Friday, March 8, 2024



Gold Star father thrown out of Biden's SOTU and put in cuffs after shouting a call to remember his son

Joe Biden's State of the Union was long, at least and hour long, and boring as heck, going into minutia about ticket prices, shrinkflation, and abortion as "care," amounting to essentially a campaign speech.

Left unsaid was any mention of one of the worst failures on his watch, the horrendous U.S. pullout from Afghanistan. While he's running for re-election, he'd rather that be ... forgotten.

Well, not everyone has that luxury of forgetting and moving along.

According to the Daily Mail:

The Gold Star father of a Marine killed during the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal was arrested during Thursday's State of the Union for heckling President Joe Biden during his speech. 

Steve Nikoui, the father of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, shouted 'Remember Abbey Gate!' 'United States Marines!' and 'Abbey Gate!' from the balcony of the House chamber in the middle of the president's remarks.

Abbey Gate is where Nikoui's son Kareem and 12 other service members were killed by a suicide bomber during the chaotic American exit from Kabul on August 26, 2021.

The 51-year-old, who has blamed Biden for his son's death, was quickly removed from the public gallery and placed in handcuffs.

The Gold star father began his protest after Biden said 'America’s safer today than when I took office.' 

O.K., I can understand removing him from the speech owing to his heckle. When you make up your mind to do that, you pretty well know that you'll be stopped and taken out. 

What's obnoxious here is that they saw fit to handcuff him, like a drunk or criminal, when he was clearly an aggrieved father who sought to have his son's needless death remembered given that it was done in selfless service to his country. Biden, remember, looked at his watch several times when his son's body was brought back in a box from Afghanistan. Had this father not been treated this badly by the Bidenites these past few years, his shoutout never would have happened.

But for that, they slap the cuffs on him, which is a lot more than they do for illegal aliens literally breaking into our country through its Southern border. 

The sheer lack of proportionality here, along with the extreme leadership failures that led up to his son's death does call for an explanation from Joe and his miserable lieutenants out on their Hamptons vacays.

But Joe doesn't want anyone to so much as remember this, let alone the lives of the 13 innocent servicemembers who were needlessly killed on the way out. That explains the draconian response on a Gold Star father.

Democrats have screamed outrage at President Trump for his tiffs with some gold star families with activist agendas in other contexts.

Where is their outrage now?

Image: Twitter screen shot

Biden’s SOTU address was, quite simply, horrible

Joe Biden’s State of the Union (“SOTU”) was unlike anything I’ve seen before, and I started watching these speeches in the mid-1980s. No president has ever been so maniacally wired, periodically incoherent, or viciously angry. That was style. The substance was worse. Biden opened by calling Trump a Nazi, shifted to Ukraine, promised to stamp out “insurrections,” and attacked Republicans—and then ended by calling for non-partisanship and comity. Throughout it all, he lied and then lied some more. This was a Dark Brandon campaign speech, not an SOTU.

If you didn’t watch Biden’s SOTU, count yourself lucky. It was a deeply disturbing experience. The best comment about Biden’s demeanor came from Greg Gutfeld, who skipped over the usual take that Biden was completely hopped up on a variety of possibly illegal amphetamines:

When it came to the frenzied speed behind the speech, Ari Fleischer had the second-best description:

Joe Biden was an angry Grandpa Simpson, with the volume cranked up and the speed out of control. This was the kind of guy who, in a rage, would readily push the red button. That alone was unnerving, demonstrating that we have a maniac in office—and, worse, his rage is against the American people.

Biden didn’t open by speaking to Americans about our wonderful country. He began by saying that America is facing a dystopian moment because Donald Trump is effectively Hitler, a point he returned to in an ad-lib during the speech. (All quotations are from the official White House transcript.)

In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation.

He said, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.”

Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.

President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up the Congress and alert the American people that this was no ordinary moment.  

Freedom and democracy were under assault in the world.

Tonight I come to the same chamber to address the nation.

Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union.

And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either.

Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.

After telling Americans we’re all about to come under the thumb of the new Third Reich, Biden didn’t even return to America. Instead, he spent several minutes telling Americans we must fund the war in Ukraine. Yup. America’s under threat from Putin’s war in Eastern Ukraine. Show Joe the money.

Next in the Democrat dog-and-pony show was January 6, the darkest day in American history.

January 6th and the lies about the 2020 election, and the plots to steal the election, posed the gravest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Most Republicans and a large share of Democrats and Independents believe that the 2020 election was riddled with fraud. That truly poses a grave threat to democracy (the voice of the people). Biden actually fears that reversing that fraud is the gravest threat to the Democrat party since the Civil War. No wonder Biden implicitly warned Americans, again, that if they push back against fraud, they will get a visit from the FBI.

Having threatened Americans, Biden did a weird fistshake at the Supreme Court. Naturally, he complained about the Dobbs decision destroying a constitutional right when, in fact, the decision said no federal right ever existed, with abortion being a state’s right matter. But it was what followed that was so disturbing in tone, content, and incoherence:

Is any of this normal?

