Monday, December 11, 2023

FOLLOWING THE BRIBES - Biden So Unpopular He’s Turning to Hillary Clinton for Help The Clintons are back in the game and meeting with foreign leaders on Biden's behalf.

A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

By J.B. Shurk

Good Americans do not behave like Bill and Hillary Clinton.  After Bill was caught having sexual relations with a White House intern barely old enough to legally drink, he was not burdened by shame.  When multiple women accused him of sexual harassment or rape, he did not resign.  His wife Hillary is so free of shame that she quickly slimed Bill’s accusers as “trailer-park trash,” excused her husband’s atrocious behavior as part of some “vast right-wing conspiracy,” and ran for office, herself.  Only shameless people blame others for their own depravities and double-down with new offenses — including taking Chinese Communist Party bribes, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign donors, committing perjury and fraud, and stealing expensive pieces of White House furniture on their way out the door.  

Joe Biden Enlists Election Denier Hillary Clinton in 2024 Campaign

Vice President Joseph Biden (L) talks with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as they await the start of the funeral services for US Senator Edward Kennedy at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Boston, on August 29, 2009. Senator Kennedy died late on August 25, 2009 at …
BRIAN SNYDER/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden over the weekend enlisted election denier Hillary Clinton in his reelection campaign to build infrastructure, raise money, and mobilize voters.

Biden’s eagerness to enlist Clinton signals his desperation to combat his historically low approval ratings.

Hillary Clinton, who is a twice-failed presidential candidate, is a longtime election denier:

  • 2016: Claimed the Supreme Court “took away a presidency” in Bush v. Gore.
  • 2017: Alleged she would not “rule out” questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election.
  • 2020: Claimed the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying, “We still don’t really know what happened.”
  • 2020: Claimed Stacey Abrams “would have won” Georgia’s gubernatorial race “if she had a fair election” and that Stacey Abrams “should be governor” but was “deprived of the votes [she] otherwise would have gotten.”

More than 150 examples of Democrats denying the 2016 election are here.

“People close to Hillary Clinton anticipate she’ll be a tireless campaigner for the Biden campaign, rallying Democratic voters by laying out the stakes and explaining why a Trump victory could subvert America’s democratic norms,” NBC News reported.

“She is also well positioned to caution voters that if they support a third-party candidate, they may cut into Biden’s margin and flip the election to Trump, Democratic strategists said,” the report continued. “Clinton’s role is only expected to grow in the new year, but for now, she is filling a space that at a later point in the campaign season former President Barack Obama will join.”

FiveThirtyEight polling shows Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history with a -18 approval rating. In turn, many Democrats asked Biden not to run for reelection.

Former Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama (JIM CHAPIN/AFP via Getty Images) // Inset: President Joe Biden (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden told donors last week, adding that Democrats “cannot let [Trump] win.”

“Would you be running if Trump wasn’t running?” a reporter asked Biden after the event. 

“I expect so,” Biden replied. “But he is running, and — I just — I have to run.”

Biden So Unpopular He’s Turning to Hillary Clinton for Help

The Clintons are back in the game and meeting with foreign leaders on Biden's behalf.

In the fall, reporters commented that Biden’s numbers had entered Hillary Clinton territory in the polls.

While Hillary Clinton’s numbers were bad then during the election campaign, they’ve gone up to 43% with a 36% disapproval.

Biden could only dream of numbers like that.

His disapproval rating is 55% and approval rating is below 38%. So he’s turning to someone more popular than he is.

Biden and Clinton have not always been close — she elbowed him out of running in 2016 — but the president is thirsty for allies right now. His approval numbers are at an all-time low, and he is running neck and neck with a Republican front-runner, former President Donald Trump, who is under indictment in four separate cases.

Clinton is popular with women and key parts of the Democratic base and remains a fundraising draw who can help ensure Biden has the money to get his message out. There is still a two-for-the-price-of-one theme when it comes to her family: Husband Bill Clinton made a cameo at the fundraising event at their Washington home.

