migrants take part in a caravan towards the border with the United States in Tapachula, Chiapas State, Mexico, on October 30, 2023. (Photo by ISAAC GUZMAN / AFP) (Photo by ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images)
ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images

The nation’s policy of admitting more than a million legal immigrants, in addition to annual illegal immigration levels, is set to drive the United States population to nearly 400 million by the year 2060, the U.S. Census Bureau projects.

The Census Bureau projection, analyzed by Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, suggests that current levels of illegal and legal immigration will force the U.S. population to about 397 million in less than four decades.

This “high” immigration scenario, Camarota writes, most fits the nation’s current policy in which more than a million legal immigrants are rewarded green cards annually, and tens of thousands of illegal aliens are being released into the U.S. interior every month.

EXCLUSIVE: 2,000 Migrants Cross into Texas Border by Early Afternoon, At Least 1,500 More Expected

Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas

Despite projecting this unprecedented population growth, the establishment media — as well as the Census Bureau — focused on the agency’s projection that the U.S. population will eventually decline.

“The Bureau’s new projections extend all the way to 2100,” Camarota writes:

This super-long-term forecast generates the somewhat alarmist headline in the press release, “population projected to decline.” This decline is not supposed to happen until 2081. Even then, the decline is just 1 percent by 2100. [Emphasis added]

Center for Immigration Studies

As Breitbart News reported in March, illegal and legal immigration to the U.S. is driving 80 percent of the nation’s annual population growth. This research indicates that a moratorium on immigration would help stabilize the population.

Already, the U.S. population has hit a record 333 million people.

EXCLUSIVE: 1,500 Migrants Cross Border into Texas in Six Hours

Americans, polls routinely find, are uncomfortable with such rapid population growth because it means more traffic on roads, a larger strain on the social safety net, higher housing prices, and a flooded labor market.

The latest survey from Rasmussen Reports shows that nearly seven in ten likely voters want to either slow down immigration-driven population growth or halt it altogether. Likewise, nearly half of likely voters say immigration-driven population growth ought to be reduced to protect the nation’s wildlife habitats and farmland from urban sprawl.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.




Nikki Haley: Let CEOs Import Workers and Graduates They ‘Need’

Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign event, Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023, in Boiling Springs, S.C. The former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador is leaning into her foreign policy experiences as she campaigns in her home state, as well as other early-voting states of Iowa and New …
AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

American CEOs should be allowed to import all the foreign workers they say they “need,” Nikki Haley told supporters at a New Hampshire campaign stop.

“So for too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on a [annual] quota,” she told the roomful of supporters:

We’ll take X number this year, we’ll take X number next year, the debate is on the number. It’s the wrong way to look at it. We need to do it based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say “What do you need that you don’t have?”

So think agriculture, think tourism, think tech, we want the talent that’s going to make us better.

Haley’s reference to “think tech” refers to the many white-collar careers that are now being filled by cheap and compliant foreign graduates instead of available and trained American graduates.

Haley continued:

Then you bring people in that can fill those needs. That way you’re actually emboldening in your economy. [Emphasis added]

Yes, the fabric of America is legal immigration. But let’s get the right ones in that are gonna make America better.

“What Nikki Haley is proposing is to legalize human labor trafficking” for CEOs, said Jay Palmer, an immigration law adviser to CEOs and migrants. “The migrants will come over here, they will be abused, and they will work for any wages because the economy in the United States is better than in their country,” Palmer told Breitbart News.

Haley’s “fabric of America” claim was delivered as many establishment media outlets tout her as a “hard-liner” on migration, or a moderate, and as the last, best hope for the establishment GOP against President Donald Trump. “Ms. Haley has momentum,” said a November 6 editorial in the Washington Post that did not mention wages, jobs, or immigration.

She is also portrayed as a “hard-liner” even though Haley’s October open-borders-for-CEOs speech echoed an April speech: “When it comes to actual immigration laws itself, instead of doing quotas every year on how many we’re going to let through, you partner with your businesses and see what they need.”

