Friday, April 26, 2024



video: mayorkas urges illegals to vote for biden

Established by the White House in 1987, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) is an award-winning nonprofit that identifies, inspires, prepares and positions Latino leaders in the classroom, community and workforce to meet America's priorities.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was grilled by Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) during a hearing over an alleged flyer that the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project claims asks migrants to vote for President Joe Biden in November.

Earth Day Founder Warned Against Mass Immigration as ‘Tremendous Cost’ to Americans’ Quality of Life

Portrait of American politician US Senator Gaylord Nelson (1916 - 2005) as he poses in Roc
Janet Fries/Getty Images

The late Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-WI), a fierce environmentalist and the founder of Earth Day, championed reducing overall immigration to the United States to protect America’s wildlife sanctuaries, farmland, and quality of life.

While a Senator, Nelson founded Earth Day on April 22, 1970, to advocate for the conservation of the environment in the United States. Today, Earth Day is celebrated across the globe.

Nelson, a left-wing Democrat who also served as governor of Wisconsin before being elected to the Senate, was a champion for eliminating illegal immigration to the United States as well as reducing legal immigration levels.

Current national immigration policy — where a million legal immigrants are added to the United States population annually, as well as hundreds of thousands, potentially millions, of illegal aliens — is driving about 80 percent of all population growth, according to the Census Bureau.

The latest Census Bureau estimates predict that without immigration reductions, the United States population will hit nearly 400 million by the year 2060 — an unprecedented level never seen before in American history.

“With twice the population, will there be any wilderness left? Any quiet place? Any habitat for songbirds? Waterfalls? Other wild creatures? Not much,” Nelson said at least two decades ago.

In his 2002 autobiography, Beyond Earth Day: Fulfilling the Promise, Nelson warned that mass immigration to the United States would cripple quality of life for Americans and force the destruction of wildlife sanctuaries.

Nelson wrote:

In 2000 the US population topped 280 million. Not surprisingly, adding population hasn’t improved American society, the economy, or the environment. Yet we are headed at current growth rates, toward having well over 500 million people on the same land resource within the next seventy-five years and 1 billion people within the next century. Does anyone imagine we can grow like that without tremendous cost to the environment and our quality of life? [Emphasis added]

In order to bring a halt to exponential growth, the number of legal immigrants entering this country would have to match the number of emigrants leaving it – about 220,000 people per year. Yet, while federal actions have increased the immigration rate dramatically during the last four decades, any suggestion that the rate be decreased to some previously acceptable level is met with charges of “nativism,” “racism,” and the like. Unfortunately, such opposition has silenced much-needed discussion of the issue – recalling the smear tactics of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy. The first time around it was “soft on communism.” This time the charge is “racism,” because a significant number of immigrants are of Hispanic descent. Demagogic rhetoric of this sort has succeeded in silencing the environmental and academic communities and has tainted any discussion of population and immigration issues as “politically incorrect.” As frustrating as it is to see the president and members of Congress running for cover on such a monumental issue, it is nothing short of astonishing to see the great American free press, with its raft of syndicated columnists, frightened into silence by political correctness. [Emphasis added]

The issue is not racism, nativism, or any other “ism,” however. The real issue: numbers of people and the implications for freedom of choice and sustainability as our numbers continue to grow. Population stabilization will be a major determinant of our future, how we live and in what conditions; talk of it should not be muzzled by McCarthyism or any other demagogic contrivance. Rather, the issue must be brought forth and explored in public hearings and discussions precisely because it is a subject of great consequence.
[Emphasis added]

In a 2001 interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nelson seemingly blasted left-wing politicians for claiming to care about the environment while ignoring the impact that mass immigration has on issues of sustainability.

“… in this country, it’s phony to say ‘I’m for the environment but not for limiting immigration.’ It’s just a fact that we can’t take all the people who want to come here,” Nelson said. “… the subject has been driven out of public discussion because everybody is afraid of being called racist if they say they want any limits on immigration.”

Indeed, discussion of sky-high immigration levels has been largely removed from the national environmental debate. Instead, environmentalists have embraced mass immigration.

