Monday, February 12, 2024




The Republican Party Is Not Prepared for the 2024 Election

There is a growing consensus among conservatives and the vast majority of Republican voters that the 2024 election is a watershed moment for the United States. The dire reality of another four years of a Marxist-dominated Democrat Party in total control is beginning to increasingly come into focus.

However, the Republican Party hierarchy appears unconcerned, as exemplified by their near total lack of urgency regarding the need to offset voting manipulation by the Democrats and a lack of understanding of 2024 political demographics. Is the Republican Party hierarchy serious about winning the White House and both Houses of Congress?

In 2024 there will be approximately 237 million eligible voters, or 72% of the overall population, who are U.S. citizens, meet state residency requirements, and turn 18 before election day. Of that number it is estimated that 170 million will be registered to vote.

The average turnout among eligible voters in the 25 presidential elections from 1920 to 2016 is 58.8%. In the 2016 election, 137 million or 59% of eligible voters voted. By comparison, in 2020 156 million or 67% of eligible voters supposedly cast ballots.

This was the highest percentage since the presidential election of 1900, when the overall population was one-fifth of the current level and less than 30% of the population were eligible voters, as women could not vote.

Which turnout will it be in 2024? If the 2016 turnout is repeated, approximately 146 million votes will be cast. If the 2020 results are recorded again, approximately 158 million votes will be cast. A difference of 12 million votes, which will determine the outcome of the election.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), beyond issuing the usual fatuous press releases and reports about what they are going to do, has done nothing of substance on the ground to offset the Democrat’s determination to repeat their success of 2020.

In an effort to do what they can, individuals such as Scott Presler and his PAC have been on the ground in the various battleground states not only registering voters but instructing and recruiting volunteers to promote early voting, mail-in voting and to ballot harvest where legal.

However, instead of supporting and coordinating with Presler and various other get-out-the-vote organizations such as Turning Point USA, the RNC has deliberately ignored them and criticized their emphasis on direct contact with potential voters in their efforts to get-out-the-vote.

R.C. Maxwell writing at Red State:

John Seaton, an RNC-aligned consultant with ties to former Senator John McCain, perplexingly said he “cannot fathom” that much money being spent on get-out-the-vote efforts. “There’s not even enough doors” to knock on, said Seaton in an Associated Press article that labeled him as an “expert”.

Maxwell further points out that Ronna McDaniel and the RNC proudly announced to the world that the RNC has begun a “Bank Your Vote” initiative, which they touted as an all-out effort to offset the party’s mail-in ballot deficit. However, this inane initiative simply calls for voters to visit to confirm that they have mailed their ballot. It does nothing to recruit volunteers, work with independent groups, or encourage low frequency voters to vote.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are spending massive amounts of money, time and organization on ballot chasing in order to repeat their success of 2020. In fact, the DNC has a website and PAC with overwhelming monetary resources to finance and train any left-wing organization that wants to participate in the effort.

Because of this lack of commitment, the rank-and-file Republican voter is neither enthusiastic nor financially contributing to the party. Additionally, there has been an absurd and foolish level of spending on non-get-out-the-vote efforts as pointed out by Jennifer Van Laar at Red State. The RNC is broke, and its finances are in shambles. Thus, the party is grossly uncompetitive with the Democrats.

Donald Trump, as its three-time presidential nominee, is the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Despite being forced to wallow in numerous legal quagmires, he must request Ronna McDaniel’s resignation and immediately initiate a housecleaning at the RNC.

Trump understands that rampant Democrat voting manipulation will not be defeated in the gilded offices in Washington, D.C. but in the precincts throughout all the battleground states. He must get involved and act quickly as the hour is growing exceedingly late.

Per a recent Gallup poll, the current breakdown of party identification is: 27% Democrat, 27% Republican, and 43% Independent, as more Americans are increasingly fed up with both parties. When Independents are asked whether they lean Republican or Democrat, the result is 45% of all poll respondents identified as or lean toward being a Republican and 43% identified as or lean toward being Democrats.

Analyzing exit polls, which eliminate the impact of voting manipulation, in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each won 88% of the vote of their respective parties, the deciding factor -- Trump won independents by a 46-42% margin. In 2020 Biden and Trump each won 94% of the vote of their respective parties, the deciding factor -- Biden won independents by a 54-41% margin.

