Saturday, November 18, 2023

U.S. Bishops Insist Abortion Is ‘Pre-Eminent Priority’ for Catholic Voters

JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK


U.S. Bishops Insist Abortion Is ‘Pre-Eminent Priority’ for Catholic Voters

A pro-life activist holds a model fetus during a demonstration in front of the U.S. Supreme Court June 29, 2020 in Washington, DC. The Supreme Court has ruled today, in a 5-4 decision, a Louisiana law that required abortion doctors need admitting privileges to nearby hospitals unconstitutional. (Photo by Alex …
Alex Wong/Getty Images

ROME — The United States Bishops have issued their updated Catholic voting guide, in which they insist that abortion is the “pre-eminent priority” for Catholic voters.

“The threat of abortion remains our pre-eminent priority because it directly attacks our most vulnerable and voiceless brothers and sisters and destroys more than a million lives per year in our country alone,” the bishops write in their guide titled Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.

The bishops state:

Our efforts to protect the unborn remain as important as ever, for just as the Supreme Court may allow greater latitude for state laws restricting abortion, state legislators have passed statutes not only keeping abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy but opening the door to infanticide.

“Additionally, abortion contaminates many other important issues by being inserted into legislation regarding immigration, care for the poor, and health care reform,” the text adds.

While underscoring the unique evil of abortion, the bishops also reference other attacks on the dignity of the human person.

Other grave threats to the life and dignity of the human person “include euthanasia, gun violence, terrorism, the death penalty, and human trafficking,” they declare, continuing:

There is also the redefinition of marriage and gender, threats to religious freedom at home and abroad, lack of justice for the poor, the suffering of migrants and refugees, wars and famines around the world, racism, the need for greater access to healthcare and education, care for our common home, and more.

“All threaten the dignity of the human person,” they note.

Asked why the bishops continue stressing abortion rather than, say, climate change, Archbishop William Lori, vice-president of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference, observed that several factors make abortion stand apart.

“The reason we focus on the unborn as we do is because they are utterly voiceless and defenseless,” he said. “And abortion is a direct taking of human life.”

Pope Francis himself “would identify abortion as a primary instance of the throwaway culture,” he added.

The text on responsible citizenship passed overwhelmingly at the bishops’ annual plenary meeting in November, with 225 in favor, 11 against, and seven abstentions.


Is Post-Roe America More Pro-Life, or Less?

You’ve undoubtedly heard that Republicans have found themselves, as Caroline Vakil relates over at The Hill, in “political quicksand when it comes to abortion,” evidenced by underwhelming performances at the polls since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

The end of Roe was a pyrrhic victory for Republicans, say both forlorn conservative squishes and giddy leftist pundits.  The suggestion by both is that Republicans underestimated Americans’ appetite for laws allowing babies to be slaughtered in the womb by the tens of thousands each year.  The most recent example cited for this crisis in the pro-life movement is the popular ballot initiative in Ohio that legislated a right to abortion at the state level.

Among these voices is Jon A. Shields at The Atlantic.  He suggests that “abortion foes” dreamed that the end of Roe would pave the path to a “more pro-life America,” but “that’s not how things are panning out.”  He contends that as soon as Roe was overturned, “voters turned against the pro-life cause everywhere they could, resulting in even some red states legalizing protections for abortion.”  He further suggests as evidence that Republican presidential candidates who “might have pressed for sweeping abortion restrictions” in previous cycles are instead “advocating for a 15-week limit, a policy that would protect the large majority of abortions.”

Is it true that we do not live in a more “pro-life America” today than we did prior to the overturning of Roe?  It’s hard to say, and it very much seems to depend on where you live.  For example, in the six months after the Dobbs v. Jackson decision overruled Roe, the monthly tally of abortions had fallen nationally by six percent, from roughly 82,000 to 77,000.  One year after the decision, however, the abortion reporting effort called #WeCount found that there was actually an increase in monthly abortions after Dobbs, from 82,115 per month before Dobbs to 82,298 per month in the year that followed.

In #WeCount’s findings, not only is it apparent that abortion drastically decreased in states with limitations while the number of abortions increased substantially in states like California and Florida, but the data show that there were 10,000+ more abortions than the monthly average that were recorded in March of 2023.  This is a curious spike in the data that skews the results dramatically.  For example, if we remove these 10,000 abortions from the annualized number of abortions, it yields 977,576 abortions in the year after Roe was overturned, which is 81,465 per month — a marked reduction from the pre-Roe sample monthly average.