The Sierra Club, for instance, once advocated for immigration reductions to stabilize population growth in the United States. As left-wing, high-dollar donors to the environmental group became increasingly favorable to mass immigration, so did the Sierra Club, which switched its position in the late 1990s.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Zuckerberg’s Claims No Amnesty Ensures Midterm Defeat for Democrats


The Facebook-funded investor advocacy group is touting the claim that Democrat turnout will drop in 2022 if the party cannot pass an amnesty through Congress.

But that claim is toothless, in large part because recent polls show that many Americans of Latino ancestry are increasingly voting for the GOP, precisely because GOP leaders oppose the amnesty-amplified wave of cheap labor into their communities.

The claim is being made by pro-migration groups, including the leaders of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) which denounced the Senate’s parliamentarian’s decision to exclude the parole amnesty for 6.5 million illegals from the draft Build Back Better spending plan.

NDLON declared Thursday night:

Democrats excuses for their failure, for their incompetence, and for their insincerity will be the ammunition used by xenophobes in the Republican Party to retake control of the federal government in upcoming elections. Inaction on immigration legalization risks further propelling Trumpism in every possible way  No more excuses. Where there is a will, there is a way.

The NDLON group represents illegal migrants, most of whom work for very low wages, and none of whom can vote in U.S. elections.

Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) is making the same claim, according to Bloomberg, which reported that he “warned that Democrats would face wrath from voters in the 2022 elections if they don’t secure a citizenship path”

But the NDLON claim is being echoed by the politically powerful investor class, who use imported workers, consumers, and renters to spike the value of their Wall Street investments.

Todd Schulte is the president of the advocacy group for investors, which gets about $30 million a year from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to push for more migration. On Thursday night, he tweeted:


Schulte’s deputy also pushed a hard line:


Unsurprisingly, has a hidden agenda in the amnesty debate.

The establishment media extensively cover the proposed parole amnesty for 6.5 million illegal migrants. But the media largely ignores  two other proposed changes to immigration laws that would deliver huge benefits to West Coast investors who created the advocacy group in 2013.

For example, the BBB legislation would allow the White House to provide green cards to millions of favored migrants, including perhaps three million “chain migrants” selected by recent immigrants. This open-doors policy would provide investors with millions of new profit-generating consumers, renters, and workers.

The BBB legislation would also allow President Joe Biden’s pro-migration deputies to sell green cards to at least one million migrants who have taken many of the Fortune 500 jobs sought by skilled U.S. college graduates. This change would allow Fortune 500 companies to hire many more foreign graduates with dangled offers of fast-track green cards. These workers are usually imported via the visa worker programs, such as the H-1B and Optional Practical Training program.

But those two benefits for the Fortune 500 investors may be dropped if the Democrat senators cannot also get their amnesty for illegal migrants.

On Friday, an advocacy group for corporate-funded immigration lawyers urged Congress to keep pushing the green card giveaway, even after the amnesty was nixed:


“The corporate guys are riding on perceived sympathy for the illegal alien population in order to get their immigration giveaways,” said Robert Law, the director of regulatory affairs and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies. He continued:

The Hispanic population knows immigration is a pocketbook issue for them as well, and mass illegal immigration  plus legal immigration  hurts the economic opportunities of Hispanic Americans or the black community, or any people who typically are competing at the lower end of the economic spectrum.

The Senate’s debate referee has not issued any judgments on the two green card proposals.

Zuckerberg’s network of coastal investors stands to gain from more cheap labor, government-aided consumers, and urban renters. The network has funded many astroturf campaigns, urged Democrats to not talk about the economic impact of migration, and manipulated coverage by the TV networks and the print media.’also spotlights many family dramas amid the inflow of border migrants. This focus helps keep reporters from recognizing the huge pocketbook impact of the establishment’s economic policy of mass migration. The resulting family-drama coverage also keeps many young progressives from noticing that the extraction migration policy drives up their rents and cuts their salaries.

The breadth of investors who founded and funded was hidden from casual visitors to the group’s website sometime in the last few months. But copies exist at other sites.

Earth Day: Americans Are Far More Worried About Bidenflation Than Climate Change

US President Joe Biden is speaking to the press on the South Lawn of the White House in Wa
Aaron Schwartz/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Climate change gets all the attention but Americans are far more worried about inflation, crime, illegal immigration, and the federal deficit.

Results of a Gallup survey released on Monday showed that while Americans are very much aware of the claims of climate alarmists, the share of Americans who say they are very concerned about the issue is relatively small.