Polls nine months out from the election are essentially meaningless, but they do underscore the potential impact of the independent vote. For example, a Quinnipiac poll published on February 1, 2024, revealed that the independents polled were backing Biden by a margin of 52-40%, and Biden beats Trump 50-44% in the overall poll. However, in an NBC News poll published on February 4, 2024, Trump leads Biden 48-29% among the Independents they polled, and Trump beats Biden 47-42% in the overall poll.

The bottom line, independent voters, a majority of whom dislike both Biden and Trump, are a volatile but exceedingly important segment of the electorate.

This volatility is further exemplified by various polls published over the past six months which revealed that a majority of Independents believe Trump should be prosecuted for attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A January 31, 2024 Bloomberg poll indicated that over half of voters in the key battleground states would not vote for him if he is convicted of a felony.

Trump’s "insurrection" trial in Washinton, D.C. has been postponed indefinitely. If the decision of the appeals courts or the Supreme Court regarding presidential immunity goes against Trump, the odds are that the trial could take place in July or August. Any conviction so close to the election would leave Trump and the Republican Party in an untenable position going into November.

What is the strategy of the Trump campaign to deal with any potential conviction, or the very real possibility of Biden dropping out of the race? What is the blueprint for the RNC to turn out independent voters? At present, there appears to be none by either the Trump campaign or the RNC.

portrait of the American electorate reveals that 73% are either conservative or moderate while just twenty-five percent claim to be liberal or very liberal. Seventy-one percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. And 92%of Republicans and 75% of independents deem themselves to be conservative or moderate on social issues.

Thus, the vast majority of the current American electorate is not in the thrall of the Marxist-controlled Democrat Party and can be swayed to vote for Republicans in 2024.

Whether that outcome can be achieved lies primarily in the hands of Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee, and secondarily in the hands of the individual candidates for federal and state offices. They must convincingly spell out why voters should 1) financially support the Party, 2) trust them to do everything possible to defeat the Democrats, and 3) turn out in massive numbers in November.

Now Democrat cities far and wide like New York, Chicago, and Denver are endlessly bellyaching about the cost of illegals, and blaming Republicans instead of Joe Biden for letting them flood in for over the past three years. They are claiming Abbott is a racist for shipping the illegals that cross into Texas to the places that actually welcomed them. They are cutting services to citizens to cover the massive costs. Housing, schools, hospitals, and education are being overwhelmed. Did CBO factor that into their calculations? I doubt it. Did they factor in all the inflationary aspects of flooding the country will millions of additional people? Again, I doubt it.

GOP Rep. Buck: ‘Terrible Impeachment’ of Mayorkas Sets ‘Terrible Precedent’

Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Tuesday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was “terrible” because it sets a “terrible precedent.”

Burnett asked, “Did you reconsider your vote at all before tonight? Because you were receiving a lot of backlash. I would tune into Fox News occasionally. I would hear your name always used in vain on this particular issue. Did you reconsider at all?”

Buck said, “No. The reality is, the facts didn’t change in my opinion of him. I prosecuted for 25 years. I know what a high crime and misdemeanor are and I know that this doesn’t qualify. This is a policy difference.”

He added, “You can try to put lipstick on this pig. It is still a pig. And this is a terrible impeachment. It sets a terrible precedent. The first impeachment of Donald Trump was a bad impeachment. And we’ve got to stop this in this body, or we are going to lose our credibility with the – further lose our credibility with you the American public.”

Buck concluded, “A lot of my colleagues are coming back in the next Congress. If there’s a Republican president next Congress, you better expect an impeachment of a cabinet official.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Report: Biden’s Job-Growth Boasts Built on Illegal Migration

migrant children
Alex Wong/RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s jobs record is built on the record hiring of 2.9 million job-seeking migrants — and a persistent 183,000 deficit in the number of Americans with jobs compared to 2019, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Biden’s “Immigrant employment … has exploded,” said a statement by Steven Camarota, who wrote the report, titled “All Employment Growth Has Gone to Immigrants, Compared to 2019.

“The number of U.S.-born Americans working [has grown yet] has still not returned to the 2019 pre-Covid level,” he added.

The data does not say that American job-seekers are being unfairly pushed aside while employers only hire migrants for new jobs.

Instead, the data showed that all of Biden’s extra jobs above the 2019 level are held by his migrants — even as U.S.-born workers have not regained all their jobs held in 2019.

The share of working Americans remains below 2019 rates, partly because many older Americans are retiring while relatively few young Americans are joining the workforce. This demographic decline ensures that CEOs are likely to fill many jobs with hard-working migrants who are replacing the American babies who were not born in the early 2000s.

