Sunday, December 24, 2023

YOU MEAN GLOBALIST JOE BIDEN, WALL STREET'S SLUT FOR HIRE, IS NOT REALLY A POPULIST AS HE STAGES HIMSELF??? - Democrats are completely delusional about Joe Biden’s ‘unifying’ status


While Biden has vowed to flood the U.S. labor market with more foreign workers to compete against Americans for jobs, he has shied away from questions on whether he will eliminate tariffs on foreign imports that were imposed by Trump. JOHN BINDER


JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied about scholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married.         MARK CHRISTIAN

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.


Democrats are completely delusional about Joe Biden’s ‘unifying’ status

Joe Biden’s handlers announced yesterday that he is an example of bipartisanship and unity. I laughed until I realized that his handlers actually believe this. Then I understood that what he said is par for the course for a party that’s based on denying reality and is grounded in an ideology that fits Tacitus’s description of conquering Romans.

The White House message came via a tweet:

Biden’s handlers then listed all of his “unifying” accomplishments over his three-year presidency:

The first accomplishment is getting suicide hotlines and mental health professionals in schools, which sounds good until you realize that students are suicidal because Democrats have given them a nihilistic world framed by an apocalyptic vision of the earth’s imminent destruction. Meanwhile, mental health professionals are as likely as not to tell the students that becoming “transgender” will make all the bad feelings go away.

The second accomplishment is more money for cancer research, a perennial D.C. project that is as automatic as brushing your teeth in the morning.

The third accomplishment is to expand care for veterans, especially (of course) women. I am 100% in favor of supporting our veterans. However, this is small potatoes and comes as Biden has so devalued the military that it’s facing a dangerous recruiting crisis, while his economy sees huge numbers of homeless veterans, even as illegal aliens get shipped to hotels across America.

The fourth and final accomplishment is making it easier to treat opioid addiction. And again, that ignores the fact that thanks to Biden’s open border policies, which allow Fentanyl to flow into America like water over Niagara Falls, we have an unprecedented opioid problem.

Having delivered the proof of his incredibly “bipartisan” administration, which sees the administration create terrible problems that Congress occasionally tweaks around the edges, Biden takes a victory lap as a unifier:

“United?” “Bipartisan?” You have to ask, in what universe do Democrats operate? After all, this is the same administration that:

  • has been relentlessly persecuting Donald Trump and his supporters since the moment Biden entered the Oval Office,
  • has described Trump supporters (and, currently, over 50% of Republicans, who are about half the population, are Trump supporters) as the worst national security threat in America, and
  • has enthusiastically supported efforts to remove Trump from the ballot, depriving Americans of their ability to elect their preferred president.  

Ironically, though, in a weird way, Biden and his team probably believe what they say. There are two pieces of evidence supporting my contention.  

First, Democrats have generally parted ways with reality. Most obviously, they no longer believe in biological sex. While homosexual impulses (a behavior) are allegedly fixed at birth (or, as Lady Gaga sang, “Baby, I was born this way”), biological sex, which is built into every cell in our body, is utterly malleable and fluid. There are no actual men or women; there are only people who claim to be men or women.

Another sign of delusion is the fixation on alleged anthropomorphic climate change. The three-billion-year-long history of the earth’s endlessly changing climate, the immense power of the sun, the fact that all their models are deeply flawed, and the reality that none of the climatistas’ predictions have come true—those are all irrelevant. What matters is that they believe.

Of course, I understand that the power brokers at the WEF, the UN, and the White House probably don’t believe. Instead, they cynically know that, if you control CO2, you control everything. (In that regard, check out this X thread from James Lindsay.) But the leftist masses do believe, and no facts will turn their minds away from this hideous faith, one without morals, repentance, or redemption. Instead, it’s a death cult all the way, in which only forcing others to sacrifice will save a small band of survivors.

Second, Democrats understand bipartisanship and unity differently from conservatives. Conservatives believe in a small government that lets people go their own way if they stay within the parameters of a system that has “few rules, but unbreakable” (to quote the wisdom of a headmaster in one of my favorite books). In that system, because there is limited governance, elected representatives can readily agree on those sensible few rules: a strong military, a strong border, a safety net for widows and orphans (but not a welfare lifestyle), good roads, rules against murder, assault, and other crimes destructive of the peace and individual liberty, etc.

Democrats, in contrast, are like the Romans. In The Agricola, Tacitus quoted Calgacus, who fought against the Romans, in terms you’ll probably find relevant (emphasis added):

These plunderers of the world [the Romans], after exhausting the land by their devastations, are rifling the ocean: stimulated by avarice, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor; unsatiated by the East and by the West: the only people who behold wealth and indigence with equal avidity. To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.

The notions of “bipartisanship” and “unity” are the Democrats’ peaceful desert.