“Among the leading issues confronting the nation, the environment ranks as a lesser public concern, with 37 percent saying they worry a great deal about environmental quality,” Gallup reports.

The most pressing concern among the U.S. public is inflation, with 55 percent saying they worry a great deal about it. Crime and violence is a close second at 53 percent, with hunger and homelessness at 52 percent. The economy, healthcare, and federal spending and the budget deficit all score above 50 percent.

Forty-eight percent of Americans say they worry a great deal about illegal immigration.

The environment ranks down near unemployment (33 percent very concerned) and race relations (35 percent). The unemployment rate has been below four percent for the longest period since the Vietnam War, dampening public concern about the issue.

An equal share of the public—37 percent—say they are very concerned about energy prices. Most of the Biden administration’s policies aimed at ameliorating climate change are likely to push up energy prices.

The survey suggests that Biden faces a tough challenge in persuading Americans to reward him with a second presidential term. His signature issues—race relations and the environment—rank low among the priorities of Americans. The issues where he is seen as weak or Democrats are seen as being on the wrong side—inflation, crime, homelessness, the budget deficit—are the top issues.

Healthcare still leans Democrat as an issue but Biden has only a slight lead here. A recent poll by KFF, an independent source for health policy polling, found that while 50 percent of voters say that Biden is better on controlling health care costs, 48 percent say Trump is.



Nolte: Bidenomics Drives House Prices to Another Record High

Real estate agent with couple looking through documents. The agent is holding a digital ta
Getty/Stock Photo

The already insane cost of purchasing a home has hit a new high, thanks to the ongoing horror show that is Bidenomics.

Fox News:

Findings from Redfin show the combination of steep mortgage rates and elevated home prices has pushed the median monthly housing payment to a record $2,775 – an 11% increase from the same time last year.

There are a number of driving forces behind the affordability crisis. Years of underbuilding fueled a shortage of homes in the country, a problem that was later exacerbated by the rapid rise in mortgage rates and expensive construction materials.

And let’s not forget another “driving force”: Joe Biden opening up our southern border to millions and millions of illegal immigrants who directly compete with citizens and legal immigrants for housing.

“Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average rate on a 30-year loan this week crossed the 7% threshold for the first time this year,” Fox News adds. “While that is down from a peak of 7.79% in the fall, it remains sharply higher than the pandemic-era lows of just 3%.”


To give you an idea of how this works, let’s say you take out a 30-year mortgage today for $300,000 at 7.1 percent…

Your monthly mortgage payment will be $2,100, and at the end of those 30 years, you will have paid back the $300,000 PLUS $426,000 in interest. Yes, thanks to Joe Biden, that $300,000 loan now costs you $726,000.


When former President Donald Trump left office in January 2021, the average 30-year mortgage rate was 2.65 percent, so using the Trump mortgage rate, let’s do the same math on the same $300,000…

Your monthly mortgage payment will be $1,208, and at the end of those 30 years, you will have paid back the $300,000 PLUS $135,000 in interest. So, under Trump, that same $300,000 mortgage costs just $435,0000.


Thanks to Joe Biden, you are paying close to $900 more monthly on your mortgage AND, most importantly, paying nearly $290,000 more in interest over those 30 years.

Imagine how an extra $900 a month could improve your standard of living.

Imagine how that $290,000 Bidenomics is forcing you to flush down the toilet in interest payments could benefit your retirement savings or pay for college tuition.

Joe Biden is the only one at fault for these insane interest rates and the fact that it costs more to buy a home today than at any time in history.

JOE BIDEN CHOSE TO spend trillions of unnecessary federal dollars, which cheapened the dollar, created inflation, and more than doubled interest rates.

JOE BIDEN CHOSE TO kill domestic energy production, which increased the cost of the energy needed to produce, transport, and store almost every good and service, which translates to higher prices, which translates to inflation and higher interest rates.

JOE BIDEN CHOSE TO open the border and flood the country with millions and millions of illegal Democrats who compete for goods, services, energy, and housing—this increase in demand increases costs that create inflation and explode interest rates.

Jobs Cardona - US President Joe Biden addresses the Maui fire disaster before speaking about Bidenomics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 15, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

What’s more, as the report points out, there is a lack of churn in the housing market because potential sellers “who locked in a record-low mortgage rate of 3% or less … have been reluctant to sell, limiting supply further and leaving few options for eager would-be buyers.”