But Biden also makes it easy and profitable for CEOs to hire illegal migrants instead of the many Americans who still do not have jobs.

There are roughly five million working-age American men who could be hired for the extra jobs in the economy, Camarota told Breitbart News. Employers prefer not to hire them because they are sidelined in jobless towns, or by drug addiction, ill-health, criminal records, apathy, and alienation.

RELATED: Thousands of Migrants Processed in One U.S. Border Town in One Night

Brownsville PD via Storyful

Government policies generally ignore those sidelined Americans. For example, the 5 million discarded Americans are not counted as unemployed because they have not looked for jobs in the last month. Instead, they are described by government officials are not participating in the labor force.

“Labor force participation among non-college-educated U.S.-born men has not even returned to the 2019 level, which itself was very low by historical standards,” Camarota said in his report. He added:

The labor force participation rate of U.S.-born men without a bachelor’s (18 to 64) has still not returned to the 76.3 percent it was in the fourth quarter of 2019, which was lower than the 80.5 percent in 2006 and the 82.6 percent in 2000.

Biden’s policies encourage CEOs to ignore these sidelined Americans.

For example, Biden’s deputies have welcomed more than 6.2 million illegal migrants across the southern border. The welcome allows CEOs to hire cheap, drug-free, and grateful foreigners at the local bus station instead of going through the painful process of hiring and training alienated, unfit, unhealthy, and resentful Americans.

The scale of the replacement was outlined at a September 2023 House hearing by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the business-backed American Action Forum:

In 2021, 96 percent of the 70,601 synthetic opioid caused deaths were in the prime-age labor force. AAF research found that between 2013 and 2021, opioid use accounted for the loss of more than 1.3 million workers … Opioid use contributes to lower worker productivity, increased worker absenteeism, increased job openings through employee turnover, and reduced labor supply.

Clearly, it also increases the likelihood that employers must turn to illegal labor to fill employment needs.

The government policies also allow investors to profit by creating low-productivity jobs for eager migrants that could not be profitable if employers had to pay decent wages to Americans.

This growth-by-poverty strategy is especially clear in the major coastal cities — such as New York. The strategy is backed by the Democratic Party because government workers also can profit by delivering aid and welfare to the underpaid migrants.

If Biden blocked the migrants, the investors would be pressured to invest in higher-productivity jobs that could allow higher wages and less welfare. The reduced flow of migrants would also prod coastal CEOs to create new jobs in the many Heartland states that are home to sidelined Americans.

Since 1990, the government’s vast inflow of migrants has created a bubble of cheap labor for extra low-productivity jobs in coastland states. That inflow allows government officials to display high job-creation numbers while concealing the massive transfer of high-productivity jobs to China, Mexico, India, and other countries.

For example, the number of restaurant jobs rose from 12.5 million in 2008 to 15 million in 2018, according to The growth of 2.5 million jobs was made possible by the steady inflow of job-seeking migrants during President Barack Obama’s terms, and by government welfare policies that allow employers to hire people at below-poverty wages.

People Greet “Take Our Border Back” Convoy as It Passes Through Brookshire, TX

@truthsetsufree369 via Storyful

From 2008 to 2010, the number of U.S. manufacturing jobs fell by 2.5 million.

The government’s post-1990 cheap-labor bubble finally burst amid the 2020 coronavirus crash and President Donald Trump’s willingness to shut down the migrant inflow. The economic crisis also encouraged many migrants to go home. Those three factors helped to push up Americans’ wages in 2020.

But Biden’s deputies have used their vast inflow of migrants since 2021 to quickly reverse Trump’s pro-American wage gains.

Since 2021, Biden’s pro-migration policy has flatlined real wages — partly by spiking inflation — even as it grew the number of jobs filled by migrants.

This process helps Biden boast about creating millions of new jobs while also hiding the steady loss of wages nationwide.

The gradual drop in wages — and the rise in housing costs — also reduce the number of children born to American families. So Biden’s pro-migration allies use that painful problem as an excuse to import even more migrants.

“Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said at a November 2022 press conference, which was intended to tout several draft amnesties for illegal migrants. He continued:

We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].

Biden’s “[migration] increase in population will put downward pressure on average real wages [emphasis added],” said a report by the Congressional Budget Office, which was released on February 7.

“Average real wages are expected to be slightly lower by 2034 [emphasis added] than they would be otherwise,” the report said, adding:

From 2028 to 2034, labor income is projected to remain stable as a percentage of [Gross Domestic Product] GDP, averaging 57.1 percent. That projection is below labor income’s average percentage of GDP from 1947 to 2000, 60.4 percent [emphasis added], because some factors that have depressed labor income relative to GDP since 2000 are expected to persist in the coming decade.