In November 2024, vote as if your life depends on it…because it does. Or at least, the American life you’ve come to know and love depends on your vote. If Biden gets a second term, South Africa, here we come!

Image: Biden gives his Reichstag speech. YouTube screen grab.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who often pitches himself as “Middle Class Joe” on the campaign trail, is a multi-millionaire, according to his most recent tax returns.

Enthusiasm Runs Low for Joe Biden in His Delaware Hometown

191Win McNamee/Getty Images


21 Dec 2023


Enthusiasm is low for President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign in his hometown of Scranton, Delaware, residents told the far-left Guardian publication on Thursday.

Low enthusiasm for Biden in his hometown depicts a microcosm of a growing problem nationwide. Polling numbers show Biden’s popularity is on a downward trajectory:

· Fox News: 54 percent of Democrat primary voters prefer an alternative to Biden.

· Pew ResearchBiden’s approval rating sinks to just 33 percent, the lowest since he took office.

· WSJ: Only 23 percent said the same for Biden’s policies.

· NYT: Biden trails Donald Trump in approval rating among voters 18-29.

“I’ve lost a lot of the passion that I used to have,” local history buff Nick Petula, an independent who voted for Biden three years ago, told the Guardian. He cited Hunter Biden’s legal troubles as a reason for concern: “All the things about his son, of course, it’s discouraging to hear that.”

Brandon DeManincor, an art therapy major at Marywood University, said he is frustrated that Biden is the Democrat’s presumptive 2024 nominee. “I would prefer someone new for the Democratic party besides Biden, but that’s probably not going to happen,” he said.

Restaurant worker and former Biden voter Mike Boratyn said he does not know whom he will vote for in 2024. He raised concerns about how little Biden accomplished in his first three years in office.

“I think Biden tries to be inspiring, but I think he was the lesser of two evils,” he said. “He doesn’t seem like he was getting as much done as he promised.”

The negative feelings about Biden are not confined to his hometown. Many Democrats oppose his 2024 reelection campaign. His age seems to be one major worry.

“See, the facts are, Biden is not getting any younger,” The Breakfast Club host Charlamagne tha God recently said. “He’s not going to get any more popular, and he’s not getting a new running mate. So, please, Mr. President, give America the ultimate Christmas gift and step aside.”


Charlamagne Tha God (Heidi Gutman via Getty Images)

“It is a little bit like your grandfather running the company, and you know that he’s at a point now where the heirs could suffer value if we don’t change management at the top,” Democrat and former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine said. “And this is very difficult. How do we get grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?”

More on the Democrats’ 2024 woes is here.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


For one thing, there’s a very sordid background to the story. The family  has a long history of corruption and drug use unhampered by legal prosecution.

SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption



Almost three years later, the media and other Democrats are still burying the story of massive Biden family corruption, no matter how much proof they are shown. 

And they never ceased promoting the biggest lie of all, which is that the Obama administration was scandal-free because no one went to jail.  That's called skating in the real world.


Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.


There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Wilmington: The Next Netflix Series?

By Clarice Feldman

This week, as accounts of the whistleblowers who blew the lid off the hampered investigations of the President’s crackhead son Hunter were made public, I imagined a writer making a pitch to producers for a dramatic program called Wilmington, a political version, if you will, of Dallas with more than a hint of the Godfather. Clearly, my proposed dramatization covers so much ground, it will have to be serialized.

For one thing, there’s a very sordid background to the story. The family  has a long history of corruption and drug use unhampered by legal prosecution.

Informed by writers like Jonathan Turley, Julie Kelly, Miranda Devine, Margot Cleveland, and Paul Sperry, this week the story reads like the sleaziest of television series. There’s incest, the president showering with his young daughter per her diary which she left behind in a hotel room; tax cheating and sexual peccadillos -- Hunter writing off payments to prostitutes and sex clubs as business expenses; millions in undisclosed bribes by Chinese and Ukrainian figures, often seemingly as part of a Mafia-type Biden muscling in which benefits and/or consequences are promised and/or threatened for non-payment.

There are more than a few hints of lawfare vendettas: Attorney General Merrick Garland, embittered at having been denied a seat on the Supreme Court, appears to have helped shove under the carpet extensive evidence of the Biden corruption. The newest revelations from whistleblowers to Congress follow on the Durham Report, which can provide the series with a female villain always a necessary subplot for noir tales: 

“Former President Barack Obama and his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, were both briefed in 2016 on reports that then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton planned to vilify Donald Trump by claiming he was colluding with Russia to win the election in 2016.”

Intelligence and FBI heads -- Brennan, Clapper and Comey -- fabricated Russiagate to tie up President Trump and prevent him from exercising fully his rightful office.

The Hunter Biden laptop by itself, which the FBI knew in 2019 was authentic despite 51 former intelligence officials publicly suggesting  it was “likely “Russian disinformation” details multiple business, sex, and drug crimes. You can download it for free.