The fewer homes up for sale, the higher the demand for homes, which means higher costs.

The only good news is that these high-interest rates are great for those of us at a certain age who invest in CDs and the money market. We’re finally getting a decent return of five-plus percent.

The smartest thing wannabe homebuyers can do in this situation is the following…

  • Stop voting for Democrats, dummies.
  • Move to a red state.
  • If possible, move to a small town where you can purchase a home and land cheaply.
  • Purchase a home that needs a lot of work—these are even cheaper
  • Do the renovations yourself.
  • Pay your mortgage off as soon as possible. Put every extra dollar towards getting out from under. In the longterm, this will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest payments.

How do I know this works? Because this is exactly what my wife and I did in February 1997 when mortgage rates were over seven percent. Neither of us made six-figures, but we still paid off our home in seven years. What we didn’t do was piss our money away on vacations, restaurants, new cars, or any other nonsense.

Debt is slavery.

Not owning your own home is serfdom.

Stop voting for Democrats.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover on Kindle and Audiobook

s NYC Doomed? The SHOCKING Reasons Behind the City's Biggest Exodus

PHOTO: New York Home Depot Hires Guards with German Shepherd to Deter ‘Aggressive’ Migrants and Thieves

Customers shop at a Home Depot store May 20, 2003 in Chicago, Illinois. The nation's
Getty Images

A Home Depot in New Rochelle, New York, is taking drastic measures to ensure shoppers are safe from “aggressive” migrants and thieves.

The store now has two guards wearing MSA security hats and bulletproof vests patrolling the parking lot, the New York Post said Sunday.

But that is not all. The guards had a German shepherd with them.

One of the guards the Post talked with said the company entered a contract recently. However, he noted that they do not allow the dog to bite anyone and also detailed some of the reasons why they were hired.

“It’s not just because of [migrants], but because of a myriad of other things too, like people breaking into cars, that kind of stuff,” the man explained.

Meanwhile, the Post said there were approximately 30 male migrants hanging out at the doors of a Home Depot in Throggs Neck, the Bronx, recently. Some among the group “aggressively confronted shoppers, trying to sell them phony Apple Airpods or soliciting tips for lifting items from shopping carts into cars — even when uninvited,” the outlet said.

WATCH — Home Depot CEO: We’re “Increasingly Concerned” with “Life Safety” of Customers, Employees:

Social media users shared their thoughts on the situation, one person writing, “Thanks Joe Biden. Amazing work.”

“So sad that America has come to this. Thank Joe Biden and his Regime,” another person commented.

One worker claimed a female supervisor saw a migrant “washing his privates with a water bottle in the lot, and that several women have called customer service to complain that migrants robbed them of purses or phones,” the Post article said.

During a recent appearance on Breitbart News Daily, New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino claimed an illegal immigrant speaking during a recent committee hearing said the city spends too much on police:

“They were just outright demanding on Thursday,” the councilwoman said, detailing the controversial meeting, which featured illegal immigrants complaining and making demands on New York City.

“When they really cut me off is when I said you are here illegally. You are here illegally. And they didn’t like that. And that’s when one of the chairwomen cut me off. And she said, ‘Councilmember, do you have a question? Councilmember, do you have a question?’ I said, ‘Yes, I asked it, and I do have more.’ It was about the vetting, which they lied, that she started to spew — one of the people who answered one of my questions on the panel there, but she started to spew cop-hating rhetoric. If we wouldn’t pay our police officers so much,” she said.

Meanwhile, a section of New York City has become an illegal migrant shopping area where they sell items obtained from shops nearby. To make matters worse, prostitution is also an issue, according to Breitbart News.


Illegal aliens understand that none of the rules apply to them

Once upon a time, illegal aliens cowered in the shadows, and Democrats told us that was wrong. Now, Democrats have de facto legalized illegal immigration, and the aliens no longer cower. 

Instead, they make it plain that they have the upper hand and are entitled to free food, free lodging, and freedom from America’s laws and rules. The most recent example is the group of illegal aliens who refused to yield a soccer field to a boys’ youth soccer game in New York City.

We routinely hear stories of illegal aliens complaining that they don’t like the free food they get or that their free accommodations are substandard. I’m not saying I’d like the food or accommodations either, but beggars can’t be choosers…especially illegal beggars who have broken into your home and are taking food from your cupboards and sleeping in your beds.