With regard to the question as why this anomaly occurred, the answer is almost certainly the phenomenon known as “abortion tourism.”  Almost immediately after the Supreme Court handed the decisions on abortion back to the individual states rather than the federal government, corporate leviathans began incentivizing employees in states where abortion was curtailed to get pregnant and abort their children as an annual vacation package. 

Why corporations might do such a thing is no mystery.  As Becket Adams writes at The Washington Examiner:

If you wrote a dystopian thriller about a world where multibillion-dollar corporations subsidize abortion to keep female employees on the clock and avoid paying increased insurance premiums, a good editor would send it back and say, “This is too on the nose.”

When companies like Amazon began offering their recent college grad employees “up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for non-life-threatening medical treatments including abortions,” it represented a direct incentive to young women.  We shouldn’t be mystified as to how or why several thousand young women flocked in 2023 to Florida for abortions, a state which saw the “third most abortions overall” and “the second largest increase” in the wake of Dobbs — and in March of 2023, there were 9,020 abortions in Florida, 3,020 more than the pre-Roe average of 6,000 per month.

Indeed, you don’t have to be a sleuth or an avid reader of dystopian fiction to calculatewhy several thousand young women, likely unhappy in their jobs and struggling to get by as young, single earners, might take advantage of a financial incentive to go to Florida in the month of March.  And hey, for the company employing them, paying for a Panama City vacation for a few days is certainly a cheaper proposition than delivery costs of a child in the hospital and the required maternity leave.

At any rate, it appears that the Florida Spring Break abortion spike was a one-time deal.  Governor Ron DeSantis has since signed a bill banning abortion after six weeks, commonly known as a “heartbeat bill.”  Given that from June of 2022 to June of 2023, there were nearly 100,000 abortions in the state of Florida, I think we can safely say that Florida is doing its part to make America more pro-life. 

Florida’s new abortion law has been cited by Donald Trump as a mistake as he attempts to paint himself as a moderate on the issue, saying that he personally thinks it’s “too harsh.”  He’s certainly entitled to that opinion, but the question isn’t what Donald Trump thinks about a heartbeat bill.  It’s what the people of Florida think about a heartbeat bill.  

If effectively communicated, this pro-democracy and pro-federalism message would be a tremendous selling point for both Republicans and many Democrats.  Rather than having some corrupt politician or unelected judge in Washington decide what you can and can’t do around abortion, your state can carefully and nimbly craft laws around the issue of abortion that work for its specific population.

If you’re among the 22 percent of Americans who love abortion and think they should be available at any point up to birth, you’re likely to live in a place like California, and you can take solace in the fact that there will continue to be lots of abortions in your state.

If you are pro-life and are among the 13 percent of Americans who believe that abortion should never be allowed because it is always the ending of a human life, you may live in a place like Texas.  Your state legislators now have the ability to craft laws more aligned with your values and beliefs, and you can likely take solace in the fact that your state will be industrially killing thousands fewer babies in the womb than neighboring states.

If you’re the among the 65 percent of Americans who maintain that at some arbitrarily defined point in pregnancy, the child is gestationally developed enough that destroying the child would trouble your conscience, your state legislators can now craft a law that is closer to your liking, too.

This is all possible only because Republicans have been promoting a decidedly pro-life agenda these past years.  Ten years ago, the idea that Roe would not be a permanent touchstone for America on abortion was outlandish, and my advocating for a ban on late-term abortion made me an extremist.  Five years ago, we had a president who got elected promising to nominate judges who would overturn Roe, and my arguing for a 20- or 24-week “viability” abortion ban made me an extremist.  Now Roe is dead, and my arguing that a child with a beating heart is a life worthy of protection may make me an extremist, sure — but a 15-week ban is now considered a fairly moderate and sober policy goal. 

It would be incredibly difficult to appraise that trajectory and these circumstances as anything other than America being a much more firmly pro-life country today than it was pre-Dobbs.  But if, in fact, we are not living in a more pro-life America today, that’s certainly not the fault of Republicans.  It’s a clear result of the incestuous relationship between soulless, multibillion-dollar corporations and Democrats bent on maintaining high abortion levels in this country.

Who is Pulling the Puppet Strings?

The Nazi rise to power was an aberration in world history. 

Or was it? 

Based on recent events, is it impossible to believe we could be re-living 1938 Germany's past?  Could we see another Kristallnacht occur in America at any moment?  Our country is visibly in freefall, with no leader willing to unequivocally call out the evil that is Hamas and its puppetmaster, Iran.  The lunatics are running our asylum, and they hold immense sway.