How could the government not know after having obtained a copy of this, that Hunter was a security risk?

There was evidence received this week that a credible account of the family’s receipt of foreign bribes was kept hidden from investigators by DoJ officials. Professor Margot Cleveland summarizes:

The Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office hid an FBI report that the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million bribes, documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee reveal. [snip] “Most recently, former Attorney General Bill Barr provided an interview in which he stated that information provided by a Confidential Human Source (‘CHS’) concerning an alleged bribery scheme by President Joe Biden was received through the Pittsburgh [U.S. Attorney Office] and was determined it was not likely to have been disinformation,” Shapley said in his affidavit. Barr noted the FD-1023 “was provided to the ongoing investigation in Delaware to follow up on and to check out,” the affidavit continued.

But according to the IRS whistleblower, the CHS information Barr referenced was never provided to Shapley, nor to any of the IRS agents acting under his supervision, nor to the FBI agents working with the IRS investigators. 

Shapley added that he and other IRS criminal investigators had asked to participate in the briefings the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s Office was providing Delaware, but their requests were denied. Had they participated in those briefings, Shapley stressed, they would have undertaken proper investigative steps to determine the veracity of the CHS’s claims. According to Shapley’s affidavit, however, because the information was never provided to the investigators, the agents involved took no steps to determine if the CHS’s allegations could be substantiated.

Someone in the DoJ is not telling the truth about who hid this.

Every successful series needs some humor, and this week we also got that. The Bidens obviously find most damning an email in 2017 from Hunter demanding payment or else from a corrupt Chinese businessman and threatening that his father, who was sitting there with him, would retaliate if the promise to pay was not kept.  Just days following these inducements, millions of dollars flowed into the coffers of the family members through a series of LLCs and a bank in Malta. (I’m not sure how to show the money channeling.  I keep seeing an old timey movie technique on the order of Flash Gordon -- a map of the world with flying dollars flitting from one account to another.)

In any event, the response by Hunter’s lawyer seems particularly laughable. “Any verifiable words or actions of my client, in the midst of a horrible addiction, are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in the family.”  Of course, the defense -- he’s a crackhead and you can’t believe anything he says -- conflicts with Hunter’s claim that the millions he received for “consulting,” “legal,” and “board fees” were for some expertise and good judgement. David Burge (Iowahawk to his legion of fans, of which I am part) hits the satirical nail on the head: “Your honor, did I mention that the alleged event took place during a full moon and my client is a werewolf.”

The Washington Post finally got around to covering the story in a few graphs, in my hard copy on p. 15, highlighting instead, almost two full pages on the effects of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Maybe because the paper’s CEO has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats, including the head of this corruptocrat clan, “Big Guy” Joe. In any event, for those of us who are older and have still retained some of our mental faculties, it is a sharp contrast to the paper’s coverage of the far less scandalous Watergate which, as I recall, ran on the front page day after day after day, made Woodward and Bernstein (stenographers for a bitter Associate FBI Director Mark Felt who had been passed over for FBI head) into make-believe heroes in press and film.

For any remaining movie producers who like to pretend we have a free press, we might do a shot of CNN and the New York Times belatedly covering the story. Or this week’s presser where for a couple of minutes the press gallery got off its duffs and started asking real questions. For all that has been revealed so far, it’s clear the Department of Justice whiffed over and again, but Congress can and probably will subpoena a number of witnesses the attorney general’s troops chose not to or were kept from, and in time the press may be forced into doing its job more assiduously. In the meantime Hunter and Garland were both guests at a White House dinner Thursday night, where Hunter, due to be sentenced this week on seriously watered-down charges, can be seen smiling and chatting with guests. Optics, but for what message? To suggest the government has nothing on Hunter, that Garland is not corrupt, or happy faces to disguise concern over what is coming? It certainly doesn’t help Garland to have attended.

To be continued....


The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C.

The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic

October 22, 2020 by Daniel Greenfield 1 Comment

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C.

Delaware is a pretty small place, but D.C. is even smaller, yet the scope for corruption, unethical behavior, conflicts of interest, and even brazen thievery are far greater in Washington D.C.

And yet the Biden family stood out even there. To be born a Biden in the era after Joe switched his party affiliation, plagiarized his speeches, and inappropriately touched every woman or girl he could get his hands on in the state and the nation, was to be bred into dirty money.

Joe Biden was now asked in Wisconsin if Hunter had “profited off the Biden name”.

“None whatsoever,” the godfather of Delaware retorted. And the entire state laughed.

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, in Delaware, everyone knows that the Biden name means money in the bank. Literally. Just ask MBNA, Hunter’s former employer, whose executives poured $200,000 into Joe’s coffers, and one of whom bought his house.

“Don’t worry about investors,” James Biden, Joe’s brother, famous for scoring a billion dollar contract to build houses in Iraq, told executives at Paradigm Global Advisors.  “We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

James had bought Paradigm together with Hunter Biden.

