Saturday, January 13, 2024



narcomex on, under, over and in america's open and undefended border!



Rep. Mark Green: DHS Chief Mayorkas Has Imported 5 Million Illegal Aliens — Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Denver Mayor: Abbott Doesn’t See Migrants Are Following Statue of Liberty, Also Stop Sending Us So Many of Them

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Denver Mayor Mike Johnston stated that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) doesn’t see people crossing the border as people “who are trying to do exactly what the Statue of Liberty says, which is, send us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” He also stated that he hopes Texas stops sending migrants to Denver during the winter storm and “A strategy of having folks just sent to New York and Chicago and Denver I think is not setting them up for success or setting our cities up for success.”

Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “[T]he Governor of Illinois, Gov. Pritzker (D), he sent a letter to a fellow Gov., Greg Abbott of Texas, asking him to stop sending migrants during the dangerous winter storm, warning that it could kill people. Do you expect that Gov. Abbott — who’s also sent migrants to Denver, I should note — do you expect that he’ll heed that warning?”

Johnston answered, “I would hope that he would. It is incredibly dangerous for us to have folks arriving in the middle of this polar vortex where we’ll have record-low temperatures, but we also think this underscores part of the challenge that the country is facing right now, which is — what we need to make this work is not to have a system where one Governor decides where every migrant in the country gets sent, but instead, a place where we have federal dollars that support new arrivals, they arrive with the ability to work when they get to cities like Denver, and we have a coordinated entry plan so actually all of the cities and states in the country can figure out what their capacity is and take up to that capacity. A strategy of having folks just sent to New York and Chicago and Denver I think is not setting them up for success or setting our cities up for success.”

Later, he added that Abbott has failed to see “the folks that are coming here as human beings who are trying to do exactly what the Statue of Liberty says, which is, send us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. These are folks that have walked 3,000 miles looking for opportunity. It’s hard for me to get my three kids to the grocery store and back. We have families that are putting their 2 and 4 and 6-year-olds and bringing them 3,000 miles to get to opportunity. I think they’re looking for the American Dream.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Fmr. Obama Official: Biden ‘Owns’ Border Surge, He Sent Message that ‘We Wanted People to Come’

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Wall Street Week,” Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, stated that President Joe Biden “conveyed a sense that we wanted people to come here back from the first day of his Inauguration, and the result is you have 3 million people a year now crossing the southern border and going through our crazy, convoluted system.”

Rattner said, “We take in a million a year legally, and if you just want to maintain our population, given our fertility rate, you have to take in 4 million a year, or else our population will start to decline. So, we need these people. We have a 3.7% unemployment rate. They are not going to take away American jobs. But it is the most divisive political issue. And frankly, President Biden didn’t say open borders, but he conveyed a sense that we wanted people to come here back from the first day of his Inauguration, and the result is you have 3 million people a year now crossing the southern border and going through our crazy, convoluted system. And the Republicans, therefore, have no political incentive really to solve this problem. Biden owns it. The country, including Democrats, are very unhappy with our immigration policy. And there could be a deal in Congress. I think they’re going to announce something this week, but I’m not that optimistic it’s going to get passed.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


We Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government

California is now covering the costs of genital-mutilating surgeries for illegal aliens.  Leftism’s slippery slope invariably leads to depraved absurdity.  Consider how Governor (receding) Hairdo and the Pyrite State’s other communist saboteurs have greased the shifting ground under Californians’ feet:

(1) There is no illegal immigration crisis.

(2) There may be a crisis, but California taxpayers won’t be paying for it.

(3) Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for the illegal immigration crisis, but California will do nothing to incentivize illegal immigration.

(4) After further review, these aliens aren’t “illegal,” but rather “undocumented.”

(5) Health care is a human right.

(6) California must provide “undocumented” aliens healthcare.

(7) Mutilating the genitals to make them look like the opposite sex is health care.

(8) California taxpayers must pay for “undocumented” aliens’ genital surgery.

(9) Californians who object to paying for undocumented aliens’ genital surgery may be guilty of “hate” crimes and will be prosecuted. 

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Why punish the people who illegally enter the United States when you can punish the people who do not want to subsidize immigration crimes while canceling their votes with the votes of those here illegally?  Why should “health care” stop with free genital mutilation for the whole planet?  Why not label spacious split-level homes with at least one electric vehicle in each garage “health care” as well?  Why shouldn’t California taxpayers be on the hook for each new illegal alien’s  “green energy” lifestyle?  The absurdity will never end.

As Sundance frequently reminds readers over at The Conservative Treehouse, “We are in an abusive relationship with our government.”  And in California, where the Marxist globalists rule with absolute power, the government never gets tired of slapping American citizens around and telling them it’s for their own good.