The official report reinforces the vast evidence that the federal policy of Extraction Migration shifts family wages and workplace investment toward Wall Streetreal estatecoastal states, and government.

The economic policy also diverts politicians’ focus away from American communities and the “Deaths of Despair” that are dragging down the average age of American deaths.


Leftwing ‘experts’ tout the illegal invasion as a ‘$7 trillion gift’ to the economy

Here, the Congressional Budget Office says that the increase in “immigration” will increase the GDP by $7 trillion over ten years, and increase federal tax collections by $1 trillion, and Catherine Rampell of The Washington Post just parrots the talking point like it’s true:

The surge in immigration is a $7 trillion gift to the economy

Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released updated 10-year economic and budget forecasts. The numbers look significantly better than they did a year earlier, and immigration is a key reason.

The CBO has now factored in a previously unexpected surge in immigration that began in 2022, which the agency assumes will persist for several years. These immigrants are more likely to work than their native-born counterparts, largely because immigrants skew younger. This infusion of working-age immigrants will more than offset the expected retirement of the aging, native-born population.

This will in turn lead to better economic growth. As CBO Director Phill Swagel wrote in a note accompanying the forecasts: As a result of these immigration-driven revisions to the size of the labor force, ‘we estimate that, from 2023 to 2034, GDP will be greater by about $7 trillion and revenues will be greater by about $1 trillion than they would have been otherwise.’

In that case, every country in the world should just erase their borders too, and incentivize the entire third world population to flood in! What harm could it do? Somehow the CBO didn’t distinguish between illegal and legal immigration

Paul Krugman also ran this same piece of propaganda recently; of course, when Krugman was campaigning for Hillary in 2016, he said the economy would collapse if Trump were elected.

First off, why would anyone trust numbers from the CBO, which appears to just pull numbers from a hat? The office also said Obamacare would pay for itself, but the cost skyrocketed; it also pretended that if the government took over student loans, it would make the government substantial amounts of money. Instead, the government is spending hundreds of billions.

The office said the Inflation Reduction Act would cost a fraction of what it’s actually costing; at this moment, it looks like we taxpayers will be another $800 billion in the hole, at a minimum.

Of course it also falsely repeated the Democrat talking points that the Trump tax rate cuts would cost trillions, when the reality yielded increased revenues by trillions. 

So why would we trust a ten-year projection on immigration from CBO that looks like a Democrat campaign ad?

For years, Democrats in sanctuary cities and states have said how they would welcome all illegals and not enforce immigration laws, because of how great this would be for their economy.

Now Democrat cities far and wide like New York, Chicago, and Denver are endlessly bellyaching about the cost of illegals, and blaming Republicans instead of Joe Biden for letting them flood in for over the past three years. They are claiming Abbott is a racist for shipping the illegals that cross into Texas to the places that actually welcomed them. They are cutting services to citizens to cover the massive costs. Housing, schools, hospitals, and education are being overwhelmed. Did CBO factor that into their calculations? I doubt it. Did they factor in all the inflationary aspects of flooding the country will millions of additional people? Again, I doubt it.

We are constantly told that these illegals do work that Americans just won’t do. That is also a load of garbage. I believe most of us remember that we all worked jobs that citizens just won't do. I cut lawns, detasseled corn, shoveled out cow barns, washed dishes, and bussed tables while growing up, all for low wages. My parents taught us to work, just like they did. Teenagers should be taught to work, and a good place to start is the minimum wage jobs that Americans supposedly would not do—there is no excuse for only 30% of teens working.

We are also continuously told that illegals don’t get access to government benefits. That is also a joke. They use government welfare programs at a higher rate than U.S .citizens. My guess is that CBO forgot to factor in all these additional costs into their rosy estimates. From the Center for Immigration Studies:

This report is based on newly released data from the 2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Analysis of this data shows both immigrants and the U.S.-born make extensive use of means-tested anti-poverty programs, with immigrant households significantly more likely to receive benefits. This is primarily because the American welfare system is designed in large part to help low-income families with children, which describes a large share of immigrants. The ability of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, to receive welfare benefits on behalf of U.S.-born citizen children is a key reason why restrictions on welfare use for new legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, are relatively ineffective.

Among the findings:

  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households.

  • The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).

  • Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born).

  • Our best estimate is that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants, also called the undocumented, use at least one major program.