Biden can try to deny the obvious, but he isn’t even trying to deny that the emails and photos are real, or that it was his son’s laptop. Instead, he spouted a word salad of gibberish, stating, “the vast of the intelligence people have come out and said there’s no basis at all.”

Why does Biden need to call on “the vast of the intelligence people” who carefully avoided making a firm statement, to deny something he is better able to deny on his own?

Because it’s really an admission.

The latest emails make it all too clear that Joe Biden got Viktor Shokin, the Ukranian prosecutor, fired because Burisma wanted him gone and that Hunter Biden’s purpose in making deals with a powerful Chinese energy company linked to the Communist regime was to produce income for “me and my family”. It’s no wonder that the latest reports link the FBI’s subpoena of the laptop, not to the media’s false claims of a Russian op, but to a money laundering investigation.

Investing in Joe Biden or, as one message allegedly has it, “the big guy”, meant depositing the money with James or Hunter. And then Hunter deposited a laptop with a small computer repair shop in Delaware five miles from his father’s home, and never picked it up. The rest is history.

And the history is happening now.

The Hunter Biden laptop unrolls two ragged threads. One is the descent of Joe Biden’s son into new depths of depravity and the other are the foreign investors who bought into Joe Biden Inc.

The alleged photos of Hunter Biden’s drug use and underage girls might be dismissed as a spoiled rich kid’s demons. But, looking at public photos and videos of Joe Biden touching, caressing, and sniffing women and young girls, it’s hard not to see the influence. What did a teenage Hunter grow up seeing his father do? How did that shape him into the man he is?

And why was Hunter able to get away with it for so long?

In alleged text messages exchanged between Joe and Hunter Biden, father and son discuss “sexually inappropriate” behavior with a 14-year-old girl.

“She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time,” Hunter appeared to message his father.

What was done about this? The odds are good that the answer is nothing.

The Hunter Biden laptop was turned over to the FBI in December of 2019. And the FBI appears to have done little with it. Giuliani submitted material allegedly showing criminal sexual behavior to the Delaware police who passed it off to the Delaware Department of Justice.

A spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings said it was sent to the FBI.

Jennings is not only a Democrat, but a friend of the Biden family who had worked under Beau Biden and has been vigorously campaigning for Joe Biden.

“I’ve known Joe, Jill, and the Biden family for most of my life. Joe is one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve ever known,” Jennings had posted on her Facebook page.

The Biden family may have been able to get away with a lot for the same reason as the Kennedy clan. They were big fish in a small pond being protected by the Democrat club. Like some Kennedy sons, Hunter may have spun out of control because he could get away with it.

That’s why Hunter Biden’s story is just an echo of Joe. Father and son appear to share a boundless greed for unearned wealth and women, and a complete lack of self-control with both.

And both men have spent their lives being protected from the consequences of their actions.

Laptop computers, like notebooks, are the mirrors of their owners. We use them and fill them with the things that matter to us. Going through a lost laptop or phone tells us a lot about the man or woman who spent years with it. Hunter Biden’s laptop is a mirror of the man. And the mirror shows a broken and corrupt human being filling its gigabytes with his demons.

What were Hunter Biden’s demons? The same as the ones that bedeviled Joe. Women and money. And as dirty and wrong as possible. That’s why Hunter allegedly didn’t just seek out money, he went after business opportunities in the most corrupt places in the world, like Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China, and he didn’t just chase women.

Instead, Rudy Giuliani has said that the laptop contained photos of underage girls.

But the bigger story isn’t Hunter’s depravity, it’s the business opportunities, the lobbying gigs and board seats offered to him by foreign companies looking to invest in Joe Biden.

In less than two weeks, Joe Biden’s stock will either boom or bust. And voters are entitled to know who, beyond the battalions of domestic special interests from Wall Street to Hollywood, from the gun control lobby to green businesses, pouring hundreds of millions into his campaign, is getting ready to collect interest on the foreign money that financed Hunter’s lifestyle.

Hunter Biden’s emails offer a window into a global operation, in the Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, and the People’s Republic of China, of investing in Joe Biden courtesy of his wastrel son.

Joe Biden has claimed that he has nothing to do with his son’s business affairs, but that’s a transparent lie that had been shot down even long before the laptop by media reporting. The media is frantically trying to bury information that backs up their own reporting from the primaries when the same media now trying to save Joe Biden originally wanted to bury him.

Why did so many Democrat officials, beginning with Barack Obama, try to keep Joe Biden from running in 2016 and then 2020? Joe Biden is a mediocre hack, but he’s a better candidate than Hillary Clinton, not to mention lefty luminaries like Al Gore or John Kerry. The problem was that the small state that spawned the Biden crime family was littered with their dirty laundry.

And now, in the final stretch before Election Day, the messy stained laundry is spilling out.