We’ve also seen an escalating number of illegal aliens murder people, rape people, commit acts of pedophilia, drive drunk, engage in illegal drug dealing, mug people, rob houses, and otherwise commit a variety of illegal acts. Leftists assure us, though, that these bad actors are just a small percentage of the illegal aliens who come here. What most of them want, Democrats tell us, is jobs (our jobs), housing (our housing), education for their children (crowding our children out of classrooms), and to live a good life (where we once did).

Image by AI.

Okay, fine. Most aren’t criminals—except for the fact that, by definition they are, given that their very presence in America is an illegal act. But that doesn’t mean that illegal aliens aren’t beginning to display unbounded arrogance in small ways that have the potential to be even more disruptive than demanding handouts from local governments or having a small percentage commit crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, or pedophilia.

Exhibit A showing the illegal aliens’ growing lifestyle arrogance comes from New York City itself (emphasis mine):

A high school soccer game at a public field in East Harlem was canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the pitch so the kids could play.

“I directly asked them to leave and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, ‘You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want,'” said Erik Johansson, the coach of the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team.

About 40 boys from both teams showed up on Sunday, April 14 at Thomas Jefferson Park for the 5 p.m. match.

The Kickers were set to face off against FA Euro New York.

But a group of about 30 men who appeared to be African migrants and spoke little English, wouldn’t leave — even when the cops showed up.

At this point, faced on the one side with two well-prepared youth soccer teams, complete with coaches, parents, and referees, the police should simply have rousted the illegal immigrants. But that’s not what the cowed NYPD did. Instead, it demanded that the youth soccer teams show their permit—and I can assure you that they weren’t carrying it. I can say this because I spent years attending and acting as manager for youth soccer games. There is an honor system in play that doesn’t require people to drag around their city paperwork.

Eventually, the teams were able to find the permit, but the game was canceled anyway. Why? Because “the teams didn’t feel safe.”

One of the coaches, Erik Johansson, explained what would happen if they stuck around, an explanation based upon his experiences with immigrants in his native Sweden:

“Even when the game is over, you don’t know if they’re waiting for you, so even if the cops kicked them out, it may not be over. So we just all agreed, this is too dangerous,” Johansson said.

Johansson also said that parents no longer want to play on that field ever again, feeling that it’s too dangerous.

What just happened in East Harlem was the collapse of government authority. In a standoff between people who have no right to be in America and certainly no right to be on a youth soccer field, it was the cops who blinked and the American citizens who, fearing unchecked illegal alien violence, ran away. And of course, I’m willing to bet that none of these Americans, given that this was in New York City, carried a legal firearm. No wonder they felt helpless.

When Biden took office, one of his first acts was the elimination of our border security.  Like a power-hungry dictator, Biden simply decided to ignore our immigration laws.  His catastrophic border policy resulted in untold millions of unidentified foreign citizens from around the world pouring into our country.  Its impact is now being felt in cities across the country.  The worst is yet to come. PETER LEMISKA

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Celebrates Budget Gains with $2.4 Billion for Migrants

‘This Is Too Dangerous’: NYC Coach Says Teens’ Soccer Game Canceled When Migrants Refused to Leave Field

Serious-looking soccer players stand on a field and look down.
Getty/ Stock Photo

High school soccer players did not get to play a game on Sunday because a group of migrants allegedly took over the field in the East Harlem area of New York City.

Erik Johansson coaches for the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team and said when his players showed up at Thomas Jefferson Park, he asked the migrants to leave, the New York Post reported Saturday.

Johansson said a few of the migrants thought about his request. However, “four or five of them said, ‘You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want,'” he explained:

The news comes as illegal immigrants in New York City are making unrealistic demands, Councilwoman Vickie Paladino said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, the outlet reported Friday.

She had just spoken about a committee hearing in which illegal immigrants complained about how the city was accommodating them:

Paladino discussed her viral moment at the joint committee hearing, where members listened to the testimonies of hundreds of illegal African migrants in the city. She was shocked by how it went down.

“I never heard a bunch of whining, crying. These are people making demands on New York in the most unrealistic manner. We have jumped off a cliff here. When we listen to people demand, demand — that we are racist. … They hate us. Why did you bother coming here?” she asked, noting that they claimed that they were racist because they were offered tampons and “Africans do not use tampons, how dare you!”