It is worthless when most people posing as journalists just repeat what they are told (Democrat talking points) whether it is about immigration, COVID, or climate change. The media acts like predictions are facts, and facts are misinformation.

I never thought I’d see

There are days when I wake up in an America I hardly recognize. Some of that is my age, but much of it is astonishment. A part of me is thankful that my grandparents are not alive to witness what we all are. They would not have tolerated what we now take for granted.

I never thought I’d see….

  • America in another Cold War with Russia.
  • Cities ignore the law under the label of "Sanctuary Cities," then complain when illegal immigrants are sent there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Hands ‘Black and Brown’ Businesses $18M to Feed Migrants

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and migrants sheltering in Chicago
Antonio Perez/Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Chicago’s Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson recently touted his efforts to bestow $18 million exclusively to “black and brown” businesses to feed the thousands of illegal border crossers the city is housing.

Johnson’s administration partnered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, BJ’s Market, and other nonprofits by diverting the huge sum to minority-owned businesses, according to WFLD-TV.

During a press conference on the partnership, the “sanctuary city” mayor celebrated the program, applauding “black and brown businesses” as the “soul” of Chicago.

“The $17 million investment for these 18 black and brown small businesses, is really the, um… it really captures what I call the soul of Chicago. It’s who we are,” Johnson told the media.

“I actually think it’s quite fitting that we are in this wonderful small business because it has been black and brown small businesses that have stepped up in this moment, in this crisis, to respond to these families who are arriving here,” Johnson added.

The ongoing waves of illegals coming into Chicago has put much pressure on the mayor. And early this month the constant questions on his plans for the border crisis caused the mayor to unload on reporters.

During a presser on Feb. 5, Johnson blasted the media for asking when he planned to reschedule his canceled trip to Texas to visit the border and see the chaos first hand.

“You know, you all are asking me as if I am not a parent in this city,” he continued. “I get it, I’m mayor, I get it.”

But you’re asking me to give you a date and I have to court — do you understand that you have not had a mayor like me, I get that.”

He exploded. This alludes to the fact the last handful of mayors did not have young children while in office. Indeed, the recently deposed mayor, Lori Lightfoot was involved in a childless same-sex relationship.

“I have a wife, I have children, they have schedules,” he ranted on. “And plus, we still have public safety we have to address, we still have the unhoused that we have to address. I still have a budget that I have to address, and I’m doing all of that with a black wife raising three black children on the west side of the city of Chicago.”

Johnson has faced backlash from his own constituency over the billions of dollars he has diverted to give illegals free housing, free food, free clothing, free education, free healthcare, free legal advice, and any manner of freebies that have been denied the Windy City’s black population.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

I never thought I’d see

There are days when I wake up in an America I hardly recognize. Some of that is my age, but much of it is astonishment. A part of me is thankful that my grandparents are not alive to witness what we all are. They would not have tolerated what we now take for granted.

I never thought I’d see….

  • America in another Cold War with Russia.
  • Cities ignore the law under the label of "Sanctuary Cities," then complain when illegal immigrants are sent there.
  • Government officials conspiring with Big Tech to censor millions of Americans online.
  • The Federal government human trafficking over a million illegal and undocumented people a year.
  • A President who took deliberate actions to make the southern border weaker.
  • Congress and the media labeling a protest as an “insurrection” while calling actual riots, “peaceful protests.”
  • The American people turning a blind eye to a President who clearly is suffering from dementia and pretending that everything is all right.
  • The intentional weaponization of the Federal Government against a vast swath of the American people.
  • The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs stating that he would inform China if we opted to take military action against them.
  • Our public schools being turned into indoctrination centers by one political party.
  • Being told there are more than two sexes and that we had to agree to that or be ostracized.
  • Extremists threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices.
  • The FBI actively creating and taking part in crimes in order to make arrests.
  • Schools arguing to make offensive material available to minors in their libraries.
  • The government and a single political party attempt to take out an opposition candidate by charging him with trumped up crimes and civil action.
  • The Labor Department fudging the numbers about unemployment claims and jobs on a monthly basis, only to quietly fix them later.
  • Parents wanting to ensure their children’s education being targeted as, “domestic terrorists.”
  • Men competing as women in sports as something that is acceptable.
  • Governments trying to ban gas stoves, regulate air conditioners, and ban wood-fired ovens.
  • Students taking out loans then demanding that they not have to pay the money back.
  • Our military spending hours not training for war, but training on diversity and rooting out extremists.
  • Mobs robbing stores because they know they won’t be arrested; and stores having to lock up items they sell out of fear of being robbed.
  • Disney turning its back on family-centric content in favor of material that offends its largest customer base.
  • Where one party can question election results with no ramifications, but anyone else is labeled a conspiracy theorist.
  • Government officials picking and choosing what laws they will follow and which ones they will ignore.
  • Americans still afraid of a virus four years after its outbreak.
  • The President of the U.S. making citizens choose between being forced to take a shot of vaccine or losing their careers.
  • Our government monitoring words used in the banking system to spy on us.
  • An unarmed protester shot in the Capitol and the officer involved is promoted rather than brought to trial.
  • The President declaring that the Constitution is fluid and subject to political interpretation.
  • The ships of the U.S. Navy rusting.
  • Chinese spy balloons flying across the U.S. and the government trying to hide that from us.
  • Cocaine discovered in the White House and no one is charged.
  • The President of the United States clearly having sold his position to profit his son and other members of the family.
  • People getting worthless college degrees and blaming everyone else that they can’t find a job.
  • Illegal immigrants being treated better than veterans.
  • A government official in charge of nuclear material being arrested for stealing luggage and women’s dresses.
  • Terrorists attack a staunch ally and members of Congress openly side with the terrorists.
  • The most patriotic leader in the country coming from South Africa… Elon Musk.
  • The Department of Justice state that the President willfully took and distributed classified material but won’t be charged because he is elderly and has poor memory.