The White House recently hired Dennis Cheng, a longtime fundraiser for both Clintons, to bolster its outreach to political allies. The hire had more to do with Cheng’s ability to connect with party elites than his relationship with the Clintons, the two people familiar with Biden’s re-election campaign said, but it won’t hurt in sealing the bond between Biden and his onetime intraparty rival.

What do the Clintons get in exchange for this? Remember, the Clintons recently rebooted the Clinton Global Initiative in a high-profile way. But why would anyone put in the cash unless the Clintons suddenly have their magical government powers again?

And in 3-2-1.

The same day Hillary Clinton raised money for Biden, her husband sat down to lunch in New York with Argentina’s President-elect, Javier Milei and former Sen. Chris Dodd, who is Biden’s special adviser for the Americas. In doing so, Bill Clinton served as a high-profile surrogate for Biden, who did not meet with Milei. Dodd checked in with the White House before the lunch to go over discussion points, and Bill Clinton alerted the State Department that he would be meeting with Milei, said people familiar with the lunch.

Appointing Bill Clinton as a surrogate to a foreign leader means that the Clintons are back in the game and the Clinton Global Initiative has value again.

People close to Hillary Clinton anticipate she’ll be a tireless campaigner for the Biden campaign, rallying Democratic voters by laying out the stakes and explaining why a Trump victory could subvert America’s democratic norms.

Both she and Bill Clinton feel a degree of loyalty to the Democratic Party that not everyone in the party’s orbit shares, a person close to her said.

“She and her husband will do whatever is asked of them,” this person said. “Some elected [officials] and former elected [officials] are, ‘Send us a list and we’ll do two out of the 20’” events. “She’ll do 18 out of the 20.”

The Clintons just got back in the game and they’re already spreading rumors and innuendo and they’re already hooking up with foreign leaders.

This is bad, sure. But it’s still less bad than 2020 when Biden outsourced his future administration to Elizabeth Warren. It does mean that if Biden gets back into office, the Clintons will own a sizable part of his administration and what’s left of his soul.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans


By J.B. Shurk

When is a government so corrupt as to render it illegitimate?  There are many telltale signs: unconstitutional assertions of authority, widespread criminality, currency debasement, coercive intimidation, selective prosecution, purposeful failure to protect its own borders, and rampant censorship — to name just a few. 

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY



Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections



Bill was caught having sexual relations with a White House intern barely old enough to legally drink, he was not burdened by shame.  When multiple women accused him of sexual harassment or rape, he did not resign.  His wife Hillary is so free of shame that she quickly slimed Bill’s accusers as “trailer-park trash,” excused her husband’s atrocious behavior as part of some “vast right-wing conspiracy,” and ran for office, herself.  Only shameless people blame others for their own depravities and double-down with new offenses — including taking Chinese Communist Party bribes, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign donors, committing perjury and fraud, and stealing expensive pieces of White House furniture on their way out the door.  

A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

America is not meant to have a “ruling class.”  The Declaration of Independence takes direct aim at an entrenched aristocracy by stating a “self-evident” truth that “all men are created equal.”  People, of course, are not naturally equal.  They are blessed with individual talents and carry through their lives individual burdens, but no person is born with a divine right to rule over others.  On the contrary, through God’s gifts of life and liberty to each one of us, we are capable of governing ourselves.  That is harder than it sounds because self-government is a responsibility that requires work and vigilance.  

Unscrupulous individuals intent on seizing greater power for themselves take advantage of self-government’s labors by promising to do the heavy lifting for others in exchange for their liberty.  I’ll protect you.  I’ll keep you safe and secure.  I’ll make you happy.  Just do exactly what I say.  It is a Faustian bargain that has led generations of once-free peoples to discover only years later that they have been left imprisoned in chains.