According to the Post article, about 40 young men from two teams showed up for the game, but 30 men who appeared to be African migrants refused to leave the area. As a result, someone called for police, and when officers arrived, they asked to see the club team’s city permit.

Johansson’s assistant eventually forwarded a copy, but the game had already been delayed for half an hour. In addition, the teams were on edge about the situation.

“Even when the game is over, you don’t know if they’re waiting for you, so even if the cops kicked them out, it may not be over. So we just all agreed, this is too dangerous,” explained Johansson, who is originally from Sweden, where migrants flooding the country had often clashed on the field.

Now, the team does not plan to return to that park.

“The East Harlem field is packed with teams competing with adults for weekend time on the turf, parkgoers said. Randall’s Island, which sits on the other side of the Harlem River, was converted into shelter space for 2,000 migrants last year at the expense of the popular youth soccer fields,” the Post article said.

A video recorded in February shows people in New York City sharing their thoughts about the migrant influx:

In January, parents and students at Brooklyn’s James Madison High School were not allowed to attend class, and students were forced into online learning after Mayor Eric Adams (D) sent thousands of illegal immigrants to shelter inside the school’s gym, Breitbart News reported.

RELATED — Adams After Schools Had to Close to Shelter Migrants: ‘We’ve Done a Great Job’; Don’t Blame Sanctuary Status

“The school is now canceling its dances, concerts, special events, and sports programs because of the mayor’s edict,” the outlet said.

NYC Is Sending Migrants To Other Cities | New Migrant Crisis Begins

Mayorkas TORCHED by Marjorie Taylor Greene for TREASON!


Judge gets CRUSHING NEWS in Trump NYC case update!

Late in 2023, it was reported that on one day in November, migrants threw away 5,000 prepared meals without eating them, costing the city at least $770,000 in food waste for that day alone. With metrics like this, the Big Apple is seeing more than one million dollars in food waste for migrants every month.

Late in 2023, it was reported that on one day in November, migrants threw away 5,000 prepared meals without eating them, costing the city at least $770,000 in food waste for that day alone. With metrics like this, the Big Apple is seeing more than one million dollars in food waste for migrants every month.

Migrants Blast New York City for Quality of Free Food, Want Longer Stays in Free Housing

New York Migrants
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Immigrants, mostly from Africa, flooded a meeting in New York City on Tuesday with complaints that the free food and free housing they are being given are not good enough for them despite the tens of billions in tax dollars spent to care for them.

Hundreds of migrants, many of whom are Muslims from Africa, told members of the New York City Council at City Hall that the tax-funded freebies they are receiving are not adequate for them and those with families.

The migrants were invited to speak to the city’s immigration committee on Tuesday, and one woman was heard complaining about the free food and blasted city officials for not giving them more permanent places to live for free.

“At the shelter, my kids cannot eat the food at the shelter,” the woman complained through a translator. “On Ramadan, we could not eat during breaks because the food is not good at all,” the woman exclaimed.

She went on to demand long-term housing.

“They give us two months to stay at the shelter, and then you have to go out with your luggage and your kids and find another place. Very difficult,” she insisted.

The same woman also complained that the city had not allowed her 19-year-old son to attend school for free.

The complaint session occurred inside as more than 1,500 migrants — mostly military-aged, single men — paraded outside City Hall Park.

Many of these migrants have been complaining about the millions of dollars in free food they have been given for some time already.

Late in 2023, it was reported that on one day in November, migrants threw away 5,000 prepared meals without eating them, costing the city at least $770,000 in food waste for that day alone. With metrics like this, the Big Apple is seeing more than one million dollars in food waste for migrants every month.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston


video: mayorkas urges illegals to vote for biden

Established by the White House in 1987, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) is an award-winning nonprofit that identifies, inspires, prepares and positions Latino leaders in the classroom, community and workforce to meet America's priorities.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Celebrates Budget Gains with $2.4 Billion for Migrants

Gov. Kathy Hochul
Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket/Fatih Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

On Monday, New York’s Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul celebrated her victory of getting mostly everything she wanted in her $237 billion budget fight, including an additional $2.4 billion in spending for migrants.

