Tuesday, February 13, 2024

DO WE NEED MORE MUSLIMS? - THEY HAVEN'T SEEN WHAT THE SOMALI'S HAVE DONE TO MINNESOTA? - Local NGOs conspiring with Feds to ‘resettle’ Somalis behind the backs of the people and the elected representatives


Local NGOs conspiring with Feds to ‘resettle’ Somalis behind the backs of the people and the elected representatives

Wisconsin is a battleground state, but while one side of the aisle grovels for transparency, the other side dominates and conquers. Here’s the story, from Fred Lucas at Fox News:

Wisconsin … is currently a battleground over a refugee resettlement controversy.

Wisconsin officials have sought to meet with officials from the Department of Homeland Security about the first group of Somali refugees to settle in the Eau Claire County area of the state. The issue has even garnered interest from members of Congress.

As it turns out, the controversy arose when it was revealed that neither the citizens nor their local elected representatives knew anything about the plan to bring third world refugees into their neighborhood—the “resettlement” scheme had been foisted upon the people by the federal government, along with its bureaucratic NGO conspirators:

The DHS is working with World Relief, a Christian nonprofit associated with the National Association of Evangelicals, to bring 75 Somalian refugees to the Eau Claire area in the Chippewa Valley by Sept. 30.

In response, a handful of Republicans… put forth a bill to require “greater transparency” regarding future resettlements. (Why not just write another strongly worded letter?) Per Lucas:

State legislators are set this week to advance a bill requiring greater transparency on resettlement decisions. Federal law already requires federal officials to ‘consult regularly (not less often than quarterly) with state and local governments’ before settling the refugees to an area. The state legislation would specifically require consulting with ‘elected officials’ accountable to the public – rather than just appointed officials – as well as a requirement for public comment.

“Greater transparency” and “a requirement for public comment” yields… a whole lotta nothing for conserving America and her values. Somalis are still resettled, which kicks off the chain migration, and before you know it, the state has been conquered and colonized. And a “requirement for public comment”? Kind of like what the federal bureaucracies do before finalizing a new rule? We all know it’s just a formality, and has no bearing on the agenda; they’re going to enact the rule regardless of what the public has to say.

One need only look at Minnesota to see how “resettling” a “few” Somalian “refugees” actually goes, on a not-very-long timeline; as Lucas notes, the Somali population “ballooned” to millions in just two decades. Or, one could observe the current landscape of Lewiston, Maine, which was once a staunchly conservative American enclave with zero gangs; now Somali thugs are part and parcel of the Lewiston experience.

Why not forbid resettlements altogether? Cut off any and all Wisconsin tax dollars flowing to World Relief? If the group has any special tax protections, why not remove them? News flash, it’s not “charity” if you’re dumping financial dependents on the taxpayer, instead of funding the mission yourself—and that’s exactly what World Relief is doing, importing new welfare enrollees (public school, WIC, Medicaid, etc.). What about securing Wisconsin’s borders, and prohibiting DHS agents from stepping into the state?

I’d love for a leftist to explain how it benefits me, a tax-paying American, to import third world “refugees” who have no money, no skills, and no loyalty to this country. If they couldn’t enrich their home nations, how could one expect they have anything to offer here?

The long march through the (formerly) conservative states continues.

Image: Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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