New York Times article on her November campaign event did not mention her “need” giveaway to the Fortune 500. But the article by

In her New Hampshire speech, Haley also suggested that she would let Biden’s six million-plus illegal migrants stay in the country providing they labor in jobs:

If they’re feeding off the [welfare] system, you send them back. If they’re actually trying to be productive and have a job and have a record that we can look at, then we can look at what happens.

“That’s a very strong suggestion that she has little interest about removing people who don’t belong here,” responded Jon Feere, the director of investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“She’s the type of candidate the Chamber of Commerce loves,” he told Breitbart News, adding, “She’s going to promise everything they want and they ignore the reasons that [President Donald] Trump got elected in 2016, which includes a strong position on immigration.”

Rival Republicans say that immigration should help ordinary Americans.

“To protect American STEM workers, we will reimplement all of our historic actions regarding H-1B workers, including the termination of the visa lottery, the non-displacement rule, and the highest salary first rule,” Trump told Breitbart News in August.

Ron DeSantis believes that the H1-B program has been used to undercut American wages and will work to reform the program to ensure that H1-B visas do not displace or undermine American workers,” DeSantis’s team told Breitbart News.

Haley’s open-borders-for-CEOs offer echoes the “Any Willing Worker” plan pushed by failed President George W. Bush in 2004.

“New immigration laws should serve the economic needs of our country,” Bush announced in January 2004. “If an American employer is offering a job that American citizens are not willing to take, we ought to welcome into our country a person who will fill that job,” he said.

The Haley policy also matches the semi-covert “Extraction Migration” economic strategy adopted by Biden’s deputies, and the max-migration policy pushed by Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

Haley’s giveaway to CEOs and investors would be bad for the nation, Feere said: “She’s saying that she believes foreigners and corporations should be the only people making decisions about how much immigration the United States should have in a given year. I can’t think of a less democratic way of looking at immigration policy.”

“She looks at [immigration] entirely as a policy for obtaining cheap captive labor. I”m sorry, but our immigration system is about creating permanent future American citizens and that’s not something that should be outsourced to billion-dollar corporations so they can make a quick buck,” he added.

Her policy is also bad for the U.S. economy, productivity, innovation, and wages, Feere said. “Anyone who believes that businesses are capable of saying this is how many people we need doesn’t understand that there is no limit to the amount of cheap foreign labor a business seeks to import. It’s never-ending.”

He continued: “As soon as these foreign workers become too expensive, in the minds of the business owners, they call upon politicians — like Nikki Haley — to bring them even more people who are willing to work for less. It’s basic economics — you flood them, the labor force with large numbers of people, it gives power to the businesses rather than the employees, and there’s no telling how far wages will go down. Or more importantly, how long they will stagnate.”

Haley “has an 18th-century perspective on labor — [there is] no conversation about mechanizing jobs,” he added: “All  [her] talk about STEM technological advancements — that will never see the light of day if we continue to give businesses and corporations a reason not to mechanize. That’s precisely what cheap foreign labor is — it’s an incentive to continue doing business as they always have, not innovate, not raise wages or improve working conditions to attract lawful residents to the jobs.”

“She’s celebrating the creation of a permanent underclass that’s willing to work for less,” he said.

It is possible that Haley was merely pandering to business supporters and donors, Feere said. But, he added, “If there were any evidence that she was strong on immigration enforcement and had previously shown opposition to massive increases in legal immigration, then maybe I wouldn’t take this so seriously. But the reality is, her long-term view has been more immigration by any means necessary.”

Breitbart News asked Haley’s campaign to explain her migrants-for-CEO’s comments. The campaign declined to answer the questions but did send this comment:

Nikki Haley believes we should send back those immigrants who didn’t follow the law to come here. We are a country of laws, and the second we give up being a country of laws, we give up everything this country is founded on.

Immigrants who want to come here need to come the right way, through legal pathways, not break our laws and feed off the system.