Hochul boasted that she beat politics as usual, saying, “I heard way too often for my tastes: That’s always how it’s been done. That’s never worked for me, it never will. We had some very tough conversations for how we can change the entrenched status quo,” Politico reported.

Indeed, the budget plan includes $4 billion more than she asked for in January.

The Associated Press noted that the budget includes $2.4 billion to care for the continued influx of Joe Biden’s illegal aliens.

While Hochul is exultant over the budget win, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is still unhappy after he did not get the $6 billion in spending for migrants that he suggested.

The spending for migrants will go to short-term shelters, health care, and also more permanent housing.

The plan also includes spending to aid migrants for legal fees for work-permits, and asylum applications.

Hochul’s announcement comes on the heels of mass protests by illegals, mostly from Africa, who are demanding more benefits.

According to the Associated Press, some 1,500 migrants gathered to protest on City Hall Park after it became clear that many would not be allowed inside for a hearing.

City officials note that migrants from Africa are usually young men who most often arrive without any families and are, therefore, not eligible for shelters.

UNITED STATES -August 2: Hundreds of African migrants are seen outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan early Wednesday August 2, 2023. The asylum seekers are camping outside the Roosevelt Hotel as the Manhattan relief center is at capacity. Mayor Adams and his administration is looking to house migrants on several soccer fields on Randalls Island prompting outrage from local stakeholders who worry the plan would cut off access to recreational activities for thousands of city children. (Photo by Luiz C. Ribeiro for NY Daily News via Getty Images)

New York Republican Chairman Ed Cox slammed Hochul over her budget win, calling the Democrats’ housing problem a disaster.

“Governor Hochul and legislative Democrats continue to ignore reality regarding housing. Their policies will continue to mean fewer housing choices, less investment in new housing, and a continued deterioration of existing housing stock,” Cox said in a statement after the gov. announced her budget deal.

“Socialist schemes such as so-called ‘good cause eviction’ will only make the situation worse. Now they want to export the decades-long failed housing policies in New York City to the rest of the state. These policies are doomed to failure.”

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

Today, the foreign-born population has reached an unprecedented 51.4 million. For comparison, the foreign-born population in the U.S. just 34 years ago stood at fewer than 20 million.

When Biden took office, one of his first acts was the elimination of our border security.  Like a power-hungry dictator, Biden simply decided to ignore our immigration laws.  His catastrophic border policy resulted in untold millions of unidentified foreign citizens from around the world pouring into our country.  Its impact is now being felt in cities across the country.  The worst is yet to come. PETER LEMISKA

Feds Arrest Migrant Shoplifting Gang After Five Years in New England

migrant gang
Justice Department

Federal agents have finally started arresting suspects reportedly involved in an organized criminal gang of migrants accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise from stores across New England.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced the arrests of Marvin Estuardo Morales De Paz, 33; Abraham Dayger-Enrique, 24; Sebastian Lajuj-Soloman, 30; and Jonathan Josue Amperez-Perez, 31; several of whom federal authorities charged in Rhode Island, according to Maine Wire.

One of the thefts attributed to this group of migrants occurred in Rockland, Maine, in February 2023. Seven migrants were arrested in that incident, and several of those arrested in Maine in 2023 have now been arrested in Rhode Island.

“Home Depot loss prevention personnel discovered that a group of individuals were attempting to steal more than $1,900 in electrical wire and other merchandise concealed in a box of another item,” said Special Agent Brendan Cullen. “Several of the same individuals were present in the van in Rockland as in Warwick and Providence.”

The method the thieves used also involved a purchase at the Home Depot stores they targeted.

According to Cullen, the men would choose a large piece of furniture, such as a cabinet, then shove high-ticket items, such as copper wire or laminate flooring, into the larger item. They would then buy the large item, in which they had concealed the other products that escaped the attention of the checkout workers.

Marvin Estuardo Morales De Paz overseeing the checkout of a bathtub and cabinet boxes containing electrical wire in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 8, 2022. (Justice Department)

Later, they would return the furniture for a refund.

The crew was arrested after a similar heist in Smithfield, Rhode Island, on April 2. After executing a search warrant, police seized $83,000 in cash, $11,000 worth of stolen goods, and a 2019 Ford F150.

While some of the men were arrested in Rhode Island, Josue Amperez-Perez was arrested in Pennsylvania.