If this is Build Back Better I’d like a refund and a recount.

Blaine Pardoe is a New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author cancelled by one of his publishers in 2022. He is a regular contributor to a number of conservative sites. His conservative political thriller series, Blue Dawn, includes A Most Uncivil WarConfederacy of Fear, and No Greater Tyranny. This series tells the story of the violent overthrow of the government by radical progressives. He also authors the bestselling military science fiction series, Land&Sea.

Image: PickPik

NY State of Crime: Illegals Who 'Allegedly' Beat Up 2 Cops 'Released Without Bail'















They can claim that we shouldn’t call them “criminals,” even though their first act in this country is to literally commit a crime. They can claim that these people are just families seeking a better life, while doing nothing to improve their own home countries. Again, they can say whatever they like just to avoid the harsh reality they so desperately don’t want to admit…

The United States of America is being invaded. Right now. Today, and for a while now. And there are those within these illegal alien criminals entering the U.S. that absolutely want to hurt this country in one way or another depending on which country they’re coming from.

Let me just say before I get into this next story that everything I say about the suspects within the situation are “allegations” and they “allegedly” did these things. Now that I got that legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, let’s continue, shall we?

All that said, a mob of young, military-aged illegal alien males were caught on camera attacking two New York City police officers, brutally beating them before they were arrested, charged with assault and released without bail, according to the New York Post.

So, these young men — ranging in age from 19 to 24 — not only committed the crime of assaulting multiple police officers, but they were already criminals for being in the country illegally.

Related: Timeline: How Biden Created the Border Crisis and Encouraged Illegal Immigration

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Well, these “men” should “allegedly” be sent back to where they came from and sentenced to clean up and fight for their countries of origin.

Here’s the video of the altercation:

Scum. Excuse me, “alleged” scum. There are plenty of cops who haven’t given the blue a good name in recent years after the mass exodus of great cops following the Marxist “Defund the Police”movement. However, these cops “allegedly” told the “alleged” suspects to simply move along and the criminals took issue with — I don’t know — being spoken to by people who speak English?

If you are an invader, I can’t tell you to get out — even though a ham sandwich has more right to be in this country than you do. What I can say is that it might be time for you to leave.

“Released without bail.” Man…New York City. Another failed liberal s**thole.

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Report: Biden’s Job-Growth Boasts Built on Illegal Migration

migrant children
Alex Wong/RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s jobs record is built on the record hiring of 2.9 million job-seeking migrants — and a persistent 183,000 deficit in the number of Americans with jobs compared to 2019, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Biden’s “Immigrant employment … has exploded,” said a statement by Steven Camarota, who wrote the report, titled “All Employment Growth Has Gone to Immigrants, Compared to 2019.

“The number of U.S.-born Americans working [has grown yet] has still not returned to the 2019 pre-Covid level,” he added.

The data does not say that American job-seekers are being unfairly pushed aside while employers only hire migrants for new jobs.

Instead, the data showed that all of Biden’s extra jobs above the 2019 level are held by his migrants — even as U.S.-born workers have not regained all their jobs held in 2019.