Haley’s team also touted more border protections, saying:

We also need to make it more difficult for those to cross and stay illegally by bringing back Remain in Mexico and Title 42. Nikki will end catch-and-release and start catch-and-deport by hiring new Border Patrol and ICE agents, and she will stop handouts to illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities.

Haley’s poll ratings leave her far short of winning the GOP nomination, But establishment media outlets, donors, and politicians are promoting her for the Vice Presidency in a GOP administration. That job would help her corporate donors fight back against any populist proposals in the GOP-run White House.

Haley has relied heavily on major investors for donations. Politico reported in August 2022:

Haley’s nonprofit policy advocacy group, Stand For America, Inc., has received major donations from people including New York hedge fund manager Paul Singer, investor Stanley Druckenmiller, and Miriam Adelson and her late husband, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, the Internal Revenue Service filings reveal.

The roster of supporters who gave undisclosed donations in 2019 also includes Suzanne Youngkin, the wife of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, himself a possible presidential contender; former Pennsylvania Senate candidate and hedge fund executive David McCormick; and Vivek and Lakshmi Garipalli, members of a New Jersey family that has donated large sums to Democrats — but which gave Haley’s organization $1 million.

The New York Times gushed on November 9:

There are some signs major donors are turning their attention to her. Harlan Crow, a wealthy real estate developer, hosted a fund-raiser for her in October with well-connected real estate and oil and gas donors in attendance. Former Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois, a top giver to Mr. DeSantis, transferred his allegiance to Ms. Haley after the first debate. Last week, one of former Vice President Mike Pence’s top donors — the Arkansas poultry magnate Ron Cameron — said he would back her, after Mr. Pence dropped out of the race.

The New York Times article ignored Haley’s giveaway offer of cheap blue-collar and white-collar labor to investors.

“Most politicians do not know the business side of immigration,” said Palmer. “Nikki Haley is so out of touch … I think that her Super PACs are swaying her judgment,” said Palmer.

GOP Speaker Mike Johnson: Democrats Should End ‘Sanctuary City’ Secession Policies

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 25: Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) gives his first comments as speaker of the House on Wednesday October 25, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty

House GOP legislators will use their clout in the year-end funding fights to push to end Democrat cities’ secession from the nation’s immigration laws, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told the New York Post.

“I’m certain that will be one of our proposals, and it should,” the GOP’s new House leader told the newspaper.

The Democrats’ so-called  “Sanctuary Cities” create no-go zones for federal immigration laws, including the laws requiring the deportation of illegals. The cities’ secession from federal law also creates havens for illegal migrants, spikes crime against Americans, and also allows employers to cut wages, spike rents, and sideline millions of working Americans.

The GOP demand for ending “sanctuary city” policies is underlined by the Democrats’ demands that taxpayers pay $5 billion to the cities for their self-inflicted costs of housing illegal migrants, Johnson said.

RELATED: Mayor Eric Adams Heads to Mexico — NYC Migrant Crisis at “Breaking Point”

“The idea that you would maintain a sanctuary city status and then cry out to the federal government for assistance in what you’ve done is, to me, unconscionable,” he said.

Johnson also made sure to blame President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief — Alejandro Mayorkas — for the vast damage done to ordinary Americans by inviting a flood of illegal migrants:

“What he has done is just inexcusable, because these are policy decisions … [His flood] is terribly destructive to our country in so many ways — six million people-plus have been apprehended at the border, 1.7 million getaways. Fentanyl has just led to an absolute catastrophe; the leading cause of death is overdoses for Americans aged 18-49, human trafficking, enriching the cartels, it goes on and on and on. And all of that traces back to their policy decisions.

So far, Johnson’s caucus of House Republicans is making progress as the legislators push for passage of the GOP’s H.R. 2 immigraiton stabilization bill.

For example, the Senate’s establishment GOP leadership has endorsed valuable but limited reforms to immigration policy because of populist pressure from the House GOP amid the end-of-year budget negotiations.