Like Humpty Dumpty, all the Democrat horses and men are trying to keep the mess contained. Twitter and Facebook are blatantly suppressing the story. The media has refused to cover the biggest scandal of the election while falsely claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation despite clear denials by the intelligence community and the FBI.

Hunter Biden’s laptop isn’t just evidence of a degenerate past, but of the coming attractions.

The Biden crime family has built a global network of contacts. And when their father was a mere veep, they could only wet their beaks a little. If he wins, they’ll be able to drown in money.

Joe could throw around his weight in a backwater like Ukraine, but if he wins, Burisma will just be a tiny taste of what is to come. And the corruption in D.C. will make Delaware blush again.

Corruption is nothing new in D.C., but what the laptop reveals about Hunter Biden and his father is that, like the Clintons, they have no self-control. And the only thing more dangerous than cunning crooks at the head of a nation are inept kleptocrats who would leave evidence of their financial and sexual corruption on a laptop abandoned in a Delaware repair shop.

As new details trickle out, two things are obvious about the Biden crime family: they’re not only as crooked as a bent tree in a thunderstorm, they’re also hopelessly stupid at covering it up.

Even as the media denies everything for the Bidens, they have yet to deny the core facts.

Rep. Schiff may claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a Russian conspiracy, but neither Joe nor Hunter will say it. And what Schiff and the Democrats and their media can only say behind their backs is that they can’t believe how corrupt and incompetent the horse they bet on really is.

They haven’t seen anything yet.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH


 Vance, an unapologetic populist, has campaigned on a number of issues but most prominently immigration, infrastructure, trade, and foreign wars. Vance, who has been endorsed by Angel Mom Maureen Maloney, has laid out a series of policy solutions for stopping illegal immigration, including banning welfare for illegal aliens, mandating E-Verify, declaring the Mexican drug cartels a terrorist organization, and cutting off federal funds to states that give foreign nationals the right to vote.

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Issues Last Ditch Veiled Attack on Trump-Endorsed J.D. Vance: ‘Beware of Populism’

On Tuesday, Biden’s presidential campaign released three years worth of tax filings showing the Democrat frontrunner and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, earned more than $15.6 million since leaving the White House. The majority of the couple’s income came from a book deal — estimated to be worth $8 million — and lucrative speaking engagements.

In 2017, Biden’s first year out of elective office since 1973, the couple earned more than $11 million. This was exponentially more than the $396,552 both reported making in 2016. The following year, the couple’s annual income decreased slightly to $4. 58 million.

Biden’s political standing appears to be the reason for the couple’s new found wealth. The returns show that Biden earned $9.49 million in 2017 through CelticCapri Corp., a shell company named after the couple’s Secret Service code names.

CelticCapri, which was incorporated in Delaware only days after Biden left office, serves as the main vehicle for the former vice president’s public engagements. In 2018, Biden was paid $2.73 million through the company for appearances and speeches all across the country. In total, over the two year period, Biden made 49 speeches with some generating honorariums upwards of $249,000.

Not to be outdone, Jill Biden also cashed in on her public persona. The former second lady delivered 18 speeches between 2017 and 2018, earning on average $36,000 per event. Giacoppa Corp., the former second lady’s shell company named after her family’s original last name, reported paying her more than $557,00 in 2017 and $506,000 in 2018 for such engagements.

Rounding out the couple’s income was Biden’s pension from the U.S. Senate and the vice presidency which generated $241,00 in 2017 and more than $190,000 in 2018. Biden also earned a six figure salary from the University of Pennsylvania. The former vice president leads the university’s Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C., a position that paid more than $371,000 in 2017 and more than $405,000 in 2018.

The couple’s income for both 2017 and 2018 put them squarely within the top one one percent of economic earners, a threshold set at $480,930 by the IRS. In fact, the former vice president’s income was the largest of any of his fellow 2020 Democrats.

Biden’s ascension into the economic elite comes relatively late in life. For the majority of his political career, Biden was one of the poorest members of Congress. The couple’s income barely edged above $300,000 until Biden’s first year in the vice president’s office, when he became eligible to to receive social security and his governmental pension.

Despite waiting so long to break into the one percent, the Bidens appear to have comfortably transitioned into their new lifestyle. Last month, it was disclosed the couple now resides in a 11,750 square foot Georgian-style mansion overlooking the Potomac River in McLean, Virginia. Biden rents the house, which once belonged to the late-Secretary of State Alexander Haig, even though he owns two properties within driving distance in his home state of Delaware. One of those is a recently purchased $2.7 million vacation house on the Atlantic Ocean.

Some signs of the couple’s prior lifestyle, however, appear to have remained in tact. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, Biden’s charitable giving has only slightly increased. According to the most recent tax returns released, Biden gave 1.4 percent of his income to charity in 2016. The following year, when the couple reported making 11 million, they donated just around 9.2 percent to charity. The percentage fell significantly in 2018 to six percent, even though the couple earned more than $4.58 million.