The share of working Americans remains below 2019 rates, partly because many older Americans are retiring while relatively few young Americans are joining the workforce. This demographic decline ensures that CEOs are likely to fill many jobs with hard-working migrants who are replacing the American babies who were not born in the early 2000s.

But Biden also makes it easy and profitable for CEOs to hire illegal migrants instead of the many Americans who still do not have jobs.

There are roughly five million working-age American men who could be hired for the extra jobs in the economy, Camarota told Breitbart News. Employers prefer not to hire them because they are sidelined in jobless towns, or by drug addiction, ill-health, criminal records, apathy, and alienation.

RELATED: Thousands of Migrants Processed in One U.S. Border Town in One Night

Brownsville PD via Storyful

Government policies generally ignore those sidelined Americans. For example, the 5 million discarded Americans are not counted as unemployed because they have not looked for jobs in the last month. Instead, they are described by government officials are not participating in the labor force.

“Labor force participation among non-college-educated U.S.-born men has not even returned to the 2019 level, which itself was very low by historical standards,” Camarota said in his report. He added:

The labor force participation rate of U.S.-born men without a bachelor’s (18 to 64) has still not returned to the 76.3 percent it was in the fourth quarter of 2019, which was lower than the 80.5 percent in 2006 and the 82.6 percent in 2000.

Biden’s policies encourage CEOs to ignore these sidelined Americans.

For example, Biden’s deputies have welcomed more than 6.2 million illegal migrants across the southern border. The welcome allows CEOs to hire cheap, drug-free, and grateful foreigners at the local bus station instead of going through the painful process of hiring and training alienated, unfit, unhealthy, and resentful Americans.

The scale of the replacement was outlined at a September 2023 House hearing by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the business-backed American Action Forum:

In 2021, 96 percent of the 70,601 synthetic opioid caused deaths were in the prime-age labor force. AAF research found that between 2013 and 2021, opioid use accounted for the loss of more than 1.3 million workers … Opioid use contributes to lower worker productivity, increased worker absenteeism, increased job openings through employee turnover, and reduced labor supply.

Clearly, it also increases the likelihood that employers must turn to illegal labor to fill employment needs.

The government policies also allow investors to profit by creating low-productivity jobs for eager migrants that could not be profitable if employers had to pay decent wages to Americans.

This growth-by-poverty strategy is especially clear in the major coastal cities — such as New York. The strategy is backed by the Democratic Party because government workers also can profit by delivering aid and welfare to the underpaid migrants.

If Biden blocked the migrants, the investors would be pressured to invest in higher-productivity jobs that could allow higher wages and less welfare. The reduced flow of migrants would also prod coastal CEOs to create new jobs in the many Heartland states that are home to sidelined Americans.

Since 1990, the government’s vast inflow of migrants has created a bubble of cheap labor for extra low-productivity jobs in coastland states. That inflow allows government officials to display high job-creation numbers while concealing the massive transfer of high-productivity jobs to China, Mexico, India, and other countries.

For example, the number of restaurant jobs rose from 12.5 million in 2008 to 15 million in 2018, according to The growth of 2.5 million jobs was made possible by the steady inflow of job-seeking migrants during President Barack Obama’s terms, and by government welfare policies that allow employers to hire people at below-poverty wages.

People Greet “Take Our Border Back” Convoy as It Passes Through Brookshire, TX

@truthsetsufree369 via Storyful

From 2008 to 2010, the number of U.S. manufacturing jobs fell by 2.5 million.

The government’s post-1990 cheap-labor bubble finally burst amid the 2020 coronavirus crash and President Donald Trump’s willingness to shut down the migrant inflow. The economic crisis also encouraged many migrants to go home. Those three factors helped to push up Americans’ wages in 2020.

But Biden’s deputies have used their vast inflow of migrants since 2021 to quickly reverse Trump’s pro-American wage gains.

Since 2021, Biden’s pro-migration policy has flatlined real wages — partly by spiking inflation — even as it grew the number of jobs filled by migrants.

This process helps Biden boast about creating millions of new jobs while also hiding the steady loss of wages nationwide.

The gradual drop in wages — and the rise in housing costs — also reduce the number of children born to American families. So Biden’s pro-migration allies use that painful problem as an excuse to import even more migrants.

“Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said at a November 2022 press conference, which was intended to tout several draft amnesties for illegal migrants. He continued:

We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].

Biden’s “[migration] increase in population will put downward pressure on average real wages [emphasis added],” said a report by the Congressional Budget Office, which was released on February 7.