Democrats oppose significant changes, but they know their Mayorkas’ migration is threatening the electability of the many Democrats, even in deep blue states.

Johnsoon’s clout is boosted by recent polls which show that immigration is now the top issue for Republican voters and that a clear majority of swing state voters support a border wall.

RELATED: Caravan of Migrants Progress North Through Tapachula, Mexico, Towards U.S. Border

But GOP donors and their pollsters want more migrant workers, consumers, and customers, and even as nearly all GOP voters want a sharp reduction in migration.

This deep divide ensures that business-backed establishment Republican politicians prefer to talk loudly about the border chaos so they can quietly ignore the vast pocketbook and economic damage caused by migration throughout the United States.

Since 2021, Mayorkas has used his various catch-and-release loopholes to invite roughly six million southern illegals into the United States, alongside at least four million legal immigrants and legal visa workers.

Josh Hawley Demands Probe into Biden’s DHS Allegedly Feeding Illegal Aliens Over Investigating Child Exploitation

EAGLE PASS, TEXAS - SEPTEMBER 29: Immigrants wait to be processed by U.S. Border Patrol agents early on September 29, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. A group of more than 500 immigrants, mostly Venezuelans, had crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico overnight and were allowed into the United States by …
John Moore/Getty Images

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) is demanding a federal probe into whistleblower allegations that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is providing sandwiches to illegal aliens instead of investigating child exploitation at the United States-Mexico border.

In a letter to DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, Hawley writes that he wants “an immediate investigation into whistleblower allegations that the DHS has shut down or delayed investigations into child exploitation and other crimes in order to transfer hundreds of special agents to process illegal immigrants at the southern border.”

Specifically, the whistleblowers claim that Biden’s DHS is pulling agents off criminal investigations and having them make sandwiches for illegal aliens.

Hawley detailed the whistleblower allegations:

On October 31, 2023, I questioned Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas before the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) regarding whistleblower allegations that he removed 600 Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents from felony investigations to facilitate immigration processing functions at the southern border. According to the whistleblower, agents “are being told to shut down investigations to hand out sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower.” This led to child exploitation suspects and fentanyl dealers evading indictment, including child molesters. When asked whether special agents had been pulled away from cases and reassigned to the border, Secretary Mayorkas testified, “Combatting the fight against fentanyl, yes.” [Emphasis added]

Following the hearing, three more whistleblowers from across the country contacted my office, corroborating these claims. One alleged that Secretary Mayorkas was “absolutely lying” and that agents were not, in fact, being reassigned to investigate fentanyl cases. The whistleblower corroborated the claim that there have been at least 600 agents at a given time reassigned to the border. A third whistleblower claims that he was also reassigned to the border to “babysit” illegal immigrants; his duties included holding doors for private contractors who prepared the sandwiches for illegal immigrants, who were “fed better than my kids.” A fourth whistleblower confirmed that special agents had been pulled off child exploitation investigations. According to some of the whistleblowers, much of their time was spent on “stand-by,” as offices at the border were not expecting their arrival. [Emphasis added]

Most concerningly, all the whistleblowers allege that important criminal investigations stalled and suspects were not arrested or indicted as a result of these reassignments. Agents were pulled from investigations ranging from child exploitation to drug trafficking to counterterrorism. One whistleblower was pulled from child exploitation cases “that haunt your soul when you aren’t available and able to ensure the children involved aren’t being abused.” Another whistleblower alleges that hands-on child molesters were not arrested and further provides specific examples of child exploitation indictments that were delayed or adversely affected due to these reassignments. [Emphasis added]

Specifically, Hawley is asking Cuffari how many DHS agents have been reassigned to help bring illegal aliens into the U.S. interior and how many of those agents were subsequently required to hold off on investigations into criminal activity and child exploitation.

An estimated six million border crossers and illegal aliens have been welcomed into American communities since Biden took office in late January 2021 — including nearly two million known so-called “got-aways,” those illegal aliens who successfully crossed the border.