There is no human form of government that does not become corrupt over time.  As soon as any political system is erected to govern a population, the clock starts ticking toward its demise.  The principal reason this is true is that humans are naturally sinful — a burden common to us all — and, therefore, any human-created system will tend to reflect that sinful nature on the path toward its own destruction.  Even governments founded on the noblest of principles and respect for civic virtues — such as the truth that we are endowed “with certain unalienable rights” that no legitimate government may infringe — will come to undermine those foundations as corrupt individuals acquire ever more influence over government’s reins.  

Because the least virtuous people are most attracted to power, the longer that any political system persists, the more corrupt it will become.  In order for good people to reclaim their God-given rights to life and liberty, they must eventually accept the responsibilities of self-government again.  This is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is it’s [sic] natural manure.”

When is a government so corrupt as to render it illegitimate?  There are many telltale signs: unconstitutional assertions of authority, widespread criminality, currency debasement, coercive intimidation, selective prosecution, purposeful failure to protect its own borders, and rampant censorship — to name just a few. 

The U.S. Constitution explicitly organizes a federal government consisting of a few hundred citizens representing the American people in three small, coequal branches of government.  It requires these representatives to faithfully uphold the Constitution — including the Bill of Rights.  It requires Congress to declare war.  It makes no mention of a vast administrative state, a collection of clandestine intelligence agencies allowed to circumvent the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against warrantless searches, an alliance with private companies to engage in mass surveillance, or the establishment of a Pentagon complex providing a permanent military presence on American soil.  It makes no mention of an unaccountable bureaucracy empowered to write legally enforceable rules and regulations on its own.  It makes no mention of a private central bank empowered to manipulate the value of money.  It makes no mention of private corporations acting as gatekeepers to public office by posing as political parties.  

Yet today we have tens of millions of federal employees who carry out their own agendas and do not represent the American people.  Presidents, members of Congress, and even Supreme Court justices routinely ignore the plain meaning of the Constitution’s text in order to insert their own self-serving interpretations into our governing document without any constitutionally required ratification from the states and the American people.  Since WWII, the U.S. has been in an endless state of war from one region of the world to the next without any formal declarations or any electoral mechanism through which the American people may object.  The Department of Justice selectively prosecutes Americans, as evidenced by its alliance with Antifa-like groups promoting Marxist revolution and outright persecution of J6 protesters, pro-life groups, liberty movements, parents protecting their children from government indoctrination, and the religiously faithful.  

There is little doubt that Jefferson would have found any one of these realities an unacceptable imposition of tyranny and their combined flourishing as demonstrable evidence that the “tree of liberty” is leafless and dying.

Culturally, there is also a telltale sign: the most shameful people now wield power while shamelessly shaming good Americans.  We are “ruled” by shame projectionists. 

Good Americans do not behave like Bill and Hillary Clinton.  After Bill was caught having sexual relations with a White House intern barely old enough to legally drink, he was not burdened by shame.  When multiple women accused him of sexual harassment or rape, he did not resign.  His wife Hillary is so free of shame that she quickly slimed Bill’s accusers as “trailer-park trash,” excused her husband’s atrocious behavior as part of some “vast right-wing conspiracy,” and ran for office, herself.  Only shameless people blame others for their own depravities and double-down with new offenses — including taking Chinese Communist Party bribes, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign donors, committing perjury and fraud, and stealing expensive pieces of White House furniture on their way out the door.  

Yet the permanent “ruling class” in D.C. treats the Clintons like royalty.  George W. Bush is so fond of accused rapist Bill and Russia collusion fraudster Hillary that he calls them “brother” and “sister.”  Former FBI director Jim Comey, after having laid out a detailed criminal case against Hillary Clinton for her intentional mishandling of Top Secret material, asserted that “no reasonable prosecutor” would seek a conviction.  Why?  Because in a deeply partisan national capital that votes 98% Democrat, unethical prosecutors use partisan judges and juries only to unjustly convict Republicans.  Shamelessness has corrupted the whole city.