“Average real wages are expected to be slightly lower by 2034 [emphasis added] than they would be otherwise,” the report said, adding:

From 2028 to 2034, labor income is projected to remain stable as a percentage of [Gross Domestic Product] GDP, averaging 57.1 percent. That projection is below labor income’s average percentage of GDP from 1947 to 2000, 60.4 percent [emphasis added], because some factors that have depressed labor income relative to GDP since 2000 are expected to persist in the coming decade.

The official report reinforces the vast evidence that the federal policy of Extraction Migration shifts family wages and workplace investment toward Wall Streetreal estatecoastal states, and government.

The economic policy also diverts politicians’ focus away from American communities and the “Deaths of Despair” that are dragging down the average age of American deaths.


I never thought I’d see

There are days when I wake up in an America I hardly recognize. Some of that is my age, but much of it is astonishment. A part of me is thankful that my grandparents are not alive to witness what we all are. They would not have tolerated what we now take for granted.

I never thought I’d see….

  • America in another Cold War with Russia.
  • Cities ignore the law under the label of "Sanctuary Cities," then complain when illegal immigrants are sent there.
  • Government officials conspiring with Big Tech to censor millions of Americans online.
  • The Federal government human trafficking over a million illegal and undocumented people a year.
  • A President who took deliberate actions to make the southern border weaker.
  • Congress and the media labeling a protest as an “insurrection” while calling actual riots, “peaceful protests.”
  • The American people turning a blind eye to a President who clearly is suffering from dementia and pretending that everything is all right.
  • The intentional weaponization of the Federal Government against a vast swath of the American people.
  • The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs stating that he would inform China if we opted to take military action against them.
  • Our public schools being turned into indoctrination centers by one political party.
  • Being told there are more than two sexes and that we had to agree to that or be ostracized.
  • Extremists threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices.
  • The FBI actively creating and taking part in crimes in order to make arrests.
  • Schools arguing to make offensive material available to minors in their libraries.
  • The government and a single political party attempt to take out an opposition candidate by charging him with trumped up crimes and civil action.
  • The Labor Department fudging the numbers about unemployment claims and jobs on a monthly basis, only to quietly fix them later.
  • Parents wanting to ensure their children’s education being targeted as, “domestic terrorists.”
  • Men competing as women in sports as something that is acceptable.
  • Governments trying to ban gas stoves, regulate air conditioners, and ban wood-fired ovens.
  • Students taking out loans then demanding that they not have to pay the money back.
  • Our military spending hours not training for war, but training on diversity and rooting out extremists.
  • Mobs robbing stores because they know they won’t be arrested; and stores having to lock up items they sell out of fear of being robbed.
  • Disney turning its back on family-centric content in favor of material that offends its largest customer base.
  • Where one party can question election results with no ramifications, but anyone else is labeled a conspiracy theorist.
  • Government officials picking and choosing what laws they will follow and which ones they will ignore.
  • Americans still afraid of a virus four years after its outbreak.
  • The President of the U.S. making citizens choose between being forced to take a shot of vaccine or losing their careers.
  • Our government monitoring words used in the banking system to spy on us.
  • An unarmed protester shot in the Capitol and the officer involved is promoted rather than brought to trial.
  • The President declaring that the Constitution is fluid and subject to political interpretation.
  • The ships of the U.S. Navy rusting.
  • Chinese spy balloons flying across the U.S. and the government trying to hide that from us.
  • Cocaine discovered in the White House and no one is charged.
  • The President of the United States clearly having sold his position to profit his son and other members of the family.
  • People getting worthless college degrees and blaming everyone else that they can’t find a job.
  • Illegal immigrants being treated better than veterans.
  • A government official in charge of nuclear material being arrested for stealing luggage and women’s dresses.
  • Terrorists attack a staunch ally and members of Congress openly side with the terrorists.
  • The most patriotic leader in the country coming from South Africa… Elon Musk.
  • The Department of Justice state that the President willfully took and distributed classified material but won’t be charged because he is elderly and has poor memory.

If this is Build Back Better I’d like a refund and a recount.

Blaine Pardoe is a New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author cancelled by one of his publishers in 2022. He is a regular contributor to a number of conservative sites. His conservative political thriller series, Blue Dawn, includes A Most Uncivil WarConfederacy of Fear, and No Greater Tyranny. This series tells the story of the violent overthrow of the government by radical progressives. He also authors the bestselling military science fiction series, Land&Sea.

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