Since signaling his intention to run for president, Biden has sought to regain some of the working-class appeal that was exhibited in his early career.

“I know I’m called Middle-Class Joe. It’s not meant to be a compliment. It means I’m not sophisticated. But I know what made this country what it is: ordinary people doing extraordinary things,” the former vice president said last year.


Joe Biden’s Donor List Includes More than 30 Executives Tied to Wall Street



Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has more than 30 business executives on his donor list that have connections to Wall Street.

Analysis of Biden’s more than 800 big donors, those who have bundled contributions for his presidential bid against President Trump, found that more than 30 of the executives listed have ties to Wall Street.

CNBC reports:

CNBC reviewed a new list of more than 800 Biden bundlers who raised at least $100,000 for the campaign, and found that several of them had links to financial firms. A few had been mentioned on the initial list of Biden fundraisers that was released in 2019 during the Democratic primary contests. [Emphasis added]

Beyond those from Wall Street, Biden’s campaign saw fundraising help from leaders in Silicon Valley, including LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and venture capitalist Ron Conway. [Emphasis added]

Those executives with ties to Wall Street funding Biden’s campaign include:

Frank Baker, Brett Barth, Jim Chanos, Mark Chorazak, David Clunie, William Derrough, Roger Altman, Blair Effron, Jon Feigelson, Mark Gallogly, John Rogers, Jon Gray, Tony James, Jon Henes, Sonny Kalsi, Orin Kramer, Brad Krap, Brian Kreiter, Marc Lasry, Nate Loewenthall, Eric Mindich, Kara Moore, Charles Myers, Alan Patricof, Deven Parekh, Robert Rubin, Evan Roth, Faiza Saeed, Rajen Shah, Jay Snyder, Rob Stavis, and Jeff Zients.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s campaign is being backed by nearly “all the big banks” on Wall Street, according to CNN analysis, and Wall Street executives and employees have donated more than $74 million to elect the former vice president.

Trump, on the other hand, has accepted far less money from Wall Street — taking just a little over $18 million dollars from financial firms. This is a whopping $56 million less than what Biden has accepted from Wall Street.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania.

In a post on Sunday, Biden wrote that “Donald Trump sees the world from Park Avenue,” whereas he sees the world “from where I came from: Scranton, Pennsylvania.” In fact, Biden has raised over $1 million from wealthy Park Avenue donors, more than eight times the less than $130,000 that Trump has taken from Park Avenue residents.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter 

at @JxhnBinder




Vance, an unapologetic populist, has campaigned on a number of issues but most prominently immigration, infrastructure, trade, and foreign wars. Vance, who has been endorsed by Angel Mom Maureen Maloney, has laid out a series of policy solutions for stopping illegal immigration, including banning welfare for illegal aliens, mandating E-Verify, declaring the Mexican drug cartels a terrorist organization, and cutting off federal funds to states that give foreign nationals the right to vote.

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Issues Last Ditch Veiled Attack on Trump-Endorsed J.D. Vance: ‘Beware of Populism’

1AP Photo/Joe Maiorana, File


3 May 20220


The CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce issued a veiled attack against J.D. Vance, the Ohio Senate Republican primary frontrunner who has been endorsed by former President Trump, as voters head to the polls.

Vance, who has also been endorsed by Ohio Right to Life and has been leading a number of recent polls ahead of Tuesday’s primary election, has campaigned as a social conservative and economic populist at the front of the midterm election’s swath of GOP candidates running on nationalist-populist platforms.

In a last-minute veiled attack on Vance, Ohio Chamber of Commerce CEO Steve Stivers wrote in a post that voters ought to “beware of populism” and to “vote all populists out today!”

“Beware of populism,” Stivers wrote. “It is not an ideology it is a worldview used to manipulate the masses into giving more power to government to save ‘us’ from some scapegoat group.”

“Populists get power by dividing people. They divide is [sic] into the ‘elite oppressors’ and the poor oppressed masses,” he continued. “They say only they can save us by making government and them more powerful. But Goverment [sic] is more often the oppressor. Vote all populists out today!”

As Breitbart News reported, Vance was the only Republican candidate in the Ohio Senate primary race who snubbed the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. The others, including Josh Mandel, Mike Gibbons, and Matt Dolan, met with the Chamber.

The attack on Vance is only the latest from the donor class and the Washington, D.C., beltway political establishment who have swooped into the state to try to block his nomination. The Club for Growth, which typically opposes tariffs, and political action committees linked to the Republican National Committee (RNC) are some of the outside groups funding attacks on Vance.