California’s decision to become a Mecca for foreign men who want to chop off their willies and hang out in women’s restrooms is just the latest example of government insanity promoted as “progress.”  While foreign nationals are invading the United States in unprecedented numbers, Department of Homeland (in)Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that (1) there is no crisis of any kind, and (2) if there is a crisis, Congress should just allocate more money for DHS to quickly bus the invaders into small towns throughout the country.  Hear that, American citizens?  The problem isn’t that tens of millions of foreigners are illegally entering the country; the problem is that people are noticing the problem — which would quickly disappear if DHS had the funds to hide the invaders more effectively and seed them into the counties where illegal votes from illegal aliens will do Democrats the most good.  Canceling American votes one invader at a time — yet none dare call it election-rigging on a massive scale!

Mayorkas’s admission that his plan to tackle illegal immigration consists of (1) making it worse but (2) hiding it more effectively is another infuriating example of why governments (of any kind!) can never, ever be trusted.  The best that any civilized society can do is shackle government power so severely that its agents feel as if they are rotting away in a dark dungeon without any prospect of public glory.  That’s why our Founders worked so hard to write a Constitution that limits the powers of all the miscreants who inevitably end up running things.  After all, at its core, government is nothing more than a collection of unethical people given legal immunity for performing otherwise criminal acts.  

In exchange for a little law and order, prosperity, and peace, the people look the other way while government bureaucrats steal their property (taxes), intimidate them with threats of force (FBI-Gestapo), and occasionally sacrifice their children for the greater good (war).  As soon as government is celebrated as something wonderful (instead of something that should always be dreaded and despised), those same bureaucrats break free from their dungeons, anoint themselves as unaccountable kings, and devise the most elaborate schemes to pillage, plunder, and endanger the citizenry without remorse.  No tax is too high!  No government mandate or regulatory fiat is too grotesque!  No life is too precious for the spoils of endless, needless war!  In Mayorkas’s world, bureaucrats bark orders, citizens comply, the government tells you what you may own, and armed IRS agents confiscate the rest!

How has the freest nation on Earth been reduced to a population of citizen-slaves begging for government scraps?  America’s tyrants use the same two-pronged approach that all totalitarian regimes do: the U.S. government (1) lies about everything, while (2) intentionally inflicting emotional harm on its citizens.  Everything that unscrupulous government agents such as Mayorkas shove down Americans’ throats is part of a psychological war meant to enfeeble, confuse, dispirit, and infantilize the adult population while indoctrinating younger generations to accept absurdities, surrender to “woke” ideology, and refrain from ever questioning authoritarian “elites.”

That’s why popular actors, musicians, and athletes must all believe the same thing — lest they be summarily “canceled.”  It is absolutely essential that young minds see intellectual conformity as something to celebrate and dissent as something to abhor.  It is why presidential puppet Joe Biden likes to say, “We’re all in this together,” while simultaneously stigmatizing half the electorate as “domestic terrorists” who “threaten democracy.”  Critical thinking, artistic individualism, philosophical disagreement, and public debate are not tolerated in totalitarian regimes.

In an essay for the Brownstone Institute, Jeffrey Tucker describes his experience at a train station where prominent warning signs still command travelers to obey COVID’s strict social distancing requirements.  For the most part, people just ignored the government’s orders and went about their lives.  After pondering the “enormous disjunction ... between what we are told to do and what we actually do,” Tucker concludes that the “edicts to which no one complies serve a certain purpose.  They are a visual reminder of who is in charge, what those people believe, and the presence of a Sword of Damocles hanging above the whole population: at any point, anyone can be snatched away from normal life, made a criminal, and be forced to pay a price.”  In a psychological war meant to obtain total control over citizen behavior, “the nuttier the edicts, the more effective the message.”

Writer Kit Knightly aptly describes these nutty edicts as part of the government’s broader propaganda campaign to “cultivate” a “perfidious unreality,” where our “authoritarian ruling elite” promulgate “insane narratives” that “serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.”  When government agents say something that is “impossible to believe” and people accept it as true nonetheless, then citizens demonstrate “greater loyalty” to the government’s absurd fabrications than to reality.  “Humiliation is the ultimate demonstration of control” because under a system “where nothing is true, anything could be.”  Knightly concludes that the government engages in psychopathic behavior meant to do one thing: break every citizen’s spirit and mind.

What this means is that fighting for human liberty against the government’s encroaching totalitarianism requires more than civil disobedience; it requires an acceptance that everything our government says is a lie and everything our government does is destructive.  The U.S. government — along with most Western governments that have been captured by central banks, spy agencies, and an international cabal of Marxist “elites” — is dedicated to destroying any notion of “objective truth.”  That is why we are told that biological sex is a social construct, that private property causes “climate change,” and that popular political movements are “undemocratic.”  To free our bodies, we must free our minds.  And to free our countries, we must work to free the minds of as many of our fellow citizens as we can.