What is sometimes difficult for good, ordinary people to understand is this: in corrupt and dying political systems, shame is the chief political currency of those in power.  Just as a bank robber might insist, “If we haven’t done time together (in prison), we’re not doing crime together,” as a way to look out for government snitches, politicians and government bureaucrats follow a similar policy.  Knowing one another’s dirty secrets is the glue that binds a government run by criminals.  It is why everyone knows that powerful people used Jeffrey Epstein’s services to have sex with children and trafficked slaves, and yet no one will be held accountable.  For all intents and purposes, the whole U.S. government was on Epstein’s client list. 

If the Clintons supercharged shamelessness in America, they have certainly found plenty of equally lascivious comrades along the way.  It is why sexually delusional men shamelessly beat women in competitive sports.  It is why women “shout their abortions” without any consideration for the lives they have sacrificed.  It is why the ever-evolving LGBT community commits itself to “pride,” rather than humility.  It is why Jew-hating leftists accuse the right of “hate.”  It is why a criminal deviant such as Hunter Biden calls himself a “victim.”  It is why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin threatens the deaths of American servicemembers in an undeclared war against Russia, unless Congress again gives tens of billions of dollars to similarly corrupt officials in Ukraine.  

In such an era, when the worst people hold onto power, it becomes imperative never to let the shameless shame you.  Don’t let them shame you into putting on a mask, paying more for “green” energy, abandoning God, or adopting their “woke” religion.  Do not worry about the government’s opinion of you.  As Tucker Carlson sagely advises: “Care only about the opinions of people who love you.”

Image via Pxfuel.

A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

America is not meant to have a “ruling class.”  The Declaration of Independence takes direct aim at an entrenched aristocracy by stating a “self-evident” truth that “all men are created equal.”  People, of course, are not naturally equal.  They are blessed with individual talents and carry through their lives individual burdens, but no person is born with a divine right to rule over others.  On the contrary, through God’s gifts of life and liberty to each one of us, we are capable of governing ourselves.  That is harder than it sounds because self-government is a responsibility that requires work and vigilance.  

Unscrupulous individuals intent on seizing greater power for themselves take advantage of self-government’s labors by promising to do the heavy lifting for others in exchange for their liberty.  I’ll protect you.  I’ll keep you safe and secure.  I’ll make you happy.  Just do exactly what I say.  It is a Faustian bargain that has led generations of once-free peoples to discover only years later that they have been left imprisoned in chains.

There is no human form of government that does not become corrupt over time.  As soon as any political system is erected to govern a population, the clock starts ticking toward its demise.  The principal reason this is true is that humans are naturally sinful — a burden common to us all — and, therefore, any human-created system will tend to reflect that sinful nature on the path toward its own destruction.  Even governments founded on the noblest of principles and respect for civic virtues — such as the truth that we are endowed “with certain unalienable rights” that no legitimate government may infringe — will come to undermine those foundations as corrupt individuals acquire ever more influence over government’s reins.  

Because the least virtuous people are most attracted to power, the longer that any political system persists, the more corrupt it will become.  In order for good people to reclaim their God-given rights to life and liberty, they must eventually accept the responsibilities of self-government again.  This is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is it’s [sic] natural manure.”

When is a government so corrupt as to render it illegitimate?  There are many telltale signs: unconstitutional assertions of authority, widespread criminality, currency debasement, coercive intimidation, selective prosecution, purposeful failure to protect its own borders, and rampant censorship — to name just a few. 

The U.S. Constitution explicitly organizes a federal government consisting of a few hundred citizens representing the American people in three small, coequal branches of government.  It requires these representatives to faithfully uphold the Constitution — including the Bill of Rights.  It requires Congress to declare war.  It makes no mention of a vast administrative state, a collection of clandestine intelligence agencies allowed to circumvent the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against warrantless searches, an alliance with private companies to engage in mass surveillance, or the establishment of a Pentagon complex providing a permanent military presence on American soil.  It makes no mention of an unaccountable bureaucracy empowered to write legally enforceable rules and regulations on its own.  It makes no mention of a private central bank empowered to manipulate the value of money.  It makes no mention of private corporations acting as gatekeepers to public office by posing as political parties.  