No, I'm not talking about the titular head of our country, President Biden, either.  He is a figurehead, no longer capable of deep thought, if ever before.  If Biden ever had any 'seichel' (wit or intelligence), it's been too long since he's shown any.  For a minute, forget about recent polling creating shockwaves running through Democrat circles.  You are left to believe the country is firmly in a box of its own making.

But let's leave Biden recharging in his Rehoboth Beach home and talk political realism.  Outsiders are hard-pressed to name anyone who influences Biden's actions.  Listen to a daily briefing with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, which displays three recurring themes:

  1. Constant reformation of the President's comments.  "What the President meant was…"
  2. "I would refer you to "X" for additional comments."
  3. An ever-growing hostility to reporters who "push" beyond Jean-Pierre's scripted verbiage as delivered straight from her notebook. 

This president's administration, supposedly the most transparent of all time, is perhaps the least forthcoming in a generation.  None other than CNN states: "Failed to act on a number of transparency issues.  Worse, the administration embraces its predecessors' opaque and undemocratic policies."  If the Biden administration is the keeper of light and truth, why does it exhibit such a cloistered, closed administration?  Perhaps Biden is trying to hold his party together in the face of complex and contrary crosscurrents endlessly battering him. 

Because the Biden administration is untruthful on so many issues, one is left to puzzle over what at first appears to be either schizophrenic or just patently wrong decision-making followed by equally inappropriate actions. 

The following issues are the foundational issues backed and supported by Biden, despite what recent narratives or statements to the contrary made that infer something different.

  1. First, he was 100% in support of Israel.  Now, he wants to give Israel the benefit of his experience in how to fight terrorists.
  2. Trillions spent electrifying everything in sight and demagoguing anyone who stands up and says, "Joe!  We don't want electric cars, stoves, or aircraft or having to eat less meat to appease your supporters whose endgame is to control our lives."
  3. Watching millions of illegal aliens admitted to the heartland, unvetted, unable to take care of themselves, and some here to do us physical harm or undermine our republic.
  4. Inflation is allowed to ravage middle-class people, making our savings worth far less.
  5. Woke-ism and racism have our country divided over endless pseudo issues that hide the critical issues.  Instead, we see either inaction or the worst possible outcomes.

It's the lies that should worry us the most.  Bidenomics is eye candy designed to take in the gullible, the uninformed, and those who believe in a better tomorrow based on loving Big Brother.  The statistics, like labor growth, are fundamentally deceiving.  What's been consistently growing is the number of people working for the government.  The latest figures tell the truth: the government is the leading growth sector in report after report.

You have been lied to, not once, but repeatedly, with millions lapping it up.

But exactly who is lying to us?  Some obvious and perennial actors include politicians, special interest groups, big business, foreign interests, and the vast and unaccountable thousands in our mammoth bureaucracies.  It's likely not a conspiracy, but there must be more than the usual suspects.  Since Obama, we have been entirely off the rails.  We've been Slouching Towards Gomorrah for a very long time.  Sure, there's Iran, Russia, China, and others that seek to destabilize and/or take advantage of us in our distress.   But even that isn't the reason we seek.

The honest answer is the worst because it is us, just as Pogo warned when he said, "We have met the enemy, and it is us!"  We've become believers in the "Prison of Two Ideas."  As Greg Gutfeld of Fox's "The Fives" describes it, "They set up an issue as having only two positions -- you're either for or against "X" -- and then place you on the side that sounds most evil." 

Too many of us retreat into default positions instead of insisting on logic and truth.  This leads us to the most malign contrivance of all: forgetting that truth matters.  Without truth, we can be controlled in every way.  Are we just building another box of our own making?  Whoever is pulling the strings, perhaps President Obama, George Soros, or other partisans, they are wearing down our country and the requisite psychic energy necessary to fight back. 

As much as I want to see Biden as the face of the destroyers, I can't.  He's a symptom, not a cause, which makes me wonder about the next person in line if not Biden.  Will he be just as bad?  Will we just be building another box?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent?  In America's Democrat party today, who is happy?  Certainly not the rank and file.  Many Democrats have read the tea leaves and want someone else to run.

So what about the next person in line?  Will he or she be just as bad?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent? 

Right now, as imperfect as former President Trump may be, he's the only one that we have a prayer of electing and who will stand up to the forces that try to destroy us.  Even if he becomes a convicted felon as he will likely be if his haters get their way, I'd vote for Trump again.  If he is to be kept in jail and prohibited from governing, I'll be one of the millions demanding his return.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer is a patriot, author, businessman, thinker, and strategist.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

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