Vance, an unapologetic populist, has campaigned on a number of issues but most prominently immigration, infrastructure, trade, and foreign wars. Vance, who has been endorsed by Angel Mom Maureen Maloney, has laid out a series of policy solutions for stopping illegal immigration, including banning welfare for illegal aliens, mandating E-Verify, declaring the Mexican drug cartels a terrorist organization, and cutting off federal funds to states that give foreign nationals the right to vote.

“The ruling class that instead of investing in this country — building institutions, making the people who live here wealthier, happier, more prosperous — it actually enjoys plundering the greatest country in the world because it doesn’t see that it owes anything to the people who live here, to the previous generations that actually built this country,” Vance told Breitbart News in August.

Vance has also campaigned on reducing overall legal immigration levels to the United States — a position that puts him squarely at odds with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has demanded a doubling of legal immigration, more foreign visa workers to take American jobs, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

On trade, Vance has opposed the Chamber’s preferred free trade-at-all-costs agenda and instead has advocated for fiercer U.S. tariffs on foreign imports and China-made products to reshore American manufacturing jobs, as well as punishing multinational corporations that outsource American jobs to foreign countries.

Vance has also been vocal in his support of breaking up the nation’s largest billion-dollar tech conglomerates, a position opposed by the Chamber.

Follow Breitbart News’ Ohio Senate Republican primary election coverage here.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Warns Recession is ‘Almost Inevitable’

49VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images


3 May 20220


Appearing Monday on CNBC, Roger Ferguson, former Federal Reserve vice chairman, warned that a recession is “almost inevitable.”


A transcript is as follows:

REBECCA QUICK: The Fed doesn’t have the tools to increase supply. It can only tamp down demand. Maybe in this case it will take a lot more than tamping down to really slow this problem of inflation. They may have to do some serious damage to the demand side of things in order to make any difference.

ROGER FERGUSON: I think a recession, at this stage, is almost inevitable because they don’t control supply. We’ve seen how volatile supply can be with the shutdown in China. We also see uncertainty about oil prices going up and down. As I said earlier, it’s a witch’s brew. The probability of a recession in 2023 is certainly very very high.


We Are Headed for a Hard Landing with the Economy








Economic Update: Inflation - How Markets Fail





15 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell Blood In The Water


LAYOFFS Imminent (Housing Market is NOT PREPARED)

Biden Seeks Green Cards for More than 85,000 Afghans Amid Vetting Failures

Alex Wong/Cristina Quicler/AFP via Getty Images


2 May 20220


President Joe Biden is seeking to provide green cards to tens of thousands of Afghans who were quickly resettled in American communities over the last eight months amid a federal investigation that found many have possible ties to terrorism and were not properly vetted.

The quasi-amnesty plan is slipped into a funding request where Biden is asking Congress to approve $33 billion in American taxpayer money to send to Ukraine.

As part of the plan, Afghans given humanitarian parole by the Biden administration would be allowed to adjust their immigration status to obtain lawful permanent residence, otherwise known as a green card. After five years of holding a green card, the Afghans would be able to apply for naturalized American citizenship.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security, in the Secretary’s discretion, may adjust the status of an Afghan national … whose parole has not been terminated, to that of an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence provided that the Afghan national,” the plan states.

Dan Stein with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement that the plan is simply another effort by Biden “to blow holes in our already crippled immigration system.”

“These are not people who lent material support to U.S. forces during the 20 years we spent in Afghanistan,” Stein said. “Rather, many are random people who arrived in the United States after the Taliban takeover, and were admitted under the Biden administration’s widely abused power of parole.”

Biden has resettled more than 85,000 Afghans in American communities across 46 states since mid-August 2021 and plans to continue resettling tens of thousands of Afghans throughout the year while asking Congress to authorize the resettlement of Afghans for the next decade.

The resettlement failed to properly vet Afghans against counter-terrorism databases, the Department of Defense’s Inspector General revealed in an explosive investigation in February.

As of November 2021, the report states that 50 Afghans already in the U.S. have been flagged for “significant security concerns.” Most of the unvetted Afghans flagged for possible terrorism ties have since disappeared in the U.S. In one instance, only three of 31 Afghans flagged months ago for security concerns could be located.


The resettlement was first authorized by 49 House and Senate Republicans, who joined Democrats in September 2021 to fund the resettlement to the sum of $6.4 billion. Then, in December 2021, 20 House and Senate Republicans helped Democrats pass an additional $7 billion in funds to ramp up the endless Afghan migration.

Refugee contractors, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that rely on American taxpayer money to resettle refugees across the U.S. annually, secured billions as a result of the funding measures.

Every five years, refugee resettlement costs taxpayers nearly $9 billion. Over the course of a lifetime, taxpayers pay about $133,000 per refugee, and within five years of resettlement, roughly 16 percent will need taxpayer-funded housing assistance.