When the battlefield is the human brain, revolutionary ideas are more important than bullets.

Image: Don Hankins via FlickrCC BY 2.0 (cropped).

Rep. Mark Green: DHS Chief Mayorkas Has Imported 5 Million Illegal Aliens — Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifies during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee on President Biden's supplemental funding request, on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon/STRINGER/AFP

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has brought five million illegal aliens to the United States in three years, a foreign population that outpaces the nation’s annual births, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) says.

Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, opened impeachment hearings against Mayorkas on Wednesday. In his opening statements, Green detailed Mayorkas’s expansive Catch and Release network, in which the DHS briefly processes a reported 85 percent of illegal aliens before releasing them into American communities.

“Multiple sources confirmed Secretary Mayorkas admitted that release rates of illegal aliens are currently around 85 percent,” Green said:

All told, DHS numbers indicate that well over three million inadmissible aliens have been released into our country on Secretary Mayorkas’s watch. Factor in the 1.8 million known gotaways, and that’s roughly the population of the state of South Carolina. [Emphasis added]

The figure suggests that Mayorkas has released more illegal aliens into American communities from 2021 through 2023 than the number of babies born annually in the U.S., which is fewer than four million.

The majority of these illegal aliens, released via parole, will end up securing work permits to hold American jobs — a boon for big business, Wall Street, and real estate investors looking to keep wages low by inflating the labor market, add as many residents to the population to drive up housing demand, and increase the supply of consumers to whom they can sell products.

Green also noted that the rate at which the DHS never detains illegal aliens at the southern border has skyrocketed under Mayorkas compared to former President Barack Obama’s leadership:

In Fiscal Year 2013, according to [the] DHS’s own numbers, the Obama administration detained 82 percent of illegal aliens from the moment they were encountered until their case was decided, and another nine percent were held for at least some portion of that time.

In Secretary Mayorkas’ first year on the job, that 82 percent number dropped to just ten percent. Illegal aliens not detained at all jumped from nine percent in FY 2013 to 64 percent in FY 2021. In a court opinion earlier this year, federal judge Kent Wetherell wrote, ‘The evidence establishes that in late January or early February of 2021, [the] DHS made a discrete change in detention policy from release only if there is a compelling reason to, to release unless there is a compelling reason not to.” [Emphasis added]

On Monday, Mayorkas visited the U.S.-Mexico border, where he called on Congress to approve President Joe Biden’s billions of dollars in supplemental funding to bus and fly more border crossers and illegal aliens into the nation’s interior.

“Some have accused [the] DHS of not enforcing our nation’s laws. This could not be further from the truth,” Mayorkas said.

RELATED EXCLUSIVE: 1,500 Migrants Cross Border into Texas in Six Hours

Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.


They've apparently run out of 5 star hotel suites!

New Yorkers Last: Mayor Eric Adams Forces Students into Virtual Classes So Migrants Can Stay in School Gym

New York City Mayor Eric Adams attends a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the expansion of capacity at the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) Staten Island Compost Facility on January 4, 2024, in New York. (Photo by ANGELA WEISS / AFP) / “The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo …
ANGELA WEISS/AFP/Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Ahead of a thunderstorm Tuesday evening, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is moving nearly 2,000 border crossers and illegal aliens from Floyd Bennett Field into a Brooklyn high school’s gymnasium — forcing students into virtual classes.

On Tuesday, Adams announced that the border crossers and illegal aliens would be moved from Floyd Bennett Field, where they have been staying, to the gym at James Madison High School in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn.

School faculty were told to take important items with them from their classrooms and offices when they left campus on Tuesday.

As a result, James Madison High School Principal Jodie Cohen notified parents, students, and faculty that they would have to go virtual on Wednesday to accommodate the border crossers and illegal aliens and their gym being turned into a migrant shelter.

“I am writing with an update regarding the activation of James Madison High School as a temporary overnight respite center due to the forecast of potential high winds and flooding conditions beginning this evening through tomorrow morning,” Cohen wrote in a letter posted to the school’s website.:

To ensure a smooth transition for families temporarily sheltering overnight in the building, our school building will be closed on Wednesday, January 10 and school will be in session remotely for all students. Students should plan to log on and participate in their classes from home. For information about digital learning tools, applications, and platforms used by New York City Public Schools, please visit [Emphasis added]

The following PSAL Games are still on: Boys Basketball, Boys Swimming, and Boys Table Tennis. All practices have been cancelled. [Emphasis added]

Nearly 2,000 migrants are evacuated by school buses from tents at Floyd Bennett Field to a local high school in preparation for a storm with estimated wind speeds to be more than 70 mph. on January 09, 2024 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Migrants leave their tents at Floyd Bennett Field to board school buses bound for a local high school in anticipation of a storm with expected wind speeds of more than 70 mph on January 09, 2024 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Nearly 2,000 migrants are evacuated by school buses from tents at Floyd Bennett Field to a local high school in preparation for a storm with estimated wind speeds to be more than 70 mph. on January 09, 2024 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Republican Thomas Sullivan, running for New York State Assembly, said the move by Adams is further proof that the city’s migrant crisis is “unsustainable.”