Yet today we have tens of millions of federal employees who carry out their own agendas and do not represent the American people.  Presidents, members of Congress, and even Supreme Court justices routinely ignore the plain meaning of the Constitution’s text in order to insert their own self-serving interpretations into our governing document without any constitutionally required ratification from the states and the American people.  Since WWII, the U.S. has been in an endless state of war from one region of the world to the next without any formal declarations or any electoral mechanism through which the American people may object.  The Department of Justice selectively prosecutes Americans, as evidenced by its alliance with Antifa-like groups promoting Marxist revolution and outright persecution of J6 protesters, pro-life groups, liberty movements, parents protecting their children from government indoctrination, and the religiously faithful.  

There is little doubt that Jefferson would have found any one of these realities an unacceptable imposition of tyranny and their combined flourishing as demonstrable evidence that the “tree of liberty” is leafless and dying.

Culturally, there is also a telltale sign: the most shameful people now wield power while shamelessly shaming good Americans.  We are “ruled” by shame projectionists. 

Good Americans do not behave like Bill and Hillary Clinton.  After Bill was caught having sexual relations with a White House intern barely old enough to legally drink, he was not burdened by shame.  When multiple women accused him of sexual harassment or rape, he did not resign.  His wife Hillary is so free of shame that she quickly slimed Bill’s accusers as “trailer-park trash,” excused her husband’s atrocious behavior as part of some “vast right-wing conspiracy,” and ran for office, herself.  Only shameless people blame others for their own depravities and double-down with new offenses — including taking Chinese Communist Party bribes, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign donors, committing perjury and fraud, and stealing expensive pieces of White House furniture on their way out the door.  

Yet the permanent “ruling class” in D.C. treats the Clintons like royalty.  George W. Bush is so fond of accused rapist Bill and Russia collusion fraudster Hillary that he calls them “brother” and “sister.”  Former FBI director Jim Comey, after having laid out a detailed criminal case against Hillary Clinton for her intentional mishandling of Top Secret material, asserted that “no reasonable prosecutor” would seek a conviction.  Why?  Because in a deeply partisan national capital that votes 98% Democrat, unethical prosecutors use partisan judges and juries only to unjustly convict Republicans.  Shamelessness has corrupted the whole city.

What is sometimes difficult for good, ordinary people to understand is this: in corrupt and dying political systems, shame is the chief political currency of those in power.  Just as a bank robber might insist, “If we haven’t done time together (in prison), we’re not doing crime together,” as a way to look out for government snitches, politicians and government bureaucrats follow a similar policy.  Knowing one another’s dirty secrets is the glue that binds a government run by criminals.  It is why everyone knows that powerful people used Jeffrey Epstein’s services to have sex with children and trafficked slaves, and yet no one will be held accountable.  For all intents and purposes, the whole U.S. government was on Epstein’s client list. 

If the Clintons supercharged shamelessness in America, they have certainly found plenty of equally lascivious comrades along the way.  It is why sexually delusional men shamelessly beat women in competitive sports.  It is why women “shout their abortions” without any consideration for the lives they have sacrificed.  It is why the ever-evolving LGBT community commits itself to “pride,” rather than humility.  It is why Jew-hating leftists accuse the right of “hate.”  It is why a criminal deviant such as Hunter Biden calls himself a “victim.”  It is why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin threatens the deaths of American servicemembers in an undeclared war against Russia, unless Congress again gives tens of billions of dollars to similarly corrupt officials in Ukraine.  

In such an era, when the worst people hold onto power, it becomes imperative never to let the shameless shame you.  Don’t let them shame you into putting on a mask, paying more for “green” energy, abandoning God, or adopting their “woke” religion.  Do not worry about the government’s opinion of you.  As Tucker Carlson sagely advises: “Care only about the opinions of people who love you.”

Image via Pxfuel.

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