Over the last 20 years, nearly a million refugees have been resettled in the nation — more than double that of residents living in Miami, Florida, and it would be the equivalent of annually adding the population of Pensacola, Florida.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here




15 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell Blood In The Water



Global financial markets are facing a devastating downturn that has already led big corporations to report losses of billions of dollars. As signs of weakness spread, speculators have nowhere to hide anymore. All major indexes are plummeting, and several high-flying stocks are dropping by as much as 90% from their peaks. In the US, Europe, China, and Russia, investors are getting increasingly spooked by the prospect of a severe slowdown in economic activity amid extremely stretched market valuations. Pessimism is everywhere and fear is rapidly spreading. Bubbles have started popping, and top Wall Street players can see that a stock market crash is on the horizon. Things could get much uglier on financial markets when the US economy tips into recession. Thanks to 8.5% inflation, real hourly earnings in the US have actually shrunk by 2.7% in March, compromising Americans’ purchasing power. In 2020, consumers used their stimulus checks to pay down credit-card debt, but since 2021, they’ve been borrowing money at a breathtaking pace, and rising interest rates are leading us to another credit crunch. According to market strategist David P. Goldman, this also means that when the US goes into recession, the tech complex could face something like the devastation that ensued after the 2000 recession, when the NASDAQ 100 lost more than 80% of its value between March of 2000 and September 2002. All of that spells more trouble for stocks, especially at a time of extreme overvaluation. The Buffet Indicator is at an all-time high, showing that the U.S. market capitalization was at 211% of GDP in January. In a recent conference, Berkshire Hathaway lambasted Wall Street for encouraging speculative behavior in the stock market, effectively turning it into a “gambling parlor.” “Wall Street makes money, one way or another, catching the crumbs that fall off the table of capitalism,” Buffett said. “They don’t make money unless people do things, and they get a piece of them. They make a lot more money when people are gambling than when they are investing.” Buffett sustained that most large American companies leading the rally have “become poker chips” for market speculation. There is way too much risk, way too much debt, and way too much leverage in the global financial marketplace. The entire system seems to be racing toward another major crisis. Only this time, big governments around the world won't be able to come to the rescue. That is why what is happening right now is so worrying. The global financial markets are like a house of cards built on a foundation of sand, and investors are more vulnerable today than they have been at any other time in history. When a major domino falls, it is likely to spark a massive chain reaction, and once confidence disappears, the game can change very quickly. For that reason, today, we compiled some key signs that the carnage in financial markets is about to get worse.   For more info, find us on: And visit:




A 'corrupt family occupies the White House'




Food Shortages Surge to Record High, Food Price Inflation 2nd Highest Ever

Getty Images/ Stas_V


2 May 20220


The supply of food around the globe saw a sharp uptick in disruptions, survey data from S&P Global indicated Monday.

Supply shortages matched the record hit at the height of the global financial crisis in 2008.

“Supply shortages surged in April to reach a joint-record level as the war in Ukraine continued to hit global food exports. Reports of increased food prices were meanwhile at the second-highest on record,” said S&P Global economist Usamah Bhatti.

The Global Supply Shortages Index signaled that shortages were just under seven times higher than the normal level, unchanged from March’s four-month high. Freight capacity remained the hardest hit, with reports of shortages at the highest since last December, S&P Global said.
“Transport capacity remains the most severely affected, with reports of a lack of logistical capacity nearly 32 times above the normal level, as vessel shortages and port congestion continue to disrupt the supply of materials. At the same time, while price pressures eased, firms reported that freight costs were rising at 11 times the normal speed,” Bhatti said.

Global price pressures were also unchanged from March at the start of the second quarter, indicating that tightening by central banks around the world has not yet reigned in inflatin. Reports of higher prices for electrical items reached the highest level since May 2021, S&P Global said.


A Record 4.5 Million Workers Quit Their Jobs in March

SeventyFour/ Getty Images


3 May 20220


A record number of American workers voluntarily quit their jobs in March, signaling the strength of the labor market and putting upward pressure on wages.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday that 4.5 million workers quit, up by 150,000 from the prior month. That means three percent of all workers left work.

The record high level of quits is a sign that workers believe jobs are plentiful. Typically, workers quit work when they expect to find another job or have already been offered a position.

“Quits are generally voluntary separations initiated by the employee. Therefore, the quits rate can serve as a measure of workers’ willingness or ability to leave jobs,” the BLS explained.

“As employers require workers to return to offices, quits are ticking upwards. A major reason for quitting is to find a remote opportunity,” wrote ZipRecruiter chief economist Julia Pollak on Twitter.


Job openings also climbed to a record high, hitting 11.5 million. As a result, there was a record high ratio of openings to unemployed workers at the end of March, with 1.9 openings for every unemployed worker.

Quits levels were highest in areas where competition for workers is fiercest, including construction, manufacturing, and leisure and hospitality. There were 810,000 quits in bars, restaurants, and hotels, 6.1 percent of the workforce in the accommodation and food services sector. That’s the highest level of quits in any sector of the economy.

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