Likewise, New York City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov posted on Facebook that “students are being punished and forced to bear the brunt of the migrant crisis perpetrated by [Joe Biden].”

“They were dismissed early today and are full remote tomorrow because migrants from Floyd Bennett are at the school tonight to weather the storm. [Eric Adams]. This is unacceptable! Stop this now and take the migrants into Gracie Mansion!”

Since the spring of 2022, nearly 200,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in New York City. The mass immigration scheme of the Biden administration is set to cost New Yorkers billions in costs.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

In New York, kids kicked out of their own school, forced into Zoom classes, all to house illegal migrants

The migrant buses into sanctuary New York City aren't stopping.

And now they've run out of hotel space as winter kicks in and the sanctuary city with its "right" to housing for all comers takes it on itself to find some place to house them.

So now the kids are being thrown out of their own school, James Madison High School, where Chuck Schumer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are alums, for the sake of the migrants.

It's like COVID is happening all over again, and kids are being told to sign in to Zoom classes if they can, they need to request it first. LibsOfTikTok believes it was actually planned.

In doing this, New York's officials demonstrate that open schools for the city's children is secondary to free housing for illegal border crossers, just as it was during the pandemic. They've always got an emergency over there, it's just never that of any quality education for children. So kids pay, and it's every time now.



Notice that in this video above, migrants are being delievered by yellow school buses, meaning, the buses are not being used for the schoolchildren, either.





The locals aren't taking it well:





Elon Musk explained where this was going.



And other tweeters pointed out that the migrant buses are still rolling into New York, because Joe Biden and his lieutenant, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, have no intention of stopping this.



If this is the plan in New York, they are in for a permanent state of emergency.

Image: Screen shot from FreedomNews.TV Twitter video

NYC blames illegal immigrants for its crime problem

It’s interesting how much Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams sounds like a Republican when he talks about the effects of illegal immigration on his city.

Unfortunately, he still sounds like a leftist when talking about how to deal with the problem.

Recently, he did it in such a way that if he had been a white Republican, he would have been publicly crucified.

During a news conference where he was asked about rising crime in the Big Apple, he blamed the illegal immigrants who are coming into the city and are unable to work here legally.

“When I talk about the devastation impact that the migrant and asylum seekers, people only think about the volume of people that are coming in. There are byproducts to this, cuts to services, like we had to postpone a police class, looking at some of the budgetary cuts, having a body of people, many young, who can’t work,” Adams said.

This is all correct, although it ignores why so many illegals are coming to the city. It is a lack of border enforcement by the politicians Adams and his administration support. He is part of the reason there is a problem.

He then said, “I mean you don’t even need an imagination to figure out that if you have someone four, five months, and say ‘you cannot work, you cannot feed your family, you cannot provide for yourself,’ what happens? You know, lack of opportunities, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, as they say.”

This is where he takes it a step too far, at least if he had been a Republican. He blames illegals for rising crime.

The media excoriated President Trump for saying something like this when he was only blaming the worst of the illegals as being criminals, rapists, and drug traffickers. However, when Adams uses a broad brush to paint all illegals as contributing to the rising crime, little is said.

The Washington Post went so far as to run an article in 2018 saying that illegals are less likely to commit violent crime than the population as a whole. Where’s a similar article now from the New York Times?

The illegals are definitely a problem in the big cities because they can’t work legally. Anne Williams-Isom, the city’s deputy mayor for health and human services, said only 2,200 out of the more than 100,000 illegals who have arrived in the city have been approved for work permits.

It is a statistic touted as a reason we should feel sorry these illegals, but the truth is, they are facing just the barest consequences for their actions. They shouldn’t be in this country, to start with. They broke the law to be here. They should not benefit when their first act in entering this country is to show that they don’t believe the law applies to them.

Also, in doing so, the illegals have made themselves the scapegoats for Democrat-controlled big cities. Because they do add to the problems already existing in the cities before their arrival, they have become an easy target to blame for all the city’s problems.

Even if all the illegal immigrants were deported from the U.S. (and they should be), the problems in the big cities would remain because the politicians who run them are can’t govern. They can only blame.

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. 

Image: PxHere

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