“This is no minor shoplifting operation. These men targeted specific products in large quantities and followed a patterned method for removing those items from the store without payment,” Suffolk County, Massachusetts, District Attorney Kevin Hayden said in a statement after the arrest of Josue Amperez-Perez. “This is the type of retail larceny that can drive stores out of communities and harm residents by removing convenient shopping options for them.”

Many of these men have been arrested before, as well, but skipped out on court dates.

Groups of immigrants organizing criminal theft gangs have been an increasing problem across the country as President Joe Biden’s border crisis continues to endanger America.

EXCLUSIVE: Large Group of Migrants from Many Nations Cross Border into Arizona

Randy Clark / Breitbart

In February, authorities in the western Philadelphia suburb of West Whiteland Township reported ongoing clashes with organized gangs of retail thieves made up of border crossers.

Police officials identified at least three gangs of migrants responsible for the theft of thousands of dollars of merchandise in the area.

Many other areas of the country have also been hit by roaming bands of migrant thieves. Chicago and its suburbs have been inundated by waves of thefts, often at the hands of organized migrant gangs.

Early in 2024, authorities in the western suburb of Oak Brook noted that an increase in thefts in multiple retail outlets was being perpetrated by immigrants who had been traced back to migrant shelters in Chicago.

Other areas in the Chicago region have also reported gangs of immigrants engaged in criminal activities.

Lake County, Illinois, located just north of Chicago, reported that a migrant gang was suspected of operating a theft ring targeting businesses.

Authorities in Michigan found similar circumstances after a gang of migrants from Chile was arrested for robbing a Macy’s store in Oakland County.

In addition, a pair of Chilean illegals was nabbed in Gulf Shores, Alabama, and charged with robbing a jewelry store.

New York City has also been slammed with packs of migrants riding scooters and mopeds, rampaging across the city. In one case, one of these gangs assaulted a 62-year-old woman and dragged her down the street.

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video: mayorkas urges illegals to vote for biden

Established by the White House in 1987, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) is an award-winning nonprofit that identifies, inspires, prepares and positions Latino leaders in the classroom, community and workforce to meet America's priorities.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was grilled by Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) during a hearing over an alleged flyer that the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project claims asks migrants to vote for President Joe Biden in November.

Biden’s ICE Sued for Withholding Information on Hiding Identities of Criminal Illegal Aliens

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) is suing President Joe Biden’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for withholding internal agency information regarding its policy to hide the identities of criminal illegal aliens that agents arrest.

On Thursday, IRLI’s Dale Wilcox announced that the watchdog group is suing ICE after the agency failed to reply to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

That request asked ICE to hand over internal information and emails on how the agency decides when to reveal a criminal illegal alien’s identity in press releases.

IRLI conducted an investigation last year which found that under former President Donald Trump, ICE named 97 percent of criminal illegal aliens identified in press releases while under Biden, only 67 percent of criminal illegal aliens are being named in press releases.

“ICE’s sudden decision to omit the names of alien offenders from press releases appears to be a deliberate attempt to keep the public from determining whether dangerous foreign criminals have been removed from the United States,” IRLI’s Director of Investigations Matt O’Brien said in a statement. “That’s rather hypocritical coming from an administration that claims to be the most transparent in the history of the U.S.”

Most recently, for example, ICE issued a press release that detailed the arrest of an unidentified 27-year-old illegal alien from Ecuador who has been convicted of second-degree assault and indecent assault of a child in Danbury, Connecticut.

In another, ICE detailed the case of a 32-year-old Dominican illegal alien who was convicted in Waterbury, Connecticut of trafficking cocaine. Despite the conviction, the illegal alien’s identity was not revealed.

Even in the most egregious criminal cases, ICE refuses to name illegal alien suspects. For instance, a 20-year-old Brazilian national was arrested by the agency this month after he was charged with raping a child in Milford, Massachusetts. The man’s name was not provided.

“This is yet another shameless attempt by the current administration to hide the disastrous impact of its immigration policies,” Wilcox said:

Not including the names of criminal immigration violators is effectively flushing their cases down the memory hole so that watchdog groups will have a more difficult time holding this White House accountable for their destructive actions. The American people deserve transparency on this matter. [Emphasis added]

The case is Immigration Reform Law Institute v. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, No. 24-cv-1101 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

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