Nor is it normal for the president during a SOTU, which is supposed to tell Congress and the American people how we’re doing in terms of the economy, national security, and other national metrics, to keep attacking his election opponent. Biden didn’t stop at calling Trump the new Hitler. Instead, according to the official script, he referred negatively to Trump 13 times. (He ad-libbed multiple other insults):

Then there were the flat-out lies. One of the most obvious was Biden’s claim that he, personally, brought the cost of insulin down to $400 per month for seniors:

Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors with diabetes only have to pay $35 a month!

And now I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it!

For years people have talked about it but I finally got it done and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs just like the VA does for our veterans.

The truth is that Trump had already lowered insulin prices via executive order. On his first full day in office, Biden reversed that order, causing prices to shoot up. Then, he signed his own order, for which he now takes credit:

It’s a Herculean task to go through Biden’s SOTU and find every lie, whether by commission or omission, about national security, the economy, education, or anything else—and that’s the point. As Alex Jones told Tucker following the SOTU, it’s easy to rebut one lie. It’s almost impossible to rebut a hundred.

He's right. As a litigator, I saw that it takes a sentence to tell a lie but a paragraph or more to rebut it. Most people (judges included) have no patience for the rebuttal, especially when there are a hundred rebuttals. The “Big Lie” is equally effective when presented as 100 smaller lies.

Throughout it all, the Democrats in the audience responded with partisan fervor, screaming, “Four more years,” not just when Biden entered the chamber but throughout his speech.

I think that because they were in the House chamber for an official proceeding (it’s in the Constitution!), this was a clear Hatch Act violation, as well as violating House ethics rules.

Jamie Raskin gleefully tagged Marjorie Taylor Greene for wearing a hat that wanted to Make America Great Again, which is a sentiment every American politician should endorse:

Greene, incidentally, scored the best moment of the SOTU when she demanded that Biden say Lakin Riley’s name. Biden processed the request and decided on the fly that he’d better comply. Therefore, he acknowledged that “Lincoln Riley” was killed by an “illegal” (infuriating his base) before saying actual Americans are more dangerous and, by the way, did you know that his son died, too:

Biden also demanded (again) that Republicans vote for the border bill, insisting that it will stem the flow of illegal aliens by giving him the power he needs. In fact, Biden already has plenary power to stop all illegal immigration instantly. What the bill will do is weaken America’s existing immigration laws to paper over the crisis Biden created by violating those same laws.

The only unexpected part of a speech, which included predictable demands for gun control, crocodile tears about book banning, an effort to lessen election integrity, and a huge, boats-on-the-water relief effort for the same people in Gaza who enable Hamas, was Biden’s bizarre claim that Democrats are the pro-police party. Marinate on that one for a while.

After this unnerving display of anger, hysteria, vengefulness, hate, and dishonesty, Biden closed his speech this way: “Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back. … There is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together!”

A coked-up demagogue is not what America needs, but it’s all that the Democrat party has to offer.

Image: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

WATCH: Gold Star Mom Tells CNN Biden Never Reached Out After Marine's Death

March 7, 2024

A Gold Star mother said on CNN Wednesday that President Joe Biden never reached out to her after her daughter-in-law died in a suicide bombing during the administration's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

"He has not reached out to our family," said Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Sgt. Nicole Gee, a Marine who was killed in the explosion at the Kabul airport's Abbey Gate on Aug. 26, 2021. "We've actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them to kind of understand where their thinking was in calling [the withdrawal] a success. It's been months."

CNN anchor Abby Phillip had asked whether she felt that Biden had appropriately consoled her in the explosion's aftermath. Shamblin appeared with Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who invited her to Thursday night's State of the Union.

McCaul has been fighting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the release of interview notes from the department's after-action report on the Afghanistan withdrawal, resulting in the chairman threatening the secretary with contempt if he did not turn over the documents by Wednesday. McCaul said Thursday he canceled the committee hearing to hold him in contempt because Blinken had agreed to produce the documents.

Shamblin has long been critical of Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, especially his conduct in its aftermath. She was one of several members of the families of the 13 slain service members who spoke at a congressional forum in August 2023.

"To call it a success is an ultimate disrespect for the very people that deserve every ounce of respect that we can give them," Shamblin said.

Almost a month later, she said that she felt disrespected during a 2021 dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware days after the suicide bombing.

"The administration didn't seem to know our story," Shamblin told ABC News in September 2023. "They didn't seem to know Nicole's name, our names. People from the military certainly knew our story, Nicole's name, our names. And that was expressed to us in a way that felt very genuine and loving. But when it came to the people in suits, it felt disingenuous and hollow."

Critics have said that Biden has not taken sufficient responsibility for the chaotic operation. Last month, a report surfaced that said Biden did not believe anyone within his administration made mistakes during the withdrawal.

Published under: Afghanistan CNN Kabul Kabul Airport Military

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