EXCLUSIVE: 1,500 Migrants Cross Border into Texas in Six Hours

Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Biden Administration’s Illegal Immigration System

DOJ Shuts Down Mayorkas-Enabled Prostitution Ring

Street prostitute strip mall
gremlin/Getty Images

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has shut down an Asian-run prostitution ring aimed at U.S. elites that was enabled by the Department of Homeland Security.

The targeted elites include elected officials, military officers, and government contractors.

The justice department’s press announcement on Wednesday hides the reality by describing the foreign-born alleged pimps as Americans, saying:

The following defendants have been charged with conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity:

Han Lee, a/k/a “Hana,” 41, of Cambridge, Mass.;

James Lee, 68, of Torrance, Calif.; and

Junmyung Lee, 30, of Dedham, Mass.

But the courtroom affidavit filed by the Department of Justice admitted that the alleged pimps walked through the border safeguards that have been relaxed by President Joe Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas:

26. Han LEE, 41, resides at 80 Cambridgepark Drive, Unit 638, Cambridge, MA (Target Location 1). HAN was born in Korea and first came to the United States in October 2014. She acquired a visitor’s visa but subsequently overstayed the length of the visa.


28. Junmyung LEE, 30, resides at 71 Legacy Boulevard, Dedham, MA (Target Location 2). JUNMYUNG was born in Korea and began his F1 student visa process in January 2018 to attend the Computer Systems Institute in Boston, MA.

Y… K… was observed walking with HAN into 90 Fawcett Street, Cambridge, MA on June 6, 2023, after having flown into Boston’s Logan Airport from South Korea. Y… K… remained in the United States until June 21, 2023, at which point he flew back to South Korea … Y… K… has not returned to the United States since.

The affidavit also says the Asian women used the Los Angeles airport — but does not state if they flew into the United States.

Mayorkas has forced border officials to enable the growing inflow of workers who use B-1/B-2 visas for tourists and short-term business visitors to reach black-market jobs in the United States.

Mayorkas’s department has also helped hide the airport arrivals by minimizing the enforcement of laws against illegal immigration. For example, he has reduced enforcement of the laws against foreigners who overstay their short-term visas — such as F-1 student visas — and has said he will not pursue illegal migrants who have not been convicted of felonies.

Mayorkas’s hands-off policy has encouraged massive levels of sex trafficking as millions of poor illegal migrants flood into American communities.

“It’s a lot of, frankly, ‘Hear no evil, see no evil, there must not be any,’ really deliberately kind of looking the other way at what is happening,” said Jessica Vaughan, the policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In July, Vaughan told the House Homeland Security Committee:

There are a number of instances where, for example, girls have been placed with older men in what is clearly an exploitative situation. There are kids who have been turned over to labor traffickers. There are kids who get turned over to gang members … It’s really quite horrific.

But the justice department’s affidavit suggests the federal government is worried about harm to itself via potential sexual blackmail of elites:

These customers spanned a wide array of different professional disciplines. Some of these professional disciplines included, but are not limited to, politicians, pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, business executives, technology company executives, scientists, accountants, retail employees, and students.

This list only encompasses a small sample of known customers that have been identified through investigative methods. I believe there are potentially hundreds of yet to be identified customers that may include other professional disciplines not included in the list above.

The justice department may be concerned about spying, Mitchell Epner, a former federal prosecutor in New Jersey, told Rolling Stone magazine:

“There’s something going on here that’s more than sex … It’s very clear from the locations — Fairfax [and] Tysons Corner in Virginia are very close not only to [Washington] D.C. but to the Pentagon.” Epner says he “would not at all be surprised” if the alleged brother operators were “servicing people who were very prominent in either business or government and then turning around and extorting them.”

“There are potentially hundreds of individuals who took these services as commercial sex buyers,” said Joshua Levy, the acting U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts.

In the United States, many federal agencies and state governments — such as Washington state — ignore the spread of prostitution, despite the horrific impact it has on women, their health, and their ability to have families and middle-class lives.

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